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Islam Test Review

Branches of Islam
Sunni – believe the first 4 caliphs were rightful rulers, any Muslim who follows Muhammad may be a
ruler, and the sources of Islam are the Qur’an and Sunnah of Muhammad

Shi’a – Only Muhammad is legitimate ruler, only a descendent of Muhammad may rule, and the Qur’an,
Sunnah, and teachings of imams are sources of Islam

5 Pillars of Faith
 Faith – Believe and say “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet”
 Prayer – Pray in Arabic five times a day at specific times facing Mecca
 Alms – Give to the poor and needy
 Fasting – Fast during the month of Ramadan each year, avoid all food and beverages between
sunrise and sunset
 Pilgrimage – If possible, make a pilgrimage to Mecca once during a lifetime

In 622 Muhammad left Mecca with several followers because they were being persecuted. They
migrated to the northern city of Yathrib. This migration is called Hijrah. They changed the name of
Yathrib to Medina.

The founder of the Islamic religion. When he was 40 he became tired of his life and went into a cave to
meditate. During his meditation God spoke to him.

The holy book of Islam. This book contains the messages that God gave Muhammad when he spoke to

The Sunnah is the words and actions that Muhammad took during his life and should be followed as a
guide for proper living.

Shahada Line
“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet”

Month of Fasting
The month of fasting is Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year. It is considered holy
because it was during this month that Mohammed received the first revelation of the Koran. During this
month, Moslems fast during the daytime. At the end of the month, the festival of the Breaking of the
Fast (Eid al-Fitr) occurs. It lasts for several days, during Moslems exchange gifts and greetings, and
engage in feasting.
A mosque is a building used for Muslim worship. All mosques face Mecca so that Muslims pray in the
proper direction.

There are two types of Jihad. The Lesser Jihad is the expectation that Moslems will defend their
homeland and Islam from attack. The Greater Jihad is the inner battle which Moslems continually fight
within themselves to submit to Allah and to fulfill his expectations of humans.

Islam’s major teaching - The 5 pillars

The founder of Islam – Muhammad

People types living on the Arabian Peninsula – Arabs, Muslims, Jews and Christians

Ka’aba – The Ka’aba is a rectangular shrine (about 20 feet by 30 feet and about 50 feet high) which is
built with a special holy stone as its cornerstone. It is in the center of a large mosque in Mecca and
people believe it was built by Abraham and his son Ishmael. The Ka’aba serves as the center of the
Moslem world and all Moslems pray towards it, wherever they may be in the world.

Oases – Oases are areas in a desert that contain water. They are fertile and green and the water can
support a whole city. Nomads used to gather and meet at Oases.

Muslim 5 duties – (see 5 pillars of faith)

“People of the Book” – Muslims called Jews and Christians “people of the book” because their religions
have holy books with similar teachings as the Qur’an.

First Caliph – Abu Bakr was the first caliph or first successor. Abu was Muhammad’s closest companion
and advisor. His daughter was Muhammad’s wife. He promised to follow Muhammad’s example.

Military Conquests of Caliphs – Umar, the second elected caliph, had his armies conquer Syria and lower
Egypt. The third and fourth caliphs (Uthman and Ali) completed the conquest of Persia and increased
the size of the Muslim Empire by four times.

Islam Split Reasons – Caliph Uthman was murdered by a group of rebels. Ali was elected and he too was
murdered. After this the Ulmayyads took power and set up a dynasty where all caliphs would come
from one family. Many Muslims did not like this and thought the caliph should be a relative of the
prophet Muhammad. They split off and are called Shi’a. The Muslims who accepted the rule of the
Ulmayyads are called Sunni’s.

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