FCE 2 Homework - Replaces 7april Class

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FCE 2 Homework (Listening Practice exam 5): Due 18 April 2017

This homework replaces the Friday 7 April class. You must hand in this homework on the due date to have attendance for
Friday 7 April. Late homework will not be accepted / will count as a falta for 7 April 2017.

Listen to the practice exam below. You can find the audios at this page: http://www.utm.mx/~mariapinto/FCE2practice.html

Listening Practice Exam 5 Answer sheet

Name: Score:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8
FCE Listening Practice Exam 5
Part 1
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best
answer (A, B, or C).
1. You hear someone talking about football
a) They make too b) They deserve c) Some are better
referees. What is the speaker’s attitude towards
many mistakes. sympathy. than others.
2. You hear a famous chef talking about his week. b) He didn’t want to
a) He had a problem c) He had his first
What does he say about what happened during the appear on so many
that was not his fault. experience of live TV.
week? programmes.
3. You hear someone talking about her career in a) The contribution b) How much hard c) Her desire to be a
dancing. What does she emphasize? made by her parents. work she did. dancer.
4. You hear someone talking on the phone at work.
a) A colleague. b) Her boss. c) A client.
Who is she talking to?
5. You hear a radio presenter talking about a book. a) Doubt that it does b) Amazement at
c) Curiosity about
What feeling does the presenter express about the exactly what it says it how up to date its
how it was written.
book? does. information is.
6. You hear part of an interview with a famous
a) The teachers b) He was only good c) Other people
comedian. What does he say about his school
never criticised him. at one subject. found him amusing.
7. You hear someone talking about a person he
a) Complaining. b) Apologizing. c) Arguing.
knows. What is the speaker doing?
8. You hear a tour guide talking to a group of b) Big groups aren’t
a) It’s easy to get lost c) It’s better to only
visitors to a museum. What does he tell them about allowed in some
in it. visit a small part of it.
the museum? parts of it.

Part 2
You will hear a piece of audio. For questions 1-10, use the information given to complete the
The Omelette
Omelettes don’t get the (1) ____________________ they are due.
For a main course omelette, it is best to use (2) ____________________ eggs.
The taste of the omelette is improved if extra (3) ____________________ olive oil is used.
If you cook eggs too hard and too fast, you get a horrible (4) ____________________.
During the first 20 seconds, it is best to bring in the egg from the (5) ____________________.
After about 30 seconds, (6) ___________________ cheese is added, although any sort of cheese could be used.
The egg should not be overcooked and hard, it should be (7) ____________________ and delicious.
A non stick (8) ____________________ is essential if you wish to make the perfect omelette.
Alternatively, a cast (9) ____________________ one would work fine.
An omelette is best served with a salad or cold meats or on its own with a tiny amount of (10) _______________.
Part 3: Multiple matching
You will hear five different people talking about cities they have visited. Choose from the list
(A_H) what each speaker says about the city. There are three extra letters which you do not need
to use.

Speaker 1: A - It was exactly as I had imagined.

B - It is not as good as it used to be.
Speaker 2: C - It is hard to find your way around it.
D - It is overrated.
Speaker 3:
E - It can get too crowded.

Speaker 4: F - It was even better than I expected.

G - I didn't feel very safe there.
Speaker 5: H – It was not very clean.

Part 4
You will hear a piece of audio. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B, or C).
1. What does James say about the a) Its name was very b) It was more popular c) It was not very
radio station he started? appropriate. than expected. expensive to run.
2. What does James say about a) They were nicer to him b) They were more c) They expected more of
people’s attitudes towards his age? when he was 12 than jealous of him when he him when he was 16 than
when he was 16. was 12 than when he was when he was 12.
3. James says that his career in a) Taking over a local b) Making advertisements c) Setting up new festivals
music has included: radio station
4. What do we learn about a) There isn’t any of it. b) It always includes c) It doesn’t interrupt the
advertising on James’ TV channel? music. programmes.
5. What does James say about the a) They have to say b) They enjoy being c) They often say
people interviews on the channel? something interesting. interviewed. unexpected things.
6. What does James say about his a) Some of them are not b) He expects to have c) He makes sure that he
ideas? very realistic. good ones all the time. doesn’t forget them.
7. James’ advice to listeners who a) forget about past b) learn from past c) take big risks.
might want to go into business is to: problems. mistakes.

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