A Career in Nursing Its Impact - Edited

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Running head: NURSING 1

A Career in Nursing





A Career in Nursing its Impact

From a young age, I have always desired to help people and what better way than by

being there for them when they need you. Nursing is challenging, exciting, and it provides an

opportunity to make a difference daily in people's lives. As a nurse, I will be in a position of

providing the best and most direct care to the patients. I chose the school because I feel it is one

of the best institutions for training nurses, the educational staff in the school are renowned for

their expertise. The school also has a good clinical training environment for optimal training. I

will also have the opportunity of taking part and learning from pioneering research, which will

arm me with the right skills in a variety of areas in education and practice. The practical aspects

of the training working with patients allow me to gain insight from real service users and carers.

The training practices used by the institution are known to reflect the needs of contemporary


My objective as a nurse is being in a position of providing the best possible care to the

patient that I serve. Nurses have an important role in influencing the public's health through the

kind of service they offer. I aspire to be a nurse that puts the needs of those that I serve above

any personal needs. Also, one that has all the necessary knowledge and skills needed to provide

the best care possible. My goal is, therefore, to always strive to be better, to offer the best

service, sharpen my skills through a lifelong pursuit of learning. Once a healthcare worker is

trained and graduates from nursing school, which should not be the end of their learning. My

core values are being compassionate, having integrity, being humble, and accountable in my job.

I appreciate that nursing can be repetitive. However, I am motivated to be a nurse based

on an innate desire to serve, and I have always felt that doing so in healthcare and specifically in

nursing is the best way. My motivation also comes from the desire to learn new things, and a

career in nursing will challenge me to stay up to date with the medical trends and training to give

the best care to the patients. I know there will be a time when I will be faced with challenging

situations such as when I am dealing with a patient that fears they will die. In such a situation,

my main goal will be to calm the patient down and give them hope that all will be well. Once

they are calm, I would engage them by asking questions about what they enjoy doing to take

their minds off and allow them to feel at ease.

What I consider the most challenging aspect of nursing is not being able to offer the right

kind of help that a patient needs that can be as a result of inadequacies in medication or shortage

of labor. A nurse may have to prioritize the needs of those they serve based on the severity of

conditions in cases where there are shortages of labor, and so on. The three key abilities of a

good nurse, I believe, are compassion, which includes empathy and being caring. They should

also be accountable, that is to those they serve, their professional associations, and to their

calling. I also believe one needs to possess a curious mind to grow their skill.

I know there are many applicants, but I believe I am the most suitable candidate because

of the passion I have for serving people. That drive of offering service to those in need pushed

me into a career in healthcare. I, therefore, started my training at Berkley College in 2013, and I

currently serve as a sterile processing technician, but my ultimate goal is to serve as a nurse. My

role model is Florence Nightingale; she had all the attributes of a nurse that wants to serve. She

was empathic, discipline, mission-oriented, respectful, among other traits. Working in healthcare

has allowed me to rub shoulder with nurses. I was once within a team healthcare staff comprising

of physicians, nurses, and other allied workers. It was fulfilling to be able to discuss and share

ideas with other like-minded professionals that dedicated their lives to serving the sick and the

community. In ten years’ time, I see myself having risen to the position of a nursing leader where

I would be empowering more nurses and guiding them through their tasks.

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