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Page 105: write a story. Use narrative tenses and more connectors.

We had been driving for four hours when we saw the sign for a small hotel and decided to
stop. While we were looking for a place to park, my wife told me that being there was a bad
idea. She felt scare but she didn´t know why. I tried to explain to her that we needed to rest
because we had a long way yet. After she listened to me, she agree to stay.

We went to the reception desk in order to do the check in however nobody was there. We had
been waiting for an hour when a woman appeared. Her face seemed to have received a
beating even she had a little blood on her forehead. I looked at my wife and I saw his panic
expression so I took his hand and tried to calm down her. While the receptionist was giving us
the key to the room, we heart an explanation. The receptionist started screaming and
disappeared. In spite of this strange situation, we decided wait inside the room but suddenly
many bats began to fly inside the room. Firstly, I covered my wife with my jacket to protect her
but the bats kept on appearing! We had been fighting with them a few minutes and later we
decided to leave the room.

For our surprise the car wasn´t in the parking so we started to run. We had run half hour on
the road when we saw a car in the distance. We shook our arms for help but the car didn´t
stop. We were desperate and we didn´t know what to do. My wife asked me if we should went
back to the hotel and I replied that we had not another option. We walked to the hotel but
nothing was there, the hotel was disappeared. We didn´t understand what was happened.
That could only be a nightmare! Unexpectedly the receptionist showed up and asked us what
we were doing in the middle of the road. We explained her that we were lost because when
she left the room bats appeared and we felt scare. She said us that it was impossible because
she had never left the room and invited us to come back.

We agree to his request and we returned to the hotel, took the keys and went to the room
number 666. Thereafter everything was normal but we never knew what had actually
happened that night… until we leave the room the next day…

Ariadna Germani

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