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Sample Product Evaluation Questionnaire

Please fill out the following information in an honest, accurate way.

Please describe your first encounter with this product.



Please describe some reasons that made you purchase this product for the first time.



How often do you purchase this product? __________________________

How long have you been our customer? _________________________

Please state where you first heard about this product.

Infomercial: ________ Radio ad: _______ Newspaper ad: _______

Internet: ________ Sales agent: ________ Company rep: ________

A friend: ________ Family member: ________ Other (specify): ________

Please state some of the needs this product satisfies:



Use this key for the following questions

5- Excellent, 4- good, 3- average, 2- poor, 1- very poor.

Please rate the design aspect of the product.


Please rate the value for money aspect of the product.


Please rate the delivery aspect of the product.

Please rate the overall quality of the product.


Please state the best aspects of the product.



Please state the worst aspects of the product.



Would you recommend this product to others?






Other comments.




Sample Product Questionnaire

Please fill in the following information concerning our product.

Please state how you found out about this product.

A friend: _________ Internet: _________ Sales agent: _________

Commercial: _________ Telemarketer: __________ other (specify): __________

Please state the number of times you use this particular product in a month.

1-5 times: _____ 6- 10 times: _____ 11- 15 times: ______ 16+ times: ______

Please state where you purchase this product.

Local shop: ________ Company website: __________ Sales agent: ___________

Other (specify): ___________

Please rate the current price of the product.

5- Very affordable, 4- affordable, 3- average, 2- unaffordable, 1- too expensive


Please rate the packaging of the product.

5- Excellent, 4- good, 3- average, 2- poor, 1- very poor.


Use this key for the following questions

5- Excellent, 4- good, 3- average, 2- poor, 1- very poor

Please rate the usability of the product.


Product Questionnaire Format Sample:

Name ………………………………………….. Date ………………

Age ………………………………………………

Address …………………………………………

Q1: [The first question must be asked regarding how the buyer had heard regarding the product.]

Q2: [The second question may be asked regarding when the product had been bought by the
Q3: [The third question maybe regarding the product type the owner has. This will help to know
how often the buyer updates his products.]

Q4: [Ask whether the buyer owned any other product of the similar kind. Such a kind of question
helps to gain an understanding of the rival product and its reach in the market]

Q5: [The fifth question must ask in detail what the buyer likes about the product. A brief
description must be asked. This helps in improvisation where ever needed in the product]

Q6: [The sixth question must talk about the advantages of the product and whether the buyer
agrees to them or not. A multi-choice question can be formed for the same]

Q7: [This last question must inquire whether the buyer would consider recommending the
product to others. Whatever maybe his/her answer, ask to give reasons.]


Sample New Product Questionnaire

Please fill in the following information using this key

5- Very good, 4- good, 3- average, 2- poor, 1- very poor.

Please state your first reactions after seeing this new product.



Please state how you would rate the appearance of this new product.


Please state how you would rate the taste of this new product.


Please state how you would rate the price of this new product.


Please state how you would rate the feel of this new product.

Please state how you would rate the flavor of this new product.


Please state how you would rate the look of this new product.


Please state how you would rate the design of this new product.


What would you change about the product?


How often do you think you would use the product?


How does the product meet your needs?


What are the strengths of this product?


What are the weaknesses of this product?


What would be the most convenient way for you to able to access the product?

Would you buy this product again? Why?



Sample New Product Questionnaire Template

Please provide us with information that will help us serve you better. We are in the process of
launching a new line of hair products.

Name …………………………………………………………

Address ……………………………………………………….
E-mail Address ……………………………………………..

Which of these terms best describes your personality?

a. Fun

b. Outgoing

c. Ambitious

d. Introvert

e. Academic

What range of hair products are you currently using?


For how long have you been using this range of hair products?


What problems do you face with the hair products that you currently use?


What are the financial implications of the hair products that you use?


How often do you use your hair products?

a. Often

b. Regularly

c. Rarely

d. Never

Why do you think it is important to use hair products regularly?


What are the benefits of using hair products?


Do you think the purchase of hair products is a worthwhile expenditure?


What features do you look for in a hair product?


Are you interested in trying out a new hair product?


Do you have special needs for you hair e.g. dry scalp, brittle hair, itchy scalp etc.


Please tell us about the types of hair products that you are interested in using



Sample Product Launch Questionnaire

Name: ____________________________________

Date of birth: –/–/—-

Contact No.: ________________________

1. Have you ever heard of our new product that is going to be launched?

a. Yes

b. No

2. If the above answer is ‘yes’, how you came to know of our product?

a. From Television Advertisement

b. From newspaper
c. Heard from a friend

d. Other source, Please specify __________________________

3. Have you ever used a similar product before?

a. Yes

b. No

4. If the above answer is ‘yes’, for how long are you using this product?

a. Less than 1 year

b. 1 to 4years

c. More than 4 years

5. Are you ready to change to the new product that will be launched by our company?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure, may be

6. If the above answer is ‘yes’, what will be the reason for such a change?

a. Just for a change

b. The price is less

c. Other, Please specify ___________________________

7. What information do you presently have regarding our new product?


8. Do you think our product can satisfy your needs?

a. Yes

b. No

9. If the above answer is ‘no’, please suggest ways how can we make it better.


Sample Product Research Questionnaire:

Name: ____________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________

Date of Birth: (DD/MM/YY) __________________________________________________

Email Id: ________________________________________

Phone number: ________________________________________________

1. What was your initial opinion regarding the product?

a) Excellent

b) Good

c) Average

d) Poor

e) Very Poor


2. How were you contacted regarding this test marketing?

a) By Telephone

b) By Email

c) By Newsletters

d) Other

3. How often do you think you would use this product in the span of one year?

a) Once a week

b) 2-3 times a week

c) Once a month

d) 2-3 times a month

e) 2-3 times in a year

f) Never

4. Do you think the pricing of the product fits your budget? Or is it:

a) Unaffordable

b) Slightly expensive

c) Affordable

d) Cheap

e) Very cheap


5. Would you be interested in buying the product in future if it suits your budget?

a) Yes

b) Maybe

c) No


6. Please mention the three best features of the product


7. Please mention the three features you liked least

8. Where would you prefer to buy the product from?

a) Online store

b) Local mall

c) Stand-alone outlet



Product Marketing Questionnaire Sample

Full Name: ______________________

Date of Birth: DD/MM/YY

Permanent Residential address: __________________

Office address: _________________________

Telephone no (O): _______________________ (R)

E-mail id: __________________________

Q1: What aspect of the product do you find attractive?


Q2: As a consumer, do you think the product is able to meet all the requirements?


Q3: Is the product easy to use?

 Yes
 No

Q4: Do you think the product is in line with the latest technologies?
 Yes
 No
 Can’t Say

Q5: Have you used a similar product?

 Yes
 No

Q6: What is the least attractive feature of the product?

 Design
 Technology
 Handling
 Price of the product
 Others (Please specify) _________________________________

Q7: Rate your experience of using the product.

 Very Good
 Good
 Satisfactory
 Bad

Q8: Would you recommend this product to others?

 Yes
 No

Q9: In future, would you consider buying our products?

 Yes
 No

Q9: Do you have any suggestions regarding the product or its services?

 Yes
 No


Sample New Product Marketing Questionnaire:

Name: ______________________

Date of Birth: ___________________

Residential address: __________________

Office address: _________________________

Telephone no.: _______________________

E-mail id: __________________________

1. How would you rate the attractiveness of our product?

a) Very attractive

b) Attractive

c) Neutral

d) Not attractive at all

2. Do you find our product touch sensitive?

a) Yes

b) No

3. Do you find the product easy to handle?

a) Yes

b) No

4. How advanced do you find the technology of our product?

a) Very advanced

b) Advanced

c) Normal

d) Not so advanced

e) Outdated
5. What is the least attractive factor about our product?

a) Design

b) Handling options

c) Installation options

d) Technology

e) Price

f) Other

6. Have you used similar product of another brand?

a) Yes

b) No

7. What is the most attractive feature of our product?

a) Design

b) Handling options

c) Installation options

d) Technology

e) Price

f) Other

8. Do you find the price of the product reasonable?

a) Yes

b) No

9. How would you rate your experience of using our product?

a) Excellent

b) Good
c) Satisfactory

d) Bad

e) Terrible

10. Would you like to use our product again?

a) Yes

b) No

11. Would you recommend our product to your friends or relatives?

a) Yes

b) No

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