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Daniela García

Fernanda Sasmay
Catalina Swaneck
Andrés Puntí
Damaris Vargas
Rayotech Case

1. Analyse the DMU using the GRASP framework.

Radiologist Physicists Administrators Supporting agency

Goal Enhance Technical Costs vs Benefits: Approve the expenditures

professional image specifications reveneau

Role Initiator Influencer Decider Buyer influencer

User Controller

Appeal Image quality Patient’s safety Price of purchase Stick to the budget

State Knows about the No previous No previous No previous interaction with

brand interaction with him. interaction with him.

Power Shortlists suppliers Shortlists suppliers High decision High influence

power in the administrator's

2. Which 4 mistakes did Karl make, and what could he have done differently?
1. He had many interviews with the Radiologist that had not a very high power in the
decision making, meanwhile he didn’t put that much effort in explaining the product to
the Administrator who had the high decision power.
2. He didn’t make a proper competition’s research and neither explained very clearly the
advantages of his product over the competition (Value proposal).
3. He should have started the process with a proper investigation about the decision
making process/structure of the company.

3. Apply the reading "Making the consensus sale", in terms of: What should Karl do the next
time he faces a similar situation (follows a selling process like this)?

- Look for points in common between radiologist, physicist and supportig agency. An
example of this is the technological improvements that allow the scanner not to be
Daniela García
Fernanda Sasmay
Catalina Swaneck
Andrés Puntí
Damaris Vargas
- Increase perceived rewards, like saying that they are better on technology than the
competitors.and testing it.
- long-term value
- their client’s value in terms of the machines their using

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