Oracle HCM Reports R13

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OTBI (Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence) Analysis and Dashboards

Product Family Report Name Type

Absences Absence Breakdown Analysis

Absences Absence Calendar Analysis

Absences Absence Calendar Direct Reports Current Month Analysis

Absences Absence Calendar Direct Reports Next Month Analysis

Absences Absence Details Analysis

Absences Absence Metrics Analysis

Absences Absence Metrics - Absences Days to Date Details Analysis

Absences Absence Metrics - Number of Absences Details Analysis

Absences Absence Metrics - Planned Absence Days Details Analysis

Absences Absence Overview Analysis

Absences Absence Overview Details Analysis

Absences Absence Top Employees Analysis

Absences Absence Trend by Month Analysis

Absences Absence Trend by Quarter Analysis

Absences Absence Trend by Year Analysis

Absences Absence Trend Details Analysis

Absences Absence Type Trend Analysis

Absences Absences by Month(Current / Next Month) Analysis

Absences Absences By Type and Plan Analysis

Absences Absences for Today and Tomorrow Analysis

Absences Accrual Balance By Plan Type Analysis

Absences Top 5 - Absence Count By Absence Reason Analysis

Absences Top 5 Employees with High Accrual Balance Analysis

Absences Absence Dashboard
Absences Absence Calendar Dashboard

Absences Absence Breakdown Dashboard

Absences Absence Calendar Dashboard

Absences Absence Details Dashboard

Absences Absence Metrics Dashboard

Absences Absence Overview Dashboard

Absences Absence Top Employees Dashboard

Absences Absence Trend by Month Dashboard

Absences Absence Trend by Quarter Dashboard

Absences Absence Trend by Year Dashboard

Absences Absence Type Trend Dashboard

Absences Absences for Today and Tomorrow Dashboard

Benefits # Of Action Items Analysis

Benefits # Of Enrollments Analysis

Benefits # Of Enrollments by Program, Plan Type, Plan, Plan Option Analysis

Benefits # Of Legal Disclaimers By Life Event and Status Analysis

Benefits # Of Life Events Analysis

Benefits # Participants Costs Analysis

Benefits Benefit Element Report Analysis

Benefits Benefit Element Report Details Analysis

Benefits Enrollment Defaulted or Enrolled with Authorization
Benefits (Disclaimer) check Analysis

Benefits Benefits Open Enrollment Disclaimer Report Analysis

Benefits Benefits Open Enrollment Without Disclaimer Check Analysis

Benefits Billing Details Analysis

Benefits Court Orders Analysis

Benefits Participant Enrollment Results Analysis

Benefits Participation Costs by Program, Plan Type, Plan, Plan Option Analysis

Benefits Totals By Life Event Analysis

Benefits Totals By Life Event Name For Potential Life Events Analysis

Benefits Totals By Life Event Status For Potential Life Events Analysis

Benefits Totals By Locations For Potential Life Events Analysis

Benefits Benefits Process Metrics Dashboard

Benefits Benefit Element Report Dashboard

Benefits Benefits Enrollment Disclaimer Report Dashboard

Benefits Benefits Enrollment Disclaimer Report Dashboard

Benefits Benefits Enrollment Disclaimer Report Dashboard

Benefits Participant Enrollment Results - Weekly Report Dashboard

Benefits Totals By Life Event - Weekly Report Dashboard

Totals By Life Event Name For Potential Life Events - Weekly
Benefits Report Dashboard
Totals By Life Event Status For Potential Life Events - Weekly
Benefits Report Dashboard

Benefits Totals By Locations For Potential Life Events - Weekly Report Dashboard

Career Career Preference Summary Analysis

Career Development Goals by Goal Status Analysis

Career Development Goals Created vs Not Created Analysis

Career Employee Competency Summary Analysis

Career Identify Risk of Loss Reasons Detail Report Analysis

Career Identify Risk of Loss Reasons Report Analysis

Career Identify Top Talent (using Performance and Potential) Report Analysis

Career Organization Goals Alignment Worker Details Analysis

Career Percent of Performance Document by Status Analysis

Career Percent of Workers Aligned with Organization Goals Analysis

Career Performance Calibration Analysis

Career Performance Calibration Worker Details Analysis

Career Performance Document Created vs Not Created Analysis

Career Performance Document Rating Distribution Analysis

Career Performance Document Status Analysis

Career Performance Document Status Worker Details Analysis

Career Performance Goals by Goal Status Analysis

Career Performance Goals Created vs Not Created Analysis

Career Profile KPI Analysis

Career Profile KPI - High Risk of Loss Details Analysis

Career Profile KPI - Ready for Domestic Travel Details Analysis

Career Profile KPI - Ready for Flexible Hours Details Analysis

Career Profile KPI - Willing to International Travel Details Analysis

Career Profile KPI - Willing to Relocate Details Analysis

Career Profile KPI - Worker Profile Details Analysis

Career Profile Summary Analysis

Career Succession Plan KPI Analysis

Career Succession Plan KPI - Candidates Ready Now Details Analysis

Succession Plan KPI - Candidates with No Readiness Status
Career Details Analysis

Career Succession Plan KPI - Number of Candidates Details Analysis

Career Succession Plan KPI - Plan Details Analysis

Career Succession Plans Candidates at High Risk of Loss Analysis

Career Succession Plans Candidates by Readiness Analysis

Career Talent Performance by Potential Matrix Analysis

Career Talent Performance by Potential Matrix Details Analysis

Career Employee Competency Dashboard
Career Goals Dashboard
Career Performance Dashboard
Career Profile Dashboard
Career Succession Management Dashboard
Career Talent Review Dashboard

Career Career Preference Summary Dashboard

Career Development Goals by Goal Status Dashboard

Career Development Goals Created vs Not Created Dashboard

Career Employee Competency Summary Dashboard

Career Identify Risk of Loss Reasons Dashboard

Career Identify Top Talent (using Performance and Potential) Dashboard

Career Percent of Performance Document by Status Dashboard

Career Percent of Workers Aligned with Organization Goals Dashboard

Career Performance Calibration Dashboard

Career Performance Document Created vs Not Created Dashboard

Career Performance Document Rating Distribution Dashboard

Career Performance Document Status Dashboard

Career Performance Goals by Goal Status Dashboard

Career Performance Goals Created vs Not Created Dashboard

Career Profile KPI Dashboard

Career Profile Summary Dashboard

Career Succession Plan KPI Dashboard

Career Succession Plans Candidates at High Risk of Loss Dashboard

Career Succession Plans Candidates by Readiness Dashboard

Career Talent Performance by Potential Matrix Dashboard

Compensation Base Pay By Worker Analysis

Compensation Base Pay By Worker For Units Analysis

Compensation Base Pay Details By Worker Analysis

Compensation Budgets Overview Analysis

Compensation Budgets Overview For Worksheet Manager Analysis

Compensation Budgets Worksheet Analysis

Compensation Budgets Worksheet For Worksheet Manager Analysis

Compensation Compensation Allocation Analysis

Compensation Compensation Eligibility Analysis

Compensation Compensation Eligibility For Worksheet Manager Analysis

Compensation Compensation Eligible Salary and Performance Rating Analysis

Compensation Compensation Plan Cycle Details Analysis

Compensation Compensation Plan Details Analysis

Compensation Compensation Plan Structure Analysis

Compensation Component Count By Plan Analysis

Compensation Employee Count By Compa-Ratio Analysis

Compensation Employee Count By Quartile Analysis

Compensation Employee Count By Quintile Analysis

Compensation Estimated Walkaway Details Analysis

Compensation Overview Original Stocks Analysis

Compensation Salary Adjustment Amount By Components Analysis

Compensation Salary Amount By Age Band Analysis

Compensation Salary Amount By Ethnicity Analysis

Compensation Salary Amount By Ethnicity Exception Analysis

Compensation Salary Amount By Gender Analysis

Compensation Salary History By HR Action Analysis

Compensation Salary Overview Analysis

Compensation Stock Details By Manager Analysis

Compensation Stock Details By Year Analysis

Compensation Stock Details Unvested Analysis

Compensation Time Since Last Salary Change Analysis

Compensation Worker Grants By Year Analysis

Compensation Worksheet Manager Count Analysis

Compensation Worksheet Manager Count By Status Analysis

Compensation Worksheet Manager Details By Status Analysis

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Length of Service Analysis

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Worker Count Analysis

Compensation Compensation Allocation by Department Analysis

Compensation Compensation Allocation Worker Details Analysis

Compensation Compensation Target to Actual Analysis

Compensation Compensation Target to Actual Worker Details Analysis

Compensation High Performers Salary Adjustment Analysis

Compensation Pay for Performance Analysis

Compensation Pay for Performance Worker Details Analysis

Compensation Salary Adjustment Trend Analysis

Compensation Salary Basis Report Analysis

Compensation Salary Change Percent Trend Analysis

Compensation Salary Change Percent Trend Details Analysis

Compensation Salary Components Report Analysis

Compensation Salary Detail Report Analysis

Compensation Salary Outliers Analysis

Compensation Salary Outliers Worker Details Analysis

Compensation Salary Quartile Analysis

Compensation Salary Quartile Details Analysis

Compensation Stock Detail Report Analysis

Compensation Workers Without Salary Adjustment Analysis

Compensation Workers Without Salary Adjustment Details Analysis

Compensation Overview Dashboard
Compensation Salary Dashboard
Compensation Stocks Dashboard
Compensation Workforce Compensation Dashboard
Compensation Workforce Compensation Budgets Dashboard

Compensation Overview Dashboard

Compensation Salary Dashboard

Compensation Stocks Dashboard

Compensation Workforce Compensation Dashboard

Compensation Workforce Compensation Budgets Dashboard

Compensation Compensation Dashboard

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Length of Service Dashboard

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Worker Count Dashboard

Compensation Compensation Target to Actual Dashboard

Compensation Compensation Allocation by Department Dashboard

Compensation High Performers Salary Adjustment Dashboard

Compensation Pay for Performance Dashboard

Compensation Salary Adjustment Trend Dashboard

Compensation Salary Basis Report Dashboard

Compensation Salary Change Percent Trend Dashboard

Compensation Salary Components Dashboard

Compensation Salary Detail Report Dashboard

Compensation Salary Outliers Dashboard

Compensation Salary Quartile Dashboard

Compensation Stock Detail Report Dashboard

Compensation Workers Without Salary Adjustment Dashboard

Health & Safety % of Activities Completed On Time Analysis

Health & Safety All Activties Overdue Analysis

Health & Safety Days Since Last Lost Time Injury Analysis
Health & Safety Events by type and hour of the day Analysis

Health & Safety Incidents by Age of Injured Analysis

Health & Safety Incidents By Event Type Analysis

Health & Safety Incidents by Level of Severity Analysis

Health & Safety Incidents by Level of Severity Tile Analysis

Health & Safety OSHA 300 Analysis

Health & Safety OSHA 300A Analysis

Health & Safety OSHA 301 Analysis

Health & Safety Overdue Activities by Quarter Analysis

Health & Safety Overdue Incidents by Level of Severity Analysis

Health & Safety Overdue Incidents Events Investigations and Actions Analysis

Health & Safety Unsafe Conditions Incidents by Level of Severity Analysis

Health & Safety Health And Safety Process Metrics Dashboard
Health & Safety OSHA 300 Dashboard
Health & Safety OSHA 301 Dashboard
Resources Absences by Month(Current / Next Month) Analysis
Resources Head Count Analysis

Resources Headcount and Mobility by Department Analysis

Resources Position Incumbents Analysis

Resources Position Occupancy Analysis
Resources Workforce Mobility Analysis
Resources Age Band Diversity Analysis
Resources Assignment Details Analysis
Resources Assignment Headcount by Department Analysis
Resources Department Details Analysis
Resources Employee Contract Department Analysis
Resources Employee Ethnicity Analysis
Resources Gender Diversity Analysis
Resources Grade by Gender Analysis
Resources Grade Details Analysis
Resources Headcount Activity Analysis
Resources Headcount Activity Period End Details Analysis
Resources Headcount Activity Period Start Details Analysis
Resources Headcount by Age Profile Analysis
Resources Headcount by Employee Category and Person Type Analysis
Resources Headcount by Employee Category and Person Type Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Hire Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Promotion Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Termination Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment Analysis
Human Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - Female Employee
Resources Details Analysis
Human Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - Female Manager
Resources Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - FTE Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - Headcount Details Analysis
Resources Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - Part Time Details Analysis

Resources Headcount Trend Analysis
Resources Job Details Analysis
Resources Joiners and Leavers Analysis
Resources Joiners by Age Band and Gender Analysis
Resources Joiners by Grade and Gender Analysis
Resources Joiners Detail Analysis
Resources Leavers by Age Band and Gender Analysis
Resources Leavers by Grade and Gender Analysis
Resources Length of Service Diversity Analysis
Resources Locations Details Analysis
Resources Monthly Turnover and Termination Trend Analysis
Resources Position Details Analysis
Resources Promotions by Age Band and Gender Analysis
Resources Promotions by Grade and Gender Analysis
Resources Team Diversity Analysis
Resources Team Diversity Details Analysis
Resources Terminations Overview Analysis
Resources Terminations Worker Details Analysis
Resources Turnover Analysis Analysis

Resources Turnover by Termination Category and Reason Analysis
Resources Turnover Involuntary Worker Details Analysis
Resources Turnover Voluntary Worker Details Analysis
Resources Turnover Worker Details Analysis

Resources Workers Detailed Report Analysis
Resources Workforce Event Details Analysis

Resources Workforce Events by Month Analysis

Resources Workforce Events by Quarter Analysis

Resources Workforce Events by Year Analysis
Resources Processes in Progress Dashboard
Resources Headcount Dashboard
Resources Workforce Events Dashboard
Resources Workforce Trends Dashboard
Resources Age Band Diversity Dashboard
Resources Assignment Details Dashboard
Resources Assignment Headcount by Department Dashboard
Resources Department Details Dashboard
Resources Employee Ethnicity Dashboard
Resources Gender Diversity Dashboard
Resources Grade by Gender Dashboard
Resources Grade Details Dashboard
Resources Headcount Activity Dashboard
Resources Headcount by Age Profile Dashboard
Resources Headcount by Employee Category and Person Type Dashboard
Resources Headcount KPI Dashboard
Resources Headcount KPI Dashboard
Resources Headcount Trend Dashboard
Resources Job Details Dashboard
Resources Joiners and Leavers Dashboard
Resources Joiners by Age Band and Gender Dashboard
Resources Joiners by Grade and Gender Dashboard
Resources Leavers by Age Band and Gender Dashboard
Resources Leavers by Grade and Gender Dashboard
Resources Length of Service Diversity Dashboard
Resources Location Details Dashboard
Resources Monthly Turnover and Termination Trend Dashboard
Resources Position Details Dashboard
Resources page 1 Dashboard
Resources page 1 Dashboard
Resources Promotions by Age Band and Gender Dashboard
Resources Promotions by Grade and Gender Dashboard
Resources Team Diversity Dashboard
Resources Terminations Overview Dashboard
Resources Turnover Analysis Dashboard
Resources Turnover by Termination Category and Reason Dashboard
Resources Workers Detailed Report Dashboard
Resources Workforce Events by Month Dashboard
Resources Workforce Events by Quarter Dashboard
Resources Workforce Events by Year Dashboard

Learning Abandoned Trainings - Top 5 Analysis

Learning Abandoned Trainings - Top 5 Details Analysis

Learning Managers with Overdue Workers - Top 5 Analysis

Learning Managers with Overdue Workers Details - Top 5 Analysis

Learning No Shows Trainings - Top 5 Analysis

Learning Overdue Trainings - Top 5 Analysis

Learning Trainings Created in Last 12 Months Analysis

Learning Trainings Created in Last 12 Months Details Analysis

Learning Recently Completed Submissions Dashboard

Learning Abandoned Trainings - Top 5 Dashboard

Learning Managers with Overdue Workers - Top 5 Dashboard

Learning Trainings Created in Last 12 Months Dashboard

Payroll Payroll Flow Details Analysis

Payroll Processes in progress Analysis
Payroll Recent Submissions Analysis

Payroll Costing Detail Report Analysis

Payroll Costing Summary Report Analysis

Payroll Element Register Report Analysis

Payroll page 1 Dashboard
Payroll Costing Reports Dashboard

Payroll Element Register Report Dashboard

Recruiting Application KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Applications by Requisition Analysis

Recruiting Applications by Source Analysis

Recruiting Internal Applications Listing Analysis

Recruiting New Applications Listing Analysis

Recruiting Referral Applications Listing Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Application Diversity Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Application Sources Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Jobs Attracting Candidates Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Previous Employers for Applications Analysis

Recruiting Campaign Audience Breakdown Analysis

Recruiting Campaign Conversions Listing - Apply for Job Analysis

Recruiting Campaign Conversions Listing - Refer to Job Analysis

Recruiting Campaign Details Analysis

Recruiting Campaign Performance by Email Metrics Analysis

Recruiting Campaigns KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Source-Tracking Job Applications Listing Analysis

Recruiting Source-Tracking KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Campaign Goal Achievement Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Candidate Source-Tracking Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Job Application Source-Tracking Analysis

Recruiting Hire Analysis by Application Flow Analysis

Recruiting Hire KPIs Analysis

Recruiting HR Processing Listing Analysis

Recruiting Internal Hires Listing Analysis

Recruiting New Hires by Source Analysis

Recruiting Offer Acceptance Rate by Compa Ratio Analysis

Recruiting Time To Hire Listing Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Previous Employers for Hires Analysis

Recruiting Active Applications Listing Analysis

Recruiting All Recruiter Work Load Details Analysis

Recruiting Hires Listing Analysis

Recruiting Hires Listing with High Compa-Ratio Analysis

Recruiting Offer Acceptance Rate Analysis

Recruiting Overview KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Overview Requisition KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Recruiter Work Load Analysis

Recruiting Recruiter Work Load Details Analysis

Recruiting Recruitment Pipeline Analysis

Recruiting Time to Hire by Headcount Distribution Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Openings per Job Families Analysis

Recruiting Assessment Detail Listing Analysis

Recruiting Assessment Packages In Effect by Partners Analysis

Recruiting Assessment Results Breakdown Details Analysis

Recruiting Assessment Results Detail Listing Analysis

Recruiting Background Checks and Screenings Analysis

Recruiting Background Checks Detail Listing Analysis

Recruiting Background Checks Duration Listing Analysis

Recruiting Job Postings In Error Listing Analysis

Recruiting Partner Integrations KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Postings Breakdown By Statuses Analysis

Recruiting Screening Packages In Effect by Partners Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Assessment Packages by # Requisitions Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Job Boards/Partners by # Job Requisition Postings Analysis

Top 10 Screening Packages/Partners by # Background Checks
Recruiting Completed Analysis

Recruiting Current Requisition Snapshot by Top 10 Openings to be Filled Analysis

Recruiting Job Requisition Details Analysis

Recruiting Job Requisition Posting KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Job Requisition Postings Listing Analysis

Recruiting Open Requisitions Aging-Detail by Recruiter Analysis

Recruiting Open Requisitions Listing Analysis

Recruiting Requisition Aging Analysis

Recruiting Requisition Aging KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Requisition KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Requisition Snapshot Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Requisition Recruiters Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Requisitions Breakdown Analysis

Recruiting Applications in Offer Stage Analysis

Recruiting Disqualified Offers Analysis

Recruiting Offer Disqualified Listing Analysis

Recruiting Offers in Approval Analysis

Recruiting Offers Recruiter Listing Analysis

Recruiting Recruitment Pipeline Stages Analysis

Recruiting Select & Offer KPIs Analysis

Recruiting Selection Process Diversity Analysis

Recruiting Selection Process Internal vs External Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Offer Recruiters Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Reasons for Rejection Analysis

Recruiting Top 10 Reasons for Withdrawal Analysis

Recruiting Applications Dashboard
Recruiting Campaign & Source Tracking Dashboard
Recruiting Hires Dashboard
Recruiting Overview Dashboard
Recruiting Partner Integrations Dashboard
Recruiting Requisitions Dashboard
Recruiting Selection & Offer Dashboard

Time & Labor Time Cards By Status Analysis

Time & Labor Time Collection Monitor Analysis

Time & Labor Time Collection Monitor - Worker Time Card Details Analysis

Time & Labor Time Entry Transfer Status (Payroll) Analysis

Time & Labor Time Entry Transfer Status (Project Costing) Analysis

Time & Labor Work Type Summary Analysis

Time & Labor Approved Time Cards Analysis

Time & Labor Completed Time Cards by Status Analysis

Time & Labor Completed Time Cards KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Payroll Time Entries by Status Analysis

Time & Labor Payroll Time Entries Processed Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Payroll Time Entries Transferred Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Projects Time Entries by Status Analysis

Time & Labor Projects Time Entries Transferred Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Rejected Time Cards Analysis

Time & Labor Submitted Time Cards Analysis

Time & Labor Time Consumer Entries KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Approved Time Cards Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Existing Time Cards by Period Analysis

Time & Labor Existing Time Cards by Status Analysis

Time & Labor Existing Time Cards Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Expected Time Cards Analysis

Time & Labor Missing Time Cards Analysis

Time & Labor Missing Time Cards by Period Analysis

Time & Labor Missing Time Cards Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Overview KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Rejected Time Cards Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Selected Time Card Dates Analysis

Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Top 5 Compliance Exceptions Analysis

Time & Labor Allowed Time Entry Exceptions Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Open Time Cards Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Processed Hours Analysis

Time & Labor Reported Hours Analysis

Time & Labor Submitted Time Cards Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress by Status Analysis

Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Time Cards with Exceptions Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Time Entries by Source Analysis

Time & Labor Time Entry Exceptions KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Time Entry Exceptions Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Top 5 Change Audit Reasons Analysis

Time & Labor Top 5 Time Entry Exceptions Analysis

Time & Labor Allowed Device Event Exceptions Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Device Event Exceptions Analysis

Time & Labor Device Event Exceptions KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Device Event Exceptions Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events by Event Type Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events for Today KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events for Today Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events KPI Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Device Events not Processed Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Top 5 Device Event Exceptions Analysis

Time & Labor Workers Clocked in Today Listing Analysis

Time & Labor Time and Labor Dashboard
Time & Labor Completed Time Cards Dashboard
Time & Labor Overview Dashboard
Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress Dashboard
Time & Labor Time Device Events Dashboard

Time & Labor Time Cards By Status Dashboard

Time & Labor Time Collection Monitor Dashboard

Time & Labor Time Entry Transfer Status (Payroll) Dashboard

Time & Labor Time Entry Transfer Status (Project Costing) Dashboard

Time & Labor Work Type Summary Dashboard

Administration Transaction Summary Analysis
Administration Transaction Summary Dashboard

Displays the employee absences by various dimensions in a tree map view.

Displays real time information on worker absences by calendar days.

Provides absence information of the direct reports for the logged in manager

Provides absence information of the indirect reports for the logged in manager
Provides a summary of absences by category and manager hierarchy for the
user's direct reports

This report displays the key metrics related to employee absences.

This report displays the absence days to date details.

This report displays the number of absences details.

This report displays the planned absence days details.

This report provides an overview of the employee absences. Absence metrics
like number of Absences, Absence days can be viewed by BU, Manager,
Location, Department, etc.

This lists the worker details, and the absence details in a tabular format.

This report displays the employees with top 5 absences.

This report provides trending of various absences in the organization like
vacation, holiday, maternity, sick leave etc. The trends are viewed for a year
grouped by Months.
This report provides trending of various absences in the organization like
vacation, holiday, maternity, sick leave etc. The trends are viewed for a year
grouped by Quarter.
This report provides trending of various absences in the organization like
vacation, holiday, maternity, sick leave etc. The trends are viewed for the last 3

The detailed report is invoked for a specific Absence Type.

Displays the absence trend by quarters for the selected years.

Provides a Summary of Number of Absence Days in the Current and Next
Provide the Absence Count by Absence Types and Absence Plan

This report displays the number of absentees as of today and tomorrow.

Provides Accrual Balance By Plan Type

Provides the details of top 5 Absence Reasons

Provides information of the employees with top 5 accrual balances

Provides the Worker details, and the absence details in a tabular format. This is
a detailed report invoked from the Absence Overview report.

Provides an overview of the employee absences. Absence metrics like number

of Absences, Absence days can be viewed by BU, Manager, Location,
Department etc.

This analysis provides the count of open action items

This analysis provides the count of the number of enrollments

This analysis provides the count of enrolments and dependents filtered by
program, plan type, plan and option.

This analysis provides the count of legal disclaimers by life event.

This analysis provides a list of life events, their counts by the occurred date.

This analysis provides the participants enrolment cost.

This report will extract enrollment data with true payroll elements and their
costs. Note: Requires benefits and payroll data roles to view.
The details of enrollment data with true payroll elements and their costs. Note:
Requires benefits and payroll data roles to view.
This report shows explicit enrollment of people who have accepted the
If disclaimer is set up for open enrollment, this report will list out all the people
who have accepted/not accepted the disclaimer.
This report checks for explicit enrollment. i.e. if someone has explicitly gone
and made enrollments or let the defaults take precedence.
This analysis provides details of the number of bills, average billing and total
billing by each month.

This analysis provides the count of court orders.

This report provides details of participants enrolled\de-enrolled due to a life
event that was processed.
This analysis provides participation Costs by Program, Plan Type, Plan, Plan

This is a summary report based on person life events.

This report provides details of totals by life event name for potential life

This report provides summary of totals by status for potential life events.

This report provides totals by locations for potential life events.

This report provides the counts of employees by various stages of the
readiness of their next career move.

Displays the count and percentage of development goals by goal status.

This report displays the workers that have created or not created the
development goals for the selected year.
This report provides the counts of employees by various competencies and the
This report is invoked on drill down from the main report. Provides the worker
details that are at risk of loss. The details are provided for each performance
appraisal period and the risk reason.
Provides the count of workers that are at risk of loss. The count is aggregated
by the performance appraisal period and the risk reason.
Provides details of the workers that are identified as having high potential and
performance. The report is rendered for the performance appraisal period
This report is the detailed report invoked from the '% of Workers aligned with
goals' analysis.
This report displays the distribution of performance document by various
statuses analyzed by dimensions country, department and business unit.
This report provides an overview of the percent of workers aligned with the
organization goals in the organization.
This report provides an overview of the performance ratings distribution across
the organization.
This report provides details of the workers with or without performance ratings
for a performance document.
This report displays the workers that have created or not created the
performance appraisal document for the selected year and document period
This report displays the distribution of workers by ratings for the selected
performance document period name. Both target and actual ratings
distribution is displayed.
This report provides an overview of the count of workers against each status of
the performance document.
This report provides details of the workers based on the performance
document status chosen in the 'Performance Document Status' report.
Displays the count and percentage of performance goals by goal status.
This report displays the workers that have created or not created the
performance goals for the selected year.

This report provides key metrics related to worker profiles.

This report displays the workers at high risk of loss details.

This report displays the workers ready for domestic travel details.

This report displays the workers ready for flexible hours details.

This report displays the workers ready for international travel details.

This report displays the worker willing to relocate details.

This report displays the worker profile details.

This report provides the counts analyzed by various profiles like degrees,
languages, competencies, etc.

This report provides the key metrics related to succession plans.

This report displays the candidates who are ready now details.

This report displays the candidates with no readiness status details.

This report displays the candidate details.

This report displays the succession plan details.

This report provides the count of employees in various succession plans and
the corresponding count and percentage of employees at high risk of loss.
This report provides the count of employees in various readiness statuses for
the selected succession plans.
Performance and Potential 9-box grid is a talent management tool used during
the talent review process to assess talent pool by employee performance and
potential ratings.
This report displays the worker details for the selected band in the matrix or
table view.
Base Pay By Worker

Base Pay By Worker For Units

Base Pay Details By Worker

Budgets Overview

Budgets Overview For Worksheet Manager

Budgets Worksheet

Budgets Worksheet For Worksheet Manager

Compensation Allocation

Compensation Eligibility

Compensation Eligibility For Worksheet Manager

Compensation Eligible Salary and Performance Rating

Compensation Plan Cycle Details

Compensation Plan Details

Compensation Plan Structure

Component Count By Plan

Employee Count By Compa-Ratio

Employee Count By Quartile

Employee Count By Quintile

Estimated Walkaway Details

Overview Original Stocks

Salary Adjustment Amount By Components

Salary Amount By Age Band

Salary Amount By Ethnicity

Salary Amount By Ethnicity Exception

Salary Amount By Gender

Salary History By HR Action

Salary Overview

Stock Details By Manager

Stock Details By Year

Stock Details Unvested

Time Since Last Salary Change

Worker Grants By Year

Worksheet Manager Count

Worksheet Manager Count By Status

Worksheet Manager Details By Status

This report analyzes the compa ratio bands of the workers by the length of
service in the organization.
This report displays the calculated compa-ratio bands and the percentage of
workers in those bands.
Provides an overview of the overall budget amount and the allocated amounts
for each department as per the compensation plan.
This report is the detailed report invoked from Compensation Allocation by
Compensation Target to Actual provides an overview of the target
compensation amount and the amount allocated.
This report is the detailed report invoked from the Compensation Target to
Actual analysis.
Displays the number of high performing workers by salary adjustment
percentage. The top two rating levels are displayed.
Pay for Performance report provides an overview of the compensation
allocation to workers grouped by the performance rating.
This report displays the compensation amounts to each worker and the
average compensation amount for the specific performance rating.
This report analyzes the trend of salary adjustment by job, grade, country and
business unit for the years selected.
Displays details about salary bases that are active within a specified period of
time such as the frequency, annualization factor, annualized hours, component
usage, payroll element and input value used to pay the salary.
This report displays the trend of salary change percentage across the last 3
years starting from the current year.
This report displays the worker details related to the trend of salary change
percentage across the last 3 years starting from the current year.
Displays total adjustment amounts by salary component, the percentage of
total salaries the component comprises and the number of workers who
received an adjustment for the specific component.
Displays salary details for a set of workers such as their name, location, job,
grade, salary basis, currency, current salary amount, quartile, etc.
Salary Outliers report provides an overview of the count of workers by compa
ratio range and for each compa ratio range, the breakup of the workers by
performance rating.

This report is the detailed report invoked from the Salary Outlier report.
Salary Quartile report provides an overview of the count of workers by the
salary quartiles in which the workers fall into.

Detailed report invoked from the Salary Quartile report.

Displays award details by grant such as the grant name, date, grant price, total
shares granted, total grant value, exercise price and expiration date.
This report provides an overview of the number of workers that have not had a
salary adjustment in a compensation cycle
This detailed report shows the worker details like BU, department, location,
country along with the current base salary and the prior salary. These workers
have not had a salary raise in the compensation cycle.
This report provides totals of the percentage of activities completed on time

This report provides totals of all overdue activities

This report provides a total for the days since the last lost time injury was
This report provides details of the type of event and the hour of the day that
the event happened

This report provides details of incidents by age of the injured or ill person

This report provides totals for the number of incidents by event type

This report provides totals for the number of incidents by level of severity

This report provides totals for the number of incidents by level of severity

This reports provides a USA OSHA 300 template.

This report provides a USA OSHA 300A template

This report provides a USA OSHA 301 template

This report provides totals for the number of overdue activities by quarter
This report provides totals for the number overdue incidents by level of

This report provides totals for the number overdue investigations and actions
This report provides totals for the number of unsafe conditions by level of

Provides a Summary of Number of Absence Days in the Current and Next


Provides the headcount by employment category and system person type

Provides the full time and part time employee headcount, the contingent
headcount, the number of vacant openings, the headcount of pending workers
and future terminations and those workers currently absent.

Analysis accessed by the Position Incumbents Dashboard. Provides a list of

positions and the incumbents in each one as of a defined date. Filtering options
include business unit, department, job, grade, location, and whether the
incumbent is active or inactive.

Analysis accessed by the Position Occupancy Dashboard. Provides a list of

positions and the incumbents in each one as of a defined date. Filtering options
include business unit, department, job, grade, location, and whether the
incumbent is active or inactive.
Workforce assignment changes in the last 12 months and future assignment
This report displays the percentage of workers in the organization by calculated
age band.

Provides current assignment information for a selection of workers.

This report will be a matrix displaying the sum of the assignment headcount by
department and system person type.

Lists the active departments (HCM organizations).

Provides information of worker and their contract counts by status

This report displays the percentage of workers by their ethnicity.

This report displays the percentage of workers by gender.

This report displays the split between the gender counts for the selected

Lists the active salary grades.

Provides the turnover in the organization along with the other headcount

Details of the workers during the end of the period.

Details of the workers during the start of the period.

This report displays the headcount by various age bands of the employees.
Provides the counts for each of the Person Types like Employee, Contingent
Workers, etc against all the Employment Categories in the organization.
This report is a detailed report invoked from the Headcount by Employment
Category and Person Type on drill down.

Displays the hires, terminations, and promotions key metrics.

This report displays the hire details.

This report displays the promotion details.

This report displays the termination details.

Displays the headcount, FTE, part time, female employee percentage, and
female manager percentage key metrics.
This report displays the female employee details.

This report displays the female manager details.

This report displays the FTE details.

This report displays the headcount details.

This report displays the part time details.

This report displays the trend across the Headcount, FTE and Contingent
workers for the selected year. The headcount will be displayed by months of
the year.

Lists the active HCM jobs.

This report displays the new hires and terminations for the selected year by
each month.
This report displays the count of new hires by calculated age band and split by

This report displays the count of new hires by grade and split by gender.

Details of hire headcounts.

This report displays the count of terminations by calculated age band and split
by gender.

This report displays the terminations by grade and split by gender.

This report displays the percentage of workers in the organization by length of
service band.

Provides details of the locations setup in the organization.

Displays the monthly turnover trend in the organization. Can be analyzed by
using key turnover metrics like Termination Headcount, etc.

Lists the active HCM positions.

This report displays the count of promotions by calculated age band and split
by gender.

This report displays the promotions by grade and split by gender.

This analysis provides an overview of the employee diversity and their
respective headcount.
This report is a detailed report displaying the worker details invoked from
Team Diversity.
This report provides an overview of the terminated workers in the
This report is a detailed report displaying the worker details based on the
termination overview.
Displays the terminations statistics by various attributes like business unit,
location, grade and so on.
Provides information on the terminations to understand whether it was
voluntary or involuntary. Also gives an insight into the various reasons due to
which the terminations occurred in the organization

Details of the workers that have been terminated involuntary.

Details of the workers that have been terminated voluntary.

Details of the workers that have been terminated, either voluntary or
This is a detailed report displaying data from multiple subject areas. The
information in this report is sourced from Worker Assignment, Work
Relationship, and Salary Details Real Time subject areas.
This displays the worker details like person number, business unit, department
etc. for a specific HR Action, Year, Month.
This report provides an overview of the various events head count trends in the
organization like hires, promotions, transfers, terminations, rehires, etc. The
counts are viewed for one year grouped by Months.
This report provides an overview of the various events head count trends in the
organization like hires, promotions, transfers, terminations, rehires, etc. The
counts are viewed for one year grouped by Quarter.
This report provides an overview of the various events head count trending in
the organization like hires, promotions, transfers, terminations, rehires, etc.
The counts are viewed for the last 3 years grouped by Year.

Provides the total assignment headcount by department and employee

category (Employee, Contingent Worker, and so on).
Provides an overview of the employee diversity and their respective

Provides an Overview of the Terminated Workers in the Organization

Provides an overview of the employee details

Provides a trend of the headcount of various events in the organization like

hires, promotions, transfers, terminations, rehires, etc.
This report displays the top 5 learning items that have been abandoned by the
learners after starting it.
This report displays the details of the top 5 learning items that have been
abandoned by the learners after starting it.
This report displays the top 5 list of managers that have workers with
incomplete learning items beyond the due dates.
This report displays the details of workers with incomplete learning items
beyond the due dates.
This report provides a list of trainings with top 5 worker enrolments whose
start date is more than 30 days and the status is not started
This report provides a list of trainings with top 5 worker enrolments whose
start date is more than 30 days and the status is started but not completed
This report displays the count of all the learning items created in the
organization across various learning item types in the last 12 months.
This report displays the details of all the learning items created in the
organization across various learning item types in the last 12 months.
Provides information on the count of payroll flows in various status and details
of the payroll flows
Provides information of various scheduled processes
Provides information on the recent processes run

The costing report enables you to review cost allocations for each element.

The costing report enables you to review cost allocations Summary.

Provides payroll processing results by elements

Costing Reports

Element Register Report

Applications related KPIs for the Applications Page. Includes "# Active
Applications", "# New Applications", "# Applications per Requisition", "%
Internal Applications" and "# Referral Applications".
This report shows the listing of the applications received per job requisition. It
also shows other relevant information such as candidate details and number of
openings for that job requisition.
This report shows the distribution of candidate applications received from a
variety of different sources.
This report shows the listing of all internal applications that were received per
job requisition.

This report shows the listing of all new applications per job requisition.
This report shows the listing of all applications that were received through
referrals, per job requisition.
This report shows a breakdown of the job applications by diversity information
including gender, disability and veteran status.

This report breaks down job applications received through top 10 sources.

This report ranks the top 10 jobs where job application concentration is high.
This report ranks the top 10 previous employers as reported by candidates in
their job applications. Job applications where the previous employer name is
not indicated, is not included in the report.
This report shows the breakdown of the audiences targeted for a campaign by
measures like '# Bounced Messages', '# Opened Messages', '# Responses' and
so on.
This report shows a listing of all the candidates that applied for a job because
of the campaign.
This report shows a listing of all the candidates that referred a potential
prospect for a job because of the campaign.
This report shows a detailed view of the campaigns, their current statuses, the
purpose they serve and other relevant information like target goal value,
activation date and so on.

This report shows campaign performances based on critical email metrics.

Message opened rate is calculated as a percentage of # Opened messages to
the # Recipients. Campaign reach rate is calculated as a percentage of (#
Recipients - # Bounced messages - # Unsent messages) to the # Recipients.
Campaigns related KPIs for the Campaign & Source Tracking Page. Includes "#
Campaigns", "# Campaign Audiences", "# Conversions - Apply for Job" and "#
Conversions - Refer to Job".
This report shows a detailed listing of all the source-tracking job applications by
the source medium and name. The report also adds other relevant information
about the job requisition and the candidate.
Source-Tracking KPIs for the Campaign & Source Tracking Page. Includes "#
Source-Tracking Job Applications".
This report shows the top 10 campaigns ranked by the goal achievement rate
which is calculated as a percentage of the number of conversions to the target
goal value for that goal type.
This report ranks the top 10 total candidates received by source tracking
information, showing the breakup of candidates, prospects and candidate pool
This report ranks the top 10 source tracking information based on job
This report shows a detailed analysis of the hire situation starting in the offer
phase until the HR phase, by candidate selection processes adopted.
Hires related KPIs for the Hires Page. Includes "# Total Hires", "# Internal
Hires", "% Internal Hire Rate", "# Avg Time to Hire (Days)" and "# HR
This report shows a listing of all candidates who are currently in the 'HR' phase
and 'Processing' state.

This report shows a listing of all internal hires.

This report shows the hire rate, calculated as a percentage of number of hires
to number of applications received, by source. Note that this excludes
applications that were either rejected by employer or withdrawn by candidate
after moving to the HR phase.
This report shows the offer acceptance rate by compa-ratio brackets between
80% and 120%, in 5% increments. Offer acceptance rate is calculated as a
percentage of the number of offers that were accepted to the number of offers
that were extended.
This report shows a listing of the average time it took to hire a candidate since
the candidate created the job application.

This report shows the Top 10 previous employers for hired candidates.

This report shows a complete listing of all the active applications by job
requisition, candidates and the current phase and state the application is in.
This report shows a detailed listing of the workload of a given recruiter by
department and recruiting type. It shows all the job requisitions that this
recruiter owns and the current state they are in.

This report shows a complete listing of all the candidates whose application has
moved to the 'HR' phase and includes other relevant information such as 'Job
Offer Name', 'Offer Hiring Manager Full Name' and the current state the
application is in.
This report shows a complete listing of all the candidates whose application has
moved to the 'HR' phase and the Compa Ratio is greater than 100%, along with
relevant additional information about the salary offered.
This report displays the job offer acceptance rate for the top 10 offers that
were extended.
Applications, Offers and Hire related KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes "#
Active Applications", "% Offer Acceptance Rate", "#Total Hires" and "% Hire
with High Compa-Ratio".

Requisition KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes "# Requisitions per Recruiter".

This report shows a detailed listing of the workload of all recruiters by

departments. It shows the number of job requisitions they own and the
breakdown by job requisition statuses. The recruiter's name drills further down
to the "Recruiter Work Load Details" for the recruiter selected.
This report shows a detailed listing of the workload of a given recruiter by
department and recruiting type. It shows all the job requisitions that this
recruiter owns and the current state they are in.

This report displays the current recruiting pipeline using the classic funnel
view, where the target of the first stage is 5 times the end target. The number
of openings is the end target. Job requisitions meant for unlimited hire is
This report compares the time to hire metric with the headcount concentration
in top 10 areas where the hiring happens.
This report displays the job families having the top 10 number of openings.
Note that the job requisitions meant for unlimited hire and also those, where
the job family information is not provided, are excluded in the ranking.
This report shows a detailed listing of all the assessments along with counts of
how may are initiated, requested, started, and so on.
This report shows a listing of all assessment packages that are currently in
effect and is viewed by 'Partner Name' and 'Account User Name'.
This report shows the breakdown of Assessments Results by Assessment
Statuses, Bands, Percentiles and Scores.

This report shows a detailed listing of all the assessments with their results and
the breakdown of measures like "# Completed - Fail" and "# Completed - Pass".
This report shows # Background Checks, # Screenings by common HCM
dimensions, like Job Family, Department, Business Unit.
This report shows a detailed listing of the background checks that are
"Initiated", "In Progress", "Completed" or "Errored".
This report shows a listing of the duration it took for the background checks to
This report shows a listing of all job postings that had a posting error. The
report is viewed by 'Job Posting Partner' and 'Job Board' and displays job
posting date and the latest posting error message.
Partner Integration KPIs for the Partner Integrations Page. Includes "# Postings
in Error", "# Background Checks In Progress", "# Avg Background Check Time
(Days)", "# Assessments" and "Assessment Pass %".

This report shows the breakdown of Job Postings by Posting Statuses.

This report shows a listing of all screening packages that are currently in effect
and is viewed by 'Partner Name' and 'Account User Name'.
This report shows the Top 10 Assessment Packages ranked by # of Requisitions
that use them.
This report shows the Top 10 Job Boards/Job Posting Partners ranked by # Job
Requisition Postings.
This report shows the Top 10 Screening Packages/Background Check Partners
ranked by # of Background Checks Completed.
This report shows the current position of job requisitions in terms of where
they are at the moment, ranked by the number of openings yet to be filled. Job
requisitions meant for unlimited hire are excluded.
This report shows the time to fill (in days) a job requisition by job requisition
and the recruiter who owns the job requisition.
Job Requisition Posting KPIs for the Requisitions Page. Includes "# Job
Requisition Postings".
This report provides a listing of all job requisition postings by job posting
partners. It also provides relevant other information such as job requisition
title, who posted and the posting date.
This report shows the number of days an active job requisition is open since it
was created. It also shows additional details about the job requisition such as
job requisition title, its creation date, its current state and so on.

This report lists all the open job requisitions and provides relevant details such
as job requisition title, job start date, number of openings and its current state.

This report shows a comparative quarterly aging summary of job requisitions

created in a given quarter. Seasonal trends about job requisitions aging, if any,
should be easily identified through this report. Job requisitions meant for
unlimited hire are excluded.
Requisition Aging KPIs for the Requisitions Page. Includes "# Avg Time to Fill
Other Requisition related KPIs for the Requisitions Page. Includes "# Open
Requisitions", "# Requisitions per Recruiter" and "# Avg Days Open Since
This report shows the count of a variety of job requisition measures such as
'Total Openings', '# Currently in Approvals' and so on.

This report shows the top 10 recruiters in the organization ranked by the
number of job requisitions they own. As a comparison, the report also shows
the number of offers that got generated against those job requisitions through
the same recruiter.
This report shows the top 10 job requisitions broken down by their
active/inactive status and across various dimensions.
This report shows the listing of the applications that are currently in the 'Job
Offer' phase, and the number of days they are there.
This report lists the candidate job application identifiers whose job offers were
This report shows a listing of all job offers that were disqualified. It also shows
other relevant information such as job requisition title, candidate, the date
when the offer was disqualified and the reason for disqualifying.

This report shows the listing of the offers that are currently pending approvals.
This report shows the listing of recruiters (by department), who own an
application that is currently in the 'Offer' phase or above.

This report shows the current stages where job applications are in at this time,
and plots a simple line across to measure the target (the total number of
openings). Deviations of the bars from the line gives an interpretation of how
applications are being managed in the overall selection process. Job
requisitions meant for unlimited hire are excluded.
Selection and Offer related KPIs for the Selection & Offer Page. Includes "%
Offer Acceptance Rate", "# Avg Days in Offer Stage", "# Offers in Approval", "#
Offers per Recruiter" and "# Offers Disqualified".

This report displays the diversity aspect of the selection process, as they move
through the recruitment funnel. At each phase of the recruitment process,
percentage of drops or move-forwards can be seen by diversity attributes
including gender, disability or veteran status.

This report displays how internal & external candidates move through the
recruitment funnel. At each phase of the recruitment process, percentage of
drops or move-forwards can be seen by candidate types - internal or external.
This report shows the top 10 recruiters in the organization ranked by the
number of offers they produced.

This report highlights the top 10 known reasons by occurrence count why the
organization rejects candidates. The font size and color of the reason
represents the count of such occurrences where the rejection happened
because of that.

This report highlights the top 10 known reasons by occurrence count why the
candidate withdraws their applications. The font size and color of the reason
represents the count of such occurrences where the withdrawal happened
because of that.

Displays a count of time card status by time card period. This can be used to
analyze the proportion of actionable time cards to the overall number.
This report displays the key metrics related to employee timecards and the
corresponding hours.

This report displays the worker time card details.

This displays time entries which are ready or have already been transferred to
the Payroll time consumer. Provides visualization regarding what is pending
transfer, what has transferred successfully, and what is in error.
This displays time entries which are ready or have already been transferred to
the Project Costing time consumer. Provides visualization regarding what is
pending transfer, what has transferred successfully, and what is in error.
This report displays the number of workers, time cards, number of hours
logged by various work types in the organization.
Shows who has the most approved time cards by worker, manager, business
unit, or department.

Shows the completed time cards broken down by time card status.
Completed Time Cards related KPIs for the Completed Time Cards Page.
Includes "# Submitted Time Cards", "# Approved Time Cards" and "# Rejected
Time Cards".
Shows the Payroll time entries broken down by the derived time entry
This report shows the listing of the processed Payroll time entries by worker
and payroll time type.
This report shows the listing of the transferred Payroll time entries by worker
and payroll time type.
Shows the Projects time entries broken down by the derived time entry
This report shows the listing of the processed Projects time entries by worker
and project.
Shows who has the most rejected time cards by worker, manager, business
unit, or department.
Shows who has the most submitted time cards by worker, manager, business
unit, or department.
Time Consumer Entries related KPIs for the Completed Time Cards Page.
Includes "% Projects Time Entries Transferred", "% Payroll Time Entries
Transferred" and "% Payroll Time Entries Processed".

This report shows the listing of the approved time cards by worker.

Shows all existing time cards by time card period.

Shows all existing time cards by time card status.

This report shows the listing of the existing time cards by worker.

Shows the total of existing time cards plus missing time cards, broken down by
time card status. Time entries that exist or should exist are used to identify
which time cards exist during the selected time period. Time entries that exist
in a time card that straddles the selected view by option of year, quarter, or
month, may count towards both periods.
Shows who's missing the most time cards by worker, manager, business unit,
or department.

This reports displays the missing time cards by the time card period.

This report shows the listing of the missing time cards by worker.
Time Cards related KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes "# Time Cards in
Progress", "# Approved Time Cards", "# Rejected Time Cards", "# Missing Time
Cards" and "# Expected Time Cards".

This report shows the listing of the rejected time cards by worker.
This report returns the dates selected per "Time Card Details" dashboard page

This report shows the listing of the time cards in progress by worker.

Shows the top 5 compliance exceptions by occurrence. The font size and color
of the exception represents the total occurrences of each exception type.

This report shows the listing of the allowed time entry exceptions by worker.

This report shows the listing of the open time cards by worker.

Shows which expenditure types or payroll time types, are processed most.
Shows which absence types, expenditure types or payroll time types, are
reported most.

This report shows the listing of the submitted time cards by worker.
Shows the time cards currently being processed broken down by time card

Time Cards in Progress related KPIs for the Time Cards in Progress Page.
Includes "# Submitted Time Cards", "# Open Time Cards (Not Submitted or
Approved)", "% Submitted to Open Time Cards" and "# Time Cards with

This report shows the listing of the time cards with exceptions by worker.

Shows the absence and labor time entries by the source.

Time Entry Exceptions related KPI for the Time Cards in Progress Page. Includes
"# Time Entry Exceptions".

This report shows the listing of the time entry exceptions by worker.
Shows the top 5 change audit reasons by occurrence count. The font size and
color of the reason represents the total occurrences of each reason.

Shows the top 5 time entry exceptions by occurrence count. The font size and
color of the exception represents the total occurrences of each exception type.

This report shows the listing of the allowed device event exceptions by worker.
Shows who has the most device event exceptions by worker, manager,
business unit, or department.

Device Event Exceptions related KPIs for the Time Device Events Page. Includes
"# Device Event Exceptions" and "# Allowed Device Event Exceptions".

This report shows the listing of the device event exceptions by worker.

Shows the device events.

Shows the device events by event type.

Device Events for Today related KPIs for the Time Device Events Page. Includes
"# Device Events for Today" and "# Workers Clocked in Today".

This report shows the listing of the device events for today.
Device Events related KPIs for the Time Device Events Page. Includes "# Device
Events" and "# Device Events not Processed".

This report shows the listing of the device events by worker.

This report shows the listing of the device events not processed.
Shows the top 5 device event exceptions by occurrence count. The font size
and color of the exception represents the total occurrences of each exception

This report shows the listing of the workers who clocked in today.
Displays the number of transactions in the system and their current status such
as if they are completed, pending, or failed. The admin should be able to click
on the chart and drill down to get a complete list of the transactions in a
particular status.
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components

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Samples/Report Components

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Samples/Report Components

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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
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Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
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/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
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Samples/Absence Breakdown
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absence Calendar
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absence Details
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absence Metrics

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Absence Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absence Top Employees
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Samples/Absence Trend
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Samples/Absence Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absence Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absence Type Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Absences for Today and Tomorrow

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/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Benefits Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Benefit Element
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Benefits Enrollment
Defaulted or Enrolled with Authorization (Disclaimer) check
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Benefits Open
Enrollment Disclaimer Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Benefits Open
Enrollment Without Disclaimer Check
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Participant Enrollment
Results - Weekly Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Totals By Life Event -
Weekly Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Totals By Life Event
Name For Potential Life Events - Weekly Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Totals By Life Event
Status For Potential Life Events - Weekly Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Transactional Analysis Samples/Totals By Locations For
Potential Life Events - Weekly Report
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/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Career
Preference Summary
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Development Goals by Goal Status
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Development Goals Created vs Not Created
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Employee
Competency Summary
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Identify
Risk of Loss Reasons
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Identify
Top Talent (using Performance and Potential)
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Percent of
Performance Document by Status
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Percent of
Workers Aligned with Organization Goals
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Performance Calibration
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Performance Document Created vs Not Created
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Performance Document Rating Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Performance Document Status
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Performance Goals by Goal Status
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Performance Goals Created vs Not Created

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Profile KPI

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Profile
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Succession Plan KPI
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Succession Plans Candidates at High Risk of Loss
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Succession Plans Candidates by Readiness
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional Analysis Samples/Talent
Performance by Potential Matrix
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process Dashboards/Business Process
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard For
Worksheet Manager
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard For
Worksheet Manager
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard For
Worksheet Manager
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard For
Worksheet Manager
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Compensation Business Process Dashboard For
Worksheet Manager
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Compa-Ratio by
Length of Service
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Compa-Ratio by
Worker Count
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Compensation
Target to Actual
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Compensation
Target to Actual/Compensation Allocation by Department
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/High Performers
Salary Adjustment
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Pay for
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary
Adjustment Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary Basis
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary Change
Percent Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary Details

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary Outliers

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Salary Quartile

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Stock Details

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis Samples/Workers
Without Salary Adjustment
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and Safety/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Health And Safety Business Process Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/OSHA Reporting
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/OSHA Reporting

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Active Processes Dashboard

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples/Age
Band Diversity
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Assignment Details
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Assignment Headcount by Department
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Department Details
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Employee Ethnicity
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Gender Diversity
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples/Grade
by Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples/Grade
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Headcount Activity
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Headcount by Age Profile
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Headcount by Employee Category and Person Type
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Headcount KPI
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Headcount Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples/Job
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Joiners and Leavers
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Joiners by Age Band and Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Joiners by Grade and Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Leavers by Age Band and Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Leavers by Grade and Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Length of Service Diversity
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Location Details
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Monthly Turnover and Termination Trend
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Position Details
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Position Incumbents Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Position Occupancy Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Promotions by Age Band and Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Promotions by Grade and Gender
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis Samples/Team
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Terminations Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Turnover Analysis
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Turnover by Termination Category and Reason
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Workers Detailed Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Workforce Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Workforce Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Workforce Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Active Processes Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Abandoned Trainings -
Top 5
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Managers with
Overdue Workers - Top 5
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis Samples/Trainings Created in
Last 12 Months

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Payroll Flow Details Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis Samples/Costing Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis Samples/Element Register

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Recruit to Hire Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report


/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Completed Time Cards

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Time Cards in Progress
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Components/Time Device Events

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Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report
Components/Time Device Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report

Components/Time Device Events
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Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Line Manager Dashboard
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/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Time Card Details Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Time Card Details Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/_portal/Time Card Details Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Time Cards By
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Time Collection
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Time Entry
Transfer Status (Payroll)
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Time Entry
Transfer Status (Project Costing)
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis Samples/Work Type
/shared/Human Capital Management/Transaction Administration/Embedded Content/Report
/shared/Human Capital Management/Transaction Administration/Embedded Content/Transaction
Product Report Name

Absence Absence Calendar

Absence Calendar Direct Reports Current
Absence Month

Absence Absence Calendar Direct Reports Next Month

Absence Absences by Month(Current / Next Month)

Absence Absences By Type and Plan

Absence Absences by Month(Current / Next Month)

Absence Absence Breakdown

Absence Absence Details

Absence Absence Metrics

Absence Metrics - Absences Days to Date
Absence Details

Absence Absence Metrics - Number of Absences Details

Absence Metrics - Planned Absence Days
Absence Details

Absence Absence Overview

Absence Absence Overview Details

Absence Absence Top Employees

Absence Absence Trend by Month

Absence Absence Trend by Quarter

Absence Absence Trend by Year

Absence Absence Trend Details

Absence Absence Type Trend

Absence Absences for Today and Tomorrow

Absence Top 5 - Absence Count By Absence Reason

Absence Accrual Balance By Plan Type

Absence Top 5 Employees with High Accrual Balance

Benefits # Of Action Items

Benefits # Of Legal Disclaimers By Life Event and Status

Benefits # Of Life Events

Benefits Enrollment Defaulted or Enrolled with
Benefits Authorization (Disclaimer) check

Benefits Benefits Open Enrollment Disclaimer Report

Benefits Open Enrollment Without Disclaimer
Benefits Check

Benefits Totals By Life Event

Benefits Billing Details

Benefits Court Orders

Benefits # Of Enrollments
# Of Enrollments by Program, Plan Type, Plan,
Benefits Plan Option

Benefits # Participants Costs

Benefits Benefit Element Report

Benefits Benefit Element Report Details

Benefits Participant Enrollment Results

Participation Costs by Program, Plan Type, Plan,
Benefits Plan Option
Totals By Life Event Name For Potential Life
Benefits Events
Totals By Life Event Status For Potential Life
Benefits Events

Benefits Totals By Locations For Potential Life Events

Benefits Benefit Element Report

Benefits Benefit Element Report Details

Career -
Performance Performance Document Created vs Not Created

Career -
Performance Percent of Performance Document by Status
Career -
Performance Performance Document Status
Career -
Performance Performance Document Status Worker Details
Career -
Performance Performance Calibration
Career -
Performance Performance Calibration Worker Details

Career -
Performance Performance Document Rating Distribution

Career -
Performance Identify Risk of Loss Reasons Detail Report
Career -
Performance Identify Risk of Loss Reasons Report

Career - Identify Top Talent (using Performance and

Performance Potential) Report

Career - Succession Succession Plan KPI

Succession Plan KPI - Candidates Ready Now
Career - Succession Details
Succession Plan KPI - Candidates with No
Career - Succession Readiness Status Details
Succession Plan KPI - Number of Candidates
Career - Succession Details

Career - Succession Succession Plan KPI - Plan Details

Career - Succession Succession Plans Candidates at High Risk of Loss

Career - Succession Succession Plans Candidates by Readiness

Career - Talent
Review Talent Performance by Potential Matrix
Career - Talent
Review Talent Performance by Potential Matrix Details

Career- Goals Organization Goals Alignment Worker Details

Percent of Workers Aligned with Organization
Career- Goals Goals

Career- Goals Development Goals by Goal Status

Career- Goals Development Goals Created vs Not Created

Career- Goals Performance Goals by Goal Status

Career- Goals Performance Goals Created vs Not Created

Percent of Workers Aligned with Organization
Career- Goals Goals

Career -Profiles Career Preference Summary

Career -Profiles Employee Competency Summary

Career -Profiles Profile KPI

Career -Profiles Profile KPI - High Risk of Loss Details

Career -Profiles Profile KPI - Ready for Domestic Travel Details

Career -Profiles Profile KPI - Ready for Flexible Hours Details

Profile KPI - Willing to International Travel
Career -Profiles Details
Career -Profiles Profile KPI - Willing to Relocate Details

Career -Profiles Profile KPI - Worker Profile Details

Career -Profiles Profile Summary

Compensation Employee Count By Compa-Ratio

Compensation Employee Count By Quartile

Compensation Employee Count By Quintile

Compensation Salary Adjustment Amount By Components

Compensation Salary Amount By Age Band

Compensation Salary Amount By Ethnicity

Compensation Salary Amount By Ethnicity Exception

Compensation Salary Amount By Gender

Compensation Salary Overview

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Length of Service

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Worker Count

Compensation High Performers Salary Adjustment

Compensation Salary Basis Report

Compensation Salary Components Report

Compensation Salary Detail Report

Compensation Salary History By HR Action

Compensation Time Since Last Salary Change

Compensation Salary Adjustment Trend

Compensation Salary Change Percent Trend

Compensation Salary Change Percent Trend Details

Compensation Estimated Walkaway Details

Compensation Overview Original Stocks

Compensation Stock Details By Manager

Compensation Stock Details By Year

Compensation Stock Details Unvested

Compensation Worker Grants By Year

Compensation Stock Detail Report

Compensation Budgets Overview

Compensation Budgets Overview For Worksheet Manager

Compensation Budgets Worksheet

Compensation Budgets Worksheet For Worksheet Manager

Compensation Compensation Allocation by Department

Compensation Compensation Allocation Worker Details

Compensation Base Pay By Worker

Compensation Base Pay By Worker For Units

Compensation Base Pay Details By Worker

Compensation Compensation Allocation

Compensation Compensation Eligibility

Compensation Eligibility For Worksheet
Compensation Manager
Compensation Eligible Salary and Performance
Compensation Rating

Compensation Compensation Plan Cycle Details

Compensation Compensation Plan Details

Compensation Compensation Plan Structure

Compensation Component Count By Plan

Compensation Worksheet Manager Count

Compensation Worksheet Manager Count By Status

Compensation Worksheet Manager Details By Status

Compensation Compensation Allocation Worker Details

Compensation Compensation Target to Actual

Compensation Compensation Target to Actual Worker Details

Compensation Pay for Performance

Compensation Pay for Performance Worker Details

Compensation Salary Outliers

Compensation Salary Outliers Worker Details

Compensation Salary Quartile

Compensation Salary Quartile Details

Compensation Workers Without Salary Adjustment

Compensation Workers Without Salary Adjustment Details

Compensation Compa-Ratio by Length of Service

Compensation Salary Outliers Worker Details

Health & Safety % of Activities Completed On Time

Health & Safety All Activties Overdue

Health & Safety Days Since Last Lost Time Injury

Health & Safety Events by type and hour of the day

Health & Safety Incidents by Age of Injured

Health & Safety Incidents By Event Type

Health & Safety Incidents by Level of Severity

Health & Safety Incidents by Level of Severity Tile

Health & Safety OSHA 300

Health & Safety OSHA 300A

Health & Safety OSHA 301

Health & Safety Overdue Activities by Quarter

Health & Safety Overdue Incidents by Level of Severity

Overdue Incidents Events Investigations and
Health & Safety Actions

Health & Safety Unsafe Conditions Incidents by Level of Severity

Human Resources Workers Detailed Report

Human Resources Headcount and Mobility by Department

Human Resources Employee Contract Department

Human Resources Grade Details

Human Resources Position Details

Human Resources Position Incumbents

Human Resources Position Occupancy

Human Resources Headcount and Mobility by Department

Human Resources Length of Service Diversity

Human Resources Headcount KPI

Human Resources Headcount KPI - Hire Details

Human Resources Headcount KPI - Promotion Details

Human Resources Headcount KPI - Termination Details

Human Resources Joiners and Leavers

Human Resources Joiners by Age Band and Gender

Human Resources Joiners by Grade and Gender

Human Resources Joiners Detail

Human Resources Leavers by Age Band and Gender

Human Resources Leavers by Grade and Gender

Human Resources Promotions by Age Band and Gender

Human Resources Promotions by Grade and Gender

Human Resources Terminations Overview

Human Resources Terminations Worker Details

Human Resources Workforce Event Details

Human Resources Workforce Events by Month

Human Resources Workforce Events by Quarter

Human Resources Workforce Events by Year

Human Resources Headcount and Mobility by Department

Human Resources Workforce Mobility

Human Resources Organization Goals Alignment Worker Details

Human Resources Age Band Diversity

Human Resources Assignment Details

Human Resources Assignment Headcount by Department

Human Resources Department Details

Human Resources Employee Ethnicity

Human Resources Gender Diversity

Human Resources Grade by Gender

Human Resources Headcount by Age Profile

Headcount by Employee Category and Person

Human Resources Type
Headcount by Employee Category and Person
Human Resources Type Details

Human Resources Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment

Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment -
Human Resources Female Employee Details
Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment -
Human Resources Female Manager Details
Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - FTE
Human Resources Details
Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment -
Human Resources Headcount Details
Headcount KPI - Workforce Assignment - Part
Human Resources Time Details

Human Resources Job Details

Human Resources Locations Details

Human Resources Team Diversity

Human Resources Team Diversity Details

Human Resources Workers Detailed Report

Human Resources Head Count

Human Resources Headcount and Mobility by Department

Human Resources Position Incumbents

Human Resources Position Occupancy

Human Resources Headcount Activity

Human Resources Headcount Activity Period End Details

Human Resources Headcount Activity Period Start Details

Human Resources Headcount Trend

Human Resources Monthly Turnover and Termination Trend

Human Resources Turnover Analysis

Human Resources Turnover by Termination Category and Reason

Human Resources Turnover Involuntary Worker Details

Human Resources Turnover Voluntary Worker Details

Human Resources Turnover Worker Details

Learning Abandoned Trainings - Top 5

Learning Abandoned Trainings - Top 5 Details

Learning Managers with Overdue Workers - Top 5

Learning Managers with Overdue Workers Details - Top 5

Learning No Shows Trainings - Top 5

Learning Overdue Trainings - Top 5

Learning Trainings Created in Last 12 Months

Learning Trainings Created in Last 12 Months Details

Payroll Payroll Flow Details

Payroll Processes in progress
Payroll Recent Submissions

Payroll Costing Detail Report

Payroll Costing Summary Report

Payroll Element Register Report

Recruiting Hire Analysis by Application Flow

Recruiting Hire KPIs

Recruiting Offer Acceptance Rate by Compa Ratio

Recruiting Time To Hire Listing

Recruiting Hires Listing with High Compa-Ratio

Recruiting Offer Acceptance Rate

Recruiting Overview KPIs

Recruiting Recruitment Pipeline

Recruiting Time to Hire by Headcount Distribution

Recruiting Applications in Offer Stage

Recruiting Offer Disqualified Listing

Recruiting Recruitment Pipeline Stages

Recruiting Select & Offer KPIs

Recruiting Selection Process Diversity

Recruiting Selection Process Internal vs External

Recruiting Top 10 Reasons for Rejection

Recruiting Top 10 Reasons for Withdrawal

Recruiting Application KPIs

Recruiting Applications by Requisition

Recruiting Applications by Source

Recruiting Internal Applications Listing

Recruiting New Applications Listing

Recruiting Referral Applications Listing

Recruiting Top 10 Application Diversity

Recruiting Top 10 Application Sources

Recruiting Top 10 Jobs Attracting Candidates

Recruiting Top 10 Previous Employers for Applications

Recruiting Source-Tracking Job Applications Listing

Recruiting Source-Tracking KPIs

Recruiting Top 10 Candidate Source-Tracking

Recruiting Top 10 Job Application Source-Tracking

Recruiting Hire Analysis by Application Flow

Recruiting Hire KPIs

Recruiting HR Processing Listing

Recruiting Internal Hires Listing

Recruiting New Hires by Source

Recruiting Offer Acceptance Rate by Compa Ratio

Recruiting Time To Hire Listing

Recruiting Top 10 Previous Employers for Hires

Recruiting Active Applications Listing

Recruiting All Recruiter Work Load Details

Recruiting Hires Listing

Recruiting Hires Listing with High Compa-Ratio

Recruiting Offer Acceptance Rate

Recruiting Overview KPIs

Recruiting Overview Requisition KPIs

Recruiting Recruiter Work Load

Recruiting Recruiter Work Load Details

Recruiting Recruitment Pipeline

Recruiting Time to Hire by Headcount Distribution

Recruiting Top 10 Openings per Job Families

Recruiting Assessment Detail Listing

Recruiting Assessment Packages In Effect by Partners

Recruiting Assessment Results Breakdown Details

Recruiting Assessment Results Detail Listing

Recruiting Background Checks and Screenings

Recruiting Background Checks Detail Listing

Recruiting Background Checks Duration Listing

Recruiting Job Postings In Error Listing

Recruiting Partner Integrations KPIs

Recruiting Postings Breakdown By Statuses

Recruiting Screening Packages In Effect by Partners

Recruiting Top 10 Assessment Packages by # Requisitions

Top 10 Job Boards/Partners by # Job Requisition
Recruiting Postings
Top 10 Screening Packages/Partners by #
Recruiting Background Checks Completed

Current Requisition Snapshot by Top 10

Recruiting Openings to be Filled

Recruiting Job Requisition Details

Recruiting Job Requisition Posting KPIs

Recruiting Job Requisition Postings Listing

Recruiting Open Requisitions Aging-Detail by Recruiter

Recruiting Open Requisitions Listing

Recruiting Requisition Aging

Recruiting Requisition Aging KPIs

Recruiting Requisition KPIs

Recruiting Requisition Snapshot

Recruiting Top 10 Requisition Recruiters

Recruiting Top 10 Requisitions Breakdown

Recruiting Applications in Offer Stage

Recruiting Disqualified Offers

Recruiting Offer Disqualified Listing

Recruiting Offers in Approval

Recruiting Offers Recruiter Listing

Recruiting Recruitment Pipeline Stages

Recruiting Select & Offer KPIs

Recruiting Selection Process Diversity

Recruiting Selection Process Internal vs External

Recruiting Top 10 Offer Recruiters

Recruiting Top 10 Reasons for Rejection

Recruiting Top 10 Reasons for Withdrawal

Recruiting Campaign Audience Breakdown

Recruiting Campaign Conversions Listing - Apply for Job

Recruiting Campaign Conversions Listing - Refer to Job

Recruiting Campaign Details

Recruiting Campaign Performance by Email Metrics

Recruiting Campaigns KPIs

Recruiting Source-Tracking Job Applications Listing

Recruiting Source-Tracking KPIs

Recruiting Top 10 Campaign Goal Achievement

Recruiting Top 10 Candidate Source-Tracking

Recruiting Top 10 Job Application Source-Tracking

Recruiting Time to Hire by Headcount Distribution

Time & Labor Payroll Time Entries by Status

Time & Labor Payroll Time Entries Processed Listing

Time & Labor Payroll Time Entries Transferred Listing

Time & Labor Projects Time Entries by Status

Time & Labor Projects Time Entries Transferred Listing

Time & Labor Time Consumer Entries KPI

Time & Labor Processed Hours

Time & Labor Time Entry Transfer Status (Payroll)

Time & Labor Time Entry Transfer Status (Project Costing)

Time & Labor Approved Time Cards

Time & Labor Completed Time Cards by Status

Time & Labor Completed Time Cards KPI

Time & Labor Rejected Time Cards

Time & Labor Submitted Time Cards

Time & Labor Approved Time Cards Listing

Time & Labor Existing Time Cards by Period

Time & Labor Existing Time Cards by Status

Time & Labor Existing Time Cards Listing

Time & Labor Expected Time Cards

Time & Labor Overview KPI

Time & Labor Rejected Time Cards Listing

Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress Listing

Time & Labor Allowed Time Entry Exceptions Listing

Time & Labor Open Time Cards Listing

Time & Labor Reported Hours

Time & Labor Submitted Time Cards Listing

Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress by Status

Time & Labor Time Cards in Progress KPI

Time & Labor Time Cards with Exceptions Listing

Time & Labor Time Entries by Source

Time & Labor Time Entry Exceptions KPI

Time & Labor Time Entry Exceptions Listing

Time & Labor Top 5 Change Audit Reasons

Time & Labor Top 5 Time Entry Exceptions

Time & Labor Allowed Device Event Exceptions Listing

Time & Labor Device Event Exceptions

Time & Labor Device Event Exceptions KPI

Time & Labor Device Event Exceptions Listing

Time & Labor Top 5 Device Event Exceptions

Time & Labor Time Cards By Status

Time & Labor Time Collection Monitor

Time Collection Monitor - Worker Time Card
Time & Labor Details

Time & Labor Work Type Summary

Time & Labor Device Events

Time & Labor Device Events by Event Type

Time & Labor Device Events for Today KPI

Time & Labor Device Events for Today Listing

Time & Labor Device Events KPI

Time & Labor Device Events Listing

Time & Labor Device Events not Processed Listing

Time & Labor Workers Clocked in Today Listing

Time & Labor Expected Time Cards

Time & Labor Missing Time Cards

Time & Labor Missing Time Cards by Period

Time & Labor Missing Time Cards Listing

Time & Labor Overview KPI

Time & Labor Top 5 Compliance Exceptions

Time & Labor Selected Time Card Dates

Administration Transaction Summary
OTBI (Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence) Subject Areas


Displays real time information on worker absences by calendar days.

Provides absence information of the direct reports for the logged in
Provides absence information of the indirect reports for the logged in
Provides a Summary of Number of Absence Days in the Current and Next

Provide the Absence Count by Absence Types and Absence Plan

Provides a Summary of Number of Absence Days in the Current and Next
Displays the employee absences by various dimensions in a tree map
Provides a summary of absences by category and manager hierarchy for
the user's direct reports

This report displays the key metrics related to employee absences.

This report displays the absence days to date details.

This report displays the number of absences details.

This report displays the planned absence days details.

This report provides an overview of the employee absences. Absence
metrics like number of Absences, Absence days can be viewed by BU,
Manager, Location, Department, etc.

This lists the worker details, and the absence details in a tabular format.

This report displays the employees with top 5 absences.

This report provides trending of various absences in the organization like
vacation, holiday, maternity, sick leave etc. The trends are viewed for a
year grouped by Months.
This report provides trending of various absences in the organization like
vacation, holiday, maternity, sick leave etc. The trends are viewed for a
year grouped by Quarter.
This report provides trending of various absences in the organization like
vacation, holiday, maternity, sick leave etc. The trends are viewed for the
last 3 years.
The detailed report is invoked for a specific Absence Type.

Displays the absence trend by quarters for the selected years.

This report displays the number of absentees as of today and tomorrow.

Provides the details of top 5 Absence Reasons

Provides Accrual Balance By Plan Type

Provides information of the employees with top 5 accrual balances

This analysis provides the count of open action items

This analysis provides the count of legal disclaimers by life event.

This analysis provides a list of life events, their counts by the occurred
This report shows explicit enrollment of people who have accepted the
If disclaimer is set up for open enrollment, this report will list out all the
people who have accepted/not accepted the disclaimer.
This report checks for explicit enrollment. i.e If someone has explicitly
gone and made enrollments or let the defaults take precedence.

This is a summary report based on person life events.

This analysis provides details of the number of bills, average billing and
total billing by each month.

This analysis provides the count of court orders.

This analysis provides the count of the number of enrollments

This analysis provides the count of enrolments and dependents filtered by
program, plan type, plan and option.

This analysis provides the participants enrolment cost.

This report will extract enrollment data with true payroll elements and
their costs. Note: Requires benefits and payroll data roles to view.
The details of enrollment data with true payroll elements and their costs.
Note: Requires benefits and payroll data roles to view.
This report provides details of participants enrolled\de-enrolled due to a
life event that was processed.
This analysis provides participation Costs by Program, Plan Type, Plan,
Plan Option
This report provides details of totals by life event name for potential life

This report provides summary of totals by status for potential life events.

This report provides totals by locations for potential life events.

This report will extract enrollment data with true payroll elements and
their costs. Note: Requires benefits and payroll data roles to view.
The details of enrollment data with true payroll elements and their costs.
Note: Requires benefits and payroll data roles to view.
This report displays the workers that have created or not created the
performance appraisal document for the selected year and document
period name.

This report displays the distribution of performance document by various

statuses analyzed by dimensions country, department and business unit.
This report provides an overview of the count of workers against each
status of the performance document.
This report provides details of the workers based on the performance
document status chosen in the 'Performance Document Status' report.
This report provides an overview of the performance ratings distribution
across the organization.
This report provides details of the workers with or without performance
ratings for a performance document.
This report displays the distribution of workers by ratings for the selected
performance document period name. Both target and actual ratings
distribution is displayed.
This report is invoked on drill down from the main report. Provides the
worker details that are at risk of loss. The details are provided for each
performance appraisal period and the risk reason.
Provides the count of workers that are at risk of loss. The count is
aggregated by the performance appraisal period and the risk reason.
Provides details of the workers that are identified as having high potential
and performance. The report is rendered for the performance appraisal
period specified.

This report provides the key metrics related to succession plans.

This report displays the candidates who are ready now details.

This report displays the candidates with no readiness status details.

This report displays the candidate details.

This report displays the succession plan details.

This report provides the count of employees in various succession plans
and the corresponding count and percentage of employees at high risk of
This report provides the count of employees in various readiness statuses
for the selected succession plans.
Performance and Potential 9-box grid is a talent management tool used
during the talent review process to assess talent pool by employee
performance and potential ratings.
This report displays the worker details for the selected band in the matrix
or table view.
This report is the detailed report invoked from the '% of Workers aligned
with goals' analysis.
This report provides an overview of the percent of workers aligned with
the organization goals in the organization.

Displays the count and percentage of development goals by goal status.

This report displays the workers that have created or not created the
development goals for the selected year.

Displays the count and percentage of performance goals by goal status.

This report displays the workers that have created or not created the
performance goals for the selected year.
This report provides an overview of the percent of workers aligned with
the organization goals in the organization.
This report provides the counts of employees by various stages of the
readiness of their next career move.
This report provides the counts of employees by various competencies
and the expertise

This report provides key metrics related to worker profiles.

This report displays the workers at high risk of loss details.

This report displays the workers ready for domestic travel details.

This report displays the workers ready for flexible hours details.

This report displays the workers ready for international travel details.
This report displays the worker willing to relocate details.

This report displays the worker profile details.

This report provides the counts analyzed by various profiles like degrees,
languages, competencies, etc.

Employee Count By Compa-Ratio

Employee Count By Quartile

Employee Count By Quintile

Salary Adjustment Amount By Components

Salary Amount By Age Band

Salary Amount By Ethnicity

Salary Amount By Ethnicity Exception

Salary Amount By Gender

Salary Overview
This report analyzes the compa ratio bands of the workers by the length
of service in the organization.
This report displays the calculated compa-ratio bands and the percentage
of workers in those bands.
Displays the number of high performing workers by salary adjustment
percentage. The top two rating levels are displayed.

Displays details about salary bases that are active within a specified
period of time such as the frequency, annualization factor, annualized
hours, component usage, payroll element and input value used to pay the
Displays total adjustment amounts by salary component, the percentage
of total salaries the component comprises and the number of workers
who received an adjustment for the specific component.

Displays salary details for a set of workers such as their name, location,
job, grade, salary basis, currency, current salary amount, quartile, etc.

Salary History By HR Action

Time Since Last Salary Change
This report analyzes the trend of salary adjustment by job, grade, country
and business unit for the years selected.
This report displays the trend of salary change percentage across the last
3 years starting from the current year.

This report displays the worker details related to the trend of salary
change percentage across the last 3 years starting from the current year.

Estimated Walkaway Details

Overview Original Stocks

Stock Details By Manager

Stock Details By Year

Stock Details Unvested

Worker Grants By Year

Displays award details by grant such as the grant name, date, grant price,
total shares granted, total grant value, exercise price and expiration date.

Budgets Overview

Budgets Overview For Worksheet Manager

Budgets Worksheet

Budgets Worksheet For Worksheet Manager

Provides an overview of the overall budget amount and the allocated
amounts for each department as per the compensation plan.
This report is the detailed report invoked from Compensation Allocation
by Department

Base Pay By Worker

Base Pay By Worker For Units

Base Pay Details By Worker

Compensation Allocation

Compensation Eligibility

Compensation Eligibility For Worksheet Manager

Compensation Eligible Salary and Performance Rating

Compensation Plan Cycle Details

Compensation Plan Details

Compensation Plan Structure

Component Count By Plan

Worksheet Manager Count

Worksheet Manager Count By Status

Worksheet Manager Details By Status

This report is the detailed report invoked from Compensation Allocation
by Department
Compensation Target to Actual provides an overview of the target
compensation amount and the amount allocated.
This report is the detailed report invoked from the Compensation Target
to Actual analysis.
Pay for Performance report provides an overview of the compensation
allocation to workers grouped by the performance rating.
This report displays the compensation amounts to each worker and the
average compensation amount for the specific performance rating.
Salary Outliers report provides an overview of the count of workers by
compa ratio range and for each compa ratio range, the breakup of the
workers by performance rating.

This report is the detailed report invoked from the Salary Outlier report.
Salary Quartile report provides an overview of the count of workers by
the salary quartiles in which the workers fall into.

Detailed report invoked from the Salary Quartile report.

This report provides an overview of the number of workers that have not
had a salary adjustment in a compensation cycle
This detailed report shows the worker details like BU, department,
location, country along with the current base salary and the prior salary.
These workers have not had a salary raise in the compensation cycle.
This report analyzes the compa ratio bands of the workers by the length
of service in the organization.

This report is the detailed report invoked from the Salary Outlier report.
This report provides totals of the percentage of activities completed on

This report provides totals of all overdue activities

This report provides a total for the days since the last lost time injury was
This report provides details of the type of event and the hour of the day
that the event happened

This report provides details of incidents by age of the injured or ill person

This report provides totals for the number of incidents by event type

This report provides totals for the number of incidents by level of severity

This report provides totals for the number of incidents by level of severity

This reports provides a USA OSHA 300 template.

This report provides a USA OSHA 300A template

This report provides a USA OSHA 301 template

This report provides totals for the number of overdue activities by quarter
This report provides totals for the number overdue incidents by level of
This report provides totals for the number overdue investigations and
This report provides totals for the number of unsafe conditions by level of

This is a detailed report displaying data from multiple subject areas.The

information in this report is sourced from Worker Assignment, Work
Relationship, and Salary Details Real Time subject areas.
Provides the full time and part time employee headcount, the contingent
headcount, the number of vacant openings, the headcount of pending
workers and future terminations and those workers currently absent.

Provides information of worker and their contract counts by status

Lists the active salary grades.

Lists the active HCM positions.

Analysis accessed by the Position Incumbents Dashboard. Provides a list

of positions and the incumbents in each one as of a defined date. Filtering
options include business unit, department, job, grade, location, and
whether the incumbent is active or inactive.

Analysis accessed by the Position Occupancy Dashboard. Provides a list of

positions and the incumbents in each one as of a defined date. Filtering
options include business unit, department, job, grade, location, and
whether the incumbent is active or inactive.

Provides the full time and part time employee headcount, the contingent
headcount, the number of vacant openings, the headcount of pending
workers and future terminations and those workers currently absent.
This report displays the percentage of workers in the organization by
length of service band.

Displays the hires, terminations, and promotions key metrics.

This report displays the hire details.

This report displays the promotion details.

This report displays the termination details.

This report displays the new hires and terminations for the selected year
by each month.
This report displays the count of new hires by calculated age band and
split by gender.

This report displays the count of new hires by grade and split by gender.

Details of hire headcounts.

This report displays the count of terminations by calculated age band and
split by gender.
This report displays the terminations by grade and split by gender.
This report displays the count of promotions by calculated age band and
split by gender.

This report displays the promotions by grade and split by gender.

This report provides an overview of the terminated workers in the
This report is a detailed report displaying the worker details based on the
termination overview.
This displays the worker details like person number, business unit,
department etc for a specific HR Action, Year, Month.

This report provides an overview of the various events head count trends
in the organization like hires, promotions, transfers, terminations, rehires,
etc. The counts are viewed for one year grouped by Months.

This report provides an overview of the various events head count trends
in the organization like hires, promotions, transfers, terminations, rehires,
etc. The counts are viewed for one year grouped by Quarter.

This report provides an overview of the various events head count

trending in the organization like hires, promotions, transfers,
terminations, rehires, etc. The counts are viewed for the last 3 years
grouped by Year.

Provides the full time and part time employee headcount, the contingent
headcount, the number of vacant openings, the headcount of pending
workers and future terminations and those workers currently absent.
Workforce assignment changes in the last 12 months and future
assignment changes
This report is the detailed report invoked from the '% of Workers aligned
with goals' analysis.
This report displays the percentage of workers in the organization by
calculated age band.

Provides current assignment information for a selection of workers.

This report will be a matrix displaying the sum of the assignment
headcount by department and system person type.

Lists the active departments (HCM organizations).

This report displays the percentage of workers by their ethnicity.

This report displays the percentage of workers by gender.
This report displays the split between the gender counts for the selected
This report displays the headcount by various age bands of the
Provides the counts for each of the Person Types like Employee,
Contingent Workers, etc against all the Employment Categories in the
This report is a detailed report invoked from the Headcount by
Employment Category and Person Type on drill down.
Displays the headcount, FTE, part time, female employee percentage, and
female manager percentage key metrics.

This report displays the female employee details.

This report displays the female manager details.

This report displays the FTE details.

This report displays the headcount details.

This report displays the part time details.

Lists the active HCM jobs.

Provides details of the locations setup in the organization.

This analysis provides an overview of the employee diversity and their
respective headcount.
This report is a detailed report displaying the worker details invoked from
Team Diversity.

This is a detailed report displaying data from multiple subject areas.The

information in this report is sourced from Worker Assignment, Work
Relationship, and Salary Details Real Time subject areas.

Provides the headcount by employment category and system person type

Provides the full time and part time employee headcount, the contingent
headcount, the number of vacant openings, the headcount of pending
workers and future terminations and those workers currently absent.
Analysis accessed by the Position Incumbents Dashboard. Provides a list
of positions and the incumbents in each one as of a defined date. Filtering
options include business unit, department, job, grade, location, and
whether the incumbent is active or inactive.

Analysis accessed by the Position Occupancy Dashboard. Provides a list of

positions and the incumbents in each one as of a defined date. Filtering
options include business unit, department, job, grade, location, and
whether the incumbent is active or inactive.
Provides the turnover in the organization along with the other headcount

Details of the workers during the end of the period.

Details of the workers during the start of the period.

This report displays the trend across the Headcount, FTE and Contingent
workers for the selected year. The headcount will be displayed by months
of the year.

Displays the monthly turnover trend in the organization. Can be analyzed

by using key turnover metrics like Termination Headcount, etc.
Displays the terminations statistics by various attributes like business
unit, location, grade and so on.
Provides information on the terminations to understand whether it was
voluntary or involuntary. Also gives an insight into the various reasons
due to which the terminations occurred in the organization

Details of the workers that have been terminated involuntary.

Details of the workers that have been terminated voluntary.

Details of the workers that have been terminated, either voluntary or
This report displays the top 5 learning items that have been abandoned
by the learners after starting it.
This report displays the details of the top 5 learning items that have been
abandoned by the learners after starting it.
This report displays the top 5 list of managers that have workers with
incomplete learning items beyond the due dates.
This report displays the details of workers with incomplete learning items
beyond the due dates.
This report provides a list of trainings with top 5 worker enrolments
whose start date is more than 30 days and the status is not started
This report provides a list of trainings with top 5 worker enrolments
whose start date is more than 30 days and the status is started but not
This report displays the count of all the learning items created in the
organization across various learning item types in the last 12 months.
This report displays the details of all the learning items created in the
organization across various learning item types in the last 12 months.
Provides information on the count of payroll flows in various status and
details of the payroll flows
Provides information of various scheduled processes
Provides information on the recent processes run
The costing report enables you to review cost allocations for each

The costing report enables you to review cost allocations Summary.

Provides payroll processing results by elements

This report shows a detailed analysis of the hire situation starting in the
offer phase until the HR phase, by candidate selection processes adopted.
Hires related KPIs for the Hires Page. Includes "# Total Hires", "# Internal
Hires", "% Internal Hire Rate", "# Avg Time to Hire (Days)" and "# HR

This report shows the offer acceptance rate by compa-ratio brackets

between 80% and 120%, in 5% increments. Offer acceptance rate is
calculated as a percentage of the number of offers that were accepted to
the number of offers that were extended.
This report shows a listing of the average time it took to hire a candidate
since the candidate created the job application.

This report shows a complete listing of all the candidates whose

application has moved to the 'HR' phase and the Compa Ratio is greater
than 100%, along with relevant additional information about the salary
This report displays the job offer acceptance rate for the top 10 offers
that were extended.
Applications, Offers and Hire related KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes
"# Active Applications", "% Offer Acceptance Rate", "#Total Hires" and "%
Hire with High Compa-Ratio".

This report displays the current recruiting pipeline using the classic funnel
view, where the target of the first stage is 5 times the end target. The
number of openings is the end target. Job requisitions meant for
unlimited hire is excluded.
This report compares the time to hire metric with the headcount
concentration in top 10 areas where the hiring happens.
This report shows the listing of the applications that are currently in the
'Job Offer' phase, and the number of days they are there.

This report shows a listing of all job offers that were disqualified. It also
shows other relevant information such as job requisition title, candidate,
the date when the offer was disqualified and the reason for disqualifying.

This report shows the current stages where job applications are in at this
time, and plots a simple line across to measure the target (the total
number of openings). Deviations of the bars from the line gives an
interpretation of how applications are being managed in the overall
selection process. Job requisitions meant for unlimited hire are excluded.

Selection and Offer related KPIs for the Selection & Offer Page. Includes
"% Offer Acceptance Rate", "# Avg Days in Offer Stage", "# Offers in
Approval", "# Offers per Recruiter" and "# Offers Disqualified".

This report displays the diversity aspect of the selection process, as they
move through the recruitment funnel. At each phase of the recruitment
process, percentage of drops or move-forwards can be seen by diversity
attributes including gender, disability or veteran status.

This report displays how internal & external candidates move through the
recruitment funnel. At each phase of the recruitment process, percentage
of drops or move-forwards can be seen by candidate types - internal or

This report highlights the top 10 known reasons by occurrence count why
the organization rejects candidates. The font size and color of the reason
represents the count of such occurrences where the rejection happened
because of that.

This report highlights the top 10 known reasons by occurrence count why
the candidate withdraws their applications. The font size and color of the
reason represents the count of such occurrences where the withdrawal
happened because of that.
Applications related KPIs for the Applications Page. Includes "# Active
Applications", "# New Applications", "# Applications per Requisition", "%
Internal Applications" and "# Referral Applications".
This report shows the listing of the applications received per job
requisition. It also shows other relevant information such as candidate
details and number of openings for that job requisition.
This report shows the distribution of candidate applications received from
a variety of different sources.
This report shows the listing of all internal applications that were received
per job requisition.

This report shows the listing of all new applications per job requisition.
This report shows the listing of all applications that were received
through referrals, per job requisition.
This report shows a breakdown of the job applications by diversity
information including gender, disability and veteran status.
This report breaks down job applications received through top 10
This report ranks the top 10 jobs where job application concentration is
This report ranks the top 10 previous employers as reported by
candidates in their job applications. Job applications where the previous
employer name is not indicated, is not included in the report.
This report shows a detailed listing of all the source-tracking job
applications by the source medium and name. The report also adds other
relevant information about the job requisition and the candidate.
Source-Tracking KPIs for the Campaign & Source Tracking Page. Includes
"# Source-Tracking Job Applications".
This report ranks the top 10 total candidates received by source tracking
information, showing the breakup of candidates, prospects and candidate
pool members.
This report ranks the top 10 source tracking information based on job

This report shows a detailed analysis of the hire situation starting in the
offer phase until the HR phase, by candidate selection processes adopted.
Hires related KPIs for the Hires Page. Includes "# Total Hires", "# Internal
Hires", "% Internal Hire Rate", "# Avg Time to Hire (Days)" and "# HR
This report shows a listing of all candidates who are currently in the 'HR'
phase and 'Processing' state.

This report shows a listing of all internal hires.

This report shows the hire rate, calculated as a percentage of number of

hires to number of applications received, by source. Note that this
excludes applications that were either rejected by employer or
withdrawn by candidate after moving to the HR phase.

This report shows the offer acceptance rate by compa-ratio brackets

between 80% and 120%, in 5% increments. Offer acceptance rate is
calculated as a percentage of the number of offers that were accepted to
the number of offers that were extended.
This report shows a listing of the average time it took to hire a candidate
since the candidate created the job application.

This report shows the Top 10 previous employers for hired candidates.
This report shows a complete listing of all the active applications by job
requisition, candidates and the current phase and state the application is
This report shows a detailed listing of the workload of a given recruiter by
department and recruiting type. It shows all the job requisitions that this
recruiter owns and the current state they are in.

This report shows a complete listing of all the candidates whose

application has moved to the 'HR' phase and includes other relevant
information such as 'Job Offer Name', 'Offer Hiring Manager Full Name'
and the current state the application is in.

This report shows a complete listing of all the candidates whose

application has moved to the 'HR' phase and the Compa Ratio is greater
than 100%, along with relevant additional information about the salary
This report displays the job offer acceptance rate for the top 10 offers
that were extended.
Applications, Offers and Hire related KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes
"# Active Applications", "% Offer Acceptance Rate", "#Total Hires" and "%
Hire with High Compa-Ratio".
Requisition KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes "# Requisitions per

This report shows a detailed listing of the workload of all recruiters by

departments. It shows the number of job requisitions they own and the
breakdown by job requisition statuses. The recruiter's name drills further
down to the "Recruiter Work Load Details" for the recruiter selected.
This report shows a detailed listing of the workload of a given recruiter by
department and recruiting type. It shows all the job requisitions that this
recruiter owns and the current state they are in.

This report displays the current recruiting pipeline using the classic funnel
view, where the target of the first stage is 5 times the end target. The
number of openings is the end target. Job requisitions meant for
unlimited hire is excluded.
This report compares the time to hire metric with the headcount
concentration in top 10 areas where the hiring happens.

This report displays the job families having the top 10 number of
openings. Note that the job requisitions meant for unlimited hire and also
those, where the job family information is not provided, are excluded in
the ranking.
This report shows a detailed listing of all the assessments along with
counts of how may are initiated, requested, started, and so on.

This report shows a listing of all assessment packages that are currently in
effect and is viewed by 'Partner Name' and 'Account User Name'.
This report shows the breakdown of Assessments Results by Assessment
Statuses, Bands, Percentiles and Scores.
This report shows a detailed listing of all the assessments with their
results and the breakdown of measures like "# Completed - Fail" and "#
Completed - Pass".
This report shows # Background Checks, # Screenings by common HCM
dimensions, like Job Family, Department, Business Unit.
This report shows a detailed listing of the background checks that are
"Initiated", "In Progress", "Completed" or "Errored".
This report shows a listing of the duration it took for the background
checks to complete.
This report shows a listing of all job postings that had a posting error. The
report is viewed by 'Job Posting Partner' and 'Job Board' and displays job
posting date and the latest posting error message.

Partner Integration KPIs for the Partner Integrations Page. Includes "#
Postings in Error", "# Background Checks In Progress", "# Avg Background
Check Time (Days)", "# Assessments" and "Assessment Pass %".

This report shows the breakdown of Job Postings by Posting Statuses.

This report shows a listing of all screening packages that are currently in
effect and is viewed by 'Partner Name' and 'Account User Name'.
This report shows the Top 10 Assessment Packages ranked by # of
Requisitions that use them.
This report shows the Top 10 Job Boards/Job Posting Partners ranked by #
Job Requisition Postings.
This report shows the Top 10 Screening Packages/Background Check
Partners ranked by # of Background Checks Completed.
This report shows the current position of job requisitions in terms of
where they are at the moment, ranked by the number of openings yet to
be filled. Job requisitions meant for unlimited hire are excluded.
This report shows the time to fill (in days) a job requisition by job
requisition and the recruiter who owns the job requisition.
Job Requisition Posting KPIs for the Requisitions Page. Includes "# Job
Requisition Postings".
This report provides a listing of all job requisition postings by job posting
partners. It also provides relevant other information such as job
requisition title, who posted and the posting date.
This report shows the number of days an active job requisition is open
since it was created. It also shows additional details about the job
requisition such as job requisition title, its creation date, its current state
and so on.
This report lists all the open job requisitions and provides relevant details
such as job requisition title, job start date, number of openings and its
current state.

This report shows a comparative quarterly aging summary of job

requisitions created in a given quarter. Seasonal trends about job
requisitions aging, if any, should be easily identified through this report.
Job requisitions meant for unlimited hire are excluded.
Requisition Aging KPIs for the Requisitions Page. Includes "# Avg Time to
Fill (Days)".
Other Requisition related KPIs for the Requisitions Page. Includes "# Open
Requisitions", "# Requisitions per Recruiter" and "# Avg Days Open Since
This report shows the count of a variety of job requisition measures such
as 'Total Openings', '# Currently in Approvals' and so on.

This report shows the top 10 recruiters in the organization ranked by the
number of job requisitions they own. As a comparison, the report also
shows the number of offers that got generated against those job
requisitions through the same recruiter.
This report shows the top 10 job requisitions broken down by their
active/inactive status and across various dimensions.
This report shows the listing of the applications that are currently in the
'Job Offer' phase, and the number of days they are there.
This report lists the candidate job application identifiers whose job offers
were disqualified.

This report shows a listing of all job offers that were disqualified. It also
shows other relevant information such as job requisition title, candidate,
the date when the offer was disqualified and the reason for disqualifying.
This report shows the listing of the offers that are currently pending
This report shows the listing of recruiters (by department), who own an
application that is currently in the 'Offer' phase or above.

This report shows the current stages where job applications are in at this
time, and plots a simple line across to measure the target (the total
number of openings). Deviations of the bars from the line gives an
interpretation of how applications are being managed in the overall
selection process. Job requisitions meant for unlimited hire are excluded.
Selection and Offer related KPIs for the Selection & Offer Page. Includes
"% Offer Acceptance Rate", "# Avg Days in Offer Stage", "# Offers in
Approval", "# Offers per Recruiter" and "# Offers Disqualified".

This report displays the diversity aspect of the selection process, as they
move through the recruitment funnel. At each phase of the recruitment
process, percentage of drops or move-forwards can be seen by diversity
attributes including gender, disability or veteran status.

This report displays how internal & external candidates move through the
recruitment funnel. At each phase of the recruitment process, percentage
of drops or move-forwards can be seen by candidate types - internal or
This report shows the top 10 recruiters in the organization ranked by the
number of offers they produced.

This report highlights the top 10 known reasons by occurrence count why
the organization rejects candidates. The font size and color of the reason
represents the count of such occurrences where the rejection happened
because of that.

This report highlights the top 10 known reasons by occurrence count why
the candidate withdraws their applications. The font size and color of the
reason represents the count of such occurrences where the withdrawal
happened because of that.
This report shows the breakdown of the audiences targeted for a
campaign by measures like '# Bounced Messages', '# Opened Messages',
'# Responses' and so on.
This report shows a listing of all the candidates that applied for a job
because of the campaign.
This report shows a listing of all the candidates that referred a potential
prospect for a job because of the campaign.
This report shows a detailed view of the campaigns, their current
statuses, the purpose they serve and other relevant information like
target goal value, activation date and so on.

This report shows campaign performances based on critical email metrics.

Message opened rate is calculated as a percentage of # Opened messages
to the # Recipients. Campaign reach rate is calculated as a percentage of
(# Recipients - # Bounced messages - # Unsent messages) to the #
Campaigns related KPIs for the Campaign & Source Tracking Page.
Includes "# Campaigns", "# Campaign Audiences", "# Conversions - Apply
for Job" and "# Conversions - Refer to Job".
This report shows a detailed listing of all the source-tracking job
applications by the source medium and name. The report also adds other
relevant information about the job requisition and the candidate.
Source-Tracking KPIs for the Campaign & Source Tracking Page. Includes
"# Source-Tracking Job Applications".
This report shows the top 10 campaigns ranked by the goal achievement
rate which is calculated as a percentage of the number of conversions to
the target goal value for that goal type.
This report ranks the top 10 total candidates received by source tracking
information, showing the breakup of candidates, prospects and candidate
pool members.
This report ranks the top 10 source tracking information based on job
This report compares the time to hire metric with the headcount
concentration in top 10 areas where the hiring happens.
Shows the Payroll time entries broken down by the derived time entry
This report shows the listing of the processed Payroll time entries by
worker and payroll time type.
This report shows the listing of the transferred Payroll time entries by
worker and payroll time type.
Shows the Projects time entries broken down by the derived time entry
This report shows the listing of the processed Projects time entries by
worker and project.
Time Consumer Entries related KPIs for the Completed Time Cards Page.
Includes "% Projects Time Entries Transferred", "% Payroll Time Entries
Transferred" and "% Payroll Time Entries Processed".
Shows which expenditure types or payroll time types, are processed

This displays time entries which are ready or have already been
transferred to the Payroll time consumer. Provides visualization regarding
what is pending transfer, what has transferred successfully, and what is in

This displays time entries which are ready or have already been
transferred to the Project Costing time consumer. Provides visualization
regarding what is pending transfer, what has transferred successfully, and
what is in error.
Shows who has the most approved time cards by worker, manager,
business unit, or department.

Shows the completed time cards broken down by time card status.
Completed Time Cards related KPIs for the Completed Time Cards Page.
Includes "# Submitted Time Cards", "# Approved Time Cards" and "#
Rejected Time Cards".
Shows who has the most rejected time cards by worker, manager,
business unit, or department.
Shows who has the most submitted time cards by worker, manager,
business unit, or department.

This report shows the listing of the approved time cards by worker.

Shows all existing time cards by time card period.

Shows all existing time cards by time card status.

This report shows the listing of the existing time cards by worker.

Shows the total of existing time cards plus missing time cards, broken
down by time card status. Time entries that exist or should exist are used
to identify which time cards exist during the selected time period. Time
entries that exist in a time card that straddles the selected view by option
of year, quarter, or month, may count towards both periods.
Time Cards related KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes "# Time Cards in
Progress", "# Approved Time Cards", "# Rejected Time Cards", "# Missing
Time Cards" and "# Expected Time Cards".

This report shows the listing of the rejected time cards by worker.

This report shows the listing of the time cards in progress by worker.
This report shows the listing of the allowed time entry exceptions by

This report shows the listing of the open time cards by worker.
Shows which absence types, expenditure types or payroll time types, are
reported most.

This report shows the listing of the submitted time cards by worker.
Shows the time cards currently being processed broken down by time
card status.

Time Cards in Progress related KPIs for the Time Cards in Progress Page.
Includes "# Submitted Time Cards", "# Open Time Cards (Not Submitted
or Approved)", "% Submitted to Open Time Cards" and "# Time Cards
with Exceptions".
This report shows the listing of the time cards with exceptions by worker.

Shows the absence and labor time entries by the source.

Time Entry Exceptions related KPI for the Time Cards in Progress Page.
Includes "# Time Entry Exceptions".

This report shows the listing of the time entry exceptions by worker.

Shows the top 5 change audit reasons by occurrence count. The font size
and color of the reason represents the total occurrences of each reason.
Shows the top 5 time entry exceptions by occurrence count. The font size
and color of the exception represents the total occurrences of each
exception type.
This report shows the listing of the allowed device event exceptions by
Shows who has the most device event exceptions by worker, manager,
business unit, or department.
Device Event Exceptions related KPIs for the Time Device Events Page.
Includes "# Device Event Exceptions" and "# Allowed Device Event

This report shows the listing of the device event exceptions by worker.
Shows the top 5 device event exceptions by occurrence count. The font
size and color of the exception represents the total occurrences of each
exception type.

Displays a count of time card status by time card period. This can be used
to analyze the proportion of actionable time cards to the overall number.
This report displays the key metrics related to employee timecards and
the corresponding hours.

This report displays the worker time card details.

This report displays the number of workers, time cards, number of hours
logged by various work types in the organization.

Shows the device events.

Shows the device events by event type.

Device Events for Today related KPIs for the Time Device Events Page.
Includes "# Device Events for Today" and "# Workers Clocked in Today".
This report shows the listing of the device events for today.
Device Events related KPIs for the Time Device Events Page. Includes "#
Device Events" and "# Device Events not Processed".

This report shows the listing of the device events by worker.

This report shows the listing of the device events not processed.

This report shows the listing of the workers who clocked in today.

Shows the total of existing time cards plus missing time cards, broken
down by time card status. Time entries that exist or should exist are used
to identify which time cards exist during the selected time period. Time
entries that exist in a time card that straddles the selected view by option
of year, quarter, or month, may count towards both periods.
Shows who's missing the most time cards by worker, manager, business
unit, or department.

This reports displays the missing time cards by the time card period.

This report shows the listing of the missing time cards by worker.
Time Cards related KPIs for the Overview Page. Includes "# Time Cards in
Progress", "# Approved Time Cards", "# Rejected Time Cards", "# Missing
Time Cards" and "# Expected Time Cards".
Shows the top 5 compliance exceptions by occurrence. The font size and
color of the exception represents the total occurrences of each exception
This report returns the dates selected per "Time Card Details" dashboard
page prompt.

Displays the number of transactions in the system and their current status
such as if they are completed, pending, or failed. The admin should be
able to click on the chart and drill down to get a complete list of the
transactions in a particular status.
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/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Business Process
Dashboards/Business Process Reports
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Environment Health and
Safety/Transactional Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional

Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Transactional
Analysis Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Learning/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Applications

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Applications

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Applications

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Hires
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Hires
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Hires
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Hires

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Partner Integrations

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Requisitions

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Requisitions

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Requisitions

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Requisitions

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Requisitions

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Requisitions
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Selection & Offer

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking

/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Campaign & Source Tracking
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Completed Time Cards
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Time Cards in Progress
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Time Device Events

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
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Samples/Report Components/Overview
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Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

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Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis

Samples/Report Components/Overview
/shared/Human Capital Management/Time and Labor/Transactional Analysis
Samples/Report Components/Overview

/shared/Human Capital Management/Transaction Administration/Embedded

Content/Report Components
Subject Area
Workforce Management - Absence Calendar
Details Real Time
Workforce Management - Absence Calendar
Details Real Time
Workforce Management - Absence Calendar
Details Real Time
Workforce Management - Absence Calendar
Details Real Time
Workforce Management - Absence Calendar
Details Real Time
Workforce Management - Absence Calendar
Details Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time

Workforce Management - Accrual Real Time

Workforce Management - Accrual Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Action Items Real Time

Benefits - Billing Real Time

Benefits - Court Orders Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Enrollments Real Time

Benefits - Potential Life Events Real Time

Benefits - Potential Life Events Real Time

Benefits - Potential Life Events Real Time

Payroll - Element Entries Real Time

Payroll - Element Entries Real Time

Workforce Performance - Performance

Document Eligibility Real Time

Workforce Performance - Performance

Document Status Real Time
Workforce Performance - Performance
Document Status Real Time
Workforce Performance - Performance
Document Status Real Time
Workforce Performance - Performance Rating
Distribution Real Time
Workforce Performance - Performance Rating
Distribution Real Time

Workforce Performance - Performance Rating

Distribution Real Time

Workforce Performance - Performance Rating

Real Time
Workforce Performance - Performance Rating
Real Time

Workforce Performance - Performance Rating

Real Time
Workforce Succession Management - Plan
Candidates Real Time
Workforce Succession Management - Plan
Candidates Real Time
Workforce Succession Management - Plan
Candidates Real Time
Workforce Succession Management - Plan
Candidates Real Time
Workforce Succession Management - Plan
Candidates Real Time

Workforce Succession Management - Plan

Candidates Real Time
Workforce Succession Management - Plan
Candidates Real Time

Workforce Talent Review - Talent Review

Meeting Real Time
Workforce Talent Review - Talent Review
Meeting Real Time

Workforce Goals - Goal Alignments Real Time

Workforce Goals - Goal Alignments Real Time

Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real
Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real
Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real
Workforce Goals - Goal Status Overview Real
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Workforce Profiles - Person Profile Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Compensation - Salary History Details Real
Compensation - Salary History Details Real
Compensation - Salary History Details Real
Compensation - Salary History Details Real

Compensation - Salary History Details Real


Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Stock Details Real Time

Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Budgets Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Budgets Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Budgets Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Budgets Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Budgets Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Budgets Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time

Compensation - Workforce Compensation

Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Compensation - Workforce Compensation
Real Time
Workforce Management - Work Relationship
Real Time
Workforce Management - Work Relationship
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time
Environment Health and Safety - Incidents
Real Time

Compensation - Salary Details Real Time

Workforce Management - Absence Real Time
Workforce Management - Employment
Contract Real Time
Workforce Management - Grade Rate Real

Workforce Management - Position Real Time

Workforce Management - Position Real Time

Workforce Management - Position Real Time

Workforce Management - Vacancy Real Time

Workforce Management - Work Relationship
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Event Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Event Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Event Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Event Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment

Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time

Workforce Management - Workforce Trend

Real Time

Workforce Management - Workforce Trend

Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time

Workforce Management - Workforce Trend

Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time
Workforce Management - Workforce Trend
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time
Workforce Learning - Learning Management
Real Time

Payroll - Payroll Flows Real Time

Payroll - Payroll Flows Real Time
Payroll - Payroll Flows Real Time

Payroll - Payroll Run Costing Real Time

Payroll - Payroll Run Costing Real Time

Payroll - Payroll Run Results Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Events Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Recruiting Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Recruiting - Sourcing Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Assignment
Real Time
Workforce Management - Processed Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Processed Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Processed Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Processed Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Processed Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Processed Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Processed Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Processed Time

Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Processed Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time

Workforce Management - Reported Time

Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Reported Time
Cards Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time

Workforce Management - Time Collection

Devices Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time
Workforce Management - Time Collection
Devices Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Compliance

Results Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Compliance
Results Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Compliance
Results Real Time
Workforce Management - Worker Compliance
Results Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Compliance

Results Real Time

Workforce Management - Worker Compliance

Results Real Time

Human Capital Management - Transaction

Administration Real Time
***Most BI Publisher Reports are ran through the application or as part of a process.
Product Family or Localization
Career - Goals
Career - Goals
Career - Goals
Career - Goals
Career - Goals
Career - Performance
Career - Performance
Career - Performance
Career - Performance
Career - Performance
Career - Performance
Career - Profiles
Career - Profiles
Career - Profiles
Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Data Exchange
Hong Kong
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Human Resources
Payroll Interface
Payroll Interface
Payroll Interface
Payroll Interface
Payroll Interface
Payroll Interface
Payroll Interface
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Emirates
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
United States
BI Publisher Reports

orts are ran through the application or as part of a process.

Report Name
Absence Migration.xdo
Absences Report.xdo
Accrual Plan Enrollment.xdo
Formula Data.xdo
Global Person Absence Entry Report.xdo
Australian Workplace Profile Report.xdo
TFN Declaration E-file and Listing Report.xdo
Provincial Medical Report.xdo
Record of Employment Interface Online.xdo
Record of Employment Interface.xdo
Record of Employment Worksheet Online.xdo
Record of Employment Worksheet.xdo
Report on Hirings.xdo
Tax Credit Information Report.xdo
Tax Overrides Report.xdo
Workers Compensation Assessable Wages Report.xdo
End of Year Exception.xdo
End of Year Register.xdo
RL1 Employee Online.xdo
RL1 Employee.xdo
RL1 Interface.xdo
RL2 Employee Online.xdo
RL2 Employee.xdo
RL2 Interface.xdo
T4 Employee Online.xdo
T4 Employee.xdo
T4 Employer.xdo
T4 Interface.xdo
T4A Employee Online.xdo
T4A Employee.xdo
T4A Employer.xdo
T4A Interface.xdo
Employment Equity Interface.xdo
Career Development Report.xdo
Mass Create Performance Document Report.xdo
Mass Process Performance Document Report.xdo
Person Profile Excel.xdo
Person Profile.xdo
Rel12 Person Profile Content Section Access.xdo
Chinese Individual Income Tax Detail Report.xdo
Chinese Individual Income Tax Summary Report.xdo
Chinese Online Payslip Report.xdo
Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Payroll Data Interface Report.xdo
French Access To Training Report.xdo
French Disability Report.xdo
French Manpower Movement Report.xdo
French Personnel Register.xdo
French Social Report.xdo
French Unique Statement Of Employment.xdo
French Work Certificate.xdo
Annual Leave Certificate Report.xdo
Disability Report.xdo
Hong Kong IR56E Report.xdo
Portrait Printing.xdo
Document Expiration.xdo
Worker Data Validation Report.xdo
Mexico CFDI Payslip Interface Report.xdo
First Day Notification Audit Report.xdo
First Day Notification Report.xdo
Long-Term Sickness Recovery Report.xdo
Long-Term Sickness Report.xdo
Sickness Recovery Report.xdo
Sickness Report.xdo
WAZO Report.xdo
Costing Detail Report.xdo
Costing Summary Report.xdo
Payroll Costing Results.xdo
EFT Report.xdo
Generate Prenote File.xdo
Payroll Interface Report for NGA.xdo
Deduction Report.xdo
Element Result Report.xdo
Employee Active Payroll Balance Report.xdo
Employee Balance Group Report.xdo
Global Data Validation Report.xdo
Gross to Net Summary Report.xdo
Payment Register.xdo
Payroll Activity Report.xdo
Payroll Balance Report.xdo
Payroll Data Validation Report.xdo
Payroll Messages Report.xdo
Payroll Register Report.xdo
Retroactive Entries.xdo
Retroactive Notification.xdo
Statutory Deduction Register.xdo
Third-Party Payment Register.xdo
YTD Payroll Activity Report.xdo
YTD Statutory Deduction Register.xdo
ADP Global Payroll Interface.xdo
ADP Workforce Now Payroll Interface.xdo
Benchmark Extract Report.xdo
Deleted Data Report.xdo
Global Payroll Interface Lookup Report.xdo
Global Payroll Interface V2.xdo
Global Payroll Interface V3.xdo
Qatar IPE Consolidated Report.xdo
Qatar Payslip.xdo
Qatar Social Insurance Report.xdo
Candidate Merge Summary.xdo
Job Offer Approval.xdo
Job Offer Letter.xdo
Requisition Approval.xdo
Saudi Disabled Workers Report.xdo
Fusion User Information.xdo
LDAP Request Dashboard.xdo
LDAP Request Information.xdo
Person User Dashboard.xdo
Person User Information.xdo
User Details System Extract.xdo
AE Payslip.xdo
Emirati ADRPBF New Hire Report.xdo
Emirati ADRPBF Termination Report.xdo
Emirati Form 1 Report.xdo
Emirati Form 2 Report.xdo
Emirati Form 6 Report.xdo
Emirati Form 7 Report.xdo
Emirati IPE Consolidated Report.xdo
Emirati Monthly Contributions - Federal Sector Report.xdo
Emirati Monthly Contributions - Private Sector Report.xdo
Emirati RFR Report.xdo
Emirati WPS Report.xdo
Emirati Disabled Workers Report.xdo
CMSDEO Payment Report.xdo
DEA Payment Report.xdo
Errors And Warnings Report.xdo
Inbound Data Audit Report.xdo
MyCSP Code Files.xdo
New Starter Process Reports.xdo
NI Category Update Archive Audit Report.xdo
NI Category Update Audit Report.xdo
NINO Verification Reply Audit Report.xdo
NINO Verification Request Reports.xdo
P11D Online.xdo
P6 P9 EDI Update Audit Report.xdo
P60 Audit Report.xdo
P60 Online.xdo
Payroll Validation Archive Report.xdo
Pensions AE Employee Letters Online.xdo
Pensions Automatic Enrolment Employee Letters.xdo
Pensions Automatic Enrolment Employer Reports.xdo
RTI EAS Process Reports.xdo
RTI Reconciliation.xdo
Start of Year Archive Audit Report.xdo
Start of Year Audit Report.xdo
Student Loan Update Audit Report.xdo
Tax Code Uplift Archive Audit Report.xdo
Tax Code Uplift Audit Report.xdo
US ACA Eligibility.xdo
Outbound Interface Ad Hoc.xdo
Third-Party Involuntary Deductions Initial Extract.xdo
Third-Party Involuntary Payments Extract.xdo
Employee Active Payroll Balance Report.xdo
Multiple Worksite Report.xdo
e-IWO Employee Notification Report.xdo
e-IWO Inbound Audit Report.xdo
e-IWO Outbound Acknowledgment Report.xdo
US Third Party Monthly Tax Extract.xdo
US Third Party Periodic Tax Extract.xdo
US Third Party Quarterly Retiree Tax Extract.xdo
US Third Party Quarterly Tax Extract.xdo
Tax Withholding.xdo
EEO-1 Electronic Report.xdo
New Hire Electronic Report.xdo
VETS-100 Electronic Report.xdo
VETS-100A Electronic Report.xdo
VETS-4212 Electronic Report.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Australia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Australia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Enrollment
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/Enrollment
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Canada/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Canada
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Career Development
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Goals
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Goals
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Goals
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Goals
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Goals
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Performance
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Profiles
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Profiles
/shared/Human Capital Management/Career/Profiles
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/China
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/China
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/China
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/China
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Total Compensation Statement
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Workforce Compensation
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Workforce Compensation
/shared/Human Capital Management/Compensation/Workforce Compensation
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Worker
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Worker
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Workforce Structures
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Workforce Structures
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Workforce Structures
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Workforce Structures
/shared/Human Capital Management/Data Exchange/Global Human Resources/Workforce Structures
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/France
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Germany
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Germany
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Hong Kong
/shared/Human Capital Management/My Information/My Portrait
/shared/Human Capital Management/My Information/My Portrait
/shared/Human Capital Management/My Information/My Portrait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Manage Document Records
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Kuwait
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Mexico
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Mexico/Periodic/CFDI Payslip
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Mexico/Social Security/Affiliation
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Mexico/Social Security/SUA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Netherlands
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Accounting Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Accounting Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Accounting Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payroll Calculations
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll Interface
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Qatar
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Qatar
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Qatar
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Candidate
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Job Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Job Offer
/shared/Human Capital Management/Recruiting/Requisition
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Saudi Arabia
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Human Resources Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Human Resources Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Human Resources Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Human Resources Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Human Resources Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Human Resources Dashboard
/shared/Human Capital Management/Tools/Setup and Maintenance/Configuration
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/Emirates
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/UK
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/US/ACA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/US/ACA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/US/ACA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/US/ACA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/US/ACA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Benefits/US/ACA
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Payment Distribution/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/e-IWO
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/e-IWO
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/e-IWO
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Periodic
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Periodic
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Quarter End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Quarter End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Tax Withholding
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Payroll/Regulatory and Tax Reporting/US/Year End
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/US/Disability
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/US/EEO
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/US/New Hire
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/US/VETS
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/US/VETS
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workforce Management/Person Management/US/VETS
BI Publisher Report Used in Workflow Notifications
***BI Publisher Reports for Workflow are ran through the application or as part of a process.

plication or as part of a process.

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AbsenceApprovalNotificationReport.xdo

/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AbsenceBalanceDisbursementNotificationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AbsenceBalanceDonationNotificationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddAssignmentReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddContactReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddCWKReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddNWKReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddPWKReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddTermsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AddWorkRelationshipReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ApprovalEmailNotification.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AssignmentChangeReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/AssignmentChangeReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CancelWorkRelationshipReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CareerDevelopmentApprovalFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CareerDevelopmentApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CareerDevelopmentFYINotification.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CareerDevRespApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeLegalEmployerReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeLegalEmployerWithdrawTransFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeLocationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeLocationReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeManagerReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeManagerReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeSalaryReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeWorkHoursReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChangeWorkHoursReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ChecklistWelcomeReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpBudgetFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpChangeEligApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpChangeEligFYI.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpDelegateWkrApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpDelegateWkrFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpRsgnWorkerApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpRsgnWorkerFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpWkstApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CmpWorkbenchFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreateGradeLadderReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreateGradeRateReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreateGradeReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreateJobReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreateLocationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreateOrganizationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/CreatePositionReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DeleteAssignmentReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DeleteGradeLadderReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DeleteGradeRateReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DeleteGradeReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DeletePositionReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeleteGradeLadderReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeleteGradeRateReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeleteGradeReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeleteJobReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeleteLocationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeleteOrganizationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/DTDeletePositionReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/EditPWKReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/EligibleJobsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/EligibleJobsReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ExternalIdentifierReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LearningAssignmentWithdrawalApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LearningAssignmentWithdrawalLearnerReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LearningRequestApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LearningRequestCancelReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LearningRequestLearnerReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LocalAndGlobalTransferReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/LocalAndGlobalTransferReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageAssignmentEFFReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageAssignmentEFFReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageCompensationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageContractsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageContractsReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageDirectsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageDorReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageEmploymentReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageEmploymentReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManagePersonApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageWorkRelationshipReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ManageWorkRelationshipReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NewHireReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NoteSentToManagerReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NoteSentToWorkerReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyCopyConflictReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyDeleteConflictReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyMultipleConflictReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyRejectedManageWRFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyRejectedTerminationFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyWithdrawConflictReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/NotifyWithdrawTxnsForTerminationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PerformanceApprovalNotificationsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PerformanceFyiNotificationsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PerformanceGoalApprovalNotificationsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PerformanceGoalNotificationsReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PerformanceGoalRespApprovalNotificationReport.xd
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_AddressReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_BiographicalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_CitizenshipReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_CommunicationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_ContactRelationshipReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_DemographicReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_DisabilityReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_DriversLicenseReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_NameReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_PassportReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformation_VisaPermitReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PersonalInformationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ProfileChangeNotificationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ProfilesApprovalNotificationFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ProfilesApprovalNotificationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PromotionReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/PromotionReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ResponsibilityInfoFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ResponsibilityInfoReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/RoleDelegationDelegatorFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/RoleDelegationProxyFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/SaveForLaterReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ShareInfoApprovalFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ShareInfoApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ShareInfoFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ShareInfoRejectFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/ShareInfoResponsiveApprovalReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TalentCalibFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TaskActionRequiredReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TaskFYIReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TerminationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TimecardApprovalNotificationBulkReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TimecardApprovalNotificationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TimeChangeRequestReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TransferReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/TransferReportPostApproval.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdateGradeLadderReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdateGradeRateReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdateGradeReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdateJobReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdateLocationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdateOrganizationReport.xdo
/shared/Human Capital Management/Workflow Notifications/UpdatePositionReport.xdo

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