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Types of 1 Utopian Socialism

Developed when workers weak, unorganised by rapid change
Market economy unust and irrational
Voluntary solidarity rather than class struggle
2 State Socialism
govt ownership and operation
social objective i/o profit
impartial power easily influenced by the working class
3 Christian Socialism
Bible - manual for govt leader, employer and workers
promote mutual love and fellowship rather than violence and class struggle
4 Anarchism
no private property and no govt intervention
believes govt favour the rich
voluntary cooperation in samll communities to engage in production and trade
5 Marxian Socialism
based on labour theory of value and theory of exploitationof wage earners by capitalists
praise increase in productivity and production
working class try to destroy bourgeois class
free market is eliminated .'. Private property in consumer gds and capital and land publicly owned
prodn and rate of invt = profit motive
6 Communism
Communism supersedes socialism of no private property, no monet and no govt
superabundance of goods relative to wants
7 Revisionism
refuses class struggle
State necessary to promote the common good (regulating monopolies, working conditions & proviode public
utilities and extend ownership of capital)
8 Syndicalism
Anti-parliamentarian (anti representative democracy); anti militarism ( pacifism)
Overthrow government through mass action
Establish independent, worker-managed businesses, otherwise anarchistic
favor abolition of private property and political govt
9 Guilld Socialism
Firms managed by workers organised as industrial guilds: industrial democracy
State necessary to protect interests of workers as consumers + set overall economic policies

Commonalities of 1 Rejection of classical view about harmony of interest between classes in society
2 Rejection of classical concept of laissez faire
3 Rejection of classical idea of Say's Law (markets are inheritently unstable)
4 Perfectability of people given the right social system; with the right system, people will become goods
5 Need for some kind of collective action or state ownership

Categories of 1 Dogmatic State Socialism (Collectivism)
Complete abolition of private ownership and all businesses being nationalised
2 Pragmatic State Socialism
Allows small buiness to remain in private hands
key strategic industries kike mining, transport and communication to be nationalised
3 Worker participation / Industrial democracy
Workers have significant say in the running of the business
Firm managed and owned by workers
Firm can be managed and not necessarily owned by workers
Firms can be privately owned by non workers or publicly owned by the State
Conflict of liberal free enterprise
Conflict with liberal capitalists and conflict with workers' mgt say in the company
4 Interventionist Socialism
no treatment of the problem of ownership capitalism or power
no matter who manages the firm, whether it is private, public, worker or owner
interested in state laws that forbid or prescribe behaviour
protect interests of workers and consumers
unionism fail there
5 Welfare State Socialism
no matter who owns or manages the firm
State tax, profit and income finances poverty, inequality reduction, care, education, housing and pensions

Nature of no trust of private individuals having economic power given by capitalists e.g Kings, landlords and capitalists
Priviledge to capitalst => abuse and exploitation of economically weak
Collectivist remove opportunity, power and freedom of induvidual which is then invested in collective
Can howwever generate into extreme individualism of autocrats who come to represent the collective
Govt Officials also can exploit the workers in cases where collectuve is represented by the State
.'. Loss of freedom, opportunity and power .'. Less incentive
Collectivist controls the State and private individuals lack all opportunity for economic advancement
Misleading the fact that collectivism = cooperation and sharing
Misleading the fact that capitalism = competitive conflict, greed and self interest
Misleading because competition= more choice and cancel exploitation
Protection against harm of association and cooperation
Cooperation helps needy to increase productivity
But cooperation can help to gain monopoly power
.'. Capitalist is not competition at the expense of cooperation
State leading = abuse of power
Economic players under capitalist greedy although not only self interst but also freedom
Goals and values if peopke being profit
Capitalism = self interest + sharing whereas collectivism = only sharing
Unfortunately in Collectivism State, there ism discretionary power of over distribution
.'. Liberal capitalism = no State enforced cooperation and sharing
State Ownership not necessarily better due to increased corruption of State officials while profit motive = role
for incentive productivgity and efficiency

Role of Profit in
Laissez faire 1 Positive role of Profit
Incentive for productive effort
2 Negative role of Profit
No regard for the non-profitable good
Pursuit of profit can lead to victimisation of the weak
Conclusion being can government compensate for the negative role without stifling the positive role
Can govt victimise the weak
Can govt completely discard profit

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