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Om Sri Rama

World peace establishment and eradication of Corona virus

In this world there are ten (10) threats to humanity. Of those, five are Daivik upadravas and

five are human upadravas. It is Governments duty to protect humans and living beings from these

woes. And cooperating Government is citizens responsibility. Same is explained in “Kamandakiya



Hutasano jalamvaadhihi durbhiksham maranam tadha |

iti panchavidham daivam vyasanam manusham param ||

ayurebhyascha chorebhyaha parebhyo rajavallabhat |

prudhivipati lobhascha naranam panchadha bhayam ||


Daivik upadravas are threats born in world created due to human mistakes towards God.

They are

1) qualms on Fire 2) Floods / Surge etc 3) Disease (Cholera, smallpox) etc 4) Droughts

and Deprivation caused due to that 5) Massive deaths caused due to “Corona” (Covid-19)

Human upadravas are human originated problems due to 1) Weapons 2) Thieves 3) Enemies 4)
Political lobbyists 5) Government’s misadministration and lack of kindness

To nullify human originated problems there are equipment’s like Defense, Police
Department, Judicial System, Penalties, and other Administrations.

Daivik upadravas are the ones related to God and hence to mitigate them, worshipping God is

mandatory. In Sanskrit there is a saying – “Shatbhagantu manushyanam saptamam daivachintanam”.

While there are human efforts from Government by providing medical facilities, unless there is help

from Almighty, the problems won’t be solved.

Now the 5th daivik upadrava like Corona, is troubling the world. This is born from ‘Amiva’

microorganisms and taking away lives. Veda says - “Prananam grandhi rasi rudro ma visamtakaha”,

meaning we wish the life taker Rudra don’t enter our bodies.

Parameshwara (Parama Siva) means Divine. He is controlling 1) Earth 2) Water 3) Fire 4) Air

5) Sky (Space) 6) Sun 7) Moon 8) Yagna (Offering) master. Meaning Parameswara being inherent in

these eight aspects of the Universe and running it. Same Parama Siva being incarnated to Rudra would

extinct the universe by instigating the nature. Such aggressive and fierce Rudra can be calmed by

reciting verses (Rudra Anuvakas) and worshiping him. Then that Parameswara becomes Lord Shiva.

“Rudro va yeshaha | yadagnihi” – meaning, Fire is Rudra. The extent fire moves it will destroy

till that point. Current “Corona” is such a Daivik Upadrava which is spreading by contact.

So “Rudram hutvaa udakam spruseth” - meaning the malevolent disease that spreads by contact

that has Rudra’s power and is ‘Amiva’ organism, is troubling the entire world. This is the secret in

Veda. Later it has been renamed to Covid-19. To quash this, ancient sages created “DivyaRudra”

scriptures and explained steps for it. In our Indian tradition “Achara Kanda” scriptures were created

mainly for health and safety of humans. Regardless of numerous “DivyaRudra”recitations, due to

contact spreading nature of this corona disease, citizens should self-control and maintain social

distancing, then because of Mantra (chant) power the world would be protected from it.

Of course, it is not just enough to bring peace ONLY in India. This disease is like hidden fire

in ember. It is possible that Corona can take life again in India when some foreign travelers come.

So,It must be eradicated entirely. India is umbilicus to the entire world. Whatever the good deeds

happen here would help the entire world – “Yagnovai bhuvanasya nabhihi”. This is called out in the


It is mentioned in Gita “Yachhastravidihi mutrujya vartite kamakarataha | nava sidhi

mavapnoti na sukham na paramgatim ||” The pujas and worshiping should be done systematically and
shouldn’t be done as per individual’s whims and fancies. Also, for this pandemic across the globe,

individual or region based, or country-based efforts won’t be enough. This is an international

pandemic. Now the governments should be extra cautious to handle this systematically. Great Doctors

across the globe are trying very hard to eradicate this. Governments as well putting their full efforts.

Citizens should cooperate as well. Elimination of this disease is a small word; extinction is the right

word and is the way out.

Ancient Sages stayed in ashrams and prayed for the world wellbeing. Now the ‘Arsha’ dynasty

people, brahmins should be extra cautious and do their part.

“Uthistata masvapta | agnimichadhvam bharataha || “– is what the Sruti mata ‘Veda’ says.

Meaning - Oh, Indian brahmins, please get up when there is a rampage in the universe. Be diligent

and cautious to perform your duties! Worship God through Agni Homa and establish world peace.

To establish peace for the Daivik upadrava, government’s endowment division is taking care.

Government is also taking care of people with Vedic knowledge by providing the jobs in villages,

cities and metros. It is the time for the endowment officers to start 11 days Maharudra Yagam and

Satha chandi yagam in all the temples. And there is no necessity for the citizens to participate in this.

It is government’s duty to get the 11 day (Ekadasa) “ Maha rudra sahita Sata chandi Yaga” in

every Shiva temple across the state/country, as mentioned in the aforesaid and based on

“Kamandakiya Rajaneeti’. So be swift.

For the universal peace and safety, all the states and villages should start this ‘Maha Rudra

Sahita Sata Chandi Yaga’ at the same time, and the auspicious time for this is 30 th Mar 2020, 5:00

AM. i.e. Sarvari nama year, Chaitra Masa, Sudha Shasti, Monday, Rohini Star, Ayushmat Yoga,

Koulava Karanam. At that time whatever tasks are started would be successful.

Hari Om

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