EW4AIO TestsU1L1

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Unit 1 Test Name: …………………………….

Mark: ………

Reading 20 points

1 Read the text. Then tick ( ) the sentences T (true), F (false) or DK (don’t know).
(5 x 2 = 10 points)

Like many young children, I used to dream about driving a train. Then, last summer,
while my family and I were visiting Hungary, we heard about the Children’s Railway
in Budapest. So my dad bought tickets for it.
The Children’s Railway has been a landmark in Budapest for over 60 years. The
train takes passengers on an 11-kilometre journey through the beautiful Hungarian
countryside. The fare isn’t expensive and in many ways, it’s like a normal train ride.
So, what’s so special about the Children’s Railway? Children from the ages of 10 to
14 years old do most of the work. It’s amazing!
Children usually work one day every two weeks at the Children’s Railway. They
don’t drive the trains, but they sell tickets and give passengers information on the
platform and on the train. They also help to control train traffic, so that there are no
accidents. Of course, adults supervise the work and help the workers if necessary.
Before they can work, the children study for four months and they must pass a
difficult exam. When they have finished their lessons, they know all about trains and
operating a train service.
While I was on the train, I talked to one of the workers. “I’ve learned a lot and made
some good friends too,” he said. These children had a similar dream to mine, but for
them, the dream came true. Well, almost.

1. The writer’s dad bought tickets for the Children’s Railway from home. …… …… ……
2. The train started operating more than 60 years ago. …… …… ……
3. The children work every day for two weeks. …… …… ……
4. Children learn about trains before working at the railway. …… …… ……
5. All children working at the railway make good friends. …… …… ……

2 Complete the sentences. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. When he / she was young, the writer often thought about .................................................. .
2. Visitors can see ............................................... when they travel on the Children’s Railway.
3. The children do a lot of the work, but ........................................... is not their responsibility.
4. The children help to prevent ................................................................. on the train service.
5. The children learn how to ................................................................. before they start work.

Unit 1 Test

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Match the words or phrases in A to the definitions in B. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. accommodation ....... a. another word for trip
2. luggage ....... b. people travelling on a train, coach or aeroplane
3. first class ....... c. a place to stay
4. journey ....... d. You put your clothes in it when you travel.
5. flight ....... e. trip on an aeroplane
6. countryside ....... f. a place to wait for a train
7. airport ....... g. You can see many aeroplanes at this place.
8. platform ....... h. a house you can drive
9. passengers ....... i. an expensive kind of ticket
10. mobile home ....... j. This is outside the city.

2 Complete the sentences with the words below. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

single tickets • coach • fare • trip • timetable • route

return ticket • miss my train • catch the train • station

1. The train …………………………… is very expensive. It’s cheaper to travel by

…………………………… .

2. There’s a …………………………… on the wall of the …………………………… with the times

of all the trains.

3. It’s often cheaper to get one …………………………… than two …………………………… .

4. If I walk to the station, I’ll …………………………… . I’m going to take a taxi so I can
…………………………… .

5. The map shows a …………………………… through the mountains, but the

…………………………… will take hours.

Unit 1 Test

Grammar 30 points

1 Complete the sentences with the time expressions below. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

just • never • yet • for • since

1. I’ve ………………… been to France, but I want to go there.
2. Mary and Sean have worked together ………………… they left university.
3. I haven’t seen the new film ………………… .
4. I’m not hungry. I’ve ………………… eaten.
5. He hasn’t had a holiday ………………… six years.

2 Write sentences with the words below. Use the Present Perfect Simple. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. Bob / not eat / anything / for two days / .

2. Mark / tell / you / about the party / yet / ?
3. you / ever / fly / on an aeroplane / ?
4. John / not buy / any new shoes / for a long time / .
5. train fares / get / higher / recently / .

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple
or Past Simple. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. A: 1…………………… you …………………… (go) out yesterday?

B: No, I 2…………………… (be) ill since last week.
2. A: 1…………………… he …………………… (leave) yet?
B: Yes, he 2…………………… (leave) an hour ago.
3. A: We 1…………………… (not watch) anything good on television all week.
B: We 2…………………… (see) a great film on Sunday.
4. A: 1…………………… Tom …………………… (write) recently?
B: Yes, I 2…………………… (get) a letter last week.
5. A: They 1…………………… (not pay) us for a long time.
B: 2…………………… you ever …………………… (speak) to them about it?

Unit 1 Test

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the brackets. Use the correct form of used to.
(5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. Dad …………………………… (not read) stories to me when I was younger, but Mum did.
2. We …………………………… (live) in the countryside, but now we live in the city.
3. ……………………… you ……………………… (get) a lot of homework?
4. I …………………………… (not like) going to parties.
5. ……………………… your mother ……………………… (make) you pancakes?

Writing 10 points

Put the words in brackets in the correct place in each sentence.

1. He buys first-class tickets. (always)

2. We lost our luggage. (last year)
3. We walked to the platform. (quickly)
4. We travel to London. (usually)
5. They arrived at midnight. (at the hotel)

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