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Unit 1 Test Name: …………………………….

Mark: ………

Reading 20 points

1 Read the text. Then complete the sentences. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

Like many young children, I used to dream about driving a train. Then, last summer,
while my family and I were visiting Hungary, we heard about the Children’s Railway
in Budapest. So my dad bought tickets for it.
The Children’s Railway has been a landmark in Budapest for over 60 years. The
train takes passengers on an 11-kilometre journey through the beautiful Hungarian
countryside. The fare isn’t expensive and in many ways, it’s like a normal train ride.
So, what’s so special about the Children’s Railway? Children from the ages of 10 to
14 years old do most of the work. It’s amazing!
Children usually work one day every two weeks at the Children’s Railway. They
don’t drive the trains, but they sell tickets and give passengers information on the
platform and on the train. They also help to control train traffic, so that there are no
accidents. Of course, adults supervise the work and help the workers if necessary.
Before they can work, the children study for four months and they must pass a
difficult exam. When they have finished their lessons, they know all about trains and
operating a train service.
While I was on the train, I talked to one of the workers. “I’ve learned a lot and made
some good friends too,” he said. These children had a similar dream to mine, but for
them, the dream came true. Well, almost.

1. The writer’s dad bought a ticket for the Children’s Railway when they …………………………… .
2. The train started operating more than …………………………… ago.
3. The children don’t …………………………… .
4. The children help to prevent …………………………… on the train service.
5. Passing the exam is …………………………… .

2 Answer the questions. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. What did the writer think about when he was young?

2. What do passengers see when they travel on the Children’s Railway?
3. What are the children’s responsibilities?
4. How do adults help the children in their work?
5. What do the children learn before they work?

Unit 1 Test

Vocabulary 20 points

1 Match the definitions in A to the words or phrases in B. There are more words than you
need. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. another word for trip ....... a. accommodation
2. a place to stay ....... b. luggage
3. money for a ticket ....... c. first-class
4. a house you can drive ....... d. journey
5. This is outside the city. ....... e. fare
....... f. countryside
....... g. airport
....... h. platform
....... i. passengers
....... j. mobile home

2 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words below. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

passengers • flight • standard-class • capital city • miss your train

fattening • platform • south • crisps • first-class
1. A: You’re late. Did you 1…………………………… ?
B: Yes, and I waited on the 2…………………………… for 20 minutes. Then there were many
…………………………… , so I had to stand.
2. A: Do you want to eat some 1…………………………… ?
B: No thanks. They’re 2…………………………… .
3. A: I’d like to get on the next 1…………………………… to Paris.
B: Do you want a 2…………………………… ticket?
A: No thanks. I haven’t got a lot of money, so I’ll take a 3…………………………… ticket, please.
4. A: What’s the 1…………………………… of Italy?
B: Rome. It’s 2…………………………… of Venice.

Unit 1 Test

Grammar 30 points

1 Complete the mini-dialogues with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or
Past Simple. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. A: 1…………………… you …………………… on the school trip yesterday?

B: No, I 2…………………………… ill since last week. (be, go)
2. A: 1…………………… Sam …………………… yet? I can’t wait to see him.
B: Yes, but he 2…………………………… two minutes ago. (arrive, go out)
3. A: We 1…………………………… anything good on television all week.
B: I don’t agree. We 2…………………………… a great documentary on Sunday.
(see, not watch)
4. A: 1…………………… Tom …………………… recently?
B: No, but I 2…………………………… a letter from him last month. (write, get)
5. A: The children 1…………………………… their room for a long time.
B: I know. 2…………………… you ever …………………… to them about it? (speak, not clean)

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the correct form of used to.
(5 x 2 = 10 points)

drink • live • like • get • read

1. Dad …………………………… stories to me when I was younger, but Mum did.
2. We …………………………… in the countryside, but now we’ve got a home in the city.
3. …………………… you …………………………… a lot of homework when you were at school?
4. He …………………………… parties because he was shy.
5. …………………… you …………………………… tea?

3 Choose the correct answers. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

Most people 1 didn’t have / didn’t use to have / haven’t got time to travel because they are
busy working. That’s why Ian Wright’s job is special. Ian Wright travels for work and he 2 loved /
is loving / loves every minute! Ian has got a job on Globe Trekker – a TV programme about
different countries. 3 Since / For / While he started working on the programme, Ian has had
 much / many / any adventures. When he was in Cambodia, he 5 eats / ate / has eaten a fried
insect. While he 6 look / looked / was looking at a volcano in Vanuatu, it erupted.

In the past 20 years, Ian 7 is making / has made / makes over 50 Globe Trekker episodes. He
was / is / has been on the programme longer than 9 many / any / much other person, but he
isn’t bored. He 10 won’t leave / doesn’t leave / hasn’t left soon.

Unit 1 Test

Writing 10 points

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. buys / first-class / always / he / tickets / .

2. lost / we / last year / luggage / our / .
3. platform / walked / we / quickly / the / to / .
4. travelled / you / recently / where / have / ?
5. the / midnight / they / at / arrived / hotel / at / .

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