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March 30, 2020

Dear ___________,

We are writing to share our perspective on the Covid-19 crisis, particularly as we

approach April and the next scheduled rent payment:

• We are together navigating a crisis not of your making, nor of ours. We know of no
one who is not hurt as a result of Covid-19. For some, there is acute financial
struggle following a job loss or meaningful reduction in pay. For all, there is the pain
of being separated from family and friends and routine. This is miserable in many
ways, and for those who have lost loved ones, or are ill, this is unimaginably difficult.

• We do not yet know how long this will last, and how the federal and state
governments will react to alleviate financial suffering. Late last week, a bill was
passed in Washington DC that increases unemployment benefits and calls for a
one-time payment to families to help offset the unexpected financial burdens this
pandemic has already imposed. It is likely that further steps will be taken, at both
national and state levels, as they and we develop a clearer understanding of how
long this situation might endure.

• Some of our residents will be able to pay rent as usual, and for others, due to
changed circumstance, that is simply impossible. Over the past few days we have
developed a procedure for residents unable to pay rent due to extreme situations
such as job loss or business closure to contact us. We will work with each resident
individually, according to personal circumstance. These conversations are private
and will remain confidential. We are committed to working with impacted
residents, as best we can, to find a reasonable, mutually acceptable path forward.
If you wish to speak with us, please call (773) 548-5077, email or enter a
management service request on your resident portal.

• There is no “one size fits all” strategy that will enable us to meet the needs of all our
residents in acute difficulty. In some cases, we will agree to payment plans. In
other cases, we will identify less expensive apartments so someone who cannot
afford to remain in an apartment will have the option to relocate to a less costly
apartment, with no transfer fees. Those who simply cannot afford to remain in any
apartment will be given a path to lease termination.

• Please keep in mind that the rent you pay in turn pays the salaries of the more than
250 members of our Hyde Park team. They, like you, have families to feed, and rent
or mortgages to pay, and parents and children to care for. They are the people that
clean your hallways and remove the trash and answer your calls and perform
essential work in very trying circumstances. We have hired additional members in
the past three weeks to meet the increased demands of enhanced cleaning and the
increased volume of calls as we all, together, try and navigate this unprecedented
national crisis. There are among us some who are simply unable to pay rent, due to
circumstances entirely beyond their control. It is our hope that those within our
universe who have not been harmed in that manner will continue to meet their
obligations, as we continue to meet ours.

• It is tempting, in moments of panic, to adopt a “get mine” first strategy, and let
others fend for themselves. We have all seen examples of this, in supermarkets and
drugstores, and a variety of other situations. We are at our best when we approach
challenges together, with a shared understanding of our interdependence and of our
shared commitments to one another. We are working around the clock to do
everything within our power to make this horrible situation less painful to those
residents who have been impacted the most. We thank you in advance for your
understanding and patience.


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