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Second Written Assignment

Name: Rijad

Surname: Zahirović

Class: III-A

Date: 28th of March,2020

Challenges of living in isolation

It's very boring.

We are all at home in isolation.
All gatherings and gatherings are forbidden, so it all snowed.
It's become a difficult life these days.
People were caught in a panic and everyone was provided with food.
Pll minors and persons over the age of 65 are prohibited from moving,

4 months ago a virus called corona virus appeared in China.

After 2 mjwcec it spread around the world.
Ater a few weeks he came to our region.
To prevent the virus from spreading, everyone is at home isolated.
The cafes are closed.
All minors and persons over the age of 65 are prohibited from leaving their homes.
All schools are closed until further classes are taken online.
Home is very boring and nothing to do.Everyone is in their homes.
No hanging out with friends, no night out.Every day, police visit cities and villages.
From 4 pm curfew to 5 o'clock in the morning.All movements at that time are punished.
The good side of this isolation is that we are home and resting with our family

That Allah dz.s. help everyone infected with this virus and keep us safe from it.
Tor this situation to end as soon as possible.
To prevent the spread of this virus, wash your hands, do not touch your face and stay at home.

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