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Remote Neural Monitoring

Neural entrainment is done from an apartment or suite above the apartment of the
targeted "person of interest" while they sleep at night. This is done with very
sophisticated EEG equipment. Once the brain resonance or frequency is captured. It
is uploaded to satellite, mobile platform and WiFi network. This would also be know
as a brainprint. This is electronic monitoring which is a from of Signal
intelligence(SIGINT see Wikipedia), Remote Neural Monitoring. This technology can
be weaponized using the electro-magnetic spectrum and nanotechnology body implants.
See Dr. Robert P Duncan PhD. Who worked for the various intelligence agencies also
the DOJ. [[]
03RpKCbubBcSFBck86wKMeStC7iBlA41Shfg)…/cain-v-departmen…) . Once this is done, you
notice people and youth that are affiliated with all types of surveillance-programs
tracking you using their cell-phones( Citizens Corp, state-programs, government
surveillance spy programs, cell-phone notification alerts,). Innocent people are
being placed into these surveillance programs from all walks of life under FISA,
the Patriot act, NDAA, various terrorist Watch list, Enemy of the state, person of
interest cell-phone alerts. All type of disruption programs are waged against these
innocent American that are placed on these list with absolutely no "due process" or
court trial or protection from the 8th amendment of the constitution. Given that
the technology is weaponized using electro-magnetic frequencies also the electro-
magnetic spectrum. Which affects the water content in the human body. The body
feels an intense heating and other symptoms. Please see Professor Lin overview on
microwave weapons. Please see "Disposition Matrix" on Wikipedia. Again people are
being placed on these various list with no "due process". Then the 25th amendment
is used to make the innocent individual seem crazy. With the help of an ongoing
slander campaign by cell-phone and corrupt city, state and federal institute and
governmental representation( workers, agents, contractors, private security
contractors etc.). It starts in some cases with the FBI terrorist screening Center.
And information is shared by the Fusion Center proactive policing. At the highiest
level DoD(military personnal), and private contractors. example this "watchlist, no
fly list, electronic surveillance Title 3 affidavits 18U.S.C & 251(7), blue alert.
This is a growing trend taking place domestically and given the corrupt use of FISA
internationally. The American citizen is not afforded any help from the very legal
institutions / agencies that are put in place to safeguard against this kind of
"obstruction of justice" also "aiding and abetting". Again this without in some
cases having any kind of criminal record. surveillance by the various agencies have
completely gone rogue. See "Trey Gowdy due process DHS representative" on YouTube.
Look up active-denial system(LRAD) california prisoners lawsuit. You might need a
Writ(Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 542 U.S. 507 2004) to protest the courts for help.
Writ(Habeas Corpus, to compel a judical determination). Please look at the court
case mentioned. I'm not a lawyer just came across interesting information. Stay
strong man!

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