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Revision during RMO

1. The physical quantities that cannot be defined in terms of other physical quantities is called
Kuantiti fizikal yang tidak boleh diterbitak daripada kuantiti fizikal yang lain dipanggil sebagai

A) Non-physical quantities
Bukan kuantiti fizikal
B) Dimensionless quantities
Kuantiti yang tidak berdimensi
C) Base quantities
Kuantiti asas
D) Derived quantities
Kuantiti terbitan

2. Which of the following is the base quantity

Manakah antara berikut adalah kuantiti asas

A) Energy
B) Weight
C) Mass
D) Volume

3. Which of the following is not base unit

Manakah antara berikut adalah bukan kuantiti asas

A) Ampere
B) Kelvin
C) Kilogram
D) Kilometre
4. Pressure, volume, mass and area are
Tekanan, isipadu, jisim dan luasa adalah

A) Base quantity
kuantiti asas
B) Scalar quantity
Kuantiti skala
C) Derived quantity
kuantiti terbitan
D) Vector quantity
kuantiti vektor

5. Momentum is a scalar and derived quantity

Momentum ialah kuantiti skala dan terbitan

A) True
B) False

6. Which is the scalar quantity?

Antara berikut yang manakah kuantiti skala?

A) Accelaration
B) Speed
C) Velocity
D) Displacement
7. What is the reading on this vernier caliper?
A) 3.15 cm
B) 3.65 cm
C) 3.25 cm
D) 3.16 cm

8. What is the reading on this micrometer screw gauge?

A) 3.31 mm
B) 3.131 mm
C) 3.81 mm

D) 3.531 mm
9.An astronaut with mass 70 kg travels from Moon to Earth. Which comparison is correct?

Seorang angkasawan dengan jisim 70 kg bergerak dari bulan ke bumi. Perbandingan manakah
adalah betul?

Mass/ Jisim Weight / Berat

A) Same More
Sama Lebih
B) Less Same
Kurang Sama
C) Same Less
Sama Kurang
D) Less More
Kurang Lebih

10. What is the correct interpretation of the graph?

Yang manakah antara berikut menerangkan graf di atas dengan betul?

A) P is directly proportional to Q

B) P increases linearly with Q

C) P decreases linearly with Q

D) P is inversely proportional to Q
11. Which of the following is NOT correct about the graph?
Yang manakah antara berikut adalah TIDAK benar?

A) Gradient = 4.09 s2 m-1

B) The manipulated variable is the length
C) T2 is directly proportional to l
D) the value for T2 when l = 0.40 m is obtained by extrapolation of the graph

12. Muthu cycles from his

house to the shop, while coming back he stops at Ahmad’s house. What is his displacement?

A) 300m

B) 400 m

C) 1100 m
13. A ticker tape is pulled by a trolley through a ticker time of a frequency of 50 Hz. The average
speed of the trolley is?
Jika frekuensinya ada 50 Hz, berapakah kelajuan troli tersebut?

A) 0.2 m/s
B) 0.3 m/s
C) 0.4 m/s
D) 0.5 m/s

14. Frequency of ticker time is 50 Hz, each strips contain 5 ticks. What is the accelaration?
Frekuensinya adalah 50 Hz, setiap strip mempunyai 5 titik. Berapakah pecutannya?

A) 20 ms-2
B) 200 ms-2
C) 240 ms-2
D) 400 ms-2
15. Which of the graph represents the motion?
Graf yang manakah mewakili pergerakan di atas?




16. A coin, a marble and a leaf is released simultaneously in a vacuum state. Which statement is true?
Syiling, guli, dan daun dilepaskan sekaligus dalam keadaan vakum. Pernyataan yang manakah antara
berikut yang benar?

A) All three objects reach the base at the same time

Ketiga tiga object menyentuh dasar permukaan pada waktu yg sama.
B) All three objects float in the cylinder
Ketiga tiga objek terapung di dalam silinder.
C) The marble reaches the base earlier than the coin
Guli tiba pada permukaan lebih awal berbanding syiling.
D) The coin and the marble reach the base earlier than the dried leaf
Guli dan syiling tiba pada permukaan lebih awal berbanding daun.

17. Which of the following statement is true when P and Q are in free fall ?
Yang manakah antara berikut adalah benar, apabila objek P dan Q dalam keadaan jatuh bebas?

A) The velocities of P and Q are the same

Halaju P dan Q adalah sama
B) The accelerations of P and Q are the same
Pecutan P dan Q adalah sama
C) The momentum of P and Q are the same
Momentum P dan Q adalah sama
D) The gravitational forces acting on P and on Q are the same
Daya graviti ke atas P dan Q adalah sama
18. What should he do to leave the merry-go-round in order to not fall down?
Apakah yang patut dilakukan oleh budak lelaki ini untuk turun dari situ agar tidak jatuh?

A) he should bend his legs

membengkokkan kakinya
B) he should keep moving a few steps forwards
terus bergerak beberapa langkah ke hadapan
C) he should keep moving a few steps backward
terus bergerak beberapa langkah ke belakang
D) he should quickly stop moving
berhenti bergerak secepat mungkin
19. A passenger moves backward when the motorcycle accelarates. Which describe the phenomenon?
Penumpang motosikal itu bergerak kebelakang apabila motorsikal itu dipecut. Yang manakah
menerangkan fenomena ini?

A) Inertia
B) Equilibrium of forces
Keseimbangan daya
C) Principle of conservation of momentum
Prinsip keabadian momentum
D) Principle of conservation of energy
Prinsip keabadian tenaga
20. Which phenomenon shows effect of inertia?
Yang manakah antara berikut yang menunjukkan kesan inersia?




21. Explain why tank ship with maximum speed need to stop the engine about 3km before arriving the
Bolehkah anda jelaskan mengapa kapal tangki dengan kelajuan maksimum perlu menghentikan
enjinnya dari jarak kira-kira 3 km sebelum sampai dan berhenti?

22. To accelarate two object with a same accelaration, the object with larger mass need larger force.
Explain this statement.
Untuk memecut dua objek dengan pecutan yang sama, objek yang lebih berat memerlukan dayayang
lebih besar. Terangkan kenyataan itu.

23. Using principle of conservation of momentum, explain priciple of rocket working.

Menggunakan prinsip keabadian momentum, terangkan prinsip kerja roket.

24. A bowling ball and tennis ball are released from a height. Which will fall down on the surface
first?Bola bowling dan bola tenis dijatuhkan dari satu ketinggian. Bola manakah yang mula-mula


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