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 chief complaint: CP and SOB
 hx obtained from: patient
 unable to obtain?
 sudden onset? no
 Onset occurred? Yesterday
 Symptom duration? Since onset
 Progression since? intermittent
 Context of onset? At rest
 Location?Chest L
 quality? painful
 Radiation? YES Does not radiate
 Migration/movement? none
 Severity: onset? moderate
 Severity: current? 8/10
 Associated with? Nausea, SOB, weakness (generalized)
 Associated other? Denies other symptoms
 Exacerbated by? Deep breath, exertion
 relieved by? rest

Report CP

Denied back pain

Denied abdominal
Denied HA, dizziness, vision change

39 yo M pmx htn, hld, DM, hypothy, paraoximal afib, CA

ed for CP and SOB
was in normal state of health last night but left side CP. Does not radiate. Worsened with deep
breaths. If he is still, pain is OK. Breath worsens it tho, 8/10, SOB b/c of worsening CP. N.
-abd pain, back pain, calf pain, chills, D/v, vision changes, dizziness, HA, rashes
chronic swelling of legs. No new swells.
No VTE history

39 y/o M has a Hx of HTN, HLD, DM, hypothyroidism, paraoximal Afib, swelling of legs, CA after
small right partial lobectomy presents to ED (via EMS/FR/home) c/o of intermittent and non
radiating, left sided CP onset last night. Pain is currently 8/10 and is worsened with deep
breaths, but relieved when there is no physical exertion. He notes associated Sx of SOB,
Nausea, and weakness. Pt reports additional history of chronic leg edema, denies any recent
changes. Denies history of VTE or DVT. He denies abdominal pain, back pain, calf pain, chills,
V/D, vision changes, dizziness, HA, rashes. and new swellings of extremities, and VTE history.


23 y/o F has a Hx of bipolar, depression, and SI previous suicidal attempts presets to the ED via
EMS with SI and Depression after her sister died 1 week ago. She called the Suicidal hotline with
thoughts of OD on Benadryll. She has additional Hx of attempted suicide via OD x1 year
w/psych admission (previous suicidal attempt 1 year ago by overdosing). Pt did not f/u with
psych after. She is non compliant with her clonopin and recipridrol. Denies HI, auditory
hallucinations, SOB, and abdominal pain.

40 y/o M has a hx of HTN, HLD, hyperthyroid presents at ED via EMS with non radiating central
CP. Pt states he was mowing lawn when onset occurred at an 8/10. He reports sweating, SOB,
Nausea. EMS gave 324 ASA p/o and NTG that relieved pain to 4/10. Pt reported no CP in past
and has no prior cardiac stress test, but paternal grandfather passed due to an MI at an
unknown age. Denies Fever, vision changes, difficulty urinating, back pain, orthopnea, and any
other unmentioned symptoms.

Sav: 40 y/o M pt with PMHx of HTN, HLD, hyperthyroidism presents to ED c/o of substernal non
radiating chest pain w/ associated SOB, onset while moving his lawn just prior to arrival. Per
EMS, pt was given NTG and ASA 324 mg before arrival, relieving his pain from 8/10 to 4/10. Pt
notes he normally jogs daily and has not experienced chest pain like this in the past. He is
currently not on any prescription medications and had a normal recent stress test. Denies prior
MI, but reports paternal grandfather had MI at unspecified age. Denies any fevers, edema,
vision changes, back pain, headache, no further complaints

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