High Resolution Mapping of Strains and

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High resolution mapping of strains and

rotations using electron backscatter

A. J. Wilkinson*1, G. Meaden2 and D. J. Dingley3
The angular resolution of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) measurements can be
significantly improved using an analysis based on determination of small shifts in features from
one pattern to the next using cross-correlation functions. Using pattern shift measurements at
many regions of the pattern, errors in the best fit strain and rotation tensors can be reduced. The
authors show that elements of the strain tensor and small misorientations can be measured to
¡1024 and ¡0.006u for rotations. We apply the technique to two quite different materials
systems. First, we determine the elastic strain distribution near the interface in a cross-sectioned
SiGe epilayer, Si substrate semiconductor heterostructure. The plane stress boundary conditions
at the sample surface are used to separate every term in the strain tensor. Second, the
applicability to structural materials is illustrated by determining the lattice curvature caused by
dislocations within the plastic zone associated with the wake and tip of a fatigue crack in a Ni
based superalloy. The lattice curvatures are used to calculate the geometrically necessary
dislocation content in the plastic zone.
Keywords: EBSD, Strain, Stress, SiGe, Fatigue, Dislocation tensor

Introduction magnitude compared with the usual Hough transform

based approach. The authors illustrate the technique by
Over the last decade, the electron backscatter diffraction measuring the elastic strain field and hence stresses in a
(EBSD) technique has expanded from a specialised tool SiGe/Si cross-section sample, and the lattice curvature
used in a few laboratories across the world to a main- and hence geometrically necessary dislocation (GND)
stream materials characterisation method used regularly density distribution within the plastic zone of a fatigue
and routinely in the majority of modern materials science crack in a superalloy sample.
laboratories. The rapid uptake of the technique is largely
due to the automation of the pattern indexing and Angular resolution
orientation measurement procedures coupled with the
sophisticated data analysis software that is now commer- The angular resolution of EBSD orientation measure-
cially available. The wide range of applications of EBSD ments is often quoted as 1–0.5u, however, it is possible to
orientation mapping and quantitative microstructural achieve higher resolutions of ,0.1u using less binning of
analysis is a testament to the generality built onto the the charge coupled device (CCD) camera during pattern
data acquisition and analysis packages. acquisition and smaller bin sizes in the Hough transform
In this paper, the authors briefly discuss angular accumulator array.1 Of course there is a consequent
reduction in measurement speed. The ,0.1u resolution is
resolution of EBSD measurements and its impact on
approximately the angle subtended by a single pixel in
assessment of plastic deformation and elastic strain in
the recorded pattern and appears to be the limit of what
materials. The authors then describe a cross-correlation
can be achieved using the ‘conventional’ Hough trans-
based analysis of EBSD patterns in which small shifts in
form based pattern indexing approach. The way by
pattern features are measured and related to the
which angular resolution is assessed and quoted for
displacement gradient tensor. It is demonstrated that
EBSD measurements can be a little deceptive, however,
the cross-correlation based method gives an improve-
because a single scalar parameter tends to specified,
ment in the angular sensitivity of ,2 orders of
whereas crystal orientations and indeed misorientations
have three degrees of freedom. Wilkinson2 and Prior3
Department of Materials, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 have demonstrated that for small misorientations, the
BLG Productions, 3 Sydenham Road, Bristol, BS6 5SH, UK angular uncertainty in individual orientation measure-
Department of Physics, University of Bristol, TSL/EDAX, Draper, UT ments propagates into a large error in determination of
84020, USA the direction of the misorientation axis. Bate et al.4 have
*Corresponding author, email angus.wilkinson@materials.ox.ac.uk looked at this problem again recently and given an

ß 2006 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 22 December 2005; accepted 23 March 2006
DOI 10.1179/174328406X130966 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 11 1271
Wilkinson et al. High resolution mapping of strains using EBSD

analytical relationship for the expected error w in the plane spacing through measurement of the Bragg angle
direction of the misorientation axis as a function of can be attempted but is of limited precision estimated at
the orientation measurement error d and the angle h of ,561023 by Wilkinson.17 This is due to a lack of high
the misorientation being measured order Kikuchi lines (e.g. compared with convergent
  beam electron diffraction in the TEM) combined with
w~ arctan uncertainty where exactly the Bragg condition falls in
h the bright dark intensity profile at the Kikuchi band
For a small misorientation of 1u, an orientation edge. Recently, Keller et al.18 attempted such measure-
measurement error of 1u causes an error of ¡45u in ments in which they compared the lattice parameters of
determining the axis of misorientation so that it is to all GaAs and GaP and quoted errors of ¡261023.
intents and purposes unknown. However, reducing the A more attractive approach is to compare a series of
orientation error to 0.1u allows the misorientation axis EBSD patterns so as to determine the small shifts in
to be known to within about ¡6u. positions of major features (e.g. zone axes) caused by
variations in the elastic strains within the sample.17,19,20
Plastic strain analysis Early work achieved the necessary angular resolution by
withdrawing the EBSD detector to a long camera length
Initial attempts to assess plastic deformation through and hence small capture angle. However, more recently,
EBSD were based on the blurring and reduction in the authors have achieved similar levels of strain
contrast of the Kikuchi bands caused by very localised sensitivity (i.e. ¡261024) with the scintillator screen in
lattice distortions close to dislocations within the diffrac- its usual large capture angle position.21 As we will
tion volume.5,6 Both statistically stored and GNDs describe in the next section, this has the considerable
contribute to the pattern blurring, with the GNDs advantage that the entire displacement gradient tensor,
sometimes causing blurring of specific Kikuchi bands, containing both strain and rotation information, can be
namely, those perpendicular to Burger’s vectors of the obtained from analysis of each pattern. Bate et al.4 have
dominant dislocations.7 More recent work on plastic used essentially the same method to determine the
deformation has centred on measurement and mapping rotational part of the displacement gradient tensor
of the low angle misorientations accumulated within (ignoring strains) within grains of deformed and recov-
grains as a result of deformation. These approaches ered Al samples. Tao and Eades22 have used the cross-
emphasise the GND content of the dislocation micro- correlation method to look for small shifts in the position
structure because statistically stored dislocations produce of peaks within Hough transforms corresponding to
no long range strain or curvature of the lattice and so do bands in the original EBSD patterns, although they did
not contribute as strongly to the misorientation measure- not relate these shifts to strains and rotations within the
ments. In some works, the main aim has been to visualise sample. The current authors have also examined this
the spatial distribution of GNDs by imaging the method and can find no advantage in it over direct
distribution of localised misorientations within individual comparison of the EBSD patterns, however, disadvan-
grains,8,9 while in others the goal has been to develop tages are apparent, namely, increased computation time
some metric that can quantify the GND content averaged and slightly reduced sensitivity to shifts along the h
over many grains so as to provide a tool for assessing the (inclination) axis of the Hough transform.
level of cold work in a component.10–12 A plastic strain
sensitivity of about 0.5–1% has been achieved which is
similar to that obtained through assessment of blurring in Determining strains and small rotations
individual EBSD patterns. from EBSD patterns
The most direct link to GND content is to use EBSD
The EBSD measurements were made in the JEOL
based measurements of lattice curvature to determine
JSM6500F FEG SEM. EBSD patterns were acquired
dislocation density using Nye’s13 dislocation tensor. Adams
using a Digiview 12 camera which is a 130061030 pixel,
and co-workers14,15 have attempted such measurements in
Al bicrystals and polycrystals, however, scatter in the Peltier cooled CCD camera with intensities digitised to
orientation measurements had a large impact on the 12 bits. The phosphor recording screen was held at the
analysis. This is because the dislocation density is propor- usual position so as to subtend a capture angle of ,70u
tional to the gradient in misorientation and differentiation at the sample. TSL/EDAX orientation imaging micro-
tends to emphasise the noise in the EBSD measurements. In scopy (OIM DC 4) software was used to acquire either a
fact, El-Dasher et al.15 used a considerable amount of series of patterns in line scans or as regular two-
averaging to visualise the pile-up of dislocations at the grain dimensional arrays (maps). The patterns were analysed
boundary during deformation of the Al bicrystals they through the use of the Hough transform within the OIM
studied. Zaefferer et al.16 have also looked at dislocation DC software to determine crystal orientation in the
pile-up near three different boundaries in Al bicrystals normal manner, and were also recorded at full resolu-
during plane strain compression, and again had to make tion on a hard disk for subsequent offline analysis to
use of considerable data averaging to make the near determine strain and small rotations. The latter analysis
boundary lattice curvature visible. Improvements in mis- was carried out using specially developed software by
orientations measurements would make dislocation tensor BLG Productions that goes under the title ‘CrossCourt’.
analysis a more realistic proposition. Exposure times were typically ,2 s.
One pattern in the sequence is taken as a reference
pattern and the strain variations and lattice rotations are
Elastic strain analysis all measured relative to this point. A number of square
Strain measurement has previously proved difficult to regions of interest (ROIs) are distributed over the
achieve with EBSD. Direct determination of lattice patterns. For each ROI, the cross-correlation between

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Wilkinson et al. High resolution mapping of strains using EBSD

1 Measured strain and rotation tensor components for rotations applied about x2 axis to a single crystal

the test pattern and the reference pattern is calculated of small tilts and rotations applied to single crystal
using fast Fourier transforms. The location of the peak in samples using the SEM stage controls. Data from one
the cross-correlation is determined and gives the shift such example are given in Fig. 1, where five sets of
vector for this ROI. The shift measured is the average of EBSD patterns were recorded from a Si single crystal
all pixels within the ROI. We assume that the shift each after applying nominal rotations about the x2 axis
measured in this way is equal to the shift at the point at of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5u. The cross-correlation
the centre of the ROI. Similarly, we assume that the method was then used to determine the displacement
measured shifts are some average value determined by gradient tensor for every pattern using in turn each of
the strain within the sample volume in the specimen. The the 0u patterns as the reference. Figure 1 shows the mean
shifts (x and y components) at the centre of each ROI can values of components of w and e as a function of
be related to components of the displacement gradient nominal applied rotation. The w13 term increases in
tensor a using linear equations.21 The displacement magnitude with nominal rotation, while the other
gradient tensor a is defined as components remain near zero, in agreement with the
0 Lu1 Lu1 Lu1 1 expected form of the applied rotation. There is a slight
Lx1 Lx2 Lx3 increase in the magnitude of e13 as the applied rotation is
B Lu2 C increased but it is always an order of magnitude smaller
@ Lx1
A (1)
than for the w13 term. Error bars on the w13 and e13 data
Lu3 Lu3 Lu3
Lx1 Lx2 Lx3 points indicate the standard deviation in the distribution
of measurements. In this case, the shifts were measured
where u5(u1, u2, u3) is the displacement at position x5 at 20 ROIs in the patterns, each region being 256 pixels
(x1, x2, x3) within the sample. A simple hydrostatic across. In fact, there are different levels of scatter
dilatation of the crystal generates no shift in the EBSD observed in the different components of a owing to the
pattern and so equation (1) cannot be solved for individual anisotropic dispersion of the ROIs relative to the
terms on the lead diagonal of a, but instead can be reference axes. Figure 2 shows the effects of the number
solved for the differences between these terms (e.g. of ROIs used in the analysis on the scatter in the
½ðLu1 =Lx1 Þ{ðLu3 =Lx3 Þ and ½ðLu2 =Lx2 Þ{ðLu3 =Lx3 Þ). measurements and also illustrates that some components
However, we shall show that boundary conditions can of a have larger associated errors than others. Here the
subsequently be used to separate these terms. Measure- ROIs were distributed uniformly in a circle at the edge
ments of shifts at four ROIs allow an exact solution to be of the EBSD patterns. There is an increasing overlap
determined for the system of linear equation, giving eight of between the ROIs as their number is increased. This
the nine degrees of freedom within tensor a. If shifts are data show that scatter in the results can be reduced using
measured at more than four ROIs, then the equations can a larger number of shift measurements, however, there is
be solved for the ‘best’ solution in a least square of errors only a ,40% reduction in the standard deviation on
sense using standard matrix methods. The symmetric part increasing the number of ROIs from four to 20, despite
of a is the strain tensor e and the antisymmetric part the about fivefold increase in the analysis time. Using
rotation tensor w, so that components of e and w are simply 20 ROIs, the standard deviation in measured compo-
found from a using nents of the displacement gradient tensor is on average
1 Lui Luj 1 Lui Luj
eij ~ z and wij ~ { (2)
2 Lxj Lxi 2 Lxj Lxi
Application to SiGe/Si semiconductor
Assessment of sensitivity Here the new method is illustrated by using it to obtain
We have conducted various tests to assess the sensitivity the elastic strain distribution in a semiconductor
of the method, including making repeated measurements structure, namely, a ,1 mm thick Si12xGex epilayer

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Wilkinson et al. High resolution mapping of strains using EBSD

2 Effect of number of regions of interest (ROIs) on standard deviation in components of displacement gradient tensor

grown on (001) Si. The sample was cleaved and then distance into the substrate and is required to accom-
ground and polished so that observations could be made modate the displacements along the x3 direction caused
on a (110) cross-section perpendicular to the substrate by the relief of the stress within the epilayer at the
epilayer interface. The sample was tilted through 60u sample surface. A small localised peak is observed in the
toward the EBSD detector with the tilt axis along the e31 shear strain variation at the substrate epilayer
substrate epilayer interface normal. Patterns were interface. In general, the authors would expect this term
recorded every 10 nm along a line perpendicular to the to be zero or close to it owing to the equilibrium
interface extending across the epilayer and ,4 mm into condition that the corresponding shear stress t31 be zero
the substrate. at the free surface. The observed local deviation from
Strains and rotations were determined using pattern zero is a consequence of a very intense shear strain
shifts measured at 20 ROIs uniformly distributed gradient at the interface between the substrate and the
around the edge of the EBSD screen. The reference misfitting epilayer as has been shown, for example, in
axes used to describe the strain and rotation tensors are the finite element analysis of Chen and Li.23
x1 parallel to the substrate interface normal, x3 parallel The other two terms that come directly from the
the cross-section surface normal and x2 along the cross-correlation analysis of the EBSD patterns are the
intersection of the sample surface and the interface e11-e33 and e11-e33 variations shown in Fig. 3. EBSD
plane. Figure 3 shows the variations of the most patterns come from very close to the sample surface
significant terms in the strain and rotation tensors, where it is reasonable to assume that conditions of plane
measured relative to a reference taken at the point in the stress are met. The normal stress s33 perpendicular to
substrate furthest from the interface. The largest term is the free surface must therefore go to zero so we can in
in fact the rotation w31 about the x2 axis which increases general write
in magnitude to a peak rotation of ,0.4u at the
interface. This lattice curvature persists a considerable s33 ~0~C33kl ekl (3)

3 Strain and rotations measured close to interface between SiGe epilayer grown on Si substrate

1274 Materials Science and Technology 2006 VOL 22 NO 11

Wilkinson et al. High resolution mapping of strains using EBSD

4 Separation of normal strains in SiGe/Si cross-section

where Cijkl are the elastic constants refered to the sample A line scan with EBSD patterns recorded every
(not crystallographic) axis system and the usual summa- 100 nm was taken perpendicular to the crack, which is
tion convention is implied. This condition can be used to along the x2 direction ,200 mm behind the crack tip so
separate the three normal strains. With the given sample, as to run across the plastic wake on one side of the
geometry and symmetry equation (3) simplifies to give crack, see inset to Fig. 5. Figure 6 compares the
misorientation profile determined using the usual
s33 ~0~C3333 e33 zC3311 e11 zC3322 e22 (4) Hough transform based analysis with that obtained
with C33335166 GPa and C33115C3322564 GPa for Si. using the cross-correlation based analysis. The general
The result for the separated normal strains is given in trends and magnitudes obtained from the two methods
Fig. 4. The curvature of the lattice shown by the are comparable. However, it is clear that there is much
variation of w31 with distance along x1 causes a bending less noise associated with the cross-correlation analysis.
of the lattice consistent with the increasingly compres- The cross-correlation derived misorientation profile
sive e11 strain seen as the interface is approached from indicates that the plastic zone extends ,23 mm from
the substrate side. All the normal strains show a rapid the crack. Very close to the crack, the patterns were too
change at the substrate epilayer interface. The e22 strain diffuse and low in contrast to make reliable measure-
ments by either method.
is of particular interest because the authors expect little
relief of the built-in misfit strain by the sample Given the symmetric distribution of slip systems with
respect to the crack, virtually constant lattice rotation
sectioning. Indeed, e22 remains close to zero through
would be expected while moving along lines parallel to
most of the substrate but exhibits a marked compression
the crack growth direction until the crack tip is
within the epilayer as should be expected given its larger
approached or along the crack front direction within
natural lattice parameter. Within the epilayer the normal
plane strain conditions. Thus the only contributions to
strains e11 and e33 are both tensile owing to Poisson
the dislocation tensor come from the lattice curvature
expansion associated with the compression along the x2
arising from the variation of lattice orientation with
distance from the crack plane, i.e. along the x2 axis.
Figure 5 shows the variation of different components wij
Application to fatigue crack plastic of the rotation tensor along the scan line. Note that the
zones Hough transform based data cannot usefully be split
into different components because for these small
To illustrate application of the technique to a structural rotations, there is far too much scatter in the misor-
material problem, we have measured the lattice curva- ientation axes. The gradients of the curves in Fig. 5 give
ture across the plastic zone associated with the wake and the lattice curvature, specifically the variation of w12 and
crack tip of a fatigue crack grown in a nickel based w23 lead to bending, while the gradient of the w31
superalloy (SRR99). The crack was grown at a component describes a twist in the lattice about the
temperature of 650uC, in air at a load ratio of 0.1. The normal to the fracture plane. This lattice curvature can
crack was grown on the (010) plane and in the [100] be linked to the geometrically necessary dislocation
direction for which crack propagation behaviour has distribution within the plastic wake of the crack using
been reported by Henderson and Martin.24 For the last the analysis given by Nye.13 In the current analysis, we
,1 mm of the crack propagation, load shedding was simply decompose the dislocation tensor as defined by
used to maintain a stress intensity factor range DK of Nye into a set of pure screw and pure edge dislocations
23 MPa m1/2, which corresponds to a crack growth rate with line and Burgers vectors aligned with the reference
of ,0.6 mm per cycle, and the test then terminated. The axes describing the crack geometry. The three terms of
compact tension test piece was then sectioned so that the leading diagonal of the tensor, r11, r22 and r33,
observation could be made on the midplane. represent pure screw dislocations and the six cross-terms

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5 Components of lattice rotation tensor across plastic wake near fatigue crack

represent the six possible types of pure edge dislocations. z461013 m22 at a distance of ,6 mm from the crack
The first subscript refers to the direction of the Burgers tip. The point at which r23 changes sign demarks the
vector and the second to the direction of the dislocation edge of the cyclic plastic zone which is thus seen to
line. The w12 variation is then directly and uniquely extend by no more than ,5 mm from the crack plane.
linked to the dislocation tensor density component r23 The cyclic plastic zone is thus approximately one-fifth
of edge type GNDs with Burgers vector along x2, and the size of the surrounding monotonic tensile plastic
line direction along x3. Similarly, the w23 variation yields zone size which is in excellent agreement with simple
the density r21 of edge type GNDs with Burgers vector estimates of the plastic zone sizes.
along x2, and line direction along x1. Finally, the lattice A two-dimensional map was also acquired at the tip
twisting described by w31 leads to equal densities r11 and of the fatigue crack with patterns recorded on a 1 mm
r33 of screw GNDs with Burgers vector along x1 and x3 pitch square grid. Figure 8 compares results obtained
respectively. The variation of these GND densities is using the conventional Hough transform analysis with
shown in Fig. 7, in which a negative sign on the those for the new cross-correlation based method. There
dislocation density simply indicates that dislocations is a broad agreement between the spatial distribution of
with Burgers vectors along the negative direction of the local maxima and minima in the two data sets, although
respective Cartesian axes are required to generate the cross-correlation analysis is clearly much less noisy.
the required lattice curvature. Outside the plastic wake, Figure 8a shows results of the conventional analysis in
the dislocation density fluctuates owing to noise on the which the greyscale indicates disorientation from the
rotation measurements and has a standard deviation of exact (001)[100] orientation of the sample, with 5u
,161012 m22. The largest term is observed to be r23 (87 mrads) black and 8u (140 mrads) white. It is possible
which close to the crack plane has magnitude about to visualise the size and shape of the plastic zone in this
2961013 m22 increasing steadily to a peak of about image. The image is however noisy even though no

6 Comparison of lattice rotation determined using conventional Hough transform based orientation measurements with
those from cross-correlation analysis: reference point is furthest crack

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7 Distribution of geometrically necessary dislocations in plastic wake associated with fatigue crack

attempt has been made to represent the axes of angle EBSD pattern using a cross-correlation function
misorientation. The better quality of the data obtained where the distorted pattern is compared with an
using the cross-correlation based analysis is illustrated in undistorted reference pattern. These measurements can
Fig.8b which shows a map of a specific component of the be interpreted to yield the local strain tensor within the
rotation field w12, i.e. the in plane rotations. The sample volume of the specimen. When the cross-
measured rotations are approximately antisymmetric correlation analysis is used to determine small pattern
across the crack plane, as should be expected from shifts at 20 uniformly distributed regions at the edge of
fracture mechanics theory. The plastic zone appears wide angle EBSD patterns, the authors estimate that
somewhat wider on the upper side of the crack and has terms in the strain and rotation tensor can be
similar width to that observed in the line scan. Again in determined to ¡1024. This corresponds to a misorienta-
accord with the line scan data, w12 increases in magnitude tion sensitivity of ¡0.006u.
to a peak ,5 mm out from the crack plane and then 2. In a cross-sectioned SiGe/Si heterostructure, EBSD
decreases again. This peak value appears to indicate the measurements showed an in plane compression in the
position of the outer edge of the cyclic plastic zone. epilayer, while out of the cross-section plane, stresses
were relaxed leading to a slight tensile strain through
Poisson ratio effects. The expansion of the epilayer is
Conclusions accommodated by an elastic curvature near the surface
1. The authors have shown that it is possible to of the cross-section which extends a considerable
measure small displacements in local regions of a wide distance into the substrate from the interface.

a Hough transform analysis results indicating disorientation from (001)[100] orientation of sample: 87 mrads – black and 140 mrads
– white; b cross-correlation analysis results showing w12 rotation component: z44 mrads – black and 253 mrads – white
8 EBSD maps at fatigue crack tip

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