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Orientation Imaging: The Emergence of a New Microscopy


A new microscopy, called orientation imaging microscopy, is described. Imaging results from
precise measurements o f l o c a l lattice orientation facilitated by backscattered Kikuchi diffraction.
The hardware configuration o f the microscope is described, and a formal description o f image
formation is developed. Application o f the method to several cubic materials and material con-
ditions is described. Emphasis is given to those areas o f application where new insight into
polycrystalline microstructures has begun to e m e r g e .

I. INTRODUCTION are revealed, but it is not generally possible to discern

the lattice orientation o f individual components. In con-
THIS article describes a new microscopy for probing trast, the standard methods o f modern texture analysis,
microstructure in polycrystalline materials. Polycrystal-
w h i c h rely upon X-ray o r neutron diffraction, provide
line microstructures are extremely rich in diversity, and
information about volume fractions o f grains o f specified
no single microscopy can resolve the entire spectrum o f
lattice orientation but no information about grain size,
structures present. New forms o f microscopy inevitably
shape morphology, or spatial distribution. Orientation
expose new features o f microstrncture and new insights
imaging couples these two aspects o f microstructure to-
into structure-properties relationships.
gether in a m a n n e r w h i c h provides exciting new insights.
The microscopy described here is called "orientation
W e shall first describe, in more detail, the configu-
imaging," owing to the fact that contrast is formed by
ration o f the hardware. W e then define orientation im-
gradients o f local lattice orientation. More specifically,
aging microscopy as a sequence o f mappings which reveal
backscattered Kikuchipatterns are analyzed to determine
contrast in gray scale o r c o l o r based upon precise knowl-
lattice orientation in small localized regions. In its cur-
edge o f lattice orientation gradients in the polycrystal.
rent configuration, w h i c h is described in Section II, ori-
Examples o f orientation imaging o f several materials and
entation imaging microscopy utilizes a standard scanning
material conditions are used to illustrate the principal
electron microscope in conjunction with high-gain t e l e -
microstructural features recovered from the microscopy.
vision technology to interrogate the flux o f backscattered
Detailed connections to texture analysis are then de-
electrons emanating from crystalline regions of ~ 0 . 2 / ~ m
scribed. Finally, it is illustrated that there are natural
in size. Recently developed algorithms for rapidly in-
connections o f the orientation imaging technique to a more
dexing patterns, coupled with stage (or beam) motion
recent emphasis on two-point statistical information and
automation, enable scanning o f the polycrystalline sur-
powerful stereological methods, previously under-
face with a probe which is extremely sensitive to the
exploited, w h i c h extract lattice-orientation- and
precise lattice orientation at each scan point. The con-
disorientation-dependent information about the physical
trast obtained in such scanning results from precisely de-
orientation distribution o f interfaces from several non-
fined spatial gradients in lattice orientation present in the
parallel section planes.
scanned surface.
At its current state o f development, it is evident that
orientation imaging offers a very attractive coupling o f
several disparate methods o f microstructural inquiry.
Standard optical or scanning electron microscopy relies
heavily upon various mechanisms o f contrast formation When a focused b e a m o f electrons enters a crystalline
which are related to lattice orientation gradients, but in material, a shower o f backscattered electrons emanates
rather imprecise ways. T o cite an example, the effect o f in all directions within a small interaction volume ( o f
chemical etching o f metallographic surfaces is the for- ~ 0 . 2 / z m in diameter). The energy o f these electrons is
mation o f a surface topography w h i c h is dependent upon reduced only slightly from their initial value. Some o f
crystal orientation. The disturbed l a y e r between grains these electrons backscatter through the surface, where
may be attacked at a different rate from the grain inte- the flux pattern they form clearly marks bands o f elec-
riors. Detailed knowledge o f lattice orientation or dis- trons diffracted from planes in the crystal lattice. The
orientation effects on etching is rarely known, but basic physics o f backscatter diffraction is well described
conventional microscopy often relies upon such topo- in an early article o f Blackham et al.,tl] who refer to the
graphic variation to form contrast. Thus, the size and patterns as "high-angle Kikuchi patterns." Reference to
shapes o f grains or crystallites and their chemical phase "high-angle" comes from the fact that optimal efficiency
for the backscattering effect occurs when the outward
B R E N T L. A D A M S , Professor, and K A R S T E N K U N Z E , sample normal is at large angles from the incident b e a m
Postdoctoral Associate, are with the Department of Manufacturing direction (typically 110 deg). W e shall refer to the pat-
Engineering and Engineering of Technology, Brigham Y o u n g terns as Backscattered Kikuchi Diffraction patterns, o r
University, P r o v o , UT 84602. STUART I. WRIGHT, Postdoctoral
Associate, is with Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM BKD patterns, although we note that the term __Electron
87545. B_B_ackScattered diffraction Patterns, o r EBSPs, is also
Manuscript submitted June 4 , 1992. currently in widespread use.


Backscattered Kikuchi diffraction patterns are be- 1973.tS~ In 1986, more than a decade later, Dingley and
lieved to contain a wealth o f information about the l o c a l Baba-Kishi described a system f o r interrogating BKD
structure o f the material, but only the lattice orientation patterns, formed on a phosphor screen located inside the
will be o f interest in this article. By "lattice orientation" microscope chamber, with a high-gain television camera
we refer to the rotation required to bring a reference lat- located outside the chamber, t91 This novel advance led
tice into coincidence with the l o c a l lattice, ignoring any to interactive computer systems w h i c h allowed the op-
small translations which may be required. The reference erator to rapidly i n d e x BKD patterns f o r lattice orien-
lattice is selected f o r convenience. In cubic materials, tation, t9,1°'~1 In this m o d e , the operator is required to
for example, it is easiest to select a reference lattice with identify two o r more known crystallographic zone axes
< 1 0 0 > directions fixed in coincidence with an ortho- in the pattern. From this information, the lattice orien-
normal sample o r laboratory frame {el-e2-e3}. In general, tation is easily computed. Another version o f this mode
o 0 o
however, let the set o f basic vectors, {a~, a2, a3}, char- requires the operator to identify several diffraction bands,
acterize the reference lattice such that a°m• en is fixed for from which the interplanar angles and band widths are
all m, n E {1, 2, 3}. Let {al-a2-a3} denote the basis vec- obtained in o r d e r to i n d e x the pattern for lattice orien-
tors embedded in the local lattice. W e shall use the sym- tation, t12~ When implemented on any garden-variety per-
bol g to denote the second-order tensor, g = gij ei ® ej, sonal computer, a skilled operator can i n d e x about 100
o o o
w h i c h takes a l --~ al, a2 ~ a2, and a3 --> a3 such that patterns p e r h o u r . The process is very fatiguing, how-
0 o
ever, and therefore rather prone to indexing errors when
am'a,=am'a~ (re, n = 1 , 2 , 3 ) , large data sets are needed.
o o o
(ala2a3) = (ala2a3) When indexing is required from a very large n u m b e r
o f locations in the sample ( i . e . , from m a n y locations on
From these conditions, it follows that g-t = g r and det the section p l a n e exposing the microstructure), m a n u a l
(g) = + 1. In this article, we shall refer to g as the lattice indexing is rather impractical. Since 1990, progress has
orientation. been made toward the goal o f completely automating the
The r e a d e r will note that the embedding o f a l o c a l lat- indexing procedure, and thereby eliminating h u m a n
tice frame {a~-a2-a3} is typically not unique. In f a c t , for intervention in the process.
every element o f the point symmetry group o f the lattice, The f i r s t work sought to identify prominent crystal-
a distinctive choice o f lattice frame related to an initial lographic zone axes by convoluting the images with a
choice by the rotation embodied in the symmetry ele- "Mexican hat" template whose function was to find areas
ment will exist. (We shall deal here only with rotational o f high intensity relative to the surrounding neighbor-
aspects o f symmetry w h i c h fully characterize point sym- hood. tl3J Although some success was achieved, this
metries in centrosymmetric crystal lattices.) Since the method was found to be overly sensitive to errors in cal-
physically distinctive orientations o f the lattice are in- ibration and to camera distortion.
variant under the action o f elements o f the point sym- T h r e e methods have been explored w h i c h attempt to
metry group ( i . e . , under different choices o f the l o c a l isolate individual diffraction bands in the BKD patterns.
lattice basis), we can restrict our attention to the ho- Juul-Jensen and Schmidt detected bands with an algo-
mogeneous space o f distinctive lattice orientations, G. rithm w h i c h scanned the BKD image line by line, find-
Thus, all physically different g belong to G, where G = ing the l o c a l intensity maxima,f14~ A scheme was
S O ( 3 ) / F is the quotient space o f right cosets o f the group developed whereby these l o c a l m a x i m a could be con-
nected together to identify the positions o f bands. Wright
o f special orthogonal rotations, SO(3), with elements o f
and Adams°sj developed a scheme in w h i c h the Burns
the point symmetry group F.
algorithm ~j6J is used to extract edges from the l o c a l in-
The reader will also note that g = g(x) in polycrystals.
tensity gradients present in the patterns. It was shown
Since we shall be interested in gradients o f g(x), we are
that by examining long-distance spatial correlations o f
interested not only in G but also in the subspace o f SO(3)
these gradients over the pattern, lines o f correlation are
which contains all physically distinctive disorientations obtained w h i c h coincide with the edges o f the bands,
Of the lattice, w h i c h we shall denote as H. Let g and g ' thereby enabling a n indexing procedure. More recently,
denote two orientations in G. The disorientation between the identification o f peaks in the Hough transform (which
g and g', Ag, is defined by g ' = A g . g . The subspace correspond to lines in the BKD pattern) has been em-
o f physically distinctive disorientations, H, is defined as ployed by Lassen et a t . [17] and Kunze e t a l . t~81 to find
the quotient space o f left and right cosets o f SO(3) with bands.
F; i . e . , H = F / S O ( 3 ) / F . As determined by careful comparisons, indexing via
For the reader who is not familiar with the group- the Burns and Hough algorithms seems to be equally ro-
theoretical notion o f lattice orientation and disorienta- bust and reliable, although each method has advantages
tion, lattices with the cubic crystal symmetry have been f o r certain materials and material conditions, t~81 The ear-
studied in detail and can be accessed in numerous pub- lier methods o f automated indexing °4"15J are no longer
lications ( c f . , f o r the space G, the specialized work o f competitive. In the system described in this article, the
Pospiech et al.,tzJ Hansen et al.,[3~ and the general ref- indexing o f a single cubic BKD pattern requires, typi-
erences o f BungeE4~ and Matthies et al., TM a r e recom- cally, 2 seconds o f computer time. This rate is quite sen-
mended; for the disorientation space H, the work o f Zhao sitive to the quality o f the images, w h i c h affects the
and Adams t6] and Adams et al.t7J can be consulted). n u m b e r o f television frames w h i c h must be averaged to
Using an electron-sensitive photographic plate posi- reduce noise in the patterns. F o r very high-quality pat-
tioned inside the diffraction chamber, Venables and terns, where averaging is not an issue, the rate is also
Harland reported obtaining high-quality BKD patterns in limited by the speed o f the algorithm.


The reliability and precision o f the Burns and Hough
approaches to automated indexing have been studied and
reported in a separate article. ~18~ Image quality p a r a m e -
ters have been developed for each algorithm, and index-
ing reliability is found to be a strong function o f image
quality. When BKD patterns o f l o w image quality are
eliminated from consideration, the reliability o f correct
indexing typically exceeds 99 pct for both algorithms. If
lower quality patterns are admitted, then this number will
decrease. The angular precision with which BKD pat-
terns can be indexed is more difficult to ascertain. Com-
parison o f automated indexing results with very carefully
(manually) indexed sets has shown that the typical mean
disorientation between the automated results and the
m a n u a l results is less than 1 deg. This result is at least
equivalent, and perhaps better, than similar comparisons
between sets which were manually indexed by more than
one operator.
Test calculations t191 have also demonstrated that the
established algorithms are able to correctly i n d e x sim-
ulated patterns from any possible orientation g ~ G in
the face-centered cubic (fcc) and body-centered cubic (bcc)
crystal structures. In other words, it has not been pos- Fig. 1 - - A typical BKD pattern for hot-rolled iron-1 pct silicon (doped
with 2 0 0 p p m phosphorus) obtained after frame averaging (eight pat-
sible to detect any "dark corners" where the indexing
terns) and background subtraction.
algorithms are not able to correctly i n d e x the simulated
patterns. Even with the inclusion o f simulated experi-
mental errors in the considered band parameters, the in-
dexing procedures remain stable. (We point out that
nonunique solutions can occur in cases where an insuf-
ficient number o f bands has been detected. This happens
with patterns o f low band contrast as well as when the
solid angle in the interrogated diffraction cone is not suf-
ficiently large. W e find a small region o f G in the case
o f bcc materials where this occurs f o r solid angles ac-
cessed in our experimental apparatus. Efforts are being
considered to eliminate this small zone o f confusion.)
Based upon these results, we have concluded that
automated indexing o f BKD patterns results in an im-
provement over manual indexing, in both reliability and
Figure 1 shows a typical BKD pattern obtained from
iron ( + 2 0 0 ppm phosphorus). The relatively high
Z-number f o r this material results in very high-quality
patterns. This particular image obtains from averaging
eight television frames, followed by subtracting a back-
ground image. Figure 2 illustrates this same pattern after
band detection via the Hough transform. The bands are
obtained from peaks in the transform, and the indexing
follows from detailed knowledge o f interplanar angles
and spacing. The fully indexed pattern is shown in Fig. 2--Illustration o f band identification for the pattern shown i n
Fig. 1 b y the Hough transform.
Figure 3.

III. ORIENTATION I M A G I N G A schematic o f the current hardware configuration o f

our orientation mapping microscope is shown in
Although the concept o f orientation imaging was sug- Figure 4. High-quality BKD patterns are obtained using
gested at least two decades ago by Haessner and co- an intensified silicon, integrated target (ISIT) fiber optic
workers, t2°~ the potential o f orientation scanning as a new camera. The fiber optic bundle is coated on one end with
form o f microscopy could not be realized until r a p i d , a phosphor. Use o f a fiber optic removes image distor-
automated indexing o f diffraction patterns became a tions present in conventional camera lenses. The camera
reality. When rapid indexing is coupled with computer- control unit is capable o f averaging a variable n u m b e r
controlled stage (or beam) motion, orientation imaging of video images (up to 128); the actual n u m b e r used is
becomes a reality. based upon the typical quality o f the patterns and is a


plane such that its surface remains in focus with motions
o f the x-y stage. The stage is capable o f motions as small
as 0.1 /zm, with a total range o f travel o f 27 x 26 mm.
Reproducibility over the entire r a n g e o f travel is 0.25
[tm. The camera control unit and the stage control unit
are interfaced to a minisupercomputer w h i c h consists o f
four 25 MIPS processors. This computer provides cen-
tral control f o r both the stage and the video camera unit.
A frame capture board is installed in this computer to
facilitate capture o f the BKD patterns from the camera
control unit. Algorithms f o r indexing the patterns
take advantage o f the parallel architecture o f the

A. Definition of Orientation Imaging Microscopy in

Terms of Mappings
Although it is possible to discuss orientation imaging
in very simple t e r m s , here we take a more formal ap-
proach w h i c h facilitates associations o f the m e t h o d with
other methods o f microstructural inquiry. It is worth
pointing out, however, that, at an elementary level, ori-
Fig. 3--Illustration of the indexing of the pattern shown in Fig. 1 entation imaging microscopy is nothing more than as-
b a s e d upon bands detected by the Hough transform.
signing color o r gray scale to portions of the section plane
based upon l o c a l lattice orientation. The choice o f c o l o r
function o f Z-number, strain level in the sample, and the or gray scale is selected by the observer according to his
quality o f the mechanical and electropolishing proce- interest o r bias. In the following, we shall take a deeper
dure. A background image is obtained from a large num- look at the process o f image formation in orientation im-
b e r o f grains when the scanning electron microscope aging microscopy.
(SEM) is in scanning m o d e . This background image is Orientation imaging microscopy results from a well-
stored and then subtracted from each averaged image. defined sequence o f operations:
The sample holder is fixed upon a piezoelectric x-y stage, (1) Let P denote a subspace o f the two-dimensional sec-
w h i c h is mounted such that the outward sample normal tion p l a n e ~t2 in w h i c h microstructural inquiry is per-
makes an angle o f 110 deg from the direction o f the e l e c - formed. (We shall t h i n k o f P as a compact subset o f ~2.)
tron beam. The flirt sample surface lies in the eucentric Embed in P a set o f points. Lattice orientation will be


I ~ ~ ' J :~ F:~:v,b. er;pticsJ, Camera I Mini-

|.~.h.amber ___~_.] \_ !i Supercornputer
x-ystage movestage
I ~ Start Image
I I Camera
Control --~ ~.- PrCoacessing
Unit Image
Obtain Orientation
Stage fromImage

Fig. 4--Schematic description of hardware for the orientation imaging microscope.


obtained from the crystallite lying in the neighborhood disorientation Ag = g,g-1 where g , g ' ~ Gi, w h i c h es-
o f each point belonging to the measurement set. For the tablishes the resolution for orientations falling in the sub-
purposes o f this article, it is convenient to select a mea- space Gi.
surement set M which represents a subset o f the two- With a selected G* established, the second element o f
dimensional point lattice L, defined by basis vectors 11 orientation imaging microscopy can be defined. F o r this
and 12 and an origin x°. Thus, the measurement set M is purpose we require the p o w e r set o f G*, here denoted
defined in terms o f a set o f pairs o f integers S --- {(ml, as P(G*), w h i c h is defined as P(G*) = {G*' I G*' C
nO, (m2, n2), •. . . . . (mrs, nr0} such that every point o f G*}. The second element o f orientation imaging mi-
M is expressed as x = x° + mi 11 + ni 12, where (mi, ni) croscopy is embodied in the function 02:8" ----> P(G*),
E S. Notice that x E M C P. The resolution o f orien- w h i c h assigns to each element o f the partitioning set 8"
tation imaging microscopy is defined by the length o f !1 one element o f the p o w e r set o f G*, P(G*). The partic-
and 12. Image contrast will result from gradients in g(x) ular element o f the p o w e r set assigned to any particular
over distances no smaller than the lengths o f these basis element o f the partitioning set is simply defined by the
vectors. set o f lattice orientations associated with points belong-
W e require a partitioning o f P w h i c h arises from our ing to the patch. Thus, if A E 8"1, an element o f the
choice o f the set M . Consider an arbitrary point x E P. p o w e r set consisting o f a single subspace Gi will be se-
Let Ix - x~] denote the distance between x ~ P and xi lected on the basis o f the l o c a l lattice orientation g(x)
E M C P. When such distances are considered for the Gi for all x ~ 8". Similarly, if~ E 8"2, then an element
entire set M , it is evident that several possibilities exist: o f the p o w e r set consisting o f two subspaces, Gi and Gj
(1) there exists a particular element o f M f o r w h i c h (i ~ j), will be selected on the basis that each p o i n t x
Ix - x~{ is a minimum; (2) there exist two elements, say E,~ is associated with two lattice orientations gl(x) E G/
x/ and xj, such that Ix - xiI = Ix - xj[ < Ix - x~[ for and gz(x) E Gj (i.e., at an intercrystalline interface). The
any xk E M , i # j # k; and (3) there may exist three or obvious extension o f this process to 8"3 and 8"4 is re-
four elements o f M whose distance from x~ is equivalent quired to completely define the mapping ~2.
and whose common distance is less than the distance to (3) Having partitioned the section plane and the orien-
any other members o f M. The partitioning we define here tation space according to the resolution required by the
is particularly simple: an interior patch, Pi, and boundary microscopist, the finalstep is to graphically represent the
patches, OPo, aPok, and OPo,t are associated with each contrast present in the p o w e r set P(G*). This follows
element xi, xj, xk, xt E M (i ¢ j ~ k ~ 1). The value o f from the use o f gray scale o r color. Let the set C denote
Pg is defined to be {x [ x ~ P, and x satisfies condi- the colors o r gray scales available to the investigator. C
tion (1) for xi E M}. The value o f OP0 is defined to be will be a finite set; it must contain sufficient elements
{x [ x E P, and x satisfies condition (2) f o r x~, xj E M, that it becomes possible to construct a third function
i # j}. The patches OP~jk and OPo,t are defined in an anal- qb3:P(G*) ----> C w h i c h assigns to each element o f the
ogous m a n n e r when condition (3) is satisfied. W e shall p o w e r set a c o l o r o r gray scale. It is this aspect o f ori-
insist that the union o f all such interior and boundary entation imaging w h i c h interfaces with h u m a n physiol-
patches w h i c h can be created from P and M is equal to ogy to form the impression o f contrast.
P. Let the set o f all such patches o f the type P~ be de- Orientation imaging can thus be formally defined by
noted as 8"1. Similarly, let 8"2, 8"3, and 8"4 denote the the sequential operation o f these three functions. For any
collections o f all boundary patches o f the type aPij, oPijk, x ~ P, we assign a c o l o r c E C according to the com-
and OPijkt, respectively. W e shall refer to the union posite function ~ ,
o f the set o f all patches as 8"; thus, 8" = 8"1 U 8"2 U
8"3 U 8"4. O ( x ) = ~3 (clh ( O l ( x ) ) ) = c
Having defined 8" to consist o f the partitioning o f P, where, by way o f summary,
we note the existence o f a function qb~:p --~ 8" w h i c h
associates each x C P with an element o f the partition- O1: P ~ 8" maps any point on the section p l a n e onto
the set o f patches derived from the chosen mea-
ing,A E 8". The function O1 is the first element o f the
surement grid;
sequence o f mappings defining orientation imaging
02 : g' --~ P(G*) assigns to any patch a n element o f
the p o w e r set formed from partitioning the space o f
(2) A partitioning o f G is selected according to the
lattice orientation;
interest o f the microscopist. It is this partitioning w h i c h
~3 : P(G*) ~ C illustrates an element o f the p o w e r
will fix the contrast in orientation imaging. G can be
set o f lattice orientation partitioning by a c o l o r or
partitioned into a finite n u m b e r o f subspaces G~ C G l e v e l o f gray scale.
such that U Gi = G. Let G* denote the partitioning set
{Gil Gi C G and U Gi = G}. There are an infinite num-
ber o f ways o f partitioning. Each choice will facilitate B . Examples o f Orientation Imaging Microscopy
an interpretation w h i c h substantially depends upon the W e shall now illustrate orientation imaging micros-
details o f this choice. It is precisely this characteristic o f copy with several examples o f the defined procedure.
manifold choices o f partitioning w h i c h distinguishes ori- Figure 5 illustrates the role o f scaling in the measure-
entation imaging microscopy from other forms o f ment set M as it determines the spatial resolution o f ori-
microscopy. The reader should note that establishment entation imaging. Illustrated in this figure are three scans
o f G* fixes the resolution o f lattice orientation in the over hexagonal grids o f varying scale (2.5, 10, and 30
problem. More precisely, it is the trace o f the largest tzm) in an as-cast 1100 aluminum sample. The locations


o f points belonging to the measurement sets M have been when they lie between 10 and 20 deg. This is to be com-
superimposed to illustrate effects arising from scaling. pared with Figure 7, where, in addition to boundary con-
The c o l o r set C in this example consists o f three scale trast (this time by disorientation exceeding 15 d e g ) , the
levels: C = {white, t h i n , thick}. Contrast in the image grain interiors (elements in ~1) are given a gray scale
was formed by assigning a t h i c k o r thin gray scale line according to image quality. The darkest l e v e l indicates
to boundaries (elements in ~2) for w h i c h the magnitude the poorest l e v e l o f image quality. Figures 6 and 7 are
o f lattice disorientation, Ag = g'. g-l, exceeds 10 deg to be further compared with the secondary electron im-
o r lies in the range of 5 to 10 deg, respectively. Here age for this same region, as shown in Figure 8. W e clearly
we define the magnitude o f disorientation, say to(g, g'), see consistently poorer image quality near grain bound-
tobe aries because o f overlap o f the diffraction images. It is
also seen that other defects on the surface, such as pits
to(g, g') = arcos [~ ~m_ax.strace (yjg'g-~) - 1 ) ] or debris, likewise yield a l o w e r image quality. Careful
examination suggests that image quality is affected by
lattice orientation and by local variations in the surface
where 7j E F and J is the order o f F. O t h e r elements o f condition, w h i c h may originate in the electropolishing
are assigned no line (white). procedure.
The reader will notice hexagonally shaped holes ap- Figure 9 illustrates a combination o f two forms o f con-
pearing in some boundaries. These often occur at points trast in orientation imaging microscopy applied to a sam-
in M sufficiently near interfaces such that the diffraction ple o f fully recrystallized high-purity aluminum. In this
pattern reflects an overlap of two o r three crystallites.
When such overlap occurs, poor-quality images form
which are particularly susceptible to incorrect indexing.
It is evident that such errors will occur more frequently
when the characteristic scale o f the microstructure (grain
dimension) approaches the resolution limit. These hex-
agonal defects can be eliminated by implementing an al-
gorithm w h i c h detects measurement points whose lattice
orientation differs from all o f its neighbors. (Such an
algorithm presumes that such points always represent in-
correctly indexed patterns.)
Figure 6 shows an imaging o f grain boundaries similar
to that described in the previous example. The material
is hot-rolled iron-3 pct silicon doped with 200 p p m phos-
phorus. The step size in M is 10 /zm, and boundaries
(elements in ~2) are highlighted with solid lines when
the disorientation exceeds 20 deg or with dashed lines 100.0 I,I ~ ~::'10 step~ bounda~ >20.00 (1O0°)

Fig. 6--Orientation i m a g i n g of hot-rolled iron-1 pct silicon (doped

with 200 p p m phosphorus). Highlighted b y the i m a g i n g are interfaces
,." i¸ . . . . . . . . .
with to > 2 0 deg m i n i m u m disorientation (black lines) and with
10 deg _< to _< 2 0 deg m i n i m u m disorientation (dashed lines). T h e

spatial resolution is 1 0 / z m .


// _
. _ .


40ttm - 10° - 5*
iii iiiiiii:il
10ttm 10"
- - 5* Fig. 7--Illustration of variable image quality i n orientation imaging
(to be compared with Fig. 6). Dark gray s c a l e denotes the poorest
Fig. 5 - Illustration of orientation imaging in as-cast 1100 aluminum image quality. Boundaries are shown in black lines when the m i n i -
at three different scales of inquiry ( 2 . 5 , 10, and 30/zm). mum disorientation to > 15 deg.


An interesting feature seen in both Figures 9 and 10
is the impression o f incomplete grain boundaries w h i c h
terminate in grain interiors. It should be evident that no
such terminations can exist; and in fact, more detailed
observation reveals that all boundaries are complete.
However, gradients in lattice disorientation along inter-
faces are observed, even in this fully recrystallized ma-
terial, giving rise to the observed discontinuities. In f a c t ,
some degree o f lattice bending is observed when the BKD
probe approaches some interfaces, which no doubt ac-
counts for some o f the observed gradients.
One o f the strengths o f orientation imaging micros-
copy is the ability to focus attention on the myriad de-
tails present in polycrystalline microstructures. When such
detail is observed, it is no longer a simple matter to de-
fine what is m e a n t by grain size. This point is also em-
phasized by comparing Figures 6 and 8, where it is seen
that many boundaries are not seen in the secondary e l e c -
Fig. 8--Secondary electron image photograph corresponding t o the tron photograph, presumably because the topographic
region of orientation i m a g i n g shown in Figs. 6 and 7.
contrast does not have sufficient resolution in G.
As a final example, consider an interesting form o f
orientation imaging microscopy applied to commercially
case, elements o f O, are given an intermediate gray scale pure (as-cast) 1100 aluminum w h i c h has endured a 40
level if they associate with lattice orientations lying near pct height reduction by channel-die compression at am-
the {100}-(001) cube orientation. The d a r k e r gray scale bient temperature. F o r the coloring set C, four colors
in grain interiors indicates lattice orientation lying within were selected, each with 16 different shadings. These
10 deg o f the cube orientation, whereas the lighter gray have been used to identify lattice orientations o f partic-
scale indicates orientations between 10 and 20 deg o f the ular interest and their spread around their peak values in
cube. Elements o f O2 are given a t h i c k line if they cor- the orientation distribution function. The space o f dis-
respond to disorientations exceeding 20 deg, and a thin tinct orientations o f a cubic lattice, G, is contained within
line if they exceed 10 deg, but less than o r equal to 20. the range o f Euler angles o f rotation (~0,, ~b, ~02) shown
This second form o f contrast helps in visualizing the in Figure 11. (Definitions o f these angles are given in
grains. All other elements o f O are assigned an absence Bunge. t41) The contours indicate l e v e l values o f the ori-
o f gray scale. entation distribution function in units o f times-random
From the same data set, other interesting forms o f the occurrence. The blue and red colors have been assigned
function ~3 can be chosen. This is illustrated in elements o f P(G*) whose orientations are centered upon
Figure 10, where darker, t h i c k lines have been used to the two variants o f the ideal copper orientation, {112}(1 li>
highlight all components o f O2 w h i c h satisfy Brandon's and {112}(iil), w h i c h are statistically equivalent under
criterion 121~ f o r coincident site lattice (CSL) boundaries the action o f orthorhombic specimen symmetry. Green
with E -< 29. Because o f the pronounced cube texture and y e l l o w have been assigned elements o f P(G*) whose
in this material, these consist primarily o f boundaries with orientations are centered upon the two variants o f the
rotations about the (100) axis; i.e., ~5, ~13a, ]~17a, 2~25a, i d e a l brass orientation, {011}(21i) and {011}(2il), re-
and E29a. spectively. The 16 shadings are arranged over the spread

Fig. 9--Orientation i m a g i n g of cold-worked and fully recrystallized high-purity a l u m i n u m (rolling-normal-plane). Orientation imaging contrast
in the grain interiors is by proximity to the {100}(001) cube orientation (darker gray s c a l e indicates t0 < 10 d e g , and intermediate gray s c a l e
indicates 10 deg ~< ~o -< 2 0 deg m i n i m u m disorientation from the cube component). Imaging contrast in the boundaries is by absolute disorientation
(09 > 20 deg in t h i c k dark lines and 10 deg -< ~o _< 20 deg in thin dark lines).


Fig. 10--Orientation imaging of cold-worked and fully recrystallized high-purity aluminum. C o n t r a s t in the grain boundaries is b y proximity to
C S L disorientations, ]~ -< 29, for the wide lines and minimum disorientations of o~ > 15 deg for the narrow lines.

of lattice orientation lying within 20 deg of absolute dis- The ODF is then defined to be the volume density of the
orientation from the peak orientations. Darkest shadings polycrystal associated with crystallites of orientation g;
have the least disorientation, and lightest shadings have thus, for g E N(g) with invariant measure dg, w e have
the largest levels of disorientation. All other elements of
P(G*) are colored either black or gray. When elements d V / V = f (g) dg
of P(G*) consist of two elements of G, associated w i t h So defined, the ODF has an obvious normalization
elements of 02, whose minimum disorientation exceeds
20 deg, that element is colored black. Thus, C consists dg
of 66 elements. fJ(g) = 1
Figure 12 illustrates this particular orientation imaging
for a section parallel to the rolling plane (containing the The connection of the ODF t o orientation imaging
unconstrained (rolling) and transverse directions). The microscopy is straightforward. From Delesse's principle
breakup of grains into subgrains upon channel-die of stereology, it is known that v o l u m e fractions can be
compression is evident from the shading variation over equated to area fractions in random sections cut from the
individual grains. A careful view of this figure also il- polycrystal. Thus, if the area fraction d A / A of crystal-
lustrates the inherent problems associated with any color- lites exposed in the section plane with lattice orientation
partitioning of a multiply connected and curved space in the neighborhood N(g) is known, then
such as G. It is observed that an even higher incidence
dA / A = f (g) dg
of incomplete boundaries is present in this figure as com-
pared with Figure 10. This reflects an increase in intra- In the context of orientation imaging microscopy, let dA(T)
granular disorientation gradients arising from plastic denote the area measure of the set of patches T = { ~
deformation. E @l, ~ ( / ~ ) E N(g)}. It follows that the ODF is

IV. CONNECTIONS OF d A ( T ) / A = f (g) dg

ORIENTATION I M A G I N G where A = A(~) is the finite measure of area of the en-
WITH M O D E R N T E X T U R E ANALYSIS tire set of patches, ~.
It is instructive to consider the connections between When a lattice is chosen for the measurement set M ,
crystallographic texture analysis and orientation imaging the area measure of each individual e l e m e n t ~ E ~ l is
microscopy. The principal object of interest in the mod- equal; thus, dA = dA(~) for all,~ E ~ . Note also that
ern texture analysis is the function called the orientation A = A(P) = A ( ~ ) = A(~'), since the area measures A(~2)
distribution function (ODF). (We have already shown an = A ( ~ 3 ) = A ( ~ 4 ) = 0 . It follows that A = N(M)dA,
example of the ODF in Figure 11) Formally, the ODF where N(M) is the number of measurements in M . (This
is a function over the space of distinct orientations of the is actually an approximation in real measurement sets,
lattice to the positive real line: i.e., f : G ~ ~ . It gives since a small fraction of points in the measurement set
the volume density of occurrence of lattice orientation g will fall so near the boundary that their image quality
E G in the polycrystal. Let dg denote the invariant mea- will be poor and their indexing not possible.) Now let
sure of an infinitesimal neighborhood, N(g) C G sur- d N ( T ) denote the number of elements in set T. Thus,
rounding g. (Invariant measures ensure that any choice d A / A = d N ( T ) / N ( M ) , and
of partitioning of G into neighborhoods always results dN(T)/N(M) = f ( g ) dg
in an identical integrated measure over the whole space
G. 1221) We choose the normalization of the invariant It has been common, in the discipline of m o d e m tex-
measure such that ture analysis, t o estimate the ODF by solving an integral
equation connecting the ODF with crystallographic pole

fo dg 1 figures. It is now well known that this method obtains,

not the complete ODF, but an "even" part of it due to


the ODF illustrated in Figure 11, w h i c h has been ob-
tained from a data set o f size N(M) > 105, contains no
55 ~ "ghost effect."
A further example is shown which relates to Figure 9.
The size o f M for this example was N(M) = 7544. From
the BKD measurements on M, a true ODF can be esti-
m a t e d according to the procedures just outlined.
Figure 13 shows a collection o f three pole figures ({111},
60 + {200}, and {220}) obtained directly from the individual
grain orientations. The strong {100}(001) cube compo-
nent o f the texture is immediately evident in this figure.
Also noted is a (001) fiber component, parallel to the
rolling direction, w h i c h is most evident in the spread o f
(100) axes in the ND-TD plane in the {200} pole figure.
65 °
Figure 14 shows the estimated true ODF f o r this data
set. (Here, the traditional method o f Fourier series ex-
pansion i4'5~ has been used with truncation at L = 47 and
a 5-deg Gaussian spread around each measurement point.)
!"II !- . " " = " Notice that the peak height in the ODF is 4 2 . 3 8 times
70 ~ random. The minimum negative level o f - 0 . 0 2 is ex-
tremely small and due to truncation errors. Using the
traditional method o f pole-figure analysis to obtain the
ODF can uniquely obtain only the even terms o f the se-
Is/~./tl/llttltl'l~$E~ ries expansion. I4,51 Shown in Figure 15 is the even part
o f the ODF obtained by setting to zero all o f the odd
75 + components in the series expansion. This estimates what
would naturally be obtained from ordinary pole-figure
texture analysis. The results are evident, with much higher
levels o f negative appearing (highlighted by g r a y , min-
imum l e v e l is - 1 . 5 8 times random), and l o w e r peak
heights o f 33.42 times random. The presence o f "phan-
80+ tom" o r "ghost" peaks are evident, particularly in the ~P2
= 0 section. The superiority o f the true ODF, as ob-
tained from the orientation imaging microscopy, is rather
evident in this example.

An interesting connection can be established between
orientation imaging microscopy and certain established
• 90° methods o f stereology w h i c h have the object o f discov-
ering the surface area per unit volume o f intercrystalline
interfaces which exhibit specified physical orientation and
lattice orientation on each side o f the interface. The con-
Contours: 1.0 2_0 3.0 4.0 5.0 nections established by stereology include a connection
Fig. 11--The ODF for as-cast and 4 0 pct channel-die compressed o f this function with the number o f intersections o f a
1100 aluminum. C o n t o u r lines are in u n i t s of times r a n d o m . Euler r a n d o m line p e r unit length o f line with boundaries o f
angles reside in the ranges 0 deg -< q~ -< 3 6 0 deg, 0 deg ~< ~P2 ~< particular character or with the direct observation o f
90 deg, 5 5 deg -< ~b _< 9 0 deg. Superimposed colors d e n o t e orien-
tations lying near the ideal copper orientation (blue and red) and the
interface intersections with the section plane. H e r e , a few
ideal brass orientation (green and yellow). The spread in each color details o f these connections are stated, without proof.
represents spread in the minimum disorientation, about the ideal ori- The interested r e a d e r will need to consult the work o f
entation, of ~o < 20 deg. Hilliard,t231 Adams,~z41 and Adams and co-workers tz5-291
for technical details.
Let the function Sv(g, n, g') represent the surface area
an imposed centrosymmetry (Friedel's law) in the pole per unit volume o f interface with interface normal n and
figures. 145' 1 The absence o f part o f the ODF gives rise to described by lattice orientation g in the direction o f the
the so-called "ghost effect" o f texture analysis. It is im- tail o f n and lattice orientation g ' in the direction o f the
portant to note that the method for obtaining the ODF head o f n. Thus, Sv = G × S2 × G----> ~ , where S2
by orientation imaging microscopy is not afflicted by denotes the unit sphere o f possible directions o f the inter-
"ghost" effects. The true ODF is accessed directly. Thus, face normal vector n . Our focus shall be upon a "non


Fig. 12--Orientation imaging of a section parallel to the rolling plane in as-cast and 4 0 pct channel-diecompressed 1100 aluminum. Boundaries
are highlighted with dark lines for m i n i m u m disorientations to > 20 deg. Coloring of the grains according t o t h e i r orientation corresponds to the
code given in Fig. 11.

sided" form of this function defined by Sv(g, n, g') =

[Sv(g, n, g') + Sv(g, - n, g ' ) ] / 2 .
The stereology of interest here is established between
~qv(g, n, g') and pairs of BKD measurements on the lat-
tice M. Define a new set M M ( r ) C M x M , which con- RecrystallizedAluminum (7544 datapoints)
sists of all pairs of points in M separated by the vector
r. It is evident that to every element m E M M ( r ) there
associates an element of the set G x G specifying the
lattice orientation at the tail of r and at its head. Define
the functionfz(g, g'lr),f2 : G x G --~ ~ to be the number
fraction density of points in M M ( r ) which have orien- TD TD
tation g at the tail of r and g' at its head. Let dN(g, g'lr)
be the number of pairs in M M ( r ) which have x E M
falling in an infinitesimal neighborhood N(g) C G of
measure dg surrounding g, and x + r E M falling in an
infinitesimal neighborhood N(g') C G of measure dg'
surrounding g'. This number is given by f2(g, g'lr) ac-
cording t o

dN(g, g'lr) = N(MM(r))f2(g, g'lr) dgdg'

In the limit that the magnitude of r is small compared
to the characteristic size of the constituent crystallites 'ID
present in the polycrystal, there exists a formal connec-
tion between the "non sided" average off2(g, g'[r), de-
noted as f2(g, f l r) = [f2(g, g ' [ r ) + f2(g, g ' l r ) ] / 2 , and
Sv(g, n, g'). The fundamental stereological relation is1291
limitf2(g, g ' l r ) = ~ ~¢v(g, n, g ' ) l r " nldn Fig. 13--[111], [200], and [220] pole figures obtained in 7 5 4 4 mea-
N~o 3s2 surements in fully recrystallized high-purity aluminum.


¢~2=0 ~2=5 ~,2=ID ~2=15

~2=20 ¢~2=25 ~2=30 ¢2=35 ,~2:=20 qp2~2~ ~2~30 ip2=35

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

~2=40 (p2=45 ~2=50 %02=55

¢p2=60 q~2=65 ~p2=70 ¢p2=75

' o Maximum 42.37 Maximum33.42

Minimum -.02 Minimum -1.58
ContourLevels Contour Levels
1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 |0.0 1.0 2.0 5.0
20.0 30.0 40.0 ~I0.0 20.0 30.0
, .

~2=80 q~2=85 ~p2=90 ¢2~80 ¢2=g5 ¢2=90

F i g . 1 4 - - T h e true (even + o d d , l < 47) ODF o b t a i n e d from 7544 Fig. 1 5 - - T h e O D F (even only, I -< 47) obtained from 7544 orien-
orientation measurements i n fully recrystallized high-purity alumi- tation measurements in fully recrystallized high-purity aluminum. Level
num. Level contours are i n units of times random. c o n t o u r s are in units of times r a n d o m (areas with negative values are

In this expression, d n is the measure o f surface area

for an infinitesimal patch o f surface on S2 surrounding function (MDF), since Ag E H (the space o f physically
direction n . distinctive disorientations between two lattices described
Although details cannot be provided h e r e , this integral in Section II).
equation can be solved if sufficient measurements have The M D F for hot-worked iron-1 pct silicon (doped with
been made in a sufficient number o f directions o f r to 200 p p m phosphorus) is shown in Figure 16. Although
adequately cover $2.[~3-281 The function Sv(g, n , g') con- the ODF f o r this material is quite r a n d o m (maximum
tains eight independent parameters (three f o r each o f the peak intensities o f about 3 times r a n d o m in the ODF),
orientation variables and two defining the direction o f the M D F clearly shows a non r a n d o m structure. Espe-
the interface normal). It is often o f interest to reduce this cially evident is the peak centered about the E3 dis-
function to simpler versions which capture a restricted orientation occurring with the intensity o f 21 times
portion o f the full information. random. This glaring difference emphasizes the fact that
Here we cite such an example, which is related to the the ODF and the M D F are measures o f separate aspects
set o f measurements associated with the ODF shown in o f microstructure.
Figure 9. Although only one section plane has been shown
(i.e., in Figure 10), measurements o f comparable extent
were performed on three orthogonal section planes. Thus, VI. S U M M A R Y A N D DISCUSSION
a set o f directions coarsely covering S2 was possible from
Orientation imaging microscopy presents views o f
w h i c h the aforementioned stereology was enabled. Here
polycrystalline microstructure o f unprecedented detail.
we show results obtained for the function Sv(Ag), w h i c h
Because the observer is required to precisely define spa-
is obtained from the full function Sv(g, n , g') by the
tial and orientational resolution, orientation imaging
microscopy has a distinctively quantitative character as
compared to ordinary forms o f optical and scanning e l e c -
'v(Ag)=fG'f'v(g,n, Ag'g)dndg tron microscopy. W e have illustrated this quantitative
character by outlining connections of the microscopy with
the modern texture analysis and with stereological anal-
The function is known as the misorientation distribution ysis o f grain boundary textures.


Another interesting aspect of microstructures which
can be studied via orientation imaging microscopy is the
connectivity of microstructure. Connectivities of the grain
interior and interface components can be studied. For
example, Figure 10 illustrates two classes of grain
boundary disorientation character: one class is charac-
terized by absolute disorientations exceeding 15 deg, and
q~=90° = 88° = 86° the other is characterized by satisfying Brandon's cri-
teflon for coincidence character w i t h X ~ 29. (Clearly,
the boundaries with near coincidence character are con-
tained in the first class, which is more inclusive.) It is
apparent that the distances over which the boundaries of
near coincidence character are connected are typically
small compared t o the more inclusive class. In fact, con-
nections over more than one boundary facet are quite
= 84° = 8 2° @ = 80°
rare. The more extensive class (with oJ -> 15 deg) is ob-
viously connected over the entire height and breadth of
the sample plane. It is evident that intermediate defini-
tions would exist for which the connectivity distance
would vary up t o a percolation limit over l a r g e distances.
We shall defer further discussion and examples of these
interesting features to another article.
q~= 78° q~= 76° = 74°

Maximum 9.448
Minimum 0.008 The authors wish t o acknowledge sponsorship of this
~2 work by the National Science Foundation under a
Contour Levels: Materials Research G r o u p s Award. The connections of
1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0
cpl 90° this work t o stereology, outlined in Section V, were
8.0 0 °
developed w i t h funding from the Office of Basic Energy
q~= 72° Sciences of the United States Department of Energy.
Fig. 1 6 - - T h e MDF obtained from measurements in hot-rolled
iron-1 pet silicon (doped with 200 ppm phosphoms).

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