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Renewable Energy Quiz

Short Answer: Be specific & thorough in your answers.

1. Most renewable sources involve moving a turbine.

a. Choose 1 type of renewable energy & describe how energy is created to turn the turbine. Name the
energy transfers along the way (1st Law of Thermodynamics)
b. Which renewable source does not use a turbine? How does it work?
2. List 2 advantages & disadvantages of using biomass to produce ethanol.
3. What are the 2 renewable energy sources with the most potential in the United States? List 1 advantage & 1
disadvantage of EACH. (Can be associated with any of the 3 Es)
4. Someone tells you we can save energy by recycling it. How is this possible? Give an example.
5. Identify 3 ways that people can conserve energy in their daily lives.

Fill in the Blank

1. _____ Solar energy involves capturing the solar radiation to heat a sunroom & _____ solar energy would be used
to heat water in a hot water heater.
2. Biomass is created through the conversion of ______ energy into ______ energy , which can then be used to
generate electricity.
3. ________ energy is not directly or indirectly solar based.
4. Deforestation & soil erosion are drawbacks of using ______ for energy.
5. ______ power is described as nondepletable.
6. The fastest growing source of energy in the world is ____________.
7. _____ energy generates electricity generated from the kinetic energy of moving water.
8. Electricity is produced chemically when hydrogen and oxygen are combined in a _______.
9. Solar cells are also called __________________.
10. Biomass in ______ countries is mostly converted to biofuels while in ___________ countries it is used for
heating and cooking.


What 2 factors determine the power rate of electricity generation in a hydroelectric power plant?

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