Kin 425 Lesson Plan

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Name: Omar Villarreal, Ali Abea Kin 425 Lesson Plan

Lesson Objective/Equipment Activity Teaching Cues & Tips

Introductory Activity (7 minutes)
Objectives: To perform a Students will play a game called “Flip the Hoop”. Great jumping pattern!
locomotor movement and Students will pair up in teams of 2. One student from
manipulate an object each group will grab 1 hula hoop and 2 beans bags. Nice throw!
simultaneously. Students will be next to their partner “elbow-to-elbow”.
They will form a straight horizontal line and place 1 Don’t give up, keep trying!
hula hoop 3 feet in front of each team. When the music
Equipment: begins, students will each grab a bean bag and try to You were so close!
- Hula hoops make it inside the hula hoop. Once both students make
- Bean Bags it inside the hula hoop, one student will then jump or Nice throw, can you try a different
- Speaker/Music hop to the hula hoop and flip the hula hoop further, and way of throwing?
then return with a different jumping or hopping pattern.
If the students keep missing the hula hoop, they will
continue trying until they have successfully placed the
bean bag into the hula hoop. Students will take turns
going for the bean bags. Students will keep playing
until one team has successfully reached the other side
of the gym. Once that team has successfully reached
the other side of the gym, they will have to start all
over, but starting from the opposite side from where
they first began.

Fitness Activity (7 minutes)

Lesson Objectives/Equipment Activity Teaching Cues & Tips

Objectives: To perform a locomotor In this activity, cones will be placed around the Nice way of stretching!
movement and manipulate an object perimeter of the teaching area. Students will be
simultaneously. divided into groups of 4 or 5 and each group will Great job, keep going!
go to a designated work-out course. Students will
begin working out once the music starts and Great jumps!
Equipment: continue to work out until the music is stopped.
- Cones with names of the activity the Once the music stops, students will go to the next
student will be performing. workout station by rotating clock-wise. Once the
- Signs for each cone. music begins, students will continue to work out
- Speaker/Music in their stations. Depending on which station
they end up on, will determine what activity will
be required from them. Signs on the cones will
state what exercise needs to be done.

Exercises will include:

- Agility run through hoops.
- Jump turns
- Leap over jump rope
- Hop on one foot
- Free Stretch
- Jump Rope

Lesson Focus-Rhythmic Movement Skills (Chicken Dance)

Physical Education Mr. Abea November 11, 2019
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OBJECTIVES To perform rhythmic and locomotive movements in

folk dance.
Students will appreciate origin of folk dance
Students will understand the cultural differences
among students from different backgrounds

EQUIPMENT Chicken Dance Song


ACTIVITY/FOCUS Set boundaries for students to move around during the

dance and find open space.
The chicken dance is a 4 count dance, meaning four
counts per step.
Begin teaching class the non- locomotive movements.
The movement of the Beak(Hands up at shoulder
length, palms facing out and open and close hands),
Wings(Bend elbows outward and have arms and bent
elbow go up and down. Tail(wiggle glutes and hip and
knees bent low), and the Claps. -Have students repeat
each action 4 times. Have students practice each
movement for (45sec each)
After students have learned the non-locomotive
movements of the dance, introduce the locomotive
movements. (Skipping, Sliding, Galloping) Model to
students the Loco-motive movements and practice

direction, Use terms such as (Forward, Sideways, and

When all locomotive movements are thought
incorporate locomotive movements to the dance.
 4 rounds of the chicken dance
 Skip in the open space Forward, Skip in an open
space backwards
 4 rounds of the chicken dance
 Slide in the open space forwards, and then
 4 rounds of the chicken dance
 Gallop in the open space
 4 rounds of the chicken dance


1. Set 4 cones around the perimeter of gym.

2. Make 2 teams half the class vs half the class.
( Offense and Defense)
3. Have students grouped by toe to toe.
4. Have them play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
5. Winners go to Offensive side (North Side of
Gym) and “Not” Winners go to Defensive side
(South Side of Gym).
6. Repeat step 4 and have them swap sides.
7. Let Offensive and Defensive side choose team
8. Offensive side will be given 2 small token that
they can cover with their palms closed. (A small

ball).2 Offensive team members will be given the

small token, then each team member from the
Offensive side will then close their palms,
pretending they have the token.
GAME (5MIN) 9. The Offensive team must run across the line
of the Defense team, If person with the token passes
EQUIPMENT: the defense line without being tagged they earn a
point for the team.
SMALL BALL 10. The Defense must tag the offensive team
members, If a Offensive player is tagged they must
stop and show their hand. Offensive player moves to
the side.
11. Game switches offense and defense when
either both tokens are discovered or if points are

(Each time students switch sides the must play

in different locomotive moment: Begin with
running then Skipping and Finally Hopping)

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