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Assignment #4 Jacqueline Burroughs

1. Implicit bias refers to attitudes or stereotypes about social groups that affect our
understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner. These biases are
“hidden” and/or “invisible,” outside of conscious awareness and control and are activated
involuntarily. They develop through internalization of direct and indirect social

2. At the link below, take the “Race IAT.” (Links to an external site.)

3. In at least one well-developed paragraph in a Microsoft Word document, provide a

thoughtful reflection on the results from your implicit association test, including:
1. How do you feel about your results?
2. How might your life up to this point have impacted your results?
3. How might your implicit attitudes impact your behavior?

I got “a slight automatic preference for White people over black.” I never would have
thought I preferred one race over the other. One factor that might have impacted my results
is that I am half white. Although, throughout my childhood, I was surrounded around more
Filipinos than the white side of my family because they were not very stable. Implicit
attitudes impacted my behavior because of the place and society that I live in. For example, if
you look at how many white presidents we have had versus non white presidents, this
represents the white driven society here in the United States.

4. Go back to the same link and take the “Skin-tone IAT.” (Links to an external site.)

5. In at least one well-developed paragraph in a Microsoft Word document, provide a

thoughtful reflection on the results from your second implicit association test, including:
1. How do you feel about your results?
2. How do you feel about this overall experience?
3. What have you learned?

I got “no automatic preference between dark skinned people and light skinned people.”
Growing up as a mixed-race kid, I guess it makes sense that I have no preference between
skin tones as I was brought up around both. This overall experience was very informative.
Although, it I found it interesting that the “Race IAT” had only to do with white and black
people. This is just another example of the white and black world we live in, especially in the
United States.

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