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End-of-Year Listening Test Units ͳ - ͭͮ

Mark: / 20 marks
Units 9 & 10

A You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5, choose the best
answer (a, b, or c).
1 You hear two people talking at work. What did the woman like about her holiday?
a the cold air
b the scenery
c the leader of the tour
2 You hear a man and woman talking in a museum. What is the man’s profession?
a artist
b cook
c web designer
3 You hear two friends talking. How does the woman spend her free time?
a taking photographs
b dancing
c watching TV
4 You hear two teenagers talking about learning a foreign language. Which part does the boy like best?
a vocabulary
b grammar
c pronunciation
5 You hear a man and woman talking. Which word could be used to describe the woman?
a well-organised
b shy
c energetic (___ / 5 marks)

B You will hear a radio interview about e-learning. For questions 1-5, complete the sentences.
1 Michael Monroe is an expert in the areas of .
2 In a classroom, students can either study on their own or .
3 Michael mentions stay-at-home mums as an example of people who can't study at .
4 Businesses use e-learning because it is cheaper and more effective than .
5 Some e-learning courses require a payment but free also exist.
6 One advantage of e-learning is that people are able to study at their . (___ / 6 marks)

C You will hear four people talking about surfing. For questions 1-4, choose from the list (a-e) the way each
person feels about the sport. Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need
to use.
1 Speaker 1 a likes to impress people
2 Speaker 2 b plans to take up surfing
3 Speaker 3 c enjoys spending time with surfers
4 Speaker 4 d plans to become a surfing instructor
e has never had the opportunity to surf (___ / 4 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission Close-Up B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

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D You will hear a radio interview with an author about the music industry. For questions 1-5, choose
the best answer (a, b or c).
1 After Mozart died, his wife
a had to borrow a lot of money.
b made money from organising concerts in his memory.
c became even poorer.
2 What could only wealthy people afford to do in the 1800s?
a go to the opera
b buy pianos
c learn to play music
3 Record players meant that people could
a play a recording of some music.
b listen to the radio.
c print their own music.
4 What happened when television appeared in the 1950s?
a record companies went out of business
b people could watch performances at home
c people stopped buying records
5 How do musicians make most of their money today?
a sales of recorded music
b sales of printed music
c performances and merchandise (___ / 5 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission Close-Up B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

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