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FCS 447 Food Policy

20 pts
Assignment #2

Find the definitions of the terms (as they apply to policy and legislation). Many can be
found in the Federal Bills to Laws link
becomes-law#.Vp0tB_krJaQ. For the “How is this term different from….” column, try and explain how the two terms are different.
Term Definition How is this term different
from term in the first
Advocacy An activity by an individual ___
or group that aims to
influence decisions within
political, economic, and
social systems and
institutions. Advocacy tries
to influence public policy,
laws, and budgets by using
facts, relationships, media,
and messaging to educate
government officials and
the public.
Amendment An addition or alteration Rider
made to a constitution, A rider is an additional
statue, or legislative bill or provision added to a bill or
resolution. Amendments other measure under the
can be made to existing consideration by a
constitutions and statutes legislature. Rider can be
and are also commonly used to prevent
made to bills in the course amendments, also called a
of their passage through a wrecking amendment.
Bill A legislative proposal that if Law
passed by both the House The bill is a proposed
and the Senate and legislation under
approved by the President consideration by legislature.
becomes law. Each bill is A bill does not become a
assigned a bill number. HR law until it is passed by the
denotes bills that originate legislature and approved by
in the House and S denotes the executive. A law is a
bills that originate in the mature and approved bill.
Committee Is a legislative sub- Caucus
organization in the U.S Caucuses differ from
Congress that handles a committees because
specific duty. Committees committees are subsidiary
formed in each party organizations est. for the
conference and responsible purpose of considering
for nominating the party’s legislation, conducting
senators to committee hearings and investigations,
membership and committee or carrying out other
leadership positions. assignments while a caucus
is an informal organization
of members of the House or
Senate that exists to discuss
issues of mutual concern
and possibly to perform
legislative research and
policy planning.
Conference Committee A temporary, ad hoc panel ___
composed of House and
Senate conferees which is
formed for the purpose of
reconciling differences in
legislation that has passed
both chambers. Conference
committees are usually
convened to resolve
bicameral differences on
major and controversial
Interest Group Any association of ___
individuals or
organizations, usually
formally organized, that on
the basis of one or more
shared concerns, attempts to
influence public policy.
Law The system of rules which a Policy
particular country or Policies are only documents
community recognizes as and not law, but these
regulating the actions of its polices can lead to new
members and which it may laws. Polices outline what a
enforce by the imposition of government is going to do
penalties. and what it can achieve
while a law is more formal
as it is a system of rules and
Lobby, lobbyist A group of people seeking ___
to influence politicians or
public officials on a
particular issue. Lobbyist is
a person who takes part in
an organized attempt to
influence legislators.
Policy A course or principle of Politics
action adopted or proposed Politics refers to authority
by a government, party, and refers to public life.
business, or individual. Politics generally revolves
round government and its
activities that refers to the
organizational process. A
policy can also be termed as
a commitment or statement
of intent. Policy is the set of
rules or principles that guide
Regulation A rule of order having the Law or legislation
force of law, prescribed by Laws go through the bill
a superior or competent process before becoming
authority, relating to the established as a law. A bill
actions of those under the has to be written, sponsored
authority’s control. by a legislator, debated and
Regulations are issued by passed through both the
various federal government House of Representatives
departments and agencies to and the Senate after various
carry out the intent of committee and budget
legislation enacted by hearings before going to the
Congress. Executive to be signed into
law. A regulation is created
by a governmental agency,
often to actually implement
a given law, and does not
have to go through the bill
process described above.
With regulations, an agency
holds a public hearing and
after that hearing makes a
decision on either adopting,
changing or rejecting the
Resolution A written motion adopted Executive Order
by a deliberative body. The An executive order is a
substance of the resolution directive issued by the
can by anything that can president of the united states
normally be proposed as a that manages operations or
motion. Commonly used in the federal government.
corporations and houses of While a resolution is a
legislature. written motion adopted by a
deliberative body.
Sponsor (of a bill) The first member of the Co-sponsor
House or Senate to be listed A co-sponsor are those who
among the potentially support the bill and the
numerous lawmakers who sponsor.
introduce a bill for

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