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Progress Test

5 Units ͵ & ͭͬ

Mark: / 80 marks

Read the article about GPS technology.

GPS Technology
A GPS units use a network of satellites to show where
the user is on a map. They have very large memories and
the new ones also have satellite radio. GPS technology
provides users with an amazing amount of information
such as local traffic conditions and even the weather
forecast. Many people use a GPS on a daily basis when
they don’t know or aren’t sure how to get to a particular
place. Others use them to plan long journeys. People who
love outdoor adventures also find them useful especially
when hiking through areas where there are no roads.
GPS units are really important to all users because if they
get lost, they can just push a button and get a clear picture these signals. To receive the best possible signals, users
of exactly where they are at that moment. shouldn’t be walking or driving when they turn on the
receiver, nor when they request or receive information.
B But how does a GPS work? There are at least 24 GPS
They should also try to make sure there is nothing
satellites which go round the earth twice a day. They
between them and the sky.
are powered by solar energy or backup batteries. Each
satellite sends signals that are picked up by GPSs on earth. D All new GPSs can give users detailed directions for
The GPS processes these signals and displays the position how to get somewhere. However, some of these gadgets
of the user. The user then enters an address on his or her also have special capabilities. For example, one type can
GPS and waits for directions in the language of his or her find out what is happening on the road kilometres ahead
choice. The GPS uses signals from at least four different of where the user is at that moment. If there is a traffic
satellites to provide this information. jam, it can suggest another route which avoids it. It does
this by accessing the Internet through a mobile phone
C How accurate is GPS information? Thanks to recent
connection. Although this function can be very useful,
developments in the technology, GPSs are extremely
sometimes it doesn’t work very well, so it’s probably a
accurate. They are able to locate a position within 10
good idea for the user to listen to traffic reports on the car
metres. Satellite signals can pass through clouds, but solid
radio as well, just in case.
buildings such as skyscrapers decrease the strength of

Read the article again to find the following information. Which paragraph tells us ...
that some GPSs can warn the user of possible delays caused by traffic? 1 2
how many satellites a GPS needs to receive signals from? 3
possible problems with GPS technology? 4 5
that GPSs are not only used by drivers? 6
how to receive the best signals? 7
that some GPSs can find out if it there is a storm ahead? 8
about something that makes the signals weaker? 9
that GPSs don’t just provide information in English? 10
(___ / 10 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission Close-Up B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

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A Complete the sentences with these words.
battery camcorder computer hardware engineer gadget information technology manual remote control
1 Did you know Kim’s father is a(n) ?
2 This device only requires one .
3 I'll have a look in the instruction .
4 David always takes his with him when he goes on holiday
5 Many people around the world work in the industry.
6 I want the change the channel. Do you know where the is?
7 This store has a wide variety of .
8 Which do you think is the most useful? (___ / 8 marks)

B Complete the sentences with the these prepositions.

about for of on to with
1 They bought a used car instead a new one.
2 It’s very difficult to communicate Alex.
3 I’ve been looking my mobile phone, but I can’t find it!
4 You can rely me to help you whenever you like.
5 We need to be careful; this could lead a disaster.
6 Are you concerned tomorrow’s test? (___ / 6 marks)

C Circle the correct words.

1 The band meets three or four times a week to release / rehearse.
2 Some people in the music industry / studio make lots of money.
3 Before he went to see the film, he had read a good report / review about it.
4 There’s a documentary / soap opera about the history of theatre on TV tonight.
5 Never do any work without a signed letter / contract.
6 I love films with lots of action scenes / plots.
7 Many TV channels around the world rehearse / broadcast the Oscars.
8 Even famous movie stars must listen to the director / writer. (___ / 8 marks)

D Complete the table.

Verb Noun Adjective

imagine (1) imaginative

(2) production productive

act (3) -

entertain entertainment (4)

- mystery (5)

create (6) creative

(7) drama dramatic

perform (8) performing

(___ / 8 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission Close-Up B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

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A Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
1 These days, laptops (use) by students as young as five years old.
2 Many new computer models (introduce) at the technology exhibition show next month.
3 The software on my computer (install) before I bought it.
4 Hurray! Because of the snow, our school (close) for the rest of the week!
5 The new computer lab (complete) by the end of the year.
6 Have you checked to see if the mouse (attach) to the computer?
7 This battery (guarantee) to last for two years.
8 Presentations of new software (plan) right now.
9 The files you need (already / download).
10 The telephone (invent) in the 1870s. (___ / 10 marks)

B Circle the correct words.

1 He needed be taken / needed to be taken to the doctor.
2 It can be found / to be found in the library.
3 I like being taking / being taken to parties.
4 The door should be kept / should be keeping closed.
5 She hopes to be given / being given a present.
6 His assistant doesn’t like having told / being told what to do.
7 The new film is going to being released / be released next month.
8 I don't know when the security alarm will be installed / to be installed. (___ / 8 marks)

C Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1 ‘I bought an iPad last month,’ Bart said.
Bart said .
2 ‘They’ve been listening to music for hours,’ Mum said.
Mum said to music for hours.
3 ‘Where did you go last night?’ Neil asked.
Neil asked .
4 ‘We may go to the party,’ Sam and Nelly said.
Sam and Nelly said to the party.
5 ‘We’re having lunch in the garden,’ said Mrs Thompson.
Mrs Thompson said lunch in the garden.
6 ‘I don’t play computer games after school,’ said Peter.
Peter said computer games after school.
7 ‘Do you like comedies?’ Kim asked.
Kim asked comedies.
8 ‘I will call you tonight,’ Flora said.
Flora said . (___ / 8 marks)

D Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1 ‘Please don’t play your music so loudly,’ Mary said.
Mary asked my music so loudly.
2 ‘I didn’t take your MP3 player,’ Jennifer said.
Jennifer denied MP3 player.
3 ‘Go to my office right away,’ Mr Baker said to David.
Mr Baker told to his office right away.
4 ‘I will help you with the housework.’ Maria said.
Maria promised with the housework. (___ / 4 marks)
Copyright © New Editions. Permission Close-Up B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack
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‘Watching TV is a waste of time.’ Write an essay discussing the arguments for and against this statement
and give your opinion. (120-150 words)

(___ / 10 marks)

Copyright © New Editions. Permission Close-Up B1 Teacher’s Resource Pack

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