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Rly rate

Rate cost
Sr No Particular Qty Store Labour Store Labour
Schedule A
1 Trip and monthly 816 0 7735 0 6311760

Schedule B
2 Compressor 28 23449 5174 656572 144872
3 Leak attention 55 6575 1450 361625 79750
4 CPU 13 163070 35971 2119910 467623
5 EVP coil 13 4474 11304 58162 146952
6 CD Coil 13 4474 11304 58162 146952
7 BLR motor 13 8650 1917 112450 24921
8 CD Motor 13 8257 1917 107341 24921
9 BLR runner 13 4757 2998 61841 38974
10 CD fan Blade 13 4325 1917 56225 24921
11 SS Guard 13 1887 864 24531 11232
12 Dryer Filter 13 944 6832 12272 88816
13 Harting connector 24 Pin 4 6290 2163 25160 8652
14 Harting connector 16 Pin 4 5504 1917 22016 7668
15 HP/LP transducer 13 7038 2163 91494 28119
16 ESTI cartrige 13 668 0 8684 0
17 ESTI complite 13 11794 2998 153322 38974
18 Air HTR Set 13 613 1621 7969 21073
19 ESTI cartrige 13 731 101 9503 1313
20 OHP Switch 13 1218 2949 15834 38337
21 LP Switch 13 2005 6929 26065 90077
22 HP Switch 13 2005 6929 26065 90077
23 CP switch 13 2005 6929 26065 90077
24 Brass distributer 13 938 130 12194 1690
25 Hygrostat 13 14547 1966 189111 25558
26 Temperature Sencer FA 13 6330 1548 82290 20124
27 Temperature Sencer SA 13 9357 1548 121641 20124
28 Temperature Sencer RA 13 2166 1841 28158 23933
29 Slight Glass 13 1212 7741 15756 100633
30 SA Air Duct 13 3224 1131 41912 14703
31 RA Air Duct 13 2731 1131 35503 14703
32 FA Air Duct 13 2359 1131 30667 14703
33 CPU repair 9 38926 16709 350334 150381
34 FA filter 28 0 1217 0 34076
35 RA filter 28 0 4855 0 135940
36 Trasducer LP 28 7160 2200 200480 61600
37 Trasducer HP 28 7160 2200 200480 61600
38 HP Switch 13 2240 2644 29120 34372
39 TEX Valve 13 8208 1140 106704 14820
40 Sight galass 13 960 4800 12480 62400
41 On/Off Switch 6 920 650 5520 3900
42 Pressure selector Switch 13 1440 0 18720 0
43 Contactor CP 13 3600 750 46800 9750
44 Contactor CD 13 2560 750 33280 9750
45 Contactor BLR 13 2560 750 33280 9750
46 DC/DC converter 1.5A 6 4160 750 24960 4500
47 BLR housing complite 6 1980 275 11880 1650
48 Double inlet blower for lavatory 6 14052 2575 84312 15450
49 MMR 750V 6 13260 975 79560 5850
50 DC/DC converter 20 A 6 15636 975 93816 5850
51 Orian clining compound 1385 2400 0 3324000 0
52 Clining of CD and EVP coil 1385 0 2700 0 3739500
53 Hing Lock 4 612 85 2448 340
54 Stainer capilary 4 5040 750 20160 3000
Sid offered rate Sid Revised offered rate
Rate cost Rate cost
Amount Store Labour Store Labour Amount Store Labour Store Labour

6311760 0 9049.95 0 7384759 7384759

801444 40801.26 9002.76 1142435 252077.3 1394513

441375 11440.5 2523 629227.5 138765 767992.5
2587533 283741.8 62589.54 3688643 813664 4502307
205114 7784.76 19668.96 101201.9 255696.5 356898.4
205114 7784.76 19668.96 101201.9 255696.5 356898.4
137371 15051 3335.58 195663 43362.54 239025.5
132262 14367.18 3335.58 186773.3 43362.54 230135.9
100815 8277.18 5216.52 107603.3 67814.76 175418.1
81146 7525.5 3335.58 97831.5 43362.54 141194
35763 3283.38 1503.36 42683.94 19543.68 62227.62
101088 1642.56 11887.68 21353.28 154539.8 175893.1
33812 10944.6 3763.62 43778.4 15054.48 58832.88
29684 9576.96 3335.58 38307.84 13342.32 51650.16
119613 12246.12 3763.62 159199.6 48927.06 208126.6
8684 1162.32 0 15110.16 0 15110.16
192296 20521.56 5216.52 266780.3 67814.76 334595
29042 1066.62 2820.54 13866.06 36667.02 50533.08
10816 1271.94 175.74 16535.22 2284.62 18819.84
54171 2119.32 5131.26 27551.16 66706.38 94257.54
116142 3488.7 12056.46 45353.1 156734 202087.1
116142 3488.7 12056.46 45353.1 156734 202087.1
116142 3488.7 12056.46 45353.1 156734 202087.1
13884 1632.12 226.2 21217.56 2940.6 24158.16
214669 25311.78 3420.84 329053.1 44470.92 373524.1
102414 11014.2 2693.52 143184.6 35015.76 178200.4
141765 16281.18 2693.52 211655.3 35015.76 246671.1
52091 3768.84 3203.34 48994.92 41643.42 90638.34
116389 2108.88 13469.34 27415.44 175101.4 202516.9
56615 5609.76 1967.94 72926.88 25583.22 98510.1
50206 4751.94 1967.94 61775.22 25583.22 87358.44
45370 4104.66 1967.94 53360.58 25583.22 78943.8
500715 67731.24 29073.66 609581.2 261662.9 871244.1
34076 0 2117.58 0 59292.24 59292.24
135940 0 8447.7 0 236535.6 236535.6
262080 12458.4 3828 348835.2 107184 456019.2
262080 12458.4 3828 348835.2 107184 456019.2
63492 3897.6 4600.56 50668.8 59807.28 110476.1
121524 14281.92 1983.6 185665 25786.8 211451.8
74880 1670.4 8352 21715.2 108576 130291.2
9420 1600.8 1131 9604.8 6786 16390.8
18720 2505.6 0 32572.8 0 32572.8
56550 6264 1305 81432 16965 98397
43030 4454.4 1305 57907.2 16965 74872.2
43030 4454.4 1305 57907.2 16965 74872.2
29460 7238.4 1305 43430.4 7830 51260.4
13530 3445.2 478.5 20671.2 2871 23542.2
99762 24450.48 4480.5 146702.9 26883 173585.9
85410 23072.4 1696.5 138434.4 10179 148613.4
99666 27206.64 1696.5 163239.8 10179 173418.8
3324000 4176 0 5783760 0 5783760
3739500 0 4698 0 6506730 6506730
2788 1064.88 147.9 4259.52 591.6 4851.12
23160 8769.6 1305 35078.4 5220 40298.4
15491785 26955706

21803545 34340465
ed rate


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