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1. What exactly is a data lake?

a. To begin with, the term ‘Data Lake’ doesn’t stand for a particular service or any
product, rather it’s an encompassing approach towards big data architecture
that can be encapsulated as ‘store now, analyze later’.

b. In simple language, data lakes are basically used to store unstructured or semi-
structured data that is derived from high-volume, high-velocity sources in a
sudden stream – in the form of IoT, web interactions or product logs in a single
repository to fulfill multiple analytic functions and cases.

2. What is Data Lake Project Management Software?

Data Lake Project Management Software is a unique software where complete Projects
Workflow, Work Program, Drawing, Designs, QAP, RFIs, Site Inspections, Approvals,
Issue Management, COS and EoT, Monthly Progress Report, Monthly Inspection
Report, Documentation including Test reports, Project Photos, and Videos, Works
Diary, Stage payment running bill generation will be Portal based. It’s the complete
process flow of end to end Project Management through Big data analysis on Web
Portal. On this Portal Contractors/Concessionaires, AE/IE, PIU, RO, and HQ everyone
will be having role-based logins.

3. What are the different modules of Data Lake Project Management Software?
o Workflow Management
o Issue Management
o Document Management
o Project Monitoring and Alerts
o MIS Dashboard and Reports
o Analytics related to forecasts

4. How is it different from current applications such as PMIS and PMD?

The Data lake PMS is new upgraded software and different from PMIS and PMD as
 It is a unique system that provides the complete digital flow of documents and
communication between Contractor, Authority Engineers / Independent
 Entire procedure/workflow during pre-construction, construction, and post-
construction stages are captured digitally as per contract.
 Complete bird eye view for PDs and ROs to monitor each project at the micro-
 No need to search hard copies of documents because all digitally stored.
 PD and RO has a facility to monitor the Daily progress report through the digital
strip plan
 Geospatially tagged photos, videos will be available to view
 Immediate SMS and email send to respective Contractor and AE once any
document upload by either of them with a copy to PD.
 Alert and notifications to responsible stakeholder
5. Who is the nodal officer for this software?
PIU /PD is the nodal officer for this software.
6. What is the role of PIU as a nodal officer?
 PIU / PD has to log in to the system through credentials shared with them
 They have to fill details related to individual projects as per UPC through
“Project Detail Master”.
 They have to enter details related to contractor and AE /IE ‘s name, email and
mobile number of persons who are responsible for this project.
 Once they submit all the details, the email will send to the contractor and AE
regarding their credentials.
 PIU /PD has to ask them to start using the system and upload documents.
 PIU has to monitor activities and pursue them to upload documents.
7. What are the benefits to PIU /PD and RO?
 Ground-level visibility of all communications
 Quick response time for any hindrance in projects
 Daily information on progress through strip plan
 Daily information on RFIs
 Key Information at a glance
 A single portal where COS, EOT, and Grievances are monitored
 Geo spatially tagged photos, videos, drone surveys, etc
 PIU /PD and RO has direct information regarding progress, they have to check
and approve. No need to enter data again.
8. What is a link to Data Lake Software and how to access the same?
 A data lake is web-based software and no need to download as exe. The
application will be accessible online. The link to the data lake software is We already sent credentials to each PIU /PD and
RO through email on 5th March-2020.
9. Is there any helpdesk available for questions?
 A help desk is available at the NHAI Command control center. The email id: Mobile numbers are: 7227956077, 7701958063,
7905054486, 011-25074100 Ext : 2020/1029.
 User wise videos are available on weblink also. With these videos, users get
knowledge regarding the use of the software.

10. Any user manual is available?

 A Detail User manual is available on the link itself. Users can download and read
the same.
11. What is workflow management?
 The workflow management contains the workflow of projects with timelines
given in the contract. Permits, Detail work program, Design and Drawings,
Quality Assurance Plan, Safety reports and their approvals on the PMS portal.

12. What is issue management?

 The issue management contains information on RFI, Site Inspection Reports,
Approvals and Rejections, Issues, Approvals Dairy entries, Date wise entry of
Land acquisition, Utility shifting, etc.

13. What is document management?

 The Document management system contains information on all documents,
photos, videos, soft copies of Drone and Lidar videos which are geotagged and
retrievable. One-time input of all documents through desktop will create a
seamless integration between the contractor, authority engineers, Project
directors, and Regional Officers.

14. What are project monitoring and alerts?

 The Project monitoring and alert function have features of online monitoring of
projects, land acquisition, environmental management, Approvals, as per fixed
timeline at every stage and for approvals. Alerts through email and SMS in case
of delay and beforehand too provided in this module.

15. What are MIS dashboards?

 The Role-based MIS dashboard provided for every person starts from the
contractor, authority engineer, project director, regional officer, and key
persons at headquarter. Every stakeholder can view their projects and receive
16. Give us an example of the typical workflow diagram.

17. What is Workflow status description?

Action Status
On submission of monthly cash flow forecast Submitted to AE
On Approval by AE Approved by AE
On Rejection by AE Rejected by AE
On Seek Clarification by AE Clarification Required
On Re-Submission of monthly cash flow Re-Submitted
forecast details
Previous Submitted Form Close & Re-Submitted

18. How to monitor the daily progress of a particular project?

 There is a separate module “Daily Progress Report” which is related to strip
plan. The contractor has to fill the information daily. Once details filled by the
contractor, the information will be visible to AE, PIU, and RO.

19. Are there any functionalities related to maintaining a daily diary?

 In a module daily diary, the contractor has a facility to enter following
information chainage wise:
o Encumbrance free land made available
o Utility shifted
o Environment clearance received
o COS direction received
o Any law and order issues to be reported
o Site Inspection made by AE /IE
20. Are there any modules for AE /IE to intimate / remind contractor for delay in submission
 The data lake software has a module related to this functionality.
 AE /IE has a facility to upload documents regarding different aspects of this

21. Who will enter EOT and COS related to details? What is the workflow for the same?
 All requirements related to EOT; COS will be entered by the contractor through
this portal only.
 Requirements of EOT and COS will come to PIU /PD and RO, once AE /IE
approved the same.
 PIU /PD has to check and forward it to RO and then subsequently to HQ for final

22. What is the functionality related to payment monitoring?

 Payment such as “Mobilization, Stage and Final payment” will be raised by the
contractor through the portal with a mandatory requirement of the invoice,
Schedule F, Test Reports, Photos and Videos along with any other requirements
as per contract.
 If any of the things are missing, the contractor will not able to upload payment

23. How to communicate any approval related things for additional land requirement, Utility
shifting, tree cutting, etc?
a. Under the “New Approval” module contractor has a facility to submit all details.

24. How Contractor and AE upload site photos which are geospatially tagged?
 Soon, the mobile application will be available which has a facility to upload
photos and videos with geospatial locations for each stakeholder.

25. If a contractor wants to raise a grievance, is there a facility available or they have to use
the “GATI” module?
 If a contractor wants to raise grievance then he can apply in this portal through
the “Grievance Module” and data will migrate from this system to GATI. No
need to add any data further in GATI again.
26. If a contractor wants to raise a grievance, is there a facility available or they have to use
the “GATI” module?
 If a contractor wants to raise grievance then he can apply in this portal through
the “Grievance Module” and data will migrate from this system to GATI. No
need to add any data further in GATI again.
27. How to monitor project activity at a glance?
 Project Activity Report at a glance can be monitored from Menu click on
“Report” it will show a submenu, click on “Project Activity Report”. For selected
UPC, the status of project activity by Contractor and AE will be shown in this
report. Project status will be changed automatically as per the activity
performed by the contractor and AE for the processes.
28. How does all activity report work for different stakeholders?
 RO official can view the activity report for all UPC of projects he is assigned.
 PIU official can view the activity report for all UPC of projects he is assigned.
 AE official can view the activity report for the UPC of the project he is assigned.
 The contractor can view the activity report for the UPC of the project he is
29. What is a different provision for notifications/alerts?
 From Menu click on “Report” it will show a submenu, click on “activity
Alert”. All the activities performed during the project life cycle has a specific
 If the activity is not performed in that timeline then the alert will be
generated for it.
 That alerts of different stages and activities will be shown in Activity Alert.
30. What if any documents or data uploaded wrongly?
 At present, the delete option is not provided. If any document uploaded
wrongly, it stored in the system. The contractor / AE has to upload the same
document again.

31. How to tackle alerts?

 There are two types of alerts generated by the system.
 The first one is related to the notification. It means, any document
submitted by the Contractor to AE or From AE to Contractor, the system will
send a notification to concern stakeholders through email and SMS with a
predefined timeline.
 PIU-PD also receive notification copy on their email id.
 The other type of alert is a reminder notification send to the current
stakeholder. Auto notification will be received by them in the format “no of
days remaining is 5” daily.
 document again.

32. How to monitor the interaction between AE /IE and Contractor?

 PIU/PD and RO track daily activities happening between contractor and
AE/IE through the activity report module.

33. RFI is one of the important activities. How RFI activity handled by Data Lake software?
 A contractor will raise daily RFI through as per existing practices through this
 AE will receive notification and allot inspector for the same.
 Once, inspection will be completed, AE will upload the inspection report.
 RFIs which will not be inspected will be closed automatically.
 PIU/PD and RO track all RFI activities happening between contractor and
AE/IE through the RFI module.

34. How to upload NSV reports and other survey reports through this portal?
 A separate module under the O & M section will be provided soon, where
NSV survey reports and other documents will be uploaded soon.

35. What is BIM? Pl provide brief information for understanding.

 BIM is a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics

of a facility. It is a shared knowledge resource for information about a
facility, forming a reliable basis for decisions during its life cycle, from
earliest conception to demolition

 Functionality and Features of BIM:

o Identification of potential conflicts and error in design
o Analyze and determine inconsistencies that would not be
discovered until the construction phase
o This data can be processed and used to automate construction
o Better Insight on project execution planning
o Validation of the execution plan
o Schedule analysis with interactive design data
o Identify potential spatial/ temporal conflicts in schedule
36. Are alerts generated and send through email and SMS artificially intelligent?

 Yes, the alerts generated are artificially intelligent. The logic of generation
and sending alerts email will be specifically mapped concerning specific
37. What is strip plan?

 Strip plan is the most important component of road construction. Through

strip plan module, contractor has a facility to enter chainage wise
 Contractor has to enter chainage wise information:
o whether work is started or not, currently work in progress,
completed work
o If work front is available or not
o Land availability or not etc
o Service road progress
o Progress related to structures etc

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