High School Is A Game

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High School is a Game

You steady your breath

And take yet another step through those glass double doors
“High School,” the words ring in your head
“Are the best four years of your lives”
Wait… that’s it?
Never gets better, not even a little bit?
Not quite,
In fact,
Not at all

High School is a game that everyone plays

From the goths to the jocks, the bullies and geeks
Everyone plays
Down to the last adolescent freak

High School is just a facade, a play

Where they will preach to their graves
That your life is determined by a “GPA”

Everything is a test
From how you dress
To what you do
And if you stumble or tip
It’s game over for you

High School is a ruthless food chain

Where the pretty and popular are at the top
And social outcasts at its base
Just wait to see the barbaric bullies you’ll have to face

By now you might be scared or stressed

About all the High School challenges you’ll have to best
But don’t worry
You’ll do fine
So when when your alarm ushers you into a new day
Just remember
High School is a game

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