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Nama: Dimas Yusup Baharudin

NIM: 4101416017

8 Teaching Skills

1. Skills to open the lessons

a. The first impression of a form of relationship is the key to success in achieving the
desired goal.
b. Hasibuan in his book 'Teaching and Learning Process' that opening lessons is an act of
creating a mental atmosphere so that students' attention is centered on what will be
c. Opening skills are the actions of the teacher to create mentally prepared and raise the
attention of students to be centered on what will be learned.
d. The main goal in opening the lesson is to prepare students mentally to be ready to enter
the subjects discussed.
Skill Components to Open the Lessons
a) Pay attention to the attitude and seating of students
b) Start the lesson after it appears students are ready to learn
c) The way to introduce lessons is quite interesting
d) Awaken students' attention and interest
e) Motivating students
f) Introduce the subject matter by connecting knowledge that is already known by
students (apperception)
g) The relationship between the introduction and the core of the lesson is clear and
2. Skills to explain the lessons
a. The skill of explaining is the presentation of information verbally which is organized
systematically to show the existence of a relationship with one another.
b. Submission of well-planned information and presented in a suitable order is the main
characteristic of the activity explained.
Purpose of Skills to Explain the Lessons
a) Guiding students to get and understand laws, facts, definitions and principles
b) Engaging students to think by solving problems or questions.
c) To get feedback from students about the level of understanding and to overcome
their understanding.
d) Guiding students to appreciate and get the process of reasoning and use evidence in
problem solving.
Component of Explaining Skills
1) Planning an explanation, namely the contents of the message to be delivered to
2) Presenting an explanation, which must have clarity
3) Using examples, a teacher must be able to provide examples and illustrations.
4) Emphasis
5) Organizing
6) Feedback
3. Questioning skills
a. Questioning skills are skills that cannot be separated from teaching and learning
b. Giving questions requires training. So that the teacher is expected to be able to master
and implement the skills to ask in the right situation, because giving questions
effectively and efficiently will be able to cause changes in behavior both to the teacher
and from the students.
Purpose of Asking Skills
1) Increase attention and curiosity about a topic
2) Focus attention on a particular concept or problem
3) Develop active learning
4) Simulate students to ask questions
5) Structure a task
6) Diagnose student learning difficulties
7) Develop students to think
8) Give students the opportunity to learn on their own
4. Skill of Giving Strengthening
According to Jufri (2007), what is meant by the skill of giving reinforcement is a
positive response from the teacher to students who have done a good deed.
Purpose of Giving Strengthening
Giving reinforcement in the teaching and learning process has several objectives and
benefits if it can be done properly, among others:
1) Can increase students' attention and motivation towards the material
2) Can encourage students to do good and productive
3) Can foster a sense of confidence in the students themselves
4) Can improve the way students learn actively
5) Can encourage students to improve their learning independently
Verbal Strengthening
Comments in the form of words of praise, appreciation, approval, support etc.
 Words like good, very good, right
 Sentence, you did it very well and neatly
 Come on, you can certainly do this problem
 Good opinion!

Nonverbal Strengthening

 Strengthening in the form of gestures and body movements

 Strengthening by approaching
 Strengthening with touch (contact)
 Strengthening with activities that please students
 Strengthening with symbols / objects
 Strengthening is not full
5. Skills to Hold Learning Variations
Variation is a teacher's activity in the context of teaching and learning interactions
that aim to overcome students' boredom so that in the learning process students always
show perseverance, enthusiasm, and full participation in learning or discussion.
3 Skills Aspects Conducting Learning Variations
a. Learning Style Variations
b. Media Variations and Teaching Materials
c. Interaction Variations
6. Skills for Using Media and Learning Resources
The proper use of Media and Learning Resources can improve the quality of learning
because it can help teachers to provide explanations to students through other, more
interesting forms.
This can increase learning motivation, activeness and level of understanding of
Teaching Media
Media is anything that can be sensed that functions as a means of communication (in the
teaching and learning process), or as a messenger technology used for teaching and
physical means to convey the contents of subject matter.
Use of Teaching Media
a. Clarify the message so that it is not too verbalistic in the form of mere written or oral
b. Overcoming the limitations of space, time and sense power.
c. By using learning media appropriately and varied, it can be overcome by passivity in
d. Helping teachers to overcome differences that exist in students.

Learning Resources

Learning resources are all sources in the form of data, people and certain forms that can be
used by students in learning, both separately and in combination so as to facilitate students
in achieving learning goals or achieving certain competencies.

7. Classroom Management Skills

Classroom management is the teacher's skill in creating and maintaining optimal
learning conditions and returning them if there is a disruption in the process of educative
interaction in other words activities to create and maintain optimal conditions for the
process of educative interaction.
Class mastery is the teacher's acting skill which is based on an understanding of traits
and strengths that lead to the understanding of class properties and their acting power
(Made Piaria in
A teacher must master the class well because of the diversity of classes available. An
optimal learning condition can be achieved if the teacher is able to organize students and
teaching facilities and control them in a pleasant atmosphere to achieve teaching goals.
Good interpersonal relations between teachers and students and students and students
are a condition for successful classroom management.
8. Skill of Closing the Lesson
Learning is a process that never stops because it is an ongoing process towards
perfection. Closing the lesson is identical by ending the lesson at this meeting and giving a
summary / concluding lesson so that students get an overview of the lesson content by
asking questions and giving home assignments to students.
Things that must be mastered by the teacher in closing the lesson
a. Summarize the lesson material that has been learned,
b. Have students make a summary of the material that has been studied and
c. Conduct an evaluation of the subject matter to be provided.

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