(Course Outline) BUS101 - BBA

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Course Outline: Fall 2012


Instructor: Ms. Kulsum Poppy


BRAC Business School


'. 6lass attendance7 As per 4niversity rules. &ote( Students )ho are unable to attend
at least "!* o+ the total number o+ classes )ill not be allo)ed to sit +or the ,nal
. 8uizzes7 2 9uizzes will be taen o which the best * will be counted or grading purpose.
The tests are usually 2+ minutes exam. I any student ails to attempt three 9uizzes, then
the mar will be counted as the average o the two attended. (yllabus, or the respective
9uizzes, will be announced in the classes, which usually consists o the topics covered in
classes prior to the date o the 9uiz. 8uiz weighs 3: o the total mars. (pecifc test time
will be announced during the class time and scheduled at least one wee beore the 9uiz.
/. %idterm -xamination7 %idterm exam will tae place on the midterm wee during regular
class hour. It is a ;+)<+ minutes exam and the syllabus includes the concepts discussed by
the middle o the semester. The exam will comprise o multiple choice 9uestions, short
answer 9uestions, problem solving. &ote( There )ill be no makeu0 midterm unless
there is a valid reason and that again is at the discretion o+ the registrar1s
3. Assignments7 Analysis o articles or issues relating to business administration is expected
to be submitted on the deadlines announced at class. Assignments should be submitted
timely. =elay in submission will result in cancellation o the allotted mars.
4. >inal 6oursewor7 a term paper will be given as a fnal coursewor. It is a group
coursewor and should be computer composed. The coursewor submission deadline will
be announced during the regular sessions.
5. >inal -xamination7 It is a * hour exam, and the syllabus is com0rehensive as per
university rules.
". /resentation7 (tudents are expected to present their fnal coursewor in a group o ?)3
members at the end o the semester. The deadlines and other details will be announced
later in class.
6. As a business school student, we expect the students to be punctual and manage time
eectively and e@ciently. Thus students must strive to meet the deadlines. %ars will be
penalized in case i a student ails to meet the respective deadlines o assignments0course
wors0 proects0reports etc.
7. !hen it comes to cheating and plagiarism, 5BA6 4niversity strictly adheres to a Czero
tolerance policyD.
'!. 6itations should be clearly reerenced.
''. (tudents are expected to attend classes on time, preerably ew minutes beore the
beginning o the class.
'. #o matter what, a student must not disturb others in any way or orm in the class.
Binging o cell phones hampers the environment o the class room. Thereore cell phones
should be turned o, or at least ept on silent mode.
'/. This specifcation is a rough guideline o the course, and the instructor reserves the
right to change0modiy0add the contents o this specifcation at any time during the course

with su@cient notices.

*  /age
8rading $rocedure

Rangeo+Marks 8rade in9etter 8rade$oint

'!!: 7! % 3.!
;7!: 64 %: /."
;6:46! <= /./
;6!: "4 < /.!
;"4: "! <: ."
;":!54 C= ./
;54: 5! C .!
;5!: 4" C: '."
;4:"44 D= './
;44: 4 D '.!

: 4!;4! D: > !." !.!


Modes ?eight
ttendance 4*
uiz '!*
$i%term e&'min'tion !*
Term $a0er '!*
$resentation 4*
%ssignment 4*
Case Study 4*
a-l amination 3!*
alrks '!!*

Course Content

T'(in) ris(s 'n% m'(in) *ro+its ,it-in t-e !.n'mi/ Business Enironment "C-'*ter01#

1. Entrepreneurship and Wealth Building: (4 - 8)

 Revenues, Profits, and osses
 !at"hing Ris# $ith Profit
 %tandard of iving and &ualit' of life
 Responding to the arious Business %ta#eholders
 sing Business Prin"iples in *onprofit +rganiations
. EntrepreneurshipversusWor#ingforothers: (8-11)

 +pportunities for Entrepreneurs

 he /0portan"e of Entrepreneurs to the "reation of Wealth
. he Business Environ0ent: (11 - 12)

2  /age
Un%erst'n%in) Ho, e/onomi/s A++e/ts usiness "C-'*ter02#

1. 3o$ E"ono0i" onditions 5ffe"t Business: (6 - )

 What is E"ono0i"s
 he %e"ret to "reating a Wealth' E"ono0'
 5da0 %0ith and the reation of Wealth
 3o$ Business Benefit the o00unit'
. nderstanding 7ree-!ar#et apitalis0 (4 - 46)
 he 7oundations of apitalis0
 3o$ 7ree !ar#ets Wor#
 3o$ Pri"es are eter0ined

 he E"ono0i" on"ept of %uppl'

 he E"ono0i" on"ept of e0and
 he E&uili9riu0 Point or !ar#et Pri"e
 o0petition $ithin 7ree !ar#ets
 Benefits and i0itations of 7ree !ar#ets
. nderstanding %o"ialis0. (46 - 41)
4. nderstanding o00unis0 (41 - 4)
. he rend to$ard !i;ed E"ono0ies < he differen"es a0ong three e"ono0i" s'ste0s (4 - 44)

!em'n%in) Et-i/'l 'n% So/i'll. res*onsile Be-'ior "C-'*ter03#

1. Ethi"s is !ore han egalit'. (26 - 24)

. !anaging Businesses Ethi"all' and Responsi9l'. (24 - 28)

. orporate %o"ial Responsi9ilit'. (28 - 16)

Ho, to +orm ' Business "C-'*ter05#

1. Basi"7or0sofBusiness+$nership (114-11)
. %ole Proprietorships, advantages and disadvantages (11-11=)
. Partnerships, t'pes of partnership, advantages < disadvantages (11=-16)
4. orporations, advantages, disadvantages, % "orporation and li0ited lia9ilit' "o0panies (16-18)
. orporate E;pansions: !ergers and 5"&uisitions (12-16)
>. 7ran"hises, advantages, disadvantages (11-1)
=. ooperatives (1=-18)

$'n')ement 'n% Le'%ers-i* "C-'*ter04#

1. 7un"tions of !anage0ent (1=2-181)

. Planning and de"ision 0a#ing (181-18>)
. +rganiing: reating a nified %'ste0 (18>-182)
4. eading: Providing ontinuous ision and alues (182-12)

?  /age
. ontrolling:!a#ing%ureitWor#s (12-12)

Hum'n Resour/e $'n')ement: in%in) 'n% 6ee*in) t-e Best Em*lo.ees "C-'*ter11#

1. Wor#ing $ith People is ?ust the Beginning (84-8)

. he 3u0an Resour"e hallenge (8>)
. eter0ining@our3u0anResour"e*eeds (26-2)
4. Re"ruitingE0plo'eesfro0aiversePopulation (2-2)
. %ele"tingE0plo'eesWhoWillBeProdu"tive (2-2=)
>. raining and eveloping E0plo'ees for +pti0u0 Perfor0an"e (2=-66)
=. 5ppraising E0plo'ees Perfor0an"e to Aet +pti0u0 Results (61-6)
8. o0pensation E0plo'ees:5ttra"tingandeeping theBest (6-6>)

$'r(etin): Hel*in) Bu.ers u. "C-'*ter17#

1. What is !ar#eting (4>-4=)

. Evolution
!ar#eting (4=-42)
. 7ourPCsof0ar#eting(!ar#eting!i;) (6-4)
4. !ar#etingResear"hPro"ess (4-=)
. 3o$0ar#etersuseenviron0entals"anning (=)
>. 7a"torsin"ludedinenviron0entals"anning (8-2)
=. earning a9out "onsu0er and Business to 9usiness (BB) (2->>)

Un%erst'n%in) A//ountin) 'n% in'n/i'l In+orm'tion "C-'*ter14#

1. What is 5""ounting (4>)

. ifferent a""ounting dis"iplines ( !anagerial and 7inan"ial 5""ounting) (4=-42)
.% teps5""ounting
in '"le (4>)
4. nderstanding#e'finan"ialstate0ents (4>-4>8)

in'n/i'l $'n')ement "C-'*ter18#

1. Role and responsi9ilities of finan"ial 0anagers (48>-488)

. ifferentsour"esofshortter0finan"ing (42>-61)
. ifferent sour"es of long ter0 finan"ing (61-6=)

Tent'tie Cl'ss S/-e%ule

%ession-1 /ntrodu"tor'lass
%ession- h. 1 a#ing ris#s and 0a#ing profits $ithin the 'na0i" Business Environ0ent
is"ussion on Business ase 5nal'sis
%ession- h. 1 a#ing ris#s and 0a#ing profits $ithin the 'na0i" Business
%ession-4 h.  nderstanding 3o$ e"ono0i"s 5ffe"ts 9usiness
%ession- h.  nderstanding 3o$ e"ono0i"s 5ffe"ts 9usiness
%ession-> h. 4 e0anding Ethi"al and %o"iall' responsi9le Behavior
%ession-= h. 4 e0anding Ethi"al and %o"iall' responsi9le Behavior
%ession-8 9UI 1. "C- 1; 2 < 3#
Report $riting for0at
%ession-2 h.  3o$ to for0 a Business

3  /age
%ession-16 h. 3o$ to for0 a Business
%ession-11 h. 6= !anage0ent and eadership
h. 6= !anage0ent and eadership

%ession-1 $i% Term "C- 1; 2; 3; 5 < 4#

%ession-14 h.11 3u0an Resour"e !anage0ent: 7inding and eeping the Best
%ession-1 h.11 3u0an Resour"e !anage0ent: 7inding and eeping the Best
%ession-1> h. 1= nderstanding 5""ounting and 7inan"ial /nfor0ation
%ession-1= 9UI 2. "C- 11 < 14#
3o$ to 0a#e a good presentation
%ession-18 h. 18 7inan"ial !anage0ent
%ession-12 h. 1 !ar#eting: 3elping Bu'ers 9u'
%ession-6 h. 1 !ar#eting: 3elping Bu'ers 9u'
%ession-1 9UI 7= "C- 17 < 18#
%ession- Revie$ of %'lla9us
%ession- Presentation %ession
%ession-4 Presentation %ession
%ession- Presentation %ession

>>T-e /ourse outline; /'len%'r 'n% 'n. rules et/= mentione% -ere is ' rou)- )ui%eline +or t-e /ourse; 'n% m'. e
/-'n)e% i+ t-e nee% 'rises=

H'e ' ?re't Semester@@

E  /age

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