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Lesson | Date: April 2nd

Story of the Day: Wedding Feast in Cana

● Wonka Tag
● Four corners
Music & Opening Prayer
● Prayer lead by youth
● Peace like a river

Groups 1 and 2 Lesson

Story: John 2:1-3, 5
Jesus and His disciples accompanied His mother, Mary, to a wedding in the village of
Cana. At one stage, Jesus’ mother told Him that there was no more wine. Mary knew that her
Son was, in reality, God’s Son, and that He could perform miracles. Jesus said to Mary, “My
time has not come yet.” But His mother was confident in Him. “Do whatever He tells you,” she
said to the servants.
Jesus told the servants to fill the six stone jars with water. When they did that, the water
changed into wine. Jesus told them to take some of the wine to the master of ceremonies to
taste. The master of ceremonies called to the bridegroom, “A host always serves the best wine
first,” he said, “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings the less expensive wine.
But you have kept the best until now!” This was the first time Jesus performed a miracle. His
disciples saw everything and believed in Him.
Story Discussion:
● What was Jesus’ miracle?
● What do you think the people at the wedding thought?
● Why do you think Mary instructed Jesus?
● Why do you think Jesus listened to Mary?
● Why do you think Jesus said it wasn’t His time yet?

Challenge the kids to act out the story for you by memory!
● Mary-
● Jesus-
● Servant-
● The MC-
● The Disciples-
● Bridegroom-
● Bride

Group 3 Lesson
Opening Prayer- Lead by Youth

Story: John 2:1-3, 5

Jesus and His disciples accompanied His mother, Mary, to a wedding in the village of
Cana. At one stage, Jesus’ mother told Him that there was no more wine. Mary knew that her
Son was, in reality, God’s Son, and that He could perform miracles. Jesus said to Mary, “My
time has not come yet.” But His mother was confident in Him. “Do whatever He tells you,” she
said to the servants.
Jesus told the servants to fill the six stone jars with water. When they did that, the water
changed into wine. Jesus told them to take some of the wine to the master of ceremonies to
taste. The master of ceremonies called to the bridegroom, “A host always serves the best wine
first,” he said, “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings the less expensive wine.
But you have kept the best until now!” This was the first time Jesus performed a miracle. His
disciples saw everything and believed in Him.
Story discussion:
● What do you think the people at the wedding thought?
● Why do you think Mary instructed Jesus?
● Why do you think Jesus listened to Mary?
● Why do you think Jesus said it wasn’t His time yet?

Have the kids try to act out the story from memory.
● Mary-
● Jesus-
● Servant-
● The MC-
● The Disciples-
● Bridegroom-
● Bride-


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