OPT261 Spr19 Homework3

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Optics 261 Homework #3 100 points

Homework #2
Assigned: 6 February 2019
Due: 11 February 2019 by the end of class

Working together is permitted. However, when you write up your homework, it should be
your own work in your own words. It is not permissible to copy another’s homework or to
allow another to copy yours. That is plagiarism. To be honest you would have to write both
your name and the other’s on the homework. You learn it best and do best on the test if you
can do the homework by yourself.

1. Plane Waves I (60 pts). Write an expression for a monochromatic plane wave, with
amplitude uo = 2 and phase-offset δ = -π/4, propagating along a direction defined by
the angles (48.19o, 70.53o, 48.19o); these are in degrees! Recall this set of angles refer to
the angle between the plane wave’s wavevector and the axes of the cartesian coordinate
system. 48.19o is the angle between the wavevector and the positive x-axis etc. (10)

a. Using computer visualization, make a plot of the real wavefunction and irradiance in the
x-y plane at z=0, t = 0 and z=0, t=T/4 where T is the light wave’s temporal period (assume
it is 0.5s). Assume the wavelength is 0.500 m. What changes between the two plots? What
is the wave’s phase velocity? (15)
b. Using computer visualization, make a plot of the phase in the x-y plane at z=0, t = 0 and
z=0, t=T/4 where T is the light wave’s temporal period (assume it is 0.5s). Assume the
wavelength is 0.500 m. (15)
c. On a single phasor diagram illustrate the phasor associated with this plane wave at
location (λ, 2λ, 3λ) and time t=3T/4 where T is the optical period (still 0.5s). Replot for the
location (λ,2λ,3λ+0.200 m). How far should I walk in the y-direction to change the phase
by -3π/4. (10)
d. Now assume |𝑢# | → |𝑢# (𝑡 − 𝑧/𝑣)| = 𝑢# 𝑒 .(/.0/1) ⁄3.5 where 𝑣 is the wave velocity.
Plot the real wavefunction as a function of position for t = 0 and t = 10T (you know T and
the wavelength). What do you observe – what has happened to the wave in space? (10)
2. Spherical waves (40 pts) Write an expression for a diverging monochromatic spherical
wave, with amplitude uo = 1 and phase-offset δ = π/6. (5)
a. Using computer visualization, make a plot in the x-y plane of the real wavefunction and
irradiance from x=10λ to x = 20λ at t = 0 and t=T/4 where T is the light wave’s temporal
period (assume it is 1-s). Assume the wavelength is 1-m. (15)

b. Using computer visualization, make a plot of the waves phase in the x-y plane at z=0, t
= 0 and z=0, t=T/4 where T is the light wave’s temporal period (assume it is 1-s). Assume
the wavelength is 1-m. Compare the phase of the spherical wave for the z=0, t = 0 case
with that of a monochromatic plane propagating along the z-direction in the x-y plane at
z=0, t = 0 again assuming the wavelength is 1- m. (15)
c. On a single phasor diagram illustrate the phasor associated with this spherical wave at
location (λ, 2λ, 3λ) at time t=3T/4 where T is the optical period(assume it is 1-s). Replot
for the location (3λ, 2λ, λ). How far should I walk in the r-direction to change the phase by
-π/4. (5)

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