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(adapted from ‘Diagnosing and Treating Common Problems in Paediatrics’ O’Neill, McEvoy
and Nicholson)

 Parental concern N.B

 Delay (fails or slow to achieve milestones) AT ANY AGE
 Regression (loss of milestones)
 Family hx of Developmental Delay
 Muscle tone → Increased (i.e Cerebral Palsy)
→decreased (i.e floppy /hypotonic infant)
 Hand preference before 18 months
 Significant micro or macrocephaly (HC >99.6th centile or
<0.4th centile)
(or HC crosses > 2 centiles up or down or inconsistent
with parental HC)
 Persistent primative reflexes after 6- 12 months
( asymmetric tonic /moro)
 Lack of social smiling by 6 weeks ( limit age 8 weeks)
 Lack of eye contact/fixing and following by 6 weeks
( limit age 8 weeks)
 Not reaching for objects or rolling by 6 months
 Not sitting unaided by 12 months
 Not walking by 18 months boys
(except in bottom shufflers), 2 years girls.
 Points to share interest by 2 years
 Runs by 2.5 years

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