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Improving Students’ Speaking Skills through English Movies

M. Irwansyah Putra

1. Introduction

1.1 Background :

English is a subject that essential to be learned, because most of the

information and technology are using English, for example in education, commerce,
and daily activities, news, computer, and others. As an international language English
is an asset to communicate to the people in worldwide. It’s easy to learn, easy to
understand. Those make the user easy to apply the technology. Meanwhile English is
easy to learn, some people have not been able to use the English language in speaking
as well. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves
producing and receiving and processing information it can be seen when you
pronounce the words. (Florez, 1999, p. 1). It is “often spontaneous, open–ended, and
evolving“(ibid., p. 1), unlike reading, writing or listening activities, speaking requires
some degree of real-time exposure to an audience.

The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for many second and
foreign language learners. However, there are still difficulties that students in
Indonesia face in their speaking ability. Commonly, L1 interference that make
students couldn’t pronounce consonant clusters (3 or more consonants together is a
word), as these clusters do not occur in Bahasa Indonesia. The rolling of the letter 'r' is
another common issue, but not one which causes any kind of strain for the listener. In
general, pronunciation is not a huge problem for Indonesians students, especially
when compared to learners from Asian countries with tonal languages such as China
and Vietnam. Also, students sometimes feel anxious when they speak English in
public, they feel afraid that they will make a mistake when saying a word that they
want to say as a result they always feel fear to speak and unmotivated that affect their
speaking skills. Then, students are often inhibited about trying to say thing in foreign
language in the classroom like worried about mistakes or simply shy of the attention
that their speech attract. Students sometimes forgot about two and three words when
speaking because their reluctant to memorize vocabulary words. Moreover, learners
nowadays have lack motivation for learning in conventional way. It is the main reason
why English teacher keep searching for teaching resources in order to motivate
students. For students who learn English as their second languange, they use English
more frequent only inside the class and less frequent outside the class. It means that
students have limited time to speak English in the class. Therefore, the environment
doesn’t support them to speak English frequently. The environment here means
people in the outside class. Students who speak in the outside class would be
impossible because lack of self-confidence. If they tried to speak English, people may
thinking that students just want to show off. Since students don’t want to be shunned
by people around them, students use their native language for their daily conversation.
That makes students unable to speak English fluently outside the class.

According to the 2015 Education First (EF) English Proficiency Index (EPI),
Indonesia’s score on the worldwide ranking was 52.91, only a negligible increase
from 52.74 in 2014, placing it in the 32nd position, out of 70 countries. Last year,
Indonesia ranked 28th out of 63 countries. Also, According to Pikkert and Foster
(1996), the Indonesian students’ English scores were lower and they explored Indonesian
education report less than satisfactory academic results. This case is because of the lack
of vocabulary, pronounce, structure, and many others. Most of them still combine the
English language and Indonesia language. It is can be the big problem for the teacher
to make the students understand about speaking in English well to giving some
information. The media is also the problems that found it this case, the media is also
one an important thing that the teacher uses on teaching. But most of the teachers
always using monoton media like white board, picture, and other. Along with this,
various teaching approaches have been discovered and applied by many ESL
researchers and instructors to help their students to achieve language competency. In
comparing the effectiveness of the different instructional approaches, the use of
technology in language classrooms has been widely proposed as it could increase
students’ motivation and language proficiency (Warschauer & Meskill, 2000).

The reasearcher take the animation movie as the media to improve the
speaking skill of the students in Elementary school, because according to the
Finicchiaro (in Rafikadilla :2013) mention some type of media in general. There are
audio, visual, and audiovisual, and it is helps teachers to teachs the leaners in the
classroom, Animation is included in audiovisual media. Animation movie is also
media which showing the audio and video. In addition according to Meanwhile,
Willingham’s research ( in Mateer:2011) found that audiovisual media helps students
easy achieve the concept of material learning.

Also considering speaking as a skill, by gate (Liao’2009) investigated the

distinction between knowledge and skill in speaking lesson, which he considered as
crucial in the teaching of speaking. Indeed, to be a good learner of speaking, studying
knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, etc. is not enough but
the skill to use this knowledge to communicate successfully is indispensable. So, the
resecher conclude even all the experts above has differences concepts of speaking but
all of them has same understanding about speaking itself, Speaking is an action, a
process and a skill of someone to communicate to other people for sharing
1.2 Problems of the study
Based on the background above, the problem of the study is formed in the following

a. Is there any significance differences on students’ speaking achievement between before

and after given the treatment ?
b. How much watching movies contribute significantly towards students’ knowledge of
languange that can affect their speaking skills ?

1.3 Objectives of the study

Based on the problems above, the objectives of this study were to find out:
a. To find out the significance differences on students’ speaking achievement between before
and after given the treatment
b. To find out whether or not watching movies contribute significantly towards students’
knowledge of languange that can affect their speaking skills.

1.4. Significance of the Study

This study hoped to give some significant results that can be useful for learners and
teacher and give some contribution to improve teaching and learning English. The writer of
this study hopes that watching English movies can be applied as a media for teaching
speaking method which motivates the students to speak and faced the problem when they
speak English. And at the end of the research, it is also hoped that this research can be good
examples for the teacher to encourage, improve, and motivate their students to speak in
English fluently. Moreover, the result of the study is hoped to be beneficial references for
other related researchers.
Improving Students’ Speaking Skills through English Movies
M. Irwansyah Putra

3. Research Methodology
In writing this study, the writer will use the experimental design. According to
Richards, (1985, p.100), experimental method is an approach to educational research in
which the idea of hypothesis is tested or verified by setting up situation in which relationship
between different subjects or variables can be determined.

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the writer will use Quasi-Experimental method and the design is pre-
test post-test control group design. Since the writer is trying to find the differences between
two groups, which one group (experimental group) will be taught by using English movie and
another group (control group) will be taught without using English movie. It can be
illustrated by the diagram as follow (McMilan & Schumacher, 2010, p.278)

Group Pre-test Post-test

EG O1 X O2

CG O3 −−− O4

EG : Experimental Group

CG : Control Group

−−−− : dashed line indicated non-random assignment to comparison groups

O1 : Pre-test of experimental group

O2 : Post-test of experimental group

X : Treatment to experimental group by using watching movie strategy

O3 : Pre-test of control group

O4 : Post-test of control group

−−− : No treatment in control group

3.2 Variables of the study

In this study, there are two variables that investigated, both of them are dependent
variable and independent variable. Independent variable is te investigators choose
to study and often manipulate in order to assess their possible effect(s) on one or
more variables. An independent variable is presumed to have an effect on, to
influence somehow, another variable ( Wallen & Fraenkel, 1991, p.36). In this
research, the independent variable watching movie strategy and for dependent
variable is teaching speaking.

3.3 Population and Sample

  The writer will take the first grade students of SMAN 8 Palembang as the
population of the study.
For the sample of the study, The writer will only take the science class to get the
data. The total number of the sample in this study consist 70 out of 229 first grade
students of SMAN 8 Palembang. 70 students will be divided into two classes which is
35 students for experimental group and another 35 students for control group

3.4 Data Collection (Instrument)

The instrument used for collecting the data are speaking test and scoring rubric.
The speaking test is used to measure the students’ speaking ability and the scoring
rubric is used to measure students’ speaking achievement.

3.5 Data Analysis

The writer will use T-test paired sample and independent t-test in order to analyze
the study. T-test paired sample is using to answer the first question in this research.
Then, independent t-test is using to answer the second question in this research.
The population of first grade science students in SMAN 8 Palembang

no class students
1 X IPA 1 40
2 X IPA 2 39
3 X IPA 3 37
4 X IPA 4 39
5 X IPA 5 38
6 X IPA 6 36
total 229

Instruments: (In case, kalo mam nanyoin)

The instruments used for collecting the data is speaking test and scoring rubric.

The speaking test is used to measure the students’ speaking ability. And the
scoring rubric is used to measure the students’ speaking achievement.

The speaking test will be made based on the syllabus used for teaching English in
High School.

To measure whether or not the students have a good English achievement, the
writer follows the scoring system from International Reading Association Scoring

The scores obtained were categorized into four categories. These Categories are as
follows : Very good (4), Good (3), Averag (2), Poor (1).

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