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Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1667

A. Dold, Heidelberg
F. Takens, Groningen
New York
Hong Kong
Santa Clara
Jesfs M.F. Castillo Manuel Gonzfilez

Three-space Problems
in Banach Space Theory

~ Springer
Jesds M. F. Castillo Manuel Gonz:ilez
Departamento de Matemfiticas Departamento de Matem~ticas
Universidad de Extremadura Universidad de Cantabria
Avda. de Elvas s/n Avda. de los Castros s/n
E-06071 Badajoz, Spain E-39071 Santander, Spain
E-mail: E-mail:

L l b r a P y of Congress C a t a l o g i n g - I n - P u b l i c a t i o n Data

Castlllo, Jesus M. F.
Three-space problems In Banach space t h e o r y / Oes~s M.F. C a s t l l l o ,
Manuel Gonz~lez.
p. cm. - - (Lecture notes In mathematlcs ; 1667)
Includes b l b l l o g r a p h l c a l references (p. - ) and index.
ISBN 3-540-63344-8 ( s o f t c o v e r : e l k . paper)
I . 8anach spaces. 2. U l t r a p r o d u c t s . 3. O u a l l t y theory
(Mathematlcs) I . Oonz~lez, Manuel. II. Title. l l I . Serles:
Lecture notes In mathematlcs ( S p r l n g e r - V e r | a g ) ; 1667.
QA3.L28 no. 1667
510 s--dc21

Mathematics Subject Classification (t 991): 46B03, 46B20, 46B08, 46B 10

ISSN 0075- 8434

ISBN 3-540-63344-8 Springer-Vertag Berlin Heidelberg New York

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A three-space problem, in the Banach space setting, has the form: Let P be a
Banach space property, let Y be a subspace of X and let X / Y be the corresponding
quotient space. Is it true that X has property P when Y and X/Yhave property P ?
If the answer is positive then P is said to be a three-space property. We shall often
shorten "three-space" to 3SP (see below).

Three-space questions face the general problem of the structure of arbitrary

subspaces and quotients of Banach spaces. Nowadays, it is clear that only Hilbert
spaces can be labelled as simple: all subspaces are complemented Hilbert spaces and
all quotients are Hilbert spaces. Other spaces may contain (and usually do) bizarre
uncomplemented subspaces and/or quotients. The point of view of 3SP problems
is to consider the structure of a Banach space contemplating as a whole the structure
of subspaces and the quotients they produce. Nevertheless, as it is noted in [136],
"it may happen that a Banach space with quite complicated structure may possess
nice factors through nice subspaces." When a property turns out to be a 3SP
property, it means that, despite the complexity that the combination of subspaces
and quotients may have, the structure related with P is maintained. Incidentally, this
gives a way to prove that a space possesses property P.

In the study of a 3SP question it is interesting, when the answer is affirmative,

to uncover the structure behind the proof; for instance, being finite-dimensional,
reflexive, or no containing l 1 are all 3SP properties for essentially the same reason:
the possibility of a lifting for the different types of sequences considered (resp.
convergent, weakly convergent or weakly Cauchy). When it is not, the construction
of a counterexample is more often than not a rewarding task. Also, there is the
general question of how to construct the "middle" space starting with two spaces
having P: one space Y that plays the role of the subspace and other Z that plays the
role of the quotient. The simplest form to do this is making their direct sum Y e Z .
In direct sums the factor spaces appear complemented. Spaces admitting g as a non-
necessarily complemented subspace and Z as the corresponding quotient are called
"twisted sums." The interesting general problem of how to construct twisted sums
is considered, at an elementary level, in Chapters 1 and 3. This problem spreads
into many ramifications: categorical methods, semi L-summands, inductive limits,
construction of C(K) spaces, interpolation theory, etc, each of them contemplating
a different aspect of the problem.

Conversely, a negative answer to a 3SP question is also of interest because it


must involve a new construction of a space or an operator (usually the quotient

map). It is then no surprise that some 3SP examples can be translated into examples
of pathological operators; this topic has not been sufficiently exploited in the
literature, reason for which we present an overall view in an appendix to Chapter

The origin of 3SP problems can be traced back to a problem of Palais: If Y and
X/Y are Hilbert spaces, has X to be isomorphic to a Hilbert space? Chronologically,
3SP results did not formally appear until middle seventies, although Krein and
Smullian's proof that reflexivity is a 3SP property came around 1940.
Counterexamples appeared with Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier's solution to Palais
problem (1975), while methods can be seriously considered after Jarchow's paper
(1984). In this case, however, methods and counterexamples can be thought of as
two different approaches to the same problem: some counterexamples provide a
method, and methods sometimes provide a counterexample. Examples of
counterexamples that provide methods could be the Kalton and Peck solution to
Palais problem, which gave birth to the beautiful theory of quasi-linear maps; or
Lusky's proofs that every Banach space X containing c o admits a subspace Y such
that both Y and X/Yhave a basis.

Currently it is a standard question to ask for the 3SP character of a new

property. For this reason we devoted Chapter 2 to explain methods to obtain 3SP
properties. These methods include (and, we hope, cast some light on) some classical
topics such as lifting results or factorization of operators. The counterexamples can
be found in chapters 3 to 7 collected in what could be seen as something like a zoo.

Thus, we propose the reader a guided tour through that zoo. These notes exhibit
alive all (all?) specimens of 3SP problems that have been treated in the literature
and which freely lived disseminated in many research papers, their natural habitat
since they scarcely appeared in books. They have been patiently hunted and
captured, carefully carried over (the common features of counterexamples have
been emphasized), neatly polished (we often give simpler proofs) and classified
following their nature (the proofs were unified through several general methods).
There are also many new results and open problems.

The notation we follow is rather standard except in one point: the abbreviation
3SP for "three-space." Although it is not standard, it is clear, clean and direct;
started with our e-mail messages and has achieved some success.

We have intended to give an essentially self-contained exposition of 3SP

problems in the context of Banach spaces. There is a vast unexplored land of 3SP
problems in other contexts (locally convex spaces, Banach algebras .... ) that we shall
not consider. All properties appearing in the book are defined and their basic

relationships stated with appropriate references. Thus, some bounds about where
to stop had to be imposed: things directly involved with 3SP questions appear in
detail; other results shall be just cited when they have already appeared in books.
The word T h e o r e m is reserved for results having the form: property P is (or is not)
a 3SP property. We made an effort to keep the reader informed about who did
exactly what; this information is often given during the introductory comments
although, in some cases, even conversations with the authors could not completely
clarify where the ideas came from, and so we give our interpretation. About the
problems and questions scattered through the text, we can only say that, to the best
of our knowledge, they are open; some appear certainly to be difficult, some could
even be easy, all seem interesting.

The background required to read these notes is a course in functional analysis

and some familiarity with modern Banach space methods, as can be obtained from,
e.g., J. Diestel's Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces. In order that the book can
be used as a reference text we have included a summary, in alphabetical order,
containing four entries for each property: 1) name; 2) yes, not, or open, for the
corresponding 3SP problem; 3) general method of proof, counterexample or
additional information; 4) location of the result in the book.

Many people provided us with a constant flow of preprints, information,

questions or advice that kept the project alive. To all of them our gratitude flows
back. Working friends F~lix Cabello, PaNel Payfi, Fernando Sfinchez and David
Yost wrote several new proofs tbr this book, tried to re-do some sections ... and
we are sure they would have written the entire book ... had we left them the
opportunity. Susan Dierolf, Ricardo Garcia, Hans Jarchow, Mar Jim~nez, Antonio
Martinez-Abejdn, Mikhail Ostrovskii and Cristina P~rez made useful suggestions.
Moreover, thanks should go to the colleagues of the Mathematics Department of the
Universidad de Extremadura and of the University of Cantabria for providing the
natural conditions for working. The topic of the book was discussed with colleagues
and lectured on at several meetings during these three long years of elaboration: the
Curso de Verano of the Universidad de Cantabria en Laredo; the Analysis Seminar
at the Universitfi di Bologna, organized by Piero Papini; the Conference on
Functional Analysis at Camigliatello, organized by Antonio Carbone and Giuseppe
Marino; the Conference on Function Spaces at the Universidad Complutense de
Madrid, organized by Jos~ Luis LLavona and Angeles Prieto; and the 2 nd Congress
on Banach spaces at Badajoz. Thanks are due in each case to the organizers and
supporting institutions.

Beloved Boojums and the Bellman. The first author thanks the
students of the Analysis seminar who attended a course on 3SP problems, and

especially to E Arranz "Curro" who arranged a place for some invention. During
this time, what started as a harmless photographic safari became a frumious
hunting, sometimes galumphing. Perhaps no one has described it better than Lewis
Carroll in The Hunting of the Snark; we suggest a careful reading of it to anyone
interested in mathematical research. For instance, take the last but one stanza of the
third fit.

I engage with the Snark - every night after dark -

In a dreamy delirious ~ght:
I s e r v e it w i t h g r e e n s i n t h o s e s h a d o w y s c e n e s ,
A n d u s e it f o r s t r i k i n g a l i g h t .

On a higher ground, it seems to me that my mother and my sister have been

working almost as much as I did to carry this book through. Without their
supporting hand and their endless patience I would probably have softly and
suddenly vanished away. This not being so, the real 3SP problem for me has been
then to combine the space of personal life, that of my University duties and the
space required to make the book. Luna was the (precious) kernel that made this
sequence exact. And one cannot leave unmentioned the exact sequence of our dogs:
Suerte, Burbujas and Schwarz - w h i c h is my sister's dog, but anyway. Luna's
mother and father, Javier Blanco, Antonio Hinchado (as the Banker) and Paco Pons
(as the Booker) made a nice crew that helped to mix the bowsprit with the rudder

The manuscript was patiently typed by Luna Blanco. Financial support came in
part from the DGICYT (Spain) Project PB94-1052.

Although Bellman [51] affirms "everything I say three times is true" that does
not necessarily apply to everything we say about three-spaces.

Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Contents ......................................... ix

1. Three-space constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Short exact sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The short exact sequence induced by the pull-back square . . . . . . . . . . 4
The short exact sequence induced by the push-out square .......... 5
Extensions of Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Twisted sums of Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Sharked sums of Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Twisted sums and extensions .......................... 27
Inductive limits of Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Appendix. L - s u m m a n d s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Proper semi-L-summands (34); Hahn-Banach smooth spaces (40)
Appendix. H a r t e ' s problem and T a y l o r ' s spectrum ............. 42

2. Methods to obtain three-space ideals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Three-space ideals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Obtaining new three-space ideals from old ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Obtaining three-space ideals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Lifting of sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
A second look at liftings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Lifting for operators ............................... 62
Three-space properties and semigroups of operators ............ 64
Jarchow's factorization method ......................... 65
Incomparability classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
P-by-Q and P ~ Q properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Appendix. Applications of three-space results to the opening . . . . . . . 71
The gap (or opening) between subspaces (71); Perturbation of operators
3. Classical Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
The three-space problem for Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
The approach of Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier (82) The approach of
Kalton and Peck (88): Weak Hilbert spaces (94)
Three-space problems related to lp spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Not containing tp ; Ip saturated spaces (96); local properties (98)
The three-space problem for ~ p -spaces .................... 99
Three-space problems for Lp-spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Three-space problems for C(K) spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Appendix. Banach spaces not isomorphic to their s q u a r e . . . . . . . . . . 106
Appendix. Dual Banach spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

4. Topological properties of Banach spaces ................... 113

Reflexivity ...................................... 116
Quasi-reflexivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Co-reflexivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Somewhat reflexivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Super-reflexivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Wp and p-Banach-Saks properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Weak sequential completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Weak* sequential compactness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Mazur property or d-completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Weakly compactly generated spaces ....................... 125
An intermission: proof of a theorem of Valdivia (130)
Asplund spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
The Plichko-Valdivia property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Polish spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Cech completeness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Between WCG and PRI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
e-fragmentability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Point of continuity properties ........................... 145
Property (C) of Pol ................................. 150
GSG spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Appendix. P o l y n o m i a l p r o p e r t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Weakly sequentially continuous polynomials (154); Spaces admitting a
separating polynomial (155)

5. Geometrical Properties .............................. 156

Type and cotype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Basic results on renormings and differentiability of the norm . . . . . . . . 159

Fr6chet and C~-smooth renorming ....................... 161

Rough norms and Asplund spaces ....................... 164
Gfiteaux smooth renorming ........................... 165
Weak Asplund spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
D-spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
w*-G~ extreme points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Measure compact spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Uniformly convex and locally uniformly convex renorming . . . . . . . . 171
LUR renorming and fragmentability by slices ................ 173
Mazur intersection property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Szlenk index .................................... 178
Midpoint LUR renorming ............................ 180
The Krein-Milman property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Asymptotic norming properties ......................... 181
Strictly convex renorming ............................ 183
X-property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Octahedral norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Kadec and Kadec-Klee norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Ranges of vector measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
The U.M.D. property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Mazur rotations problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Never condensed spaces ............................. 194

6. Homological properties ............................. 196

Cp properties, 1 <p_< co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Orlicz properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Grothendieck's theorem ............................. 200
Hilbert-Schmidt spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Radon-Nikodym properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
The Analytical RNP (202); The Near RNP (202)
Dunford-Pettis properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
The hereditary Dunford-Pettis property (204); The "hereditary by
quotients" Dunford-Pettis property (207); The Dunford-Pettis property
of order p, 1 <p_< oo. (207); Reciprocal Dunford-Pettis property (208);
Somewhat DP property (208); Surjective Dunford-Pettis property (209);
Dieudonn6 property (210); Grothendieck property and its reciprocal
(210); Other related properties (2 i0)
Covariant properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
The Gelfand-Phillips property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Properties (u), (V) and (V*) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216

P r o p e r t y (w) ..................................... 219

Other p r o p e r t i e s ................................... 220
Property (BD) (220); P r o p e r t y L (220); Dunford-Pettis sets are c o m p a c t

7. Approximation Properties ............................ 221

Spaces with Finite D i m e n s i o n a l D e c o m p o s i t i o n s ............... 222
Spaces with a basis ................................. 224
Positive results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Skipped-blocking decompositions ........................ 230

Summary ......................................... 232

Bibliography ....................................... 239

Subject index ..................................... 263

Chapter 1

Three-space constructions

This chapter is about the structure of a three-space (in short, 3SP) construction. We
first show the tools of the theory of categories that shall be needed: short exact
sequences, pull-back and push-out constructions and the three-lemma; some
knowledge of functors and natural transformations and the functor Ext. Given
spaces Y and Z, an extension of Y by Z is a Banach space X such that g is a closed
subspace of X and X/Y is isomorphic to Z. For a given couple (Y, Z) of spaces,
Ext(Y, Z) denotes the set of all extensions of Y by Z modulo a suitable equivalence
relation. If Ban denotes the category of Banach spaces and Set that of sets, the
correspondence is done in such a way that Ext: Ban x Ban --- Set is a functor in
each component. Category theory provides two methods to obtain the elements of
Ext(F, Z): one using projective elements (ll(/)-spaces) and the other using injective
elements (l~(/)-spaces). We shall describe the two methods in detail translating the
elements of the general theory to the Banach space setting.

For quasi-Banach spaces (in general, not locally convex spaces), categories do
not provide with effective ways to calculate Ext(g, Z) since projective or injective
spaces do not necessarily exist. A new theory was developed by Kalton [203] and
Kalton and Peck [213] to work with quasi-Banach spaces: it is based on the so-
called quasi-linear maps, and consists in proving that extensions of two quasi-
Banach spaces correspond to quasi-linear maps. We shall describe this approach in
correspondence, when the spaces are locally convex, with the categorical point of
view .

Chronologically, the seminal breakthrough was Entto-Lindenstrauss-Pisier

negative solution to Palais problem: if a Banach space X admits a closed subspace
isomorphic to a Hilbert space and such that the corresponding quotient is also
isomorphic to a Hilbert space, must X be isomorphic to a Hilbert space? (or, is to
be isomorphic to a Hilbert space a 3SP property?). Their construction, although
related to finite-dimensional properties of Hilbert spaces, relied on the quasi-linear
1. Three-space constructions

behaviour of some functions. Indeed, two were the ingredients of their

counterexample: (1) construction of (in the terminology of this book) 0-1inear finite-
dimensional maps such that (2) are increasingly far from linear as the dimension
increases. Then Ribe [306] and Kalton [203], independent and almost
simultaneously, obtained solutions to the 3SP problem for Banach spaces, showing
that there exists a quasi-Banach space having an uncomplemented copy of 1~ such
that the corresponding quotient space is isomorphic to 11. Kalton's paper included
many other results, such as the proof that an example replacing l 1 by Ip cannot
exist. Moreover, an embryo of what shall become the general theory of twisted
sums appears there, with a proof that the oniy way to obtain a nontrivial twisted
sum (i.e., not a direct sum) is that the quasi-linear map be at infinite distance of
linear maps. Then it came Kalton and Peck' shaking ground paper [213] with a new
counterexample to Palais problem and the whole theory about twisted sums,
showing that the way in which Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier had done it was
essentially the only way (with the freedom to choose the quasi-linear map).

While this chapter contains the general theory, solutions to Palais problem (i. e.,
concrete ways to obtain nontrivial quasi-linear maps) shall occur in Chapter 3.

1.1 Short exact sequences

For all basic elements of category theory and homological algebra we suggest [ 169].

The category Ban has Banach spaces as objects and continuous linear mappings as
arrows. A short exact sequence in Ban is a diagram
i q
O - , Y--, X--, Z - , O

where the image of each arrow coincides with the kernel of the following one.
When no further explanation appears, i denotes the injection and q the quotient
map. The open mapping theorem ensures that, given a short exact sequence as
before, Y is a subspace of X and Z is the corresponding quotient X/Y. In this
context, a 3SP problem is: let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence in
which the spaces Y and Z have a given property P. Must the space X also have P?.

In the category Ban the kernel of a (linear continuous) map a: X ~ Y is the

canonical inclusion i: K e r a ~ X (and the cokernel is the canonical quotient map
q: Y-~ Y/ml-m--6). Some basic results about short exact sequences (valid in arbitrary
categories where kernels and cokernels exist) follow:
Short exact sequences

Two short exact sequences 0 --, Y --, X --, Z ~ 0 and 0 --, Y --, U --- Z --, 0 are
said to be equivalent if s o m e a r r o w X ---- U exists m a k i n g c o m m u t a t i v e the squares
o f the d i a g r a m

O---, Y--. X---, Z - , O

O --, Y ~ U - , Z--, O

This definition m a k e s sense thanks to "the 3-1emma" :

T h e 3 - 1 e m m a . Given a commutative diagram

O--, A - - . B---. C - ' . O

ot~ 13~ 7~

with exact rows, if a a n d 7 are injective then 13 is injective; also, if ot a n d 7 are

surjective then 13 is surjective. Consequently, if ot and 7 are isomorphisms, then also
13 is an isomorphism.

Proof. Since there is no place for confusion, we call i the injections in the two short
exact sequences and q the quotient maps.

(INJECTIVITY) I f 13b = 0 with b E B then 7qb = 0 and qb = 0. Thus b = ia for s o m e

a ~ A, and since iaa = 13ia = 13b = 0 , hence a = 0 and thus b = i a = O .

O b s e r v e that the exactness o f the sequence 0 --, D --, E --, F --, 0 at E o r F has
not been used. This shall be i m p o r t a n t later.

(SURJECTIVITY)L e t e ~ E. Since 7 is surjective, for s o m e c ~ C, 7 c = q e . Thus,

for s o m e b ~ B it m u s t h a p p e n 7 q b = q e . Since q ( t 3 b - e ) = 0 , 13b-e = id for s o m e
d E D; and since ot is surjective, ota = d, which implies f3ia = iota = id = 1 3 b - e
and then e = 13(b-ia). []

O b s e r v e that the exactness o f the sequence 0 --, A ---- B ---- C ---, 0 at A or B has
not b e e n used. This shall be i m p o r t a n t later.

A short exact sequence 0 ~ Y ~ X --~ Z ~ 0 is said to split i f it is equivalent to

the s e q u e n c e 0 -~ Y -', Y × Z ~ Z ~ O. G i v e n an a r r o w ot in a c a t e g o r y C a t , a
section for ot is a right inverse; i . e . , an arrow s in C a t such that o t s = l . A
retraction for ot is a left inverse, i . e . , an arrow r in the c a t e g o r y such that r t ~ = l .
W h e n no other c o m m e n t is m a d e , we u n d e r s t a n d that sections o r retractions are so
in B a n . I f they s i m p l y are sections o r retractions in S e t then we shall usually refer
to them as "selection m a p s . "
4 1. Three-space constructions

Lemma 1.1.a. The exact s e q u e n c e 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --> 0 splits i f a n d only i f i
admits a retraction o r q admits a section.

Proof. T h e exactness of the sequence and the open mapping theorem imply that i(Y)
is isomorphic to Y. If s is a section of q , t h e n x - s q x E K e r q = Y for
every x E X ; therefore X admits the decomposition X = I m s + Y as follows: x
= sq x + (x - sq x ). Since {0} = I m s ~ Y, the sum is direct. Finally, I m s is
a closed subspace of X and, by the open mapping theorem, it is isomorphic to Z.

Analogously, if r is a retraction of j, then the restriction of q to K e r r defines

an isomorphism whose bounded inverse is a section of q. []

1.2 The short exact sequence induced by

the pull-back square
Let A: X --, Z and B: Y --- Z two operators. The p u l l - b a c k of {A, B} is the space

= {(x, y): Ax=By}

endowed with the relative product topology, together with the restrictions of the
canonical projections onto X and Y. The diagram for the pull-back is:

--, y

7rX ~B

X --, Z

The pull-back has the universal property that given any space U with maps u X
and Uy making commutative the diagram

U --, Y

Ux* ¢B

X --, Z

there is a unique arrow 7r: U--, ~ in such a way that 7rxTr=u X and lryr=Uy. T h e
pull-back is unique up to isomorphisms. Perhaps the simplest example of pull-back
The pull-back square

is the kernel of a linear operator T: X --, Z (i.e. the pull-back of T and 0 : 0 --, Y);
its categorical definition is: the kernel of an arrow T is an arrow i such that Ti=O
(definition) and such that if j is another arrow such that Tj=O then j factorizes
through i (universal property).

It is clear that when the map A - B : X× Y--, Z defined by (A - B ) ( x , y) = A x - B y

is onto, the "diagonal"

0 --, ~ --, X x Y --, Z -, 0

of the pull-back square

~, ~ Y

7rX ~ XxY ~B

X --, Z

is a short exact sequence.

This method for obtaining a special short sequence is very useful to construct
counterexamples to certain 3SP problems. Two typical scenarios could be the
counterexample to the Dunford-Pettis property (see 6.6.f) and Dierolf's
constructions [86]. Dierolf credits this construction to Pisier. This assignation,
however, is not exact: the Kislyakov-Pisier method (see [221]) is based upon the
push-out construction, which we describe in the next paragraph, and not on the
pull-back. In fact, it seems that it was Dierolf who first used a pull-back
construction in the topological vector space setting (see [85, 28, 84, 86] and
Ostrovskii [272] in the Banach space setting.

1.3 The short exact sequence induced by

the push-out square
The dual notion (in the categorical sense) of the pull-back is that o f push-out. Let
A: Y--, X and B: Y--, K be two operators. Let A be the closure of the set

D = { ( B m , Am): m E Y} C K x X
6 1. Three-space constructions

The push-out E of {A, B} is the quotient space

S = (KxX)/A

together with the canonical maps Jx: X---, E given by x --, (0, x)+A; and jK: K--,
E given by k--, (k, 0)+A. We shall apply the push-out construction to couples {i,
T} where T is a continuous operator and i an isomorphism into, thus D itself is
closed. Observe that when i: X ~ X is an isomorphism into and T: X --, X then A
is isomorphic to X. The diagram for the push-out is:

Y --, X

B~ ~Jx

K --,

The push-out has the universal property with respect to this square: given any
space U with maps u x and u K making commutative the diagram

Y --- X

B* ¢u X

K --, U

there is a unique arrow j: ~ --, U in such a way that j j x = U x and j j K = U K . T h e

push-out is unique up to isomorphisms. Perhaps the simplest example of push-out
is the cokernel of a linear operator T: X --, Z (i.e. the push-out of T and 0: X --, 0)
that is the quotient map Z --, Z ~ . The sequence 0 -, za ~ K x X --, ~ --, 0 is
obviously exact. We are more interested in another exact sequence.

Proposition 1.3.a. Let 0 --, Y ~ X - - , Z ~ 0 be a short exact sequence a n d let T: Y

K be an operator. I f ~ denotes the p u s h - o u t o f the diagram with arrows i a n d
T, then the sequence 0 --, K --, ~ --, Z --, 0 is exact.

Proof. T h e canonical arrow K--, E given by k--, (k, 0 ) + A is injective since (k, 0)
A implies k = 0 ; and it is continuous since ll(k, 0)+~Xll-< Ilkll. The arrow X---
Z is well defined by (k, X ) + A --, qx since the image of elements of/x is 0 because
of qi=O. It is surjective since q is surjective and its kernel is

{(k,x)+&:x E Ker q, k E K} = { ( k - T y , O ) + K : y ~ Y, k E K}
The push-out square

= {(k, o ) + A . k e K}. []

The approach o f Kislyakov. The way Kislyakov [221] reads the push-
out construction is: Given a subspace Y o f a Banach space X, and an operator u."
Y ~ M there is a Banach space ~ and an extension U.'X -, E o f u, in such a way
that M is a subspace of E and E/M = X / Y In other words, he sees the push-out as
an extension result: E extends M in the same way as X extends Y.

This extension has some regularization properties:

L e m m a 1.3.b. Let i: Y ~ X be an isometry into and let u: Y - ~ M be an into

isomorphism. I f E is the push-out o f {i, u} and U: X - ~ E is the extension o f u then
1[ U [[ _< I and l] U -1 II ___max {1, II u -1 [[ }.

P r o o f Firstly observe that U must be an isomorphism by the three-lemma. The

assertion about the norm of U is simple:

]] Uxl] = [[(0, x)+A]] = i n f { ] ] ( u y , x+y)[[ "y ~ I/ } <_ ][x][

with the obvious choice y = 0 . To prove the assertion about U -1, notice that (m,
x)+~x = (0, x - u - l m ) + ~ , and thus all the elements of ~ can be written as (0,
x) + A. Thus,
U -l((m, x ) + A ) = U -1((0, x - u - l m ) + A ) = x - - u - l m .

If [] (O, x) + A [] < l then there is some y 6 Ysuchthat [[uy]] + I[x+Y[[ < 1 ,


II x I1 -- l[ x+y 11 + II Y 11
--- I[x+yl[ + l l u - I l l [[uy[l
< max{I, I]u-1]t },
and this proves the assertion. []

Another interesting fact about push-out squares is:

Proposition 1.3.c. Let Y -, X be an isometric embedding and u: Y ~ M a

continuous operator. I f

Y ~ X
ul, l,

M --.

is a push-out square and E is a closed subspace o f M then

8 1. Three-space constructions

M --, E

M/E --, E/E

is a push-out square (the vertical arrows are the natural quotient maps). Moreover,

Y ---- X

M ~ E

M/E --, E/E

is a push-out square (diagram).

The proof is just a manifestation of the universal property of the push-out.

1.4 Extensions of Banach spaces

Given a couple of Banach spaces Y and Z, an extension of Y by Z is a Banach space
X such that there exists an exact sequence 0 --, Y--, X --, Z --, 0. Two extensions of
the Banach spaces Y and Z are said to be equivalent if the corresponding short exact
sequences are equivalent (see section 1.1 .) The (bi)functor assigning to a couple of
Banach spaces the set of equivalence classes of extensions shall be denoted Ext.

There are two ways to obtain Ext(Y, Z). One is using the projective objects in
Ban and other using the injective objects (see next paragraph). A Banach space P
is said to be projective if every exact sequence 0 --- Y--, X --- P --- 0 splits. We pass
to describe the method using projective spaces.

L e m m a 1.4.a. Every Banach space is linearly isometric to a quotient o f some space

ll(/), where I is a set having the same cardinality as a dense subset of X.

Proof. Let (Xi) i E I be a dense subset of the unit ball of X. The map Q:/1(/) -- X
defined by Q(X)=E~/x i is obviously linear and continuous. Since Q(BaU(la(1)) is
dense in Ball(X), Q is onto, and thus a quotient map. []

The same construction yields the so-called lifting property of 11(/) spaces: every
quotient map Q: X--- 11(/) admits a section and thus 11(/) is actually a complemented
subspace of X. Since a projective space must be a complemented subspace of some
Extensions of Banach spaces 9

l 1(/), and it can be proved that every complemented subspace of I{ (/) is again a 1I(2)
space: the only projective Banach spaces are ll(/)-spaces.

Let now 0 --- Y ~ X -- Z ~ 0 be an exact sequence, where i and q are

respectively, as usual, the names for the injection and quotient map. Let a short
exact sequence 0 --, K --, ll(I) --, Z --, 0 be called a p r o j e c t i v e presentation of Z. In
what follows we shall write l I instead of 11(/) for the sake of simplicity. The
quotient map l 1 ~ Z shall be denoted p, and the injection Ker p ~ l 1 by j. By the
lifting property of l 1, the map p can be lifted to a map P: l 1 --, X with q P = p . Since
q P j = p j = 0, by the universal property of the kernel Y, the map Pj factorizes as
P j = i O through i. This gives an arrow 0: Ker p ~ Y making the diagram

i q
0--> Y --> X - , Z O O

O -> Kerp --> l 1 - - > Z ~ O

J p


Conversely, given a map qS: K e r p --, Y it is possible to construct an extension

of Y by Z as the push-out of the maps (0, j), i.e., the quotient space

r(o,j) = (Y×I1)/A,

where A denotes the subspace A={(Ok, jk): k ~ K e r p } . If 0 = 0 then obviously

T(O, j ) = Y x Z .

Proposition 1.4.b. The map 0 can be extended to a map ~: l 1 --, Y i f a n d only i f

the short exact s e q u e n c e 0 --, Y --, T(O, j ) --" Z --, 0 splits.

Proof. Let us denote T = T(O, j ) . As usual, i: Y ~ T is the canonical injection and

q: T(0, j) --" Z the quotient map. It is obvious that if the sequence

0 -- Y ~ T(O, j) ~ Z ---- 0

splits, then q5 has an extension to l 1 given by the composition of the retraction r

of i with the lifting P of p to l 1 as in the following diagram:

r q
o--, Y T(Oj) - , z - - , o
P * II
O - ~ Kerp --, lI ~ Z--,O
J p
10 1. Three-space constructions

If, conversely, 4) has an extension • to l 1 then P-ia5 vanishes on K e r p

( P - i O ) j = Pj-ic~ = O;

thus, P - i O is well defined on Z. Now the hypothesis enters: when • is Y-valued,

the map P - i O acting on Z as ~(x+Kerp) = P x - i O x is a section o f p . Clearly one

q~p = q ( P - i q ? ) = qP = p.

Therefore qu = id z since p is surjective. []

Consequently, two maps ~b, ¢ from Ker p into Y are said to be equivalent if
~ b - ¢ can be extended to a map l 1 ---, Y. In this way

Proposition 1.4.e. There is a correspondence between the sets

{classes o f equivalence o f extensions of (Y, Z)}

{classes of equivalence of maps (p: K--, Y}.

Trivial extensions are represented by the map 0: K--- Y that can be easily extended
to 0: l 1 --, Y. Nontrivial extensions correspond to maps that cannot be linearly
extended to l 1.

Application. One possible application of this categorical tool appears in

combination with a result of Johnson and Zippin [ 197], which prove that continuous
maps T: M --, C(S) defined on weak*-closed (with respect to duality with Co)
subspaces M o f l 1 can be extended to continuous maps l 1 --, C(S), Therefore

Proposition 1.4.d. Let V be a closed subspace of c0. Every exact sequence

0 --, C(K) --, X --, V* -, 0


Proof. The exact sequence

O ~ V--, Co - , Z--, O

has a dual sequence 0 - , Z* --, l 1 ~ V* ---, 0 with Z* weak* closed. Therefore, every
linear continuous map Z* -- C(K) extends to the whole l t and by 1.4.b any
sequence 0 --, C(K) --, X ---- V* --- 0 splits. []

It is also possible to construct all extensions of two given Banach spaces using
injective spaces. Recall that a Banach space I is said to be injective if every exact
sequence 0 --, I --, X --, Z --, 0 splits.
Extensions of Banach spaces 11

L e m m a 1.4.e. Every Banach space is linearly isometric to some subspace of a

Ioo(1) space, where I is a set having the same cardinality as a dense subset of X.

Proof Let (Xi) i E I be a dense subset of X and let (f/)i ~ I be a family of norm one
functionals in X* such that f/(xi)= II xi II. The map j: X--- loo(/) given by j(x) =
~z(X))i E ! is obviously a linear isometry into. []

Thus, an injective space must be a complemented subspace of some l ~ ( / ) space,

(although there exist other injective spaces: Rosenthal constructed in [310] an
injective C(K)-space that is not a dual space).

The construction via pull-back is probably simpler than that using projective
spaces. Let Y and Z be two Banach spaces. Write Y as a subspace of some l~o(/)
space. We put l~o for simplicity. So, we have an exact sequence

0 ~ Y--, loo --, l~o/Y--, 0

where j denotes the injection and p the quotient map. Given an operator T: Z---
lo~/Y one can obtain an extension of (Y, Z) as follows: if E denotes the pull back
o f (p, 7) then looking at the diagram
0-,Y ~ Z -~ Z---,0

O-~Y ~ l~ ~lo~/Y--,O

it is clear that the sequence 0 --, Y -* ~, --- Z ~ 0 is exact and thus ~ is an extension
of (Y, Z). Conversely, if 0 ~ Y ~ X --, Z ---, 0 is an exact sequence and Y is written
as a subspace of l~, by the extension property, the inclusion Y ~ lo~ can be
extended to a map e~: X ~ loo. Again, looking at the diagram

i q
0~Y ~ X ~ Z~0

0 ~ Y -~ loo --,lo~/Y-~ 0

and since pe~oi=pj=O, the map p e ~ factorizes through q, inducing in this way a
map Z - , loJY. []

Proposition 1.4.t". There is a correspondence between the sets

12 1. Three-space constructions

{classes of equivalence of extensions of (Y, Z) }

{classes of equivalence of maps T: Z --, l~(I )/Y }
As before, the equivalence relation is: T is equivalent to S if the corresponding
extensions are equivalent, and this happens if and only if T - S : Z ~ loo/Y can be
lifted to a map Z --, l~. Trivial extensions are represented by the map 0: Z --, loo/Z
that can be easily lifted to 0: Z--- l~o. Nontrivial extensions correspond to maps that
cannot be continuous and linearly lifted to l~.

1.5 Twisted sums of Banach spaces

All the results of this paragraph belong to Kalton [203] and Kalton and Peck [213]

Recall that a quasi-norm on a vector space X is an application P: X--, 1~+ satisfying

the same properties of a norm except that the triangle inequality has to be replaced
by: for some constant 1 _<K< oo,

p(x +y) <_ K[0(x)+p(y)].

A quasi-norm induces a translation invariant metric; a quasi-Banach space is a

quasi-normed complete vector space.

A twisted sum of two Banach spaces Y and Z is a quasi-normed space YG F Z

(soon we shall explain why this notation) containing a subspace isomorphic to Y
such that (Y@F Z)/Y is isomorphic to Z; i.e., is a quasi-Banach space Y~3F Z for
which there exists a short exact sequence

0 --, Y---, YGFZ---,Z---, O.

When Y and Z are Banach spaces and also Y~ F Z is a Banach space then one
has a representative of an element of Ext(Y, Z). Representatives of 0 (i.e.,
equivalent to Y(gZ) are called trivial twisted sums; in this case we shall also say
that the twisted sum splits.

The main problem to translate all the machinery of categories we explained so

far to the category of quasi-Banach or topological vector spaces (in general, not
locally convex) is that projective or injective objects do not exist: 11 spaces are not
longer projective (see below) and I~ spaces are not longer injective. Here, the
approach of Kalton and Peck enters.

A map F: A ~ B acting between Banach spaces is said to be quasi-linear if it

satisfies, for some constant K independent of x and y,
Twisted sums of Banach spaces 13

i) F ( X y ) = LF(y)
ii) IIF(x +y) - F(x) - F(y) II ~ g ( llx II + IlY II ),
Quasi-linear maps arise naturally when considering short exact sequences of
(quasi) Banach spaces. Given such a short exact sequence 0 ---, Y --- X ---- Z ~ 0,
a quasi-linear map F: Z --- Y can be obtained as follows:

Consider a linear (possibly non-continuous) selection L: Z --, X and a bounded

(possibly non-linear, non-continuous) homogeneous selection B: Z---, X (which exists
because the quotient map is open, even in the quasi-Banach case). The difference
F = B - L takes values in Y since q(B - L ) = 0 and it is quasi-linear: it is
homogeneous because B and L are homogeneous; denoting by C the constant of the
quasi-norm and assuming [1Bx 1[ _<M [[ x ][ one has

II F(x +y ) - F(x) - F(y) II -- IIB(x +y) - B(x) - B(y) II

<_C [IB(x+y)[1 + C2 ( l]B(x)II + 11B(y)II)
CM IIx +y II + c 2M ( IIx II + IIy II)

~2C2M(llxll + IlY II) •

If, conversely, a quasi-linear map F: Z --, Y with constant K is given, it is

possible to construct a twisted sum, which shall be denoted Y~3 F Z, endowing the
product space Y x Z with the quasi-norm

II (y, z) [I = Ily - F(z) II + IIz II.

This expression is homogeneous and satisfies that II (y, z) II = 0 implies (y, z ) = 0
since F ( 0 ) = 0 . Moreover:

It Cy+u, z+v) Pt = llY+u-F(z+v)ll + ]lz+vll

= Ily+u-F(z)-F(v)+F(z)+F(v)-F(z+v)ll + IIz+vll
<- [[Y-F(z) II + II u-F(v) II + II F(z)+F(v)-F(z+v) ll
+ (11 zll + II vii)
- II (Y, z)II + II (u,v)II + K( II z II + II v 11)
< (K+I)( II (Y, z)II + II (u, v)II)
shows that it defines a quasi-norm on Y x Z .

L e m m a 1.5.a. The subspace {(y, 0): y E Y} of Y ~ F Z is isometric to Y and the

corresponding quotient ( Y ~ F Z ) / Y is isometric to Z.
14 1. Three-space constructions

Proof Obviously l[ (Y, 0) [I = [I y [l and this is the subspace part of the statement.
As for the quotient,

II %, z ) + Y II = i n f { II (Yo, z ) + ( y , o)II : Y ~ Y}
= inf { lt y - Fzll + llzll : y ~ Y}

= Ilzll •


L e m m a 1.5.b. Twisted sums o f Banach spaces are complete

Proof It is easy to see that completeness is a 3SP property in the domain of

metrizable vector spaces: if 0 ---, Y--, X ~ Z--, 0 is a short exact sequence and (Xn)
is a Cauchy sequence in X, then (qxn) is a Cauchy sequence in Z and is therefore
convergent. There is no loss of generality in assuming that it converges to 0.
Picking Yn in Y so that d(y n, Xn)< 1/n, it is easy to see that (Yn) is a Cauchy
sequence in Y and therefore convergent. This forces (xn) to be convergent. []

The only thing that remains to show is that the sequences 0 ---- Y --, X ---, Z --, 0
and 0 --, Y--, YG F Z---, Z ~ 0 are equivalent. If L: Z--- Xis a linear (possibly non-
continuous) selection for the quotient map, define a linear map T: X --, Y ~ F Z by

T(x) = ( x - L q x , qx).

The map T is continuous since

II Tx II : II (x - Lqx, qx) II
: IIx - Lqx - Fqx [1 + [Iqx [1
= IIx - Lqx - Bqx + Lqx II ÷ IIqx II

-- IIx - Bqx II ÷ II qx II
__< (CM+I)Ilxll

and thus, by the 3-1emma, X is isomorphic to Y(~F Z.

Therefore, it has been proved that:

Theorem 1.5.e. There is a correspondence between twisted sums Y ~ F Z and quasi-

linear maps F: Z --, Y.

The difference between this approach and that using category theory is that
extensions of Banach spaces are, by definition, locally convex (Banach spaces)
while twisted sums are only quasi-Banach, and thus can be non locally convex.
Twisted sums of Banach spaces 15

Moreover, the category of quasi-Banach spaces does not have projective or injective
objects and thus the methods developed do not work to obtain quasi-Banach
extensions. All this means that nontrivial twisted sums might exist when only trivial
extensions exist. An example of this situation is provided by the couple (R, ll) for
which Ext(R, l l ) = 0 while nontrivial twisted sums exist (see 1.6.g).

Thus, it is necessary to develop some criteria to know: a) when twisted sums are
locally convex, and b) when a twisted sum is trivial. We start determining when
two twisted sums are equivalent following Kalton [203]. We define the distance
between two homogeneous maps A and B by

dist(A,B) = sup IIx I1 -<1 I1Ax-Bx II •

we shall denote by Lin(X, Y) the space of all linear (not necessarily continuous)
maps between X and Y.

Theorem 1.5.d. The twisted sums defined by the quasi-linear maps F and G are
equivalent if and only if dist(F- G, Lin(Z, Y)) < + co.

Proof Assume that Y ~ F Z and Y@G Z are equivalent. This means the existence
of a linear continuous map T: Y(~F Z ~ Y ~ G Z making commutative the diagram

O ~ Y--, YOF Z - o Z---, O

0 --, Y--, Y~G z---~ Z ---~ 0

This commutativity condition yields that T(y, 0)= (y, 0) and T(0, z)= (Az, z)
where A is a linear map Z --, Y. In this form T(y, z) =(y+Az, z). Therefore:

llFz-Gz +Azllc = ll(Fz+Zz)-azllG

-< [I (Fz+Az, z)[1c
= II Z(Fz, z)II G
-< II T[I [I (gz, z) IIF
---- II Zll IIZ II
Conversely, if there exists a linear map A: Z --- Y such that dist(F-G, A)< co
then T(y, z)=(y+Az, z) is linear and continuous as a map Y(~F Z --, Y ~ G Z and
makes commutative the diagram above. []

Since twisted sums split if and only if they come defined by the 0 map, one has.
16 1. Three-space constructions

C o r o l l a r y 1.5.e. The twisted sum defined by F is trivial if and only if

dist( F, Lin( Z, Y) ) < + ~ .

To determine when a twisted sum of Banach spaces is a Banach space, let us

introduce three quantities:

an : suPl[xel I ~ i Ilxx+... +xnll,

b,z : suPllxi[ I <_1 min+_ II -+-xi[I,

2 1 1
cn = s u p ~ i : t [Ixzll2=1 n 2 p ~ e / = + l I1 , =1 ~ixill 2"
O b s e r v e that if

1 II
Average (x 1.... ,rn) = " ~ ~Ei=__l I I ~ i = l e i x i l l 2 ,

then c n is the infimum over all constants c such that, for all x 1..... x n,

Average(x1 ..... Xn) <- n c 2 ~ : 1 II xi[I 2

T h e relationships o f these quantities with the locally convex character of twisted

sums appears after three lemmas and a definition:

L e m m a 1.5.f. A quasi-Banach space E is locally convex if and only if

sup n - l a n < + ~ ,

Proof What has to be proved is that the convex hull of the unit ball is bounded. Let
C > 0 be a constant for which at7 < Cn. Let u 1..... ur~ be elements in the unit ball, let
C~I . . . . . ~tz be positive reals such that E 1 _<i<__ptc~i= 1, and let m be an integer. If [mc~i]
denotes the integer-part of m~ i then:

t l E i [m c~ilui l[ <-a ~ i [,n ail <- C 2 i [m °ti]

which implies that

Twisted sums of Banach spaces 17

II - - mu i [ [ <_C.

Since lim m _, oo [mczi]/m = ai , one has [[ E io~iui ]l <-CK, where K is the

triangle constant of the quasi-norm ]] II (it is necessary to do this since quasi-norms
are not necessarily continuous with respect to themselves). []

L e m m a 1.5.g. ([286]; see also [90, Chapter 13]). The following conditions are

i) lim n - l b n =0
ii) SUPn>2n - l b n <1
iii) limc n =0.

A quasi-Banach space is said to be B-convex if any of those equivalent

conditions hold. The equivalence i) ** ii) can be deduced from the
submultiplicativity of (bn) and (Cn) (proved during the next results).

L e m m a 1.5.h. If sup n - lb n < 1 then sup n - la n < oo.

P r o o f Observe that if (dn) is a monotone increasing sequence of positive real

numbers that is submultiplicative, in the sense that dmn <_dmd n and, for some index
k, d k < k then for some p > 1, some constant d and large n E N

To see this, assume that it is d2 < 2. If p is chosen so that d~ <Pv~- then the
formula is valid for n = 2 k. Thus, if m ~ N and k is the greatest integer for which
2 k < m then

dm < d2k+l < dl P~2k+l = dl PV/-fP2~ < dl Pv/2Pv;~

and the assertion is proved.

Now, it is easy to prove that the sequences (an) and (bn) are submultiplicative.
The proof for (an) is immediate, while the proof for (bn) is as follows (see [90;
lemma 13.5]:

If {xij, 1 <_i < m, 1 <__j< n} is a set of mn vectors for which

bnm <-mincij=+1 [1E1 <i,j<n EijXij I[ ÷ 6

then for some signs otij= + 1

18 1. Three-space constructions

suPl <-i<-.m I I ~ l ~ j ~ n c~i~ijll ~b~ ,

and for some signs/3i=-I-1

Hence, taking 7/j = otfl/j one has

bnm~ II~l_<ij_<,, ~ejx~jII+a <-bnbm+a.

Passing to the proof of the lemma, observe that one only needs to prove that the
sequence (n-lan) is bounded for n=2k; or, if r > 0 is chosen, that (n -lan)r is
bounded for n = 2 k. Since (b,) is submultiplicative and monotone increasing and
b 2 < 2 , for s o m e p > 1

SUPn n-1/P b n < +oo ,

and thus n - l b n < Cn-1/P * for some constant C > 0 . If n = 2 k and r > 0 has been
chosen then

~-,k (2-kb2k) r ~ C ~ k 2 - k r / p - <+~

The boundednes of (n -1 an)r for n = 2 k now follows from the inequality

2-(n+l)r a r _ 2_nr a r <2_(n+l)r b2n+l

2 n+l 2n -

Proof o f the inequality; and choice of r: It is well-known that a quasi-norm on X

is equivalent to some r-norm (i.e., a quasi-norm satisfying II x+y II r ___
tl x II r+ II Y II r), see [225], and it is for this new quasi-norm for which one proves
the last inequality. Take {x 1. . . . x2n } a set of 2n-vectors with !! x; ll -< 1 and some
choice of signs e i= + 1 for which

I1E 1 <i<_Zn eixi II <-b2n"

Let A = {i " e i = + 1} and B = {i • e i = - 1}. There is no loss of generality

assuming that card A < n. Then

~ l < i _ < 2 n Xi = 2 ~ i E A Xi - E l <i<_.2n eiXi '

Twisted sums of Banach spaces 19

]1~1_<i_<2~ xill r <- 2r ll~i~Axill r +b2~ <--- 2 r a~r +b2~.

r 2r r r
a2n <<- a n + b2n ,
and the desired inequality follows. []

From the lemma it follows that a quasi-normed B-convex space is isomorphic

to a B-convex norrned space. The quantities cn appear now.

Theorem 1.5.i.[203] A twisted sum of B-convex Banach spaces is a B-convex

Banach space.

P r o o f We prove that if lim cn(Y) = 0 and tim cn(X/Y) = 0 then lim sup c,,(X) < 1.
This is enough since b n < nc n.

Let {xij , 1 <_i<_m, 1 <j<_n} be a set of mn vectors, let 06 (1 <_i<_m, 1 <_j<_n)

be the first mn Rademacher functions on [0,1] and let r i , 1 <i<_m, be the first m
Rademacher functions on [0,1]. Observe that

A v e r a g e ( x l ..... xn) = " ~ ~ , i = + 1 I1~/=1Eixil] 2 = f l I] ~in=l ri(t)xi II2dt.

For 1 <_i<m, let ui(t) = E¢.nl Oij(t)Xij, and for 0<t_< 1 let

A(t) 2 = f01 11 E i m l ri(s)ui(t)tl 2dS.

One has

= folfo II ~'=1 ~*=1 r/s)°~ixgjtl 2dsdt

= fj fo ,

Since u i is a simple X-valued function on [0, 1] it is possible to choose a simple

Y-valued function vi such that, being q: X ~ X / Y the quotient map, verifies

II ui(t)+vi(t) II < 2 II qui(t) i[ .

20 1. Three-space constructions

Clearly i[ vi(t) [[ <<_3[Iui(t) [[ . One has:

A(t) <_ ( [10 l[ ~]iml ri(s)(ui(t)+ vi(t))1[2ds)1/2+ (i01 [1 ~]im__lri(s) vi(t) 1]2)1/2

<~ cm(X)(~ii=l llui(t) vi(t)[[2 + cm(Y)(E?=l ilvi(t)ll2)l/2

<-~-[2Cm(JO(~iml Ilqui(t) [12)l/2 + 3cm(Y)(~/= t [[ui(t) [12)l/2 ] "


( IolA(t)2dt) 1/2 <_

<-- V/--m---[ 2cm(X)(Eiml 11 IIqui(t) II2dt)1/2+ 3cm(Y)(Eiml I o1 Hui(t) [I2dt)1/2]

<~ ~r-~[2¢m(X)Cn(S/~ii--1 ~j=x Ilqxijl[2)1/2+

+ 2)1/2].
3cm(Y)cn(g)(~i=X ~jj=l Ilxejll

Cmn(X) <- (2Cm(X)Cn(X/Y)+ 3Cm(Y)) Cn(X).
limm-, oo 2Cm(X)Cn(X/Y)+ 3Cm(Y) =0,
then Cm(S)< 1 for m large enough. []

1.6 Snarked sums of Banach spaces

As we have already seen, twisted sums are locally convex when the summands are
B-convex. In this section we study when a twisted sum is locally convex in terms
of the quasi-linear map that defines the sum.
In a sense, the locally convex character depends on the behaviour of the function
A(XI .... ,Xn) = IIF (~/=1Z Xi) ~ ~ i = l F(xi) II
Snarked sums of Banach spaces 21

which measures how non-linearly F acts. If F is a quasi-linear map with constant

K acting on a Banach space then the estimate

A(X 1 ..... Xn) <~K(~i=l i I[xi][)

can be easily obtained by induction: the case n = 2 is clear, and assuming that the
preceding estimate holds for n - 1 one has

]1F(~-'~ Xe)-~F(xi) 1]< [[F(~I xi)+F(~2 xi)-F(~2 x i ) - ~ F(xi)1]

__ IIF(~'~ xz)-F(~22 x~)-F(x~) II + IIF(~22 x~)-~2 F(x~) II

-<K([[ ~ 2 xil[ +[Ix111)+K(~2 (i-1) IIx;ll )

<-K ~ x i llx i ll .

Digression." Logarithmically convex spaces. From here, Kalton [204] obtains

A(X 1 ..... Xn) < c En ][xi[[ [ l +log ~n I[xil[

and thus a property of twisted sums of quasi-Banach spaces that we mention for the
sake of completeness:

Theorem 1.6.a. A twisted sum of Banach spaces is logarithmically convex, in the

sense that there is a constant C such that for any finite set x 1..... x n one has

"~_~nxi'[ <-- C ~7~n [[xi[[ It+log ~ n] , ''xj''


For the proof just take into account the preceding estimate and

IIE (yi,zi)II = IIE yi-F(E zi)11 + IIZ z, II

<-- I1E Y i - E Fzi II + IIE Fzi-F(E zi)11 ÷ IIE zi II
<--~2 IlYi-Fzi II +• 11zi II +~X(q..... Zn)
= ~ 11(Yi,Zi) II +~X(Zl.... ,z n) •

Returning to our affairs, observe that when F is quasi-linear and x 1..... xn are
22 1. Three-space constructions

points such that F,x i = 0 then the preceding estimate gives

II~/=1 F(xi)H -< K( ~/=1 i [Ixi 11 ).

Intuitively, local convexity is related to an estimate like

Following this approach, let us call O-linear to a homogeneous map F: Z --, Y

satisfying that whenever •1 _<i_<nXi= 0 then

II ~ / < F(xi)tl <- g ~inl Ilxi II-

It is clear that 0-linear maps are quasi-linear since ifx and y are two points and
z=x+y then z - x - y = O and thus

IIF (z) - F (x) - F (y) II -< K( IIx II ÷ IIY II + IIz II) -< 2K( IIx II + 11YII).
It is not true, however, that quasi-linear maps are 0-linear. In fact, we shall
prove that 0-linear maps correspond to locally convex twisted sums.

Given Banach spaces Y and Z and a quasi-linear map F: Z --, Y let us define the
Sharked sum of Y and Z as the product space Y×Z endowed with the norm induced
by the set

c = cony( { (y, 0) : IIY II --- 1 } tO { (F(z), Z) : IIz II --- 1 } ).

We denote by Y ~ c Z this normed space, d

L e m m a 1.6.b. lf F is O-linear with constant K. Then the subspace Y0 = {(Y, 0):

y E Y} of Y~C Z is K-isomorphic to Y and the quotient space ( Y ~ c Z)/Yo is
isometric to Z.
Proof of the claim. That Y is K-isomorphic to Y0 = {(Y, 0): y ~ Y} follows from
the definition of C realizing that if (y, 0) ~ C then

(y, o) = ~x~(y~, o) + ~ ~j(F(zj), z:)

with ~Xi+~j=I, X/>__O,~j>_O, IlYi II _<1 and II zj II _<1. Therefore

II (y, o) II -< ~xe + ~,j g -< g.
To prove that ( Y ~ c Z)/Yo is isometric to Z, observe that

(y, z) + r o = (F(z), z) + r 0.
Sharked sums of Banach spaces 23

Thus, if [1z ]l < 1, then ]1(y, z) + Y0 II < 1. Conversely, if 11(F(z), z) + Yo [I < 1

then for some y 6 Y, 11(y+F(z), z)II < 1 which yields that (y+F(z), z) ~ C and
thus z is a convex combination of norm one elements of Z, which makes
Ilzll _<l. []

Proposition 1.6.c. I f F is O-linear, the Sharked sum is a twisted sum. In particular,

it is a Banach space.


Proposition 1.6.d. I f a twisted sum Y@F Z is locally convex then it is a Sharked

Proof Since the twisted sum Y ~ F Z is locally convex, the unit ball B F of the
quasinorm defined by F contains (a multiple of) and is contained in some convex
set D, say aD C B E C D for some a > 0. Since the points (y, 0) with IIY 1[ < 1 and
(F(z), z) with IIz II <-- 1 have quasi-norm < 1, they belong to B E and thus to D. One
has C C D . On the other hand, if(y, z) ~ D then Ily - F(z)ll + llzll <-- o -1 and
thus Hy-F(z)II---o-1 and Ilzll---o -1. By writing
(y, z) = (y-F(z), O) + (F(z), z)
one concludes (y, z) ~ 2o - i C. []

Finally we prove the desired result (see [48]).

Proposition 1.6.e. A twisted sum of Banach spaces Y ~ F Z is locally convex if and

only if F is O-linear.

Proof. Assume that the twisted sum Y ~ F Z is locally convex. It therefore coincides
with the Sharked sum Y ~ C Z where C is the absolutely convex hull of all points
(y, 0) with II y II = 1 and (F(z), z) with l1 z l[ < 1.

Let z 1..... z n be elements of Z such that ]]l_<_i<nZi=0. Let us call d =

~'1 <_i<n II zi It • The points

(F(a-lzi),a-lzi) ~ a -1 IlzillC.

( ~.Z=iF(d-lzi),O) = ~=l(F(d-lzi),d-lzi) E C
Since the subspace {(y, 0): y ~ Y } of Y ~ F Z is isometric to Y, for some
constant M > 0 one has
24 1. Three-space constructions

II~--1 F ( d-lzi)tl = I1( ~=1 F(d-lzi),O)llc ~ M,

that by homogeneity yields

ll~=lF(zi)ll ~ Md
and F is 0-linear.

Conversely, assume that F is 0-1inear. If II (Y, z)II = IlY-F(z)tl + Ilzll ~ 1

then both lly-F(z)II -< 1 and IIz II -< 1. By writing (y, z) = ( y - F ( z ) , 0)+(F(z), z) one
concludes B F C 2 C . Thus, the quasi-norm induced by F is finer than the norm
induced by C, and the formal identity Y(9 F Z --, Y ~ c Z is continuous. Apply
1.6.c and 1.5.b, together with the 3-1emma, to the diagram

0 - - , Y--, Yt~)F Z ~ Z - ~ O
0-, Y - , Y ~ c Z - , Z --, O

to get that the sequences 0 --, Y --, Y ~ F Z --, Z --, 0 and 0 --, Y ---- YG c Z --, Z --, 0
are equivalent. []

In combination with corollary 1.5.e we see that if F is a quasi-linear map at

finite distance o f a linear map then it defines a trivial twisted sum, thus the
extension space is locally convex and F is 0-linear. This can be proved directly:

Proposition 1.6.f. I f F is a quasi-linear map such that d = d i s t (F, Lin) < + co then
F is O-linear with constant at most d.

P r o o f L e t x 1..... xn be elements such that F,xi= O. From I[ xi [Id>_ 11Fxi-L~ II one


r~ II xi II d >_ E i II Fxi-~i II --- II ~Fxi - ELxi II -- II ~Fxi II- []

Let us show that extensions and twisted sums of Banach spaces can be different.
This was almost simultaneously shown by Ribe [306] and Kalton [203]. We shall
use Ribe's construction. Precisely,

T h e o r e m 1.6.g. There exists a nontrivial short exact sequence

O --, N--, E--, l I --,0.

P r o o f The only thing one needs is a quasi-linear not 0-1inear map F: l 1 --, R. Let

: ,x lo lx, i - t
defined on the subspace of finite sequences, and assuming OlogO = 0. That F is quasi
The 3SP problem for Banach spaces 25

-linear (with constant 2) is now checked:

L e m m a 1.6.h. For all real numbers s and t one has

[ s loglsl + t loglt[ - (s+t) log]s+t[ [ _< I s [ + l t [ .

Proof If t, s > 0 then the left-hand side is:

Is log ((s+t)/s) + t log ((t+s)/t) I =

= - ( s + t ) [ s/(s+t) log (s/(s+t)) + t/(s+t) log (t/(t+s)) ]

<_ (2/e)(s+t)
<_ s+t,
since ix logx I < 1/e when 0 < x < 1.

The lemma is therefore proved when s and t have the same sign. When not,
assume that s + t > 0 , t > 0 and s < 0 ; replace s by - s and t by s+t. Then

slog Is[+/log Itl-(s+t)logls+tl <_ Isl+ls+tl <- Isl+ltl. []

Now the proof that F is quasi-linear is easy: for each i one has:

I xi log [xil + Yi log lYil - (xi+Yi) log l xi+Yil I < [xi] + lyil.
Summing over i

I ]~i Xi l°glxil + ]~i Yi l°glYil - ~'i (xi+Yi) l°g[xi+Yil I <- II x II + II y II.

Again by the lemma,

I ~i xi log I ~i xi I + ~i Yi log I )2i Yi I - ~i (xi +Yi) log t ~i xi +Yi t I

<- ]Ei xi] + I F~iYil < II x II + II y II
All together yields

I Fx + F y - F ( x + y ) l <- 2 ( l l x l l + IlYlI).
Now e x t e n d f t o the whole t t by density (see p. 90). The space X is the twisted
sum R@ F l 1. To see that the corresponding exact sequence does not split, Ribe
directly proofs that R is uncomplemented (which also proves that the twisted sum
E is not locally convex) showing that (1, 0) lies in the convex hull of every
neighborhood of 0. We only need to verify that F is not 0-linear: observe that

F(~_,in__l ei) = n l o g n
while F(en)=0, II en II = 1 and II Enei II =n, making impossible the existence of
26 1. Three-space constructions

K > 0 such that

n l o g n = II F ( ~_,inl ei ) - ~/=l Fei 11

_< g I1~/=1 ei II Ei=t Ileill : 2Kn.

All this can be stated as:

Theorem 1.6.i. To be a Banach space is not a 3SP property.

It is worth remarking that the existence of a non splitting short exact sequence
0 --- R --- E --, l 1 ~ 0 also shows that the proof 1.5.i (twisted sums of B-convex
Banach spaces are locally convex) cannot be extended to arbitrary Banach spaces.
Moreover, this shows that l I is not projective in the category of quasi-Banach
spaces and the quotient map id: l 1 --, l 1 cannot be linearly lifted to E.

As we have already seen, given a quasi-linear map F: Z ~ Y, the quasinorm

II(Y, z) ll = [Izll + IlY-FZlf is equivalent to a norm if and only F is 0-linear. The
question when is 11(Y, z)II = Ilz I] + l l Y - f z II itselfa norm? can also be answered.
Recall from [241] that a map [2 is called pseudolinear when it satisfies

Ilax + a y - [2(x+y)]l_ llxll + [lyll -llx+yl[ •

Yost remarked to us the following result.

Proposition 1.6.j. The expression

tl (y, z) [{ = II y - a z !1 + II z II
is a norm if and only if [2 is pseudolinear.
Proof. The pseudolinearity of f~ makes this expression a norm without further
"renorming." Conversely, if II y - a z II + 11z II is a norm then [2 is homogeneous
since, when X is a scalar,

II X[2z - [2(Xz) II + II xz II = I1 (X[2z, Xz) II = I x l It (az, z) II = I x111 z II

which yields Xflz = fl(kz).

That [2 is pseudo-linear is very easy to verify:

II [2z+aa-a(z+a)II + II z+b II = II (az+[2b, z+b)II

--- II ([2z, z) II + II (ab, b) tl
= Ilzll + Ilbll. []
Twisted sums and extensions 27

All this gives a complete characterization of the locally convex character of

twisted sums in terms of quasi-linear maps [48].

Theorem 1.6.k. Let Y and Z be Banach spaces and F: Z ~ Y a homogenous map.

We consider the produc, space Y @ Z a n d t h e map II (Y, z) II f = II y - F z II + ]1 z II.

i) II HF is a quasi-norm if and only if F is quasi-linear

ii) I{ tl F is equivalent to a norm if and only if F is O-linear
iii) [I ]l F is a norm if and only if F is pseudo-linear.

1.7 Twisted sums and extensions

Regarding what categorical methods have to say, one has.

Proposition 1.7.a. If the twisted sum Y(~ F Z is locally convex then it is equivalent
to the extension defined by the restriction c~ = Q[ Ker q, where Q: t 1 --, YO F Z is
a lifting of the quotient map q: l 1 --, Z.

Proof. It is enough, by the three lemma, to give a continuous map m making

commutative the diagram

0 --, Y--, r(qS, i) --, Z--, 0

0 ~ Y--, Y G F Z ~ Z---, 0.

where T(4~, i) denotes the push-out of ~b: Ker q ~ Y and i: Ker q ~ 11 (see 1.4).

An explicit definition of m can be given as follows: If B is a bounded selection

for q then a lifting Q: l I ~ Y ~ F Z of q can be defined by

Q(EXnen) = 2XnBqen;

and m is given by:

m( (y, / ) + A ) = (y, 0)+Q(/).

Observe that the map m is automatically continuous. The map m also comes
defined by the universal property of the push-out: given a space (in this case Y@F
Z) and two arrows

Q: l 1 ~ Y(~ F Z and j: Y ~ Y ~ F Z

such that j4~ = Qi, there is an arrow

28 1. Three-space constructions

m: T((a, i) --, Y ~ F z

making commutative the diagram

0 --~ Y ~ Y~F z ~ Z ~0

II tm II
0--- Y --, r(4 ,i) --, z -,o

0 --, Ker q --, 11 ~ Z ~ 0
i q


Lemma 1.7.b. An extension T(qS, i) reduced by a map ~b: Kerq --, Y is equivalent
to the twisted sum induced by the quasi-linear map F=qSF1 where FI: Z ~ Ker q
is a quasilinear map corresponding to 0 --, Ker q --, l 1 ~ Z -~ O.

Proof Assume that F 1= B 1 -L1, where B 1 is a homogeneous bounded selection for

q and L 1 is a linear selection for q. QB 1 and QL 1 are, respectively, homogeneous
bounded and linear selections for the quotient map p: Y@F Z --, Z, and their
difference is QB 1 - O Z 1 = Q ( B I -L1)=q~(B 1 -L1). Since twisted sums corresponding
to different "versions" of the quasi-linear map that defines a sequence are
equivalent, the result is proved. []

By categorical duality it is possible to give a second version of the interplay

between twisted sums and extensions. The first result is analogous to 1.7.b and we
omit the proof.

Proposition 1.7.e. The extension induced by the map T: Z ~ lo~/Y is equivalent to

the twisted sum induced by the quasi-linear map Fo~T, uphere F ~ : l o J Y - - , Y is the
quasi-linear map inducing 0 --, Y--, loo --, loo/Y--, O.

The second result follows 1.7.a. The local convexity appears when one uses the
extension property of l~.

Proposition 1.7.d. Let Y ~ F Z be a locally convex twisted sum of Banach spaces.

IfO ---, Y--, lo~ --" l ~ / Y - - , 0 is an exact sequence and e: Y ~ F Z --, lo~ is an extension
o f the inclusion map Y --, Y(9 I~Z then the twisted sum Y(~ F Z coincides with the
extension obtained from tile map eo~ [Z: Z --, loo/Y.
Twisted sums and extensions 29

1.8 Applications:
Inductive limits of Banach spaces
The push-out construction has been skillfully exploited by Bourgain and Delbaen
[36], Pisier [290, 293] and Pisier and Bourgain [38] to produce some interesting

T h e a p p r o a c h of Pisier: inductive limits. Pisier uses thepush-out

in [290] (in the way of Kislyakov) as one of the basic ingredients for the
construction of his counterexample of a cotype 2 Banach space X with the
Grothendieck property (all operators from X into a Hilbert space are 1-summing;
i.e., L(X, 12) = Hi(X,/2) ) and such that the ~r and s topologies coincide in X ® X .
What Pisier needs for his construction is that given a subspace (with some
additional properties) S of a cotype q Banach space B, and a cotype q space E, to
be able to obtain a cotype q space X containing isometrically E such that all finite-
rank operators u: S --- X can be extended to finite rank operators U: B --- X with
some uniform bound of norms II u It <K II u II
The basic requirement to start the process is to have a subspace S of a Banach
space X in such a way that

(*) if q: X --, X / S denotes the quotient map, there is a constant 9~> 0

such that for any finite sequence zl ..... z n in X / S there is a sequence
x 1 ..... x n in X with qxj=zj and

Average II ~ +_xj II - x Average II ~ +zj II •

Here the average is taken with respect of all choices of signs. In particular, (*)
holds if S is isomorphic to a Hilbert space [290, Prop. 2.1].

The first step is then to prove that when B is of cotype q and S is as above, if
t: S ---, E is an operator into a cotype q space E then the extension E 1 (push-out of
the maps i: S - , B and T: S --- E) is of cotype q and the norm of the extension 7".
B --, E 1 o f t admits a bound II T II -< K(S, B, q) 1t t I[, where K(S, B, q) is a
constant depending on S, B and the cotype of B.

General construction. Let (S i, Bi) i be a family of couples, where S i is a subspace

o f B i as before and all the spaces B i are o f cotype q with cotype constants Cq
uniformly bounded: sup Cq(Bi) < + oo. Let ti: S i --, E be a family of operators into
a cotype q space E. Then there is a cotype q space E l and extensions Ti: B i --, E 1
in such a way that there is a uniform bound II ~ It <__g II ti II for the estimates of
the norms. The idea is to consider the subspace ll(Si) of ll(Bi) and the induced
30 1. Three-space constructions

operator t: li(Si) --, E defined by

t(Xi) = Z ti(Xi).
With this, given a couple (S, B) as before and given a cotype q space E it is
possible to obtain a cotype q space E 1 (extension of E and B/S) in such a way that
all finite rank operators f: S --, E can be extended to finite rank operators F: B --,
E 1 with a uniform estimate of the norms II F II - K IIf II • One simply needs to
consider as index set the family ~}i ~ 1 of all finite rank operators f/: S --, E and
apply the preceding result to Si=S, B i = B and ti=fi.

Inductive step. To obtain a cotype q space X such that all finite dimensional
operators S --, X can be extended to B --, X with a uniform bound on the norm we
shall apply the preceding schema inductively. The starting step is just as described.
In the next step one should take the family of all finite dimensional operators S ---
E 1 and repeat the process. Observe that each space E n is isometric to a subspace of
En + t and that the bound of the norms of the extensions only depends of S, B and
the cotype of the spaces, q. Therefore the inductive process does not spoil the
estimate. The space X is the inductive limit of the sequence E --, E 1 --, E 2 --, ...
which can also be described as the completion of U En. From this, the proof that
all finite rank operators S --- X can be extended to B --, X follows easily by a density

It can be remarked that if E and B are separable then X can be chosen separable.
Moreover, one can start not just with one couple (S, B) but with any family (Sj, Bj)
satisfying the starting conditions.

The Pisier space. The space X of Pisier is obtained through the preceding
construction starting with three couples:

• the subspace spanned by the Rademacher functions in LI(0, 1) (quite well-

known to be isomorphic to/2).

• the space H 1 spanned by the functions {e int : n >_0} in LI(T) being T the unit
circle; although H 1 is not isomorphic to l2, it can be directly proved [290, Corol.
1.12] that it has the basic property (*).

• the subspace of L1/H 1 spanned by the sequence exp(-3nit)n; this subspace

is known to be isomorphic to /2; that L1/H 1 has coupe 2 is a result of Bourgain

A p-summing surjection not p-radonifying. Pisier uses again this method in [293]
to construct a Banach space Z for which there exists a surjection Z ---- l2 that is p-
summing but not p-radonifying, 0 < p < 1.
Inductive limits of Banach spaces 31

Construction of o, -spaces. We describe now how to use this inductive

method to obtain, starting with any separable Banach space E, a separable ~o~-
space ~oo(E) with some additional properties in such a way that E is isometric to
a subspace of ~oo(E). The method is due to Bourgain and Delbaen [36] and
Bourgain and Pisier [38]. First of all, write E = ~ n as the closure of an
increasing union of finite dimensional subspaces.

First step. Consider E 1 as (1 +e)-isomorphicto a subspace S 1 of some 12 ~ through

some isomorphism u: S I ~ E 1. If one wants to arrive to an ~oo, X space then one
should write l + e = XT/and consider that I[ u II =,7 (in this way II u -1 II < _ x ) I f
x I is the push-out of the diagram

S 1 ---- 121

uS $ U

E 1 ---- D 1

E --'> X I

then one sees that X 1 / E = 121/S 1 is finite dimensional; moreover X 1 contains a

subspace D 1 that is X-isomorphic to l:o " indeed, D 1 is the push-out of the upper
square and, by the lemma 1.3.b, the extension U of u is an isomorphism with

I1 u II II u-1 II --- max{l, I[ u -1 II} = x.

The inductive step. Once the space D n has been obtained, consider (D n U En+ 1) in
X n as (1 +e) isomorphic to a subspace Sn+ 1 of I mn+l through some isomorphism
Un+ 1 with [] Un+ 1 ][ =r/. Obtaining the push-out diagram

Sn+ 1 ~ 12 n÷l

Un+1 ,1, ,l, Un+ 1

<DnUEn+I> -~ Dn+l

Xn ~ Xn+ 1

one sees that Dn+ 1 is k-isomorphic to -lcm''+l

o while X n + l / X n = l-o~ --n is finite
mn+l /N
32 1. Three-space constructions

The construction. Let X denote the inductive limit of the sequence of spaces Xn,
and let V denote the inductive limit of the sequence of spaces D n. It is clear that V
is a ~oo,x-space that contains an isometric copy of E. Following the notation of
[38], an isometric embedding M ~ E is said to be 7/-admissible if there is a push-out

Y --, X
M ~ E

where g --, X is an isometric embedding and ]1 u [] <T/. The core of the

argumentation is the following beautiful technical result:

L e m m a 1.8.a. Let 0 < r/< 1. Let Jn: Fn ~ Fn+l be a sequence of 71-admissible

isometric embeddings between finite-dimensional Banach spaces. If F denotes the
inductive limit of the sequence then F has the Radon-Nikodym property and the
Schur property.

In order to apply this to the situation just described observe that V is not
necessarily defined by 7/-admissible maps, while X (which certainly is defined by
~/-admissible maps) is not defined by finite-dimensional spaces. Nevertheless, the
space that satisfies both conditions at once is V/E: it is defined by the inductive
sequence of finite dimensional spaces Xn/E (they are finite dimensional simply
because so are X1/E, X2/X 1. . . . ) and the ~-admissible maps (apply proposition
1.3.c) X n / E -, X n +1 /E. Therefore V/E has the Radon-Nikodym property (RNP)
and the Schur properties. One has

Proposition 1.8.b. Given any separable Banach space E, there is a separable 2goo-
space ~£~(E) such that ~oo(E)lE has the Radon-Nikodym property and the Schur

Specific choices of E lead to some singular spaces:

* E={0} yields the construction of an ~£oo-space with the RNP and the Schur
property ([36]).

* E = L 1 leads to an ~£oo-space without RNP (since L 1 does not have it) and not
containing co (since L 1 and ~ ( L 1 ) / L 1 do not contain c 0, which is a 3SP
property; see 3.2.e).

• E = l 2 allows one to obtain a ~oo-space that is weakly sequentially complete

(since 12 and Schur spaces are; and weak sequential completeness is a 3SP
property; see 4.7.a), with RNP (another 3SP property (see 6.5.b) that l2 and
Extensions of Banach spaces 33

Schur spaces have). It can be proved that the projective tensor product of
~£oo(/2) with itself contains a copy of c o (that the space ~ o ( / 2 ) does not
contains co is clear since it is weakly sequentially complete).

• E=d(w,1) (a Lorentz space) gives a /l-saturated space (since d(w,1) and

Schur spaces are/1-saturated and this is a 3SP property (see method 2.9))
with the Dunford-Pettis property (all ~£~,-space have it) that is not a Schur
space (since d(w, 1) is not Schur) (see [56] for details).
Appendix 1.9

Isometric 3SP problems seems, at first sight, to be an empty world. Since
equivalent norms in R 2 induce the same starting norm in R, it seems to be a closed
road try to make any meaningful question about which properties of Y and Z would,
isometrically, pass to an extension X. Nevertheless, some interesting questions can
be pointed out. This appendix is devoted to one of the most striking: the
construction of semi-L-summands. In chapter 5 we treat renorming and other
geometrical problems; and in the Appendix 3.7 about the dual 3SP problem the
question of isometric preduals shall also be considered.

A linear projection P: X --, X on a Banach space X is said to be an L-projection

if for all x ~ X,

11x II = II px II + II z - e x 11.
A subspace Y of a Banach space X is said to be an L-summand if it is the range
of an L-projection, i.e., if for some subspace Z one has X = Y~IZ, i.e., if there is
a unique decompositionx=y+z with, y E Y, z ~ Z and II x II = II Y II + II z II •

Proper semi-L-summands
The starting point is a definition that goes back to Lima [240]: A subspace Y o f a
Banach space X is said to be a semi-L-summand of X if every point x E X admits
a unique nearest point 7rx ~ Y in such a way that

IIx II = II ~x II + IIx- ~x II.

A semi-L-summand is proper if r is not linear. Nonproper semi-L-summands
(i.e., with 7r linear) are easy to construct. Proper semi-L-summands are slightly
harder to find. The simplest example is perhaps R1 (the subspace o f constant
functions) in the real space C(K) of continuous functions over a compact space K:
the map 7r is defined by
Proper semi-L-summands 35

7 r ~ = 1/z(max f + rain f).

Recall that a C(K)-space is isometric to the space A(S) of continuous affine

functions on the weak* compact convex set S= {~ 6 C(K)* : II ~ II =~(1K)= 1} of
probability measures on K. In general, if S is any compact convex subset of a
locally convex Hausdorff space, R1 is a semi-L-summand of A(S) with the same
expression for ~r since A(S) is a closed subspace of C(S). Now ~r is linear on A(S)
if and only if S has a center of symmetry. We shall see later that this is more than
just an example of a one-dimensional proper semi-L-summand.

Other examples of proper semi-L-summands can be constructed as the direct

product (with the appropriate L-norm) of a finite number of semi L-summands one
of which at least is proper. The first example of a two-dimensional proper semi-L-
summand that cannot be obtained by this trivial construction was given in [280],
and much more general examples were obtained in [241]. It was shown in [279]
that a real Banach space can be a proper semi-L-summand in its bidual. The
existence of proper semi-L-summands in complex spaces was a well-known open
question for some years and was solved in the affirmative in [21] making a rather
complicated construction. Building up on the examples in [279] and [21], it was
shown in [308] that also a complex Banach space can be a proper semi-L-summand
in its bidual. We should remark however that it is an open problem the existence
of uncomplemented proper semi-L-summands.

In what follows we shall try to explain the relation of semi-L-summand to a

special kind of quasilinear maps. This relation was the main idea behind [241].

Observe that when every point x in a Banach space X admits a unique nearest
point a-x in a subspace Y, the mapping ~r, called the metric projection onto Y,

~'(Xx+y) = X~rx + y

for any x ~ X, y ~ Y and any scalar X since

IIXx+y-(X~rx+y)1[ = Ix I IIx-Trx II = dist(Xx+y,Y).

It follows that the map B: X / Y --, X defined by B(x+Y) = x - T r x is a

homogenous bounded (recall II x- rx 11 = dist(x,r) = II x+ Y II ) selection for the
quotient map q: X--, X/Y. I l L is a linear (possibly non continuous) selection for q
then the difference

~(x + IO = x - 7rx - L(x +19

is a quasilinear (linear if and only if ~" is linear) map f2: X/Y--, K

36 1. Three-space constructions

Digression. If one prefers, f] can also be obtained making the composition QB of

B(x + ]1)= x - 7rx with any linear (not necessarily continuous) projection Q: X --, Y,
which gives Q B ( x + Y ) = Q ( x - r x ) = Q x - r x . This form of constructing ~ is not
different since x-Q.,c is a linear selection for the quotient map: on one side,

x + y - Q(x +y) =x +y - Q x - y = x - Qx

shows that it is well defined, whereas q ( x - Q x ) = q x shows that it is a selection for

q. Thus, L ( x + F ) = x - Q x and so ( B - L ) ( x + Y ) = x - r x - x + Q x = Q x - T r x = Q B .

End of the digression.

But the map 12 obtained through a metric L-projection is more than quasi-linear.

Claim: If Y is a semi-L-summand of X then r satisfies

II r ( a + b ) - r a - r b II - II a+rll + [I b+rll - II a + b + r l l .
Proof Observe that since r is a semi-L-projection I[ r x l[ = [[ x [[ - [[ x - ~ r x H-
Thus one has:

II ~r(a+b)-~ra-~rb II = II ~r(a+b-~ra-~b) 11
--II a+b-ra-rb II -II (a +b- rca-rb)-(r(a+b)-ra-Trb) II
<- IIa-ra II + IIb-~rb II -II a÷b-~(a+b)II
= IIa+rll + II b+rtl - IIa+b+rll •

and the claim follows. Therefore f] satisfies

ll~(a+r3 + ~(b+r)- ~(a+b+r)ll _< Ila+Yll + lib+Ell- Ila+b+EII.

Such a map [2 is called in [241] a pseudolinear map. What has been proved is
then that if Y is a (proper) semi-L-summand of X then there is a (non-linear)
pseudolinear map ~: X/Y--, Y.

Conversely, if there exists some pseudolinear (nonlinear) map 12: Z --- Y then
there is a Banach space X such that Y is isometric to a (proper) semi-L-summand
of X and X/Yis isometric to Z and Yis a X. The construction is as follows: consider
X = Y ~ Z endowed with the quasi-norm

II (y, z)II = II Y-f2z II + II z II.

That Y is isometric to the subspace {(y, 0): y E Y} follows without difficulty.
The subspace Y is semi-L-embedded in X and the metric projection is
Proper semi-L-summands 37

~r(y, z) = y - az

since II (y, z) - ~'(y, z)II = [I (a z, z)[I -- IIz II

<_inf{ II (Y, z) - (y', o)II: y ' ~ Y}
= dist((y, Z), Y ) ,

which also shows that X / Y is isometric to Z. []

In this situation one says that X = Y@ f2 Z is a (proper) semi-L-sum of Y and Z.

Proposition 1.9.a. Let Y and Z be Banach spaces. There exists a proper semi-L-
sum of Y and Z if and only if there is a pseudolinear non-linear map f2: Z --, K

It is also clear that the existence of a pseudolinear map [2: Z ---- Y, Y some
Banach space, implies the existence of a pseudolinear map f [2: Z ~ R by simple
composition of f~ with some linear continuous functionalf ~ Y*. The m a p f o f~ can
be chosen non-linear when f~ is nonlinear: pick points a and b where
~2(a + b) - f~(a) - [2(b) ;~ 0and then s o m e f ~ Y* such that f(~2(a + b) - ~2(a) - fl(b)) =
II a ( a + b ) - a ( a ) - a(b) II Conversely, if some pseudolinear nonlinear map f2: Z--,
R exists then clearly the same occurs replacing R by any Banach space Y. This

Proposition 1.9.b. There is a proper semi-L-sum of Y and Z if and only if there is

a proper semi-L-sum of R and Z.

Therefore, it is no surprise that everything depends on the structure of the

"quotient" space Z. Recall from [362] that the unit ball B of a Banach space is said
to be reducible if there is a bounded convex closed nonsymmetric set C such that
B = C - C . Lima and Yost also defined weak*-reducible sets in a similar fashion.
However, they coincide with the reducible sets, as Payfi and Rodriguez Palacios
proved in [279]; a schema of the proof is as follows: if B is reducible and weak*-
closed one can always get B = C - C and C weak*-closed, since if C is not weak*-
closed then replacing C by its weak*-closure one still has B = U wea~ • _ Z7weak *

Proposition 1.9.e. There is a nontrivial semi-L-sum of R and Z if and only if the

unit ball of Z* reducible.

Proof Assume that Ball(Z*) is reducible, i.e., B a l l ( Z * ) = S - S w h e r e S is a weak*-

compact nonsymmetric convex subset of Z*. On one hand, the only place where we
know of a pseudolinear map is the metric projection of C(K) onto R1 :

7@')= 1/2(max f + min jO.

On the other hand, the semi-L-sum of R and Z must be R @ Z endowed with

38 1. Three-space constructions

some norm. To play the role of nonsymmetric compact space we have S. Moreover,
R(gZ can be seen as the subspace A(S) of C(S). That gives the norm to be put in

It (~, z)II = sup { Iz*(z) + c~l • z* ~ s}.

Thus, one has the commutative diagram:

0---,R1 ---, N 1 O Z - - , Z--, 0

I[ il 11
0 --, R1 --, A(S) - , Z --, 0

Since there is a nonlinear (S nonsymmetric) semi-L-projection 7r: A(S) --, R1, the
things to verify are that R1 is isometric to the subspace {(a,0): c~ ~ R} of R e Z
(pretty obvious) and that the corresponding quotient space is isometric to Z. Recall
that 7r is the restriction of the metric projection of C(S) ---, R1 to A(S) and thus
defined by

~r(f) = V2(maxf(S) + m i n f l S ) ).

Thinking the elements z ~ Z as in C(S), one has ~r(ct, z)=Tr(z)+c~, and thus

II (c~, z)+R1 II = II (~,z) - r(~, z)[I = [I (-~(z),z)II.

Let us denote by s M the point of S where z attains its supremum on S, and by
s m the point of S where it attains its minimum. Observe that Z ( S M ) - r ( z ) =
r(Z) -- Z(Sm). Therefore

II ( - r ( z ) , z ) II = IZ(SM)-~r(z) l
= (1/2)(z(sM)-z(s,,,))
= (1~2)sup z ( S - S )

= I/2 II z II.

One implication is proved.

For the converse implication one has to show that if < u > is a one-dimensional
proper semi-L-summand in a Banach space X then the unit ball of ( X / < u > )* is
reducible. To this end, assume that l] u I] = 1 and consider the weak* compact
convex set

O = { x * ~ X*- 11x* fl = 1 = x*(u) = 1 }.

Claim. Ball(X*) = c o n v ( D U - D }.
Proper semi-L-summands 39

Since this convex hull is weak*-closed, the Hahn-Banach theorem tells us that
it is enough to show that for all x ~ X

Ilxll = m a x { Ix*(x) l : x * E D } .

Consider first the case a-x=0 and assume without loss of generality that
11x II ; 1 . Then, given an element z = c~u+Sx ~ <u, x > one has

II c~u+~x II = II ~rz II ÷ II z-~rz [t = II c~u II ÷ II ~x II = [~1 ÷ I~l,

which implies that the functional f ~ < u, x > * defined by f(e~u+t3x) =c~+13 has
norm 1. Let F ~ X* an extension of f with the same norm; F E D and F(x) = 1.
In the general case, we write x = X u + v with 7rv=0 and assume without loss of
generality that X> 0. The preceding argument gives some V E D such that
v(v) = II v I[ and so V ( x ) = X + II v II -- II x II and the claim is proved.
I f z * ~ ( X / < u > ) * = < u > ± thenz* = Oa* - ( 1 - 0 ) b * with a*, b* ~ D a n d
0_<0_<1. But since 0 = z*(u) = Oa*(u) - (1-O)b*(u) = 2 0 - 1 , necessarily
0 = 1/2 and z* 6 1/2 ( D - D ) . Then, the set that reduces Ball(Z) is

C = (1/2) (D - x*)

for some fixed element x* ~ D, since clearly Ball( < u > ±) = C - C; moreover,
C is a convex, closed and bounded subset of < u > ±. Since < u > is a proper
semi-L-summand, D is not symmetric, and C is nonsymmetric too. Hence the unit
ball of ( X / < u > )* is reducible. []

Putting together 1.9.b and 1.9.c one has.

Proposition 1.9.d. Given Banach spaces Y and Z there exist a proper semi-L-sum
of Y and Z if and only if the unit ball of Z* is reducible.

Let us remark that the proof in 1.9.c gives an into isometry X --, A(S) sending
Y into the constant functions. By an easy application of the Banach-Dieudonn6
theorem, one verifies that it is onto. Therefore, the subspace R1 of constant
functions in A(S) is (up to isometries) the only example of a one-dimensional semi-
L-summand in a real Banach space ([240, Corollary 7.4]).

To continue with the connections with the theory of twisted sums, let us consider
again the problem of the existence of uncomplemented proper semi-L-summands.
Recall that the twisted sum defined by the quasi-linear map F splits if and only if
F is at finite distance of a linear map. Analogously, let ~: Z --, Y be a nontrivial
pseudolinear map.

Proposition 1.9.e. The subspace Y is complemented in Y@a Z if and only if

40 1. Three-space constructions

f2 = T + A , where T is linear and A is continuous.

Proof. We know from the general theory that if Y is complemented in Y e f ~ then

there is a linear map T such that dist(f2,T)< +oo or, what is the same, A = ~2-T
is bounded in the unit ball of Z. Let M = sup{ II Az II : 11z II _<1}. Since both f~
and T are homogeneous so is A and, therefore, continuous at 0: II Az II -< M II z I1
Since f2 and T are both pseudolinear, so is A. This makes it continuous everywhere:

llA(z+v)-Az I1 = l]A(z+v)-Av-Az II + HAv [1

IIz [I + II v [I - IIz +v II ÷ M II v II

The converse is equally simple since a continuous map A is (by continuity at 0)

bounded on some ball centered at 0; if it is homogeneous, it is bounded on any ball
centered at 0. Thus, if f] = T+A then f ~ - T = A is bounded, ~2 is at finite distance
from a linear map, and the twisted sum it defines splits. []

Let us remark that it is an open problem if uncomplemented proper semi-L-

summands exist. The following partial answer seems to be the best available result:

Proposition 1.9.f. Assume that a nontrivial sequence 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 exists,
where Y is a semi-L-summand in X. Then Y is uncomplemented in Y**.

Probably the nicest proof appeared in [45]: If ~2: Z--- Y is pseudo-linear then

II f~(z+v)-Ov II < 2 tl z II + il f~v II .

Let L ~ l~(Z)* be a Banach limit; i.e., L((z) z ~ z)=L((z+Zo)z) for every z0

Z. Assume that P: F** ~ Yis a continuous projection. The map F: Z ~ Y given by

F(z 0) = P( (L( ( < y * , ~(Z+Zo)-f2(z)> )z ~ Z)y* E r* )

is linear and at finite distance from ft.

Hahn-Banach smooth spaces

A subspace Y of a Banach space X is said to be Hahn-Banach smooth (HBS) if
continuous functionals on Y admit a unique norm preserving extension to X. It is
easy to see that being HBS in the bidual is hereditary. Also, Theorem 2.1 in [18]
asserts that X is HBS in X** if and only if all separable subspaces are. The
following results are in [18].

Proposition 1.9. g. If X is non-reflexive and Hahn-Banach smooth in X** then X has

Hahn-Banach smooth spaces 41

no nontriviaI L-projections.

Proof Otherwise, assume that X= Y~ i Z is a nontrivial L-decomposition. Since X

is not reflexive, it can be assumed without loss of generality that Y is nonreflexive.
Since X = Y ( ~ I Z is HBS in X**= Y**® IZ**, it is HBS in Y**~91Z as well. Let
(y*,z*) ~ Y*xZ* with 0 < IIY*]] < 1 , [[z*ll =1. L e t f E Y*** be a norm
preserving extension of y* and 0 ~ g E Y± with II g II < 1 - I[f ][ • It turns out
that II (f + g, z*) 11 = max { IIf + g II, II z* II } = 1 and thus (f __+ g, z*) are
two different norm preserving extensions of (y*, z*). []

As a corollary, one has that this is a geometric property, not stable by finite
products: although Y and Z have it, YG 1 Z does not.

Theorem 1.9.h. To be Hahn-Banach smooth in X** is not a 3SP property.

Proof If X is HBS and non-reflexive, the product X ~ 1X admits L-projections and

it cannot be bIBS. []
Appendix 1.10

Harte's problem and

Taylor's spectrum
In [163], R. Harte posed the following

Problem. Let X be a Banach space and let A and B operators in X such that there
is an exact sequence

O--, X--, X x X--, X - - , O

where i(x)= (Ax, Bx) and q(x, y ) = B x - A y . Does this sequence split?

Observe that the hypothesis implies that A and B are commuting operators, i.e.,
A B = B A . It is not difficult to see that the answer is yes when the space X satisfies
some extension or lifting property, as in the case of l 1, c 0, loo or l2. Besides, it is
not difficult to find short exact sequences 0 --, X--, X x X - - , X - ~ 0 that do not split.
The first example is due to Harte [163]:

Let G n be a sequence of finite dimensional Banach spaces that is dense in the

class of all finite dimensional Banach spaces with respect to the Banach-Mazur
metric. Take X=12(Gn) and select sequences (Yn) and (Xn) of finite dimensional
subspaces of X such that Yn C X n and the projection constant of Yn into X n tends
to infinity with n. Then the sequence

0 ~ 12(Yn) + 12(Xn) ~/2(Xn/Yn) + 0

is exact and does not split. Since

X = X X X = Xxl2(Yn) = X x l 2 ( X n ) = XxI2(Xn/Yn)

the sequence

0 ---"X×12(Yn) --, X×12(Xn) --" X×12(Xn/Yn) --" 0

does not split, and this sequence is equivalent to some sequence

Harte's problem 43

O ~ X--, X x X - , X - , O .

Moreover, as it was observed by Yost [365], starting with any nontrivial

sequence 0 --- Y -~. X --, Z ---, 0 where Y, X and Z are isomorphic to their square one
can obtain a nontrivial sequence 0 ---, B ~ B x B --, B --* 0, namely

0--, Y x X x Z - - , g x X 3 x Z -, g x X x Z - + O.

Harte's problem is a particular case (n =2) of a question (see [224] concluding

remarks) about Taylor's joint spectrum for commuting operators [345]: Is it true
that every Taylor-regular n-tuple is splittingly regular? This problem is relevant in
operator theory. The reason is that one of the most important results in spectral
theory is the existence of a functional calculus for analytic functions in a
neighborhood of the Taylor spectrum (see [345] and [346]). However, the
construction of the functional calculus is based on a variation of the Cauchy-Weil
integral representation formula and it is not explicit. In [353], Vasilescu obtained
an explicit formula for the case of operators on a Hilbert space. Recently, Kordula
and Miiller [224] obtained a formula for Taylor's functional calculus valid for
analytic functions in a neighborhood of the splitting spectrum.

By the time of closing this book, Miiller [262*] showed a surprisingly simple
counterexample to these problems that we describe now:

L e m m a 1.10.a. There exists a Banach space X with subspaces Y and M such that
Y + M = X for which D = {(x, x): x E Y A M } is uncomplemented in Y e M .

Proof Let K be an uncomplemented sub@ace of a Banach space B. If X denotes

the push-out of the maps a,/3: K --, B given by c,y = y and fly= - y then we already
know that X = B x B / A , where £x={(x, - x ) : x ~ K}, and that the maps i, j: B ~ X
given by ib=(b, 0 ) + A a n d j b = ( 0 , b ) + A are isometric embeddings. So, set Y=iB
and M=jB, which clearly gives Y+M=X. Moreover, YNM={(x, 0)+z~: x ~ K}
= {(0, x)+&: x ~ K}, and this space is isometric to K (restriction of i o r j to K).
Thus, a projection of Y O M onto {((k, 0 ) + A , (0, k)+A): k E K} would give a
projection from Yonto {(k, 0)+A: k ~ K} or, what is the same of B onto K. []

Example 1.10.b. There exist a Banach space W and commuting operators A and
B in W such that the sequence

0--, W ~ W ~ W - + W - , O ,

where i(x)=(Ax, Bx) and q(x, y)= - B x + A y , is exact and does not split.

Proof. Let X, Y and M as in the lemma. For i, j integers set

44 1. Three-space constructions

Z, i,j>_l:
Y~M, i,j<_O;
Wi,j =
Y, i>_l,j<0;
M, i<<_O,j>_l.

Clearly Wi. j C Wi+t, j and Wi, j C Wi, j+ 1. Set W=12(Wi, j) and define the
shift operators A, B E L(W): A((wi, 9 =(wi_ I,j) and B((wi, j))=(wi,j_ i ) That A
and B are commuting isometries is clear.

Let us verify that the sequence is exact. The map q is surjective:

Im q = Im A + I m B = W

since W/_ 1, j + Wi, j _ 1 = Wi, j. The map i is injective:

Ker i = KerA N Ker B = O.

That qi=O is obvious, so it only remains to show that Ker q C Im i. Let ((Wi,j) ,
(Zi, j) ) ~ Ker q; since for all i, j one has wi, j _ 1 = Zi_l, j then

Wi, j = Z i _ t , j + 1 E Wi, j n W i _ l , j + 1 = W i _ l , j


gi, j = W i + l , j _ 1 E Wi, j n W i + l , j _ t = Wi, j _ 1.

Set u=(wi+ 1, j) = (Zi, j+ 1)" Then iu : ( A u , Bu) :((wi, j), (Zi,j)).

Let us verify that Im i is uncomplemented in WOW. Assuming that it is
complemented with projection P then a projection Q can be defined as

Q( (wi, j), (zi, j)) = (Wl, O, Z0. t) E W1, 0 (~ WO, 1"

That Q is a projection is clear since Q2 = Q; moreover, QP is also a projection
since (Qp)2 = Q(pQp) = Q(Qp) = Qp, and its range is

Im QP = {(wl, o, Zo, 1): wt. o = Zo. I ~ Wo, o} = {(x, x): x E Y A M } .

This space would therefore be complemented in W1, o • W0. t = Y ~ M , in
contradiction with the lemma. []

It is not difficult to adapt this example to obtain, for every n _>2 a Taylor-regular
n-tuple that is not splittingly regular.
Chapter 2

Methods to obtain
3SP ideals

In this chapter we present several methods to obtain 3SP properties. Most of them
seem to be particular cases of the following: a natural transformation between two
functors r: R --, L with R right exact and L left exact; results on lifting of
sequences, which in turn include many instances of 3SP problems (see [148]), can
be seen as good examples where this schema appears. In addition to that, other
methods available are: the incomparability method [6, 7, 146], Jarchow's
factorization method [184], the opening or gap and an overall view of 3SP
properties called P-by-Q properties [63].

From another point of view, the ultimate word for any positive 3SP result seems
to be the existence of some kind of selection for the quotient map. The fact that
these selections need not be continuous or linear makes it difficult to represent them
as elements in the category Ban.

Before passing to the methods, some words about the use of space ideals. Three-
space problems have been studied mainly for isomorphic properties, most of which
may be shown to be stable under the formation of finite products, complemented
subspaces, and enjoyed by finite dimensional spaces. These are the characteristic
properties of space ideals in the sense of [285]. A space ideal is said to be a three-
space ideal (shortened to 3SP ideal) if whenever Y and X/Ybelong to the space ideal
so does X. In this context, a general open problem is how to characterize 3SP

Isometric problems have been considered in the appendix to Chapter 1.

Properties not stable by finite products occupy an intermediate position: on one
46 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

side, it is clear that if Banach spaces Yand Z having property P exist such that Y × Z
does not have P then a counterexample to the corresponding 3SP problem is at
hand; and, nevertheless, it may happen that stability by finite products turns out to
be the difficult thing to prove. Three cases of seemingly harmless properties not
stable by finite products: not containing isomorphic copies of L 1, Talagrand's
celebrated example [342], the surjective Dunford-Pettis property of Leung [236],
proved by Bombal, Cembranos and Mendoza [27] to be non stable by products, and
property (w) of Saab and Saab [318]. For other properties, such as the Krein-
Milman property, it is still unknown whether they are stable by products.

2.1 Three-space ideals

Here we give a basic description of the language of operator and space ideals. For
a more sound background about operator ideals and procedures, we suggest to
consult reference [285].

A space ideal is a subclass t3 of the class Ban of all Banach spaces satisfying
the following conditions:

i) Finite dimensional spaces belong to 13;

ii) If E and F belong to J~ then E × F belongs to 13;
iii) Complemented subspaces of a elements of 13 belong to B;
iv) The class 13 is stable under isomorphisms.

An operator ideal A is a subclass of the class L of all continuous operators

satisfying the following conditions:

i) Finite dimensional operators belong to A

ii) A + A C A;
iii) L A L C A

Given an operator ideal A, a space ideal sp( A ) can be associated by means of:

sp( A ) = { X ~ Ban : idx ~ A},

and given a space ideal B, an operator ideal op( B ) can be associated to it:

op( 13 ) = { T ~ ~£ : T factorizes through some space X ~ 13 }.

A space ideal 13 is said to be a 3SP ideal if whenever Yand X/Ybelong to 13 then

X also belongs to 13.
Exact functors 47

2.2 Obtaining new 3SP ideals

from old ones
An interesting problem, probably too vague to be answered is: give a
characterization of 3SP ideals or, even worse, of "classes" of spaces satisfying the
3SP property. A subordinate question to that: given A a 3SP class

which procedures A --, A new give 3SP classes?

We shall present one such procedure that depends of obtaining an exact functor.
Later, we shall present a second method (incomparability) that produces 3SP ideals
starting with almost any class.

A covariantfunctor F: Cat 1 ~ C a t 2 between two categories is a correspondence

assigning to each object X E Cat 1 an object FX E C a t 2 and to each arrow c~:X --,
Y an arrow Fet:FX --- F Y in such a way that F i d x = i d f x and F(e~/3) = For F/3, A
contravariantfunctor F: Cat 1 --- Cat 2 is a correspondence assigning to each object
X E C a t 1 an object FX E C a t 2 and to each arrow et:X--, Y an arrow Fe~:FY~ F X
in such a way that Fidx= idFx and F(c~/3) = F¢3 Fc~.

A functor F: Ban - , Ban is said to be exact if it transforms short exact

sequences into short exact sequences. The next theorem has an obvious proof.

T h e o r e m 2.2,a. Given an exact functor F in the category of Banach spaces and a

3SP ideal A, the space ideal

FA = { X ~ B a n : F X E A}

is a 3SP ideal.

Let us show some exact functors and the 3SP ideals they generate.

The functor Honl. Given a fixed Banach space A the covariant functor
Horn(A,.): B a n --, Ban assigns to a Banach space X the space Horn(A, X) of linear
continuous operators between A and X. If T: Y ~ X then

Horn(A, 7): Horn(A, 11) --, Horn(A, X)

comes defined by Horn(A, 7)(5) = T o S. It is easy to verify that

L e m a 2.2.b. I f 0 --, Y --, X --, Z ~ 0 is a short exact sequence then the sequence

0 --, Horn(A, 11) - , Horn(A, X) --, Horn(A, Z)

is exact.
48 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

The map Hom(A, X) --, Hom(A, Z) is not, in general, surjective. The space A
is said to be projective when the functor Hom(A, .) is exact.

The contravariant functor Hom(., B): Ban --, Ban assigns to a Banach space X
the space Horn(X, B) of linear continuous operators between X and B. If T: Y --, X

Hom(T, B): Horn(X, B) --, Horn(Y, B)

comes defined by Hom(T, B)(S) = S o T. It is easy to verify that

L e m a 2.2.c. I f 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 is a short exact sequence then the sequence

0 --, Hom(Z, B) --, Hom(X, B) --, Hom(Y, B)

is exact.

The map Hom(X, B) --, Hom(Y, B) is not, in general, surjective. The space B
is said to be injective when the functor Hom(., B) is exact. This is the case when
B = l~ (/) for some set I by the Hahn-Banach theorem.

The choice B=Z~ makes Hom(X, B ) = X * and one obtains:

Duality fimctor and dual ideal. It is a well-known algebraic fact that

the contravariant functor Hom(., !_X) is exact. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, the
duality (contravariant) functor given by X --- X* and T --, 7"* is also exact. We
include a proof for the sake of completeness:

L e m m a . 2.2.d. I f 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 is an exact sequence in the category of

Banach spaces, then the dual sequence 0 --, Z* --, X* --, Y* ---, 0 is exact.

P r o o f Since q is surjective, q* is injective; the Hahn-Banach theorem provides the

surjectivity of i*. It is clear that

Ker i* = Y± = (Ker q) ± = (X/ Ker q)* = Z* = (Im q)* = Im q*. []

As a consequence, the functors Dn: X --" X n sending a Banach space to its n th-
dual are exact. Let ot be an even ordinal; i.e., an ordinal having the f o r m / 3 + 2 n
where /3 is a limit ordinal and n 6 N. Then define by transfinite induction
X~ + 2 = (X~) ** ; and if t3 is a limit ordinal then X ~ = Uc~< 13Xc~ is the completion of
the union of all even duals X ~ with c~</3. For odd duals oe+ 1, with ce even or
limit, Am + I = (Xa) ,.

L e m m a 2.2.e. Let ot be an ordinal. The functor Da sending a Banach space X to

its transfinite or-dual with the corresponding natural induced maps is exact.
Exact functors 49

Proof. Only the case of a limit ordinal is not evident. Let/3 be a limit ordinal and
let 0 ~ Y --, X --, Z --- 0 be a short exact sequence. Assume that c~</3. Since the
maps induced by D a+2 extend those induced by D a, there are well defined maps

U~<~y ~ -, Ua<~x a -, U~</~z a .

The first arrow is clearly an into isometry and the second map takes unit ball
onto a dense subset of unit ball. Hence, the continuous extension to the completion
provides an exact sequence 0 --, I'¢ --- X ~ --- Z~ --- 0. []

One has

T h e o r e m 2.2.f. Given A a 3SP ideal, A ~ = {X : Da~ E A} is a 3SP ideal.

Nevertheless, very few things are known about the classes Ac~. For instance, if
A denotes the class o f quasi-reflexive spaces then Ac~2 = reflexive spaces. The
reader should consult [122] and [283] for further results.

In [184], Remark 5. (b), Jarchow raises the question: i f A dual is a 3SP ideal, is
A a 3SP ideal? The answer is no and we shall present several examples: the
hereditary Dunford-Pettis property (see 6.6. f), the property of having unit ball Cech
complete (see 4.14), the Plichko-Valdivia property (see 4.12) and the property of
being, simultaneously, Asplund and WCG (see 4.19.d).

Ultrapower functor and ultrapower ideal. Generalreferencesfor

ultraproduct theory in Banach spaces are [327, 167]. An ultrafilter on some set J
can be understood as a method to linearly assign to families (~)j E J o f elements of
some compact subset of a topological vector space another element of the compact
set that is usually called the limit of (xj) by the ultrafilter U, and denoted lira U xj.
It can also be seen as a family U of subsets of J closed under finite intersections
and supersets (if A E U and A C B then B E U), and that is maximal with respect
to those properties (which means that ifA is any subset of J, either A or ~ belong
to U). The ultrafilter is free when the intersection of its elements is empty; this
implies that the limit by the ultrafilter o f convergent families (provided J has some
additional order structure) coincides with their usual limit in the topology of the
compact space. In this form, given a bounded family (xj)j E J o f elements o f a
Banach space X and a free ultrafilter on J, the "limit" lira U 11xj II is well defined.
If loo(J, X) denotes the space of bounded families of X and Ker U denotes the
space o f bounded families for which lira U I] xj II = 0 then the quotient space X U =
lm(J,X)/Ker U is a Banach space endowed with the norm II (~) II =limu II xj II •
The space X U is called the ultrapower of X by the ultrafi#er U. It obviously
50 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

contains an isometric copy of X generated by the constant families. If T: Y --- X is

a continuous operator, there is an induced operator TU: YU --" X u defined by

Tu((Xj) + Ker U) = (Txj) + Ker U.

L e m m a 2.2.g. The covariant functor X --, X U is exact [184, 269].

Proof. Given a short exact sequence 0 ---, Y --, X --, Z ---, 0, the exactness of the
induced sequence 0 --- YU --" XU --" ZU --" 0 follows from the fact that if [~] ~ X U
is 0 in Z U that means Iim U IIxj+ rll =o. Denoting A n = {j: dist(xj, Y)< I/n}
U, it is possible to pick elements yj, ,, E Y such that II ~ - Yj, ,, II < 1/n whenever
j E Ang4n+ 1. The bounded family (yj) defined by

Yj =Yj, n whenever j ~ AnL4n+ I and yj =xj otherwise

verifies that lim U II x j - y j II = 0 , which a m o u n t s [xj] = [yj] E YU" []

Therefore, denoting A U = {X E Ban : X U ~ A} one has

Theorem 2.2.h. Given a 3SP space ideal A, the ultrapower (by U) ideal A U is a
3SP ideal. Also, the ultrapower ideal

A up= { X E B : f o r a l l U , X U E A}

is also a 3SP ideal.

If A is an injective space ideal (i.e., a space ideal stable by taking subspaces),

X ~ A up is the super-property corresponding to X ~ A (see [167]). Recall that
given a property P the corresponding super property super-P is defined as: every
Banach space finitely representable in X has P. The method is thus adequate to
study super-properties. For instance, once we know that reflexivity is a 3SP
property, this method yields that super-reflexivity is a 3SP property (see also 4.5).

The converse implication does not hold: let SC denote the class of Banach spaces
admitting an equivalent strictly convex norm; then SC fails the 3SP property (see
5.17.d) while super-SC = {X : X admits an equivalent norm such that X U E SC}
is equivalent to super-reflexivity (see [2, Thm. II.4.5]), which is a 3SP property.

Residual classes. The following method to obtain 3SP ideals starting from
3SP ideals was introduced in [269].

L e m m a 2.2.i. The functor co: X--, X c° = X**/X is exact.

Proof. Let 0 -, Y--, X--, X / Y - , 0 be a short exact sequence. The proof is based in
the isomorphisms (see [70, 269]): Y**/Y = (X+ Y ± ± )/X and (X/Y)**/(X/Y) =
X * * / ( X + Y± ± ) which immediately give the exactness of the sequence
Exact functors 51

0 --, Y * * I Y - , X * * / X - , (X/Y)**I(X/Y)--, O. []


T h e o r e m 2.2.j. Given a 3SP ideal A, the residual ideal A c° is a 3SP ideal.

This would give another proof that reflexivity is a 3SP property: since 0 is a
3SP class, 0 c° = {reflexive spaces} is a 3SP ideal.

Question. It is apparently unknown whether "A c° is a 3SP class" implies "A is a

3SP class." The following partial consideration can be made.

T h e o r e m 2.2.k. Assume that P is not a 3SP property and that a counterexample

0 --, X--, X** ~ X**/X--, 0 exists. Assume that there exists some space Z such that
Z**/Z = X. Then pCO is not a 3SP property.

Proof. Just look at the commutative diagram

0 --, 0 --- 0

0 -, Z ---, Z** --, X -, 0

0 -, Z** --- Z * * * * -, X** -, 0

0 --,. Z * * / Z --, Z * * * * / Z * * ~ X**/X -,. 0

J, J, J,

0 0 0

with exact arrows and columns. []

Note that it was shown in [78] that every weakly compactly generated Banach
space X there exists some Banach space Z such that X = Z**/Z.

Vector-valued functions. The exactness properties of the functors Horn

have been already mentioned. Less well-known is that given a compact space K the
covariant functor C(K, • ): Ban --, Ban that assigns to a Banach space X the Banach
space C(K, X) = {f'. K ~ X continuous} with the sup norm, and to a continuous
operator T: X --- Y the continuous operator MT: C(K, X) --, C(K, Y) given by
MT0') = f T i s exact. The proof is based on the existence of a continuous (usually non
52 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

linear) selection for the quotient map.

Bartle-Graves continuous selection 2.2.1. Let q: X --, Z be a quotient map. There

exists a continuous map s." Z --, X such that qs =id z .

We prove a stronger version taken from [367]:

Let 0 --, Y--, X ---, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence o f Banach spaces. Given
e > 0 there exists a continuous homogeneous selection s f o r the quotient
map such that, f o r all z ~ Z,

II s(z)II < ( l + e ) I I z II.

P r o o f Let q: X--, Z be the quotient map. One needs only to construct a continuous
map h from the unit sphere of Z into X in such a way that q h ( z ) = z and
II h(z)II < ( l + e ) . Since, once this has been done, a "homogeneization" can be
performed as follows [96]: let h be a continuous selection for the quotient map; if
the space is real, set d(z) = 1 / 2 ( h ( z ) - h ( - z ) ) ; this selection satisfies d(kz)=kd(z)
for ] k] = 1. If the space is complex and/~ denotes the normalized Haar measure on
the group T = {k: IXl =1} then d(z) = ~ T k-lh(kz)d/z(k) • Take then

s(z) = II z II d(z/II z I1 ).
Returning to the proof, the map h shall be obtained as a limit of maps h n
constructed inductively.

Given k > 0, we set a(z) x = {x 6 X: qx =z, II x II --- x}. Let z0 ~ Z, II z0 II = I,

Pick some element xo 6 Q(z0)x and set hi, Zo(z) = x 0 . Let V(z0) be a neighborhood
of z0 inside the unit sphere of Z such that for every z ~ V(z0) one has

dist (x O, Q(z)~) < 2 - I

From the covering of the unit sphere of Z by neighborhoods V(z) it is possible

to select a locally finite refinement (V~)~ [220, Corol. 5.35]. Let (uc,)a be a
corresponding subordinated partition of the unity [220, Problem 5.W]. The map

hi(z) = ~c~ uc~(z) hl,z~ (z)

is continuous and bounded and verifies

dist (hi(z), Q(z)x) < 2-1

for all z in the unit sphere of Z because Q(z)x is convex.

Assume that continuous maps h 1 ..... hn have already been constructed satisfying
Exact functors 53

dist (hi(z), Q(z) x) < 2-J

and ]1 hj-l(z)-hj(z)]l < z - ( J - Z ) -

By the induction hypothesis, the set

Un= {x E Q(z)x: dist (x, hn(z)) < 2 -n}

is non-empty and convex for every z ~ Z. What one needs to assure is that

dist (hn+l(Z), Un) < 2 -(l+n)

This can be done in a neighborhood of every norm one element z 6 Z by means

of a constant map hn+l, z" The map hn+ 1 is constructed "pasting together" these
functions by means of a partition of the unity as in the case of h 1. The sequence
(hn) uniformly converges to a function h which satisfies the conditions required.

Proposition 2.2.m. Let K be a compact space. The functor C(K, • ) is exact.

Proof. Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence. The Bartle-Graves
continuous selection s for the quotient map provides the exactness of the functor
C(K, .) at Z; i.e., that the induced map Mq: C(K, X) --, C(K, Z) is in fact a
quotient map since any f ~ C(K, Z) can be written as Mq(S of). Its kernel is
C(K, Y). []

It is clear that other spaces of functions, such as p-integrable functions over a

finite measure compact space, can play the role of C(K). Therefore.

T h e o r e m 2.2,n. If A denotes a 3SP space ideal, the classes

C(A) = {spaces X such that C(K, X) ~ A }

Lp(A) = {spaces X such that Lp(l~, X) E A }, 1 <p <_co,

are 3SP ideals.

2.3 Obtaining 3SP ideals

We need some variation of the exact functor method to obtain new 3SP properties.
An observation of what happens, for instance, with reflexivity makes clear that
properties having the form X = F X where F is an exact functor must be 3SP
properties. A precise meaning to the symbol " = " is what natural transformations
54 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

Let F and G be functors acting between two given categories C a t 1 and C a t 2. A

natural transformation 7": F --, G is a correspondence assigning to an object X in
C a t 1 an arrow rX: FX ---- GX in C a t 2 in such a way that if a: X --, Y is an arrow
in C a t 1 then the square


Fct ~ ~ G~

FY --, GY

is commutative in C a t 2.

Now, if F and G are exact functors and there is a natural transformation 7-: F --,
G, the 3-1emma yields that {X: rX is an isomorphism} is a 3SP ideal. This is the
case of reflexivity when one considers the natural transformation r: id --, D 2
between the identity and the bidual functor where rX: X ---, X** denotes the
canonical inclusion.

In many situations, however, one does only have a situation partially behaving
as described; for instance, properties involving the coincidence o f spaces o f
sequences or operators, such as the Schur property (weakly convergent sequences
are convergent) or the Dunford-Pettis property (weakly compact operators are
completely continuous). In these situations, the functors considered might not be
exact. Those cases can be covered as follows.

A covariant functor L is said to be left exact if exact sequences 0 --- Y --, X ---,
Z --, 0 are transformed into left exact sequences 0 --, L Y --, L X --, LZ. A covariant
functor R is said to be right exact if exact sequences 0 --- Y--- X --, Z --, 0 are
transformed into right exact sequences R Y - , R X --, R Z --, O. Analogously in the
contravariant case.

P r o p o s i t i o n 2.3.a. Let R and L be right and left exact functors, respectively, f r o m

the category Ban into another suitable category. Assume that there is a natural
transformation r: R --, L. Then the classes

{X E Ban : zX: RX--, LX is injective}

{X E B a n : zX: R X --, LX is surjective}
{X ~ B a n : rX: RX --, LX is an isomorphism}

are 3SP ideals.

Proof. The 3-1emma can be proved in the situation:

Right and left exact functors 55

R Y --, RX --, R Z - - , O

O--, L Y --, LX --, LZ

with horizontal arrows exact (the surjectivity of E --- F or the injectivity of A --, B
were not used in the proof of the original 3-1emma). []

Some applications:

Reflexivity. Recall that D2: Ban --, Ban is the functor assigning to a Banach
space X its bidual X** and to an operator T its bitraspose 7"**. So, reflexivity is
defined by the natural transformation r: id -, D:, in the sense that a space X is
reflexive when rX is surjective.

When there is no natural dependence it is not clear (to us) what happens; for

Question. Is the class of Banach spaces isomorphic to its bidual a 3SP class? The
same question can be asked with respect to the other (transfinite or not) duals. That
being isomorphic to its dual is not a 3SP property was observed by F. Cabello [45]:
take a nontrivial exact sequence 0 ---- lp --, Zp --, lp --, 0 as in 3.2.a. Since
l p , = I p , ~ l p , the sequence 0 --, Ip~lp,---, Z p ~ I p , ~ l p , ~ lpGlp, ~ 0 is exact and
while lp ~ l p , is isomorphic to its dual, Zp ~ l p , is not (Zp is isomorphic to its dual)
and incomparable with Ip,).

Baire--1 functions. The functor BI: Ban --, Ban defined by

BI(X) = {weak*-limits in X** of weakly Cauchy sequences of X}

is not exact, although it is left exact. Since the functor id is exact, the class of
Banach spaces such that X=BI(X) (weak sequential completeness) is a 3SP ideal.

Intermediate classes method. An intermediate class S = { S ( X ) } x c Ban

is a family of normed spaces such that

i) X C S(X) C X * * ;
ii) For every pair of spaces Y,X and every operator T: Y --- X, one has
T**(S(r)) c S(X).
The class S is said to be injective if S(Y)=(T**)-Is(x) for every injective
isomorphism T: Y--, X. It is said to be surjective if for every surjective operator
T: X--- Z, one has S(Z)=T**S(X).
56 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

Proposition 2.3.b. [f S 1 is surjective, ~ is injective and SI(X) C S2(X) for every X


{ X ~ Ban : SI(X) = S2(X) }

has the 3SP property.

Proof This result can be seen as an application of Proposition 2.3.a: the definition
of intermediate class says that it defines a functor X --, S(X) and T --, T**
(restricted to S(X)). Let 0 --, Y--- X --, Z --, 0 be an exact sequence. Being surjective
means that S 1 is exact at Z, and injectivity means that the functor S2 is exact at X
(clearly, the hypothesis on S2 applies to obtain u ~ i**S2(Y)). It was already
observed after the proof of the three-lemma that when the property considered is
{X: the induced map S I(X) --, S2(X) is surjective} one does not need exactness of S 1
at X. That is what one considers here. One always has exactness at Y. []

The following examples of intermediate classes are taken from [147]:

BI(X) = weak* limits in X** o f weakly Cauchy sequences of X

DBSC(X) = weak* limits in X** of wuC series in X
SI(X) = weak* sequentially continuous elements of X**
C(X) = {F : lim F(fn) = 0 if (fn+l -fn) wuC in X* with (]'n) weak* null}
GS(X) = U {M ± ± : M is a separable subspace of X}

The classes B 1 and DBSC are injective (not surjective); the class GS is surjective;
the classes S 1 and C are neither injective nor surjective (see [147]). Observe the
translation of classical properties.

X is weakly sequentially complete ¢~ X = BI(X)

X contains no copies of c O ~ X = DBSC(X)
X contains no complemented copy of l 1 ~ X* = DBSC(X*)

from where it follows an affirmative answer for the corresponding 3SP problems.
However, although

X has property (u) DBSC(X) = BI(X )

X has Mazur property ¢0 X = SI(X)
X is a Grothendieck space SI(X) = X**

and, for separable spaces,

X contains no copy of l I ~, BI(X) = X**

hold, those identifications do not directly provide 3SP results because the classes
are not injective or surjective. In some cases, such as property (u), it is not a 3SP
Lifting of sequences 57

property (see 6.9.b); in other, such as not containing l 1 or Grothendieck property,

they are 3SP properties.

The difficult thing to obtain from a functor is, usually, the right-exactness.
Results asserting that a functor is right exact are also known as "liftings".

2.4 Lifting of sequences

Let S: B a n --, Set be a functor assigning to each Banach space a certain space SX
o f sequences in X having a certain property. For instance, consider the functor c
assigning to a Banach space X the space c(X) of convergent sequences of X , and
to an operator T the induced operator between sequence spaces (Xn) --, (Txn). Given
a short exact sequence 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0, the sequence 0 ---, c(Y) ---, c(X) ~ c(Z)
is trivially exact. The problem is whether the last arrow is surjective. A result
asserting that is usually called a "lifting result." In the case under consideration,
what one needs is that "given a convergent sequence (Zn) of Z there is a convergent
sequence (Xn) of X such that qx n =z n," and in general, something like "given a
sequence (Zn) of type S in X/Y there is a sequence (Xn) of type S in X such that
qXn=Z n." That much cannot be, in general, obtained and it is necessary to impose
some condition on the kernel of q.

Precisely, a lifting is a result having the form: if Q: X ~ Z is a quotient map and

(Zn) is a sequence in Z having property P then, under some hypothesis on Ker Q,
there is a sequence (xn) in X having property P and such that Qx n =z n.

A classical result in this direction is:

Lohman's l i f t i n g 2 . 4 . a . Let Q: X --, Z be a quotient map. If KerQ contains

no copy of l 1, every weakly Cauchy sequence (zn) in Z admits a subsequence that
is the image under the quotient map of a weakly Cauchy sequence in X.

Proof Let (Xn) be a bounded sequence in X without weakly Cauchy subsequences

such that (QXn) is weakly Cauchy in Z. By Rosenthal's lemma, some subsequence
(Xm) is equivalent to the canonical basis of l 1 and still is mapped to a weakly
Cauchy sequence (QXm) of Z. Since the difference sequence (QX2n+l - QX2n) is
weakly null, a certain sequence of convex combinations (an) converges to 0 in norm
in Z. If (P'n) denotes the same convex combination of (Xm) it turns out that Q/xn= %
although (/~n) is still equivalent to the canonical basis of l 1. And if (Yn) is some
sequence in Ker Q such that

lim II - Y. II - lim 2 II Q/ n II = 0
58 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

some subsequence of it (yj) can be chosen equivalent to (/~j), in turn equivalent to

the canonical basis of l 1. This contradiction proves the result. []

Translated to the context of exact sequences, if wcc denotes the functor assigning
to X the space wcc(X) of weakly conditionally compact sequences (i.e., bounded
sequences whose subsequences admit weakly Cauchy subsequences) then Lohman's
lifting reads: if 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 is a short exact sequence where Y does not
contain l 1 then the sequence 0 --, wcc(Y) --, wcc(X) --, wcc(Z) --, 0 is exact.

This allows one to give a functorial proof that not containing l 1 is a 3SP
property: denote by b the functor assigning to a Banach space X the space b(X) of
bounded sequences of X. The functor b is exact. Consider the natural transformation
i: wcc -, b defined by canonical inclusion. Observe that iX is surjective if and only
if X does not contain ll; and thus, by proposition 2.3.a, the class

{X E Ban: ix: wcc(X) --, b(X) is surjective} = {X ¢ Ban: X does not contain ll}

is a 3SP ideal.

The following lifting results are in [148]:

Lifting (of weakly convergent sequences) 2.4.b. Let Q." X ~ Z

be a quotient map. If KerQ is reflexive then each bounded sequence in X whose
image in Z is weakly convergent admits a weakly convergent subsequence.

Proof. Let (xn) be a bounded sequence in X with (Qxn) weakly convergent to Qx in

Z. If x** is in the weak*-closure of {xn} in X**, t h e n x * * - x e (KerQ)** = KerQ.
this shows that x** ~ X and (xn) admits a weakly convergent subsequence. []

The immediate translation is the following. Let Wc the functor assigning to X

the space Wc(X) of relatively weakly compact sequences of X (i.e., sequences
whose subsequences admit weakly convergent subsequences): if Y is reflexive, then
Wc is exact. If i: Wc --> b denotes the natural transformation given by canonical
inclusion, and since iX is surjective if and only if X is reflexive, by proposition

{X ~ Ban: ix: Wc(X) -> b(X) is surjective} = {X ~ Ban: X is reflexive}

is a 3SP ideal.

Lifting (of weakly convergent sequences) 2.4.c. Let Q: X - , Z

be a quotient map. If KerQ is weakly sequentially complete and (Xn) is a weakly
Cauchy sequence in X such that (Qxn) is weakly convergent then (xn) is weakly
Lifting of sequences 59

Proof. Let (Xn) be a weakly Cauchy sequence in X with (QXn) weakly convergent
to Qx in Z. Let x** be the weak*-limit in X** of (Xn). Again, x * * - x ~ (KerQ)**.
If Y is a subspace of a Banach space X, Baire 1-elements in X** that belong to Y**
are Baire 1-elements of Y** (see e.g. [89]); which means that x * * - x is the weak*
limit in (KerQ)** of a sequence of elements of KerQ. Since KerQ is weakly
sequentially complete, x * * - x ~ KerQ and x** ~ X. []

This lifting can also be translated into the functorial language. Denote by c w and
c wC the functors assigning to X the spaces cW(X) of weakly convergent sequences
and cwC(x) of weakly Cauchy sequences of X respectively. If i: c w --, c wC denotes
the natural transformation given by canonical inclusion, and taking into account that
iX is surjective if and only if X is weakly sequentially complete, one obtains that the

{X ~ Ban: ix: cW(X) --, cwC(x) is surjective}

= {X 6 Ban: X is weakly sequentially complete}

is a 3SP ideal.

The 3SP problem for weak sequential completeness has been considered by
several authors and seems to be folklore: Jarchow [184] gives a proof using the
Hahn-Banach theorem; Rakov [302] gives a proof based in l 1's presence, and Pisier
[294] blames Godefroy to have priority in this matter.

Since the exactness of the sequence 0 --, Y --, X ~ Z --- 0 implies the exactness
of the dual sequence 0 --- Z* ---- X* --, Y* --, 0, it is possible to work with this
sequence to obtain 3SP results for properties relating either weak* convergent and
weakly convergent sequences; or weak* Cauchy and weakly Cauchy sequences. We
shall consider Grothendieck property (weak* convergent sequences are weakly
convergent) and not having quotients isomorphic to co (weak* Cauchy sequences
admit weakly Cauchy subsequences).

Lifting (of weakly Cauchy sequences in duals) 2.4.d. Let o - ~

Y --> X --> Z --> 0 be a short exact sequence. Assume that Z has no quotients
isomorphic to c 0. If (fn) is a weakly* convergent sequence in X* such that (i*fn) is
weakly Cauchy in Y*, then (fn) has a weakly Cauchy subsequence.

Proof The proof is similar in spirit to that of Lohman's lifting, but working with
the dual sequence 0 --> Z* --> X* ~ Y* --> 0. Assume that (fn) has no weakly Cauchy
subsequences. Some subsequence (let it be (fn) itself) is thus equivalent to the
canonical basis of 11, and the same happens to (gn)=(f2n+l - f 2 n ) " Since (i*f~) is
weakly Cauchy, (i*gn) is weakly convergent to 0 and there is a convex combination
60 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

an of the gn such that (i'an) is norm convergent to 0. The sequence (an) is still
equivalent to the canonical basis of 11. Choosing (hn) E Z* such that
II hn-an II ~ 2 - n we obtain a sequence in Z* that is equivalent to the canonical
basis of l 1. But at the same time the sequence (hn) is weak* null since so are (fn)
and (an).

But a weak* null sequence (hn) in Z* equivalent to the canonical basis of l 1

induces a quotient map Z --, co. []

Lifting (of weakly convergent sequences in dnals) 2.4.e. Let

0 ---, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence. Let Z be a Grothendieck space. If
(]'n) is a weakly* convergent sequence in X* such that (i*fz) is weakly convergent
in Y*, then ~ ) has a weakly convergent subsequence.

Proof. Since Grothendieck spaces have no quotients isomorphic to co and their dual
spaces are weakly sequentially complete, by 2.4.d ~ ) has a weakly Cauchy
subsequence, which is weakly convergent by 2.4.c. []

It follows that the Grothendieck property and " to admit no quotient isomorphic
to Co" are 3SP properties (see also 6.6.o).

The following lifting has an obvious proof. We include it for the sake of

Lifting of weak* convergent sequences 2.4.f. Let 0 o o

y ..-> X
Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence. Let X have weak* sequentially compact dual ball.
If (fn) is a bounded sequence in X* such that (i*fn) is weak* convergent to y* then
there is a subsequence ~ ) weak* convergent to some x* with i*x*=y*.

Bonnded basic sequences cannot be lifted. Terenzi shows in [347]

the rather pathological behaviour of basic sequences by constructing (in the hardest
meaning of the word) a short exact sequence 0 ~ Y -, X --, Z --, 0, where Z admits
a bounded basis (Zn) in such a way that no bounded basic sequence (xn) in X
satisfies qxn=z n. This answers a problem posed by Bor-Luh Lin in Banff in 1988.

A second look at liftings

The following results are elementary. Our interest into these proofs is that they
contain an essential ingredient common to most 3SP proofs: the existence of a
lifting (i.e., a selection for the quotient map) preserving the property under
More on liftings 61


Recall that if X is a Banach space, dens(X) is the smallest cardinal such that X
admits a dense subset of that cardinal. X is separable if and only if dens(X) =co. The
following result appears explicitly in Domanski [98] ("obvious proof")

L e m m a 2.4.g. dens(X)= max{ dens(Y), dens(X/Y)}.

Proof If {q(xi) } and {yj} are dense subsets of X/Y and of r respectively, then {x i
+ yj} is a dense subset of X. []

In particular,

Theorem 2.4.h. Separability is a 3SP property.

The same argument, considering the dimension of the spaces, shows

Theorem 2.4.i. To be finite dimensional is a 3SP property.

which can also be proved via lifting of convergent sequences.

Thus, everything seems to depend on the existence of a "selection map" X/Y--,

X. This selection is not a map of the category Ban (a section) since otherwise the
short sequence would split. Lifting results imply the existence of a certain selection.
We precise this: Let 0 --, Y ~ X --, Z --, 0 be an exact sequence and let F and G:
Ban --, Set be functors.

Proposition 2.4.j. Assume that FZ is a subset of FZN GZ and that there is a

selection s as in the diagram



Then {X ~ Ban: FX C GX} is a 3SP property.

Proof Given an element x ~ FX then an element sqx E FXN GX can be assigned

in such a way that y = x - s q x E FYC GY. Thus x - s q x ~ GX and x = s q x + y ~ GX.

As it should be by now clear, the core of any positive 3SP result is the existence
of a selection (or lifting) for the quotient map X --, X/Y. The following types of
selections are possible:

(C) Continuous (non linear) homogeneous selection (Bartle-Graves, see 2.2.1).

(B) Bounded (non linear, not continuous) homogeneous selection that can be
62 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

easily obtained taking into account that the quotient map is open.

(L) Linear (unbounded) selection obtained by taking a representative belonging

to a fixed algebraic complement of the kernel.

2.5 Lifting for operators

Many properties of Banach spaces are described by the coincidence of two classes
of operators. Among these, one should distinguish between covariant and
contravariant properties.

Covariant properties are those defined by the coincidence of two operator ideals
A and B in the form: the space X has the property BA - t if for all spaces M, A(M,
X) C B(M, X); these shall be treated in 6.7. Observe that the functors there
considered A(M, -) and B(M, -) are covariant.

Contravariant properties are more commonly used. They are defined by the
coincidence of two operator ideals A and B: a space X has property A-1B if for all
spaces M, A(X, M) C B(X, M). Observe that the functors here considered A ( - , M)
and B(-, M) are contravariant. Contravariant properties are considered in Chapter
6 (see also 2.7).

Let P be the property: for all spaces M, A(X, M) C B(X, M). One way to prove
that P is a 3SP property is to (try to) apply the "exact functor" schema as follows:
consider 0 --- Y --- X -, Z --, 0 a short exact sequence where both Y and Z have P.
Given a Banach space M, apply the contravariant functors A ( - , M) and B(-, M)
obtaining (and this is the first problem) short exact sequences. Now, a natural
transformation (whose existence is the second difficulty) r: A(., M) -, B(., M) and
the three-lemma would finish the proof.

The existence of r seems to be the major difficulty. Indeed, although the arrows
rY and rX/Y exist, an arrow rX might not exist. In other words, maybe no natural
transformation r can be defined. Still, the approach of proposition 2.4.j could work,
and sometimes does.

Trying to obtain the exactness of the functors considered is what we will do

now. The contravariant functor Horn(., M) is left exact, i.e., if 0 --, Y ~ X --, Z
--, 0 is a short exact sequence then

0 --, Horn(Z, M) ~ Horn(X, M) ~ Horn(Y, M)

is exact, and there is no guarantee that the last arrow is surjective. When A is an
More on liftings 63

operator ideal, there are two obstacles to obtain the exactness of the sequence

0 --- A(Z, M) --, A(X, M) --, A(Y, M) ~ 0,

namely, the surjectivity of the last arrow and the exactness at the middle point.

The surjectivity of A(i, M): A(X, M) --, A(Y, M) amounts the existence of an
extension for operators in A, i.e., that given an operator t: Y ~ M in A, there is
some operator T: X --, M also in A and such that Ti = t. In the next section 2.6 we
shall give a certain context for extensions and liftings for operators. In some cases
such as

0 ---, Y--, 17"* ---, Y**/Y--, 0

this selection t --, t** exists (e.g, A = W) and for this reason 3SP results are
sometimes available for the couple Y, Y**/Y when no general 3SP result exist. See
results in 6.6 where it is shown that the Dunford-Pettis property ( W C Coo) is not
a 3SP property; this means that there is no possibility for a selection

coo(Y, M) --, Coo(X, M) n w(x, M).

Nevertheless, when X = Y** and Y does not contain l 1 (completely continuous
operators are compact) then such a selection exists: t - , t** and thus a positive 3SP
result is available.

The exactness of the functors at the middle point can be presented in an elegant
form. Let A be an operator ideal, M a Banach space and 0 - , Y --, X ~ Z ---, 0 a
short exact sequence. The exactness of the sequence

A(Z, M) --- A(X, M) --, A(Y, M)

means that Im A(q, M) = Ker A(i, M). Elements in Im A(q, M) are arrows having
the form Tq, where T ~ A(Z, M). They necessarily belong to Ker A(i, M) since
Tqi= 0. All this means that Im A(q, M) C Ker A(i, M). The other containment is
different. What one needs is that if T ~ A(X, M) is such that Ti=O then T
factorizes through q in the form T = R q with R E A(Z, M). Certainly, T admits a
factorization Rq; what is not clear is whether one can obtain R E A.

Recall that given an operator ideal A the surjective hull is defined as the
operator ideal A sur = {T : for some quotient map q, Tq E A }. The operator ideal
A is said to be surjective if A = A sur. We have proved that if A is a surjective
operator ideal, then the exactness is preserved at the middle point. If, moreover,
there is some extension result for A one should have an exact functor.

An interesting case where the situations described appear is when considering

64 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

the operator ideal 1-Is of 1-summing operators. Recall that an operator 7"."X ---- Y is
1-summing if it transforms weakly unconditionally summable series into absolutely
summable series. It turns out is the following.

Proposition 2.5.a. Let i." Y --, X be an into isomorphism, and let M be a Banach
space. Then the map T--, Ti from III(X, M) into III(Y, M) is a quotient map.

P r o o f The Grothendieck-Pietsch factorization theorem (see [90] for a display of the

theorem in its full glory) provides factorization of 1-summing operators through
some L~-space. Now, if t: Y--- M is a 1-summing operator then t factorizes as ab
where b: Y ---,L ~ . This operator b has an extension B: X ---,L~ in such a way that
T=aB: X --, M extends t and is 1-summing. []

Many more results on lifting of operators can be found in [333].

2.6 Three-space properties

and semigroups of operators
Let A be an operator ideal. Let us consider some semigroups A+ and A_
associated to A. In what follows, T, R and S shall denote continuous operators
acting on the appropriate spaces:

T 6 A+ if and only i f T S 6 A i m p l i e s S 6 A.
T ~ A_ if and only i f R T ~ A i m p l i e s R ~ A.

For instance, if K denotes the ideal of compact operators, K+ are the upper semi-
Fredholm operators while K_ are the lower semi-Fredholm operators. For W the
ideal of weakly compact operators, W+ and W_ are the tauberian and cotauberian
operators, respectively. Those semigroups of operators, and others (associated to
Rosenthal, Dunford-Pettis and Dieudonn6 operators) appear studied in [150].

We shall say that an operator ideal A is preserved by Iiftings if quotient maps

with kernel in Sp(A) belong to A+; i.e., if q is surjective, Ker q ~ Sp(A) and qS
belongs to A then also S belongs to A.

Theorem 2.6.a. Let A be an operator ideal preserved by lifiings. Then Sp(A) is a

3SP space ideal.

P r o o f Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence where both Y and Z
belong to Sp(A). Since q ~ A+ and q id X = id Z q E A it follows that idX ~ A [ q

Examples. Observe that Lohman's lifting can be expressed by saying that the
Semigroups of operators - Jarchow's factorization method 65

operator ideal of Rosenthal's operators (those transforming bounded sequences into

sequences admitting weakly Cauchy subsequences) is preserved by liftings. Other
operators that are preserved by liftings are: compact, weakly compact, @ for
1 _<p_< oo, and weakly completely continuous (or Dieudonn6) operators.

Dually, we say that an operator ideal A is preserved by extensions if

isomorphisms into with cokernel in Sp(A) belong to A+; i.e., if Y is a subspace of
X with injection i: Y ~ X and X/Y E Sp(A) then Ri E A implies that R E A.

Theorem 2.6.b. Let A be an operator ideal preserved by extensions. Then Sp(A)

is a 3SP space ideal.

Proof Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence where both Y and Z
belong to Sp(A). Since i E A_ and idx i=i idy E A it follows that idx ~ A. []

Proposition 2.6.e. If A is preserved by lifiings then A dual is preserved by

extensions. If A is preserved by extensions then A dual is preserved by liflings.

The proof is trivial.

A sophisticated form of lifting was presented by Jarchow in [184]:

2.7 Jarchow's factorization method

Observe that properties of a Banach space X defined by the coincidence, for every
space Y, of two classes of operators A(X, IS)C B(X, !0, where A and B are two
given operator ideals, can be refornmlated as Idx ~ A - 1 o B, where

rE A - l o B ( X , Y)¢* V S E A ( Y , Z ) , S T E B(X,Z).

Recall that given operator ideals A and B, A o B = {ST'. S ~ A and T E B}.

For 1 <__p_< co, Fp denotes the ideal of operators that are factorizable through lp.
The paper [184] contains the next result:

Proposition 2.7.a. Let A and B be operator ideals such that A is injective and B
satisfies F 1 o B C A. Then Sp([F 1 o B] o A -1) and Sp([F 1 o B]suro A -1) are 3SP

Proof, Let 0 --, Y--, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence, and assume that both idy
and idz belong to [F l o B] o A - 1. Given S 6 A(Z, X), the hypothesis on Z implies
qS ~ F 1 o B(M, Z). By the lifting property of ll(r)-spaces, qS can be lifted to l l ( r )
and thus there is some T E F 1 o B(M, X) such that qT=qS. Since q ( T - S ) = 0 , the
operator T - S takes its values in Y. Since F 1 o B C A , T - S E A(M, X), and since
66 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

A is injective, T - S E A(M, Y) C F 1 o B(M, Y); hence T - S E F 1 a B(M, X) and

since T ~ F 1 oB(M, X) also S ~ F 1 oB(M, X). The ideal [FloB]suro A -1 can
be treated similarly. []

By duality, the extension property of loo(I')-spaces yields:

Proposition 2.7.b. Let A and B be operator ideals such that A is surjective and B
satisfies B o Foo C A. Then Sp(A - I o [B o Foo]) and Sp(A -1 o [B o Foolinj) are 3SP

2.8 Incomparability classes

A general method was developed in [7] to obtain 3SP ideals starting from any class
A of Banach spaces. Given such a class A, two space ideals A(i) and A(c) are
defined as follows:

X ~ A(i) ¢* X is incomparable with all spaces Z ~ A,

X ~ A(c) ** X is co-incomparable with all spaces Z 6 A.

Recall that two Banach spaces X and Z are said to be incomparable if no infinite
dimensional subspace of X is isomorphic to a subspace of Y. The spaces X and Y
are termed co-incomparable if there is no infinite dimensional quotient of X
isomorphic to a quotient of Y. One has [7]:

Theorem 2.8.a. For any class A of Banach spaces, the classes A(i) and A(c) are
3SP ideals.

Proof. Only the 3SP property is not trivial. Let X~A(i) and Y C X such that Y
A(i). There exists an infinite dimensional subspace N of X isomorphic to a subspace
of a space in A. By [309], or else [7, 2.3 (i)], Y + N is closed and Yr3N finite-
dimensional; obviously, we may suppose YON={0} without restricting the
generality. Then q(N) is a subspace of X/Y isomorphic to N, and so X / Y ~ A ( i ) .
Therefore, Y, X / Y ~ A(i) implies X ~ A(i).

The proof for A(c) is quite analogous, taking [7, 2.3.(ii)] into account, where it is
proved that if X/M and X/N are totally coincomparable then M + N is closed. []

Observe that the procedures can be iterated to define A(ii) and A(cc). However,
A(iii) = A(i) and A(ccc) = A(c).

Examples. Proposition 2.8.a implies that given any class A the classes A(i),A(ii),
A(c) and A(cc) are 3SP ideals. Interesting examples are then obtained starting with
a minimal Banach space E, i.e. a Banach space such that every infinite dimensional
Incomparability 67

subspace contains an isomorphic copy of E (see [6]). The spaces lp, 1 <p < + co,
c0, Tsirelson space and Schlumprecht distortable space [322] are examples of
minimal spaces. If E is a minimal space and one considers the class {E} then

{E}(i) = {spaces not containing copy of E},

{E}(ii) = {spaces which are hereditarily E},

are 3SP ideals.

Analogously, a Banach space E is said to be co-minimal if every infinite

dimensional quotient of E has a quotient isomorphic to E. Examples of co-minimal
spaces are lp, 1 <p < oo, co and Tsirelson's dual space. For a co-minimal space E
the classes {E}(c) and {E}(cc) admit a natural description. More examples:

If R = {reflexive spaces} then

R(i) = {spaces containing no reflexive subspaces},

R(ii) = {somewhat reflexive spaces},

are 3SP space ideals. If U= {spaces having unconditional basis} then, taking into
account that blocks of unconditional basis are unconditional basic sequences, then

U(i) = {spaces without unconditional basic sequences},

U(ii) = {spaces such that every subspace has an unconditional basic sequence},

are 3SP ideals. Observe that the example o f Gowers and Maurey [156] shows that
the classes U(i) and U(ii) are not trivial.

A Banach space X is said to be indecomposable if there is no decomposition

X = M ~ N with M and N closed infinite dimensional subspaces. The space X is said
to be hereditarily indecomposable (H. I.) if every infinite dimensional subspace is
indecomposable. Recent work o f Gowers and Maurey [156] shows that there exist
H.I. spaces. Moreover, Gowers [155] proves that given a Banach space X then it
contains either a H.I. subspace or a subspace with an unconditional basis. It is then
clear that

H.I.(i) = U(ii)
H.I.(ii) = U(i).

Question. Is H.L a 3SP property?

In addition to this, it is worth to remark that Odell [268] defines property WU

as: every normalized weakly null sequence admits an unconditional subsequence.

Question. Is w u a 3SP property?

68 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

2.9 P-by-Q and Q properties

In group theory it is said that a group G is a P-by-Q group if there is some normal
subgroup N such that N has property P and G/N has Q. We shall use this
terminology; thus, given two properties P and Q, we will say that a Banach space
X has the P-by-Qproperty if it admits a closed subspace Y such that Y has property
P and X/Y has Q. In this context, P is a 3SP property if and only if P-by-P
implies P.

L e m m a 2.9.a. Let 0 --, Y--, X - , Z--, 0 be a short exact sequence with Z separable.
There is a separable subspace M of X such that Y+M=X.

Proof Let B: Z --, X be a bounded selection for the quotient map. Take a dense
sequence (Zn) in the unit ball of Z. Let M be the closed span of {BZn} n ~ N" It is
clear that for some r > 0 q(rBaU(M)) is dense in BaU(Z); this makes q(M)=Z, and
thus M+ Y= X. []

This result justifies the hypotheses of the following theorem.

T h e o r e m 2.9.b. Let P and Q be 3SP properties. Assume that Q passes to quotients

and P satisfies the additional condition. if X/Y has P then there is some subspace
N of X having P such that N + Y = X . Then P-by-Q is a 3SPproperty.

Proof Let 0 - , Y---, X--, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence where both Y and Z have
the P-by-Q property. Since Y has the P-by-Q property, there is a subspace M of Y
having property P such that Y/M has property Q. Since Z=X/Yhas P-by-Q property
there is a subspace V of X containing Y such that V/Y (which should be thought as
subspace of X/Y) has property P and (X/Y)/(V/Y) = X/Vhas property Q. Since Y/M
is a subspace of V/M and (V/M)/(Y/M) = V/Y has property P, there is some
subspace F/M of V/M having property P and such that F/M + Y/M = V/M. Both
M and F/M have property P and therefore F has property P. It only remains to
show that X/F has property Q. Since there is an exact sequence 0 --, V/F -, X/F --,
X/V--, 0 and we already know that X/V has Q, it is only necessary to verify that
V/F has Q. This is a consequence of

V/F = (F+Y)/F = Y/(YNF) = (Y/M)/((YNF)/M). []

T h e o r e m 2.9.c. Let P and Q be 3SP properties. Assume that P-by-Q implies Q-by-
P. Then Q-by-P is a 3SP property.

Proof To clarify the proof, we state two claims and then the proof of the theorem.
Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence.

Claim. If Y has P-by-Q and Z has Q then X has P-by-Q.

Twisted properties 69

P r o o f of the claim. Let 0 ~ N --, Y --, Y/N -, 0 be a short exact sequence where N
has P and Y/N has Q. The sequence 0 -, Y/N --, X / N --, Z ~ 0 is also exact, and
since Q is a 3SP property, X / N has Q; thus X has P-by-Q.

Analogously, I f Y has P and Z has P-by-Q then X has P-by-Q.

P r o o f o f the theorem. Since Y has Q-by-P, let 0 -, N --, Y --, Y/N --, 0 be a short
exact sequence where N has Q and Y/N has P. Since Z has Q-by-P, let M be a
subspace of X containing Y such that 0 --- M / Y --, X/Y--, X / M --, 0 is a short exact
sequence, M / Y has Q and X / M has P.

The sequence 0 --, Y/N --, M / N --, M / Y --, 0 is exact, so M / N has P-by-Q and,
therefore, Q-by-P. The sequence 0 --, M / N --, X / N --, X / M --, 0 is exact; and since
M / N has Q-by-P and X / M has P, by the first claim X / N has Q-by-P, Finally, the
sequence 0 --, N --, X --, X/N--, 0 is exact; and since Nhas Q and X / N has Q-by-P,
by the second claim X has Q-by-P. []

Observe that the preceding proof could have been simplified after

The -by- observation 2.9.d. Operation -by- is associative!

whose proof is a simple pull-back and push-out argument.

Given two properties P and Q, we will say that a Banach space X has the P@ Q
property if it can be decomposed as X-- Y @ Z where Yhas property P and Z has Q.

Question. When P-by-Q implies P • Q?

Nevertheless, a proper reading of theorem 2.9.c says when P O Q is a 3SP

property, at least when {0} has P and Q.

Theorem 2.9.e. Let P and Q be 3SP properties shared by {0}. Then P ~ Q is a 3SP
property if and only if P@ Q= P-by-Q = Q-by-P.

For instance, since

Proposition 2.9.f. Reflexive-by-Separable implies Reflexive G Separable.

P r o o f Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence with Y reflexive and Z
separable. By lemma 2.9.a, X = M + Yfor some separable subspace M of X. Let (rnn)
be a null total sequence in M. The set {mn}n+Ball(IO is weakly compact in X and
spans a dense subspace; i.e., X is weakly compactly generated (see 4.10) and thus
M is contained in a complemented separable subspace N whose complement is
necessarily reflexive since it is a quotient of Y, []

One has.
70 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

Theorem 2.9.g. Separable-by-Reflexive is a 3SP property.

and since Separable-by-Reflexive does not imply SeparableGReflexive (by the

Johnson-Lindenstrauss example, to be studied in 4.10, it follows that Reflexive-by-
Separable = ReflexiveG Separable is not a 3SP property.

For more applications, recall that l 1 is projective and l~ is injective. Thus,

Proposition 2.9.h. Let P be a 3SP property. Then P-by-{l~ } and {l 1}-by-P are 3SP

Proof Since l~ is injective, {l~}-by-P implies l~ ~ P , Since l 1 is injective, P-by-

{~1} implies P ~ { l l } []

Analogously, since co is separably injective

Proposition 2.9.i. Separable-by-{co} is a 3SP property.

An old result of Lindenstrauss [243] shows that any exact sequence 0 --- Y--- X
--, Z --, 0 where Y is complemented in its bidual and Z is an ~l-space splits.

Proposition 2.9.j. Let P be a 3SP property such that spaces in P are complemented
in its bidual. Then ~l-bY-P is a 3SP property.

Question. Are ~ l-bY-~ ~ or 2~l-by-separable 3SP properties?

Appendix 2.10

Applications of 3SP results

to the opening

The gap (or opening) between subspaces

The gap between two (closed) subspaces of a Banach space was introduced to study
the perturbation of closed semi-Fredholm operators. The book [218] and the survey
[275] are good references for this topic. If T and T+K are closed operators, the gap
between the graphs G(T) and G(T+K) gives an estimation of the "size" of the
perturbation produced by K on the operator T.

Several authors have analyzed the stability of some isomorphic properties of

Banach spaces under the gap in the following sense: Assume that M is a (closed)
subspace of a Banach space which enjoys some isomorphic property P. Is it possible
to find r > 0 so that if the gap from M to another subspace N is less than r, then N
enjoys P? Positive answers have been obtained for several properties such as
separability, reflexivity, containing no copies of l 1, etc. Moreover, it has turned out
that a negative answer for property P is related with the failure of the 3SP property
for P. In fact, one has

If an isomorphic property is preserved by finite products and complemented

subspaces, but fails the 3SP property, then this property is not stable under
the gap.

In this section we describe the main results and problems about stability of
properties under the gap. Let us recall some definitions. The non-symmetric gap
"y(M, N) between two subspaces M and N of a Banach space is given by

7(M, N) = sup { dist(m, N) : rn E M, IIm II = 1 },

72 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

and the (symmetric) gap between M and N is given by

g(M, N) = max { 7(M, N), 7(N, M) }.

Observe that g induces a complete metric in the class G(X) of all closed
subspaces of a Banach space X (see [275, Thm. 3.4 (g)].

Let A be a class of Banach spaces which is preserved by isomorphisms, and let

6 > 0. The class A is &stable if there exists a number ~ > 0 so that given a Banach
space X and subspaces M, N ~ G(X), if N ~ A and g(M, N) < 3, then N ~ A. The
class A is 6-costable if there exists a number 6 > 0 so that given a Banach space X
and subspaces M, N ~ G(X), if X/N ~ A and g(M, N) < 6, then X/N E A. We say
that A is stable (costable) if it has those properties for some number 6 > 0.

These concepts have been studied by Janz [179]. Analogously, it could be said
that a property P is open if for every Banach space X the subclass

{M ~ G(X) : M has P }

is open in (G(X), g). Observe that a stable class is open. That not every open class
has to be stable is proved in Lemma 2.10.b.

Theorem 2.10.a. Let P be a property that is preserved by products. If P is open

then it is a 3SP property.

Proof. Assume that P is not a 3SP property and let X be a Banach space without
property P for which some subspace Y and the quotient space X/Y enjoy property
P. Since P is preserved by products, Y x X / Y m u s t have property P. Since

Xe= {(ex, qx) : x ~ X}

is isomorphic to X, this space does not have property P. We claim that

g(Y × X / Y , Xe )<_e,

thus proving that P is not open:

if 11(Y, qz)II = 1 in Y x X/Y then some element Yz ~ Y exists such that

[[z-y z 11< 1 + e . I f x = Z-yz+y/e then 11(Y, q z ) - (ex, qx)II <e. On the other hand
if tl (ex, qx)[1 = 1 there is some element Yx ~ Y such that l[X-Yx tl < 1 + e , and thus
the choice y=ey x and z=qx verifies ]l (Y, z ) - ( e x , qx)[I <__e. []

The converse implication fails since 3SP properties need not be open: for
example, the class {/2}(ii) of/2-saturated Banach spaces has the 3SP property
although it is not open (see 2.10.d).

L e m m a 2.10.b. The class of Banach spaces isomorphic to l 1 is open but not stable.
The gap between subspaces 73


Not stable: Let d: l 1 --, l 1 be the dilation given by d(x)=ex and let q: l 1 --, co be
a quotient map. As in the preceding proof, Xc = {(ex, qx) : x ~ X} is isomorphic to
l 1 while g(Ker q x Co, Xe) _<e.

Open: Assume that M = [Xn] is a subspace of X such that II 2anxn tl ~ c~ l an I,

where we assume 0 < c < 1 and ]1x~ [1 = 1. Let us see that if N is a subspace of X
such that g(M, N ) < c/5 then N is isomorphic to l 1. To prove this, take some
sequence (Yn) in N such that 11x n - Yn II < c/5. This spans l I in N since

llEanYn]] --> 11 EanXn]] - ]]Ean(xi -Yn)][

> (4/5)F,[a n ].

To conclude, we show that N = [Yn]" To do that it is enough to see that if z 6 N

and 11z 11 = 1 then dist(z, Lvn]) < 3/5: take a vector x ~ M such that 11z - x 1] < c/5,
and assume x=EbnX n. One has

II z - r+ny n II --- II z - r~b,;~n II + II ~bn (xe - Yn) II

<_ c/5 + (c/5)~lbn[

<_ c/5 + (c/5)c -111 x IJ

< c/5 + (1/5)(1+c/5)

< 3/5. []

Alternatively, the stability could have been defined in terms of the non-
symmetric gap V instead of g. In this case, since 3'(M, N ) = 0 implies that M is a
subspace of N and X/N is a quotient of X/M, stable (co-stable) classes would be
preserved by subspaces (quotients).

Since 7(M, N) = v(N °, M °) (see [218, IV.2.9]) and (X/M)* = M °, it is

immediate that if P is &stable (6-costable), then the dual class p d = {X: X* 6 P}
is 6-costable (&stable).

Examples 2.10.c. Let us show some examples of 6-stable and 6-costable classes.

i) The class of finite dimensional spaces is 1-stable.

ii) The classes: superreflexive spaces; spaces not containing copies of lff and
convex Banach spaces are 1-stable.
iii) The class of separable spaces is 1~2-stable and 1/2 costable.

Proof of i) If M, N are closed subspaces of X, then "),(M, N) < 1 and [218, IV.2.6]
imply dim M < dim N . []
74 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

P r o o f o f i i ) We give the proof for the class of Banach spaces containing no copies
of l 1. Let M, N be closed subspaces of a Banach space X, and suppose that M
contains a copy of 11 and "y(M, N) = ~ < 1. By a result of James [175], M contains
an almost isometric copy of l 1. Thus, taking ot > 0 such that 6 < 1 - 2 4 , it is possible
to find a normalized sequence (Xn) in M so that for any scalars a 1..... a n

IlalXl +... +a,ynll >- ( 1 - o 0 ( [ a l [ + . . . + l a , , I ) .

Pick elements Yi E N such that ]]xi-Y i l] < 1 - 2 o r for i = 1 ..... n; one has

Ilalyl +... +a~ynl] >_ c~(lall +...+[anl)

for all scalars a I ..... a n. Hence N contains a copy of 11. []

The proof for the classes of superreflexive and B-convex spaces is analogous,
using characterizations given in [176] and [130], respectively.

P r o o f o f iii) Using a density argument, it is easy to prove that the class of separable
spaces is 1/2-stable. On the other hand, suppose X / M is separable and let e > 0 such
that 3'(M, N) = 6 < 1 / 2 - e .

We shall construct a separable subspace Y of X such that every x ~ X with

Ilxll = 1 admits a d e c o m p o s i t i o n x = m + z with y ~ Y, z ~ N, and IIzll < 1 + e .

To this end, let (Yn) be a dense sequence in the unit sphere of X/M. Denoting
by q: X --, X / M the quotient map, it is possible to select a sequence (Xn) in X such
that yn=qXn and IIxnll < 1 + e / 2 . Now, given x ~ X with II x II =1 there exist
0 < t 1 < 1 and n 1 such that

I]qx - tlY,q II < E / 4 2.

Thus, there are 0 < t 2 < ~ / 4 and n 2 such that

IIqx - tlYnl-t2Yn2 II < E/43 .

In this manner, the series ~ t i yni converges to qx, and taking as Y the
subspace spanned by the sequence (xn), one has

x - ~ t i Xni E M and II ti Xni II < I+E.

Now, if X / N is not separable, then N + Y is not dense in X, and there must exist
some norm one element x E X such that dist(x, N + Y ) > 1 - e .

Write x = y + z , with y E Y, z 6 N and Hz II < 1 +e. Choosing n 6 N such that

II Y II Y II -1 - n I1 +~ < 1/2

one deduces
The gap between subspaces 75

[Ix - z - IIy II II < 1-

in contradiction with dist(x, N + I0 > 1 - e. Consequently X/N is separable. []

The following result was obtained by Kadets [198]. It could also be derived
from the fact that the class of Hilbert spaces fails the 3SP property.

Proposition 2.10.d. The class of all Hilbert spaces is not open.

Sketch of Proof It is possible to construct a Banach space X and closed subspaces

M and M n of X so that M is isomorphic to l2, while M n is isomorphic to Ipn for
some sequence Pn ~ 2, and g(M n, M) --, O. []

Ostrovskii [273] has been able to adapt this construction to obtain

Proposition 2.10.e. For 1 <p < oo, the class of all spaces isomorphic to lp is not

It is not difficult to prove that given a Banach space N that is either injective or
projective, the class of all spaces isomorphic to N is stable. Analogously, the class
of all spaces isomorphic to co is stable [179]. Janz [179] conjectures that these are
the only stable Banach spaces.

Proposition 2.10.t". The classes of all 2gfspaces and ~£oo-spaces are stable.

The following result establishes a rather surprising fact: a property is stable if

and only if it is costable.

Proposition 2.10.g. If P is 6-costable then P is 6~2-stable. If P is &stable then P

is 6/2-costable.

Proof. Let X be a Banach space, and M, N closed subspaces of X for which g(M,
N) = 6 > 0 . To prove the first assertion, let E(M, N) be the product space M x N
endowed with the norm

tl (x, y)II E = max{ IIx II, lIT It, 6-1 llx-Y II }.

We shall denote it simply by E. Denote by Mo and No the spaces M and N seen as
subspaces of E. It is enough to show that M is isometric to E/N o, N is isometric to
E/M 0 and g(M, N) <_2&

Observe that i f x ~ M, II x II = 1, then inf{6 - 1 II X - - y II : Y ~ N} _< 1. Hence,

II (x, 0) + N II E = 1 and the natural map M --, E/N o is an isometry. Analogously for
N and E/M o. Moreover, [I (x, 0) I[ e = 1 implies II x [I =6. Thus,

inf { ll x - y lt : y E X } <_62.
76 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

Also, II x II =6 and II x - y II -<62 imply II Y II -<~-b62. One thus obtains

~,(Mo, N o) -< 6 + 62 -< 26,

and analogously for 7(N0, Mo).

To prove the second assertion, observe that the space E(M °, N °) is a dual space.
In fact, E(M °, N °) is isometric to the dual of F(X/M, X/N), which is the product
space X/M x X/N endowed with the norm whose unit ball is the absolutely convex
hull of the set

Ball(X/M) W Ball (X/N) U {6 - i (z+M, -Z+N) : z E Ball(X) }.

If Ao and B o denote the spaces X/M and X/N seen as subspaces of F, it is enough
to show that Ao is isometric to X/M, B o is isometric to X/N and g(A o, BO) <_26.[2]

Not all 3SP properties give stable classes. The following classes are not stable,
although all of them are 3SP ideals:

spaces containing no copies of co ,

weakly sequentially complete spaces,
spaces with the Radon-Nikodym property.

That they are not stable can be seen as a consequence of the fact that l 1 enjoys
those properties and has a quotient isomorphic to cO (see the proof of lemma
Question. Are they open?
Unstability is related with the existence of uncomplemented subspaces, as can
be seen in the following result.

Proposition 2.10.h. Let M and N be subspaces of X, N complemented; and let 7r

denote a continuous projection onto N. / f 7(M, N) < III - 7r II - 1, then

i) M is isomorphic to a subspace of N, and

ii) X/N is isomorphic to a subspace of X/M.

Proof Given x ~ M, for every n ~ N one has

ll=[I >--ilxll- 1l(l-Tr)(x+n)ll.


II = II >-- IIx II - IIz - ~ 11 dist(x, N)

- ( ~-llZ-~ li ~(M, N) )llxl!,
The gap between subspaces 77

hence the restriction of 7r to M defines an isomorphism into a subspace of N.

The above inequality shows that M (~ KerTr = {0} and that M+Ker~r = 7r-17rM
is closed; hence X / N = KerTr is also isomorphic to a subspace of X/M. []

Identifying a Banach space with its natural isometric copy in the bidual (when
necessary we denote by J this into isometry), one has the canonical decomposition
X * * * = X * G X ± ; i.e., an element f E X*** admits the unique decomposition
f = f i x + ( f - J ( f I x )" When the decomposition of X*** = X * O 1 X ± is in the 1-
norm; i.e, X is an M-ideal in X** (see [162]) one has.

L e m m a 2.10.i. Let M be a subspace of an M-ideal in its bidual X. For every f e

M ± ± one has dist ( f , 34) = dist (f, X).

Proof. The inequality dist (f, 34) >_ dist (f, X) is clear. Let i: M ~ X the canonical
injection and Ji(M) the natural copy of M in X**. Since dist (f, M) = [[f + M II
in X**/Ji(M) one has

dist ~ , M) < IIf - m II = Fq)

for some norm one element F • Ji(M) ± C X***. The canonical decomposition of
X*** yields F = F I X + x ± and thus i f x • X is chosen such that IIf - x II -<
( 1 + e)dist ([, X) then

F@ = FIX(J) + x ± ( f - x ) = 0 + [Ix± I1 [lf - x [ [

s i n c e f • M ± ± and F I X belongs to M ±. Finally

II x± [I I I f - x l l -- ]]FI] ( l + e ) d i s t ( f , X ) .

Letting e --, 0 the result is proved. []

In general, one only has

L e m m a 2.10.j. Let M be a subspace of a Banach space X. For e v e ~ F • M ± ±

dist ( F, M) < 2 dist ( F, X).

Proof. Given F E M ± ± select a e J(M) ± such that II c~ II = 1 and

a(F) =dist(F, J(M)).

Since J(M) ± = j ( M X ) O j ( X ) ± , a can be decomposed as a = /3 + -,/ with /3 e

J(M ±) and 7 e J(X) ± . Since c~(F)=7(F) and II "y II < 2 (/3 is a restriction of c~):

dist(F, J(X)) >_ (1/2)7(F) = (1/2)dist(F, J(M)). []

Now it is clear that the map V: M ± Z/M--, (M ± ± + X)/Xgiven by V ( f + M)

78 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

= f + X is an isomorphism, and one has the following result:

Proposition 2.10.k. For every subspace M of X, M ± z + X is closed in X**.

The next lemma allows us to prove some new results of stability. Let Q: X** ---
X**/X denote the natural quotient map.

L e m m a 2.10.1. Let M and N be closed subspaces of X. One has

7[ Q( M° o), Q(N o o) ] < 27(M,N).

Proof Given m E M °o and n E N °° clearly one has IIQ m - Q n II -< [[m-n [[;hence

dist ( Qm, Q(N ° °) ) _< dist (m, N °° ).

If, in addition, l[ Qm [[ = 1 then given e > 0 there is some x E X such that

Hm+x[[ < l + e . By the preceding proofs it is possible to find v E M such that
1[m + v [[ < 2(1 +e). This yields

dist[ Qm, Q(N °°) ] = dist[ Q(m+v), Q(N ° °) ]

<_ dist( m + v, N ° ° )

< 2(1 +e) 7(M °°, N ° o)

= 2(1 +e)7(M, N),

since 7(M °°, N ° ° ) = y ( M , iV) [218, IV.2.9]. Taking the supremurn over the unit
sphere of Q(M ° °) the result follows. []

Proposition 2.10.m. If P is 6-stable (6-costable), then pco = {X: X**/X ~ P} is

6/2-stable ( 6/2-costable).

Proof It is enough to note that given a closed subspace M of X one has the

Q(M °°) = ( M ° ° + X ) / X = M ° ° / ( X A M °°) = M**/M

and then apply 2.10.1. []

Recall that a Banach space X is quasireflexive if dim X**/X< oo.

Corollary 2.10.n.
i) The classes o f quasireflexive and reflexive spaces are 1~2-stable and 1/2-
ii) The class Sep c° is 1/4-stable and 1/4-costable.
iii) Let M , N be closed subspaces of X. I f T(M,N) < 1/2 then
dim N**/N- dim M**/M = dim (X/M)**/(X/M)- dim (X/N)**/(X/N).
Perturbation of operators 79

This is similar to the stability of the index of Fredholm operators [218, Thm.

Perturbation of operators
The results of this section can be applied to the study of perturbations of operators
with closed range. The linking is the following basic result due to Markus [256].
Recall that 7(7) = inf { II Tx 11 : dist(x, Ker 7) = 1}. It is a standard result [218
Thin.IV.5.2] that R(7) is closed if and only if 7(7) >0.

Proposition 2.10.o. Let T, A ~ L(X, I0. Assume R(7) is closed, and let S = T + A .
i) y [Ker S, Ker 7] <_ 7(7) -111S-TII ;
ii) T [Im S, Im 7] <_ 7(7) - I IIS-rll.

Proof For every x ~ X one has

7(7) dist[ x, Ker T ] -< II Tx II.

Thus, for x ~ N(S)

dist[ x, Ker T ] _< 3'(7)- 1 II ( s - 7)x II ;

and this yields i).

The proof of ii) follows applying i) to T*: since (Ira 7)0 = Ker T* then
3'(7)=3'(7"*) [218, IV.5.13], and 3'(m, N)=7(N °, m °) [218, IV.2.9]. []
Corollary 2.10.p. Let A, T ~ L(X, Y), T with closed range and let 0 < 6 <_ 1 such
that I[A [I <83'(7). If P is 8-stable and KerT ~ P, then Ker(T+A) ~ P. l f P is &
costable and Y/ImT ~ P, then Y/7N(77"AJ E P.

Proof The first part follows from the definition of &stability and i) of the result
above that gives 3' [Ker (T+A), Ker T] < 6; analogously for the second part. []

As an application of this perturbation theorem we get a refinement of the

instability results in [145].

Proposition 2.10.q. Assume P stable and such that M x N E P when M E P and

N is finite dimensional. Let T ~ L(X, I9 be an operator with closed range, and let
K ~ L(X, I0 be a compact operator.

i) I f KerT E P then Ker(T+K) ~ P;

ii) I f Y/ImT E P then Y/TNfTTK5 E P.

Proof i) Since K is a compact operator there is a finite codimensional subspace M

80 2. Methods to obtain 3SP ideals

of X such that 1]KiM[] is arbitrarily small [285, 3.2.3]; say, smaller than a3,(T).
Then TiM is a closed operator, 7(TiM) >_7(7) and Ker Ti M E P. Hence Ker
(T+K)iM ~ P by the result above; and Ker (T+K) ~ P since it is the sum of Ker
(T+IOiM and a finite dimensional subspace of X.

ii) It can be proved analogously, taking into account the existence of a finite
dimensional subspace N of Y such that IIqNKII<a-y(7), where qN denotes the
quotient map onto Y/N. []

Questions 2.10.1". Are they open

1) having the r-Banach-Saks property for all r> ro ?

2) having the property Wr for all r > r0 ?
3) having type r for all r < r0 ?
4) having cotype r for all r > r0 ?
Chapter 3

Classical Banach spaces

It is time to enter and see the monsters. In this chapter we shall study how to obtain
twisted sums starting with certain Banach sequence spaces such as lp. Two solutions
to Patais problem, that of Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier [116] and that of Kalton
and Peck [213] shall be examined in detail. Two general problems still open to
research are how to construct quasi-linear maps between arbitrary Banach spaces?
and how to determine if the corresponding twisted sum splits? The techniques
developed in the chapter work in certain sequence spaces. Twisted sums of function
spaces shall be considered in 3.4 and 3.5.

On the side of positive 3SP results, the methods described in Chapter 2 shall be
applied to obtain simpler proofs of the 3SP character of several properties related
to the lp-structure of a Banach space. In two appendices we consider two related
topics: a sketch of the recent solution of the 3SP problem for dual spaces, and the
"simplest case of failure of a 3SP problem": Banach spaces not isomorphic to their

3.1 The 3SP problem for Hilbert spaces

The origin of 3SP problems can be traced back to questions concerning the
isomorphic nature of subspaces of a given space. A problem attributed (see [116]
or [247] problem 4.b) to Palais is: If g and X/Y are isomorphic to a Hilbert space,
has X to be isomorphic to a Hilbert space? This is the 3SP problem for Hilbert
spaces, answered negatively by Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier [116] and later by
Kalton and Peck [213]. Their results complete the solution of the 3SP problem for
~p-Spaces, raised in [247, Problem 4.a].
82 3. Classical Banach spaces

The approach of Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier

The solution to the 3SP for ½ spaces given by Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier in
[116] differs from the general schema described in 1.5 only in the form of
constructing the quasi-linear (actually 0-linear) map l2 --, l2. It shall be constructed
using the finite dimensional structure of l2.

Recall from 1.6 that a homogeneous map F has been called 0-linear if for some
K > 0 it is satisfied that whenever (xi) is a finite set points with Eixi=O then

II iFxi II _<K ~i II xi If.

.n ,n 2
Consider the class B n of all 0-linear functions g • t2 --, l2 with K_< 1. Functions
of B n are automatically bounded: if x = E 1 <_i<_nXiei then x - E 1 <i<n}Xiei=O and

IIg(x)[I -< ~l<<_i<n [I ~kiei II + I[ x [1 + Ilrq<_i<_n g(kiei)[1.

The elements of B n are not necessarily linear. For instance, if n = 2 the map

g(x, y) = (x, y , (x2+y2)-l/2xly[, O)

is 0-linear with K_< 1/2:

if E t <_i<_rtXi = E 1 <_i<_nYi =0 then

[[~in--1 g(xi, Yi) l[ = ] ~ i = l (x2+y2)-I/2xiIYiI [

-<Ei=I (x2+y2)-a/2 ~xiX. 2 +yi2")

= ~i=t II(xi, Yi)ll"

From 1.6. f we know that the distance

d = dist ( g , L n ) = infT~zsuPllxl[ ___1rig (x)-Z(x)I]

from g to the space of linear maps is greater than or equal to the constant K of g.
The preceding calculus shows that K < 1/2, so it is not enough to estimate d.
However, K_> (2 + ~ 2 ) - 1 as the following calculation shows:

11g(t, 1) + g ( 1 , - 1 ) + g ( - 2 , 0 ) lt = ~2.

More generally, given f ~ B n the function

Palais problem - The approach of Enfio, Lindenstrauss and Pisier 83

If( xllyll ]
g(x,y) = x) ,f(y), (11x II2 + IIY I12)1/2

belongs to B2n:
Proof Since the homogeneity is clear, let ]~/)Ci = 0 = ~iYi" If we write

oti =
(llxi II2 + }lyi JI2) 1/2

then, for any scalar c one has:

[[Ei g(xi' Yi) [[2 = [[(~if(,r,i) ' Eif(Yi) ' Ei O~iXi-CEi Xi) l[2
= IIEif(Xi) il 2 + IIZifl, Yi)II 2 + II~ i (eli-c)xi II=
-< (Ei I[x/ll) 2+ (Ei IlY/ll) 2+ 2(Ei I°ti-cl IIx/ll) 2-
Put now
~i ~i 11xi II
~i IIx/ll
By Holder's inequality

(~-~i IOti-C[ tlxill) 2 <: (Ei Jig/I[) (Ei I[xill(°ti-c)2).

Observe that

C-l~i eli II xi ti = ~i II xi II.


C~i Oti [[Xil[ = C2P'i [l Xi l[ ;

and thus

c2~, II x, II - 2cr.i °t i It xi I1 = - c2~i II x,. 11•

This yields

~i ~ff llxill ÷ c2 ~e IIx~ll - 2c~ c,~ flxi II = ~i ~211xill - c=~i Ilxill

where the term on the left is precisely ~,i(OLi -- C)2 II xi It • Thus

84 3. Classical Banach spaces

E i (0~i-c)2 Ilxill = ~iee~llxi]l - c2Ei Ilxill.

Multiplying by gi II xi 11 and taking into account that

C2Ei,j Ilxill Ilxjll = Ei,j ~&llxill Ilxjll

one obtains

(Ei [[Xi 11)(E i (ffi -c)2 llXiI[) = -~ ~ i ~ j (~i - ~j )2 t1XiII IIXj II"

Returning to the starting inequality, we thus obtained

_ 1 )2
(El ]OLi-Cl IIXil[)2 < "~ E i Ej (~i-Oej [[XiII[]Xjl[ "

It is time for some device. If s and t are real numbers then the following
inequality holds:

I t _ s [2 __ 2 ( lff~+t2 lff~+s2 _ ( l + t s ) ) .

This inequality can be proved by writing complex numbers u = 1 +is and v= 1 +it
and computing

[t(l+t2) -1/2 -- s(I +s2)-Z/2[ 2 <-- [Im( u/lul - v/Ivl )12

<- I u/lul - v/Ivl 12
<_ 2 - 2 R e u~(lu ] ]vl) -1
<- 21(l+t2)1/2(l+s2) 1/2 -(l+ts)[ 2 (lu[ Iv[) -1
< 2((l+t2)l/2(l+s2) 1/2 - (1 +ts)).

Set now t = II Yi II / II xi II and s = II Yj II/11 xj II. One has

t (1 +t 2 )-1/2 = IIYi II (11xi II2 + IIYi II2 )-v2

and also
(Ori - aj) 2 --< 2 ((1+t2) 1/2 (1+S2) 1/2 - (1 +tS) ).
Putting all together one gets
Palais problem - The approach of Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier 85

'yi)[[2-<- (~-,illxiI[)2 + (~i IIYil[)
2 + -~Ei
1 ~ j [[xi[[xj[l (ai-cej )2

- (Ei [Ixill)2+ (E~ IlYi[I)2

+ ~,~j((llxel[ 2 + Ilyill2)(llxjll + [[yjl[2)) 1/2

-El ~j Ilxill [Ixjll + Ily/ll [lyjll

= ~i Ilxill2 + ~i [lYill2 + ~ (llxill 2 + Ilyi[12)(llxjll2+ IlyjU2))1/2

i ;~j

= [Zi ([I Xi I[2+ [1Yi[I2)1/2]2

: (Ei II(xi'Yi)ll)2"
Let f : 12n ~ l2 be a function of the class Bn and let
x,, =

be the corresponding snarked sum; i.e., the product space endowed with the norm
] induced by the closed convex hull of the points (y, 0), with Ily II -< !, and
(fiz),z), with Ilzll -< 1. From the first claim in 1.6.e we know that the subspace
Yn = {(Y' 0): y E Y}
.1l 2 I1
of Xn is isometric t o l 2 , and Z n = Xn/Yn is isometric t o l 2 . Now, if P: X n -" Yn
is a continuous projection, since P(0, x) = (Tx, 0) for some linear (obviously
continuous) operator T ~ L n one has

P(fix), x) = P(fix), O) + P(O, x) = (Tx, O) + (fix), 0),

from where

lIP ]] ~ suPllxll<l I[P(f(x),x) ~ = suPllxll<l[[Tx+f(x) ]] > dist(f,Ln).

Thus, the required construction shall be obtained making the nonlinearity of f

increase as n --- oo. This is the content of the following lemma.

L e m m a . There is a constant C> 0 such that for every n there is a function gn in B n

such that dist(g n, Ln) >_ C(log n) 1/2.
86 3. Classical Banach spaces

Proof Let D n = sup { dist (f, Ln): f ~ B n }. The key point is to prove that, for
some 6 > 0,
2 2
D2n >__D n + 6,
since, being this true, a simple induction shows

12 = D 22k2 _> D22k+8 _> C ( l o g 2 k ) l / 2 + a = CV/-~+ 8

>_ C ( k + l = C(log2e+l)I/2

(the existence of C independent of k is consequence of limk__,o~~ - ~ = 1 ).

From here, the result holds for all integers replacing C by, say, C/2: if m is given
and k is the greatest integer for which 2k< m then
2 _> D 2k
Om 2 >_ C(log2k) 1/2 = C~/'k = _ C 2~ > C (logm)l/2

Therefore, it remains to prove that 8 = (2+v/2-) -2 works.

2 2 + (2+~-)_ 2
Claim: D2n >- D n
Proof. There is no loss of generality assuming that for some f ~ B n the equality
Dn(f ) = D n holds; this avoids to take care of several e. Let g E B2n defined as
before by

g(x'Y) = [fl x ) ' f l y ) ' xt'yt' ] "

(tlx II2+ Ily II2)1/2
The plan is to prove that
2 2
D2n (g) >_ D,, (f)+ 6.
Let 7". lfin --, l2 be linear. We write T in the form

T(x,O) = (U1x, U2x, U3x)

T(O,y) = (Vly, V2Y, V3Y).

By definition of Dn(f), and with the same assumption as before, there are norm-
one points x 0 and Yo in l2 so that

11 Ulxo - j Xo) tl >--OnQ)

II V2yo - f%) 11 ->On(3')-
Palais problem - The approach of Enflo, Lindenstrauss and Pisier 87

Evaluating g at the point (x0, 0) E l2n one gets

2 2
Ozn > Ozn(g) >- I[ UIxO - f(xo) II2 + ]] U3Xo I[2 :> On(f)2 + [] U3Xo I[ 2

Consider next the points 1 (x0 , 4.70 ) E l2 . The definition of g and the 0-
linearity o f f give V~-

g ±(+yo) - r xo, X ( + y ) _-

¢2 ~ [(2 ¢2 0

. . . . -=So - U3Xo
d- ca
--~(Vlyo, Ujo-~o), vjo).

Since max {11 z + w II 2 II z - w II 2}>__ II z II 2+ il w II2, one has

2 >- D2n(g)
D2n 2 1 ILf(xo)-U~xoII 2 + II U2xo 112+ilcg
>-- -~( I _ ~ 0 _ U3xo ii 2

+ II vlyO II 2 + II V2yo-f(yo)II 2 + II Vsyo II 2 )

> Dn2 + [i-~Xo-

1 ~¢ 2 u3xo II 2.

Thus, one arrives to

2 2 2
D2n >- Dn + I[ U3Xo [[
2 2 1 1
D2n >- Dn + 11--Xo-~Z>--Xo II.
2 v~

Now, 1 = 11Xo II
-< II u3,/-2~0 II + II Xo - u3.,,,/~o il
= M2 II U3xoII + 2 II (1/2)Xo - U3(llwr2)xo II;
but if a and b are such that 1 _< x/2a+2b then either a or b is greater than or equal
to ( 2 + 4 2 ) -1 []

To finish with the construction, choose a sequence gn ~ Bn of functions such

88 3. Classical Banach spaces

that dist(gre Ln) goes to infinity, let X n be the twisted sum

ln2t72~ , n
Xn = ~2 "~gnl2
n 2
and let Yn = 12 • The space

contains the subspace

that is isometric to/2, and such that

Z = ( E n Zn)2
is also isometric to l2. The space X is not isomorphic to /2 since Y is not
complemented in X. []

The approach of Kalton and Peck

Consider E a normed space of sequences with the following properties:

i) the space ~o of finite sequences is dense in E;

ii) IIen II = 1;
iii) i f s ~ l~ and x E E then IIsx II --- IIs II ~ IIx II~;
iv) IIx II ~ -< IIx II
A method to obtain quasi-linear maps E ---, E was given by Kalton and Peck.
They start with a tipschitz map q~: • --, R such that ¢ ( t ) = 0 for t_<0, pass to a
quasi-additive (to be defined) function in so (the space of finite sequences) and then
to a quasi-linear map in the completion of so, i.e., in E.

A quasi-additive m a p f i s a map (not necessarily homogenous) that is symmetric,

in the sense that f ( - x ) = - f i x ) , and continuous at O, in the sense that lim t __,of(tx)
= 0, and such that for some K > 0 and all points x, y, verifies

II f ( x + y ) - f ( x ) - f l Y ) l] < K(llxll + Ilyll)

Step 1. A lipschitz map (9: R --, I~ with lipschitz constant L4~ induces a quasi-additive
function f: so --, E of constant L4~ log 2 by the formula

f(x)(n) = x(n)ch(-Iog [x(n) l)

where f(x)(n) = 0 if x(n) = O.
Palais problem - The approach of Kalton and Peck 89

Proof. One only needs the pointwise estimate

If (x)(k) + fly)(k) - f (x+y)(k)[ <_ L4~Ix(k) +y(k)[ log 2.

and the lattice structure of E []

Step 2. A quasi-additive function f: ~o~ E induces a quasi-linear map F: ~o--, E by

the formula

f(x) = ]]x II f ( x~ IIx II ),

Proof. Observe that if f: R ---, E is a quasi-additive map then it is bounded on
compact sets, i.e., if a _<b then

supt ~ ta, bl Ii:~0 II < ~:

since otherwise there must be some sequence (t,,) in [a, b] convergent to some point
t and such that il f (in) II > n. We shall show that fit) does not exist: let K be the
constant o f f ; since

[[f(t) - f (t-tn) - f (tn) [I -< K(lt-tnl + Itnl) <-- K(2b-a)

one has

II f(tn)[[ -< K(2b-a) + Ilf(t)II + II f(t--tn)II-

Taking limits when n --, oo, the quasi-additivity o f f makes 1[ f ( t - t n ) [[ ---, 0

and this leads to 2n - K(2b-a) <_ [If(t) [[ for large n: an absurd.

This simple argument does not show, however, that i f f ( a ) = f ( b ) = 0 the bound
f o r f o n a given interval [a,b] only depends on its constant K and on the space E.
Let us show this. Without loss of generality we shall work on [0,1]. That f ( 0 ) = 0
is consequence of the quasi-additivity o f f , and we assume that fl l ) = 0. With this,
one can inductively prove

Ilf(2-(n+l>)ll _ K2 ('<> +2-* Ilf(2-")II.

Now the estimate in 1.6 can be used to obtain

[If(~n2-n)ll -< K ~ n2-n + [[~n f(2-n)[1 •

where the second summand can be inductively estimated by

1 -n÷l
It~ n f (2 -n ) 1[ _< ~ , , l{f (2 -n )11 -< ~ n K 2 -n + 2 ~ n tlf (2 ) 11

1 1
< ~,~ K2 -n + 2 ~ , , K2-n+l + _ ~ , , Hf(2-n+2)[t

90 3. Classical Banach spaces

To finish, write an element t 6 [0, 1] as t = ~-,n -6n

- where 6n is 0 or 1.
Returning to the proof, observe that the quasi-additive map t --,fit)_~e (1) takes
the value 0 at 0 and 1. Now, if f: ~p --, E is a quasi-additive map, composition with
the linear map t --, tx/l] x II gives a quasi-additive map R --, E with the same constant
a s f l t ) - 0 e ( 1 ) and thus bounded on [0, 1] by some bound M that only depends on
K and E and not on the point x:

suPtE[o,1] IIf ( tx/llxll) - t f (x/Ilx[I) < M .

Thus, since Ilxll + IlYU -< 1 implies II x + y !t _ 1 and I[ x l] ~ 1, one has

IIF(x + y ) - f (x + y) II <_M,

11F(x)- f (x) 11_<M, and

Ilf(x+y)-f(x)-f(y) tl <_K (by the quasi-additivity o f f ) .

All this yields

IIF(x + y) - F(x) - F(y) II -<

<- HF(x+Y)-flx+Y)II + II F(x)-j~x)II ÷ II F(Y)-flY)II + K

<_3M + K. []

Quasi-linear maps can be extended from dense subspaces:

Step 3. A quasi-linear map D: Z 0 --, Y defined on a dense subspace of Z can be

extended to a quasi-linear map H: Z --, Y.

Proof. The quasi-linear map D allows one to construct the twisted sum Y@D Zo,
which can be completed as a quasi-normed space X. It is not hard to verify that X
is a twisted sum of Y and Z. The quasi-Banach space X is thus equivalent to a
twisted sum Y@F Z for some quasi-linear map F: Z--, Y. Therefore, for some linear
continuous map T one has the commutative diagram:

0--,Y ~ X --, Z - - , 0

II ~ 7" II
0 --, Y--, Y~F Z---~ Z ---~ 0

which means that for some linear map A: Z --, Y the operator T has the form

T(y, z ) = ( y + A z , z);
Palais problem - The approach of Kalton and Peck 91

therefore, for z ~ Z 0

IIAz+~z-Dz II -< II Az+Fz-Oz II + II z II

= II (Az+Fz, Z)II
= tl T(Fz, z)II
- II Zll II (Fz, z)11

Thus, defining H(z) =D(z) when z ~ Z 0 and H(z) =F(z) +A(z)otherwise, the map
H is a quasi-linear extension of D to Z. []

Now, the most delicate point appears: as we already know, the twisted sums
Y@F Z and Y ~ G Z are equivalent if and only if F and G are related by some
linear (not necessarily continuous) map A in the form: F - G - A is bounded on the
unit ball. When F and G come induced by Lipschitz maps q5 and ff as above, how
is the equivalence expressed in terms of the Lipschitz maps?

Assume that E satisfies an

Additional assmnption
[¥] No subsequence of the canonical basis (en) is equivalent to the
canonical basis of cO

then one has that if E~ is the twisted sum of E with E with respect to the quasi-
linear map induced by q5 in the form explained so far then

Proposition 3.1.a. The twisted sums E¢ and E¢, are equivalent if and only if

suPt ~ R ]qS(t) - ~(t) l < co.

Proof It is easy to see that, by the definition of F and G,

II F(x)- G(x) II -< supt ¢ R I~(t) - l~(t) I II x 11

and thus E~ and Eg, are equivalent if ~b-g, is bounded (choice A =0) .

To obtain the converse implication, assume that E4, and E f are equivalent, i.e.,
for some linear map A: E --, E, the difference F - G - A is bounded on the unit ball
by some constant, say M. Then since F(en) = G(e,~) = O, IIAen 1[~ -< I1Aen 1[E -< M.
Since bounded sequences in loo admit pointwise convergent subsequences, it is
possible to obtain increasing sequences of integers (n(k)) k and (re(k)) k such that
(A(en(k)--%(k))) is pointwise convergent to 0. Taking into account that (en) is a
92 3. Classical Banach spaces

Schauder basis for E, a gliding hump technique allows one to select a subsequence
(fn) of (en(k)-em(k))k and an increasing sequence (Pn) of indices such that

(1) IlAfn - ~ n p . _ l . l (Afn (k))egll < 2 -n

(2) support fn = { qn .rn } C {Pn_l+l ..... Pn }"

Define now an auxiliary (linear) map B: span ~n}n ~ N-" E by

Bfn = (Afn)(qn)eq, ' + (Afn)(rn)er .

One has:

[IBfnll ~ ~ I[BfnlIE = IlX{qn,rn}AfnllE

IlZfn lle
~( ][ZeqnllE+ ][Aer~]lE)

and, since the support of Bfn coincides with the support Offn ,

Infnl <- MILl,

Let x = ]~1 <_n<N tnfn E span~}; then clearly
It,,t ~ ilxll ~---tlxl} e
and thus

][A(~n=ltnfn)-~nn=l tn Bfn lIE

[]~n=l tnAfn- ~/n=l n ~k=pn_l+l (Afn(k))ek[[E
t n

--< ~ n = l Itn[ [tAfn-~P~_l+l(Afn(k))ek[lE

< (~n=12-n)maXn<_N]tn]

-< Ilxlle.

Palais problem - The approach of Kalton and Peck 93

II F(x) - G<x) - ~ = x t n B L IIE ~ I1F(x) - G(x) - Ax + Ax - ~f.=x tn By•, IIE

___ (M + 1)Ilxll.

Hence, if s n =fl +... +fn then

IIF(sn) - C,(sn) - ~ = x By,, II--- (M÷l)llxll.

Now, observe that if 1 < k < n then

F(Sn)(k) = IIs~ Ilf( ~ )(k) = qb( -log ) -- ~ ( log IISn II),

and thus

F(Sn) - G(sn) = ( qS(log II Sn II ) - ~0og IIs,, II) )Sn"

Since tl Ill II E ---- II X II E one has

IIf(Sn) - G(Sn) - ~ = t B fn II =

= II I ~ (log IISn II) - ~ ( log IISn II) Sn - ~ = ~ Bfn I 11E

>-II 14~(l°gllsnll) - ~(l°gllsnll)llsnt -~n=l Iefn [ lIE,

and this yields

I[ IqS(l°g [[Sn [[) - ~b(log [[s n [I)t I Sn 1 - 2M1Sn I [[

--- II I~(logllsnll) - ~(logllsnll)lls~l - ~,,=~ 18f~ t lie

<- ( M + l ) llsnllE,

which gives

(14)(logllsnll)-~(logllsnll) I -ZM)Is,,t - (M+l)fsnl •

Now the additional hypothesis [ ¥ ] goes at work: if no subsequence of (e n ) is

equivalent to the canonical basis of co then sup ][s n 11; + ~o, Moreover,
94 3. Classical Banach spaces

IIsn+111 ~ [Is~ II + IlL< II IIs,,+111 +2

and thus, for large n,

log II Sn+l II ~ log [[ Sn l] + 1

and so

log II Sn+l II - l o g II sn II ~ 1.
If t is a positive real number and s n is chosen so that

log ]]s,,[I < t < log IlSn+lll


1(9(t)-~(t)t < l qS(l°gllSn+l II)- (9(l°glls,,il) I + I (9(logllsnll)-~(loglls,,ji) t

_<L,/,( log 1[S.+l II - log IIs,, II) + I (9(log [Is,, [I)-~(log IIs,, II)l
_< 1 ~- [(9(log I1st, H)-~b(log IISn I])] •

In other words,

( 9 - ~ is bounded if and only if ((9(log IISn II) - ~b(log IISn l[ ) )n is bounded.

But the boundedness of ((9(log IISn II) - ~(log IISntl )). can be obtained as

If 1(9(log IIs. il) - ~(log I1Sn II)1 --<2M then there is nothing to prove. If not,
the estimate

(l(9(logllsnll)-ff(loglls,,ll)l-2M) ISnl --< (M+X)Isnt

yields [(9(logllsnll)-~(loglls,,ll) I ~ 2M+M+ 1. []

Therefore, a non trivial twisted sum of Hilbert spaces can be obtained starting
with any unbounded Lipschitz real function. Since Hilbert spaces are B-convex, the
twisted sum can be renormed to be a Banach space. Since the short sequence does
not split, the twisted sum is not trivial and, afortiori, it is not a Hilbert space.

Weak Hilbert spaces

Refinements of the notion of Hilbert space have been introduced by Pisier [294] and
named weak Hilbert and asymptotically Hilbert spaces. In [257], Mascioni observes
that an Orlicz sequence space lM is weak Hilbert if and only if it is isomorphic to
3SP problems related to lp structure 95

l 2 ; i.e., if M is an Orlicz function equivalent to f l x ) = x 2. Since the space Z2

contains an Orlicz sequence subspace which is not a Hilbert space: that spanned by
(O,en)n (see the next paragraph), it follows that Z2 is not a weak Hilbert space.

Theorem 3.1.b. To be a weak Hilbert space is not a 3SP.

Twisted Hiibert spaces. A question that seems to be out of reach emerged

from several conversations with D. Yost [365]

Question. Is the property of being a twisted sum of Hilbert spaces a 3SP property?

3.2 3SP problems related to lp spaces

The approach of Kalton and Peck (and, of course, that of Enflo, Lindenstrauss and
Pisier) works for any other lp space 1 <p < oo.

Let ~: R --- R be the lipschitz function defined by qS(t)= t when t > 0 and ~b(t)=0
otherwise. Following 3.1, q5 induces the quasi-linear map F: lp --, lp given by F(x)
= II x II f (x/[I x [I ) where f(x)(n) =x(n) qS(-log Ix(n) I). This means that

Let us call Zp the corresponding twisted sum. That the Kalton-Peck space Zp is
not isomorphic to lp can be seen looking at the sequence ylz=(O, en) n, which
satisfies the estimate

Note that this estimate already implies that the sequence (0, en) n is weakly null.

Kalton and Peck even proved [213] that Zp admits no complemented subspace
spanned by an unconditional basic sequence. Thus, the following result has been

Theorem 3.2.a. To be isomorphic to a normable sequence space E satisfying the

properties O-iv) and such that no subsequence of the canonical basis is equivalent
to the usual basis of cO is not a 3SP property.

In particular

Theorem 3.2.b. To be isomorphic to lp is not a 3SP property for 1 < p < oo .

96 3. Classical Banach spaces

A singular instance to which this result applies is Tsirelson spaces (see [53]). It
would be interesting to know the structure of twisted sums of Tsirelson-like spaces.

If one asks what happens for c o (when the method does not provide a way to
decide if the twisted sum splits) or l 1 (for which we already know that non-locally
convex twisted sums of l 1 exist), the solution of the 3SP problem follows from
universal properties:

T h e o r e m 3.2.c. To be isomorphic to l 1, l~ or cO is a 3SP property.

case l 1: the space l 1 is projective and thus the kernel of any quotient map X --,
11 is a complemented subspace of X.

case l~ : the space l~o is injective and thus complemented wherever it is found.

case Co: if Y and X/Y are isomorphic to c 0, X must be separable (a 3SP

property) and Y must be complemented (Sobczyk's theorem, see [354]).f~

Not containing lp ; and lp saturated spaces.

Theorem 3.2.d. For 1 <_p < co the property of not having, subspaces isomorphic
to lp, and the property of being lp-saturated are 3SP properties. Analogously, for
1 <p < co, the properties of not having quotients isomorphic to lp, and the property
of having all quotients lp-saturated are 3SP properties.

Proof All the cases altogether follow from the method of incomparability 2.8: since
the space lp is minimal, taking A = {spaces isomorphic to Ip} one obtains that A(i)
and A(ii) must be 3SP space ideals. Observe that lp is also co-minimal for
1 < p < co. The case p = 1 could also follow from method 2.4.b. and Rosenthal's
l I theorem.

T h e o r e m 3.2.e. The property of not having subspaces or quotients isomorphic to

c o and the property of being Co-Saturated, or having all quotients Co-Saturated are
3SP properties.

Proof It is a well-known result of Bessaga and Pelczynski that a Banach space X

does not contain c O if and only if weakly 1-summable sequences are norm
convergent. An elementary form of lifting results proves that this is a 3SP property.
See 6.1 for details. The space co is minimal and co-minimal, and thus the results
can be obtained by incomparability. []

These results have been obtained in the context of Fr6chet spaces by Diaz [83].
3SP problems related to lp structure 97

Theorem 3.2.f. Not containing copies of loo is a 3SP property.

Proof Let X be a Banach space containing an isomorphic copy of l~ through some

isomorphism J: loo --" X. Let Y be a subspace and q: X --, X/Y the corresponding
quotient map. If X/Y does not contain loo then qJ is weakly compact by a result of
Rosenthal (see [248, 2.f.4]):

I f T: loo -, E is not weakly compact then it is an isomorphism when restricted to a

certain subspace F of lo~ isomorphic to loo.

If qJ is weakly compact then it is completely continuous (by the Dunford-Pettis

property of l~). Since lim ]1qJe n [] = 0 we can assume that ]lqJen ]1 -<K2-(n+l),
where K denotes the basic constant of (Jen)n in X; if we choose elements (Yn)n in
Y so that ]]Jen - Yn 11<-K2-(n+l)' the sequence (Yn)n is basic in Y and spans c0.

Claim: A weakly compact operator loo -, Z is weak*-to-weak continuous when

restricted to loo (M) for certain infinite subset M C H.

This is a re-writing of a result of Drewnowski [101]. Set l¢, = I ~ ( M ) from now

on. For all A C M

qJ(XA) = weak lim ~ n CA qJ(en) .

Let us define an operator T: lo~ --" Y by means of

T(XA) = J(XA) + weak lim ~ n EA (yn-Jen)

Since [[ T H_< 1 + 1/2, T can be extended to the whole loo. It takes values on Y
because qT=O. The operator T is an isomorphism since

]] TXA [] = ]] TXA - JXA + JXA 1] ~ ]]JXA ][ - 1](T-J)(XA)][ >-- 1 - _1 = ~ .

2 2

The proof here presented is a version of Drewnowski and Roberts unpublished

one [104]. An immediate consequence is the following result of Lindenstrauss and
Rosenthal [248, 2.f. 13]: Let Y be a subspace of loo such that l~o/Y is reflexive. Then
Y has a subspace isomorphic to l~o.

TO be a snbspace of c O o r 1oo. Johnson and Zippin [196] observe

Theorem 3.2.g. To be a subspace of co is a 3SP property

Proof If Y and X/Y are subspaces of c0, they are separable and so is X. Since co
is complemented in any separable space containing it, the isomorphism into Y --, co
extends to an operator T: X ~ c0. If j: X / Y - , co denotes the isomorphism into and
98 3. Classical Banach spaces

q: X --, X / Y is the quotient map, it is easy to verify that T~jq: X --, CoeC o is an
isomorphism into. []

The same proof without separability restrictions provides the first part of

Theorem 3.2.h. To be a subspace of l~ is a 3SP property. To be a quotient of lo~

is not a 3SP property.

while the second part is proved in 5.2l.c, where it is shown that Z2 is not a
quotient of loo.

Some interesting questions can be formulated:

Questions. Is "to be a subspace of 11" a 3SP property ? Is "not having l~o as a

quotient" a 3SPproperty ? For this last question see after 4.19.e. Also, observe that
"having l~ as a quotient" is equivalent to "having ll(C01) as a subspace". So, one
is asking whether the incomparability methods in chapter 2 extend to the
nonseparable case.

Local properties. Rakov passes in [302] to study the corresponding super-

properties, and observes that it follows from Krivine's theorem [235] that

super-(not containing lp) = not containing lp uniformly,

in the sense that for every sequence (Xn) of n-dimensional subspaces of X one has:

lira d(X n, l ; ) = o..

It follows that all of them are 3SP properties.

Theorem 3.2.i. Not containing l ; uniformly is a 3SP property for 1 <_p <_oo.

3.2.j. B-convexity (K-convexity). For p= 1, it was proved by Pisier

in [289] that not containing l J-uniformly is equivalent to K-convexity as defined in
[258]. Giesy defined in [130] B-convexity as follows: a Banach space is said to be
B-(k,e) convex if k - l b k < _ ( 1 - e ) , i.e., if given elements x 1..... x k in the unit ball
there is a choice of signs so that It +Xl+Xz..-+-xkl] _<k(1-e). Therefore,

super-{ not containing 1i} = B-convexity = K-convexity,

and thus

Theorem 3.2.k. B-convexity is a 3SP property.

This result was proved by Giesy [130, Thin. 9] in the context of Banach spaces
and extended by Kalton [203] to locally bounded spaces (see 1.5.i).
3SP problems related to lp structure 99

3.2.1 C - c o n v e x i t y . For p = +
super-{not containing Co} = not containing Ioo-uniformly = C-convexity
• n
of Rakov [301] i.e.: limn~o~ mfd(Xn,lo~):co. Thus:
T h e o r e m 3.2.m. C-convexity is a 3SP property.

Since super-{not containing Co} = finite cotype, this argument appears in [90]
to prove that finite cotype is a 3SP property: Let U be a nontrivial ultrafilter. If in
the short exact sequence 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 both Y and Z have finite cotype then
their ultrapowers YU and X U do not contain c 0, and since the sequence 0 --, YU --"
X U Z U --, 0 is exact, X U does not contain c o and X has finite cotype.

Question. Is having finite cotype an open property? An affirmative answer would

provide an alternative proof for this last result.

Kislyakov [221] defines the RMp property (after Rosenthal and Maurey),
2 < p < oo, of a space X when for all C > 0 and all n E N there are operators
n n
T 1 E L ( l p , X ) , T2EL(X,I n) in such a way that T2 T 1 = i d ' l ; - - , l~. and
[I 1"1 II II T2 11 -< C could be understood as a kind of "containing/pn uniformly
complemented." In fact, f o r p = dO that is exactly what it is. He announces that Not
having the RMp is a 3SP property.

3.3 The 3SP problem for p-spaces

The spaces Zp constructed so far provide counterexamples for some other weaker
forms of "being an lp space."

Let 1 < p < oo. A Banach space X is said to be an ~£p-space if for every finite
dimensional subspace F of X there is a finite dimensional subspace G of X such that
FC G and the Banach-Mazur distance d(G, l p) <K, where n =dim G and K is
some fixed constant depending only of X. Recall that the Banach-Mazur distance
between two isomorphic spaces X and Y is defined by

d(X, Y)= log inf{ll T II II T1 II: 7": x--, Y is an isomorphism}.

The properties of ~p-Spaces we shall need can be seen in [247] and are:

(1) A Banach space X is a ~£p-Space (1 < p < oo) if and only if X* is a ~£p.-
(2) Any complemented subspace of a ~p-space is a ~p-Space.
(3) For some constant K depending only on the ~p-Space X and for any finite
100 3. Classical Banach spaces

dimensional subspace F of X there is a finite dimensional subspace E of X

containing E and complemented with projection of norm < K.

Therefore, taking into account that if one replaces 2 by any other 1 < p < oo the
arguments that show that projections onto Yn have norm greater than or equal to
C(logn) lip remain valid with the estimate C(logn) I/p, one has

Theorem 3.3.a. To be a ~p-Space is not a 3SP property for 1 < p < oo.

The cases p = 1, oo were solved by Lindenstrauss and Rosenthal [247]:

Theorem 3.3.b. To be an ~p-Space is a 3SP property for p = l, co.

Proof Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be an exact sequence in which Y and Z are ~1-
spaces. Since injectivity is a 3SP property, dual injective is also a 3SP. But it turns
out that ~l-spaces are dual injective: if Y is an ~1-space there is a factorization Y
--- Ll(/Z) ---, Y** of the canonical injection of Y into F** through some space Ll(/X).
The dual factorization yields that F* is a complemented subspace Of Ll(~t)* and thus
injective. This implies that X* is a ~ - s p a c e and thus X is a ~l-space.

The proof for ~ o - s p a c e s follows by duality. []

A different approach was made by Jarchow [184]: the identifications

~1-spaces = space ([o~r1 o K] o K -1),

~oo-Spaces = space (K -1 o [Ko ~Sr])

and the method 2.7 prove that they are 3SP ideals.

3.4 3SP problems for Lp-spaces

Regarding function spaces, one has:

Theorem 3.4.a. To be isomorphic to Lp(O, 1) is not a 3SP property for 1 < p < oo,

Proof Taking into account that Lp = Ip @ Lp = Lp @ Lp, observe the exact sequence

O ~ lp~Lp --->Z p ~ L p @ L p ~ lp~Lp --->O. []

Theorem 3.4.b. To be isomorphic to LI(/~) is a 3SP property.

Proof. Let 0 --, Ll(/Z) ----X--, LI(/~) ~ 0 be an exact sequence. Since ~l-spaces are
dual injective, the dual sequence splits and so does the bidual sequence. On the
other hand, an Ll(/~)-space is complemented in its bidual, so in X** and then in X.
The 3SP problem for Lp spaces 101

Thus the sequence 0 --, Ll(/~ ) --, X --, Ll(/Z) --, 0 splits and X is isomorphic to
Li(/x) OLi(/z) which, by general representation theorems is isomorphic to LI(/Z)E3

Problem. Is the property of not containing subspaces isomorphic to Lp(O, 1),

1 <p < co ; p ~ 2, a 3SP property?

The 3SP problem for not containing L 1 raised in [246] was answered negatively
by Talagrand [342].

Theorem 3.4.c. Not containing L 1 is not a 3SP property.

Actually, Talagrand proved:

Theorem 3.4.d. There exist two subspaces (isomorphic to ll-SUmS of subspaces

isomorphic to l 1 ) of L 1, X 1 and X 2, such that L1/X 1 and L1/X2 do not contain L 1,
and such that L1/X 1 × L1/X 2 contains L 1.

The proof of Talagrand is a masterpiece that combines an abstract frame with

very delicate hard-analysis constructions from which we can only give a

Faint sketch of proof:

First portion of the proof: An abstract setting. Let k denote the measure of
Lebesgue and ~ the a-algebra of measurable sets. Let E' c E be an atomless
subalgebra and A E ~' with X(A)> 0; L1, 0(A, ~') denotes the space of E'-medible
functions that vanish outside A and such that J f dR = 0. One of the main
technical devices used in [342] is a result of Rosenthal [314, Thm. 1.1]:

Proposition 3.4.e. Let T: L 1 ---,E be an operator that fixes a copy of L 1. There exist
> O, ~' c E atomless, A E ~' with X(A) > 0 such that, for a l l f E L i , o(A, ~'),

II T f [1 >_ 6 II f II 1
In the particular case that E is a quotient L1/X o f L 1 and T is the quotient map:

Corollary 3.4.f. They are equivalent:

i) the quotient map L 1 --, L1/X does not fix copies of L1;
ii) for all ~5>0, E' c ~ atomless and A E ~' with X(A) >__ 0 there exist f E
L1, o(A, ~') and g E X such that
Ilflll>_ and Il f - g [l l <_
The set up is completed when Talagrand [342, Prop. 4.4] shows:

Proposition 3.4.g. Let q: X --, Z be a quotient map. Assume that Z satisfies the
following abstract condition: there is a constant K > 0 and there is a method A to
associate to each sequence (Yn) of elements of some set q - l ( z ) ) ~ B a l l ( X ) with
102 3. Classical Banach spaces

I[ z ][ -<- 1, an element o f X in such a way that:

1) if two sequences are eventually the same, their image by A is the same.
2) II A((,Yn)n)1t -< K.
3) q(h((Yn)n)) = Z.
4) A ( 1 (x n + Yn)n) = t [A((Xn)n) + A((Yn)n)]-

I f Z contains a copy o f L 1 then q fixes a copy o f L 1 .

Second portion: The construction of X 1 y X2. The hard-analysis part of the proof
is the construction of a sequence (Cn) of families of functions C n =(In, k)k so that

f o r every E' c E atomless and f o r every A ~ P,' with XA >__ 2 - n there

exist f E L1, o(A, ~ ' ) and fn ' k E C n such that

llflll>-- Y Ilf-fn, kHl<-2 -n.

If H n denotes the closed linear span of (Cn, k)k' set

X 1 = span OnH2n a n d X 2 = span UnH2n+l.

Proposition 4.1 of [342] shows that the spaces H n are isomorphic to l 1 while
Proposition 4.2 of [342] shows that the spaces X1 and X2 are isomorphic to/l-sums
of the corresponding H n. This means that neither X 1 nor X2 contain copy of L t.
That the product L I / X 1 x L 1 / X 2 contains L 1 follows from the fact [342, p.21] that
the natural map

L 1 ---, L 1 / X 1 X L 1 / X 2

given by f --, ( f + X t , f + X 2 ) is an into isomorphism.

T h i r d portion: The end. The quotient spaces L 1 / X 1 and L 1 / X 2 do not contain L 1 .

In what follows we write X to denote X 1 or X2. Consider the following diagram

0 --, X ~ L 1 --, L1/X --, 0

J * ~ II
0 - - , l 1 --, 0 ~ E /l 1 ~ 0

where j: X --, l 1 is a suitable defined map and O is the push-out of j and the
inclusion i: X --, L 1. As we know, L 1 / X is isomorphic to O/l 1 . Talagrand shows that
O/l 1 does not contain L 1 by proving:

i) O does not contain L1; and

ii) the quotient map p: O -, 0 / l 1 verifies conditions 1-4 of 3.4.g. []
The 3SP problem for C(K) spaces - Stone compacts 103

3.5 3SP problems for C(K) spaces

Three-space problems for C(K) spaces seems to be a topic widely open. The
following result is classical.

Theorem 3.5.a. Not containing an isomorphic copy C[0, 1] is a 3SP property.

Proof The proof follows and analogous schema as for l~. Let 0 ---, Y--, X ---, Z ---
0 be a short exact sequence and let L: C[0, 1] ~ X be an isomorphic embedding.
In this case no Diestel-Faires result is available since C[0, 1] admits spaces such as
cO as quotients. The proof therefore relies on a property of the operator qJ different
from weak compactness. Consider first the space C[0, 1] written as C(A), where
/x denotes the Cantor set. Let T: C(A) ---, Z be a continuous operator. Here is the
key property:

(*) For every s > 0 and for every clopen nonempty subset A C/x there is s o m e f
C(A) with I]fll = 1 and IITfll <-e.

Property (*) is strictly weaker than the property of not being invertibte on any
infinite dimensional subspace of C(A), but it is however strong enough to guarantee
the possibility of producing, for every e > 0, an (isometrically) equivalent copy (en)
of the Haar basis of C(A) so that ~n II Ten II < e [246, Prop. 2.1].

Now, either qJ satisfies (*) or not. If it does not, qJ is clearly an isomorphism

when restricted to C(A) for some clopen set A. If qJ satisfies (*), it is possible to
select (en) so that (Jen) is a basic sequence in X equivalent to the Haar basis of
C(A), with basis constant K, and such that ~II qJen I[ < (2K) - I . Therefore, it is
possible to find elements (Yn) such that E IIYn - Jen l] < (2K)- 1. The sequence (Yn)
is a basic sequence in Y equivalent to (en) and thus spanning C(A). []

This result can be found in [246], where the 3SP problem for "not containing
LI" was raised.

Problems. The 3SP problem for C(K) spaces can be formulated as: Is every
extension of C(K1) and C(K2) a space C(K) for some compact space K'? If so, when
is K = K 1UK2? When does a twisted sum of C(K) spaces split?

A basic technique to construct compact spaces is described now.

Stone compacts. Let Z be an algebra of subsets on N containing the class

Py(N) of all finite subsets of N. Let K~ be the subspace of {0, 1}~ (product
topology) formed by all Boolean homomorphism; i.e., applications h ~ {0, 1}2
such that
104 3. Classical Banach spaces

h(A) -- 1 - h ( N - A )
h(A U B) = max{h(A), h(B)}
h(A ~ B) = m i n { h ( A ) , h(B)}.

The space K~ is closed since all conditions are, and thus ~ is a compact space
whose topology is generated by the clopen sets A c ~. By Stone's representation
theorem, the space C(K~) is generated by the characteristic functions of the sets in

Identifying each n E N with the Boolean homomorphism 6n E ~ given by

6n(A)= 1 i f n E A and ~n(A)=0 i f n q ~ A , one obtains a copy of N in K~. This copy
is dense: given A 1..... A n E ~ defining an open set V={6 E ~ • /5(Ai)=l,
1 < i _<n} (if the condition is 6(A) = 0 then it can be replaced by 6(NL4) = 1) one must
have A I f3 ... (qA n # ~i; if k is a point in the intersection then 6k E V. Therefore
K~ can be considered as a compactification of N.

Moreover, the embedding c o --, C(K~) given by e n ~ 16n is an isometry into.

We shall always refer to this copy of co . It is not difficult to see that there is an
isometry C ( KE ) / co = C (K,~\N). Thus, there is an exact sequence

0 ---, c o ---, C(K~) --, C(K~\NO --, O.

The 3SP problem for C(K) spaces. The 3 S P problem for C(K) spaces
has a negative answer as it was observed by F. Cabello [45].

Theorem 3,5.b. To be isomorphic to a C(K)-space is not a 3 S P p r o p e r t y .

P r o o f Let 0: f 3 N - N - - , / 3 N - N be an identification of the natural copy of i 3 N - N

inside 13N with 13N- N. Let K the disjoint union of/3N a n d / 3 N - N. Given 0 < z < 1,

Xr = V ~ C(K) " A U ) = zf(O(V)) , U ~ ~ N - r ~ }.

This construction is due to Benyamini [22], who shows that X1/r is not 0-
isomorphic to a complemented subspace of a C(K) space in the following sense: if
T: X1/r --, C(K) is an into isomorphism and P is a projection of C(K) onto TX1/r
then i[ TIi II 7"-1 l[ [[ P I[ -> 1/z. Obviously, X r is 1/r-isomorphic to lo~.


X = cO ( X 1 , X I / 2 . . . . . X1/n .... ).

After the result of Benyamini it is clear that X is not isomorphic to a

complemented subspace of a C(K)-space. Observe that co is isometric to the natural
copy of cO inside X r, and in such a way that Xr/C o is isometric to C(/3N- NO. Thus,
The 3 S P problem for C(IO spaces - Stone compacts 105

c o = Co(Co) is isometric to a subspace of X in such a way that X t c o is isometric to

c o ( l ~ / c o ) , which is isomorphic to C(N* × ( 3 N - N)). Therefore, there exists a short
exact sequence

O ---, c o --- X --, C(N* x ( 3 N - N)) ~ 0

where X is not isomorphic to a C(K) space. []

The algebraic part of the construction is simple; if V 0 is the pull back of the
quotient map q: l ~ ~ l ~ / c 0 and a dilation Oid: l ~ / c 0 ---, l ~ / c 0 then one obtains the

0 ~ c o ~ l ~ ---, l ~ / c 0 --+ 0

t[ '~ t e id

o - - , Co --, Vo - . l M c o - , O

which shows that V0 is 0-1-isomorphic to l~. The space X = c0(V 1 ..... V1/n . . . . )
provides the desired exact sequence.

Moreover, since V o is a pull-back, the sequence

0 ---, V o - , c o x l ~ / c o --, l = / c o ---, 0

is also exact. Therefore there is an exact sequence

0 .o X ~ C(K) --, C(D) ---, 0

where X is not a C(K)-space.

Several partial results that can be mentioned: i) I f K is a m e t r i z a b l e c o m p a c t

space, a n y s h o r t s e q u e n c e 0 ~ c o -~ X ---, C(lO -~ 0 splits (Sobczyk, see [354]). ii)
The s e q u e n c e 0 ~ C[0, cq] --, C([0, c01]U [0, c0t]) ---- C[0, c01] --, 0 splits (although
C[0, col] and C[0, col] x C[0, col] are not isomorphic) (Semadeni, see also 3.6.b in
appendix 3.6). iii) If K = [0, 1] x {0, 1} with the lexicographical order topology then
C(K) =D[0, 1]. A n y exact s e q u e n c e 0 - , c O --, C(IO --, Z --, 0 with i i s o m e t r y into,
splits a n d is e q u i v a l e n t to 0 --, c O ~ C(K) ---, C(K) --, 0 ([278]). iv) Let D be a
metrizable subspace of a compact space K and let J = { f ~ C(K) : f ( D ) =0}. E v e r y
short exact s e q u e n c e 0 ~ J ~ C ( K ) -~ C ( D ) ~ 0 splits (Pelczynski, see [162]).
Even when D is not metrizable the dual sequence splits (and with the/1-norm; i.e.,
J is an M-ideal of C(K); see [162] for all information about M-ideals).
Appendix 3.6

Banach spaces not

isomorphic to their square
Banach posed in [15] the following questions:

i) Is every infinite dimensional Banach space X isomorphic to its product X x R

by the real line?

ii) Is every infinite dimensional Banach space X isomorphic to its square XxX?.

The first question asks if every closed subspace of codimension one of X is

isomorphic to X and so it has been known as the hyperplaneproblem. The solution
to this problem did not come until recently when Gowers [154] answered it in the
negative. Let us first make some comments on the second question.

Two negative answers appeared to the second question almost simultaneously in

[24] and [326]. Those examples are interesting for us because given a space X not
isomorphic to its square, the class Banach spaces isomorphic to X fails the 3SP
property in a rather strong way. Trivial examples of Banach spaces not isomorphic
to their square are finite dimensional spaces (in fact, some of the infinite
dimensional examples are based in this one). It is an obvious observation that if X*
(or X**/JO is not isomorphic to its square, neither is X.

Proposition 3.6.a. [24] If X is quasi-reflexive, non-reflexive and Y is weakly

sequentially complete then X and X x Y are not isomorphic to their square.

Proof. The case of X follows immediately from the fact that X**/X is finite
dimensional, hence, X is not isomorphic to its square. For the other case, observe
that if BI(X ) denote as in 2.3.b the subspace of those elements of X** that are
weak*-limits of sequences of elements of X then

dim BI(Xx Y)/Xx Y = dim X**/X. []

With this, one obtains as in [24] that the following spaces are not isomorphic to
Banach spaces not isomorphic to their square 107

their squares: James' space J, since it is quasi-reflexive; J x C[0, l] since J* is

quasi-reflexive and C[O, 1]* is weakly sequentially complete. Spaces X such that
X**/X is isomorphic J cannot be isomorphic to their square. Another example more
elaborate appears in [326]:

Proposition 3.6.b. The space C[0, co1] is not isomorphic to its square.

Proof. Let
SI(X) = { F c X** : F is weak* sequentially continuous};

equivalently, the kernel of F is weak* sequentially closed. It will be enough to show

that St(C[0, col])/C[0, cot] is one-dimensional. Note that C[0, cot]* = / I [ 0 , o0i] and
thus C[0, col]**=l~o[0, col]"

Claim. The element I~01 ~ C[0, col]** defined by l~l(f ) = f (cot) belongs to
St(C[0, cos]).
Proof of the Claim. I f f = (f(O0)c~ E ll[0, col] then supp(t)={e~:f(cx)#O} is
countable; hence, suppg) C [0, oe] for some ce < col. The same happens for elements
f ~ Ker( leoz); thus, the union of the supports of a sequence of elements in Ker( 1~ )
is countable and Ker(lco 1) is weak* closed. []

Second Claim: Eve~. F ~ SI(C[0, c01]) is continuous on [0, cos).

Proof of the Second Claim. If F = (F(e0)~ E l~[0, c01] is not continuous on [0, col),
there would be an increasing sequence/31 <B2 < ... </3n<.. convergent to some
/3 < col and such that

limn-~ oo F(/3) = L ~ F(/3).

There is no loss of generality assuming L = 0 and F(~)= 1; if otherwise, replace
F by F+/31. Take the elements f n E lt[0, cot] given by

fm(t3n) =Sm~z, for n = 1, 2 . . . . and frn(cO =0, otherwise.

The sequence (fm) is weak* convergent to the characteristic function of/3; i.e.,
the functional f such that f(/3) = 1 and f(c0 =0, otherwise. Moreover,

limn--, ~o F~n) = L ;e F@ = O.

Hence, F (E SI(C[0, coS])' []

End of the proof of the proposition. For F E SI(C[0, col]) the limit

lim~_~ 1F(.cO
exists, since otherwise there would be an increasing and convergent sequence (13n)
108 3. Classical Banach spaces

in [0, coi) such that (FO3n))n ~ ~ has no limit, in contradiction with the second

Define G(o0=F(oe)for oe < % and G(co1) = limc~_.,% F(c~). One has G ~ C[0,col]

F = G + (F(col)-G(COl))lc01 .

The proposition is proved. [~

A (more complicated) way to obtain spaces not isomorphic to its square is

obtaining real Banach spaces admitting no complex structure. This has been done
by Szarek [335], showing that there exists an infinite dimensional superreflexive
real Banach space that does not admit complex structure. In particular, it is not
isomorphic to the square of any Banach space. Gowers and Maurey [157] show that
there exists a Banach space X isomorphic to X x X × X , but not isomorphic to X×X!

A related problem is that of the existence of real-isomorphic Banach space that

are not complex isomorphic. Kalton in an unpublished manuscript solved the
corresponding isometric problem; i.e., he showed the existence of real isometric
non complex-isometric spaces. Bourgain [35] solved the isomorphic problem
constructing two real-isometric spaces not complex isomorphic. A method using
twisted sums to obtain real isomorphic spaces that are not complex isomorphic was
provided by Kalton [209]:

Sketch of the construction. First of all, observe that twisted sums can be translated
to complex spaces without further difficulties. If l c~]< 1 is a real number and
f~(t) = t I +i~ and Z2(c~) denotes the twisted sum 12(~y l2 constructed with the quasi-
linear map induced by fc~ then a combination of the following simple result

Proposition 3.6.c. The complex conjugate of Z2(c~) is isomorphic to Z2(-c~).

and the following non-trivial one

Proposition 3.6.d. Z2(c~) and Z2(15) are isomorphic if and only if oe=~.

yields the existence of a real Banach space noc isomorphic to its complex conjugate.

About 3SP questions, Kaibkhanov proves in [201] that there exist Banach spaces
Y and Z not isomorphic to their square such that Y x Z is isomorphic to its square
(which also follows from Gowers-maurey space X just mentioned: X is not
isomorphic to X x X w h i l e X × X x X x X i s isomorphic to X x X s i n c e X is isomorphic
to X × X x X. Therefore,

Theorem 3.6.e. The class of Banach spaces not isomorphic to their square has not
Banach spaces not isomorphic to their square 109

the 3SP property

Returning to the hyperplane problem, it is clear that none of the ideas that
worked to distinguish X from X × X is fine enough to distinguish between X and
X×R. The example of Gowers [154] is an adaptation of the space of Gowers-
Maurey [156]: while the latter does not admit unconditional basic sequences, the
former has an unconditional basis. With this setting, the basic tool is the following
result of Casazza [154, Lemma 9].

L e m m a 3.6.f. Let X be a Banach space with a basis with the property that
whenever (Yn) and (Zn) are two sequences such that Yn < Zn < Yn+ l (with respect to
the basis), they are not equivalent. Then X is not isomorphic to any proper

Thus, the (nontrivial) task of Gowers is to verify that a certain Schlumprecht-

like space X with basis can be constructed satisfying the assumptions of the lemma.
Appendix 3.7

Dual Banach spaces

Is the p r o p e r ~ o f b e i n g i s o m o r p h i c to a d u a l s p a c e a 3 S P p r o p e r t y ? A variation of
this problem seems to have been suggested by Vogt [355]. Precisely, Vogt's
question seems to be: i f o n e has a s h o r t exact s e q u e n c e

O --" Y * --" X ---" Z * --" O ,

m u s t this be a d u a l s e q u e n c e ?

In the category of Fr6chet spaces the answer is no, as the following example of
Diaz, Dierolf, Domanski and Fernandez shows [84]: Let E be a Fr6chet Montel
space having a quotient isomorphic to l 1 (see [225]) and let M be the kernel of any
quotient map l 1 --, LI(0, i); M is not complemented in its bidual (see [243]). If q:
E --, l 1 is the quotient map and i: M --, 11 the inclusion, the pull back ~ of {q, i}
determines an exact sequence 0 --, ~ ---, M ~ E --, l 1 -~ O. The pull-back ~ is a dual
space since it is isomorphic to q - I ( M ) , a subspace of a Montel space, again Montel
and thus reflexive. The space M × E is not a dual because it is not complemented
in its bidual.

In the category of Banach spaces the answer is again no. The construction of a
counterexample in full details can be seen in [48]; it is based on a deep
development of the theory of 0-linear maps. We present however an sketch of the
construction. First, let us show a partial positive result (see [84]; and also [48]).

Proposition 3.7.a. I f 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 is a s h o r t exact s e q u e n c e w h e r e Z is

reflexive a n d Y is a d u a l s p a c e then X is a d u a l s p a c e a n d the s e q u e n c e is a d u a l

P r o o f Since 0 ---" Y ---"X ---, Z ---, 0 is exact, the dual sequence is also exact. L e t , Y
denote t h e p r e d u a l o f Y . If W = ( i * ) - l ( , Y ) andj=(i* IW )* , then the diagram

0 ~ Y ~ X --, Z -~ 0

[I + []id

O-~(.Y3* ~ W* ~ Z ~0
j q**
Banach spaces isomorphic to a dual space 111

shows that those two sequences are equivalent.

T h e o r e m 3.7.b. To be i s o m o r p h i c to a d u a l s p a c e is not a 3 S P property.

Proof In [215], it is shown the existence of a nontrivial exact sequence


The bidual sequence

0 -- l2 --" X** ---, l~ -- 0

does not split and thus the dual (of the starting) sequence

0 --" l 1 -'-"X* --" l2 --" 0

does not split. Let Wbe a Banach space such that W** = W O l 1 (see e.g., [176,
244]). The sequence

O ~ W @ I 1 ~ W @ X * ~ I2 - - ' 0

does not split. By 3.7.a, this sequence is dual of some sequence

0 ~ l2 --" , ( W ~ X * ) ~ W * ~ O.

Moreover, the theory developed in [48] shows that this sequence cannot be the
dual sequence of a sequence

0 ~ W---, * * ( W G X * ) - - , l 2 --, 0;

and thus, by results of Brown and Ito [42] (W* has W as its unique isomorphic
predual) it is not dual of any sequence. This answers Vogt's question in the
negative. The middle space in the sequence

O + l2 ~ , ( W G X * ) - ~ W* ~ 0

is not a dual space: otherwise, l2 would be weak*-closed and the bipolar theorem
would imply that it is a dual sequence.

T h e o r e m 3.7.c. To be c o m p l e m e n t e d in its b i d u a l is n o t a 3 S P p r o p e r t y

P r o o f See [48]. Let J T denote the James-Tree space and B its predual (see the
example at 4.14.e for all pertinent information); the space B is uncomplemented in
its bidual JT* and one has the exact sequence

0 ---, B ---, 37'* -+/2(/) ---- 0.

Let q: ll(J) -+ J T * be a quotient map and i: B --, J T * the canonical inclusion. Let
be the pull-back of the operators {q, i}. One has the commutative diagram
112 3. Classical Banach spaces

0 0
f f

12(D : 12(D ~ 0
t t
__, Y --, ll(J) ~ JT * --. 0

II t t i
__, Y ---, ,E ~ B -~0
t f t
0 0 0

The pull-back space v is complemented in its bidual since it is the kernel of a

quotient map q: lt(J) --,/2(/) (see [19]). Moreover, since q is surjective one has the
exact sequence 0 ~ ~ ~ l l ( J ) G B ~ JT* ---, O. []

The proof of the following partial affirmative answer is just painting a full

Proposition 3.7.d. Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence. I f Y is
complemented in Y** and Z is reflexive then X is complemented in X**.

Isometric preduals
A Banach space U is said to be a unique predual if U*=V* implies U= V
isometrically. Godefroy asks in [133, (6) p. 186] if a Banach space without copies
of co must be a unique predual. Also, Godefroy [133, (6) p. 187] asks:

Problem. I f Y a n d X / Y are unique preduals, must X be a unique predual?

A variation about this problem is: a Banach space is said to have p r o p e r ~ (X)
(Saab and Saab [317, p.372]) if
Y = {ZE Y * * : f o r all weakly-1 - s u m m a b l e sequences (fn) C Y *

Z( weak * ~ n f,, ) = ~-~,z z(fn ) } "

Problem. I f Y a n d X / Y are unique preduaIs and have property (X), must X be a

unique predual?

Saab and Saab mention that property (X) implies property (V*) and cite, as
examples of spaces with property (J0 the following: ~l-spaces; L1/H1; spaces with
l.u.s.t, and not containing l n uniformly.
Chapter 4

Topological properties
of Banach spaces

By topological properties we understand properties defined in topological terms

(usually referred to the weak topology) that do not, in principle, depend of the
linear structure of the space. They can be divided in two types: those derived from
reflexivity when thought as the property that bounded sequences admit weakly
convergent subsequences, and those derived from reflexivity when thought as the
property that the topological space (X, weak) is a countable union of compact sets.

Extraction of subsequences. Several interesting properties of Banach

spaces can adopt an extraction-of-subsequences aspect: every sequence of a certain
type A admits a subsequence of another type B. When property P is "bounded
sequences admit subsequences of type B" then the property "weakly null sequences
admit subsequences of type B" is usually called the weak P property.

Chronologically, the first results of this kind were established by Riesz: finite-
dimensional spaces are those where bounded sequences admit convergent
subsequences; and by Eberlein and Smullyan: reflexive spaces are those where
bounded sequences admit weakly convergent subsequences. Related results are the
proofs that every closed linear subspace of 6"[0,1] is weakly closed (Zalcwasser)
and that every closed convex subset of a Banach space is weakly closed (Mazur).
This last result implies that every weakly convergent sequence admits a sequence
of convex combinations norm convergent to the same limit.

Banach and Saks proved [16] that in the case of Lp-spaces the convex
combinations can be chosen to be the arithmetic means. Accordingly, a Banach-Saks
sequence is a sequence having norm convergent arithmetic means and the Banach-
Saks property is the property that every bounded sequence admits Banach-Saks
114 4. Topological properties

subsequences. Schreier [325] gave the first example (the so-called Schreier space)
of a Banach space where some weakly null sequence does not contain Banach-Saks
subsequences. In fact, this sequence could well be understood as a sequence of
continuous functions on the compact space w~. The next breakthrough was
Kakutani's proof [202] that a superreflexive space has the Banach-Saks property.
This led Sakai [319] to ask whether every space with the Banach-Saks property had
to be reflexive, a question that found affirmative answer with the proof of Nishiura
and Watermann [267].

The p-Banach-Saks property was introduced by Johnson [190, 191] when

studying the factorization of operators through lp. In fact, the property Johnson
introduced was the weak p-Banach-Saks property (every weakly null sequence
admits a subsequence having boundedp-means). The Wp properties were introduced
in [67] trying to fill the gap between super-reflexivity and reflexivity by asking that
every bounded sequence admits a subsequence weakly-p-convergent. The weak
versions (weakly null sequences admit weakly p-summable subsequences) have also
interest: for instance, weak W 1 coincides with the hereditary Dunford-Pettis
property. These weak versions were also introduced by Knaust and Odell [223]
studying the presence of sequences equivalent to the canonical basis of lp.
Kakutani's theorem can be improved to superreflexivity --, Wp (for some p). To
complete the picture, Wp obviously implies p*-Banach-Saks, and it can be proved
[67] that p*-Banach-Saks implies Wr for all r>p. The same happens with their
weak versions. Rakov [303] gave an example showing that weak p*-Banach-Saks
does not imply weak Wp.

Weaker variations of reflexivity are the quasi-reflexivity after James [174], the
co-reflexivity of Clark [71] and somewhat reflexivity.

One has the following schema:

super-reflexive = Wp = p * -BS ~ BS ~ reflexive

Wr ¥ r >p quasi-reflexive
somewhat refleixve

All implications are proper (see [67] and 4.4) except p*-Banach-Saks ~ Wp
which is open.

The property of having weakly* sequentially compact dual ball plays an

important role in Banach space theory, though there are many obscure points about
it. Its 3SP properties shall be considered here and in Chapter 6.
Introduction to topological properties 115

The topological space (X, weak). Recall that irA denotes a certain class
of subsets of a space then A a is the class of those sets that are countable unions of
elements of A, while A6 are countable intersections of elements in A; analogously,
Aa6 means countable unions ofcountable intersections of elements in A; the letter
K is reserved for the class of compact sets. From this point of view, Baire's lemma
yields reflexivity = (X, weak) is a Ka. A weakening of reflexivity is the notion of
weakly compactly generated (WCG) space: (X, weak) admits a dense K a. Still, they
can be considered weaker properties (precise definitions shall be given below) such
as: X is a Ko6 of (X**, weak*); (X, weak) is the continuous image of a Kg6 in some
compact space (X is weakly K analytic); points of X are covered, on an individual
basis, by countable intersections of weakly* compact sets of X** whose intersection
is contained in X (weakly countably determined or WCD); there is a transfinite chain
of projections whose images eventually cover X (X admits a projectional resolution
of the identity or PR/). These and many other related properties shall be considered
in this chapter. It is a good warning to remark that papers [106, 107, 108, 187,
188,296, 315,338,352, 357] contain many more properties of topological nature.
We just highlight here those for which there are 3SP results available.The following
schema pictures the relationships among those notions.

reflexive = quasi-reflexive
Cech dual ~ Sep c° ~ P V dualdual ~ s o m e w h a t reflexive

Polish ~ Cech = PCP

S.D. =~ PV dual =~ WCG dual =~ Asplund =~ weak Asplund

P V ~ WCG = weak * Kg~ = wK analytic = WCD ~ PRI


A different door to the understanding of topological properties in terms of linear

structure of the space was opened by Valdivia's paper [349] where it is shown that
Separable co implies Reflexive • Separable. Spaces admitting this decomposition
were also pointed out by Plichko [295]; so, we define the Plichko-Valdivia property
(PV) as Reflexive ~ Separable. Following this approach, spaces in Reflexive
Separable dual are called separately distinguished (SD). A thorough study of P-by-Q
and P ~ Q properties, called twisted properties, can be found in [63].
116 4. Topological properties

4.1 Reflexivity
A Banach space X is said to be reflexive if the canonical injection X --, X** is
surjective; equivalently, the closed unit ball is a weakly compact set.

Theorem 4.1.a. Reflexivity is a 3SP.

This result was first proved by Krein and Smullyan [226]. Their proof was made
for what they called "regular" spaces i.e., spaces such that for each x** ~ X**
some x ~ X exists such that x**@ =fix) for all f ~ X*.

I st Proof. Let 0 ~ Y ---, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence with both Y and Z
reflexive. Let L: Z --, X be a linear (possibly discontinuous) selection for q, and let
x** ~ X**. Since q**x** ~ Z** = Z, The difference x * * - L ( q * * x * * ) E Y**
because it acts linear and continuously on F*; it can thus be represented by some
element y E Y. Clearly, x** = L(q**x**)+y ~ X. []

2nd P r o o f As it was already mentioned in 2.3.b, the 3SP property of reflexivity is

a consequence of the exactness of the functor X --, X**. []

This way of proof, and with it the appearance of short exact sequences in
Banach space theory, is due to Yang [359]. Later, Webb [70] uses the same ideas
to prove that quasi-reflexivity and co-reflexivity are 3SP properties. Yang ([360]
and [361]) introduces new elements from homological algebra that applies to the
study of Fredholm operators. It is perhaps worth to remark that paper [1] is an
interesting attempt to introduce new elements of homological algebra into Banach
space (algebra) theory. Precisely, after rescuing the push-out construction (lemma
6.6) they define Co-ext spaces as spaces admitting a type of presentation of length
n. They prove the following three-space-type result:

Let 0 ~ Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence where Z is realcompact

and admits a C"~-partition o f unity and Y is in Co-eXt. Then all algebra
homomorphisms o f C °~ (X) are point evaluations.

4.2 Quasi-reflexivity
James [174] was able to construct a Banach space J such that, being isometric to
J**, its canonical image in J** is of codimension 1. A Banach space X is said to
be quasi-reflexive if qr(X) =dim(X**/X) < o o . Civin and Yood [70] define a Banach
space X to be quasi-reflexive of order n if qr(X)=n. They prove that
(quasi-, co-, somewhat-, super-...) Reflexivity 117

qr(X) = qr(Y) + qr(X/IO.

This result also gives the 3SP property for quasi-reflexivity and reflexivity.

4.3 Co-reflexivity
Clark defines in [71 ] a Banach space X to be coreflexive if X**/X is reflexive; i.e.,
if X ~ Reflexive c°. X is said to be complemented coreflexive if it is complemented
in X** by a reflexive subspace. These two notions are different: the predual B of
James-Tree space JT (see 4.14.e) is uncomplemented in JT* while JT*/B=I2(1).
Since the functor co is exact, one has:

Theorem 4.3.a. Co-reflexivity is a 3SP property.

Question. Is complemented coreflexivity a 3SP property?

4.4 Somewhat reflexivity

The Banach space X is said to be somewhat reflexive if every closed infinite
dimensional subspace contains an infinite dimensional reflexive subspace. Applying
the incomparability method one has:

Theorem 4.4.a. Somewhat reflexivity is a 3SP property.

A somewhat reflexive space need not be quasi-reflexive: Herman and Whitley

prove in [168] that James quasi-reflexive space J is /2-saturated, from where they
obtain that/2(,/) is/2-saturated although not quasi-reflexive since 12(J)**/12(J ) = l2.

A related result obtained by Clark is: If X E Separable co, i.e., if X**/X is

separable then X and X* are somewhat reflexive. Moreover, by a result of Valdivia
[349] (see 4.10.i) spaces in Separable c° can be decomposed into a direct sum of a
reflexive and a separable space (see also 4.14.g).

4.5 Super-reflexivity
A Banach space X is said to be super-reflexive if every Banach space finitely
representable in X is reflexive. Recall that a Banach space E is said to be finitely
representable in X if given e > 0 and a finite dimensional subspace F of E there is
a finite dimensional subspace G of X which is (1 +e)-isomorphic to F. Typical
118 4. Topological properties

examples of spaces finitely represented in X are X** or ultrapowers X U of X.

Since finite dimensional subspaces of E carry a natural partial order, taking a

nontrivial ultrafilter supported by that order one can prove that E is finitely
representable in X if and only if E is isometric to a subspace of some ultrapower
of X. So, a space is superreflexive if and only if every ultrapower is reflexive.
Therefore, since the functor up is exact, applying the method 2.2.h one obtains:

Theorem 4.5.a. Super-reflexivity is a 3SP property.

Super-reflexive spaces enjoy some additional properties regarding extraction of

subsequences, as we shall explore now. For instance, by a result of Enfto [114],
superreflexive spaces are those admitting an equivalent uniformly convex norm; and
Kakutani proved that uniformly convex spaces have the so-called Banach-Saks
property (see below).

4.6 Wpand p-Banach-Saks properties

A sequence (xn) in a Banach space X is said to be weakly-p-summable, p > 1, if for
every x* ~ X* the sequence (x*(Xn))n ~ lp; equivalently, there is a C > 0 such that

I kxk I -- c II (, k)lip*
for any (~n) E lp.. It is said to be p-Banach-Saks (see [190, 191]), 1 < p < + co,
if for some constant C > 0 and all n ~ N

R xk II <-
The sequence is said to be a Banach-Saks sequence if it has norm convergent
arithmetic means. We shall say that the sequence (Xn) is weakly-p-convergent (resp.
p-Banach-Saks convergent) to x E X if the sequence (xn-x) is weakly-p-
summable (resp. p-Banach-Saks). Obviously weakly-p-summable sequences are p*-
Banach-Saks. The converse is, in general, false: the sequence (n-1/2 ) is 2-Banach-
Saks in •, but it is not 2-summable.

A subset is said to be weakly-p-compact, 1 < p < ~ , if every sequence admits

a weakly-p-convergent subsequence. A Banach space X is said to belong to Wp if
its closed unit ball is weakly-p-compact. It is said to have the p-Banach-Saks
property [190, 191] if any bounded sequence admits a p-Banach-Saks convergent
subsequence. It is said to have the Banach-Saks property [16] (case p = l ) if
p-Banach-Saks properties 119

bounded sequences admit Banach-Saks subsequences. When "bounded sequence"

is replaced by "weakly null sequence" we speak of those properties in the weak
sense; thus, the weak Banach-Saks property means that every weakly null sequence
admits a Banach-Saks subsequence, etc.

Kakutani proved in [202] that uniformly convex spaces have the Banach-Saks
property; it is possible to prove (see [67]) that super-reflexive spaces belong to
some class Wp. Other examples are: For 1 < p < co, Ip ~ W r if and only if
r>_p*. For 1 < p < oo, Lp(iZ) ~ Wr if and only if r_>max(2, p*). Tsirelson dual
space is such that T* ~ Wp for all p > 1. One has:

Theorem 4.6.a. The weak Banach-Saks, weak-Wp, 1 <_p < + co, and weak p-
Banach-Saks properties, 1 <_p < + co, are not 3SP properties.

Proof Consider S to be Schreier's space [325], the first example of a space without
the weak-Banach-Saks property. This is the space obtained by completion of the
space of finite sequences with respect to the following norm:

= sup Ixjl,
11X[1S [A admissible] "

where a finite subset of natural numbers A = {n I < ... < nk} is said to be
admissible if k < n 1.

It can be readily verified that S is algebraically contained in co, that it has an

unconditional basis formed by the canonical vectors (ei), and that a sequence (xn)
of S is weakly null if and only if, for every j, the sequence (X;)ne N is null.
Therefore, the canonical basis (e n) is a weakly null sequence. Moreover, the
sequence (e n) does not admit Banach-Saks subsequences since the estimate

II v--I eij II --- N



The common counterexample shall be provided by the diagonal short exact

sequence induced by the pull-back of two arrows: the canonical inclusion i: S ~ co
and a quotient map q: 11 ~ Co; that is

0 ~ Ker(q+i) -~ l l O S - ~ co ~ O.

It is only needed to verify that Ker (p+i) has weak W 1, since c O obviously has
it. To this end, let ( ~ , x n) be a weakly null sequence in Ker ~ + / ) . Since pyn =
- x n and (yn) is norm null, one sees that also II x " II o. -" o. If I1: IIs -" o, then
120 4. Topological properties

the proof ends. If not, by the Bessaga-Pelczynski selection principle, there is no

loss of generalityy assuming that the sequence (xn) is formed by normalized blocks
of the canonical basis (ei):

n ~'~i=Nn+l
X =L~i=Nn+l Xie i .

Since Ilx [ls =1 and II xn II 0, one sees thatNn+z-Nn--" + ~ . Choose

a subsequence (xm) = .~(m) satisfying:

N k( m + l ) -- Nk(m) > N k ( m - 1 ) ,

maxj [xjm[ <- minj Ixjrn-ll ,

where the min is taken over the non-vanishing coordinates. One has

il ~ m = l X m II S ~< 2,
because ifA ={ n 1 < . . . < n k } with k<_n 1 is admissible, and Nk(m_l) < n 1 <_ Nk(m)
< sum of k consecutive terms beginning with Xnl

<- llx m + x m ' l II

<<_2. []

This counterexample shall appear again in Chapter 6 as a counterexample to the

3SP problem for the Dunford-Pettis and hereditary Dunford-Pettis property. This
constructions was first used by Ostrovskii [272] to prove that the weak-Banach-Saks
is not a 3SP property. On the other hand, answering a question of Partington [277],
Godun and Rakov [137] proved

Theorem 4.6.b. The Banach-Saks property is a 3SP property.

Recall that a Banach space X has the Alternate Banach-Saksproperty if bounded

sequences (xn) admit subsequences (xm) such that ~m( - 1)rnxm converges. We shall
present the proof of Ostrovskii [271], who derived 4.6.b from the equivalence
Banach-Saks = Alternate Banach-Saks + Reflexivity (see [20]) and

Theorem 4.6.e. The alternate Banach-Saks property is a 3SP property.

But still, Ostrovskii actually proves 4.6.c via a result of Beauzamy and Laprest6
[20, Thm. 5]: A Banach space has the alternate Banach-Saks property if and only
if no spreading model is isomorphic to l 1. Let us recall the definition of spreading
p-Banach-Saks properties 121

model: by an elementary application of Ramsey theory, Brunel and Sucheston (see

[20]) show that any bounded sequence (Xn) in a Banach space admits a subsequence
with the property that for every finite sequence (~)1 <_iNn of scalars the limit

L(X 1..... Xn) = lim II j=l xjxnvII

~<n(1)<... <n(k)

exists. It can be proved that L is a norm on the space of finite sequences of scalars
when the starting sequence admits no convergent subsequences. Given thus such a
good sequence in X, the completion of the space of finite sequences with respect to
L is called a spreading model of X.

Ostrovskii proves:

T h e o r e m 4.6.d. The property of not having spreading models isomorphic to l1 is

a 3SP property.
Proof. Let 0 ---- Y - , X -+ Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence and let (Xn) be a
normalized sequence in X having spreading model &isomorphic to l 1; i.e., for every
finite sequence k I ..... Xk of scalars

~ j = l [kjl -< lim ][~jj=l XjXn(/)[[ -< 8-1 ~jj=l [kj[-

y----~ O o

~ < n(1)< ... <n(k)

Since Z has not l 1 as spreading model, and passing to a subsequence if

necessary, there is some finite sequence X1..... ~ of scalars such that for all finite
sequences {n(i)} 1 <_i<_kone has

II j=i Xjqx,,o>ll <a/2.

If vn = )_2j=n~+l Xjxj then there exist points (Un) in X with II II <a/2 and
qUn=qV n. The points Yn=Un--Vn belong to Y and generate a spreading model
isomorphic to l 1 since

m 8
2i=11/zil ~ lim inf I[~Z~?=I/xi ~ j = l ~kjXn(i)k+jl[ - -~ E i II~i ]
~,< n(1)< ... <n(k)

< lim inf

p---~ Go
II~im=l tziYn(i)II-
v<n(1)<...<n(m) []
122 4. Topological properties

Question. Is "not having spreading models isomorphic to lp" a 3SP property?

Ostrovskii, answering an e-mail question in [59], remarked to us that

Theorem. 4.6.e. The p-Banach-Saks and Wp properties and their dual properties
are not 3SP.

Proof. It follows from an examination of Kalton-Peck Zp spaces. The estimate given

in the section 3.2 shows that the sequence ( (O,en))n is weakly null and admits no
subsequences satisfying upper-p-estimates. []

A partial positive result to the 3SP property for the p-Banach-Saks property
appears in [303]:

Proposition 4.6.f. If Y and X/Y have the p-Banach-Saks property then X has the r-
Banach-Saks property for all r < p.

Also, Ostrovskii [272] and Rakov [303] prove.

Proposition 4.6.g. If Y and X/Y have the weak Banach-Saks property and one of
them has the Schur property then X has the weak Banach-Saks property.

4.7 Weak sequential completeness

Infinite dimensional Banach spaces are never weakly complete. They can, however,
be weakly sequentially complete (weakly Cauchy sequences are weakly convergent;
wsc, in short). Reflexive spaces or LI(0, 1) are wsc. As we already said, many
authors (Godefroy, Jarchow, Onieva...) proved that being wsc is a 3SP property.
Let us give yet another proof due to Rakov [302].

Theorem 4.7.a. Weak sequential completeness is a 3SP property.

Proof. Assume that X is not wsc and that Y is a subspace of X. Let (Xn) be a weak*
convergent sequence of X to some element x** ~ X**Lg. Two possibilities exists:

i) for some element y** 6 Y** it occurs that x** + y** ~ X. Then since x**
is a Baire-1 element of X**, y** is a Baire-1 element of Y** and Y is not wsc.

ii) (x** + Y**) f3 X = ~ . Since if q: X--, X~ Y is the quotient map, (qXn) is weak*
convergent to q**x** = x** + Y** and therefore q**x** fk X/Y. In this way X/Y
is not wsc. C7

By the exactness of the functors up and co both super-wsc and wscc° are 3SP
properties. No proper description is known of these space ideals (cf. [184]).
Weak* sequential compactness 123

4.8 Weak* sequential compactness

Weak sequential compactness of the unit ball is equivalent to reflexivity and,
therefore, a 3SP property. Having weak* compact duat ball and having weak*
sequentially compact dual ball are, however, different properties: the unit ball of
(loo)* is weak* compact but not weak*-sequentially compact. We present now
Bourgain's proof that having weak* sequentially compact dual ball is not a 3SP
property (see also [89, p. 237] and [161]).

Theorem 4.8.a. To have weak* sequentially compact dual ball is not a 3SP

Proof. Let Poo(N) be the class of all infinite subsets of N. Let {Mc~: c~< 601} be a
well-ordered subset of Poo(N) satisfying (see 6.8.f for an explicit construction)

(t) If a < ~ , either M ~ M ~ is finite or M~\Mc~ is finite;

(t~) If M C N , there exists some a ~ I such that MNMcL and M~Mc~ are both

Consider the Stone compact K constructed with the algebra generated by this
family as in 3.5. The counterexample shall be the sequence 0 --, cO --- C(K) --,
C(K'~N) --, 0. It is simpler in this case to see C(K) as the subspace of loo spanned
by the set D of characteristic functions I s of the elements Mc~ and of the
characteristic functions I n of the sets {n}.

The condition ( i t ) guarantees that (6n), the evaluation functionals at hn has not
weak* convergent subsequences: given Z = {(n(j)j~N} there is some Mc~ such that
both ZN Mc~ and ZN (N~Mc~) are infinite. Therefore the sequence (6n(j)(l~))./- con-
tains an infinity of l's and 0's.

To prove that (X/co)* has weakly* sequentially compact unit ball observe that
if (fn) is a sequence in the unit ball without weak* convergent subsequences, then
the sequence (fnlD)n~N has not pointwise convergent subsequences. By
Rosenthal's dichotomy (see [89, Chapter XI]), there exists a subsequence, say (fn)
itself, and numbers 6 > 0 and r, such that the sets An={t ~ D: fn(t)>r+6} and
Bn={t E D: fn(t)< r} form an independent sequence; i.e., for any finite disjoint
subsets P and Q of N

AnEpAn [7 NnEQBn ¢ (~j"

There is no loss of generality assuming that r = - 6 / 2 (adding some fixed vector,

for instance). The independence of (Ai, Bi) allows one to select, for every n ~ N,
p o i n t s t I . . . . . t n as follows:
124 4. Topological properties

t1 E
2/1-1 ]
-= N
N "e,
i=2 n-I +1

t2 E
2n-2 ]
2 ]
N 8i N
3 • 2 n-2

n Ai ][2 N N Bi' /
i= i =2 n-2 + I i=2 n-1 +1 i=3 " 2n-2+1
t n E A 1NB2NA3r~4 N ... NA2n_I NB2 n,
so that for every choice of signs e I ..... e n there exist 1 _< k(1) ..... k(n) < 2 n so
that sign fk(o = el" Therefore, if we denote ti = lc~(i),

ll~i=x Xilc,(i)[[ -> -~ ~ / / = 1 iX/l"

Notice that if k sets Ma(1)... Ma(k) are pairwise disjoint (except for a finite
number of points) then

II ~i--~ xi(xc~(i) +Co)II = max I>'e I

while if they form a chain (except for a finite number of points)

Ma(1) C Ma(2) C ... C Ma(k) then

, xi( o i +c0 H-- max I xil


It is quite clear that a sequence in these conditions cannot be equivalent to the

canonical basis of l 1. Finally, observe that if n > k2 + 1, a subset of k elements of
{Ma(1)...Ma(n) } can be found such that one of the preceding two alternatives holds:
this can be easily seen as follows: put Ma--,M~ if MaC_M ~ and M~J,M~ if
M a A M ~ = Q. Now, draw a picture with all the elements: put M~ on the right of
Ma if Ma--,M~, and put M~ below M a if Mc~~M~. Quite clearly k~ + 1 elements fill
a k x k square. []

This example is surprising since the fact that the space C(K~N) has dual ball
weak* sequentially compact, while C(K) does not, seems to mean that evaluation
at points of N are the only functionals that fail to admit weak* convergent
subsequences. Schlumprechrs counterexample for the Gelfand-Phillips property in
6.8 is also a counterexample for the weak* sequential compactness of the dual ball.
Mazur property or d-completeness 125

4.9 Mazur property or d-completeness

A Banach space X is said to have Mazur'sproperty (also, d-complete [217] or/xB-
spaces [358]) if every element of X** that is weakly* sequentially continuous is
weak* continuous (and thus an element of X). The motivation to consider d-
complete spaces stems from their applications in measure theory; for instance, in
d-complete spaces every bounded Dunford-integrable function is Pettis-integrable
[107, p.564]. It was proved in [217, Cor 2.5] that i f X ~ Sep c° then X andX* are
d-complete. Grothendieck d-complete spaces are reflexive. If K is a scattered
compact space and there exists a countable ordinal c~ so that K~ = ~ then C(K) is
d-complete. However, C[0,~I] is not d-complete [217, Thm 4.1. and Ex. section
3]. Further properties of spaces with Mazur's property can be seen in [237].

Let S 1 be the functor (and "intermediate class") assigning to a Banach space X

the normed space

SI(X) = {f 6 X** : f is weak*-sequentially continuous on (X*,w*) }.

Observe that X d-complete means that X=SI(X). If I denotes the identity functor
and ~': I--, F 1 the natural transformation that embeds X into SI(X), then 2.3.a would
conclude that {X E Ban: TX: X --, SI(X) is surjective} is a 3SP class if S 1 were left
exact. Nevertheless, the functor S 1 is not left exact (see the "intermediate classes
method at 2.3.b). Therefore we can only show a partial result: if 0 --, Y --, X --, Z
--, 0 is a short exact sequence that S 1 transforms in a left exact sequence and both
Y and Z are d-complete, X is d-complete. Observe that the hypothesis of exactness
at X means that i f f 6 Y** is a weak*-sequentially continuous element of X** then
it is a weak*-sequentially continuous element of Y**. This happens when weak*
convergent sequences in Y'* can be lifted to weak* convergent sequences in X*,
something that can be done when X has weak* sequentially compact dual ball
(2.4.f). This partial answer also appears in [217].

4.10 Weakly compactly generated spaces

A Banach space X is said to be weakly compactly generated (WCG) if there exists
a weakly compact subset K of X such that span K is dense. Separable spaces are
WCG spaces; c0(/)-spaces, I any set, are also WCG, since they are generated by the
image of the unit ball of/2(/) --- Co(/).

First eounterexample. It was Lindenstrauss [245, p.243] who first showed that
being WCG was not a 3SP property. His example was the sequence
126 4. Topological properties

0 ---, C[0,1] -~ D[0,1] ---, Co(/) ~ 0.

The space D[0,1] appears described in the 3.5 and in 5.5.b. It is not WCG
because every weakly compact subset of D[0, 1] is separable (as it happens in every
space whose dual is weak* separable - in D[0,1] evaluation functionals at rational
points form a weak* total set in D[0, 1]* ) while the space is not.

A second counterexample is provided by the James Tree space JT (see 4.14.e) and
the sequence

0 ---, B ~ JT* ---, 12(I') --~ 0

where B is the predual of JT: the space B is WCG since it is separable. The space
JT has all its even duals WCG while its odd duals are not WCG. This even shows
that X** need not be WCG although both X and X**/X are WCG.

Problem. Let us remind that it is still an open problem to know if when X** is
WCG then X is WCG.

The third and basic counterexample is due to Johnson and Lindenstrauss [ 193].

T h e o r e m 4.10.a. To be WCG is not a 3SP property.

Proof Consider an almost disjoint uncountable family {Ai}iE I of infinite subsets of

N, i.e., a family such that the intersection of any two different members of the
family is finite: it can be obtained enumerating the rationals and taking, for each
irrational, the indices corresponding to a sequence of rationals converging to it.

The Johnson-Lindenstrauss space JL is defined as the completion of the linear

span of co U {1i: i E I} in loo (here I i denotes the characteristic function of Ai) with
respect to the norm:

I[ Y = E}----'~ aiq)1/(j) + x tl = max {llyt[ oo, II(ai)iEiI]lz(1 ) }.

This norm is well defined since

ai(l) = limn E Niq ) Yn"

Obviously co is a subspace of JL, and let us verify that JL/c o is isomorphic to
12(/): if y E V, then

Ilyll >-II (ai0) 112.

On the other hand, given a finite sequence (ai(/)), consider the different sets Aio.):
they intersect in a finite set, and therefore it is possible to find a (finite) sequence
x E c o that anihilates that common part; this transforms the/2-norm into the sup
Weakly compactly generated spaces 127

norm and thus

II ~j=I C/i(./)1/(j)
+x II -<
It only remains to prove that JL is not WCG. This follows from the facts that JL
is not separable and JL* admits a countable weak* total set: observe that the
elements of JL are bounded sequences endowed with a norm finer than the loo
norm; thus, the coordinate functional are continuous and form a weak* total set in
JL*, which implies that every weakly compact set of JL is separable. []

A fourth counterexample using C(K) spaces. It is simple to determine when a

C(K) space is WCG (see [8, Prop. 1] or also [82, lemma 7.4]).

L e m m a 4.10.b. The space C(K) is WCG if and only i l k is homeomorphic to a

weakly compact set of a Banach space (an Eberlein compact).

We shall only need the "only if" implication:

Observe that if W is a weakly compact subset of a Banach space X then the

restriction map R: X* --- C(W) is weak*-to-weak continuous; and this is so because
it is obviously Mackey(X*,X)-to-norm continuous and so continuous with respect
to their respective weak topologies (see [225]). From this, it immediately follows:

Proposition 4.10.e. A Banach space X is WCG if and only if there exists a Banach
space M and an injective weak*-to-weak continuous operator T: X* --, M.

Because for one implication (only if) take M = C(W) together with the preceding
argument; and for the other (if) note that T* has dense range and is weak*-to-weak

End of the p r o o f of the lemma. If C(K) is WCG, for some space M there is an
injective weak*-to-weak continuous operator T: C(K)* -, M; this makes K (in fact,
its homeomorphic image in C(K)* ) homeomorphic to a weakly compact set: its
image by 7". []

Let us then show that there is a compact space K& that is not an Eberlein
compact for which there exists a short exact sequence

0 --, co --, C(KzX) --, Co(I) --, O.

The compact space K& is the Stone compact generated by an uncountable almost
disjoint family of infinite subsets of N. To obtain this family it is useful to think of
N as the nodes of a dyadic tree, and the elements of the family are the branches of
the tree. In the Stone compact KA there are three classes of points: the points of N
(Boolean functions h such that h({n})= 1 for some n ~ N), the branches (Boolean
128 4. Topological properties

functions h such that h(rc~)= 1 for some branch rc~), and the point oo (Boolean
function hoo such that h~(ra) = 0 for all branches rc~ and hoo({n}) = 0 for all n ~ N).
The derived set (K2x)' is the set of branches and co; the second derived set (K2x)"
is {co} and the third derived set is empty. It is clear that C(KA)/c0 = C(K2x\N) =
C( {branches} W { oo } ) = c(/) since the branches are mutually isolated and co is
their only accumulation point. It only remains to prove one thing.

Claim. KA is not an Eberlein compact.

Proof 1. Recall that separable weakly compact sets are metrizable. Since the set of
branches is uncountable and they are mutually isolated points, K2x is not metrizable
(the point co cannot have a countable fundamental system of neighborhoods). Since
KA is separable (N is dense) it cannot be homeomorphic to a weakly compact set.

Proof2. One could also directly prove that co is not complemented in C(KA); and
then appeal to a fundamental result of Amir and Lindenstrauss [8]:

Proposition 4.10.d. In a WCG space every separable subspace is contained into

a complemented separable subspace.

and to Sobczyk's theorem (co is complemented in any separable space containing

it). In fact, one does not need the full strength of Amir-Lindenstrauss result: it is
enough to take into account Rosenthal's observation (see [354]) that Veech's proof
of Sobczyck's theorem just requires that the weak*-closure of a sequence in
Ball(X*) is metrizable, something that happens in WCG spaces (in fact, the dual ball
of a WCG space is, in its weak* topology, an Eberlein compact; see [87, p. 148]).

To prove that co is not complemented in C(KA) one can proceed very much as
in the proofs that cO is not complemented in l~. A possibility is to prove that the
evaluation functionals on the points of N do not admit a pointwise-zero extension
to all of C(KA). This is the way Molt6 chooses in [261], where K2x is presented
under homeomorphic clothes as a Rosenthal compact (see also [82, p.260]).
Another possibility is to realize (see [178]) that the kernel of a continuous functional
c~ E C(KA)* that vanishes on co must contain an uncountable quantity of
characteristic functions of elements of the almost-disjoint family. The range of a
projection onto cO would be, at the same time, co and a countable intersection of
kernels of such functionals, which is impossible. []

A question. The Johnson-Lindenstrauss space shows that there exist nontrivial

quasilinear maps 12(l? ) ---, c 0. It is unknown, however, if there exist nontrivial
pseudo-linear maps

a:/z(r) --, c 0.
Weakly compactly generated spaces 129

It could be a good warning to observe that although nontrivial quasilinear maps

co(F ) --, co exist, as the space C(K29 shows, nontrivial pseudolinear maps f2: co(F )
--, co do not exist since Ball (Co(I')*) = BaU(ll(F)) is irreducible [362].

Some positive results can be obtained when Y is reflexive or X / Y is separable.

Observe that the counterexamples have been obtained exchanging these two
conditions: Y separable and X / Y reflexive.

Proposition 4.10.e. Let 0 ~ Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence. I f Y is

reflexive and Z is WCG, then X is WCG.

Proof Let K a weakly compact set in Z spanning a dense subspace. Take a bounded
subset A of X such that q(A)=K. Since Y is reflexive, using the lifting 2.4.b one
obtains that the set A is relatively weakly compact. The relatively weakly compact
set A UBall(Y) spans a dense subspace of X. []

Observe that the lifting of weakly compact sets is not always possible: weakly
compact sets in loo are separable while lo~/c 0 admits nonseparable weakly compact
sets (the canonical image of the unit ball of/2(F) =JL/co), and these cannot be

Proposition 4.10.f. Let Y be a subspace of X such that X / Y is separable. Then X

is WCG if and only if Y is WCG.

Proof. Assume that Y is WCG. Take a norm null sequence (Xn) in X such that (qXn)
spans a dense subspace of X/Y. If K is a weakly compact set in Y spanning a dense
subspace, KU {Xn}n is relatively weakly compact and spans a dense subspace in X.

Assume now that X is WCG and find a set {xc~: a ~ A} in X that is weakly
homeomorphic to the one-point compactification of a discrete set that spans a dense
subspace [245, p. 249]. Since X / Y is separable there is some A o C A with A\A0
countable such that x~ ~ Y for all c~ ~ Ao. The subspace M spanned by {x a : a
Ao} in Y is WCG and Y/M is separable, and thus the first part proves that Y is
WCG. []

Still another result showing that the Johnson-Lindenstrauss example is "sharp":

Proposition 4.10.g. I f Y** is separable and X / Y is reflexive then X and X** are

Proof. Since Y± =(X/Y)* is reflexive and I1" separable, applying 4.10.fto the dual
sequence 0 -, (X/Y) * --, X* --, Y* --, 0 one sees that X* is WCG. Thus, if F is a
separable subspace of X* such that Y± + F = X*, by 4.10.d there is no loss of
generality assuming that F is complemented; i.e., X* =F@ G. Since
130 4. Topological properties

G: r

G is reflexive and, in particular, G = ( ± G ) ± . Set H = ± G,

Since H* =F, H is separable and it follows from the hypothesis that H ± _L is

separable. Thus, X** = F ± @ H I x with F ± reflexive. Hence X** is WCG. The
hypotheses imply that X * * / X = Y * * / Y is separable; so, applying 4.10.e to X and
X** we conclude that X is WCG. Q

Although JL is not WCG, its dual space JL* is isomorphic to l 1 q312(F) and thus
it is WCG.

Question. ls W C G dual a 3SP property?

A good try to this seemingly hard question could be to obtain a counterexample

for the 3 S P property of W C G starting with a dual space since a counterexampte to
W C G"dual is equivalent to the existence of a sequence 0 --- Y* ---, X --, R --, 0 with R
reflexive and X not WCG. In [63] it is shown that if 0 --, Y* ---, X --, Z --, 0 is an
exact sequence where Y* is a separable dual and Z is W C G then also X is WCG.

Theorem 4,10.h. W C G c° is not a 3 S P property.

Proof. The proof depends on a counterexample for W C G to be constructed in 4.14;

it has the form 0 --, X --, X** --, X * * / X - , 0 with X separable. For separable spaces
there always exist a space M such that M * * / M =X, so the observation 2.2.k
applies. []

An intermission: proof of a theorem of Valdivia. Let us give

a short proof of the following result of Valdivia [349] that shall be essential for
what follows.

Proposition 4.10.i. Separable co = Reflexive q3 Separable dual dual

P r o o f One implication is obvious, so let X be a Banach space such that X * * / X is

separable. Let us consider the following closed subspace of X** containing X:

G= {UM±±MCX'Mseparable}

Since G / X is separable, there is a sequence (Xn) of elements of G such that

X U {Xn} n s N is dense in G. For every n 6 N let us select a separable subspace M n
of X such that x n ~ M n ± ±. Let us denote by N the separable subspace of X
spanned by the union of all M n. It was proved in 2.10.k that when N is a closed
subspace of X then X + N ± ± is closed in X**, and thus we conclude that X + N i z
= G. Observe that weak* cluster points of sequences of elements of X belong to
Asplund spaces - Plichko-Valdivia property 131

X + N ± ±. Hence X / N is reflexive. Moreover, N**/N is separable because it is a

subspace of X**/X. Thus, also N** is separable, and it follows from 4.10.g that X
is WCG. Accordingly, there is some separable complemented subspace V containing
N that obviously has X / V reflexive. []

4.11 Asplund spaces

A Banach space is said to be an AspIund space if every separable subspace has
separable dual. The topological version of this last formulation could be: every
subspace has the same density character as its dual. Subspaces of Asplund spaces
are obviously Asplund spaces. Asplund spaces coincide with spaces having duals
with the Radon-Nikodym property [330]. Since the R N P is a 3SP property, the
same occurs with the RNP dual. Therefore,

Theorem 4.11.a. To be an Asplund space is a 3SP property.

The first proof of this result appeared in [265]. Nevertheless, a more direct
proof can be shown following [363].

2ncl Proof Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence in which Y and Z
are Asplund spaces. Let S be any separable subspace of X. Since TZ-S/Y is
separable, it is possible to choose some separable subspace Z of X such that Y + Z
= Iz;S. It can be easily assumed that Z contains S (replace Z by 2'TS if necessary).
Since Y + Z is closed Z/(Z~Y)-~(Y+Z)/Y C X / Y , which yields that Z / ( Z A Y) has
separable dual. Since ZN Y C Yalso has a separable dual then, by the 3SP property
of separability, Z* is separable. Hence, S* is separable. []

Recall a well-known result [93, p. 87]:

Proposition 4.11.b. WCG dual spaces are A splund spaces.

Proof. In fact, quotients of WCG spaces are WCG. So, if X* is WCG, and Y is a
separable subspace of X, then F* is WCG. In every weakly compact subset KC Y*
the weak* and weak topologies coincide. But Y separable implies K compact metric
space. Therefore K is weak* separable; hence weakly separable. This fact and the
Hahn-Banach theorem imply that K is norm separable. It follows that separable
subspaces of X have separable dual. []
132 4. Topological properties

4.12 The Plichko-Valdivia property

Let us say that a Banach space X has the Plichko-Valdivia property (PV, in short)
if it can be decomposed in the form X = S @ R, where S is separable and R is
reflexive; i.e.,

P V = Separable • Reflexive.

It is clear that the P V property implies W C G and that separable and reflexive
spaces have PV; moreover.

Proposition 4.12.a. P V = Reflexive-by-Separable.

Proof L e t 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be an exact sequence with Y reflexive and Z
separable. By lemma 2.9.a, there is a separable subspace N of X such that Y + N = X .
Since P V implies W C G , the separable subspace N is contained in a separable
complemented subspace M, whose complement must be reflexive. []

Theorem 4.12.b. P V is not a 3 S P p r o p e r t y .

Proof T h e sequence 0 --, co --, JL --, /2(/) --, 0 together with 4.10.a prove the
result. []

The space J L * = l 1 • /2(/) is an example of space with the P V property such

that its predual J L does not have it. Therefore J L has the PI,~uat property. The
following results are in [63].

Proposition 4.12.c. P I Mual = SeparableClual-by-Reflexive.

Proof. I f X ~ P V aual then X * = R @ S where R is reflexive and S separable. Clearly

R = ( Z R ) ± and thus X / t R is reflexive since ( X / ± R ) * = ( ± R ) ± = R is reflexive;
and (ZR)* = X * / ( t R ) Z = X * / R = S is separable. Conversely, assume that there
is an exact sequence 0 --, M --, X --, X / M --, 0 where M has separable dual and X / M
is reflexive. The dual sequence 0 --, ( X / M ) * --, X* --, M * --, 0 is also exact. Since
X * / M z = M * is separable, there is a separable subspace F of X* such that
X * = M z + F with M ± reflexive. Thus, X* is W C G and F is contained in a
complemented separable subspace G of X*. Therefore, X* = G @ H where H is
reflexive because it is isomorphic to a subspace of M ± =(X/M)*. []

It is clear that P V aual implies Asplund: P V implies W C G plus 4.11 .b.

Proposition 4.12.d. P V dual = (Separable-by-Reflexive) fq Asplund.

P r o o f It follows from 4.12.c that P I flual implies both Separable-by-Reflexive and

Asplundness. It is obvious that an Asplund space that is Separable-by-Reflexive is
Polish spaces 133

also SeparableaUal-by-Reflexive. []

Theorem 4.12.e. Plfl ual is a 3SP property.

Proof Since both Separable-by-Reflexive and Asplund are 3SP properties (see 2.9
and 4.11.a ). []

Nevertheless, SeparableaUal~3Reflexive is not a 3SP property as the sequence 0

--, c o --, JL - , / 2 ( / ) --, 0 shows. The space JL belongs to SeparableaUal-by-Reflexive
but not to SeparabledUat~ Reflexive. Also, observe that SeparabledUat~ Reflexive =
Reflexive-by-Separable dual since this last property implies, simultaneously,
( Separable~ Reflexive) and Asplund.

As a consequence of results already established:

Proposition 4.12.L P V dual dual and Asplund = Separable co

Observe that Asplund cannot be deleted here; the James-Tree space JT (see
4.14.e) is a separable dual space such that JT**=JT~12(F); thus, it is P V dual dual
but not Asplund. The same reasoning as in 4.10.h gives:

Theorem 4.12.g. PV c° is not a 3SP property.

A related property has been defined by Vasak [352].

Separately di ingnished spaces. Property Reflexive • Separable dual

has been called by Vasak separately distinguished (SD). Clearly Cechdual =, SD, and
it is equally clear that SD implies PV.

Theorem 4.12.h. Property SD is not a 3SP property.

Proof Since SD implies WCG, the sequence 0 --, co --, JL --, 12(F) --, 0 gives a
counterexample. []

4.13 Polish spaces

A Banach space X is said to have a Polish ball if (BX, weak) is homeomorphic to
a complete metrizable separable space. Observe that completeness is not preserved
by homeomorphisms, reason for which spaces with Polish ball need not be
reflexive. Clearly, the metrizability assumption implies that X* is separable. If,
conversely, X* is separable, there is a metric that induces the weak topology on B X,
but this metric is not complete unless X is reflexive (in fact, the completion of (B X,
weak) is (Bx**, weak*)). For instance, co has not Polish ball in the weak topology:
134 4. Topological properties

its unit ball can be written as

Bali(co) = U n A n = { x ~ Ball(co): Ix(k) l < 1 / 2 , k > n }

where the sets An are weakly closed with empty weak interior; this means that
(Ball(co), weak) is not a Baire space and, a fortiori, it is not a complete metric
space. The following result is of Edgar and Wheeler [108].

Proposition 4.13.a. To have Polish ball is equivalent to have separable dual and
the PCP.

We shall see in 4.17 that PCP is a 3SP property, and thus

Theorem 4.13.b. To have Polish ball is a 3SP property.

We shall denote by Polish the class of spaces having Polish ball. It is obvious
that Polish implies PV.

4.14 Cech completeness

Recall from general topology that a topological space (E,r) is Cech complete if it
admits a complete sequence (Cn) of open covers; complete means that every family
5~of closed sets of (E,r) with the finite intersection property and small with respect
to (Cn) - in the sense that given Cn and F c 5~'there is U ~ Cn containing F - has
nonempty intersection. Metric complete spaces are Cech complete as can be seen
taking as Cn the open sets of diameter less than 1/n and recalling Cantor's
intersection argument. This yields that a Polish space is homeomorphic to a Cech
complete space. Let us call a Banach space X Cech complete if (Bx, weak) is Cech
complete. The following result from general topology clarifies the structure of Cech
complete spaces.

Lemma 4.14.a. A topological space (E,r) is Cech complete if and only if (E,r) is
a G~ set in some (any) compactification.

Therefore, (Bx, weak) is Cech complete if and only if B x is a G~ of (Bx**,

weak*); and this happens if and only if X is a G6 in (X**, weak*); if and only if
BX**\Bx is a Ka in (Bx**, weak*); and if and only if X**IX is a K, in (X**,
weak*). Moreover, observe that a linear isomorphism preserves the G6-character
of X into (X**, weak*). These equivalent formulations and several result of general
topology allow one to prove:

Lemma 4.14.b. If X is a separable Banach space with Cech complete unit ball then
X* is separable.
Cech complete spaces 135

From where it can be deduced [108, Corol. 3.2]:

Proposition 4.14.e. A Banach space has Polish ball if and only if it has Cech
complete ball and is separable.

We shall denote Cech the class of Banach spaces having Cech complete ball. An
interesting characterization of Cech complete Banach spaces is [108, Thin. B]:

Proposition 4.14.d. Cech = Reflexive • Polish.

Proof. If (Bx, weak) is Cech complete then X is a G~ in X** and therefore

X = @nUn where Un are weak* open neighborhoods of 0 in X**. Let F n be a finite
set of X* such that Un contains the basic weak*-neighborhood that F n determines.
Let G = s p a n UP n in X*. Since G ± is weak*-closed in X** and
G ± C [']nUn = X , it turns out that the unit ball of G ± is weak* = weak compact;
i.e., G ± is a reflexive subspace of X.

On the other hand, (X/G z ) * = G which implies that X/G ± has separable dual.
It is therefore possible to find a separable closed subspace S of X such that
X = S + G ± . This yields that X is WCG and thus there is a separable subspace S 1
containing S and complemented in X by a reflexive subspace (a quotient of G±).
The separable subspace S1 has Cech complete ball (as a subspace of X) and thus it
has a Polish ball. []

Theorem 4.14.e. Cech completeness is not a 3SP property.

Proof. We shall consider the exact sequence

0 -, B --, JT* ---, 12(r) -, 0

where B is the predual of the James-Tree space. Let us give a description of this
space and some of the basic properties required.

The James Tree space. The James-Tree space J T appears as a negative

answer to the question: does every separable space with nonseparable dual contain
11? The space J T is a dual separable space (it has a boundedly complete basis) that
is /2-saturated and has nonseparable dual. It is defined as the completion of the
space of finite sequences over the dyadic tree zX with respect to the norm

x .....

where the sup is taken over all finite sets of pairwise disjoint segments of &. If A
is identified with IN in some obvious manner, it is not difficult to verify that the
136 4. Topological properties

vectors (en) n ~ N form a boundedly complete basis. Hence, JT is a dual space,

JT=B* where B = [en* ] in JT*. That JT is/2-saturated needs some more work. It
also needs some work to prove that if P denotes the uncountable set of branches of
A then the application L: JT* --, 12(I") given by

L(f)(r) = limjE r f(ej)

is a well-defined quotient map with kernel B (both results can be seen in [315] or
[105]). The nonseparability of JT* follows from this.

Proof of 4.14.e. Obviously, the quotient JT*/B=~(r) has a Cech complete ball.
The space JT*, however, cannot have Cech complete ball since it is not WCG (it
is a nonseparable dual of a separable space). It only remains to prove:

Claim. The space B has Cech complete ball.

Proof of the claim. Let us denote by Fn the nth-'floor " of the dyadic tree, i.e., the
set Fn = { 2 n . . . . . 2 n+l - 1 }; and let Mn: JT* ~ I~ be the function

that is obviously weak*-continuous. The exactness of the sequence

0 ~ B --, JT* --, 12(r) ~ 0

where the quotient map is L implies that

B = {f~ JT*:lim n~=Mnf= 0}

The last equality can be written as

B = A U fEJT* • Mn(f) <I .

k=l n=k k

The sets {]' E JT*: Mn(f) < k -1 } are weak*-open and thus B has Cech complete
ball since it is a G~ in (JT*, weak*). []

Edgar and Wheeler [108, Prop.4.2.] give a partial positive result.

Proposition 4.14.f. Reflexive-by-Cech implies Cech.

If one considers instead spaces having Cech complete dual ball, the following
structural decomposition is possible.
Between WCG and PRI 137

Proposition 4.14.g. Cech dual = Reflexive • Separable aual d u a l = Separable co

Proof. Recall the second equality was proved in 4.10.i. Now, if X* has Cech
complete ball then X***\X* is a K~r in (X***,weak*). Since X ± is weak*-closed,
X ± n X***\X* = X ± \{0} is again a Kcr in (X***,weak*). Thus, {0} is a weak*
G a in X ± = (X**/X)*. If {0} = Nn~ N O n where On is a weak* open neighborhood
of 0 defined by the finite set F n of elements of X**/X, then C = Un~ N F n is a
countable subset of X * * / X such that C ± = {0}. Therefore, the span of C is dense in

Conversely, if X = R ~ 3 S with R reflexive and S** separable, then S* is a

separable dual and must have the RNP, and thus the PCP. By 4.14.c, S* has Cech
complete ball and the same happens to X * = R * D S * []

Since separability (hence Separable c°) is a 3SP property, one has.

T h e o r e m 4.14.h. To have Cech complete dual ball is a 3SP property

The general schema in 2.2. k, the existence of the counterexample 0 --, B --, JT*
--, 12(F ) --, 0 and the fact that B is separable yield.

T h e o r e m 4.14.i. Cech c° is not a 3SP property.

4.15 Between WCG and PRI

Now we describe properties that can be considered as weak forms of being WCG.

X is a w e a k * Ku~ in X**. This property is weaker than WCG as can be

easily seen: if X is WCG then for some weakly compact set W and every m ~ N,
X = t) n n W + m - l B x , which yields

X=Nm Un (nW +m-lBx * *)"

As we shall see in 4.15.c, this is not a 3SP property.

Weakly K-analytic spaces. A topological space T is said to be K-analytic

if it is the continuous image of a K~a of a compact space. A Banach space X is said
to be weakly K-analytic (after [338]) if it is a K-analytic space in its weak topology.
Banach spaces that are Kga in (X** w*) are weakly K-analytic. It is unknown if the
converse is true. Compact spaces K for which C(K) is weakly-K-analytic are called
quasi-Eberlein compacts. Even he following apparently simpler question is open:
138 4. Topological properties

if K is a quasi-Eberlein compact, must be C(K) a Ko~ in C(K)** ?

As we shall see in 4.15.c, weak K-analyticity is not a 3SP property.

Weakly countably determined spaces. A topological subspace SC T

is said to be countably determined in S if there are compacts (Zi) i E N in T such that
for any x there is a part A C N with x E N {Ai:i EA} CS. A Banach space X is said
to be weakly countably determined (WCD) if it is countably determined in (X**,
Proposition 4.15.a. Weakly K-analytic spaces are weakly countably determined.

As we see in 4.15.c, WCD is not a 3SP property

Projectional Resolution of the identity. Let X be a Banach space

and let cod the smallest ordinal having cardinality equal to the density character of
X. A projectional resolution of the identity on X is an ordered family of projections
{Pa : co__a _<cod} satisfying for every a the following conditions:

i) tl Pa I! = 1
ii) PaP~ = P~P~ = Pmin{c~3}
iii) dens(Pa(X)) < card a
iv) U ~ < a P~+I(X) is norm dense in Pa(X)
v) P~d = idX"
The next result was proved by Vasak [352, Thm. 1].

Proposition 4.15.b. Weakly countably determined spaces admit a PRI.

Moreover, Fabian proves in [117] that "sometimes" (i.e., when the space admits
an equivalent Gateaux differentiable norm, is an Asplund space and all
complemented subspaces admit PR/) PR/implies WCD.

T h e p r o o f , w e establish now the non 3SP character of the properties considered

so far.

Theorem 4.15.e. The properties of being 1) Ka~ in X**; 2) weakly K analytic; 3)

weakly countably determined; 4) admitting PRI (under some equivalent norm); are
not 3SP properties.

Proof. The short exact sequence (see 4.10)

0 ~ co --" JL ~ 12(F) ---"0

gives a counterexample for those properties since co and/2(/) have all of them while
a-fragmentability 13 9

JL admits none: this is the last result needed (it is due to Plichko [295] and also
appears in [t 18])

Claim. The Johnson-Lindenstrauss space JL does not admit a PRI under any
equivalent renorming.

Proof If JL admits some renorming with a PRI then (eventually passing to some
other PRI) some subspace X containing the natural copy of co is the range of a
projection P~, ]a I = dens X < dens JL (see [295]). The complement of X must
be a subspace of 12(I'), and therefore JL can be written as the direct sum of X and
a Hilbert space; and since weakly compact subsets of JL are separable, that Hilbert
space is separable, hence JL=X@I 2 and Ic~l = dens X = dens JL > lal; a
contradiction. []

4.16 o-fragmentability
A topological space (E, r) is a-fragmented by a metric p in E if for each e > 0 it is
possible to write E as a countable union of sets with the property that each
nonempty subset has a nonempty relatively open subset of p-diameter less than e.
This concept has been studied by Jayne, Namioka and Rogers (see [187, 188]).
Interesting situations to apply the theory appear when E is a Banach space endowed
with its weak topology, or a dual space with its weak* topology; or a C(K)-space
with the topology of pointwise convergence. For instance, in [188, Thm. 6.2] it is
proved that a Banach space is Asplund if and only if (X*, weak*) is a-fragmented
by the norm,

A Banach space X is said to be a-fragmentable if (X, weak) is a-fragmented by

the norm. Spaces admitting a Kadec norm (see 5.20) or weakly-K-analytic spaces
are a-fragmentable [188, Corol. 6.3.1 and 6.3.2], while l~ is not a-fragmentable.
Ribarska [305] proved that a-fragmentability is a 3SP property.

Theorem 4.16.a. a-fragmentability is a 3SP property.

Proof Assume that Y is a subspace of X such that Y and Z = X~ Y are a-fragmentable.

Let q: X --, Z denote as usual the quotient map and let B: Z --, X be a continuous
Bartle-Graves selection for q. Let P: X--, Y be the map P(x) = x - B q x . Let e > 0

The norm continuity of B yields that for every positive integerj 6 N and every
z ~ Z there exists r/(z) > 0 such that [[ z - z ' 1[ < r/(z) implies 11Bz - B z ' II < 1/j
Therefore, for j, k E N denote

FOk) = {zEZ" rtJ(z) >1 }.

140 4. Topological properties

One has that for every j ~ N

z = Ua:=l F2> •

Moreover, if k ~ N is also fixed, the o-fragmentability of Z allows us to write

z : Um=1

in such a way that for every nonempty SC G ~ ) there exists a weakly open subset
U of Z such that UN S # 2~ and diam(Un 5)< ilk.

Let Q # S C G ~ ) n F~ ). Since S C G ~ ), there exists a weakly open subset

U of Z so that U N S # Q and diam(UNS)< l/k, and given z, z' in U N S one has
II z - z ' II < 1/k < r/(z)because z E S C F ~ ) ; hence [[ B z - B z ' I[ < 1/j. Now, if l:
NxN--- N is a bijection and we write l=l(m, k) and

F/: c2 n F2
then, for every j ~ N, one has

~ F/
z = U /=1

so that for every l ~ N and every nonempty set S C F / there exists a weakly open
subset U of Z such that UN S ~ Q and diam B(UG 5)< 1/j. The G-fragmentability
of the subspace Y implies the existence of a countable cover
Y = Un=l Hn
in such a way that for every n E N and every nonempty subset S of Hn there exists
a weakly open subset V of Ysuch that V N S ~ Q and diam(VNS)<e. We fix n
N and construct inductively a family of subsets

{H~: 0_<~ < ~ }

of (Hn, weak) so that Hn0 = 2~, each Hn~ is a relatively open subset of


H n = U~<~n//n~.
Let us select a nonempty relatively weakly open subset V A H n of H n having
diameter less than e; here
V = ns=l{yEY' hs(Y)>%},
with % real numbers and h s norm one elements of X*, s = 1 ..... k. For every Ynl
VN Hn the number
~- fragmentability 141

c~nI = m i n { h s ( Y n l ) - % " s=l ..... k}

is positive: hence the set

is a weakly open subset of V and contains Yn~ Thus, v n Hn ~ (g and

diam(fZ~Hn) <_ d i a m ( V ~ H n) < e.

We denote H n1 = f / n Hn and assign to it the integer

1 < c~n l
j(H in) = m i n { i E N " T- 2 and e-diam(V~-In) >_ 1 }

Now, we proceed inductively. Assume that the sets Hn~ have been obtained for
all 0 _<3 < ~, and consider the set

If Rn~ = ~ the process stops and we set ~n=~. If not, Rn~ is a nonempty subset
of H n and so there exists a weakly open set f ~ verifying

vn( n Rn~ # Q and diam ( V n( n R~n ) < e ;

v n~ : N I y~ r. hff(s) > ~ }

n# real numbers and h i ~ norm one elements of X*, s = 1..... kn~.

with C~s

If some y,~ C V n~ n R~ is fixed then

a n~ = min { hsn((yn~) - c~]~ " s= 1..... kn~ }

is positive; hence the set

kn~ n(
f/"~ = N { y ~ r : h'/%) > @ + _.~- }

is weakly open and contains Yn~" Thus, the set Hn~ = 1?n~ n Rn~ is nonempty and

diam ( fzn( n R ~n) <- diam ( V n( ~ R ~n) < e .

We assign to this set the integer

j(H~n) = m i n { i E N : T - -<- T c~
- 1n~ and e-diam(Vn~NR~)n - T 1 }"
142 4. Topological properties

In this way, we have obtained a partition { H~ : 0_< f < In } of Hn and assigned

to each of its members a positive integer j(H~). Since we may assume without loss
of generality that the sets Hn are disjoint, the family { H~: i < f < in } is a
partition of Y. So, every y ~ H belongs exactly to one member of this partition, say
and it makes sense to define

j(y) = j ( Hn~().

Set H n = {yEHn:j(y)=v }. This forms a countable partition of K which

allows us to define a countable cover { E~ l }n, v, l of X in the following way:

E~ I = { x E X " P(x) E H• and qx E F~V) } .

Indeed, given x ~ X there exist positive integers n, v with P(x) E H i , and for
this v one has Z = U~=I
~ F~,
v hence there exists some l ~ N for which qx ~ f[.
We have to show that each nonempty subset of E~ l has a nonempty relatively
open subset of diameter not greater than 2e. So, we fix n, v, l ~ N and a nonempty
subset A of E~ l for the rest of the proof.

Since q(A)CF 7 , there exists a weakly open set U in Z with UCqq(a)# f~ and
diam B(UO q(A))< l/v. Denoting C=A n q - l ( u ) , we see that P(C) is a nonempty
subset of

H,~CHn = U(<~nHn~
and it is then possible to define

~C -- m i n { f E [ 1 , ~ n ) H~nNP(C) # • }.
We have that P(C) is contained in

and its intersection with H~nc is non empty, which yields

j( H~ c) = v

since P(C) C Hnv • i.e.,j(x)=v for every x E P(C).

v -- Ns=l{y r . hs(y) >
and let
1) k c~
= As=I{YE Y: hs(Y) > as + 7 }'
a-fragmentability 143

with % real numbers and h s norm one elements of X*. Let us assume that

By construction 1/v <_ u/2; and, moreover,

1/v < e - diam( V n R n ).

Let us fix a point x in C with P(x) E ( / ( w h i c h exists since

p(C)NH~n c = P ( C ) N V ;~ ~ ) .

It is then possible to define

W= {zEXqzEU} n n {zEX:hs(Z) > u s+..~ +hs(Bqx ) } .

Clearly W is a weakly open subset of X. Moreover,

ANw = c N N {z~X:hs(z) >us +_~ +hs(Bqx)}.

Since x belongs to C one has

hs(X) = hs(P(x)) + hs((Bqx ) > o~s + cz/2 + hs(Bqx ),

obtaining that x E A n W. It remains to estimate the diameter of A n W. To do that,

lety • A n W . Onehas

II x - y II --- II e x - ~ II + II Bqx-Bqy II-

Since x, y • A N W C C then qx, qy • q( A ) O U, and since diam( B( q( A ) N U) <_
1/v then II B q x - B q y II - 1/v. On the other hand, y • W yields

hs(Py ) = hs(Y)-hs(Bqy )

> u s + od2 + hs(Bqx ) - hs(Bqy)

= u s + od2 + hs(Bqx - Bqy).

But since

ths(Bqx - Bqy)l ~ II B q x - B q y II ~l/v,

by the choice v =j( H~nc ) we obtain (for s = 1..... k)

hs(Py ) > u s + u/2 - 1/v >_czs,

and thus Py • V. Since

144 4. Topological properties

P(y) E P ( A ~ W ) C P(C) C R~ c,
then P(y) E V ~ R n : analogously

P(x) E P(C) C R~ c

and P(x) E (/C V give P(x) E V["I R~ c


II - BY [I diam (V ~ R~ c ).

11x-y II IIPx-Py It + 11Bq -Bqy I1

<_ d i a m ( V N R ~ C ) + 1
= e + - - (e-diam(VNR
~c) )
<_ e

by the choice of v. Since the point y was arbitrary, diam(A N W) <_2e. []

The preceding result yields that ~-fragmentable spaces do not necessarily admit
a PRI, as the example JL shows.

A Banach space X is said to admit weakly countable covers of small local

diameter if for each e > 0 it is possible to write X as a countable union U E n of sets
such that every point in E n belongs to a relatively weakly open subset of E n having
diameter less than e. A proof analogous to the preceding one gives.

Theorem 4.16.b. Admitting weakly countable covers of small local diameter is a

3 SP properU.

Proof. It is enough to observe that in the previous proof the subsets EJl form a
weakly countable cover of small local diameter for X. Note that in this case, the
construction of the partitions {Hn~ " 0_< ~ < ( n } can be avoided, obtaining a
simpler proof. []

Remark. Arguing as in the previous theorem, and using the norm continuity of the
Bartle-Graves selection it is possible to show that admitting countable covers of sets
of small local diameter that are norm closed (or differences of norm closed sets) is
a 3SP property.
Point of continuity properties 145

4.17 Point of continuity properties

A non-empty closed bounded subset K of a Banach space X is said to have the
Point-of-Continuity-Property(PCP) if there is some pointp 6 K where the identity

(K, weak) --, (K, norm)

is continuous [39]. Equivalently [39, Lemma 2], for every e > 0 there is a weakly
open set U with

UN K ¢ ~ and diam( U N K) < e.

The Banach space X satisfies the PCP when every closed subset K of X has
PCP. This property has been introduced in [39].

The 3SP problem for the PCP was posed by Edgar and Wheeler [108], who
proved (Corol. 5.3.) the following restricted form of the 3SP property: I f X has
Cech complete ball and X**/X has PCP, then X** has PCP. Rosenthal [315] solved
the problem with a positive answer.

Theorem 4.17.a. The PCP is a 3SP property.

Proof The proof follows the schema: first assume it is true for the separable case
and prove that is true in general; then prove the separable case.

STEP 1, If every closed separable subset of X has PCP then every closed subset of
X has PCP.

Proof. For if K is a closed subset of X failing PCP then there is some closed
subset A of K and some 6 > 0 such that for every non empty relatively weakly open
subset W C A , diam W>6. It follows that for every point a ~ A one has

a ~ { x E Z : Ilx-at[ >6/2 }

By a result of Kaplansky (see Floret [123]),

_ __weak
YaEZ 3 Z a C { x E Z " l[x-all > 6 / 2 } , cardAa =N " a ~ A a .

So, if a o E A is fixed and one sets Al={ao}UAao and proceed inductively

choosing countable subsets A n CA such that
146 4. Topological properties

An+l = An U Ua~A Aa

then the set L = UA n is countable. Moreover, L fails PCP because if U is a

weakly relatively open subset of L and we choose n and a E A n (1 U such that
a E Yl~a then there is some x ~ A a f3 U C L t~ U. Hence, IIx - a II > ~/2. []

STEP 2. If the PCP is a 3SP property restricted to the class of separable spaces then
it is a 3SP property.

Assume that some Banach space X fails the PCP while some subspace Y and the
corresponding quotient space X/Y have the PCP. By the result of Step 1, some
separable subspace B of X fails the PCP. For the next lemma, recall that q: X ---
X/Y is the quotient map.

L e m m a 4.17.b. Let Y and B be closed subspaces of a Banach space X, with B

separable. There exist separable subspaces X 1 and Y1 of X with Y1 C X 1 N Y such
that B C X 1 and q-B X/Y is isometric to X1/Y1.

Proof The subspace Y1 is chosen as a separable subspace of Y such that for all
points b E B one has

dist (b, Y1) = dist (b, Y),

This can be done since B is separable. The subspace X 1 is chosen as the closure
of Y1 +B. Denote by ql :X --, X / Y 1 the corresponding quotient map and define an
operator T: ql(B) --, q(B) by Tqlb = qb. The operator T is clearly well-defined and
surjective. The choice of Y1 implies that T is an isometry and can thus be extended
to a surjective isometry
Q-~X/Y ~ q~l XI/Y1 = X1/Y1. []

So, there are separable subspaces X 1 and Y1 of X such that Y1 C Y, I11 C X 1,

B C X 1 and q-B is isometric to X1/Y 1. Since Y1 is a subspace of Y, it has the PCP;
since q-B is a subspace of X/Yit also has the PCP. Therefore X1/Y1 must also have
the PCP. This, and the hypothesis yield that X 1 has the PCP as well as B. A
contradiction. []

The proof for the separable case comes next.

LAST STEP. The PCP is a 3SP property restricted to the class of separable spaces

Proof Assume that Y is a subspace of a separable space X such that Y and X/Y have
the PCP while X fails the PCP. Then, for some 6 > 0 and some subset A C Ball(X)
and for every weakly open set U such that U N A ~ (~, one has diam ( U N A ) > 6.
Point of continuity properties I47

New ideas, essential for the remainder of the proof, emerged from Bourgain and
Rosenthal [39] (if part of the next proposition) and Ghoussoub and Maurey [128]
(only if part).

Some notation is needed. Given a sequence (Gi) of subspaces of a Banach space

X we denote [Gi]i=1 the closed subspace of X generated by the Gi, and for
1 <_m<n< oo we denote G[m,n] the subspace generated by {Gi: m<i<n}. With
all this, let P be a class of finite dimensional decompositions (FDD). A sequence
(Gi) of finite dimensional subspaces of X is a P-skipped blocking decomposition (P-
SBD) of X if the following conditions hold

i) X = [ Gi] ~*
ii) G i N [Gflj~i = {0} for all/
iii) If (mk) and (nk) are sequences of integers, with mk < nk < ink+ 1 for every k,
then the sequence { [G [mk,nk] }k=l~ is a FDD of [G [mk,nk]~=l of class P.
Proposition 4.17.c. A Banach space has the PCP if and only if it admits a
boundedly complete skipped blocking decomposition.
Proof Let (Gj) be a boundedly complete skipped blocking decomposition for Y, and
let us choose a (unique) sequence (/~) of finite dimensional subspaces of Y*
biorthogonal to ( ~ ) ; i.e.,

-j =( [%,,
Let ej = 2 -j. We shall inductively construct two sequences (mj) and (nj) of
integers and two sequences (xj) in A and (yj) in X satisfying, for all j,

(i) mj<nj+l <mj+ 1

(ii) IIxj+~ -xj II > ~/2
(iii) yjEG[mj,nj] and II(Xj+l-Xj)-yjl I <3ej.

This implies that Fj = G[mj, nj] is a skipped blocking decomposition of [Fj]j that
is not boundedly complete, since yj e Fj and, while

II ~ yjll ___5,
the series ~yj does not converge because

lim inf II yj II >-- ~/2,

To start the construction we need a lemma translating the PCP from X/Y:
148 4. Topological properties

L e m m a 4.17.d. If X/Y has the PCP then for every bounded subset L of X, every
relatively weakly open subset W of L and every e > 0 there exists a weakly open
subset U of X such that f~ ~ U N L C Wand diam q( U fq L ) < e.

Proof Given L, W and e as indicated, we can choose a weakly open subset A in

X/Y such that AN q(W)~ ~ and diam(An q(W))<e. Choosing V a weakly open
subset of X such that VcqL=Wand putting U = V N q - I ( A ) it turns out that

diam q ( V n q - l ( A ) ) = diam (q(V)cqA) = diam (q(W)AA) < e


(~ ~ Uc~L = V N L A q - I ( A ) = W O q - l ( A ) C W []

Initial step. By the lemma, let U 1 be a weakly open subset of X with U 1 Y~A ;~ 2~
and diam q ( U I C A ) < e 1. P i c k x 1 E UI(3A.

Choose now U2 such that ~ ;e U2 N A C U 1 N A and diam q(U 2 NA) < e2- Pick x 2
U2NA such that ]Ix2-xi ]] >~/2. Since diam q ( U I A A ) < E 1, ]Iqx2-qx]l < e 1.
Recalling that Y=[Gi] it is possible to picky 1 6 [Gi] such that ]]( x 2 - x l ) - y 1 [I < Cl.
We set m 1= 1 and n 1 such that Yl E G[m 1, nl].

Inductive argument. Assume that mj_ 1, nj_ 1, xj ~ A and a weakly open neighbor-
hood/.~ ofxj have been chosen so that diam q(UjOA)<sj.

We set m j = n j _ l + 2 and ~ = /411, m j - 1 ] = G[mj, ~ ] . The following result

shows the way to continue the induction.

L e m m a 4.17.e. Let Y be a subspace of X and let F be a finite dimensional subspace

of Y*. Given e > 0 there exists a weakly open subset W of X such that for every w
E W, dist ( w , Y ) <e = dist (w, Z F ) < 3 e .

Proof Let X, Y, F and e be as in the statement of the lemma. Choose r > t and
7/>0 so that r ( e + r ) <_2e.

Claim. There exists a finite dimensional subspace G of X* such that for all h E X*
with h t y ~ F there exist g ~ G and y ± ~ Y± with II g II -< ~"II h II and h = g + y ±

Proof of the claim: Since Ball(F) is compact, it is possible to choose a finite number
of points w 1..... w n in rBall(F) in such a way that Ball(F) C conv{w1..... wt, }. Let
W/be a norm-preserving Hahn-Banach extension of w i to X*. The space G is the
span of { W 1..... Wn}. Because if h is as in the statement of the claim, the restriction
of h~ I1 h [I to Y is a convex combination of wi; if g~ II h II is the same convex
combination of W/then II g~ II h II II -< II wi II -< r. Moreover g and h differ in an
element of Y±. []
Point of continuity properties 149

So, let G a finite dimensional space as in the claim, and define

W={x ~ x : II xl~ II <,}.

It is easy to verify that W is a weakly open neighborhood of zero: The set X1W
is weakly closed since every net (z~) of elements of X**\W weak* convergent to z
satisfies that za[ G is also weak convergent (and thus norm convergent) to z Ic-
Since II z~ I G l[ >-,, the same happens to Z.

Let then w ~ W with dist(w, Y)< e, and let d=dist(w, iF). By the Hahn-
Banach theorem it is possible to choose a norm one element h ~ X* with h(w)=d
and h ( ± F ) = O . Hence, h [y E ( ±F) ± n Y = F.

After the claim, there is a g E G with I1 g It _<rand g - h = y± ~ Y±. Since

w ~ W and II g [[ -< r, one has [g(w) I --- ~ - Hence,

d = h(w) = g(w) +y ±(w)

-< Ig(w) I + lY l(w) I

< rO + [lY l II dist(w,Y)
< rr/+ ( l + r ) e ,

and it follows that d<3e. []

End of the proof of the Last Step of 4.17.a. Choose ~ a weakly open neighborhood
of 0 in X such that for all w 6 Wj

dist (w,Y) <ej ~ dist (w,Fj ± ) <3ej

By Lemma 4.17.e, it is possible to choose a weakly open subset Uj+ 1 of X such


~:~ ~-'~-I-1n A c uj n A n (xj + ~ )


diam q ( ~ + l n A)<ej+ 1.

It is possible to pick xj+ 1 E Uj+ 1 n A such that I]xj+ 1 --Xj II > (~/2. Since xj+ 1
5~ n A, and applying the induction hypothesis, one obtains

IIq(xj+ l)-q(xj) [[ < sj;

dist %+i-xj, ~<~j.
150 4. Topological properties

Moreover (by choice) Xj+ 1 --Xj E Wj and this yields

dist (xj+ t -xj ,Fj± ) < 3~j.

So, we can choose yj E G[mj, 00] such that Ilxj+ 1 -xj-yjll <3ej. The process
finishes choosing nj such that yj E G[mj, nj]. []

A Banach space is said to have the Convex point of continui~ property if convex
closed bounded sets have PCP. A dual space is said to have C* point of continuity
property if convex closed bounded sets have PCP with respect to the weak*

Problems. Are the C*PCP and the CPCP 3SP properties?

(these problems appear explicitly posed in [173]).

In [18] it is considered the 3SP character of the so-called property H (introduced

in [69]): the set of points of weak*-to-norm continuity of the unit sphere of X* is
norm dense in the unit sphere of X*. This property is a weakening of the Namioka-
Phelps property: weak* and norm topologies coincide in the unit sphere of X*.
They prove:

Theorem 4.17.f. Property H is not a 3SP property.

Proof. What Basu and Rao prove in [18] is that property II is not stable by products
in very much the way that was done with the Halm-Banach smooth property in
1.9.f. The key is now to prove that (y*, z*) is a w*-PC of the unit sphere of
(Y@IZ) * if and only if II Y* II -- 1-- II z* [I and y* and z* are w*-PCpoints of the
unit spheres of F* and Z* respectively. Hence, ( Y ~ I X ) * never has property II.D

Observe that the proof also yields that infinite dimensional spaces with property
II do not admit nontrivial L-projections,

4.18 Property (C)

Corson introduced in [74] the following property, denoted property (C) after [296]:
A convex subset M of a Banach space is said to have property (C) if every
collection of closed convex subsets of M with empty intersection contains a
countable subcollection with empty intersection.

Lemma 4.18.a. If X fails property (C), then there exist a collection g" of
nonempty convex subsets of the open unit ball Bx of X that is closed under
countable intersections, and e > 0 so that for every convex subset M of X with
Property (C) of Pol 151

property (C) there is CM ~ ~ with dist(M, CM) >__e.

P r o o f Assume that X fails property (C), and take a collection g" of closed convex
subsets of E with empty intersection, but such that every countable subcollection has
nonempty intersection. Note that adding to g" the intersections of countable
subcollections, one obtains a collection that is closed under countable intersections.
Thus, there is no loss of generality assuming that ~" is closed under countable

Claim. There exists a collection ~ of nonempty convex sets in X closed under

countable intersections and a > 0 so that for every a E X there is some Ca E ~ with
dist(a, Ca ) > ~r.

Proof o f the claim. Otherwise, select inductively for i = 1, 2 .... and C ° ~ $" a
nonempty convex set C/ and some a i E X in such a way that

i) C ° D C 1 D C 2 D . . . ; with diam c i + l <_2-i

ii) The class g' i = {C i : C ° ~ g,} is closed under countable intersections
iii) dist (a i, C i) < 2 - i - 1.

This can be done as follows: first, choose a 0 E E such that for all C E ~ o n e
has: dist (a o, C ) < 2 - 2 ; then, assuming that a i and g,i have been defined, put

C i+l = C i (3 ( a i + 2 - i - l B E ) .

The set C i+1 is nonempty by iii). Condition i) is obvious, and ii) follows from
the same condition for C i. Finally, select ai+ 1 verifying iii) using the negation of
the claim for C i+l and a = 2 - i - 3 .

Now, one has [Ia i - a i + 111 --<2-i 3; and so lim a i = a ~ E. By frO, dist(a, C ) = 0
for all C E ~. Since C is closed, a E n c ~ $" C. A contradiction that proves the
claim. []

Take then the collection ~ and a > 0 given in the claim. Since ~ is closed under
countable intersections, there is n ~ N such that C n nB E ~ ~ for every C ~ ,q.


and e = a/n

Clearly ~ consists of nonempty convex subsets of BE, it is closed under

countable intersections, and for every x E E there exists Cx ~ ~ such that

dist (x, Cx) > e.

152 4. Topological properties

Moreover, if M is a convex set with property (C), and dist(M, C) < e for every
C 6 ~, taking C * = ( C + e B ) ( ~ M a n d letting C run through ~ one obtains a family
{C* : C ~ ~} of nonempty convex subsets of M that is closed under countable
intersections. By property (C) of M there exists

xE Nc~C*,

which yields dist(x, C)< e for every C E ~. A contradiction that completes the
proof. []

Theorem 4.18.b.[296]. Property (C) is a 3SP property.

Proof Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence with Y and Z having
property (C). Take a collection ~ of subsets of X as in the lemma. For every x
X, x + Y i s a translate of Yand thus has property (C). Then, there is Cx ~ ~ with

dist (x + Y, Cx) >-e.

This implies

dist (qx, qCx) >_e.

Thus qx q~qq~x and hence

flx x = z.

However, for every countable s e t {Xn} C X one has

c -- R,,eu Cx,,
so C ; ~ and

f~ ~ q C Cf']neN q--~xn ,
in contradiction with property (C) of X/Y. []

Theorem 4.18.c. Property (C) dual is a 3SP property.

In [132], Godefroy proved that, for separable spaces, (C) dual is equivalent to not
containing l 1.

4.19 GSG spaces

A Banach space X is said to be a GSG space if there is an Asplund space A and an
operator T:A --, X with dense range. These spaces were studied in [331]. Asplund
spaces and WCG spaces are GSG.
GSG spaces 153

T h e o r e m 4.19.a. GSG is not a 3SP property.

Proof The sequence 0 --, C[O, l] ---, D[0, 1] ---, Co(/) --, 0 gives a counterexample,
since [331, Thin. 3.1] implies that GSG spaces are weakly Asplund. See now
5.6. []

Some results in [80, p. 192] are relevant to the study of 3SP problems related
to GSG spaces, so we describe them.

T h e o r e m 4.19.b. The property "the unit dual bali does not contain a
homeomorphic copy of [0, co1]" is a 3SP property.

Proof Let 0 ~ Y -~ X ~ Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence and assume that Ball(Y*)
and Ball(Z*) do not contain [0, col]. Let i*:X* --, Y* be the natural quotient map,
and assuming [0, col] is homeomorphic to a subset K of Ball(X*), since Ker i* does
not contain [0, coil, for every y 6 i*(K) one has that (i*)-l(y)C3Kis countable. It
is easy to construct by transfinite induction a cofinal closed subset F of K such that
i ' I f is one-to-one; hence i*(F) is homeomorphic to [0, c01]; a contradiction. []

This property is the key to obtain (see [80])

Proposition 4.19.c. Let X be an Asplund space such that X* is GSG. Then either
Ball(X**) contains [0, col] or X* is WCG

and thus arrive to

T h e o r e m 4.19.d. {Asplund and WCG} auaz is a 3SP property.

Proof. Assume Y* and (X/Y)* are Asplund and WCG. Since Y* and (X/Y)* are
WCG then Y and X / Y are Asplund (4.11.b); hence X is Asplund. Since II* and
(X/Y)* are Asplund spaces, X* is an Asplund space and thus GSG. Since Y* and
(X/Y)* are WCG their unit balls do not contain [0, col] and, by 4.19.b, the same
happens to the unit ball of X*. Applying 4.19.c one obtains that X* is WCG. []

However, the sequence 0 --, co --, JL ---, 12(F) --, 0 shows

T h e o r e m 4.19.e. {Asplund and WCG} is not a 3SP property.

Question. Is the property " (Ball(X*), w* ) does not contain an homeomorphic

copy oft3N " a 3SPproperty? By a result of Talagrand (see [340]) this property is
equivalent to "not having l~ as a quotient" (see also the second question at 3.2.g).
Appendix 4.20

Polynomial properties
The study of polynomials in Banach space still has not many three-space results
available. We can, however, formulate some of the main properties involving
polynomials and look for the solution of their 3SP problems

Weakly sequentially continuous polynomials

Continuous polynomials tend to be not weakly continuous as the square of the norm
of a Hilbert space clearly shows. In fact, the property that all polynomials are
weakly sequentially continuous seems to be quite "pathological." Let us call it
property pwsc. Known spaces with property pwsc are those with the Dunford-Pettis
property [316]. The hereditary pwsc property means that all subspaces have pwsc.
The known examples of spaces having pwsc hereditarily are thus the spaces with
the hereditary Dunford-Pettis property and the spaces where no normalized
sequence admitting a lower p-estimate exists [ 151].

Theorem 4.20.a. The properties pwsc and hereditary pwsc are not 3SP properties.

Proof Consider the sequence 0 --, Ker (q+i) -, l l @ S - , co -, 0 as described in

4.6.a and 6.6.f. One only needs to prove that Schreier's space S has not property
pwsc. If (en) denotes the canonical basis, the estimate

I[~J'--1 enj t[S* ~< 2logX,

obtained in 6.6.f for the canonical basis of S* and some standard duality results
yield that the canonical basis of S, which is a normalized weakly null sequence,
satisfies moreover a lower p-estimate for all p > 1. Thus the map p(Eknen)= E(Xn)2
is a continuous 2-homogeneous polynomial not weakly sequentially continuous since
P( en) = 1. []

R. Gonzalo and R. Garc~a mentioned that the following partial improvement is

Polynomial properties 155

possible: there exist Banach spaces X, Y where all 2-polynomials are weakly
sequentially continuous while there exist 2-polynomials in X ~ Y that are not weakly
sequentially continuous.

Spaces admitting a separating polynomial

In this section we consider real Banach spaces. A polynomial P on a Banach space
X is said to be separating if it satisfies P(0) =0 and I P(x) 1 > 1 for all x in the unit
sphere of X. Hilbert spaces, and in general L2n(/x)-spaces (n E N), admit a separating
polynomial; namely, P(¢) = Ilfl] 2n, f E L2n(/X)

Theorem 4.20.b. To admit a separating polynomial is not a 3SP property.

Pro@ It is enough to show that the space Z2 does not admit a separating
polynomial. This follows from two facts:

i) The only Banach spaces with symmetric basis that admit a separating
polynomial are the spaces 12n, n ~ N. [i42]

ii) The space Z2 contains a copy of the Orlicz space lM, with re(x)=x2(log(x)) 2.

Problem. In several papers [49, 143, 159, 180], polynomial versions of properties
defined with operator ideals have been introduced and studied: polynomial (V),
polynomial C1, polynomial Schur (also called A-spaces)... A Banach space X is said
to be a A-space [49] if polynomially null sequences are norm null. Jaramillo and
Prieto [180] proved that spaces in (Wp) ~ual are A-spaces, setting in the affirmative
a conjecture of Came, Cole and Gamelin [49]. It is apparently an open question
whether to be a A-space is a 3SP property. The difficulty to make a direct proof
via lifting analogous to that of Schur property is that polynomials cannot be
extended from subspaces to the whole space. Moreover, new polynomial properties
such as Q-reflexivity (see [10, 141]) and other ([181,351] are being investigated
by many authors. An excellent updated survey is [159].

It would be interesting to obtain 3SP results in this context.

Chapter 5

Geometrical Properties

Many properties of Banach spaces could be described as "geometrical." In

something like an exercise in schizophrenia, during a part of this chapter we focus
on those that come defined in terms of differentiability properties of the given norm
(and/or its dual norm) ... to study the 3SP problem for having an equivalent norm
with that property. A typical example is the geometrical property of uniform
convexity whose topological equivalent is super-reflexivity. A lot of research has
been done trying to describe the Banach spaces that admit an equivalent norm (a
renorming, in short) with some good geometrical properties. Classical results can
be found in chapter 4 of Diestel's book [89]; and an up-to-date comprehensive
reference is the masterpiece [82] of Deville, Godefroy and Zizler, to which we shall
often refer to. The chapter includes (a sketch of) the (quite a few) positive results
available, such as the 3SP property for admitting a locally uniformly convex
renorming of Godefroy, Troyanski, Whitfield and Zizler [136]; nonetheless, the
highlights of this topic are the examples: Talagrand's counterexample to the 3SP
property [341] for admitting a (uniformly) G~teaux smooth renorming, or Haydon's
counterexample [164] for admitting a strictly convex renorming. One of the main
intriguing open questions in this area is the 3SP problem for Fr6chet smooth

The study of the (still open) problem of the equivalence between the Radon-
Nikodym and Krein-Milman properties has produced an intensive development of
the geometric theory of Banach spaces. Several properties and notions, such as
extreme point, exposed point, dentability or slices, emerge from that study; and
have been related to differentiability of measures, convergence of martingales and
other analytical concepts. Other properties that can adopt these forms, such as weak
Asplund or U.M.D., are also considered in the chapter. However, organization
surprises continue since the Radon-Nikodym property shall not be studied here; we
postpone it until Chapter 6 because its characterization in terms of operators is more
suitable to the study of the 3SP problems.
Type and cotype 157

5.1 Type and cotype

We refer to Chapters 11 and 12 in [90] where all one would like to know about
type and cotype can be found. A Banach space X is said to have type p, 1 <_p <_2,
if there is a positive constant C such that for every finite set (xi) one has

Average][~=, N ±xi[[ ~ C(~, N [[xi[[P) lip .


All spaces have type 1, Hilbert spaces have type 2 and no space can have type
p > 2. A Banach space X is said to have cotype q, 2 <_q <_oo, if there is a positive
constant C such that for every finite set (xi) one has

C(~ N llxil[q) 1/q <_ Averagel]~_, N +_xitl.


All spaces have cotype oo, Hilbert spaces have cotype 2 and no space can have
cotype q < 2. In general, there is no duality between type and cotype: l 1 has cotype
2 while lo~ has no nontrivial type or cotype. For B-convex spaces one has (see [90,

Proposition 5.1.a. Assume that X is a B-convex space. X has cotype q if and only
if X* has type q*.

Regarding 3SP questions, one has.

T h e o r e m 5.1.b. To have type p or cotype q are not 3SP properties.

Proof The sequence 0 -- lp--, Zp -, lp--, 0 for p_<2 gives a counterexarnple to the
type p assertion. Recall from 4.6. e that

which gives

11( 0, IEu _ej >11 - ( log

It is therefore impossible the existence of a constant c > such that

Average ll E u (O, +e/) ll <- c ( E N II( O,ei) HP)lip = cPv~ .

158 5. Geometrical properties

and thus Zp has not type p.

The proof for cotype follows by duality and 5.1.a: B-convexity is a 3SP
property and lp spaces are B-convex for 1 < p < oo. Therefore the exact sequence
0 -, lp, -, (Zp)* -~ lp, -, 0 shows that (Zp)* is B-convex and cannot have cotype
p* since Zp has not type p. []

Nevertheless, Kalton [204] obtained the following positive result.

Proposition 5.1.c. Let 0 --, Y --, X -, Z -, 0 be a short exact sequence. If Y and Z

have type p then X has type r for all r < p .
Proof Recall the estimate

A(Xl ..... Xn) = I [ F ( ~ i = l X i ) - ~ i = l F ( X i ) 1 1 < K(~i=l i Ilxill ) •

The key of the argumentation is to prove that in a type p space one has

( i I A(rl(t)x 1..... rn(t)xn)qd t )l/q < D ( ~ i = l [[xillq)l/q

for all q < p ([204, pp. 264-265]), where (ri) is the sequence of Rademacher
functions. With this estimate, the remainder is easy:

: [ I0~ '~t~ r~y~ ~ r~z~t,,q~ 1 l~q

/ I01 H~xr~Y/-~(~r~t~z~), • II~lr~z/ll

<- Ix(ll~r,~(Y~-~z~l II~rl~Zx ..... r~)z~ llF/_xr,<~z~ll)q~

[ 1 ~q
-~ ~(~ ny~-~ IIq)X'q~(~x llz~ll~tl~q
-< ~ ~ ( ~ 1 / , y / - ~ ; ~ l l ÷ llz/Illq)x~q

:~ e tzri-1 II~,z;~ll~)~
Basic results on differentiabilty of the norm 159

5.2 Basic results on renormings and

differentiability of the norm
In this section we include some general results on extension and lifting of norms
and the different properties of differentiability of the norm.

Extension of norms 5.2.a. Let Y be a subspace of a Banach space X. Any

equivalent norm ] ] on Y can be extended to an equivalent norm on X.

Proof ([82, II. 8.1]). If II II is the original norm of X, we assume that t I -< II tl •
Thus, the Minkowski functional of

B = c o n v { Ball I[ II (X) U Ball I I (Y)}

gives an equivalent norm on X that extends ] 1. []

Lifting of norms 5.2.b. Let Y be a subspace of a Banach space X. Any equivalent

norm on X / Y may be obtained as the quotient norm of some equivalent norm on X.

Proof. Let [ I be the equivalent norm on X/Y. Assume that the quotient norm
associated to the original norm II II on X is smaller than or equal to I I on X/Y.
If q denotes the quotient map X --, X / Y then the Minkowski functional of

q-l(Balll l (X/Y) ) n Ball ll II (X)

gives the desired norm on X. []

We consider some differentiability properties of the norm and their

corresponding dual notions defined in terms of convexity.

Fr~ehet smooth norm. Let II. II be the norm of a Banach space X. It is said to be
Fr~chet smooth if it is Fr6chet differentiable at every point x ~ X~{0}; i.e., if for
any x, h ~ X~{0}, the limit

limt~ t-l( IIx+th II -Ilx II)

exists and is uniform in h ~ SX. By homogeneity, it is enough to check for x E S x.

Ghteaux smooth norm. The norm I1.11 is said to be Gdteaux smooth if it is

Ghteaux differentiable at every point xEX~{0}; i.e., if for every x, h ~ X~{0}, the

limt_,o t -1( IIx+th II - IIx II)

exists. The proof of the following result can be seen in [82, I. 15].
160 5. Geometrical properties

Smullyan test on differentiability of norms 5.2.c. Let X be a Banach space.

i) The norm is G~teaux differentiable at a point x, ]l x [I = 1, if and only if there

is a unique f E X*, ]lfll =1, such that f ( x ) = l .

ii) The norm is Frgchet differentiable at a point x, ]l x H = 1, if and only if there

is a unique f ~ X*, IIf H = 1, satisfying:for every e > 0 there exists 6 > 0 such that
if g ~ Ball(X*) and g(x) > l - 6 then H g - f ll < e.

Uniformly Fr6chet smooth norm. The norm ]] I] is said to be uniformly Frgchet

smooth if the limit

limt__,0t -I( [[x+th II -[Ix II)

exists for each x, y ~ S X and is uniform in (x, h) ~ S x x S X.

Uniformly Ghteaux smooth norm. The norm II II is said to be uniformly G~tteaux

smooth if for every h ~ SX the limit

limt_,ot-1( iix+th II -IIx II)

exists and is uniform in x ~ SX.

Proposition 5.2.d. The norm of a Banach space is uniformly Frdchet smooth (resp.
uniformly convex) if and only if its dual norm is uniformly convex (resp. uniformly

Recall that a bump function on X is a real function on X with a bounded

nonempty support. The smoothness of the norm implies the existence of smooth
bump s:

Proposition 5.2.e. I f the norm II. II of x is differentiable, then X admits a bump

which is differentiable in the same sense.

Proof. Take a C~-function r: • --, l~ such that 7-=0 on ( - o o , 1] tO [3, c~) and
r(2) ~ 0. Thus the function ~p: X--, R defined by

~(x) = r( IIx 11) for x ~ X

is a continuously differentiable bump function on X. []

The converse implication is not true without restrictions. Haydon [165] exhibits
a C(K) space admitting a C~-bump and no C~-renorming.
Fr6chet smooth renorming - Ck-smooth renorming 161

5.3 Fr chet and Ck-smooth

Let U be an open set in a Banach space X. A function f: U --- R is said to be of class
C4c on U, 1 < k-< oo, if it admits continuous Fr6chet derivatives up to order k on U.
The norm is said to be C4C-smooth if it is a 64~-smooth function on X~{0}.

Problem. [82, Problem VII.5] It is not known if admitting an equivalent Fr~chet

smooth norm (or a Frdchet differentiable bump) is a 3SP property.

Nonetheless, one has

Theorem 5.3.a. Admitting a ClC-smooth renorming, k >_2, is not a 3SP property.

Proof Note that any continuous twice differentiable function has its first derivative
locally lipschitzian. Moreover, if both X and X* admit bump functions with locally
lipschitzian derivative then X is isomorphic to a Hilbert space [82, V. 3.6]. Hence,
the sequence 0 ---/2 --" Z2 --"/2 --" 0 gives a counterexample since Z 2 does not admit
a C2-bump function (recall that Z 2 and (7_,2)* are isomorphic [213]. []

There exists the following partial result [136]:

Theorem 5.3.b, Let X be a Banach space and Y a subspace of X isontorphic to

Co(F ). If X / Y admits an equivalent C~-smooth norm then X admits an equivalent 64c-
smooth norm.

Proof By a suitable renorming of X (cf. lemma 5.2.c) we can assume that Y is

isometric to Co(I' ). The exact sequence 0 -, Co(F) --, X ~ X/Y---, 0 induces the exact
sequence 0 --- (X/Y)* --- X* --, ll(F) ---,0. Let T: l l ( F ) ~ X* be a linear selection for
the quotient map with [[ T It _< 1 and let us write fj = Tej, j ~ I'.

Let so:R -~ R be a C °°-function such that

i) SO(t)= so( - t)
ii) O<<_so(t)<1; moreover, so(t)=I for Itl_<9/8 and so(t)=0 for ltl >_2;
iii) so'(t)<0 for 9 / 8 < t < 2 ;
iv) so is concave on the set {t ~ R : so(t) _> 1/2 }.

Let a:• --, R be another Coo-function such that

i) c~(t)= a ( - t)
ii) 0_< c~(t) _<1; moreover, a(t) = 1 for Itl >_ 1/2 and a(t) = 0 for Itl -< 1/4;
iii) a ' ( t ) > o for 1 / 4 < t < 1 / 2 ;
iv) ~ is convex on the set {t ~ R : a(t) _< 1/2 }.
162 5. Geometrical properties

Let N the original norm on X and let Nq the corresponding quotient norm on
X/Y. If [[ I[ is an equivalent C4-smooth norm on X/Y, that we assume to satisfy
[[ ]l >_Nq, let ~b:X/Y-~ R be the function

~b(qx) = 1-or( ]l qx [[ ).

Clearly, ~b is a C-4£smooth function such that

i) <~b'(z),z> = - a ' ( i i z [ i ) [ ] z ] [ 2 < 0 for 1/4< [[z[] < 1 / 2

ii) ~ is concave on the set {z E X/Y : ~b(z)_< 1/2 }.

Let ~:X --- R be given by:

• (x) = g,(qx) rIj ~ r ~ (x)).

Claim. cb is a well-defined C~-function on X.

Proof of the claim. First note that i f x E X and [[ qx [[ < 1 then the set

F= { j ~ F: ]fj(x)]_>I}

is finite: otherwise, t a k i n g f a weak* accumulation point of ~ : i E F} one has that

[fix) [ _> 1, which is in contradiction with [[ qx [[ < 1 because ][f ][ _< 1 and f E
(X/Y)* as can easily be deduced from

i*f = weak*-lim i*fj = weak*-lim i*Tej = weak*-lim ej = 0

and the exactness of the sequence 0 -, (X/Y)* --, X* --, 11(£) --, 0, The same
argument shows that for every x ~ X with [[ qx II < t there is some open ball Bx
centered at x and some finite subset Fix] of 1" such that for y E Bx

,:I,(y) = ¢,(qy) nj ~ ~x] ' ; ~ (Y));

since ~(y)=0 for II qY II >- 1/2, the claim is proved.
The next step is to show that the set

W = {x ~ X:~,(x)>__l/2 }

is a bounded, convex and symmetric neighborhood of zero in X:

W is a neighborhood of O.

Indeed, the ball (1/4)BallN(X) is contained in W because when

N(x) < 1/4 then II qx II <N~Qx) <_N(x) < 1/4 and thus

~/(qx) = l-a( II qx II) = ; = ~ . (x))

for all j e 1".
Fr6chet smooth renorming - C4-smooth renorming 163

W is bounded.

Observe that X*= Y± ~ l l ( I ' ), Thus, every g ~ X* with N * ( g ) = l

can be written as

g=h + Ejajfj

with h ~ (X/Y)*, [1 h II *___2 and Zlajl ___1. Onthe other hand, if

x ~ Wthen II qxll < 1 / 2 and [fj (x)[ ___2for a l l j ~ I'. Therefore
l g(x) 1 < 3 and W is bounded.

W is symmetric.

The functions ~b and So are even.

W is convex.

Let x, y E W and 0 < t < 1. It is an elementary observation that

given two families (ri) and (si) of positive numbers such that
IIr i >_1/2 and IIS i > 1/2 then II(tr i + (1 --t)Si) >-- 1/2. From ¢(x) _> 1/2
and ¢(y) >_ 1/2 one obtains that the values

~b(qx), g,(qy), So(fj(x)) and So(f/y))

are all greater than or equal to 1/2. By the concavity of ~b and So on
the sets where they take values greater than or equal to 1/2 it

g/( tqx + (1 -t)qy ) >_ t~b(qx) + (1 -t)~b(qy)

SO~.(x + (1-t)y)) _> tso(fj (x)) + (1-t)So~(y))


¢( tx + ( 1 - t ) y ) > tr~(x) + (1-t)~5(y) > 1/2.

It has therefore been proved that the Minkowski functional 1[ II w of W is an

equivalent norm on X.

Claim. II II w is c e- smooth on X.

Proof of the claim. If x ~ X is not zero then

II x II w = t-1 if and only if q~(tx) = 1/2.

Consider the open sets U=J6{0} and V=(0, oo) and the function F : U x V--, R
given by F(x, t) = cI,(t-lx) - 1/2. Clearly F is a function of class 64: on U x V. The
partial derivative OtF: Ux V--, 1~ with respect to t is given by
164 5. Geometrical properties

OtF(x, t) = < ~ ' ( t - l x ) , t - 2 x > .

Subclaim. For every x E U one has

Oy(x, II x II w) ~ o
Proof of the subclaim. Let us denote k = ( [1x [[ w) -1. One has

~(Xx) = ~b(Xqx) rj ~ r SO(Xfj(x)) = 1/2.

Thus, either 1/4 < II Xqx II < 1/2 or 1 < [xfj (x) I < 2 for at least o n e j ~ 17.
Since ~b and so have negative derivatives in those intervals, from the definition of
~b and < 11 qx II ', qx > = II qx II 2 it follows

(~'()~C) , ~k2X) = -C~' (II Xqx II) X3 IIqx [I2 I~.jE F soO~()~X))


and the subclaim is proved.

End of the prof of the claim and the theorem. Using the implicit function theorem
[233, XVI, 2.1] there is a uniquely determined function g: U ~ V of class C4¢ such
that F(x, g(x)) = 0 for every x ~ U. Clearly g = II II w []

Corollary 5.3.c. For every set F the space Co(F) admits an equivalent C°%smooth

5.4 Rough norms and Asplund spaces

The classical definition of Asplundness is "every continuous convex function on X
is Fr6chet differentiable on some G6 subset of X" It was considered in [331] as
equivalent to "separable subspaces have separable duals" and proved that it is a 3SP

A norm H [[ in a Banach space X is said to be rough if there exists e > 0 so that

for all x ~ X one has

Ilx+h II + IIx-h II -2 fix [I _>e.

lim sup IIh 11-*0 IIh tl

This means that there exist "wrinkles" of the unit sphere that cannot be "brushed
Rough norms and Asplund spaces - Gfiteaux smooth norm 165

out" uniformly by means of a linear isomorphism. Since (see [82, 1.5.3])

Proposition. 5.4.a. A Banach space admits an equivalent rough norm if and only
if it is not Asplund.

then one has

Theorem 5.4.b. Admitting no equivalent rough norm is a 3SP property.

5.5 G teaux smooth renorming

We start with a basic trick to obtain spaces with Gfiteaux smooth renorming.

Lemma 5.5.a. Separable Banach spaces and CoW) admit uniformly Gdteaux smooth

Proof The key argument is to show that

If X and Z are Banach spaces, Z admitting an equivalent uniformly Ggzteaux

smooth norm, and if there exists a dense range operator T: Z --, X then X
admits a uniformly Gdteaux smooth renorming.

To see this, consider the norm on X* given by

If[ 2 = IIf II 2 + II T*f II 2

This norm is weak* lower semicontinuous on X* and thus it is a dual norm. It

can be shown that the predual norm on X is uniformly G~teaux smooth [82, II. 6.8].

Now, if X is separable, it is easy to construct operators/2 "" X with dense range.

Analogously, the canonical inclusion 12(P ) + c0(F ) has dense range. []

Theorem 5.5.b. Admitting an equivalent Gdteaux smooth norm or an equivalent

uniformly Gdteaux smooth norm are not 3SP properties.

Proof The counterexample is the sequence

0 --, C[0, 1] --, D[0, 1] --- c0(D, 1)) .o 0

Recall that D[0, l] is the space of all real functions that are left continuous on
[0, 1] and have right limits at each point endowed with the supremum norm. The
quotient map q: D[0, 1] --, c0([0, 1]) defined by

q f = (f(x) -- f ( x + ) ) x E [0, 1)

has Ker q = 6"[0, 1]. Applying lemma 5.5.a both spaces C[O, 1] and Co([O, 1))
166 5. Geometrical properties

admit uniformly G~teaux smooth norms: the former is separable and the later is
some c0(F). It will also be convenient to recall the representation of D[0, 1] as the
space C(K) of continuous functions on the punctured interval K = [ 0 , 1] ×{0, 1}
endowed with lexicographical order (see also [82]). It was proved by Talagrand
[131] that any equivalent norm on D[0, 1] fails to be G~tteaux differentiable at some
point of C[0, 1] = {f E C(K) :fix, O) = fix, 1) for every x E [0, 1]}.

Claim. The space D[0, 1] does not admit an equivalent Gdteaux smooth norm.

Proof of the claim. Observe that any f 6 C[0, t] such that 1.1(t)t </Ifll
necessarily attains its maximum at two different points x=(t, 0) and x + =(t, 1) (for
some t E [0, 1]) of K:

Let 11 II be a 6-equivalent norm on D[0, 1]; i.e., for all g ~ D[0, 1]

6-1 l [ g l l ~ < Ilgl[ -< ~SHgll~,

and assume that II II is G~teaux smooth at every point of 6'[0, 1]. If we denote
by II II * the dual norm on (C[0, 1], II II )* and by 6p the Dirac measure
concentrated at point p, the Bishop-Phelps theorem allows us to find a measure Up
on [0, 1] with ]l Up II * < (56)-1 and such that ~p = 6p + up attains its norm at
some norm one function f ~ C[0, 1]; i.e., /~p(f)= II 11. In what follows kp
denotes a Halm-Banach extension of ~Zp in M(K)= C(K)*.

If F is a finite subset of [0, 1] then we write

U(F) = {p E (0, 1): Ikp({Z})/>(5~) -1 for each z 6 F}.

Since U ( ~ ) = (0, 1) is uncountable and U(F)= ~ if F is large enough, there is some

finite set F that is maximal for the property "U(F) uncountable." Let U denote U(F)
for this set. Let B* = Ball((C[O, 1], II II )*) endowed with the weak* topology.
The compact metric space L = [0, 1] ×B* has the Lindel6fproperty, which means
that every open covering of L admits a countable subcovering [220, Thm. 1.15].
Therefore, if for every p ~ U we denote by (Vn(P)) n ~ N a countable basis of
neighborhoods of/Zp in B* and by H the uncountable set {(p, tZp) : p ~ U} then
given positive integers k, n the set

Kk, n = {P ~ U : at least one of the sets

H n [ (p, p + k -1) × Vn(P) ] or H ¢3 [ ( p - k -x, p) × Vn(P) ] is countable }

is countable.

So, U k,n Kk, n is also countable and there exist some p ~ U such that

P~Uk,nKk,n U F.
Ggteaux smooth renorming 167

In this way, the sets

H ~ [(p,p+e)xVn(P) ] and H N [ ( p - e , p ) × V n ( P ) ]
are uncountable for every e > 0 and every n. Moreover, the set

{p a U : lXp({x}) I > (56) -1 }

is countable. Thus it is possible to find sequences (x(n)) and (y(n)) in [0, 1] such

i) x(n) < x <y(n)

ii) limn~o~ x(n) = limn_., ~ y(n) =x
iii) weak * -limn__,oo ~x(n) = weak * -limn._,o~ P'y(n) = ~x

iv) [ Xx(n)( {x } )l < (5~)-t

I Xy(n¢ {x })! -< (58)-I.

By construction of/~x, there existsf ~ C[0, 1] such that tlf II = 1 and/~x(f) = 1.

Let X1 and X2 be accumulation points of { Xx(n) } and { Xy(n) }, respectively. One
sees that both X1 and X2 belong to B* and that Xl(f) = X2(f) = 1. Thus, to prove
that [1 l[ is not Giteaux differentiable at f it is enough, by Smullyan test 5.2.c,
to see thatX 1 • X2.
To this end, take a sequence of functions h m ~ C[O, 1] such that

X[x,ll < hrn < X[x-1/m,1]"

One has

Xy(n)(hm ) = 5y(n)(hm ) + ~,y(n)(hm) > 4 ~3-1.

Hence, by Lebesgue's theorem
Moreover, since

I Xy(n)({x })1 ~--(5 6) -1


~y(n)(X[x+, l])>-3 ~-l.

On the other hand
168 5. Geometrical properties

Xx(n)(hm) = 6x(n)(hm) + gx(n)(hm) <-6x(n)(hm) + (5 (3)-1.

Hence, by Lebesgue's theorem

X~(n)(Xlx, 11)---(5 ~)-~.

And since

l)kx(n)({x })l <_(5 ~)-1

one obtains
Xx(n)(X[x +, 1])- -~ •
In this form

IXl(X[x÷ 1])[ ~ 2 8 - 1

3 (~-i

and X 1 ¢ X2. []
Coban and Kenderov [73] showed that the set of points of Gateaux
differentiability of the sup norm of D[0, 1] does not contain a dense G~.

5.6 Weak Asplund spaces

The weak Asplund property means that continuous convex functions on X are
G~teaux differentiable on some dense G~ subset of X. Subspaces of weakly
compactly generated spaces are weak Asplund spaces [13] and, thus, both C[0, 1]
and c0[0, 1] are weak Asplund spaces. Talagrand shows in [339] that, assuming
Martin's axiom, D[0, 1] is not a weak Asplund space, and he does so constructing
an exotic convex continuous (in fact 1-1ipschitzian) function ~ on D such that the
set G(~) of its points of G~teaux differentiability is dense and of first Baire
category. The result of Coban and Kenderov just mentioned shows that the sup norm
can play the role of "exotic convex function." See [298], final remarks. Therefore,
the sequence 0 ~ C[0, 1] ~ D[0, 1] ~ c0([0, 1]) --, 0 yields

Theorem 5.6.a. To be a weak Asplund space is not a 3SP property.

It is even unknown whether X ~ R is weak Asplund assumed that X is weak

weak Asplund spaces - D-spaces 169

5.7 D-spaces
This section is off limits, although we think that, as an application of the push-out,
it can be interesting. Letj~ [0, 1] --, X be a continuous function with values on a
quasi-Banach space X. A primitive f o r f is a differentiable function F: [0, 1] --, X
so that F'(t)=f(t) for 0_<t_< I. Kalton defines in [211] a D-space as a quasi-Banach
space where all continuous functions have a primitive. Continuous functions on
Banach spaces are Riemann integrable and therefore Banach spaces are D-spaces.
Popov [297] poses the question of whether Lp spaces 0 < p < 1 are D-spaces. Kalton
[211 and 205] proves:

Proposition 5.7.a, If X has trivial dual then it is a D-space.

Then, Kalton defines the core of X as the maximal subspace with trivial dual and

Proposition 5.7.b. If core X=O then X is a D-space if and only if it is a Banach


This, and the fact that quotients of D-spaces are D-spaces, show that if X is a
D-space then the quotient X/ coreX is a Banach space. Kalton gives then a
counterexample for the converse (i.e., a non D-space X such that X/coreX is a
Banach space) that actually proves:

T h e o r e m 5.7.c. To be a D-space is not a 3SP property,

Proof. Let 0 --, R -* E --, 11 --, 0 be a nontrivial exact sequence as in 1.6.g. Let now
be a space L with trivial dual satisfying liran _~ ~ an(L ) (n log n)-1 = 0 (recall
from 1.5 that an(X) = sup { II Xl + . . . +xn l] : 1[xn II < 1}). This estimate is relevant
since [211, thin. 5] shows that in a D-space X one has the estimate an(X)<_ C
an(core X) where C is some constant. It is not difficult to check that the space E
satisfies the estimate an(E) >- k nlogn for some positive constant k. Let E be the
push-out of the maps R ~ E and some isometry R --, L. Consider the lower exact
row in the push-out diagram

0 ~ ~ --> E -, l1 ~ 0

Since E admits E as a subspace, an(E)>_an(E)>_ k nlogn. But core E is

isomorphic to L so that, were E a D-space, one should have an(E ) < C an(L) which
is impossible. []
170 5. Geometrical properties

5.8 extreme points

A related property was considered by Larman and Phelps in [234] suggested by
Stegall's proof that weak Asplund spaces have weak* sequentially compact dual
ball. They call a point p ~ X* a w*-G~ extreme point of a weak* compact set K if
p is an extreme point of K and such that {p} is a G~ of K. For instance, weak*
exposed points of K are w*-G6 extreme points of K, but not' conversely. The
property w*-G~ extreme points exist means that every nonempty weak* compact
subset of X have at least one. Larman and Phelps prove:

Proposition 5.8.a. If X* admits w*-G6 extreme points then it has weak*

sequentially compact unit ball.

We are however interested in:

Theorem 5.8.b. To admit w*-G~ extreme points is a 3SP property.

Proof Let 0 --, Y -, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence where w*-G~ extreme
points exist in Y* and Z*. Suppose that K is a nonempty weak* compact subset of
X*. By hypothesis i*(K) has some w*-G6 extreme point p and thus p is an extreme
point of K such that for some sequence of weak* open sets (Vn) one has

{p}= n,,(v,, n i*(K)).

Let W = ( i * ) - l ( p ) A K . This is a nonempty weak* closed extremal face of K.
Choose w e W and note that W - w C Y± = Z*. Thus, there exists some w*-G6
extreme point z for W - w in Z*; i.e., for some sequence (Un) of weak* open
subsets of Z*

{z} = n,,(u,,n (W-w)).

Choose weak* open subsets (Wn) of Y* such that, for each n, Un = Wn n Yx
and let x = w + q . Clearly x is an extremal point of W and thus of K. It is not
difficult to verify that

{x} = n n [(Wn+W) n (i*)-lVn n g]

and the proof is complete. []

5.9 Measure compact spaces

A Banach space X is said to be measure compact if all scalarly measurable X-valued
functions ~o are weakly equivalent to a Bochner measurable function; recall that a
Measure compact spaces - LUR norm 171

function ~b: f2 --, X,/~(f2) = 1, is said to be Bochner measurable if it is the pointwise

limit a.e. of a sequence of measurable simple functions; equivalently, if it is
scalarly measurable and there is a separable subspace X I C X such that/~{t E f2: if(t)
X1} = 0, and that two scalarly measurable functions So: f~ --" X and ~b: 12 ~ X are
weakly equivalent if, for all x* E X*, x*(So)= x*(~b) a.e. Subspaces of weakly
compactly generated spaces are measure compact spaces [106]; therefore C[0, 1]
and co[O, 1] are measure compact spaces.

Theorem 5.9.a. To be a measurable compact space is not a 3SP property.

Proof Consider again the sequence

0 ~ C[O, 1] ~ D[0, 1] ~ c0([0, 1]) ~ 0

It turns out that the function So: [0, 1] -, D[0, 1] defined by So(t)= X[0, t] is
scalarly measurable and not weakly equivalent to any Bochner measurable function.
The first assertion is easy, regarding D[0, 1] as a subspace of Loo [0, 1], since
every element x* ~ L~o [0, t]* is the difference a - b of two positive functionals and
a(So) (resp. b(So)) is increasing, and thus measurable. Moreover Loo [0, 1]* is weak*-
separable. This implies that two scalarly measurable functions are weakly equivalent
if and only if they coincide almost everywhere (Hahn-Banach separation theorem).
Now, if A C [0, 1] is countable, So(A) is discrete in L ~ [0, 1] and hence norm
separable. Thus, no Bochner measurable function weakly equivalent to So can
exist. []

5.10 Uniformly convex and

locally uniformly convex renorming
A norm ][ l[ is said to be uniformly convex if whenever x n, Yn ~ SX and

limn--,~o ]]Xn +Yn [[ =0 then timn_~o ]]x n-yn ]] =0.

The following remarkable result is due to Enflo [114].

Proposition 5.10.a. A Banach space admits a uniformly convex norm if and only
if it is super-reflexive.


Theorem 5.10.b. Admitting an equivalent uniformly convex norm is a 3SP property.

The norm [[ [[ is said to be locally uniformly convex or locally uniformly rotund

(in short LUR) if for all x 6 X whenever II Xn H= Ilx[t and
172 5. Geometrical properties

limn--, ~ IIXn +X II = 2 IIx II one has

limn-~ Ilxn-x II = 0
The following simple fact shall be useful (see [82, I1.2,3]).

Proposition 5.10.e. The norm II [I is LUR at x ~ X if and only if given (Xn) in

X such that

limn -, o~ 2 II x II 2 + 2 II x. II 2 _ II X+XnII 2 = 0

one has

limn -, o~ II X--Xn II 2 = 0.

LUR norms on subspaces can be extended maintaining some properties:

Extension of L U R norms 5.10.d. (see [82, II.8.1]) Let Y be a subspace of a

Banach space X. An equivalent LUR norm I i on Y can be extended to an
equivalent norm on X that is LUR at every point of Y.

Proof. If I I is LUR on Y and we denote by I [ its extension to X given by 5.2.a


IX ]2 = ixl2 + i n f { i x _ y i 2 : y E y }

defines an equivalent norm on X that is LUR at every point of Y. []

Examples of spaces admitting LUR norms were provided by Troyanski [348]:

L e m m a 5.10.e. WCG spaces admit a LUR renorming.

There are some duality relations (see [82, II. 1.5 and II. 1.6].

Proposition 5.10.f. Let 1[ II be the norm of a Banach space X, and let II I1" be the
dual norm on /f II II is locally uniformly convex, then II II is Frdchet smooth.
Theorem 5.10.g. To admit a LUR renorming is a 3SP property.

Proof Let Y be a subspace of a Banach space X. Assume that Y and X / Y admit a

LUR renorming, and denote by q: X --, X / Y the quotient map. We denote by [. I1
the quotient norm on X/Y. By 5.10.d, there is an equivalent norm on X that is LUR
at every point of Y.

Take a LUR equivalent norm 1.1 on X / Y s u c h that Ix+Y[ >- Ix+YI1 for every
x ~ X. Let B: X/Y--, X be a continuous selection for q. Denote by S the unit sphere
in (X/Y, [ [). For every a E S it is possible to takefa ~ X* such that:

fa(Ba)=l, Ilfall=l/[a[1, and faiy=O.

LUR renorming 173

For k ~ N and a ~ S let us define the maps Pa and fla. k on X by

Pa(x) = fa(X) Ba

¢bk,a(X) = i q(x )+al2+k-1 IIX-Pa(x)II 2( 1 + [IPa [I)-2.

Furthermore, for x E X let

~a(x) : sup {,I,~.a(x) • a E S}

':b(X) = llXll 2 + }q(x) t2 + ~2=I2-k~k (x)"

Finally, let l] [In be the Minkowski functional of the set

{x E X: I,(x) + ~(-x) _< 4}.

It easy to see that [I II is an equivalent norm on X and it remains to show that

it defines a LUR norm. This rather long and complicated proof can be seen in the
original paper [136]. The idea is to apply the part corresponding to LUR points of
the following result.

L e m m a 5.10.h, A vector x E X is a LUR point (resp. a point of weak-norm

continuity, a denting point) for [I II n in X provided qx is a LUR point for I I in
X/Y and x - B q x is a LUR point (resp. a point of weak-norm continuity, a denting
poinO for I] [[ in Y.
The proof of the LUR case is in [136]. The proofs of the other cases appear in
[189, Prop. 3.12]. E]

A previous partial result in this direction was obtained by John and Zizler, i f X / Y
is separable, and Y admits an equivalent LUR norm, then also X admits an
equivalent LUR norm.

5.11 LUR renorming

and fragmentability by slices
Lex X be a Banach space. Given A C X, f E X* and c E R we denote by

S(A, f, c) = {x ~ .4: f(x) > c},

the open slice of A determined b y f a n d c. Given ~ > 0, we say following [262] that
174 5, Geometrical properties

X has the e-sJNR property if it admits a countable cover by sets that are union of
slices of diameter less than e; i.e., if we can write X = Un=l Hn so that for every
x ~ H n there is an open slice S(H n, f, c) of H n which contains x and has diameter
smaller than e. We say that X has the sJNR property if it has the e-sJNR property
for every e > 0.

Molt6, Orihuela and Troyanski proved in [262, Main Theorem]:

Proposition 5.11.a. A Banach space admits an equivalent LUR norm if and only
if it has the sJNR.

Moreover, these authors showed a Decomposition Method [262, Proposition 1 i]

from which it follows that sJNR is a 3SP property. The proof of the 3SP property
we give here is essentially the proof of their Decomposition Method. We need the
following Lemma.

L e m m a 5 . l l . b . If the norm of a Banach space Z is LUR, then for every e > 0 it is

possible to write Z = Un=l co E~n so that E en C L
_ ne÷ l and for every z E E~n there
exists a norm one functional gz ~ Z* such that gz(z) = [Iz 11 and the following
implication holds: if w ~ Z verifies

Ilwll-1/n < Ilzll <gz(W) + l / n

then ]lz-w]l < e .

Proof. Fix e > 0. Since the norm is LUR, for every non-zero z ~ Z we can find a
norm-one gz 6 Z* satisfying gz(Z) = IIz [I and c(z>< 1 so that

diam S(Bz, gz' c(z)) < e/(2 IIz I1>

For n-1 < 2e we set

~7 = {z ~ z: c(z)< ( l l z l l + l / n ) - l ( l l z l l - 1 / n ) }.
Now, if Z E E~ and w 6 Z satisfies I l w l l - 1 / n < Ilzll <gz(W) + l / n then
g=(w/llwll)>(llzll-1/n;llwll >c(z). Thus II(z/llzll)-(w/llwlt)ll <~/(2[Izll),
hence IIz-wll < e/2+l Ilwll-Ilzll l < J e + l / n < ~. []
T h e o r e m 5.11.c. To have the sJNR is a 3SP property.

Proof Assume that Y is a subspace of X such that Y and Z = X / Y have the sJNR
property. We denote, as usual, by q: X --->Z and B: Z --->X the quotient map and a
continuous selection for q, respectively; and by P: X --, Y the map defined by
P ( x ) = z - B q x . It is enough to show that for a fixed e > 0 , the space X has the 2e-
sJNR property.
LUR renorming 175

Since Y has the e-sJNR property, we can write Y = Un=l Hn in such a way that
for every v ~ H n there exists a norm-one functional h v ~ X* and a real number/%
so that the slice S(H n, h v, t%) contains v and has diameter less than e. For every j
N we write

HJn = {v ~ Hn: min{hv(v)-ix v, e-diamS(Hn, h v, /%)} > 2/j }

Clearly one has

y = U n~, j = I H nJ •

On the other hand, by Proposition 5.2.b, we can assume that the norm in Z is
oo n
LUR. So we can consider the decomposition Z = Un=l Ee given in Lema 5.11 .b.
Moreover, by the norm continuity of B, for every j E N and every z ~ Z there
exists 7J(z)> 0 such that IIz - z ' II < r~(z) implies IIB z - B z ' II < 1/j. Denoting

GJm = {Z ~ Z: r/J(z)> 1/m},

we have, for every j 6 N,

Z = U m=l
~ Gin"

Finally, we consider the subsets Fq" of X given by

F ijk = {x E X: Iixlt <i/3, ( k - 1 ) ( i 2 j ) < Ilqxll < k/(i2j)},

and define

Lkm n = P -1 ( H nJ ) ~ q -1( G m
NEe n )~F k •

In this way we have

X = Ui,j,k,m, n E N L k m n ,
and this decomposition shows that X has the 2e-sJNR property. Indeed, let us fix
w E Lkmn . We denote z = qw ~ Z, u = Bqw and v = Px ~ Y (note that w = u + v).
Take the functional f E X* defined by flx)=gz(qx)+i-2hv(x), and select a real
number r so that

/% + (2j) -1 < r < hv(V) < r +1/3.

One has

f<w> = [I z II +i-2hv(u+v) > II z II +i-2(hv(u)+r) .

We will show that if X= II z II +i-2(hv(u) +r) then the diameter of the slice
ij ij
S(Lkmn,f, X) is smaller that 2e. To do that, pick y E L/cmn. We have
176 5. Geometrical properties

gz (qY) = f (Y) - i -2 hv(Y)

2> X - i -2hv(Y )
: ][Z ]t + i -2( hv(U ) + r - hv(y) )
> II z II + i -2( hv(w _ y) _ 3 )

> Ilzll + i

Moreover, since y, w E F U , we have that ]IqY II > H z ]i -i/i; hence, we
conclude (see lemma 5.1 l.b) that U qy-z I[ < I/m and U Bqy-u [I < I/j because
z ~ GJm , On the other hand, we have

h v ( P y ) = h v (Y) - hv(Bqy )

= i 2(f(y) _ gz(qY) ) - hv(Bqy)

> i2(X- ]lqYll)-hv(Bqy)

= i2(llzll - Ilqyll ) + r+hv(u-Bqy)

2> - _ + r - I1" - 8qYll

2> r - -
2> ]~v"

Then we have Py E S ( H j , h v, tZv), and it follows that II P w - P y [I < e - 2 / j ;


Ilw-yll -< IlBqw-BqYll + IIPw-PY]] < e,

and the proof is finished. []

5.12 Mazur intersection property

The norm of a Banach space X has the M a z u r intersection property ( M I P , in short)

if every bounded closed convex subset of X can be obtained as an intersection of
balls. A dual n o r m on X* has the w e a k * - M I P if every bounded weak*-closed
convex subset of X* can be obtained as an intersection of balls. Mazur [259] was
the first to study the M I P as an extension of a well-known property of the euclidean
Mazur intersection property 177

space. Giles, Gregory and Sims gave in [131] characterizations of the MIP and the

Recall that a point p in the unit ball of X (resp. p* 6 X*) is a denting point
(resp. weak*-dentingpoint) if for every e > 0 there exist a functionalf 6 X* (resp.
z 6 X) and a number c so that f ( p ) > c (resp. p*(z)> c) and

diam {x ~ Ball(X): f(x) > c} < E

(resp. diam {x* E Ball(X*): x*(z) > c} < e).

Proposition 5.12.a. [131] The norm of a Banach space has the MIP if and only if
the weak*-denting points of X ' f o r m a dense subset of its unit sphere. The norm in
X* has the weak*-MIP if and only if the denting points of X form a dense subset of
its unit sphere.

In [ 131, Problem 2.2] it was asked whether spaces admitting a norm with MIP
are Asplund. This question was open for some years, but recently Jim6nez and
Moreno [189] have given a strong negative answer, showing that every Banach
space embeds isometrically into a Banach space with MIP. Moreover, these authors
have obtained a partial 3SP result for MIP renorming; and using similar techniques
they derived that admitting an equivalent norm whose dual norm is LUR, or has the
weak*-MIP, are 3SP properties. Let us show these results.

L e m m a 5.12.b. A point f E X* is a weak*-denting point if the norm of X* is LUR

at f

Proof For every e > 0 there exists c > 0 so that g ~ X* and 1 - c < 1] g l] <- 1 imply
I I f - g II < e . Taking x ~ X, II x II =1 such that f ( x ) > 1 - c one obtains that the
diameter of the slice {g E Bail(X*): g(x) > 1 - c } is smaller than e. []

With this in combination with 5.12.a one has a partial 3SP result.

Proposition 5.12.c. If X has a subspace Y admitting a norm whose dual norm has
a dense set of LUR points and such that X/Yadmits a MIP-norm then X admits a

Proof. The proof is based on the same construction used for LUR renorming in
5.10.g, but applied to Y± as a subspace of X*. Using a norm in Ywhose dual norm
I l has a dense set of LUR points, and considering in X* a dual norm l[ II
obtained by extending the dual norm of Y± to a MIP norm in X/Y, Jim6nez and
Moreno construct a dual norm N in X* given by the Minkowski functional of a
certain set

x* : + ,I,(-j? ___ 4 }.
178 5. Geometrical properties

If b is a continuous selection for the quotient map i*: X* --, Y*, they prove:

Lemma 5.12.d. A point f ~ X* is a LUR point (resp. a weak*-to-norm point of

continuity; a weak*-denting point) for N in X* provided i*f is a LUR point for I I
in Y* and f - b i * f is a LUR point (resp. a weak*-to-norm point of continuity; a
weak*-denting point) for II II in Y±.

The proof finishes taking into account that LUR points in the unit sphere of X*
are weak*-denting and applying proposition 5.12.a and lemma 5.12.d. []

We pass to positive 3SP results.

Theorem 5.12.e. MIPaual is a 3SP property.

Proof Observe that a dual space with the MIP is reflexive [131, Corol. 2.7]. []

Theorem 5.12.1'. That X* admits a LUR dual norm is a 3SP property.

Proof The proof goes as 5.10.g using the corresponding part of 5.12.d. []

As Jim6nez and Moreno realized, a space admitting a norm whose dual is LUR
is not the same that a space whose dual space admits a L UR norm, So, 5.12. f is not
the 3SP property for LUR dual. However, since admitting a LUR renorming is a 3SP

Theorem 5.12.g. LUR dual is a 3SP property.

Theorem 5.12.h. That X* admits a weak*-MIP dual norm is a 3SP property.

Proof It was proved by Troyanski (see [82], Chapter IV]) that if D is the set of all
denting points of the unit ball of X then X admits a norm that is LUR at each point
of D. Then, by the characterization of a dual norm with weak*-MIP in Proposition
5.12.a, there exist equivalent norms in Y and X/Ywith a dense set of LUR points
in the sphere. To finish the proof it is enough to apply Lemma 5.10.h. []

5.13 Szlenk index

Along with his study of the existence ofLUR renormings of Banach spaces, Lancien
[229] considered some ordinal indices associated to a Banach space.

Dentability index. Let X be a Banach space. For every e > 0 we apply a

slicing process to the unit ball of X as follows. Given a subset C of X, a weak slice
of C is a subset of the form {x ~ C : fix) > k} for some non-zero element f ~ X*
and k E R. Let us denote
Szlenk index 179

Ct(e) = {x 6 C : weak-slices of C containing x have diameter > e}.

By transfinite induction, if a + l is not a limit ordinal c ~ + l ( e ) = ( c a ) l ( e ) . If c~

is a limit ordinal then Ca(e) = n ~ < c~ C4(e) •

The dentability index of C for an e given is the smallest ordinal et for which
C a ( e ) = c a + l ( e ) (if it exists; say ~ if not). We set 6(X, e) to mean the dentability
index o f its unit ball corresponding to e. The dentability index o f X is defined by
6(X)= supe>o6(X, e). Lancien [230, Thin 1.2] proves (see also [231, remark p.639
and Thm. 2.1]):

Proposition 5.13.a.
i) 6(X) < co if and only if X admits a uniformly convex renorming.
ii) If ~(X) < ~1 then X admits a LUR renorming.

Szlenk index. The same process applied to the dual space provides the Szlenk
index. Its name comes from a similar index introduced by Szlenk [337] to prove
that there is no universal separable reflexive space. For every e > 0 we apply a
slicing process to the unit ball of X* as follows. Given a subset C of X*, a weak*
slice o f C is a subset o f the form {f ~ C : f(x) > X} for some non-zero element x
E X and X E R. Let us denote

CI(e) = {f ~ C : weak* slices of C containing f have diameter > e } .

By transfinite induction, if a + 1 is not a limit ordinal Ca + l(e) = (ca) l(e). If t~

is a limit ordinal then Ca(e) = n ~<~ C~(e).

The Szlenk index o f C for an e given is the smallest ordinal t~ for which
Ca(e)=Ca+l(e) (if it exists; say ~ if not). We set Sz(X, e) to mean the Szlenk
index o f its dual unit ball corresponding to e. The Szlenk index of X is defined by
Sz(X)= supe>oSz(X, e). Lancien [230, Thin 1.2] proves:

Proposition 5.13.b. If Sz(X) < ~1 then X admits an equivalent renorming whose

dual norm is LUR.


Theorem 5.13.c. Having countable Szlenk index is a 3SP property.

Proof. Precisely, if 0 ~ Y -~ X ~ X/Y -> 0 is a short exact sequence, Lancien
proves a typical 3SP inequality:

SzO0 <- Sz(l') Sz(X/Ig.

This would be immediate consequence of
180 5. Geometrical properties

I ~Sz(X/Y, e )a ] a
i* BaU(X * ) -9 (e) C Ball(r * )a ( -4 ) .

and a technical result on ordinals: if 3' < ~oc~then oJTco;~___coacoa. The proof of the
containment needs the following result.

If Z* is separable then

3~alI(r ±) ÷£Sall(X*) (e) C ( 3 8 a l l ( r ± ) ) ~ ( - ) ÷ Sall(X*)

3 '

which can be obtained by transfinite induction. The reduction from the general case
to "Z* separable" can be done thanks to the following lemma which is easy to state
but cumbersome to prove (see [230]).

L e m m a 5.13.d. Let e > 0 and X a Banach space. If Sz(X, e)< ~1 then there is a
closed separable subspace Y of X such that Sz(Y, el2) =Sz(X, e).

With this, let M be a separable subspace of X and let E be the closed span of
MU Y. If (ELY)* is separable, it has already been proved that

Sz(E) <_ Sz(Y)Sz(E/Y) <- Sz(Y)Sz(X/Y).


Sz(M) <_ Sz(E) <_ Sz(Y)Sz(X/Y),

and the lemma 5.13.d yield the desired inequality. []

Since it was already proved that LUR renorming is a 3SP property, but it is
unknown whether it is equivalent to "having countable dentability index", one might

Question. Is "having countable dentability index" a 3SP property?

5.14 Midpoint LUR renorming

A norm II 11 is midpoint locally uniformly convex (MLUR) if x E SX and

limn--,o~(IIx+YnII ÷ Ilx-yn II)=0

imply limn_,~Yn=O.
MLUR renorming - Krein-Milman- Asymptotic norming 181

LUR norms are MLUR norms. However, Haydon [165] has shown that there
exist spaces with MLUR norm not admitting equivalent LUR norm. The example of
Haydon [165] displayed in 5.17.d serves here since strictly convex norms are
MLUR norms.

Theorem 5,14.a. MLUR renorming is not a 3SP property.

Partial 3SP results appear in [3] and also [82, p. 332]; for instance, If Y admits
a MLUR norm and X / Y admits a LUR norm, then X admits a MLUR norm.

5.15 The Krein-Milman property

A Banach space X has the Krein-Milman property (KMP) if every closed bounded
convex subset of X is the closed convex hull of its extreme points. The RNP implies
KMP [93, VII 1.7]. The RNP and KMP are equivalent in dual spaces [93, VII 2.8],
in Banach lattices [40], and in Banach space isomorphic to their square [320]. It is
an open question explicitly posed by in [93, p. 209] whether they are equivalent.

It is unknown if KMP is even stable by products.

5.16 Asymptotic norming properties

In [177], James and Ho introduced three kinds of so-called asymptotic norming
properties: ANP-k (k=I, II and III). They proved that ANP-I implies KMP; that
ANP-III implies RNP; and that for separable spaces the three properties coincide.
Ghoussoub and Maurey [129] proved that for separable spaces A N P and RNP
coincide. The 3SP character of the ANP has been studied by Hu and Lin [172].
Using techniques developed to prove the 3SP property for LUR renorming, they
showed that ANP-I is a 3SP property, and obtained partial results for the other two.

A norming set • for a Banach space X is a subset of the unit ball of X* such that
for every element x ~ X,

[txll = sup { f ( x ) : f E ~5 }.

A sequence (xn) is said to be asymptotically normed by a subset • C Ball(X*)

if for every e > 0 there are a functional f E I, and an integer m so that

f( Xn)> [Ixn ll - e foralln>m.

A sequence (xn) in a Banach space X is said of type k if:

182 5. Geometrical properties

I. (xn) is convergent
II. (xn) has a convergent subsequence
II'. (xn) is weakly convergent
III. The intersection f-]nCOnV(Xn,Xn÷l...) is non-empty.

A Banach space X is said to have ANP-k (k=I, It or III) if it has an equivalent

norm for which there is a norming set q~ so that every normalized sequence that
is asymptotically normed by ~5 satisfies k.

Clearly ANP-I =* ANP-II =~ ANP-III. It is easy to see that l 1 has ANP-II for its
usual norm (just let • be the set of sequences with finite nonzero entries, all + 1
or - 1 ) . The three properties are equivalent in separable spaces and coincide with
the RNP [129].

Theorem 5.16.a. Property ANP-I is a 3SP property.

Proof Let 0 --, Y --, X--, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence where Y and Z have ANP-
I. Since ANP-I implies LUR renorming [170, Corol. 2.8] and 5.10.g, X admits a
LUR renorming, and thus ANP-II. In [170, Thin. 2.5] it is proved that ANP-II in
strictly convex spaces is equivalent to ANP-I []

Partial positive results [172] are:

Proposition 5.16.b. Let Y be a subspace of a Banach space X. Assume that X / Y has

ANP-I. I f Y has ANP-k (k=II,III) then X has ANP-k.

Sketch of Proof. Step 1. Embedding of X into some dual space Z*. Take circled
subsets ~1 in ( X / Y ) * = Y ± CX* and ~2 in Y* given by the definition of the ANP
properties. Lift ,I,2 to a bounded subset of X* and consider the Minkowski
functional I 13 of conv(~ 1 U ~2)" The completion of the subspace generated by
ffPlt.) ~2 with respect to [ 13 is denoted Z.
The evaluation map ~: X --, Z* given by ~x(z) = z(x) is an isomorphic

Step 2. Suitable renorming of Z*. For z* ~ Z* define two (i= 1, 2) continuous

weak*-lower semicontinuous seminorms on Z* by

[z * [i = SUpzEcbi Z * (Z) .
Moreover, the predual norms satisfy

Ixll = tl qx II 1 for all x X;

lY12 = IlqYll2 f o r a l l y E Y.
Define now an equivalent dual norm in Z* by
Asymptotic normings 183

With the method of proof of 5.10.g it is possible to obtain a new equivalent

norm on Z* that, when restricted to X, has ANP-k for k = I or II. []

Another partial result is also possible.

Proposition 5.16.c. Let Y be a reflexive subspace of X. If X / Y has ANP-III, then

X has ANP-III.

Proof. Clearly, reflexive spaces have ANP-III; hence, since they admit LUR
renorming, they have ANP-I. []

Hu and Lin introduce in [171] the w*-ANP-k properties of types k=I, II, II' or
III: if every asymptotically normed sequence in the unit sphere of X* has property
k. These properties are studied in [18], where it is obtained the following result.

Theorem 5.16.d. w*-ANP-k (k = I, II, II') are not 3SPproperties.

Proof In fact, what one proves is that those properties are not stable by products
in very much the way that was done with the Hahn-Banach smooth property at
1.9.h. The key is again to prove that a non-reflexive space with any of those
properties has no nontrivial L-projections. On the other hand, the space X ~ I X
admits nontrivial L-projections. []

5.17 Strictly convex renorming

A norm [1 I[ is said to be strictly convex, or rotund, i f x = y whenever x, y ~ X are
such that Ilxll = Ilyll =1 and IIx+Yll--2•
Proposition 5.17.a. (see [82])Let II II be the norm of a Banach space X, and let
II • II:1' be the dual norm on X ~" /f il I1" is strictly convex then II II is C~teaux
smooth. If II II * is Gdteaux smooth then II II is strictly convex•

Clarkson [27] proved that every separable Banach space admits a strictly convex
renorming. This, and the fact that loo has an equivalent strictly convex norm easily
follow from

Proposition 5.17.b. If X is a Banach space and there exists an injective operator

T: X --, Y into a strictly convex space then

Ix12= Ilxl12+ IITxll 2

184 5. Geometrical properties

defines a strictly convex norm on X.

Bourgain [31] proved that loo/c0 admits no strictly convex renorming.

D a y ' s s t r i c t l y c o n v e x n o r m o n COOl"). Let r be a n arbitrary set. Day's

norm on c0(F) is defined by
= -k 2 \1/2
Ilxllz~ sup (~k=X 4 X(Tk) ) ,
where the supremum is taken over all finite subsets (71 ..... 7n) of distinct elements
of F. That this norm is strictly convex can be seen as follows: assume that
11x II = II y [t = 1 and [t x + y 11 =2;

0 < ~ 4-~:(x(3@-y(Tk))2

= ~ 4 -k(2x("/k)2 +2y(')'k) 2-(x(Tk) +y(Tk))2)

< 2 IIx II2 +2 IIY U2_ IIx +y IIz


Hence x = y. []

With some extra work, it can be shown that Day's norm is LUR.

Given a locally compact space L we denote by L*=Lt.){oo } the one-point

compactification of L, and by Co(L) the space of continuous functions f on L* such
that f ( o o ) = 0 . Observe that Co(L) is an hyperplane of C(L*).

In what follows a tree is a partially ordered set (E, < ) satisfying two properties:
i) for every t ~ E the set {s ~ 2: s<_t} is well ordered by ___; ii) every totally
ordered subset o f E has at most one minimal upper bound. For convenience we
introduce two elements 0 and oo that are not in ~ and satisfy 0 < t < oo for all t e E .
If s, u ~ E then we denote (s, u] = {t ~ E " s < t < u}. The order topology on a
tree has as a basis of neighborhoods of t the intervals (s, t] with s < t. The set of
immediate successors of an element t shall be denoted t +. We write ~ + for the set
of successor elements of ~; i.e., U s ~ U{0} s +. If t ~ E + then there is a unique
element t - for which ( t - ) + = t. We say that a tree is dyadic if for all elements t,
t + has exactly two elements.

A function p: ,7, --, l~ is said to be strictly increasing if s < t implies p ( s ) < p(t).
A tree ~ is said to be l~-embeddable if there is some strictly increasing real valued
function on it. The notion of •-embeddability is relevant for us since

Proposition 5.17.c. If ~ is an Z~-embeddable tree then Co(K) admits a strictly

Strictly convex renorming 185

convex renorming.

Proof Assume that p: E --" R is a strictly increasing function. It can be assumed

without loss of generality that P takes values in (0, 1] and we set p(0)=0. We
define an operator T: C0(K) --, I~(2) by

f(t)(p(t)-O(t-)) if t E E +
Tf ( t) = otherwise.

Clearly T is continuous with ]] T 1t = suPt ~ ~ (p(t) - p(t-)) < 1. We shall

show that T takes values in co(Z). Since the linear span of the indicator functions
1(o, tl' t ~ E is dense in Co(E), it is enough to prove that T 1(o' 11 ~ lj(E) C Co(E)
for all t 6 ~. Given t 6 E one has

~,s~ [ Tl(o,t](s) t = ~ ] s ~ + N ( o , t ] p ( s ) - p ( s - ) ~ p(t).

The operator T is injective: i f f ~ Ker Tthen f ( t ) = 0 for all t E Y,+ and f = 0

since Z + is dense in Z. Thus, T: C0(E) --, c0(E) is an injective operator, and using
Proposition 5.17.b and Day's strictly convex renorming, the result is proved. []

Theorem 5.17.d. Admitting an equivalent strictly convex norm is not a 3SP

The setting. The construction starts with an R-embeddable tree A. This tree A shall
be embedded as a closed subtree of another tree @ in such a way that O\A is
discrete. It turns out that both Y={f ~ C0(O) : f(A)=0} = c0(O\A) and Co(O)/Y
= C0(A ) admit strictly convex renormings. It remains to show how to achieve this
construction to obtain that C0(O) admits no strictly convex renorrning.

Given a tree Z and an increasing function p: E --" R we shall say that a point t
E is a good point for p if

card {u E t + : p(u)=o(t) } < ~ .

Points that are not good points are called bad points. If I] 1] is an equivalent
norm on C0(E) then the increasing function

g(t) = inf{ [[1(0 ,t) + g II : s u p P g c ( t , ~)}

is called the associated function (to the new norm).

L e m m a 5.17.e. Let II 11 be an equivalent renorming of CO(E). If t is a bad point

for the associated function t~ then ~(t)= 111(0' t] [[ -
186 5. Geometrical properties

Proof. It is clear from the definition of/z that

II 1(o, t] II >/~(t).
"Badness" implies that there is a sequence (Un) of distinct elements of t + such
that t~(Un) --, lz(t). Thus, there are functions fn having the form f~z = 1(0, unl ÷ gn
with supp gn C(un, co) such that IlL I1 -" F,(t). The sequence (fn) being bounded
and pointwise convergent in C0(T) to 1(0 ' t], converges weakly. Since the norm is
weakly lower semicontinuous

II 1(0, t] II --- lim inf II f,, II -- ~(t). []

Proposition 5.17.f. Let T be a tree and assume that Co(T) admits an equivalent
strictly convex norm II 11 • The associated function t~ is strictly increasing in the
set of its own bad points.

Proof Suppose that t and u are bad points with t<_u and #(t)=/z(u)=a. Then we
have, by temma 5.17.e

II 1(0, tl II -- ~ -- II 1(0, ul II
while, by the definition of/x, one has

II (1/2)(l(0,t] + l<0, u]) II -- II l(0, t] h- l(t,u ] II -> ~.

The strict convexity of the norm implies 1(o ' t]=l(0, u], which yields t=u. []

Therefore, we need a tree @ containing A as a closed subset with O\A discrete

and such that

(~.) No increasing function on O is strictly increasing on the set of its

own bad points.

Construction of the tree. Let A be the set of functions t having as domain a

countable ordinal and as range a subset of co having complementary infinite. This
tree is It-embeddable since the function t --, l~c~c dom t 2-t(c0 is strictly increasing.

In [164, Prop 4] it is proved the following fact: There exists a topology 7. on the
tree A so that (A, 7-) is a Baire space. Consequently,

If o:A--, R is increasing then there exists t ~ A such that for every e > 0 the
set {u ~ t+: O(u) > o(t)+e} is finite.

Proof The function 0 is 7.-lower semicontinuous and, since it is defined on

a Baire space, has points of 7.-continuity. Any such point has the required
property. []
Strictly convex renorming - X-property 187

To construct O, for each t E A partition t + in two infinite disjoint subsets to and

t I and define 0 = A × {0, 1 } equipped with the order relation

(t, i) < ( v , j ) ~* v = t and i = 0 , j = l or there exists u E t i : u<_v.

The subset A x {0} is homeomorphic to A and A × {1} is open and discrete. If

we identify A with A × {0} in 0 , then we may regard O as having been obtained
from A by introducing extra points (t, 1) in such a way that (t, 1) is between t and
u for all those elements u that were immediate successors of t in 0 .

Proof of condition ( ~;) and end of the p roof of theorem 5.1 Z d. Given and increasing
function f: O + R we define P: A ~ R by p(t)=flt, 0). Let t 6 A be one of those
points whose existence was proved in the claim, i.e., a point such that for all e > 0,
card { u E t + : p ( u ) > o ( t ) + e } < w . Let (un) be a sequence of distinct points of
t I. Since (t, 0)_<(t, 1)_<(u n, 0) in @,

p(t) = f(t, O) <_ f(t, 1) _< f(u n, O) = P(Un)

for all n. By the choice of t, P(Un) -" p(t) as n ---, ~ , which implies that f(t, 1) =
f(t, 0) and that (t, 1) is a bad point for f.

Considering a sequence of distinct elements of t o it can be show similarly that

(t, 0) is a bad point for f []

Following [82, VII.3.3] and modifying the proof of the 3SP property for LUR
renorming, it may be proved that

Proposition 5.17.g. If Y admits a strictly convex renorming and X / Y admits a LUR

renorming then X admits a strictly convex renorming.

5.18 X-property
Given a normed space X, a triple (e, y, X) is said to be amenable to x if e is an
extreme point of Ball(X), y E Ball(X), and 0 < X_< 1 is such that x = X e + ( 1 -X)y.
The X-function is then defined as

X(x) = sup {X : (e, y, X) is amenable to x},

If no triple (e, y, X) is amenable to X then we set X(x)=0. The space X is said

to have the X-property if X(x) > 0 for all x E Ball(x). If, in addition,

inf {X(x) : x E Ball(x)} > 0

then it is said that X has the uniform X-property.

188 5. Geometrical properties

In a strictly convex space every point of the unit ball is a convex combination
of two extreme points; thus, every strictly convex space has the uniform k-property
and this geometrical property can be viewed as a generalization of strict convexity.
It was introduced in [11]. Other interesting features appear in [251]. In [252],
Lohman proves

Theorem 5,18.a. The uniform k-property is not a 3SP property.

Proof As it is well known, the unit ball of cO has no extreme points. Let II [[
denote a strictly convex renorming of co as in 5.17, and let V be its unit ball. Let
X be the product co × l~ endowed with the norm having as unit ball the absolutely
convex closed hull of

B =conv( V x {0} U Ball(co)× { - 1 , 1} ).

It is simple to verify that

0--,(c0, II II)-,s--,R-,0
is a short exact sequence. Thus, both the subspace and the quotient, being strictly
convex, have the uniform ),-property.

To prove that X has not the uniform k-property observe that the quotient map
q is also a functional on X. Had X the uniform X-property then q would attain its
norm at some extreme point (x, t) ~ B, see [11, Thm. 3.3]. Since II q II = 1, some
point (x, 1) is an extreme point of B. That implies x ~ Ball(co). But since Ball(co)
does not have extreme points, (x, 1) cannot be an extreme point of B, and this is
a contradiction. []

Observe the close similitude between the construction of the unit ball B and that
of the unit ball of a Snarked sum:

C = conv ( {(y, O) : y ~ Ball(Y) } U {(fz, z) : z ~ Ball(Z) } ).

5.19 O c t a h e d r a l norms

The norm [I 1] is said to be octahedral if for every finite-dimensional subspace F

of X and every e > 0 there exists y ~ Sx so that for every x 6 X one has

IIx+y II ___(l-e)( tlx II +1).

The following result is in [82, III.2.5].

Proposition. 5.19.a. A Banach space admits an equivalent octahedral norm if and

Octahedral norm - Kadec-Klee norm 189

only if it contains a subspace isomorphic to 11.


Theorem 5.19.b, Admitting no equivalent octahedral norm is a 3SP property.

5.20 Kadec and Kadec-Klee norms

A norm on X is said to be a Kadec norm (resp. a Kadec-Klee norm) if weak

convergence of nets (resp. sequences) on the unit sphere Sx is equivalent to norm
convergence of nets (resp. sequences). A dual norm on X* is said to be a weak*-
Kadec norm (resp. weak*-Kadec-Klee norm) if weak* convergence of nets (resp.
sequences) on the unit sphere is equivalent to norm convergence of nets (resp.

Proposition 5.20.a. [189]

(a) I f X / Y admits an equivalent LUR norm and Y admits an equivalent Kadec
norm then X admits an equivalent Kadec norm.

(b) I f Y admits an equivalent norm whose dual norm is LUR and (X/Y)* admits
a dual weak*-Kadec norm then X* admits a dual weak*-Kadec norm.

Proof. (a) Observe that the norm of X is a Kadec norm if and only if every point
in the unit sphere is a point of relative weak-to-norm continuity. So, using the
construction in the proof of LUR renorming 5.10. g. and applying the corresponding
part of lemma 5.10.h we get the result.

(b) The norm of X* is a weak*-Kadec norm if and only if every point in the unit
sphere of X* is a point of weak*-to-norm continuity. So, it is enough to use the
construction of 5.10.g and the corresponding part of lemma 5.12.d. []

Proposition. 5.20.b. ([368] and [242])IfX/Yadmits an equivalent LUR norm and

Y admits an equivalent Kadec-Klee norm then X admits an equivalent Kadec-Klee

Proof. The proof in [242] follows the same construction as in the proof of 5.10.g,
and is similar to that of the previous results. []
190 5. Geometrical properties

5.21 Ranges of vector measures

Not many things are known about the range of a X-valued countably additive vector
measure/~. Lyapunov convexity theorem asserts that if X is finite dimensional and
/z is nonatomic then the range of/~ is convex [93; Corol. IX. 1.5]. Nevertheless,
Lyapunov convexity theorem fails in every infinite dimensional Banach space [93;
IX. 1]. This fact lead Kadets and Schechtman [199] to introduce the Lyapunov
property of a Banach space X as: every nonatomic X-valued measure has the closure
of its range convex. It is not difficult to see that

/_2[0, 1] fails the Lyapunov property.

Proof Consider the a-algebra E of Borel subsets of [0, 1] and the measure/z: 12 --,
/_,2[0, 1] defined by/x(A) = 1A. One has:

2-1 1[0, 11 = 2 - 1 /x(~) + 2 -1 /z([0, 1]),

while for every A E I2

II 1A -- 2-1 1[0, 1] II 2 ---- 2-I" []

However, the spaces lp , 1 _ p < co and p # 2 , satisfy the Lyapunov property

[199]. In [200], Kadets and Vladimirskaya proved

Theorem 5.21.a. The Lyapunov property is a 3SP property.

The proof is based on the following characterization.

Proposition 5.21.b. Let i~: g --, X be a nonatomic measure. The closure o f t ( E ) is

convex if and only if for every A E 12 and e > 0 there exists B ~ 12 such that B C A
and II ~(B) - 2-1~(A)tl < e .

Proof The "only if" part is clear. To prove the "if" implication, it is enough to
prove that for every x, y 6 #(I2) one has 2-1(x+y) 6 ~-(ZT. So, suppose x=/z(A)
and y=~(B). Choose U C A \ B and VCBL4 in such a way that

II ~(c0 - 2-t/.t(a\B)II <e

II ~(v) - 2-1/~(BM)II <~.
Let W = UU V U (A n B). One has

II ~(w) - 2 - 1 ( x + y ) I I -- II ~(c0 - 2-1/x(/\B) + >(V) - 2-1~(BM)II <2e,

and the proof is finished. []
Ranges of measures 191

P r o o f o f T h e o r e m 5.21.a (Sketch). Let 0 --> Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact

sequence where Y and Z satisfy the Lyapunov property and let /z: E --, X be a
nonatomic measure.

In order to apply the previous characterization, fix A E ~ such that/z(A) # 0 and

fix e > 0. Moreover, select a probability measure X on E such that X(A) # 0. Denote
by ~]A the elements of E that are contained in A. we define v: Za ---,X by

v(B) = it(B) - X ( B ) ) , ( A ) - I I t ( A ) .

Since Z has the Lyapunov property, Kadets and Vladirnirskaya prove [200,
Lemmas 3 and 4] the existence of a a-algebra Z' C EA such that X is nonatomic on
Z' and satisfies that for every B E ~'

I[ qv(B)1[ < 2-1eX(B);

(here, as usual, q: X --, Z denotes the natural quotient map).

Using this fact and [200, Lemma 6] it is possible to select a a-algebra Z " C Z'
and a nonatomic measure/3: E " --, Y such that X is nonatomic on E " and for every

II v(B) - 3 ( B ) II < 2e.

Now, the Lyapunov property of Y allows one to find B0 E E " such that X(Bo) =
2 - IX(A) and

II 3@) - 2-1/5(A) II <e.

Since v(A)=0, one has

II It(B0)-2-13(A) II

= 11 v(B0)-2-1v(A) II
-< l[ v(Bo)-3(B0)II ÷ II 3(B0)-2-13(A) II + II 2-13(A)-2-1v(A) II
< 4e. []

This result provides many new examples of spaces with Lyapunov's property,
such as twisted sums of lp spaces. Other examples of spaces with this property can
be seen in [153].

A classical result is that the range of a vector valued countably additive vector
measure is a weakly compact set. Diestel and Seifert proved in [91] that it has even
the Banach-Saks property. In [9], Anantharaman and Diestel showed that weakly
2-summable sequences lie in the range of a vector measure and asked whether
sequences in the range of a vector measure admit weakly 2-summable subsequences.
192 5. Geometrical properties

That this is not always the case was shown in [66]. It was actually proved that the
range of a vector measure does not necessarily have the p-Banach-Saks property for
some 1 < p . However, as it follows from results of Rosenthal [312], reflexive
quotients of a C(K) space are superreflexive; from this (see [66]) it follows that if
the unit ball of X lies inside the range of a vector measure then X ~ W2 (i.e., every
bounded sequence in X admits a weakly 2-convergent subsequence). Since the space
Z 2 has not property W2, one has

Theorem 5.21.c. To have the unit ball contained in the range of a countable
additive vector measure is not a 3SP property.

5.22 The U.M.D. property

A Banach space X is said to have the U.M.D. property if X-valued martingale
difference sequences are unconditional in Lp(X), 1 < p < ~ ; i.e. if (fn) is an X-
valued martingale with difference sequence (dn) -which means that d 1 = f l , and
d n = f n - f n _ 1 for n > 1 - then

II - d l -d2+--.-+-dn l[Lp(X) <- Cp [Idl +'-" +dn IILp(X)"

This property, introduced by Burkholder [44], is independent of the number p,

and is equivalent to the existence of a symmetric biconvex function ~" on X × X
satisfying ~(0, 0 ) > 0 and ~-(x, y ) _ ][x+y H if Ilxll <l<__llyl[. The U.M.D.
property is a stronger form of super-reflexivity; it is inherited by subspaces,
quotients and dual spaces, and it passes from X to Lp(JO for 1 < p < ~ .

Theorem 5.22.a. The U.M.D. property is not a 3SP property.

The proof is a result of Kalton outlined in [208]. It needs a fairly complete

knowledge of interpolation theory, rearrangement invariant function spaces (K6the
function spaces); and blends several highly nontriviat results of Bourgain, Pisier and
Lozanovskii. For this reason we shall only give an sketch.

The key for the proof is a result of Kalton [208] that roughly asserts that a
certain twisted sum (known as the derived space) of an interpolation space X 0 has
the UMD then there is a "band" around 0 in such a way that for all ~ in that band
the spaces X v have UMD. Another tool is the identity (X*, X)l/2 = L 2 of
Lozanovskii [253], valid for K6the function spaces. Two more results that are
needed: Pisier's theorem [288] asserting that given a super-reflexive K6the function
space X and 0 < 0 < 1, there is a K6the function space Ysuch that X = ( L 2, Y)o; and
U.M.D. spaces - Mazur's rotation problem 193

Bourgain construction [33], for any 1 < p < 2, of a K6the function space on [0, 1]
that is p-convex and p*-concave (i.e., superreflexive) but not UMD. With all this,
we pass to the

Sketch of the proof of theorem 5.22.a following [208]. Starting with Bourgain's
example of a K6the function space X that is super-reflexive but not UMD, find, via
Pisier's result, some Y(O) such that (/-2, Y(O))o fails the UMD for 0 < 0< 1. By
combining isomorphic copies of the spaces Y(1/n) as bands in a single space it can
be shown that there is a K6the function space X so that IX*, X]0 is UMD only if
0=1/2 when Lozanovskii's identity (X*, X)I/2 = L2 holds. By the key result of
Kalton above mentioned, the corresponding derived space d~2L2 has not UMD. []

5.23 Mazur rotations problem

The well-known problem of the rotations of Mazur is to know if a separable
Banach space where the group of isometries acts transitively on the unit sphere
(i.e., such that given two points in the unit sphere there is an isometry sending one
into the other) must be a Hilbert space. A space with this property shall be called
isotropic. There exist non-separable isotropic spaces, such as Lp(tZ) for a
homogeneous non-a-finite measure/z, as well as separable isotropic non-complete
spaces (simple functions in Lp(R)). A combination of Lusky [254] almost-isotropic
embedding (any normed space can be embedded isometrically into some Banach
space whose isometries act almost-transitively over the unit sphere of the former
space) plus some use of ultraproducts yield that any normed space can be
isometrically embedded into some isotropic space.

The isometric 3SP problem for isotropic spaces has a negative answer. The
following results are due to F. Cabello [46].

Theorem 5.23,a. If V is an isotropic space not isomorphic to a Hilbert space then

V x l2 endowed with any monotone norm is not isotropic.

Proof The space Vx/2 is not a Hilbert space and thus some hyperplane cannot be
complemented by a norm one projection. On the other hand, if 7r is a hyperplane
of/2 then Vx 7r is a hyperplane of V× l2 complemented by a norm one projection.
We only need the following nice result [46, Prop. 6.1]:

Proposition 5.23.b. An isotropic space is isometric to a Hilbert space if and only

if there is some hyperplane complemented by a norm one projection. []

This implies that

194 5. Geometrical properties

Theorem 5.23.c. Being isotropic is not stable by products.

Thus, a space such as Lp(l~)×l 2 is not isotropic under the product norm.
Nevertheless, Lp(l~) is isotropic for a homogeneous non-a-finite measure /~ and
1 <p ~ 2, and Lp(lZ) x l2 is in fact isomorphic to Lp(#); thus, Lp(tO × 12 is isotropic
under some equivalent renorming. So, the interesting 3SP question is:

Question. Is to be isotropic under some equivalent renorming a 3SP property ?

There also exist examples of isotropic spaces Ll(/X) (/x a homogeneous non-a-
finite measure) or C(K) (suitable ultrapower of almost-isotropic renormings of C(K')
spaces); see [47].

Some related notions are defined by Cabello in his thesis [46]. Consider a group
G of isometries of X acting transitively on the unit sphere S. Given p ~ S, if we
set Gp = {T ~ G • Tp=p} then there is a natural set-isomorphism


We say that X is continuously isotropic when this map is an homeomorphism.

The space X is said to be lipschitz isotropic when the map is moreover lipschitzian,
i.e., [I x - y I[ >- c inf{ I1 Id-Ttt : T ~ G, Tx=y }. The isomorphic 3SPproblem
for lipschitz isotropic spaces has a negative answer:

Theorem 5.23.d. To be lipschitz-isotropic under some equivalent renorming is not

a 3SP property.

Proof The sequence 0 --, l2 ~ Z 2 --, l2 --- 0 gives a counterexample, where the
nontrivial point is to prove that Z2 s not lipschitz isotropic. This is consequence of
the following result [46, Prop. 8.11]

Proposition 5.23.e. The norm of a separable lipschitz isotropic space is C °°_

On the other hand (see [82, Thin. 4.1 p.209]) a C°°-smooth Banach space not
containing co is of type 2. That Z 2 does not contain c o is a typical 3SP result, while
that Z 2 is not of type 2 was proved in 5.1.a. []

Question. Is the space Z 2 isotropic?

5.24 Never condensed spaces

Let us say that a Banach space X is never condensed if given any infinite
dimensional subspace Z there is a decomposition X=A • B such that both A n Z and
Decomposable spaces 195

B ('1Z are infinite dimensional. This property is studied in [75] under the name of
property (B). Spaces with unconditional basis and subprojective spaces (i.e., spaces
where every infinite dimensional subspace contains an infinite dimensional
complemented subspace) are never condensed. The space CI0, 1] is not never
condensed. By extension, one may think that finite-dimensional spaces are never

Question. Is never condensation a 3SP property?

The property of never condensation is related to the problem of decomposing a
space into subspaces. Dixmier [95] proved that if H is a HUbert space and T
L(H) is an operator with dense range then there are operators T1, T2 6 L(H) with
dense range such that Im T = Im T 1 + I m T2 and Im T I (3 Im T2 = {0}, Trying
to generalize this result Cross, Ostrovskii and Schevchik [75, Thin. 5.3] obtained

Proposition 5.24.a. A space X is never condensed if and only if for every separable
space Y and all operators T E L(X, Y) injective with nonclosed dense range there
are dense nonclosed subspaces M 1, M 2 that are the ranges of some operators such

ImT=M 1 + M 2 a n d M 1 n M 2 = {0}.
Chapter 6

Homological properties
Following Grothendieck's algebraic approach, many properties of Banach spaces
may be characterized in terms of the coincidence of two operator ideals or two
classes of bounded sets. This chapter can be divided in two parts, one considering
properties defined in terms of operator ideals and the other considering properties
defined in terms of bounded sets. It is true that there is a certain correspondence
between the two (see [10]); but in this regard, we have organized the sections
following tradition.

In the first part, we consider contravariant properties defined by two operator

ideals A and B, in the sense that for every Banach space Y, A(X, Y)C B(X, Y) or,
equivalently, id X ~ BA -1. Typical examples of properties of this type are the
Dunford-Pettis, the Schur or the Orlicz properties. In the second part we consider
properties of Banach spaces defined in terms of classes of bounded sets that are
preserved by continuous operators, such as the Gelfand-Phillips or the B D property.

6.1 Cp properties, 1 _<p _< oo

Following [55] and [64], an operator T is said to be p-converging, 1 _<p < oo, if it
transforms weakly p-summable sequences (oo-summable sequences are understood
as weakly null sequences) into convergent sequences. These operator ideals were
introduced in [64]. The ideal of p-converging operators is denoted Cp. Clearly,

Sp(C~) = {X: id X ~ C ~ } = Schur spaces;

Sp(C1) = {X: id X ~ C1} = spaces not containing c 0.

The following result is clear.

Theorem 6.1.a. For all 1 <_p <<_oo, Space( Cp) is a 3 S P ideal.

Proof. Let 0 --> Y --> X ~ Z -~ 0 be a short exact sequence. Let (xn) be a weakly p-
Cp and Schur properties - Orlicz properties 197

summable sequence in X. The sequence (qxn) is weakly p-summable in Z, and thus

norm convergent to 0. Passing to a subsequence, if necessary, one can select
elements Yn ~ Y with l] Xn-Y n [I -<2-n so that (Yn) is a weakly p-summable
sequence in Y and then also convergent to 0. Clearly, the sequence (Xn) must
converge to O. []

This proof explicitly appears in [68]. A functorial approach or a proof via lifting
are not difficult to do.

6.2 Orlicz properties

An operator is said to be (p, q)-summing, 1 < q < p < o0, if it transforms weakly q-
summable sequences into absolutely p-summable sequences. The operator ideal of
(p, q)-summing operators is denoted Ilp, q. An operator is said p-summing if it is
(p, p)-summing. The operator ideal of p-summing operators is denoted IIp.

A Banach space is said to have Orlicz property if, for some p, every weakly-1-
summable sequence is absolutely p-summable, i.e. idx ~ Up, t. Observe that if a
Banach space has Orlicz property then the quantities

rn(X ) : infllxll I . . . . . [ixnU= 1 sup II 27=1 !xi II

increase to ~ when n --, ~ . This yields that X cannot contain l~ uniformly; i.e.,
the space X is C-convex. We already know that C-convexity (or, equivalently,
having finite cotype) is a 3SP property because it is the super property
corresponding to not containing cO. That C-convexity is equivalent to Orlicz
property is a very remarkable result of Talagrand [344]. Precisely, Talagrand

Proposition 6.2.a. For q > 2 , X has cotype q if and only if idX ~ IIq, t.
which implies that Orlicz property is equivalent to having finite cotype. By the way,
Talagrand also proved in the twin paper [343] that cotype 2 ;e idX ~ II2,1-

Here we sketch a simpler proof that Orlicz property is a 3SP property due to
Rakov [301]. Set

O(X) = inf {p : idX ~ IIp,1}.

The proof starts with the estimate

198 6. Homological properties

0 ( X ) = limn__,oo log n
log r n ( X )

Proof T h e existence of that limit is proved by Rakov in [300]. To show the

inequality > , let (In) be a sequence sets of n consecutive naturals, max I n < min
In+ l, and observe that if {x i : i ~ In} is a set of n norm one elements of X for
which the quantities rn are "almost" reached, the elements

xi 1
- iEI n
Yi FIt ;7 l +e'

satisfy II ~_,Yi II ~ ~n II~z~ yi][ ~ ~ n - - 1 +g < + o o .

On the other hand, if i ~ I n, they have norm

[[Yi II = rn -1 n -(1 +e)

This implies that

~i IIYi IIp = ~n rn-P n 1-(l+e)p.

This series diverges if for some el > 0
rn-pnl-(l+e)P > gl n

Therefore, if for large n

P < logn (1-8)

log r n

then it is possible to find s and E1 so that the last series diverges. It has been proved

log n
O(X) >_ limn_,o~ i o g r n ( X ) .

The other inequality can be obtained analogously. The second estimate one needs

rm+.(X) >_
m + rm(Y) + rn(Z)
Orticz property 199

Proof Let {Xi}l<i<n+m be a set o f n + m elements, II xi II =1, and let 0 < 5 < 1.
If q: X--, X / Y denotes, as usual, the quotient map, let A = { i: ]1 qx i II < 8} and B =
¢i: II qxi II ---~}, It is clear that either cardA>_m or cardB>_n.
Case 1, card A >_m. F o r / ~ A, pick elements Yi E Y such that II xi--Yi II < 8.
Observe that [t Yi [I > 1 - 8 . This gives

max II~i=~:ill _ maxllEi~AE:i[I

----- max(liE/cA ':ill - tl EiEA Ei(xi-Yi)II)

= max IIEiEA EiYiII-mS
>_ (1-8)rn(Y)-m8.

Case 2, card B > n. In this case

max II~,=ln E:itl maxll ~i~8 e/xi II

> maxHq(~i~Beixi) l[

>_ 8 rn(Z).

Thus, one has

rm+n(X ) >_ min { (1-8)rm(Y)-m8 , Srn(Z) }.

It only remains an exercise in real function: maximize the function on the right
hand side of that inequality: since f(8)=Sb is a straight line with positive slope and
g(8) = ( 1 - 8 ) a - m 6 is a straight line with negative slope, the maximum value of the
minimum occurs at their intersection
and is

With those ingredients, one can prove a nice typical three-space inequality

O(X) <_ O(Y) O(X/Y),

that gives

Theorem 6.2.b. The Orlicz property is a 3SP property.

200 6. Homological properties

However, since having cotype q is not a 3SP property (5.1.b) and Talagrand's
result [344] one has.

Theorem 6,2.e. For fixed p, 1 < p < co, the p-Orlicz property idX ~ IIp. 1 is not
a 3SP property.

6.3 Grothendieck's theorem

It is said that a Banach space X satisfies Grothendieck's theorem if all operators
from X into a Hilbert space are absolutely 1-summing, i.e.,

L(X, ~ = Hi(X, H)

which comes from Grothendieck's theorem that ~1 spaces have this property.

Theorem 6.3.a. Satisfying Orothendieck's theorem is a 3SP property.

Proof. Recall the ideas around 2.5.a. Let 0 --- Y --, X --, Z --- 0 be a short exact
sequence where it is assumed that Y and Z satisfy Grothendieck's theorem. Let H
be a Hilbert space. Since the functor Horn(. , H) is left exact, the sequence

0 -~ L(Z, H) --, L(X, H) --, L(Y, I-1)

is exact. Since Z and Y satisfy Grothendieck's theorem, the sequence

0 --->Hi(Z, H) ---, L(X, H) --> Hi(Y, H)

is exact. But 2-summing operators factorize through a L~o-space ( a f o r t i o r i , 1-

summing operators do). The map Y-~ Loo can be extended to a map X ~ Loo. This
means that the sequence

0 --, HI(Z, H) --, L(X, 1-1) --, Hi(Y,/-/) --, 0

is exact. But also, the extension X - , H is again 1-summing since it factorizes

through Loo; therefore the sequence

0 ---, HI(Z, H) --, Hi(X,/-/) --->HI(Y,/-/) -> 0

is exact. The three-lemma proves that the middle map is surjective and thus X
satisfies Grothendieck's theorem. []

Jarchow's approaches this result by writing

.~r2-10 III = ._,.-.-.~-I2 o [H I o .~,~ ]inj

and applying the method of 2.7 to conclude that it is a 3SP property. He then poses
Grothendieck's theorem - Hilbert-Schmidt spaces 201

the question of characterizing those Banach spaces that satisfy the p-Grothendieck
theorem, i.e.,

i d x E ,,~21 o 1-Ip = J 2 1 o [ [ I p O ~ o o ] inj , l < p < o o .

Applying method 2.7 one obtains that those are 3SP ideals.

6.4 HUbert-Schmidt spaces

This property was introduced by Jarchow in [184]. A Banach space X is a Hilbert-
Schmidt space if the operators 12 --, l2 that factorize through X are precisely the
Hilbert-Schmidt operators. Jarchow denotes I-[2,2,2 the largest operator ideal whose
components on Hilbert spaces are exactly the Hilbert-Schmidt operators. Since

1-I2,2, 2 = ~"21 O I-[2 = ,~"21 O [ 5~"2 0 Ja-~] inj ,

it follows from Jarchow's factorization method 2.7 that Sp(~2,2,2) is a 3SP ideal.

Theorem 6.4.a. Hilbert-Schmidt spaces form a 3SP ideal.

Although having cotype 2 is not a 3SP property, Jarchow mentioned to us that

it follows from results of Stareuli [333] that Hilbert-Schmidt spaces ofcotype 2form
a 3SP ideal. Observe that Hilbert-Schmidt spaces of cotype 2 are precisely those
cotype 2 spaces verifying Grothendieck's theorem.

6.5 Radon-Nikodym properties

There are many equivalent formulations for the Radon-Nikodym property of a
Banach space. The most classical one comes in terms of differentiability of X-valued
functions. We choose one which haves a clear operator theoretic flavour: this allows
an attack to the corresponding 3SP problem via lifting for operators (see 2.7.).

Recall that an operator L 1[0,1] --> X is said to be representable if

Tf = ~ [0,1]fg dm
where m is the Lebesgue measure in [0, 1] and g G Loo([0,1],X). A Banach space
X is said to have the Radon-Nikodymproperty (RNP, in short) if every operator T:
L1[0,1] --, X is representable.

The following characterization of representable operators is in [93, III. 1.8]:

202 6. Homological properties

Proposition 6.5.a. An operator T: L 1 --, X is representable if and only if it

factorizes through lI .

The following proof is in [i06].

T h e o r e m 6.5.b. The Radon-Nikodym property is a 3SP property.

Proof Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 be a short exact sequence, and assume that Y and
Z have RNP. Let T: L: --, X be a continuous operator. The composition qT
factorizes through l 1 as qT=BA. The map B: l: ---,Z can be lifted to a map C: l: ---,
X such that qC=B. The map T - CA: L 1 ~ Y can also be factorized through l 1 , and
this gives a factorization of T through 11. []

6.5.c. T h e A n a l y t i c a l R N P was introduced by Bukhvalov and Danilevich

[43] for a complex Banach space in terms of the differentiability of those X-valued
measures t* on {z ~ C: Izl = 1} whose Fourier coefficients of negative index
vanish. The ARNP is equivalent [100] to the property that for every operator T:
L1/Ho 1 ~ X the product TQ factorizes through l l ; here Q: L 1 - - , L1/Ho 1 is the
quotient map a n d H01 denotes the subspace of L I formed by those functions f such
that J ' f i n ) = 0 for all n < 0, and ,,~ is the Fourier transform.

The following partial answer to the 3SP problem for the ARNP is in [99]:

Proposition 6.5.d. If Y is a closed subspace of X such that Y has the RNP and X/Y
has the ARNP then X has the ARNP.

Proof (analogous to the proof for the RNP). Let 0 --, Y --, X ---, Z --, 0 be a short
exact sequence where Y has RNP and Z has ARNP. Given T: L1/Ho* --, X a
continuous operator the composition qTQ factorizes through l 1 as qTQ=BA. The
map B: l 1 --, Z can be lifted to a map C: l: ---, X such that qC=B. The map
TQ-CA: L 1 ---, Y can also be factorized through l 1, and this gives a factorization of
TQ through l 1. []

Question. Recall that RNPaual = Asplund. What property is ARNpclual?

6.5.e. The Near RNP was introduced in [219] as an attempt to understand

the properties of the Volterra operator V: L1[0,1] --, C[0,1] given by

vAO= [o, t] f-

The Volterra operator is completely continuous but not representable.

Nevertheless, Bourgain [30] proved that given any completely continuous operator
D: L 1 --- L 1 the composition VD is representable.
Radon-Nikodym properties - Dunford-Pettis properties 203

Taking this as starting point, an operator T: L 1 ~ X is said to be nearly

representable if for every completely continuous operator D: L 1 --, L 1 the
composition TD is representable. A Banach space X is said to have the near RNP
if every nearly representable operator L 1 ---, X is representable.

The same method of proof of 6.5.b and 6.5.d provides:

Theorem 6.5.f. The Near RNP is a 3SP property.

Proof. Let 0 --, Y --, X --, Z --, 0 Y be a short exact sequence where Y and Z have the
NRNP. Given a nearly representable operator T: L 1 ~ X the composition qT is
representable and factorizes through l 1 as qT=BA. The map B: l t ---,Z can be lifted
to a map C: l 1 ---, X such that qC=B. The map T - C A : L 1 --, Y can also be
factorized through l 1, and this gives a factorization of T through l 1. []

6.5.g The weak RNP was introduced by Musial [263]. It is an open

question if it is a 3SP property. In [263] and [264] it is proved that (weak-RNPy iuat
is equivalent to not containing l I. Thus

Theorem 6.5.h. (weak-RNP)aual is a 3SP property.

6.6 Dunford-Pettis properties

A Banach space X is said to have the Dunford-Pettis property (DPP) if every
weakly compact operator T." X --- Y transforms weakly compact sets of X into
relatively compact sets of Y. Equivalently, if given weakly null sequences (Xn) and
(fn) in X and X* respectively, limfn(xn)=0. Clearly, if X* has the D P P then X has
the DPP. It is an open problem to know when the D P P passes from X to X*. It is
easily deduced from Rosenthal's lemma that if X does not contain l 1 then X has the
D P P if and only if X* is Schur. Also, there is the example li( 12n ) of Stegall that
has the D P P (it is a Schur space) while its dual l~o( 12n ) has not since it contains
l2 complemented, and complemented subspaces of D P P spaces are D P P spaces.
Typical examples of spaces with the D P P are C(K) spaces [158] and, thus, L I-
spaces. Since ~oo spaces (resp. ,~l-spaces) are those whose bidual is complemented
in some C(K) space (resp. Ll-space), then ~o-spaces and ~l-spaces have DPP.

For some time it has been believed that the D P P was something like the opposite
of reflexivity, until Bourgain and Delbaen [36] constructed a somewhat reflexive
2e~-space (and thus having the DPP). It was also believed that the absence of
reflexive subspaces or quotients could be sufficient conditions, until Bourgain and
Delbaen [36] showed an Orlicz sequence space without reflexive subspaces and
204 6. Homological properties

lacking the Dunford-Pettis property, and Leung [236] exhibited an ad hoc space (see
6.6. m) without the Dunford-Pettis property and without reflexive quotients. Besides,
there exist Orlicz sequence spaces without the Dunford-Pettis property and without
reflexive quotiems (see [36]). Schreier space (see 4.6.a) could also work since it is
c0-saturated as well as all its quotients (proved by Odell [268]) and does not have
the Dunford-Pettis property (see below).

Theorem 6.6.a. The Dunford-Pettis property is not a 3SP property.

The proof shall be given in 6.6.f. since the same counterexample works for the
hereditary Dunford-Pettis property.

Problem. Is DPP aual a 3SP property ?

Positive results regarding Dunford-Pettis properties are:

Proposition 6.6,b. If Y does not contain copies of l1, and Y and X/Y have the DPP
then X has the DPP.

Proof Let (xn) be a weakly null sequence in X and let ~n) be a weakly null
sequence in X*. The sequence ~zl Y) is weakly null in Y*, which is a Schur space;
thus it is norm null. Since Y* = X*/Y l , there is a weakly null sequence (gn) in Y±
with lim ]l f n - g n ]l =0. Since Y± = (X/Y)*, from where lim gn(xn)=0, it easily

tim fn(Xn) = lim gn(Xn) + lim (fn-gn)(Xn) = O. []

This result is in Stehle's thesis [332]. Another proof, only valid for the sequence
0 --, X - , X** --, X**/X--, O, was given in [62].

Proposition 6.6.c. If Y has the DPP and X/Y is Schur then X has the DPP.

Proof Again, let (Xn) be a weakly null sequence in X and ~z) a weakly null
sequence in X*. Since X/Yis Schur, the sequence (xn+Y) is norm null. If (Yn) is a
sequence in Y such that lim [I Xn-Yn II =0, it is weakly null. Therefore lim
fn(Yn)=0 and lira fn(Xn) = lim fn(yn) + lim (Xn-Y n) = O. []

The hereditary I mford-Pettis property. A Banach space X is said

to have the hereditary Dunford-Pettis property (DPPh) if every closed subspace of
X has the DPP.

Proposition 6.6.d. A Banach space X has the DPP h if every weakly null sequence
(Xn) admits a weakly 1-summable subsequence.

Proof Firstly observe that if no normalized weakly null sequences exist in X this
Dunford-Pettis properties 205

is a Schur space and then it obviously has the DPP h. Therefore the word
"normalized" can be added to the statement without risk.

Necessity. Let (Xn) be a normalized weakly null sequence in X, which can be

considered a basic sequence. Consider a weak*-null sequence if'n) in [(xn)]* such
that fi(xj) = 58. No subsequence of ~n) can be weakly Cauchy since, otherwise,
[(Xn)] would fail the DPP; thus, some subsequence (fro) of (fn) is equivalent to an
/vbasis. This makes the operator T: [Xm] --, co defined by T(x)=(fm(X)) an

Sufficiency. If (Xn) is a weakly 1-summable sequence with constant K and (fn) is a

bounded sequence of functionals then lim fn(Xn)=0:

sup/( ~=1 IfN(Xn)l = sttPk E n f N ( +-Xn)

= --x,O
-< Ilfull supk IILY' =I --+xn 11
< ilfgll K.

This gives a well known result of Elton [109]

CoroNary 6.6.e. An infinite dimensional Banach space contains either co, l 1 or a

subspace without the DPP property.

Proof Since the space is either Schur or contains a normalized weakly null basic
sequence. []

and also the following equivalent formulation for the DPPh (see also [89]):

DPP h = Sp( weak Wt),

where weak W 1 denotes the ideal of operators transforming weakly null sequences
into sequences having weakly- 1-summable subsequences (see section 4.6; also [67]).

The following result is in [60].

Theorem 6.6.f. The Dunford-Pettis and the Hereditary Dunford-Pettis are not 3SP

Proof. In 4.6.a it was already proved that weak-W1 is not a 3SP property. This
settles the situation for the hereditary Dunford-Pettis property. Recall that the
206 6. Homological properties

counterexample was the diagonal short exact sequence induced by the pull-back of
the arrows: the canonical inclusion i: S -- co and a quotient map q: l 1 --, Co; that is

0 --, Ker(q+i) --, f 1 @ S --, c o --, O,

where S is the Schreier's space [325].

One only has to verify that S has not even the Dunford-Pettis property. Recall
that S is the space obtained by completion of the space of finite sequences with
respect to the norm:

Ilxlls = sup [xjI,

[A admissible] jeA

where a finite subset of natural numbers A = {n 1 < ... < nk} is said to be
admissible if k<_n I. Also, recall that S is algebraically contained in co, that it has
an unconditional basis formed by the canonical vectors (el), and that a sequence (xn)
of S is weakly null if and only if, for every j, the sequence
(xff)nEN is null.

In this way, that S does not possess the D P P is consequence from the fact that
the dual unit vector sequence is weakly null in S*: and this immediately follows
from the estimate (see [60])

]1~k--N1e ik [] S* <- sup lIx l[ <i ~kk ~ l IX ik l

<- suPllxll<_ x ]xi 1 ] + ]xi2+xi31 + Ixi4 +... +Xi71 + . . .

"'" + [Xi2N-1 + "'" + Xi2N[


Another form to prove that S has not the D P P is showing that S** is also
contained in Co: this shows that the inclusion S --, co is weakly compact; and it is
certainly not completely continuous. []

The role of S can be played by any Banach space F having a weakly null basis
and the following properties: i) F is continuously contained into c o, ii) F has not the
Dunford-Pettis property, and iii) Any normalized weakly null sequence of blocks
with II II co norms decreasing to 0 contains a weakly 1-summable subsequence.
Leung's space [236] (see also 6.6.m) or the lunatic space [54] are different

Proposition 6.6.g. (DPPh) dual is a 3SP property.

Dunford-Pettis properties 207

Proof It turns out that X ~ (DPPh)aual if and only if X* has the Schur property:
since if X* has the DPPh and does not have Schur property then, by 6.6.d, it must
contain co and thus loo; in which case X* contains subspaces without the Dunford-
Pettis property, and this is a contradiction. []

6.6.h. Qiyuan [299] considers Schauder basis determining properties as those

properties such that X has P if every subspace with basis has P, and asks (open
problem 2, p. 97) if Schauder basis determining properties are 3SP properties. The
answer is no: the DPPh is determined by subspaces with basis.

The "hereditary by quotients" Dunford-Pettis property This

property: every quotient of X has the DPP is, in some sense, dual of the DPPh.

Theorem 6.6.i. The "hereditary by quotients" Dunford-Pettis property (DPPhq, in

short) is a 3SP property.
Proof. A Banach space with this property cannot contain l 1 (since a space having
l 1 as a subspace has l2 as a quotient). Since X* has the Schur property if and only
if X has the DPP and does not contain 11, a Banach space X has the DPPhq if and
only if X* has the Schur property, which is a 3SP property. []

Observe that it has been proved that DPPhq = (DPPh)dual.

The Dunford-Pettis property of order p, 1 < p < oo. The

Dunford-Pettis property can be described by means of the inclusion
W(X, Y) C CJX, Y). A weaker form is obtained replacing C 1 by Cp: Let 1 <_p< ~ .
We shall say as in [64] that a Banach space X has the Dunford-Pettis property of
order p (in short DPPp) if W(X,Y)C Cp(X,Y) holds for any Banach space Y.
Obviously, DPPp implies DPPq when q <p. Also, DPP=DPP~ and every Banach
space has DPP1. It follows from the definition that if id(X) E Cp then X has the
DPPp, and that if id(X) ~ Wp then X does not have the DPPp. The following result
is in [64].

Proposition 6.6.j. For a given Banach space X, they are equivalent: X has DPPp
(1 <_p<<_~ ) and If (xn) is a weakly-p-summable sequence of X and (x*) is weakly
null in X* then (x*nXn)-->O.
Some Banach spaces having those properties, with optimal values o f p are: C(K)
and L 1 have the DPPoo. If 1 < r < ~ , Ir has the DPPp for p < r*. If 1 < r < ~ , Lr(t~)
has the DPPp for p < min(2,r*). Tsirelson's space T has the DPPp for all p < ~ .
However, since T is reflexive, it does not have the DPP. Tsirelson's dual space T*
does not have the DPPp for any p > 1.
208 6. Homological properties

It is open to know if the Dunford-Pettis property of order p is a 3SP property.

Reciprocal 13nmford-Pettis property. It is apparently unknown

whether the reciprocal DPP (completely continuous operators are weakly compact;
i.e., for all spaces Y, Co~(X, Y) C W(X, Y); also shortened sometimes to RDPP)
is a 3SP property.

Somewhat DP property. Somewhat DP spaces are those such that every

subspace contains a subspace with the Dunford-Pettis property, Stehle proves in
[332] that somewhat DP spaces form a 3SP ideal.

Theorem 6.6.k. Somewhat DP is a 3SP property.

Proof If A = {spaces without infinite dimensional DP subspaces} then

A(i) = somewhat DP,

and apply the incomparability method. []

If, instead, one starts with

DP = {spaces with the Dunford-Pettis property}

then since all C(K) spaces have the Dunford-Pettis property and every Banach space
is isomorphic to a subspace of some C(K),

D P( i) = {finite dimensional spaces}


DP(ii) = {all Banach spaces};

and if

DP H = {spaces such that every subspace has the Dunford-Pettis property}


DPH(i ) = {spaces containing no infinite dimensional subspace with DPPh},

that, after the result of Elton 6.6.e, leads us to

DPH(i ) = {Co}(/) ~ {ll}(i) = {cO, ll}(i)

and thus

DPH(ii ) = {Co, ll}-saturated spaces.

This class is contained in the class of somewhat DPP spaces, but we do not
Dunford-Pettis properties 209

know whether they coincide. In fact, if there is some space

X E somewhat DPP \ {c0, ll}-saturated

then X contains no unconditional basic sequence, because if (xn) is a basic

unconditional sequence in X then [xn] does not contains c o or l I and must be
reflexive and cannot contain an infinite dimensional DP space. It may be therefore
of some interest to ask

Problem. Does there exist some Banach space such that every subspace contains
a subspace with DP and another without DP?.

and maybe to suggest that constructions of Gowers-Maurey type [156,157] are

candidates to be examinated.

Surjective Dnnford-Pettis property. It was introduced by Leung in

[238] as follows: every surjective weakly compact operator is completely
continuous. It is a weaker form of the DPP. The following result is a combination
of results in [238] and [27].

Proposition 6.6.1. For a given Banach space X, they are equivalent:

i) X has the surjective DPP, and
ii) If (Xn) is a weakly null sequence of X and (fn ) is weakly null in X* spanning
a reflexive subspace, then lim (fn Xn) = O.
Theorem 6 . 6 . m . The surjective Dunford-Pettis property is not 3SP.
Proof Let us consider Leung's space [238] as follows: A finite subset A c N is
said to be Leung-admissible if card A <_ min A and card(A) = 2 i for some i >
0. The space L is defined as the completion of finite sequences (xn) under the

It(xn)ll = sup IJZ(Xn) Jl ,/7

where A(Xn) is the sequence equal to (Xn) if n ~ A and equal to zero otherwise,
II II p is the /p-norm and the supremum is taken over all Leung-admissible sets.
The space L has the surjective Dunford-Pettis property but not the Dunford-Pettis
property [236]. We shall follow [27] to show that l l ~ L has not the sDPP.
Otherwise, let T: L --, R be an operator taking values on a separable reflexive space,
and let q: l I ~ R be a quotient map. The map T+q should be completely
continuous, as well as T. In conclusion, L should have the DPP, arriving to a
contradiction. []

Once it is known that Schreier's space does not have reflexive quotients or DPP
210 6. Homological properties

it could also work as a counterexample: S@ l1 does not have the sDPP.

6.6.n. Leung also defined in [239] the weak Dunford-Pettis property in Banach
lattices as follows: every weakly compact operator sends disjointly supported
weakly null sequences into norm null sequences. It is unknown to us if this is a 3SP
property in the domain of Banach lattices (where 3SP should have a slightly
different meaning).

Dieudonn6 property. A Banach space X has the Dieudonnd property (D)

if DieudonnO operators (i.e., operators transforming weakly Cauchy sequences into
weakly convergent sequences) are weakly compact. It is unknown to us whether this
is a 3SP property.

Moreover, it is unknown whether the reciprocal Dunford-Pettis property (RDPP)

and the Dieudonn6 property (D) are equivalent. Clearly, D ~ RDPP. A space with
RDPP without D should contain l 1 (otherwise all weakly completely continuous
operators on X would be weakly compact, and the space would have D) but not
complemented (a projection would be completely continuous not weakly compact,
and the space would fail RDPP).

Grothendieck property and its reciprocal. A Banach space X is

said to have the Grothendieck property if weak* null sequences in X* are weakly
null. Equivalently, operators having separable range are weakly compact. Wheeler
[357] defined the reciprocal Grothendieck property as follows: every weakly
compact operator has separable range and gave it the name of Dunford-Pettis-
Phillips property (shortened by Wheeler to DP 3).
Theorem 6.6.o. The Grothendieck property and DP 3 are 3SP properties.

Proof. That the Grothendieck property is a 3SP property has already been obtained
through a lifting result in 2.4.e. As for the DP 3, let Ybe a subspace of X such that
Y and X/Y have DP 3. If T: X --- M is weakly compact, then TY is separable. The
induced operator Tq: X/Y--, M/TT is weakt_y compact, and thus TX/TY is
separable. Since separability is 3SP property, TX must be separable. []

The proof could also follow noting that X has the Grothendieck property if and
only if SI(X)=X** and applying the 3-1emma.

Other related properties. A property related to the Dunford-Pettis

property was pointed out in [184]. We shall say that a Banach space X has property
WAC if, for every Banach space Y, every weakly compact operator X --, Y is
absolutely continuous (AC) in the sense of Niculescu [266]. After a characterization
Covariant properties 211

of Jarchow and Pelczynski [182, Thm. 20.7.6 and Corol. 20.7.7], an operator is
absolutely continuous if and only if it belongs to the injective hull of the closure of
the ideal of p-summing operators, p > 1 (it does not matter which p is chosen). It
is unknown whether property WAC is a 3SP property. The counterexample Ii x S
which worked for the DPP could also work for property WAC, were it true that
Ker(q+i)** has DPP. It is clear that WAC = DPP. Moreover, it is an elementary
observation that if X has DPP and does not contain l 1 then it has WAC. In general
it is false that DPPh ~ WAC : it was proved by Niculescu that L(l i ,X) C AC(I 1 X)
implies X super-reflexive. Taking as X a reflexive non-superreflexive Banach space,
one sees that l t has not property WAC.

6.7 Covariant properties

Let us briefly consider covariant properties, in the sense that they are defined as

For all Banach spaces 1I, A(Y, X)CB(Y, X).

Here A and B are two operator ideals defined by transforming sequences of a

given type (the same for both operator ideals) into sequences of, respectively, types
a and b. Regarding 3SP problems, this type of properties behave in the same form
as the corresponding property a C b and thus things depend on the existence of a
lifting result involving sequences of types a and b.

For instance, a simple although not completely trivial result.

Theorem 6.7.a. The property that for all spaces Y all Banach-Saks operators X --,
Y are compact is a 3SP property.

Proof There exist lifting for convergent sequences. []

properties. Jarchow defines in [185] that a Banach space X has property

, l < p < _o o , ifL(Lp, X) = K(Lp, X) (i.e., all operators from Lp into X are

compact). The following results are in [185]

Proposition 6.7.b. K i = Schur property. For l <q<p<2<_r < oo one has the
following containments: K 1 C Kq C Kp C K2=K r, and also K 1 C Koo C K 2. All
inclusions are proper except Koo C K 2, which is an open problem.

This type of properties were also considered in [55], obtaining:

Proposition 6.7.c. X has Kp if and only if idX E Cmax{2, p,}.

Therefore, by 6.1,
212 6. Homological properties

Theorem 6.7.d. Kp is a 3SP property.

As an application of this result, one obtains:

Proposition 6.7.e. There are reflexive as well as non-reflexive Banach spaces

belonging to all classes Kp, 1 < p and not to K 1.

Proof For the reflexive case use Tsirelson space: every Banach-Saks operator is
compact. For Ko~ use Dieste1-Seifert result that all operators from C(K) into T are
Banach-Saks [92].

The non-reflexive case uses the inductive limit method 1.8.b to obtain a
short exact sequence: 0 --, T --, (£~(7) --, (£~o(T)/T --, O, where T is Tsirelson's
space. The quotient space has RNP and Schur properties. The property Banach-Saks
operators are compact is a 3SP property (6.7.a) and thus the middle space has that
property. It does not have Schur since it contains T. []

Question (of [185]). Does there exist a space with the Banach-Saks property
belonging to Kp f o r all 1 < p < oo ?

6.8 The Geffand-Phillips property

A Banach space X is said to have the Gelfand-PhiUips property if limited sets are
relatively compact. A subset A ~ X i s said to be limited if, whenever (fn) is a weak*
null sequence of X*, limn__,o~sup { I fn (x) l : x E A } = 0. Following [321] the
property was originated by an error: the following statement of Gelfand [126] and
Mazur: "A subset K of a Banach space X is relatively compact if and only if each
weakly* null sequence of X* converges uniformly on K." It is not difficult to see
that only the only if part is true. It was pointed out by Phillips [284] that the if part
is false: the unit basis of co in l~o is, definitely, not relatively compact although
limn--,oo [fn (en) [ =0 for each weakly*-null sequence (fn) of (loo)* (since weakly and
weakly* null sequences in (l~)* coincide (Grothendieck property), and l~ has the
Dunford-Pettis property.

The following result was proved by Bourgain and Diestel [37].

Proposition 6.8.a. Limited sets in Banach spaces are conditionally weakly compact;
i.e., every sequence in a limited set admits a weakly Cauchy subsequence.

Proof Assume A is a bounded set in a Banach space X which is not conditionally

weakly compact. Then A contains a sequence (Xn) having no weakly Cauchy
subsequences. By Rosenthal theorem, we may assume that (Xn) is equivalent to the
Gelfand-Phillips property 213

unit vector basis of 11. So it generates a subspace isomorphic to l 1. Now since the
inclusion map from l 1 into c O factorizes through l2, it is absolutely summing [248,
Thin. 266]. So is admits an extension T:X --, co. Now, if (fn) is the image under T*
of the unit vector basis of l 1, we have that if'n) is a weakly null sequence in X* and
fn(Xn) = 1 for all n. Hence A is not limited. []

The following result is useful to check if a Banach space has the Gelfand-Phillips

Proposition 6.8.b. A Banach space X has the GeIfand-Phillips property if and only
if every limited weakly null sequence in X is norm null.

Proof Clearly, Banach spaces having the Gelfand-Phillips property satisfy the
condition. Conversely, let us assume that X fails the Gelfand-PhiUips property. So
it contains a non-relatively compact limited subset A. Now there exists e > 0 and a
sequence (Xn) in A so t h a t [ [ X m - X n 11> e, for m ~ n. Since the set A is weakly
conditionally compact, we may assume the sequence (Xn) is weakly Cauchy. So
taking Yn = Xn+l--Xn ' we obtain a limited weakly null sequence (Yn) in X which
does not converges in norm to 0. []

The next two results provide examples of spaces with the Gelfand-Phillips

Proposition 6.8.c. Spaces having weak*-sequentially compact dual unit ball have
the Gelfand-Phillips property.

Proof. Assume that X is a Banach space with weak*-sequentially compact dual bail,
and let (Xn) be a limited weakly null sequence in X. Let us consider the operator T:
l 1 ~ X given by Ten =x n, where (en) stands for the unit vector basis of l 1. Since
T(Ball ll) is limited, the dual operator 7"*: X* --, loo is weak*-to-norm sequentially
continuous, and so T * (B X • ) is compact. Thus, the operator T is compact and (Xn)
is norm null.

Proposition 6.8.d. Let K be a sequentially compact, compact space. Then C(K) has
the Gelfand-Phillips property.

Proof As in the previous proof, take a limited weakly null sequences (fn) in C(K),
consider the operator T: l 1 --- C(K) given by Ten=f n, and observe that T(BalI(ll))
is a limited subset of C(K). Since weak* convergent sequences in a dual space are
uniformly convergent on limited sets, the dual operator T* sends weak* convergent
sequences into norm convergent sequences. Thus, T* transforms {/Sk: k E K} into
a relatively compact subset of X. Hence, T* is compact and so is T. []

In order to show that the Gelfand-Phillips property is not a 3SP property, recall
214 6. Homological properties

the construction of the Stone compact (see 3.5) generated by an algebra of subsets
of N. The example will be a refinement of the counterexample given in 4.8. a to the
3SP problem for having weakly* sequentially compact dual ball. The results of this
section are taken from Schlumprecht [321] and [323].

So, our aim is to describe a Stone compact over an algebra E, so that C(K~)/co
has the Gelfand-Phillips property, but (l{n}) is a limited set in C(K~); in particular
C(K~) fails the Gelfand-Phillips property.

Let 601 denote the first uncountable ordinal and let P~(N) denote the class of all
infinite subsets of N. Recall that two sets M, N ~ Poo are said to be almost disjoint
if M N N is finite; we say that M is almost contained in N if M~N is finite.

For a well-ordered family (R~)a<f~ in P~(N), where f~ is an ordinal, let us

consider the following properties:

(F) If a </3 then either R~\R~ is finite or R~ n R~ is finite.

(FM) The family (Rc~)c~<a is a maximal family satisfying (F); i.e., it satisfies (F)
and for every Ra ~ P ~ ( N ) the family (Ra)a_<a does not satisfy (F).

L e m m a 6.8.e. Let (Ra)a<~CPo.(N) be a family satisfying (FM). Then the

cardinality of the family equals the cardinality of the continuum.
Proof First we show that for a < 12 there are a l , ~ ~ (or,f]) so that Ral andRc~ 2
are almost disjoint and almost contained in Ra. In fact, given a set N ~ P~(Ra)
with Ra\N infinite, by (FM) we find ~3< f~ so that NA R~ and N~RB are both infinite.
Clearly ~3 has three properties: a < / 3 , R~LRc~is finite and R~NRB is infinite.

Define eel to be the minimum of all ~ having these three properties. We repeat
the process for N=Ra\R~1 and get ee2 so that (Ra\Ral)\R~2 and(Rc~\R~l)nRc~ 2
are both infinite, and again eea satisfies the above three properties. By the
minimality of ee1 we have eel < ee2, and Ra2\Ral infinite implies Ra2NR~I finite.
In this way the assertion stated at the beginning of the proof is proved.

Now we construct inductively a tree

{ee(n,j) : n E N U{0} ;j=l ..... 2 n}

so that for every Rc~(n,j), its successors Ra(n+l,2n) and Ra(n÷l,2n÷l) are,
respectively, almost disjoint and almost contained in Ra(n,l). For every branch 3:
in the tree,

7 = {ee(n ,j(~,, n)) : n E NU{0 } ; j("/, n+l) E {2j(3', n), 2j(3', n) - 1}}

and for every n ~ N U {0} we choose an integer

Gelfand-Phillips property 215

K(3", n) E ~ Ra(m, j(% m))

m <<.ll

(note that this intersection is infinite), so that N.r = {K(7, n) : n E N} is infinite.

By the choice of the sets Ra(n, j(% n)) it follows that for two different branches %'
and 3" the intersection Nv C~Nv, is finite. By the maximality, for each branch 3' one
has ~x(3')< [2 so that Nv\Ra(.r) and Nv C~Rc~(v) are both infinite. So it follows from
(F) that for each branch 3' and each n ~ N the set Ra(~/)\Ra(n, j(v, n)) is finite.

All this implies that the sets Rc~(~,) are pairwise almost disjoint, in particular
different. Since the set of all branches has the cardinality of the continuum, the
proof is finished. []

We say that a family (Rc~)c~<~ICP~(N) satisfies (C) if for each N ~ P~(N)

there is an c~< C01 with R a C N . Observe that if a well-ordered family satisfies (F)
and (C) then it also satisfies (FM).

Proposition 6.8.f. There exists a family (Rc~)~ < ~o1C Poo(N) satisfying properties (F)
and C.

Proof Let (Nc~)c~<~01 be a well-ordering of P~(N). By transfinite induction, if for

every a < 6ol one chooses an infinite subset Rc~ of N~ so that (F) holds for (R~)a_<a ,
we are done.

Assume Rc~ has already been chosen for each a < j3, a < 6o1, and put

I: = {~ < ot : R~ ¢1Na is infinite}

The set 1 is well-ordered by the order on [0,a] and the family ( R # O N ~ ) ~ !

satisfies (F) as a subset of Po~(Na). Since ! is countable, using 6.8.e it is possible
to find an infinite subset R ~ C N a so that (R~f3Na)13Eiu{a} still satisfies (F).
Clearly (R~)~ < a + t satisfies (F), and the proof is complete. []

Proposition 6.8.g. Let K be the Stone compact associated to a family

( Rc~)a < ~i C P ~ (IV) satisfying (F) and ( C).

(a) The unit ball of (C(K)/co)* is weak*-sequentiaUy compact.

(b) The sequence (l{n}) forms a limited set.

Proof a) Since C(K)/c0 is isomorphic to C(K~N), by 6.8.d it is enough to show that

K\N -- {6x :x E K \ N } C C(K\N) *

is sequentially compact.

Let us denote Sa= support(1R) C K . The sets (Sa\N)a<~01 form a subbasis of

216 6. Homological properties

the topology of K~N. By (F), it follows that for a < • < Wl one has that either

(Sa\N) N (S~\N) = f~ or S~\N C S~\N..

So, every point p ~ K~N has {Sc~\N : p ~ S~} as a neighborhood basis, well-
ordered by inclusion. Hence, each separable closed subset of K1N is metrizable
(given a sequence of points (Pn), Pn is excluded from neighborhoods of Pl for
et > C~n; since no countable subset of cA1 is cofinal, Pl has a countable fundamental
system of neighborhoods: those with index et ___max %~; repeat the argument for the
other Pn to obtain that every point has a countable fundamental system of
neighborhoods) and the space K~N is sequentially compact.

b) Let us denote fn = l{n}' and assume (#n) is a sequence in the unit ball of
C(K)*=M(K) with r= lim SUPn__,o~Izn(fn ) > 0. It is enough to prove that the
sequence (/Zn) is not weak*-convergent to 0.

By Rosenthal's Lemma (see [89, p.82]) there is M ~ P~(N) such that the
subsequence (fn)n ~ M satisfies

~tn(fn ) = g,,({n}) > 3 r ,


I(M\{n}) < 4 r,
for every n ~ M. By property C of the family (R~) it is possible to select c~< ~1
such that R~ C M. Now, taking 1R~ E C(K) one has that for every n E R a

i~Zn(1R )1 = ittn(Ra) [ _> i~n{n} I _ i g n l ( M \ { n } ) >r_

and the sequence (gn) is not weak*-null. []

A consequence of this result and 6.8.d is

Theorem 6.8.h. The Gelfand-Phillips property is not a 3SP property.

6.9 Properties (u), (V) and (V*)

The Orlicz-Pettis theorem implies that every weakly compact operator is
unconditionally converging; i.e., it takes weakly 1-summable, also called weakly
unconditionally Cauchy (in short wuC), sequences into unconditionally converging
series. In [108], Pelczynski considered the spaces X such that the converse
implication is true and called them spaces with property (V). In that paper he also
introduced the properties (u), and (V*) as follows: Let X be a Banach space. It is
Properties (u), (V) and (V*) 217

said that X has property (u) if, for every weakly Cauchy sequence (Xn) in X, there
exists a wuC sequence (z n) in X such that the sequence (x n _ ~jn= lZJ ) is weakly
null. It is said that X has property (V) if, for every Banach space Z, every
unconditionally converging operator from X into Z is weakly compact; equivalently,
whenever K is a bounded subset of X* such that

limn__,o~ sup{ If(x,,) I : f E K} = 0

for every wuC series Xnxn in X, then K is relatively weakly compact. A Banach
space X is said to have property (V*) if whenever K is a bounded subset of X such

limn__,~ sup{ lfn(x) l: x E K } =0

for every wuC series E n f n in X*, then K is relatively weakly compact.

Pelczynski [108] proved that properties (u) and (V*) are preserved by taking
subspaces and property (V) is preserved by taking quotients. Moreover, that spaces
C(K) have property (V) and the spaces LI(/~) have property (V*). Clearly, co has
property (u), but an space which is not weakly sequentially complete and contains
no copies of co (such as James' space J) fails property (u). Since J is isomorphic
to a subspace of C[0,1] this space also fails property (u).

Proposition 6.9.a. If a Banach space X has property (u) and contains no copies of
l 1 then it has property (10.

Proof. Let Y be a Banach space and let T:X ---, Y be an unconditionally converging
operator. Given a bounded sequence (Xn) in X, by the hypothesis there exist a
subsequence (Xn(k))k E N and a wuC series Ey i in X such that the sequence

( Xn(k) -- Ek Yi )
is weakly null. So (TXn(k)) is weakly convergent to ETy i and the operator T is
weakly compact. []

The following result is in [61].

Theorem 6.9.b. Properties (u) and (V) are not 3SP properties.

Proof A counterexample is provided by the spaces Xp, 1 _ p < co, of Figiel,

Ghoussoub and Johnson [ 127] which we describe now. Denoting by N* = N U { co },
and by c the space of converging sequences, set X=ll(C ), i.e, the space of doubly-
indexed sequences a = (aij), i E N, j ~ N*, such that

limj~oo aij = ai~o and [1a IIs = (supjlaij[) < co"

218 6. Homological properties

L e t f n E X b e given bYfo. = 1 , i f i < n < j , and 0 otherwise. The gauge II 11 of
the closed absolutely convex solid hull of the union of Ball(X) and the sequence (/n)
is a lattice norm on X. For 1 < p < + co,

llxllp= 11 Ixfll 1/p

defines a new lattice norm on X, whose completion shall be denoted Xp.

L e m m a 6.9.c. For 1 <p < oo the space Xp contains no copies of l 1

Proof. Observe that from the definition of I1 • lip it follows that for any disjoint
bounded sequence (yn) in Xp one has

II a,, y n l] p < C II(an) IIZp

and thus (yn) cannot be equivalent to the unit vector basis of l 1.

Let Sm be the projection on Xp defined by

(SraX)ij = xij for i < m;

(Smx)ij = 0, otherwise.
It is clear that Sm(Xp) is isomorphic to c0. So given a sequence (xn) in Xp
equivalent to the unit vector basis of l 1, it is possible to find a sequence (zn) of
normalized blocks of (xn) such that

limn_,~ Sm Z n = 0

for all m, and it is possible to find a disjoint sequence (yn) so that

lim l[zn-ym II = o,

in contradiction with the observation at the beginning of the proof. []

Let T: X--- c o be tile operator defined by T(aij)=(aiw), and let Tp be its

continuous extension to Xp. The proof of the theorem finishes with the following

L e m m a 6.9.d. For 1 <p < o o the operator Tp is unconditionally converging and

surjective. Moreover, Ker Tp has property (u).
Proof. Suppose that Tp is not unconditionally converging. Then it is an isomorphism
on a subspace E of Xp isomorphic to c0. Take a normalized basis (zn) for E that is
k-equivalent to the unit vector basis of c0. Since X is dense in Xp there is no loss
of generality assuming that each zn lies in X. One has
IITp z n II = maxi Izin[, and limn__,oo Zico = 0 for each i ~ N.

Hence, it is possible to find a 6 > 0 and i 1 < i2 < . . . so that [zi]~l > 8 for all n.
Properties (u), (V) and (V*) 219

/7 12
Now, if we define Yij = Ixiji for i=i/7 and Y6 =0 otherwise, then the sequence ( S )
in Xp is equivalent to the unit vector basis of Co; and taking xij : (Yi;)P we obtain
a sequence (xn) in X 1 equivalent to the unit vector basis of c0.

Next, for each n, select j/7 so that xi,' Jn > 6 P. Passing to a subsequence, if
necessary, assume that i/7+z >j/7 for each n. Observe that if (/'/7) is the sequence of
vectors appearing in the definition of the norm then 8 , j,,=0 for all n. So,

II~'mnnn=lXn I11 _> ~P m,

arriving to a contradiction.

In order to show that Ker(Tp) has property (u), let (x'~) be a weakly Cauchy
sequence in Ker(Tp). Since the limit

xij : lim/7_,~x/}
exists for every (i,j), its is possible to define

k ~xij, for k:i"

Yij : ( O, otherwise.

Clearly y k : ( yigg) belongs to Ker(Tp), and Egyk is a wuC series in Ker(Tp) such

is weakly null. Hence Ker(Tp) has property (u). []

In [134], it is shown that properties (V) (resp. (V*)) verify a restricted version
of the 3SP property, namely, when X/Y (resp. Y) is reflexive.

Problem. Is (V*) a 3SP proper~? A counterexample, if it exists, should be a

weakly sequentially complete Banach space, not isomorphic to a subspace of a
Banach lattice, and whose dual is not weakly sequentially complete.

6.10 Property (w)

Saab and Saab introduced in [318] proper~ (w) as: a Banach space X has property
(w) if every continuous operator T: X -~ X* is weakly compact. In [318], it is
proved that every ~oo-space and every space with property (V) has property (w).
Moreover, property (w) is equivalent to property (V*) in Banach lattices.
220 6. Homological properties

Theorem 6.10.a. Property (w) is not a 3SP.

Proof. In [238], Leung constructed a non-reflexive Banach space (not a Banach

lattice) E with property (w) such that E* also has property (w). Since if E is not
reflexive then the natural map

E X E * --" E** XE*

is not weakly compact, and thus E x E* can never have property (w). []

6.11 Other properties

Property (BD). After the paper [36], Emmanuele isolated the property that bounded
sets of X where weak* null sequences converge uniformly are weakly compact and
called it property BD. It is unknown to us whether BD is a 3SP property.

Property L. Considered by Emmanuele in [111]. A bounded subset K of X* is a

L-set if weakly null sequences of X converge uniformly on K. Property L is defined
as: L-sets are relatively weakly compact.

Question. Is L a 3SP property ?

It was proved by Bator in [19, Thm. 2] that L-sets are relatively compact if and
only if the space does not contain l 1. []

Dunford-Pettis sets are compact. This property was considerd by Emmanuele

[113]. Teresa Alvarez suggested to us:

Question. Is the property "Dunford-Pettis sets are relatively compact" a 3SP


We remark that its dual is a 3SP property since it has been proved by Bator [t9,
Corol. 7] that it is equivalent to not containing l t.
Chapter 7

Approximation Properties
A classical result in functional analysis (see [248]) asserts that if the Banach space
X has a Schauder basis then every compact operator T ~ K(Y, JO is limit in norm
of finite rank operators. Spaces verifying this property are said to have the
Approximation Property (AP). The question whether any Banach space X has the
AP was open for a long time, and it was finally solved in the negative by Enflo
[115], providing also a negative solution to the basis problem: has every separable
Banach space a basis? Several variants of the AP were introduced during the effort
to solve these problems; and after Enflo's example of a Banach space failing the
AP, the study of these properties by its own gained added importance. The most
fruitful of those has been the Bounded Approximation Property (BAP). It has been
known since 1971 (see [248, Thm. I.e. 13]) that a Banach space has the BAP if and
only if it is isomorphic to a complemented subspace of a Banach space with basis.
In [336] has found a space with the BAP without a basis.

Here we consider a couple of properties related to the AP, and show that none
of these are 3SP properties. In fact, the counterexamples are very strong: Every
separable Banach space X contains a subspace Y such that both Y and X/Y have a
Finite Dimensional Decomposition [195]; and if X contains a copy of co then it is
possible to select Y in such a way that both Y and X/Y have a basis [255].
Moreover, a result due to Szarek [335] implies that having a basis is not stable
under taking complemented subspaces: there exist reflexive Banach spaces X , Y
such that X x Y and Y have a basis, but X has not basis.

We shall also show counterexamples for some unconditional versions of the

approximation properties, and finally we present some positive results for restricted
versions of the 3SP property for AP, and BAP due to Godefroy and Saphar [135].

A Banach space X is said to have the Approximation Property if, for every
compact subset K of X and e > 0, there exists a finite-rank operator T: X ----X such
that I[x- Tx II < ~ for all x E K. The space X has the Bounded Approximation
222 7. Approximation properties

Property if the finite-rank operators in the definition of the AP may be taken

uniformly bounded; the Banach-Steirthaus theorem yields the equivalent formulation:
there exists a sequence (Bn) of finite rank operators in X pointwise convergent to
the identity; i.e., lira n _, ~BnX = x, for all x 6 X. The space X is a 7r-space if there
exists C> 0 such that every finite dimensional subspace of X is contained in a C-
complemented finite dimensional subspace; equivalently, if the operators B n in the
definition of the BAP may be taken to be projections. The space X is said to admit
a Finite Dimensional Decomposition (FDD) if the finite-rank operators (Bn) in the
definition of the BAP may be selected verifying BnBm=Bmin (re,n)" The space X has
a (Schauder) basis if it has a FDD such that the sequence (Bn) consists of
projections with n-dimensional range. One has

basis ~ FDD = 7r-space ~ BAP ~ A P .

All the converse implications, but one, are known to be false: Entto obtained an
example of a separable Banach space without AP, and Davies [77] showed that such
subspaces exist inside co or lp 1 < p < oo, p;e2. Figiel and Johnson [121] proved
that the A P does not imply the BAP. Szarek [336] gave an example of a Banach
space with a FDD and without basis. Read in [304] showed that BAP does not
imply ~r-space. It is still an open question whether a--space implies FDD.

Throughout this chapter, L(X) denotes the space of all linear continuous
operators X ~ X; while F(J0, resp. K(X), denote the subspace of finite rank (resp.
compact) operators. Also, if A is a subset of a Banach space X then [A] denotes the
closure of the linear span ofA. If (~5.) is a sequence of points then the closure of the
linear span of {x1. . . . Xn} shall often be written as [xj])n=l.

7.1 Spaces with Finite Dimensional

The following result shall be useful for the construction of the counterexamples.

Proposition 7.1.a. Let X be a separable Banach space. There exist sequences (Xn)
in X and (fn) in X* such that fi(xj)=6ij, [xn]- X and I]x]] =sup { ]f(x) l : f E [fii] }"
Proof. Take a sequence (Yk) dense in the unit sphere of X and another sequence (gk)
in the unit sphere of X* so that gn(Yn)= 1. It is enough to construct biorthogonal
sequences (Xn) and (fn); i.e., such that fii(xj)= 6ij, in such a way that

[xi]i2n1D[yj]Y=l and [fi]i221D[gi]iz=t.

Finite Dimensional Decompositions 223

In order to obtain those sequences, put x 1 =Yl andfl =gl" Then, assuming that
x i and fi have been selected for i < 2n, take the smallest integer p such that gp f~
span {fl .... f2n - 1 }' and let

f2n = gp - ~iinl 1 gp(Xi >fi"

Moreover, selecting k such thatf2n(y k) ;e 0, let

X2n = f2n (Yk) -1 (Yk - ~ii:ln-1 fi(Yk)Xi).

Let q be the smallest integer such that yqf~ span{x 1.... X2n}, and let

X2n÷l = Yq- ~ii21 fi(Yq)Xi "

Moreover, selecting k such that gk(x2n+l) ~ O, put

f2n+l = gk(X2n.l)-X(gk-~inlgk(xi)fi) •
It is immediate to verify that the sequences (Xn) and (fn) satisfy the appropriate
conditions, and thus the proof is complete. []
The next result provides examples showing that the AP, the BAP, to be a 7r-
space or to have a FDD are not 3SP properties.

Proposition 7.1.b. Let X be a separable Banach space. Then there exists a

subspace Y of X such that both Y and X/Y have a FDD.
Proof. Take the sequences (Xn) in X and 0en) in X* provided by Proposition 7.1.a
Then, choose inductively finite sets of integers a 1C 62 C... and 71 C T2 C . . . so that

6 = Ui 0"i and r = Ui 7"i

are complementary infinite subsets of the positive integers, and for each positive
integer n, and vectors x E [Xi]iEOn a n d f ~ [fi]iET.n one has

i) [Ixl[ < 2 s u p { lg(x)[ " ilgll=l, g E [¢} ] i ~ % U r. }


ii) Ilf]l < _ 2 s u p { I f ( y ) l " Ilyll = l , y C [ x i l i e % U r n } -

We set
224 7. Approximation properties

r = [Xi]iEcr = J-[f/]iEr
Consider, for every n, the projections S n and T n in X defined by

SnX =~iE% fi(x)xi and rnx = F.i~T, fi(x)xi.

Claim: For every n one has

IlSnlrl I <_2, T,,[y=O,

and for all x E X, dist (Tn x, Y) <_ 2 dist (x, i1).

Proof of the claim. For the first part, note that by (1) given y E Y it is possible to

g 6 [~]i so~U~-.

so that IIg II ~2 and IISn Y I1 =g(SnY)=g(Y)" It is also clear that Tn[ y = 0 , and thus
the remaining of the claim is equivalent to II T~* I Y ± II --<2. In order to show this,
observe that i f g ~ Y±, since Tn* E [fi]iErn by (2), it is possible to choose

y E [xi]iE•nUr n

so that IIY II ---2 and 11Tn*g 11=(Tn* g)(y)=g(.y), and the claim is proved. []

Finally, observe that the claim implies that (Sn) induces a FDD in Y and (Tn) a
FDD in X / K

Theorem 7.1.c. AP, BAP, r-space or FDD are not 3SP properties.

Proof. Apply the last theorem to any separable Banach space X failing the AP. []

Proceeding in an analogous way one can show that a Banach space X with X*
separable contains a subspace Y so that both Y± =(X/Y)* and X*/Y ± have a FDD.
We refer to [195] or to [248, 1.f.3] for details. From this it follows

Theorem 7.1.d. The AP dual, the BAP duat, tO have a dual 7r-space or to have a
dual with FDD are not 3SP properties.

Proof Apply the result to a separable reflexive subspace failing the AP. []

7.2 Spaces with a basis

In this section we shall show that having a basis is not a 3SP property. This result
Spaces with a basis 225

is due to Lusky [255]. Let (Gn) be a sequence of finite dimensional Banach spaces
such that

(t) The sequence (Gn) is dense in F wkh respect to the Banach-Mazur distance;

($) For each integer n there exists an infinite subset of integers J such that Gn
is isometric to Gj for each j ~ J.

We denote

Cp = lp(Gn), if 1 -<p < oo, and C~ = co(Gn),

endowed with the natural norms ![. I]p and 1]. I] ~ , respectively. Because of (:~), the
space Cp is isometric to lp(Cp). Moreover, if (Hn) is another sequence of finite
dimensional spaces satisfying (t) and (:~) then

d(Cp, lp(Hn)) = 1.
So, the space Cp is essentially unique.

The following lemma is in [329, Corol. 9.2, p.289].

L e m m a 7.2.a. Given a finite dimensional space E there is a finite dimensional

space F such that EO o~F has a basis with basis constant lesser than or equal to 5.
Proposition 7.2.b. Let 1 <_p <- oo. If X is a Banach space with a FDD, then X x Cp
has a basis.
Proof Let (En) be a FDD for X@Cp. By Lemma 7.2.a, for every n there exist
finite dimensional spaces F n such that En@ ooFn has a basis with basis constant _<5.
Let us consider the sequence (Gn) in the definition of Cp. For every n there exists
in so that d(Fn, Gin) _<2. Hence

has a basis with basis constant _ 10, and

(Ene G,-o)
is a FDD for

( Xe% lp( Gin),

while the spaces EnOOin have bases with uniformly bounded basis constants. Hence
the space

( X t~ Cp ) (~)oo lp( ain )

226 7. Approximation properties

has a basis. Moreover

(X~Cp)G~lp( Gin) = XGlp( Gn)Glp( Gin ) = XOlp( Gn) = XGCp.

Whence X e C p has a basis. []

Since any finite dimensional Banach space is almost isometric to a subspace of

k space, the ~ a c e s Gn in the definition of Cp can be considered as
some l~.
subspaces of suitable l ~ spaces. In this way, C a is itself isometric to a subspace
co = co(lo~ ),

and (Coo)* is isometric to a quotient of l 1. Moreover, (Co~)* is isomorphic (even

almost isometric) to C 1, and one has
[ kn ~
co/C a = co~lc./Gn] = co(Hn),

and thus

coo : (Co/coo) = ll(g. ).

Hence both spaces co ~Ca and C a have a FDD.

T h e o r e m 7.2.c. To have a basis is not a 3SP property.

Proof. Let X be a separable Banach spaces failing the AP. By Theorem 7.1.b there
exists a subspace Y of X such that both Y and X/Y have a FDD. Since X does not
• 2-
have AP, the space X @ cO $ l 1 does n o t have a basis. However, s m c e Y ~ C ~
has a FDD, by 7.2.b
YO C a • Ca

has a basis; also

X / Y (~ co / C a ~ l 1 / C ~ = X / Y O cO/C a • C1

has a basis, because X/Y • co/Co~ has a FDD. []

With a bit more of effort, a stronger result could be proved (see [255]).

T h e o r e m 7.2.d. Any separable Banach space containing a copy of co has a

subspace Y such that both spaces Y and X/Y have a basis.

Question. Is it possible to extend the previous theorem to any Banach space ? In

particular, what happens in the case of a separable dual Banach space?

The following result o f [48] is a consequence of the counterexample for "being

Some positive results 227

a dual space" shown in 3.7.

Theorem 7.2.e. To have a boundedly complete basis is not a 3SP property.

P r o o f Observe that spaces with boundedly complete basis coincide with dual spaces
with basis. An examination of the construction in 3.7.b shows that the subspace and
the quotient space have basis. []

Theorem 7.2.f. To have an unconditional basis is not a 3SP property.

P r o o f Recall that the space Z2 has a subspace Y isomorphic to/2 such that Zo/l 2 is
again isomorphic to /2. However, it is proved in [213] that Z 2 does not contain
complemented subspaces with unconditional basis. []

A stronger result is available. Recall that a Banach spaces has Gordon Lewis
local unconditional structure ( there exists a constant C such that for
any finite dimensional subspace E of X the inclusion map i: E --- X factors through
some finite dimensional space U with maps A: U --, X and B: E --, U, i =AB, in such
a way that ][A 1[ 11B11un(U) <_C, where un(U) is the unconditional constant of U. It
can be found in [194] that

Proposition 7.2.g. The space Z 2 does not have G.L.

And thus

Theorem 7.2.h. To have is not a 3SP property.

7.3 Positive results

Let X be a Banach space. We denote L(X) the space of all linear bounded operators
and F(X) the space of all elements of L(X) having finite dimensional range. Since
the space L(X*) is isomorphic to the dual of the projective tensor product
(X*~Tr X ) * (see, e.g., [93]) we can consider in L(X*) the associated weak*
topology. We denote by 7"k the topology on L(X) of uniform convergence over
compact sets of X.

It follows readily from the definition that a Banach space X has the A P if and
only if idx belongs to the rk-closure of F(X), and X has the BAP if and only of there
exists k > 0 such that idX belongs to the rk-Closure of kBall(F(X)). One has

(L(X),rk) * = X ®r X,

which means that any z ~ (L(X), rk)* has the form

228 7. Approximation properties

z(r) : (rxi)

for some (fi)CX and (xi)CX* with ~ ]]3~[I tlx/]l < ~ ; i.e., z = ~ , i f i ~ x i in the
projective tensor product space (see [248, 1.1.3]).

L e m m a 7.3.a. Let (Ra) be a net in F(X*) such that

weak*-lim R a = idx.

There is a net (S~) in F(X) such that

Moreover, if (Ra) is bounded then (Sa) can be selected bounded.

Proof Every R~ has the form

Ra(f) = ~//=1 F i ( f ) f i
with F i ~ X** and fi ~ X*. Since X is weak* dense in X**, R a belongs to the
weak* closure of {S*: S ~ 9r(X)}, and the result is clear.

In the case of bounded nets, one has

weak*-lim R a = idx.

if and only if for every x ~ X a n d f ~ X* one has lira Rff(x) =fix). If a = ( A , B, e),
where A and B are finite sets of X and X* respectively, 0 < e < 1, and R a ~ F(X*)

I R a f (x) - f(x) I <e

for every x 6 A a n d f 6 B, then the principle of local reflexivity allows us to select
Sa ~ F(X) such thatflSc?c)=Ra(f(x)) for every x ~ A a n d f E B, with Ilaall -<
(1 +e) [[R a [[. Clearly (Sa) is a bounded net and

weak * lim S~ : idx. []

L e m m a 7.3.b. Let X be a Banach space. Then

i) X has the AP if and only if idx. belongs to the weak*-closure of F(X*).

ii) X has the BAP if and only if there exists X > 0 such that idx. belongs to the
weak*-closure of kBall(F(X*)).

Proof of i) Assume that X has the AP. If (Ra) a is a net of finite dimensional
operators on X that is rk-convergent to idX and let z = Ei fi®xi ~ X * ~ r X.
Then, one has

lima ( R 2 , z ) = lima E 2 1 f / ( R a x i ) = E~lf/(xi)

Some positive results 229


weak * - lim R ~ = idx,.

Conversely, assume there exists (Sa)C F(X*) weak*-cozwergent to idx,. By

7.3.a we can assume that Sa = Ra for some Ra ~ F(X). Since (Ra) is weakly
convergent to idx in (L(X),r/c), idx belongs to the rk-closure of F(X).

The proof of ii) is analogous using bounded nets. []

Lemma 7.3.e. Let X be a Banach space and Y a subspace of X such that X / Y has
AP. If there exists a bounded net (Ta) CF(X) such that for eac,h x E Y and f E X*

lim a (f, Tax > = (ve,x > ,

then X has the AP.

Proof. Let Tbe a weak*-cluster point of {T~* } in L(X*). Obviously < T'f, x > --
<f, x > for each x e Y and e a c h f ~ X*. Now, if j: Y± --, X* is the canonical
inclusion, there exists an operator D: X* --, Y± such that T - i d x , =jD. Since X / Y
has the A P it is possible to take a net ($3) in F(X/Y) such that

weak * - l i r n S ; = idy ,

in L(YZ). If V3 =j S ; D then

weak * -lim V3 =j D

in L(X*), which shows that idx, = T - j D belongs to the weak*-closure of the set
{T~ -V3} ; hence, by 7.3.b, X has the AP. []

Lemma 7.3.d. Let X be a Banach space, and Y a subspace of X such that X / Y has
the BAP. Then X has the BAP if and only if there exists a bounded net (Ta) in F(X)
such that for each x ~ Y and f E X*

lim a ( f, Tax ) = ( f x ).

Proof The direct implication is clear. For the converse, repeat the proof of 7.3.c
using bounded nets, and apply 7.3.b. []

Theorem 7.3.e. Let X be a Banach space, and Y a subspace of X such that Y has
the BAP and Y± is complemented in X*. I f X / Y has the A P (resp. BAP) then X has
the A P (resp. BAP).

Proof. Let (Rc~) be a bounded net in F(Y) such that lim a Rax = x for each x ~ Y.
If i: Y--, X is the canonical inclusion, since Y± is complemented in X* there exists
an operator P: F* --, X* such that i*P = idy,. Now, if
230 7. Approximation properties

R a = ~ii=igi~xi; g i E Y *, x i E Y
then define Sa ~ F(X) by

Sa = ~ i n l e(gi) (~xi"
For every x 6 Y and f ~ X* one has

lim a { f, Sac ) = lim a Q', Rac) = ( f, x ).

Moreover, l[ Sa[I -< [IP II l]Rce [I, and the net (Sa) is bounded. So, it is enough to
apply 7.3.c and 7.3.b to conclude the proof. []

Corollary 7.3.f. Let X be a Banach space, and let (P) be one of the properties:

a) to have a basis,
b) to have a FDD,
c) to be a r-space,
d) to have the BAP.

If X and X** /X have (P) then X** and X* have (P).

7.4 Skipped-blocking decompositions

In the study of certain geometrical properties related with the Radon-Nikodym
property, Bourgain and Rosenthal [39] introduced the notion of Skipped-blocking
decomposition. Several properties of separable Banach spaces can be characterized
in terms of these decompositions.

Let us recall that given a sequence (Gi) of subspaces of a Banach space X we

denote [Gi]i= 1 the closed subspace of X generated by the G i, and for 1 <_m _<n _<
we denote G[m,n] the subspace generated by {Gi: m <_i <_n}. With all this, let P be
a class of FDD's. A sequence (G i) of finite dimensional subspaces of X is a P-
skipped blocking decomposition (P-SBD) of X if

i) X=[Gi]~I
ii) G i f'][Gj]j# i =0 for all i.

iii) If (mk) and (nk) are sequences of integers, with m k < n k < m k + 1 for every k,
then (G[mk, nk] ) is a FDD of class P for the subspace [G [m k, n k]]~=l of X.

We observe that a P-SBD need not to be a FDD. In fact, if we take as P the

class of all FDD's, then any separable Banach space has a P-SBD (see [32]).
Skipped blocking decompositions 231

Clearly, if X has a SBD of some kind, then X is separable. The following results
are in [315, 1.2; 1.3; 4.1] and [39].

Proposition 7.4.a. Let X be a separable Banach space.

i) X has Polish ball if and only if it has a reflexive-SBD;
ii) X has the PCP if and only if X has a boundedly complete-SBD.
iii) X* separable if and only if X has a shrinking-SBD.

And, therefore,

Theorem 7.4.b. To have a reflexive (resp. boundedly complete, shrinking) SBD is

a 3SP property.
Proof The corresponding properties (Polish ball, PCP, dual separable) are 3SP
properties. []
The first column lists properties in a shortened form. The second says "yes" or "no"
to the corresponding 3SP problem; ? means that it is an open problem. The third
column contains additional information (equivalent formulations; a counterexample for
the 3SP problem, if such exists; a method that works, or an equivalent property for
which some method works, when the 3SP problem has a positive answer). A blank cell
means that, although there is a proof or counterexample, it does not seem to fit in a
method. When P is a 3SP property, pdual, pco, pup etc are usually omitted. The fourth
column says the place in the text where that 3SP problem can be found.

Approximation property No Every X separable contains a Y with 7.1 .c

(AP) FDD such that X/Y has FDD

Apdual No " 7.1. d

Asplund Yes RNP dual 4.11

Asplund (weak) No C[0,1] ----D[0,1] --- c0(F) 5.6

Asplund + WCG No co --, JL --> 12(1") 4.19.e

{Asplund+ WCG} dual Yes 4.19.d

ANP-I Yes 5.16. a

ANP-II; ANP-III 9 Yes, when X/Y has ANP-I 5.16.b

ANP w*- k No Not stable by products 5.16.d

B x lies in the range of a No l 2 --->7_,2 --, l 2 5.21 .c

vector measure

(Bx*, w*) does not Yes 4.19.b

contain [0,001]
(Bx*, w*) does not ~ Not having lo~ as a quotient 4.19.e
contain 3 N 3.2.b

Banach-Saks (BS) Yes Alternate BS + reflexive 4.6.b

Summary 233

BS (Altemate) Yes lifting 4.6.c

B S (weak) No K e r ( q + i ) --, l t x S --, c o 4.6.a

p-BS, 1 <p < No 4.6.e

p - B S (weak) No K e r ( q + i ) - , l 1 x S - , cO 4.6.a

Basis No Every X separable containing co 7.2.c

contains Y with basis; X / Y has basis 7.2.d

" (boundedly complete) No lo --, D --, W* ~ 0 7.2.e

" (unconditional) NO l 2 -~ Z 2 ~ l 2 7.2.f

B-convexity Yes {not containing ll} up 3.2.j

BD 9 6.11

Bounded approximation No Every X separable contains a g with 7.1 .c

property (BAP) F D D such that X~ Y has F D D

B A P dual No " 7.1.d

(c) (of Pol) Yes 4.18

C-convexity Yes super-{not containing Co} 3.2.m

Cech No B ~ JT* -, 12(F) 4.14

Cech dual Yes Separable co 4.14.h

Cech c° No Z~Z**~BwithB*=JT 4.14.i

C~-smooth norm, k_>2 No l2 --- Zo_ ---- 12 5.3.a

cO Yes separably injective 3.2.c

c0-saturated Yes incomparability 3,2.e

c o (not containing) Yes CI 3.2.e

c o (not having quotients) Yes lifting 2.4.e

C[O, 1] 3.5

C[O, 1] (not containing) Yes 3.5.a

C(K)-space No c o --, co(l ~ , rn) --, c o ( C ( ~ 3 N - N ) ) 3.5.b

234 Summary

Complemented in a dual No PB ~ B@ll(I) --, JT* 3.7 .c

cotype q No l q ---. Z ¢t - ~ l ~ 5.1.b

cotype (finite) Yes super-{not containing CO} 6.2;


@, l_<p_<~ Yes lifting 6.1

Dieudonn6 9 6.6

Dual space No l2 ~ D --, W* 3.7.b

Dunford-Pettis (DP) No Ker(q+i) --, l 1 ×S --, c o 6.6.f

D P hereditary (DPh) No Ker(q + i) --, l 1 ×S -, c o 6.6.f

(DPh)dual Yes Schur dual= (Coo) dual 6.6.g

DPh¢t Yes (Dph)dual 6.6. i

D P order p, 1 < p < oo 9 6.6.h

DP 3 Yes 6.6.0

D P reciprocal q

D P somewhat Yes incomparability 6.6.k

D P surjective No Not stable by products 6.6.m

Finite dimensional Yes lifting 2.4.i

Finite dimensional No Every X separable contains Y with 7.1 .c

decomposition ( FDD ) FDD such that X/ Y has FDD

(FDD) dual No' " 7.1 .d

Fr6chet smooth norm 9 5.3

Gfiteaux smooth norm No C[0, I ] - - - D [ 0 , 1]--, c0([0, 1]) 5.5.b

Gelfand-Phillips No co --, C(K) --, C(K~N) 6.8

Gordon-Lewis 1.u.s.t. No t2 -, Z2 ---, l2 7.2.h

Grothendieck property Yes lifting 2.4.6;

Summary 235

Grothendieck's theorem Yes 3-1emma 6.3

GSG No C[0, I]---, D[0, 1]----c0([0, 1] 4.19

Hahn-Banach smooth No not stable by ]] ]1 i-products 1.9.h

Hereditarily.[ndecomposabte 9 2.8.

Hilbert No l2 ---, ~ --, l2 3.1

Hilbert (twisted) 3.1

Hilbert (weak) No 12 --" 12 3.1

Hilbert-Schmidt Yes Jarchow's factorization 6.4

Jayne-Namioka-Rogers Yes 5.11.c

Kadec (-Klee) renorming 9 Yes, when X/Y has LUR renorming 5.20

K~,, l _ < p < w ; Yes CreaM2. o*~ 6.7.d

Krein-Milman stable by products? 5.15

L (of Emmanuele) v 6.11

lv, 1 <p < co No zv--, z; 3.2.b

/v,(not containing) Yes incomparability 3.2.d

/v-saturated, 1 _<p < co Yes incomparability 3.2.d

Lv(O,1), 1 < p < co No 3,4.a

Lp(O, 1) (not containing) 3.4,

Z/~, p ~ 1 , ~ No lq --, Zq -> lq 3.3.a

lt Yes projective 3.2.c

LI(0,1 ) Yes dual injective 3.4.b

LI(0,1) (not containing) No Not stable by products 3.4.c

2£1 Yes dual injective 3.3.b

l~o Yes injective 3.2.c

loo (not containing) Yes 3.2.f

236 Summary

':'•Oo Yes dual ~ 1 3.3.b

L U R renorming Yes 5.10.g

Lyapunov Yes 5.21.a

Mazur property 9 4.9

MIP 9 5.12

M i P dual Yes 5.12.e

Mazur rotations problem 9 Isometric problem: no 5.23

Measure compact No C[0,1] --, D[0,11 --, co(F) 5.9

Midpoint L U R No c0(O\A ) --, Co(O ) --, c0(A ) 5.14.a

Never condensed 9 5.24

Octahedral norm (not) Yes Not containing l 1 5.19

Orlicz property Yes finite cotype; 0(X) <_ 0(I"30(X/Y) 6.2

idx E IIp. 1 No l¢--" Zp--" lp 6.2.c

Plichko-Valdivia (PV) No c O --" JL --" 12(P) 4.12

p v co No Z ~ Z** --- Z**/Z = B, (B* =JT)

P V dual Yes Separable-by-Reflexive+Asplund 4.13

PCP Yes 4.17

Polish ball Yes dual separable + P C P 4.14

Polynomials are wsc No K e r ( q + i ) - , l 1 × S --, c O 4.20

Polynomial C i 9 4.20

Polynomial V 9 4.20

Polynomial V* 9 4.20

Polynomial Schur 9 A-space 4.20

PR/ No c o --'. JL ---, 12(F) 4.15

Q-reflexivity 9 4.20
Summary 237

Radon-Nikodym (RNP) Yes Jarchow's factorization 6.5

R N P (analytical) Yes, when Y has RNP 6.5.c

R N P (near) Yes Jarchow's factorization 6.5.e

R N P (weak) 9 6.5.g

(RNP weak) dual Yes Not containing l 1 6.5.h

Reflexive-by-Separable No co ---,JL ~ l2 4.10

Reflexivity Yes exact functor 4.1

co-reflexivity Yes Reflexive co 4.3

complemented " 9 4.3

quasi-reflexivity Yes lifting 4.2

reflexivity somewhat Yes incomparability 4.4

superreflexivity Yes Reflexive up 4.5

Rough norm (not having) Yes Asplund 5,4.a

Schur Yes lifting 6.1

separable-by-reflexive Yes 2.9.g

separability Yes lifting 2.4.h

Separately distinguished No co --, JL --, 12(P) 4.12.h

Separating polynomial No l2 ----~ -,. l2 4.20

o- fragrnentability Yes 4.16

Skipped Blocking Yes 7.4


" boundedly complete Yes PCP 7.4.b

" reflexive Yes Polish ball 7.4.b

" shrinking Yes separable dual 7.4. b

(not) stable ( X ~ X x X ) No Not stable by products 3.6

Strictly convex norm No c0(O\a ) ---, C0(@) --, co(a ) 5.17

238 Summary

Szlenk index countable Yes Sz(X) < Sz(Y) Sz(X/Y) 5.13

type p No l~--, ZtT--" lp 5.1.b

type < p Yes 5.1.c

(u) No KerTp--, Xp--" c o 6.9.b

U.M.D. No 5.22

Uniform X-property No Not stable by products 5. i8.a

Uniformly convex Yes super-reflexivi~ 5.10. b

" (weak) 9 5.13

Unique predual 9 3.7

(v) No KerT9 --, Xp -* c o 6.9.b

(v*) 6.9

(w) No Not stable by products 6.10

WCG No c o -, JL ---,/2(1") 4.10

WCGa,a~ 9 4.10.g

W C G c° No Z ----Z** ~ B, with B* = J T 4.10.h

WCD No c o ---, JL ---,/2(r) 4.15

Weakly K-analytic No c O --, JL --, 12(P) 4.16

Wp, l < p < ~ ; No lp,"'Zp,--'lp, 4.6

Wp weak 1 < p < ~, No K e r ( q + i ) -, l 1 ×S --, c O 4.6.a

weak sequential Yes lifting 4.7;

completeness 2.4.c

weak* sequentially No co --- C(K) --, C(K~N) 4.8

compact dual ball

w*-Ga extreme points Yes 5.8.b

WU 9 2.8

(x) 9 3.7
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Subject index

O-linear map 2, 22-27, 82, 110 109, 114, 115, 119, 120, 124,
l-summing operator 29, 64, 200 135, 136, 154, 155, 166, 184,
3-1emma 3, 14, 24, 54, 55,210, 234 194, 205-207, 212, 213, 216,
3SP ideal 45-47, 49-51, 54, 55, 58, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224-227,
59, 196, 201, 208 230, 232
3SP problem vii, viii, 2, 34, 46, 59, BD property 196, 220, 233
81, 96, 99, 101, 103, 104, 120, (BAP) bounded approximation property
145, 156, 193, 194, 201, 202, 221
214, 232 bump function 160, 161
alternate Banach-Saks property 120 the -by- observation 69
(ARNP) analytic Radon-Nikodym C(K) spaces vi, 10, 11, 34, 35, 37,
property 202 53, 103-105, 123-125, 127,
(ANP) asymptotic norming properties; 137-139, 160, 166, 192, 194,
of types I, II and III 181-183, 203, 207, 208, 212, 213,
240, 249 181-183 215-217, 233,234, 238
(AP) approximation property 221,232 C-convexity 99, 197, 233
Asplund 49, 131-133, 138, 139, 152, (C) property of Pol 150-152
153, 156, 164, 165, 168, 170, Cech complete 49, 134-137, 145,233
177, 202, 232, 235, 236 Cechdual property 133, 137
B-convex 17, 19, 20, 26, 74, 94, 98, C~-smooth 161, 162, 233
157, 158 co-incomparable 66
BI(X); Baire 1-functions (pointwise co-minimal 67, 96
limits of continuous functions) cokernel 2, 6, 65
55, 56, 59, 106, 115, 122, complemented coreflexive 117
Baire space 134, 186 continuously isotropic 194
Ban (category of Banach spaces) 1-3, contravariant functor 47, 48, 62
8, 45-48, 50, 51, 54-59, 61, 125 contravariant properties 62, 196
Banach-Mazur distance 99, 225 convex point of continuity property
Banach-Saks 80, 113, 114, 118-120, 150
122, 19I, 192, 211,212,232 coreflexive 1t7
Bartle-Graves (continuous selection) costable 72, 73, 75, 78, 79
52, 53, 61, 139, 144 cotype 29, 30, 80, 99, 157, 158, 197,
basis vi, 57-60, 67, 91-93, 95, 103, 200, 201,233,235
264 Subject index

covariant functor 47, 50, 51, 54 functor Hom 47, 48, 200
covariant properties 62, 21 l gap 45, 71-73, 114
D[0, 1]; the space of left continuous G~tteaux smooth norm 159, 160, 165,
functions having right limits 105, 166
153, 165, 166, 168, 171,235 Gelfand-Phillips property 124,
DBSC(X) (sums in X** of weakly 1- 212-214, 216
summable sequences of X) 56 Grothendieck property 29, 57, 59, 60,
D-space 169 210, 212,234
dentability index 178-180 Grothendieck spaces 60
Dieudonn6 property 210 GSG space 152
duality functor 48 Hahn-Banach smooth 40, 41, 150,
(DPP) Dunford-Pettis property 5, 33, 183, 234
46, 49, 54, 63, 97, 114, 120, Harte's problem 43
154, 203-210, 212 (H.I.) hereditarily indecomposable 67
(DPPp) Dunford-Pettis property of (DPPh) hereditary Dunford-Pettis
order p 207,208 property 49, 114, 120, 154,204,
(DP 3) Dunford-Pettis-Phillips 205
property 210 Hilbert-Schmidt space 201
equivalent exact sequences 3, 8, I0, homogeneous map 22, 82
12, 14, 15, 24, 27-28, 43, 90, incomparability 45, 47, 66, 96, 98,
91, 105, 111,200 117,208,233-235,237
exact functor 47, 53, 62, 63,236 inductive limit vi, 29. 30, 32, 212
Ext(Y, Z); extension of Y by Z 1, 8, injective 1, 3, 6, 8, 10-12, 15, 48,
9, 12 50, 54-56, 65, 66, 70, 75, 96,
exact sequence 2-6, 8-14, 24-26, 28, 100, 127, 183, 185, 195, 211,
42, 44, 47-50, 52, 53, 55-65, 233,235
68-70, 99, 100, 103, 104, 105, intermediate class 55, 56, 125
110, 111, 116, 119, 121, 125, isotropic 193, 194
127, 129-132, 135, 138, 152, Jarchow's factorization 45, 65,201
153, 158, 161, 169, 170, 179, JL; the Johnson-Lindenstrauss space
182, 188, 191, 196, 200, 202, 126, 127, t29, 130, 132, 133,
203, 206, 212 138, 139, 144, 153,232,235-237
extensions I, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 24, JT; the James-Tree space 117, 126,
27-30, 41 135-137, 233,235
(FDD) finite dimensional decompo- Kadec(-Klee) 139, 189, 234
sition 221,222 kernel viii, 2, 5, 6, 9, 44, 53, 57, 62,
finitely representable 50, 117, 118 64, 96, 107, 110, 128, 136
Fr6chet smooth norm 159-161 Kislyakov (approach to the push-out)
functor 1, 8, 47-51, 53-58, 62, 63, 5, 7, 29, 99
116-118, 125,200, 236 Koszul complex 44
Subject index 265

Kp spaces 211,212, 234 153, 157, 171, 183-185, 200,

Krein-Milman property 46, 181 201, 207, 212, 213,232, 235
L-projection 34, 36, 38 5~-space 31-33, 70, 75, 91, 100,
L property (of Emmanuele) 220 104, 105, 123, 126, 128, 203,
L-set 220 212, 219,
L-summand 34-36, 38-40 LUR norm; locally uniformly rotund,
X-function 187 or also locally uniformly convex
X-property 187, 188,237 171,255 156, 171-175,177-184,
A-space 32, 155, 236 187, 189, 234, 235
left exact functor 45, 54, 55, 62, 125, Lyapunov property 190, 191
2O0 Mazur's property 125
lifting v, vi, 8, 9, 27, 42, 45, 57-62, (MIP) Mazur intersection property
64, 65, 96, 129, 155, 159, 197, 176-178
201, 210, 211, 233, 234, 237, measure compact space 53, 170, 171,
238 235
lifting methods 57, 60, 63-65 metric projection 35-38
limited set 212-215 MLUR norm; midpoint locally
lipschitz isotropic space 194 uniformly convex 180
logarithmically convex spaces 21 minimal 66, 67, 96, 184
Lohman's lifting 59, 64 Namioka-Phelps property 150
~l-space 99, 100, 112, 200, 203 natural transformation 45, 54, 55, 58,
L I (functions or sequences) space 1, 2, 59, 62, 125
8-10, 12, 15, 24-30, 32, 33, 42, nearly representable operator 203
46, 56-60, 63, 65, 70-74, 76, 96, never condensed space 194, 195
98, 100, 101-103, 105, 110-112, non-symmetric gap 71, 73
119-122, 124, 129, 130, 132, octahedral norm 188, 189, 235
135, 152, 154, 157, 161-163, open property 99
169, 1 8 2 , 1 8 5 , 1 8 9 , 194, operator ideal 46, 63-65, 197, 201
202-211, 213, 217, 218, 220, Orlicz property 197, 199, 200, 235
226, 233,234-238 Palais problem vi, 1, 2, 81
~p-Space 99, 100 p-Banach-Saks property 114, 118,
Lp (functions or sequences) space 2, 119, 122, 192, 243
53, 55, 65, 67, 75, 81, 95, 96, P-by-Q properties; also called twisted
98-101,113, 114, 118, 119, 122, properties 45, 68, 69, 115
157, 158, 169, 190-194, 209, p-converging operator (Cp) 196
211, 222, 225, 233, 235, 236, (PCP) point-of-continuity-property
238 134, 137, 145-148, 150, 231,
l~ 1, 11, 12, 28, 40, 42, 43, 48, 49, 235, 236, 237
64, 66, 70, 88, 91, 96-98, polish ball 133-135,231,235
1032105, 111,123,126-129,139, I/p; p-summing operators 30, 197,
266 Subject index

211 192, 193, 203, 204, 207, 209,

IIp, q; (p, q)-summing operators 197 211,212,219-221,224, 231-233,
r-space 222-224, 230 235, 236
pco 51, 78,232 representable operator 201-203,245
pdual 232 residual classes 50
(pwsc) polynomials are weakly retraction 3, 4, 9, 261
sequentially continuous 154 right exact functor 45, 54, 57
procedure 47 RMp property 99
projective 1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 26, 33, rough norm 165,236
48, 70, 75, 96, 227, 228,235 g-fragmentability 139, 140, 258
projective presentation 9 Schreier's space (53 209
property II 150, 245 section 3, 4, 8, 10, 20, 61, 63, 71,
pseudo-linear map 26, 27, 40, 129 79, 122, 125, 155, 159, 169,
pull-back 1, 4, 5, 11, 42, 69, 105, 205, 214, 224
110, 119, 206 semi-L-summand 34-36, 38-40
push-out 1, 5-9, 27, 29, 31, 32, 69, semigroups 64
102, 116, 169 Separable-by-Reflexive 69, 70, 132,
(PV) Plichko-Valdivia property 115, 133,235
132-134, 235 separately distinguished (SD) 115,
P~Q property 68, 69, 115 133,236
quasi-additive map 88-90 separating polynomial 155, 236
quasi-Banach space 2, 12, 16, 17, 90, short exact sequence 2-6, 9, 12-14,
169 24, 26, 47-50, 52, 53, 57-60,
quasi-linear map vi, 1, 2, 12-15, 62-65, 68, 69, 99, 103-105, 110,
20-22, 24-28, 36, 39, 81, 82, 111, 116, 119, 12I, 125, i27,
88-91, 95, 108, 127 129, 131, 138, 152, 153, 158,
quasi-norm 12, 13, 17, 18, 23, 24, 170, 179, 182, 188, 191, 196,
27, 36 200, 202, 203,206, 212
quasi-reflexive 49, 106, 107, 116, split (~r trivial) exact sequence 4,
117, 241,243 8-10, 12, 39, 40, 70, 81, 96,
(RNP) Radon-Nikodym property 32, 100, 101, 105, 112
76, 131, 137, 156, 181, 182, (SBD) skipped blocking decomposition
201-203,212, 230, 232, 237 147, 230
(RDPP) reciprocal Dunford-Pettis Smullyan test 160, 167
property 208,210 Sharked sum 22, 23, 85, 188
reducible set 37-39, 262 somewhat reflexive 67, 117, 203,243
reflexive v, 40, 41, 49, 51, 55, 58, space ideal 45-47, 50, 53, 64, 65, 111
67, 69, 70, 78, 97, 106, 107, Sp( ); the space ideal generated by
110, 112-119, 122, 125,129-133, an operator ideal 46, 196
135-137, 171, 178, 179, 183, 201,205
Subject index 267

splitting spectrum 44 (w) property of Leung 46, 190, 219,

splittingly regular 44 220, 237
spreading model 120, 121 w*-ANP-k 183
stable for the gap 71-76, 78, 79 w*-G6 extreme point 170
Stone compact 123, 127, 128, 214, WAC 210, 211
215 weak Asplund 156, 168, 170
strictly convex norm 50, 156, weak Banach-Saks 119, 122
182-188,237 weak Dunford-Pettis property 210
super property 50, 197 weak Hilbert space 95
super-reflexive 117-119, 171, I92, weak slice 178
193,211 weak* K~,~ in X** 137
surjective Dunford-Pettis property 46, weak* sequentially compact dual ball
2O9 60, 123, 125, 170, 237
surjective hull 63 weak*-Kadec 189
Szlenk index 178, 179, 237 weak*-Kadec-Klee 189
Taylor spectrum 44 (WCG) weakly compactly generated
Taylor-regular 44 49, 51, 69, 1 1 5 , 125-133,
three-space v, vi, 1, 45, 46, 64, 103, 135-137, 152, 153, 168, 171,
116, 154, 199 172, 232, 237
three-space problem v (WCD) weakly countably determined
tree 117, 126-128, 135, 136, 115, 138,237, 238
I84-186, 214 weakly K-analytic 137, 138, 237
twisted properties (P-by-Q properties) weakly sequentially complete (wsc) v,
45, 68, 69, 115 32, 33, 56, 58-60, 76, 106, 107,
twisted sum 2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19-21, 122, 217, 219
23-25, 27, 28, 39, 40, 81, 88, weakly-p-compact 118
90, 91, 94, 95, 96, 103,108,192 weakly-p-summable 118, 207
type 80, 157, 158, 194, 237 Wp (space, operator ideal) 114, 118,
(u) property 38, 39, 56, 104, 119, 122, 155, 207, 237
185-187, 190, 216-219,237 WU property of Odell 67
U.M.D. property 192 (X) property of Saab and Saab 112
ultrapower 49, 50, 118, 194 Z2 (Kalton-Peck space solution to the
uniform X-property 187, 188,237 3SP problem for Hilbert spaces)
uniformly convex space 118, 119, 156, 95, 108, I55, I61, t92, 194,
160, 171, 172, 179, 180, 237 227, 232, 234, 236
unique predual 112, 237 Zp (Kalton-Peck spaces) 55, 95, 99,
(V) property 155, 190, 216, 217, 219, 100, 122, 157, 158, 232, 234,
237 235, 237
(V*) property 112, 216, 217, 219,

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