Tugas 3 - Ringkasan Metodologi

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Name : Luh Maeri Arjani

Students Number : 1927071026

Major : Postgraduate of Science Education
Courses : Methodology of Science Learning



Observations on the learning methodology conducted by science teachers were

carried out on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at Mutiara Singaraja Junior High
School. Observation activities carried out in class 9 during the first and second
class time, at 07:30 a.m -08.50 a.m, with material inheritance. There were 34
Students and the science teacher is Miss Putu Widi Antari Dewi S.Pd. Based on
observations of the science learning methodology carried out by the teacher are
as follows.

1. Opening Learning Activities

Starting learning the teacher and students give greetings to each other and
immediately led to pray by the class leader, after that the teacher asks all
students cleaned their class before startingthe lesson because at that time
the classroom conditions are less clean. After cleaned, the teacher attend
the students' attendance and start the learning by conveying the topic of
learning at that time.

2. Learning Activities
The approach used by the teacher is a contextual approach because the
teacher during the learning process always tries to link the material with
the real world of students. The method used by the teacher is the lecture,
discussion and question and answer method. The learning model used is a
direct learning model as well as instructional media used in the form of
blackboards, student worksheets and student textbooks.
3. Closing Activities
The teacher ends the lesson by giving students homework and asked some
students about the what that they had learned that day and concludes the
lesson by praying together.

Based on observations, the teacher still uses conventional teaching

methods and the teacher as a teacher centered the learning process. During the
implementation of active teacher learning while students actively have talked
with their friends. There are only a few students who are actively learning, the
teacher uses the lecture method, and questions and answers, the teacher always
asks students about their understanding of genetic material. Student conditions
are not conducive because there were 34 students in one classroom so that the
teacher is not free to control all students. The sitting conditions of students were
also not good, because there was a row of tables from front to back of all female
students so that as a result these students continued to chat with their peers. The
teacher still does not use the media maximum and learning seems to be very
conventional so that in the future the teacher must be more creative and
emphasize learning on the activeness of students so that they can carry out what
is demanded by the Indonesia curriculum that is 2013 curriculum.

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