QUIZ 3 Acuba - RZAL 311 6C

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Acuba, Johan Andre B.

April 1, 2020
RZAL311-6C Mr. Eugene Cruz

We have heard about modern day heroes especially in this difficult time when Covid-19 has taken
over the world. Write a 150-word essay on the concept of Nationalism: Bayani and Kabayanihan
(Lesson 10) by following the guide questions below:

1. What is your OWN definition of a hero?

2. Who is your modern day hero? Describe at least 5 characteristics that make him/her a modern
day hero. Cite at least 5 instances wherein these characteristics are evident in your modern day
3. Do you agree that "one does not need to die to become a hero?" Explain your answer.

A hero to me is defined as a person who consistently attempts to do the right

thing, takes time to help others (human, animal, whatever), is empathetic towards other

beings, is respectful, does their best to be honest, does their best to minimize collateral

damage from their actions, will not hurt anyone innocent, will take responsibility for their

actions, and is determined to fix whatever they see wrong in the world. Nobody’s

perfect, but if they do what they can to hold themselves accountable for the things I’ve

listed and work to continue improving themselves along with life around them, then they

are heroes to me. Anyone can be a hero. They just need to be sincere about their


For me my modern-day hero is my mom and dad, they are the most selfless

person in my life, they love me my siblings unconditionally, they are both someone that

inspires me to do my best, someone that I can look up to and someone that truly

understands me. I just really want to be half as they are.

One can be a hero without facing mortality, for me in able to be a hero, is having

faith in yourself and taking leap of faith for a better future.

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