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Spring 2020

Homework 2
Due February 4th in class
Problem 1 H
Calculate the line integral C V̄ · dr̄ with the vector function V̄ (x, y) = 2xêx − xyêy over the
following path:



Problem 2
Verify the following identities from lectures with subscript/summation notation:

(a) ∇
¯ · (ϕ∇b)
¯ = ∇ϕ¯ · ∇b
¯ + ϕ∇ ¯ 2b
Hint: prove the more general identity by substituting in the vector, Ā = ∇b
(b) ∇
¯ × ∇ϕ¯ =0
(c) ∇ · (∇ × Ā) = 0
¯ ¯

Problem 3
Verify the following identities using subscript/summation notation:

(a) ∇
¯ × (ϕĀ) = ϕ(∇ ¯ × Ā) + ∇ϕ
¯ × Ā
(b) ∇
¯ · (Ā × B̄) = B̄ · (∇
¯ × Ā) − Ā · (∇
¯ × B̄)
(c) ∇(f g) = f ∇g + g ∇f
¯ ¯ ¯
(d) ∇(
¯ Ā · B̄) = Ā × (∇¯ × B̄) + B̄ × (∇ ¯ × Ā) + (Ā · ∇)
¯ B̄ + (B̄ · ∇)
¯ Ā

Problem 4
Use the vector function V̄ = C̄ϕ, where C̄ is an arbitrary constant vector, prove the following
alternative versions of Gauss’ theorem and Stokes’ theorem:
H ∫
(a) S
dσ̄ϕ = V
dτ ∇ϕ
H ∫
(b) C
dr̄ϕ = S
dσ̄ × ∇ϕ

Problem 5 H
(a) Use a vector theorem to evaluate C V̄ · dr̄ with the vector function
V̄ (x, y) = (2y 2 − 3x2 y)êx + (4xy − x3 )êy over any closed path.
(b) What is the potential function that can be used to generate V̄

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