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Way to go!

= very good

Capture (v): bắt giữ, giam cầm)

1. Θ ð
2. D. Nây chờ B: faex
3. Chì gu gồ chì chì
4. A. Đì li vờ  âm 2 B. Rì xi pi ềnt  âm 2 C. Đoóc ciu mềnt
5. A. Đé vờ stây --> âm 1 B. Ví i cồ --> âm 1 C. re cri2 ây sần 
âm D. Phớ ti lai giờ
11. Reduced Relative Clause:

a. The dog (which is kept inside the house) barks every.

 The dog (kept inside the house) barks every.  bỏ Which + be  còn V3
b. The dog (which was chasiNG V2 the mouse) is very loyal to us.
 The dog (CHASING the mouse) is very loyal to us.  Ving : chủ động
c. The first dog (which completed the race) was awarded a prize.
 The first/ second/ only/ last dog (completing the race) was awarded a prize.  to V-bare
Gấu:  The first dog ( to be completed the race) was awarded a prize.
Tiên: The first dog ( to complete the race) was awarded a prize.

I have gone to a church. It was built 5 years ago. 

The church which was built 5 years I have gone to.
The church WHICH I have gone to was built 5 years.
 The church TO WHICH I have gone to was built 5 years. Go after/ go by/
Competition (n)




Always have problems WITH.

Danger of extinction.

Exploit very carelessly that cam go exhausted.

38. we exploit some S of E (whhich) very carelessly. They can go exhausted.

 Some S of E [(which) we exploit very carelessly] can go exhausted.

O S v

39. They rejected all our suggestions.

 Everything that (mà) (tui tui đề nghị) thì bị từ chối

Everything [that S V we suggested) was rejected (bt them)

40. Anyone Who has a laptop can join in ....

41. try hard = make an effort

They should make great EFFORTS to learn the new language.

42. he was the last that would be considered for..

 he was the last person TO V-bare

TO Be considered (BE V3)

43. the boys adored QH. They took out a photo out of him.

 the boys took a photo of QH, WHOM THAT they adored.

44. People who don’t get ... may become...

People[ who get ...] may become...

 People[ getting ...] may become...

People who don’t get ... may become...

 People[ not getting ...] may become...

45. the woman for WHOM/ WHO/ THAT i work pays me a....

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