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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

Dibawah ini adalah lembar kerja yang dapat digunakan dalam aktivitas pembelajaran teks
interaksi interpersonal dan transaksional.

1. Lembar Kerja Materi Hubungan antara Dua Benda/Tindakan (both ...

and ...; not only ... but also; either ... or; neither ... nor)

Task 1. Practice the following dialogue with your partner.

In the school canteen.
Terry : What do you want to drink, Pom?
Tom : I want to drink either tea or coffee. And you?
Terry : I want neither. I want juice.
Tom : OK, let me make our order then.
A moment later.
Terry : Pom, coffee is not available, so I order you some tea.
Tom : Thanks.
Terry : By the way, where did you goyesterday?
Tom : I went to both the mall and the post office. How about you?
Terry : I stayed at home the whole day painting my room.My father wanted
me to painteither my room or the kitchen and I picked the former. It
was a tiring day.
Tom : I wish I could have helped you.
Terry : Oh my God. I have just remembered that there will be mathexam
today. Have you studied the material?
Tom : Yes, I have revised not only math, but also English.
Jerry : What a dilligent student you are. You are both dilligent and kind.
Tom : Thanks but you are smarter than me.
Jerry : Listen! The bell is ringing. Let’s go to theclassroom.
Tom : OK
Task 2. Read the dialogue more carefully and find out the following information.

1. Who are involved in the conversation?

2. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?
3. What is their conversation about?
4. Tom said, “I want to drink either tea or coffee.”
What does it mean?
5. Terry said, “I want neither. I want juice.”
What does it mean?
6. Jerry said, “You are both dilligent and kind.”
What does it mean?
7. Tom said, “I have revised not only math, but also English.”
What does it mean?
8. Write the patterns of the sentences that use “both ... and ...; not only ... but also; either ...
or; neither ... nor.

Task 3. Now, work in groups of four. Read some books or search from websites and
find out the following information.

1. What are correlative conjunctions?

2. Mention types correlative conjunctions.
3. What are they used for?
4. Write the patterns of correlative conjunctions used in some sentences.

Task 4. Present the result of your findings that you got from task 3.

Task 5. Match the sentence halves in column A with those in column B to make
meaningful complete sentences.
Both Peter but we also have enough money.
Not only do we want to go neither true nor realistic.
Either Jack will have to work more not only wise to listen to your parents but also
hours paid off.
That story was and I are coming next week.
Students who do well not only study either his career or his hobby.
In the end he had to choose both my laptop and my cell phone on holiday.
Sometimes it is but also use their instincts for hard questions.
I would love to take or we will have to hire somebody new

Task 6. Complete the sentences using suitable correlative conjunctions.

1. She is neither polite _______ funny.

A. Or
B. Nor
C. Not
D. Yet

2. This salad is _______ delicious _______ healthy.

A. Whether / or
B. Both / and
C. Scarcely / when
D. Rather / than

3. I like __________ to sing opera, _______________ to spend my spare time practicing

ballroom dances.
A. not only / but also
B. whether / or
C. neither / nor
D. not / but

4. The test was ____________ very short __________ quite easy.

A. not / but
B. both / and
C. whether / or
D. scarcely / when

5. ______________ Joe _______ his sisters could understand what their parents were saying
when they spoke French.
A. Whether / or
B. No sooner / than
C. Rather / than
D. Neither / nor


Task 7. Combine the following sentences into one sentence using correlative
conjunctions: both ... and; not only ... but also; either ... or; neither ... nor.

1. We could fly. We could go by train.

2. She will have to study hard. She will have to concentrate to do well on the exam.
3. Jack is not here. Tom is in another city.
4. The speaker will not confirm the story. The speaker will not deny the story.
5. Smoking isn't good for your heart. Drinking isn't good for your health.

Task 8. In pairs, create a dialogue that uses correlative conjunctions that you have
just learned.

Task 9. Perform the dialogue in front of the class.

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