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1) Which of the following manager is not available only with SPPID?

a) Rule Manager
b) Options Manager
c) Insulation Manager
d) Engineering Manager
Ans: Insulation Manager

2) Which of the command is used for deleting any item from plant database
a) Delete from model
b) Delete from plant stockpile
c) Delete from drawing stockpile
d) Delete
Ans: Delete from Model

3) Which of the command is used for automatically transferring the properties

of any item placed in a drawing to the next item connected to it?
a) Bulk Copy Properties
b) System editing
c) Replace
d) Edit Properties
Ans: Bulk Copy Properties

4) Which is the option is used for replacing the symbol?

a) Replace mode
b) Radial mode
c) Tangential mode
d) Parallel mode
Ans: Replace mode

5) The filter available with engineering data editor is known as:

a) Filter
b) My filter
c) Plant filter
d) Asking filter
Ans: Filter

6) Which of the following way the rule is followed in SPPID?

a) Pipe directly connected to Vessel connect point
b) Pipe connected to the nozzle on vessel
c) Pipe connected to nozzle through flange
d) No such rules followed
Ans: Pipe connected to nozzle through flange

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

7) When equipment is placed in SPPID which of the following number is auto
a) SP ID
b) ERP Asset No
c) Item Tag
d) Part No
Ans: Part No

8) Which of the following windows will be available in SPPID?

a) Drawing + Options + Properties + Catalog Explorer
b) Drawing + Engineering Manager + Options + Properties
c) Catalog Explorer + Properties + Options + Engineering Manager
d) Drawing + Catalog Explorer + Properties + Engineering Data Editor
Ans: Drawing + Catalog Explorer + Properties + Engineering Data Editor

9) Symbols for actuators are present under which category:

a) Equipment
b) Piping (Valves)
c) Instrumentation
d) Not available
Ans: Instrumentation

10) The display name for a property of any item placed in a drawing is defined
a) Data Dictionary Manager
b) Options Manager
c) Format Manager
d) Smart Plant Engineering Manager
Ans: Data Dictionary Manager

11) For a data type the default unit which appears for corresponding property
is set in
a) Data Dictionary Manager
b) Format Manager
c) Options Manager
d) Smart Plant Engineering Manager
Ans Smartplant Engineering Manager

12) What is the full form of SP P&ID and define what SPPID is?

Smartplant Piping and Instrumentation Diagram is the full form of SPPID. SPPID
is somewhat similar to AutoCAD but the instruments, pipelines, line numbers, tag
numbers are all intelligently linked in SPPID. In SPPID we focus on plant and it is
lifecycle rather than document presentation. SPPID works with the help of
database where each and everything from the drawings gets communicated with

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

13) Briefly explain about the Instrument loop, how you are going to assign for
the below Instrument tags?
a) PI – 1200
b) PDI – 1200
c) LI – 1000
d) TI – 1000

a) PI-1200 Power Inverter 1200 which allows you to power

multiple devices simultaneously up to 1000W

 Click on Instrumentation, select instrument Loop select Pressure

 Send to Stockpile
 Add tag nos
 After that select the instrument tag PI-1200 Select the property Instrument
loop and map the P-1200
 Same tag can be assigned for PDI-1200

b) Instrument L-1000
c) Instrument T-1000

14) Briefly explain about the line no Ex:

d) 1”-C-012-6A1D
e) 15”-P-456-IA-1A1D

Size – 1”, 15”

Fluid Code – C , P
Piping Material Code – 6A1D, 1A1D
Insulation - IA

15) Brief the following Equipment phrases:

a) B06-V-240
b) PO3-P-30A

Unit – BO6, PO3

Tag Prefix – V, P
Tag Seq no – 240, 30
Tag Suffix - A

Sensitivity: Internal & Restricted

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