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«(f2018 Hey 59933 SPLADH. TA ~ SHAMA ra 17 2a 2O1D ALM. DRSAL NOTARY yn ee ee GOVT, OF GUJARAT 4 SEP 2018 ama, GEE R.0000100 rasess DECLANATION, SUPPORTED BY AN AFFIOAVrT, whce sHALMEER Ged BT RED RA rSUSARA ANY PERSON AUTHORIZED BY THE PROMOTER ‘Affidavit elim Destaration Affidavit cum Declaration of Mit. RAJESH T SHAH promoter fduly authorized by the promater of M/s up + Navpad Helios), vide Heyisfher/their authorization dated 01" September 2018 |, Me RAJESH T SHAM yromoter/duly authorized by the promoter of Mls NAVPAR PROPERTIES LLP (Pro} NAVPAD HELJOS) do hereby solemnly declare, undertake and stale asunder that; 1. We have a legal title tothe land on which the develapment of MAPAD HEUIOS is proposed; on —____—have/has—2-lega-titieto- ahe-tond-on-whichshe-develonment—at ——_— ftameot the proposed projet Hetebe-carred outs AND legally valid authentication of ttle of suth land along with en authenticated copy of the agreement between such owner and promoter for development of the real estate project i enclosed herewith the sald land is free from all encumbrances. the time period within which the project shall be completed by me/us is 31° December 2m.” seventy per-cent of the amounts realiied by me/us for the real estate project from the allottees, fram time to time, shall be deposited in a separate account to be maintained ina eneduied bank to cover the cost of constuction and the land cost and shall be used only for that purpose. . 5. the amounts from the separate account, to cover the cost af the project, shall be withdrawo inproportion to the percentage of completion of the project _aeeeEOo70530Q0Q= CT—~C~—TTTT ne account shal be withdrawn after teie conte by an / 6. the amounts from the separate pat the wiehdtemwal is 19 f engneer, an archivect anda chartered accountant 'P practice th percentage af completion of the project f proportion te the er the en ne accounts audited within sie months att duce # 1d of every financial year bry 7 ‘fowe shalt get ered accountant in practice, and shall pro ind it shail be verified during the statement of accounts duly certified a chart and signed by such chartered accountant 4 odie that the amounts collected for a particular proje the proportion to the percentage heen uiiised for the project 4nd the ct have of completion of withdrawal has been in compliance with the project 8. t/we shall take all the pending 2 ther documents as have been: ores ssrovals on time, from the competern authorities bed by the rules and we have furnished such ot regutations made under the Act werification he coments of above Affidavit cum Declaration are {rus and correct and nothing material has been concealed by me/us therefrom. 2h Se Dent verify by meat on this Fe RAJESH TSHAH SOLEMNLY AFFIRMED ‘ORE ME SHAMALBHA\ M. DESA\ NOTARY GOVT. OF GUJARAT (IND.A) 24 SEP anjg

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