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Bahasa Inggris

Unit 2

Detail Information

A stated detail question asks about one piece of information in the passage rather than the passage as a
whole. The answers to these questions are generally given in order in the passage, and the correct answer is
often a restatement of what is given in the passage. This means that the correct answer often expresses the
same idea as what is written in the passage, but the words are not exactly the same.


The passage:

Flutes have been around for quite some time, in all sorts of shapes and sizes and made from a variety of
materials. The oldest known flutes are about 20,000 years old; they were made from hollowed-out bones
with holes cut in them In addition to bone, older flutes were often constructed from bamboo or hollowed-
out wood. Today’s flutes are generally made of metal, and in addition to the holes they have a complicated
system of keys, levers, and pads. The instrument belonging to well known flautist James Galway is not just
made of any metal; it is made of gold.

The questions:

1. According to the passage, the oldest flutes

A. had holes cut in them
B. were made of metal
C. were made 200,000 years ago
D. had a complicated set of levers and pads

2. The passage indicates that James Gaiway’s flute is made of

A. bones
B. bamboo
C. wood
D. gold


The answers to the questions are generally found in order in the passage, so you should look for the answer to
the first question near the beginning of the passage. Since the first question asks about the oldest flutes, you
should see that this question is answered in the second sentence. The passage states that the oldest flutes were
bones with holes cut in them, so the best answer is answer (A). Answers (B) and (D) are true about today’s
flutes, but not the oldest flutes, so they are incorrect. Answer (C) is an incorrect number; the oldest flutes are
20,000 years old, not 200,000 years old.

The answer to the second question will probably be located in the passage after the answer to the first
question. Since the second question is about James Galway’s flute, you should skim through the passage to find
the part of the passage that discusses this topic. The answer to this question is found in the statement that the
instrument belonging to well-known flautist James Galway is not just made of any metal; it is made of gold. The
best answer to this question is therefore (D).

Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar!

Vuji Company Indonesia is a leading offshore Engineering Fabrication Company, operating a marine
fabrication yard in Batam, is opening Certified Welding Inspector job vacancy for suitably qualified
INDONESIAN candidates that will be based in Batam.
Requirements of Certified Welding Inspector:
Shall be certified as WELDING INSPECTOR through CSWIP3.0, B4T.
Diploma in Engineering is preferred, but not essential.
Having at least 2 years of experience in similar work/position.
Should be able to work independently & consistently
Should be a quick learner, team player & mainly an extrovert.
Adequate English language skills expected

Essentials job duties of Certified Welding Inspector:

Perform daily material & welding inspection
Planning for inspection & related activities like equipment and manpower.
Maintaining a robust cross checking & monitoring on production floor.

Remuneration for the Welding Inspector: Attractive remuneration package with challenging career
prospects. Please send your application and resume in English, with copy of qualification certificates and
recent photograph (4×6 cm) no later than December 27 2009

1. As a candidate, we have to …
A. have min 3 year-experience in similar work
B. be adequate English language skills
C. be a diploma in Engineering
D. be able to work dependently
E. be an introvert person

2. There is a person named Fauzansyah, a Singaporean. He has ever worked for other similar company for
3 years. He is a quick learner and team player. Will he be accespted?
A. May be
B. Yes, he will
C. No, he won’t
D. Well, it is not sure
E. It seems that he will be accepted

The Incas used to be a large empire of 990.000 km 2 in Peru of South America. Their city was high up in the
Andes Mountains. They were well-known for their great wealth, especially gold. This great empire was
unfortunately destroyed in an attack by the Spaniards who were searching for their famed gold. Although this
empire existed way back in 1493, it was not backward but complex and well-organized.

The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca, Lord of the World, Son of the Sun. He owned everything in the empire –
the land, soil, gold and even the people. The people, therefore, had no freedom.
Boys and girls were to live a life of obedience and tradition. They began working in their ayllu or family groups.
The rule was Ama sua, ama IIuIIa, ama shekklla, which means, “Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy.”

Despite this difficult way of life, the Incas were very skilful. They constructed drainage system and
underground water reservoirs. Their buildings were made from huge stones. These were cut to fit perfectly
together so that no mortar was needed. Their rope bridges were so strong that even a horse could gallop across
The Incas had no written language. Information was recorded on knotted strings called quipus. These were also
used as calculators. Strong and healthy young boys were chosen as chasquis or couriers to carry messages from
one place to another.

3. How was the empire destroyed?

A. The empire was destroyed by huge stones.
B. It was destroyed by well-organized ayllu.
C. The empire was ruled by the Sapa Inca.
D. It was reconstructed by systems.
E. It was attacked by the Spaniards

4. What did they use to calculate?

A. Quipus.
B. Strings.
C. Mortars.
D. Chasquis.
E. Huge stones.

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is generated by using uranium which is a metal mined in various part of the world. The
first large scale of nuclear power station was opened at Calder Hall in Cumbria, England in 1956. Some
military ships and submarines have nuclear power plant for engine. Nuclear power produces around 11%
of the world's energy needed, and produces huge amounts of energy. It causes no pollution as we would
get when burning fossil fuels. The advantages of nuclear plant are as follow:

 It costs about the same coal, so it is not expensive to make.

 It does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
 It produces huge amounts of energy from small amount of uranium.
 It produces small amount of waste.
 It is reliable.
On the other hand, nuclear power is very, very dangerous. It must be sealed up and buried for many
years to allow the radioactivity to die away. Furthermore, although it is reliable, a lot of money has to be
spent on safety because if it does go wrong, a nuclear accident can be a major accident. People are
increasingly concerned about this matter. In the 1990's nuclear power was the fastest growing source of
power in many parts of the world.

5. That nuclear must be sealed up and buried for many years shows . . .
A. It is harmless
B. It is dangerous
C. Its advantages
D. It produces small amount of waste
E. It won’t contribute to the greenhouse effect

Tourist boats collided in Thailand, 42 Injured

Thailand: Forty-two passengers were injured and two were missing after two boats carrying Thai and foreign
tourists collided, police said Sunday.

The speedboats were ferrying tourists to the Phangan Island for a “Fullmoon” party, a monthly event that
attracts thousands of young, mostly western tourists.

Provincial police officer, Adipong Tapee said of the 42 travelers injured, 39 were hospitalized including four
Britons, four Australians and four Singaporeans. Also among them were Irish, Norwegian, Malaysian and Thai
tourists, he said.

The boats collided and overturned before midnight Saturday, throwing the passengers into the rough sea water
just off the island, the website of The Nation newspaper said. –AP

6. What caused the accident?

A. Too many passengers on board.
B. There were too many boats.
C. A bad weather.
D. The boats were speeding.
E. Not being mentioned.

7. When did the boats collide?

A. Sunday morning
B. Sunday night
C. Saturday night
D. Friday night
E. Saturday morning

Smoking is dangerous for people, not only for smokers themselves, but also for people around them who are
called passive smokers.

Smokers have risks of suffering from cancer, heart diseases, including heart attack, breathing problems,
cough/sore throat. This is because there are more than 4,000 chemicals found in cigarettes, 250 are toxic
poisons and 50 cause cancer. Some other chemicals found in tobacco include: Ammonia, Arsenic, Polonium 210,
Carbon Monoxide, and Acetone. Nicotine remains in the body for 8 to 12 hours after a single use of tobacco.

The smoke which arises when a person is smoking a cigarette is very hazardous, and the smoke of bidi or cigar
is even more hazardous to passive smokers who inhale the smoke in the vicinity of active smokers. The smoke
inhaled by the former is unfiltered thereby causing more ill effects. Several pulmonary diseases such as cough,
bronchitis asthma and last but not the least carcinoma of lungs may occur as a consequence of breathing in
cigarette or cigar smoke

8. According to the text, smokers have risks of suffering from cancer because . . .
A. They breathe in so many harmful chemicals
B. They are not strong enough to inhale smoke
C. Their body cannot stand dangerous smoke
D. They inhale to much smoke
E. They are passive smokers

The impact of globalization visibly and largely affects the politics and the economy of the country but its effect
on the mindset and the culture is noticeable gradually in the way people think and react. Some of these good
and bad points of the world wide phenomenon are obvious from some points. People favoring globalization
state there is a worldwide market for the companies and for the customers there is a better access to product
from different countries. Also, politics is merging and decisions that are being taken are actually beneficial to
people all over the world. Cultural intermingling increases and every nation tries to know more about the other
nations’ cultural preferences. In this process, we are actually coming across things that we like and in the
course of time adopt it. However, there are also opponents of globalization. There is immense pressure on the
employed people of developed countries who are always under the threat of their jobs being outsourced.
Globalization may lead to loss of cultural identity as western ideas are always imposed upon the eastern

9. ACCORDING TO THE TEXT, how can globalization be beneficial culturally?

A. Cultural adaption is more open and inevitable.
B. Developed countries realize the importance of education.
C. Political ideas inspire people for a more democratic unity.
D. Exchanges of western and eastern cultures become intensive.
E. People of different cultures are aware others’ likes and dislikes.

The Red Bird of Paradise

An Indonesian endangered species, the Red Bird of Paradise is distributed to lowland rainforests of Waigeo and
Batanta islands of West Papua. This species shares its home with another bird of paradise, the Wilson’s Bird of
Paradise. Hybridization between these two species are expected but not recorded yet.

The Bird of Paradise, Paradisaea rubra, is large, up to 33cm long, brown and yellow bird with a dark brown iris,
grey legs and yellow bill. The male has an emerald green face, a pair of elongated black corkscrew-shaped tail
wires, dark green feather pompoms above each eye and a train of glossy crimson red plumes with whitish tips
at either side of the breast.

The male measures up to 72 cm long, including the ornamental red plumes that require at least six years to
fully attain. The female resembles the male but is smaller in size, with a dark brown face and has no ornamental
red plumes. The diet consists mainly of fruits, barriers and arthropons.

10. We know from the text that ….

A. the female Red Bird of Paradise is Bigger than the male
B. the Red Bird of Paradise is rare nowadays
C. the Red Bird of Paradise cannot live alone
D. the Red Bird is as large as the female
E. the red Bird of Paradise lives in highland of West Papua

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