INdexChronic Kidney Disease Management Handbook - Kidney Health Australia PDF

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Chronic Kidney Disease Management handbook | Kidney Health ...

Chronic Kidney Disease

Management handbook
The importance of early and appropriate
management of kidney disease.
The third and latest edition of our handbook, ‘Chronic Kidney Disease
Management in General Practice’, is the synthesis of evolving
evidence that shows the importance of early and appropriate
management of kidney disease.

Our Primary Care Education Advisory Committee for KHA (PEAK) (/health-

professionals/detect/education) has produced this handbook to help health
professionals identify people who are at risk of kidney disease and
manage those who have chronic kidney disease.

Easy to use and interactive

The handbook has been designed to be easy to use and interactive.
The front and back covers can be removed and used as a quick reference guide. Links to relevant fact
sheets, websites and additional resources are interspersed throughout.

Electronic soft copies of the handbook are available. The electronic copy contains interactive hyperlinks,
and all tables, algorithms and figures are available as individual downloads. Currently, our hard copies are
out of stock, to preorder the next edition contact (

Download a e-copy of this handbook here. (/cms_uploads/docs/ckdm-in-gp-handbook.pdf)

Algorithms and tables 

AKI management plan  (/cms_uploads/docs/acute-kidney-injury-sick-day-plan-for-healthcare-professionals-sheet.pdf)  
Algorithm for initial detection of chronic kidney disease (/cms_uploads/docs/02_algorithm-for-inital-detection-of-ckd.pdf)
Algorithm for management of hypertension in people with chronic kidney disease (/cms_uploads/docs/03_algorithm-for-

Early detection of chronic kidney disease using Kidney Health Check (/cms_uploads/docs/04_early-detection-of-ckd-using-kidney-health-

Goals of management (/cms_uploads/docs/05_goals-of-management.pdf)  

Nutrition targets for people with chronic kidney disease and eGFR ≥ 30 mL/min/1.73m2 (/cms_uploads/docs/06_nutrition-

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Chronic Kidney Disease Management handbook | Kidney Health ...

Recommendations for chronic kidney disease detection in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples

Stages of chronic kidney disease (/cms_uploads/docs/08_stages-of-ckd.pdf)

Three components to a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (/cms_uploads/docs/09_three-components-to-a-diagnosis-of-ckd.pdf)

Yellow Clinical Action Plan (/cms_uploads/docs/kha-gpmp-ckd-yellow-clinical-action-plan.doc)
Orange Clinical Action Plan (/cms_uploads/docs/gpmp-ckd-orange-clinical-action-plan.doc)
Red Clinical Action Plan (/cms_uploads/docs/gpmp-ckd-red-clinical-action-plan.doc)
Nephrologist Referral Form (/cms_uploads/docs/gpmp--referral-template.doc)

Resources for health professionals

Acute Kidney Injury Sick Day Plan for healthcare professionals sheet (/cms_uploads/docs/acute-kidney-injury-sick-day-plan-for-

CKD Go! app (/health-professionals/detect/calculator-and-tools#section-ckd-go) free web-based app that allows you to develop
personalised chronic kidney disease Clinical Action Plans.
eGFR Calculator (CKD-EPI formula) (/health-professionals/detect/calculator-and-tools#section-gfr-calculator) to calculate GFR (kidney
function) using age, gender and serum creatinine.
Absolute Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Calculator ( to estimate the risk of a
cardiovascular event  
KHA-CARI Guidelines ( for evidence-based clinical guidelines for the management of chronic
kidney disease.

Resources for patients

Health fact sheets (/about-us/resources-library) 
Health publications (/health-professionals/support/resources-publications) 
Translations (/about-us/resources-library) 
Resources for Indigenous Australians (/about-us/resources-library)

Additional resources
CDM Net (
Chronic kidney disease and automatic reporting of estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate: new developments
(  - revised recommendations 
Chronic kidney disease and measurement of albuminuria or proteinuria (
disease-and-measurement-albuminuria-or-proteinuria-position) : a position statement
Guidelines for Preventive Activities in General Practice – Red Book (
My Kidneys My Choice – Decision Aid ( Guide to a Preventive Health
Assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (

PEN Clinical Systems Clinical Audit Tool ( 

Chronic Kidney Disease Management in General Practice (3rd edition) is endorsed by the Australian Primary
Health Care Nurses Association and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrologists.

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