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what is materlized view and why we will use this

what is xml data nd clob data, how you are handleing this.
what is pipeline function
what is tkprof
how u are doing performance tuning
differnece between function and procedure
Is this the best practice to use commit in trigger, if not why ?
what is pragma autonomus trnasction
which onw is the best case or decode and why?
what is ref cursor and what is weak cursor?

what is collections and differnce between them. write syntax

what is DDL and DML statement. can we revert the data after truncate the table and
if not why?

what is index ?

what are the exceptions? what is the range of user defined error number?

what is the difference between unique constraint and primary

what is dual table

left outer join and minus which one will be faster and why?

can we retun collection value in function? and how

how you will display column value in comma separated format and what is the
limitaion of listag function and any other way?

there arae two table x and y, both the table is having unique index on column.
Selecting data and my join condition using both the coulmn and will oracle use both
the index or only one index, if only one which one if we do explain plan.

What is collection and what are the collection you have used. I want to store all
the data into a collection in one shot, how you will do.

what is cardinality ? In a able 5 rows are there and out of 5, 2 columns values r
null. What is the cardinality in this case.

I have a plsql block and inside that I am retriving some data from one table and
that returns no data. In my exception I have used first when others then no data
exception. In this case which exceotion will fire.

There is a function based index on a column. in join condition changed the order,
will optimizer use that index.

what is the max size of table name we can use in oracle.

what is analytical function? can we make a aggregate function to analytical



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