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A study on ‘Marketing of Insurance’.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to Mr. Anuj Jindhal Sales

Manager of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, for permitting me

to do my project work in their esteemed organization.  

I respectively express my indebtedness for this encouragement and keen

interest throughout the course of project work.  

I am grateful to ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited, Bijnor

and my Project guides for their support and constant source of help during the


I finally extend my whole hearted thanks to all my family members and

friends for their kind co-operation and contribution during the course of my project


Arvind Kumar

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A study on ‘Marketing of Insurance’.



CHAPTER-1 Introduction Of Study:

1.1 Objectives of the study.

1.2 Research methodology.

1.3 Scope of the study.

1.4 Limitation of the study.

CHAPTER-2 Introduction Of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance:

2.1 Overview of the Life Insurance Sector in India.

2.2 Principles and Types of Insurance.

2.3 IRDA- the Watch dog.

2.4 Insurance Marketing.

CHAPTER-3   Industry Profile:

3.1 Company Profile.

3.2 Company Promoters.

3.3 Company Vision & Mission Statement.

3.4 Board of Directors.

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3.5 Awards and Recognitions.

3.6 Organization Structure.

3.7 Various Players in Indian Market.

3.8 History

CHAPTER-4 Product Profile:

 Various ICICI Life Insurance Plans.

CHAPTER 5 5.1 Swot Analysis

5.2 Data Analysis and Interpretation

CHAPTER-6 Financial Statements

CHAPTER-7    Findings and Suggestions

4.1 Findings.


CHAPTER-8    Conclusion:

Questionnaire & Bibliography

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INTRODUCTION Of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance:

Marketing is an assessment, ascertainment, and fulfillment of consumer

needs and desire into products and services through planning and creating demand

for companies products, serving the consumer demand through planned physical

distribution with the for help of marketing channels expanding the marketing even

in the face of keen competition.

As a corporate state of mind which insists integration and co-ordination of

all marketing functions in welded with all co-operative functions, with a basic

objective of maximizing long range corporate profits and satisfy the customer

needs and wants.  

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI

Bank, India's foremost financial services companies, and Prudential plc, a leading

international financial services group headquartered in the United Kingdom. While

ICICI retains 74% stake in the joint venture, Prudential plc has the remaining 26%

stake. ICICI Prudential began its operations in December 2000. Today, this

company has over 1,900 branches (inclusive of 1,074 micro-offices), over 210,000

advisors and 6 branch assurance partners. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

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Company is the first life insurer in India that received a National Insurer Financial

Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. ICICI Prudential has been voted

as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer for three consecutive years. This

company provides various insurance plans that have been designed for different

individuals, as every individual has different insurance needs. It celebrated its 10th

anniversary on 12th December 2010. Given below is a list of plans provided by

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company: 


Unit linked insurance plans (ULIPs) are a category of goal-based financial

solutions that combine the safety of life insurance protection and long term wealth

creation opportunities. In ULIPs, a part of the premium goes towards providing

you with life cover while the remaining portion is invested in fund(s) which, in

turn, are invested in stocks or bonds.

 Retirement

 Wealth

 Child

 Health

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Life Insurance Plans 

Term Plans Term insurance is the simplest and most fundamental insurance

product available at extremely affordable prices. In this type of a policy, an

individual pays a fixed amount of money periodically and in the unfortunate event

of death of the policyholder, the entire amount paid, along with some other benefits

and interest, is paid back to the deceased's family.

 ICICI Pru iProtect

 ICICI Pru Pure Protect

 ICICI Pru LifeGuard

 ICICI Pru Home Assure

Wealth Plans

Wealth insurance plans are essentially long term savings plans which are designed

to help you save enough for your long term goals, like owning a house or a car etc,

along with providing you the benefit of life cover and protection for your family.

ULIP Wealth Plans

 ICICI Pru LifeStage Wealth II

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 ICICI Pru Pinnacle II

 ICICI Pru LifeTime Premier

 ICICI Pru Life Link Wealth SP

 ICICI Pru Pinnacle Super

Traditional Wealth plans

 ICICI Pru Future Secure

 ICICI Pru Guarenteed Savings Insurance Plan

 ICICI Pru Whole Life

 ICICI Pru Save’n’Protect

 ICICI Pru CashBak

Child Plans

Regardless of the rising cost of education in modern times, a parent never

compromises on the expenditure that goes into his/her child's bright career. A

saving's plan that is designed to provide money at key educational milestones and

take care of your loved ones future even if you are not around, is a wise decision to

make. In this plan, you pay premium periodically, or in lump sum, and during the

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key educational milestones of your child, you can withdraw the money partially.

Traditional Child Plans

 ICICI Pru SmartKid Regular Premium

Unit Linked Child Plans

 ICICI Pru SmartKid Premier

Health Plans

Predicting unfortunate medical emergencies is difficult. Bearing the expenses of

the costly treatment is not at all easy and therefore, ICICI Prudential has come up

with health insurance plans that insure you and your family against expenses

arising due to medical emergencies and uncertainties such as hospitalisations or

onset of critical illnesses.

Hospitalisation Plans

 ICICI Pru Health Saver

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 ICICI Pru Hospital Care II

Critical Illness Plans

 ICICI Pru Crisis Cover


ICICI Prudential gives you the freedom to form your very own comprehensive

insurance policy by adding the rider benefits to the basic life insurance policy. This

increases the scope of your policy, at a nominal cost.

 Critical Illness Benefit Rider

 Accident & Disability Benefit Rider

 Income Benefit Rider

 Waiver of Premium Rider (WOP)

 Waiver Of Premium On Critical Illness Rider

Retirement Plans

Financial independence at all times is important but its importance is the most in

the post-retirement phase of life. After being self-dependant for a lifetime, the idea

of depending upon your children can be quite putting off. Retirement plans from

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ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, ensure that you have enough flexibility to choose

your retirement date and the manner in which you receive the pension. 

ULIP Retirement Plans

 ICICI Pru LifeLink Pension Sp

Traditional Retirement Plans

 ICICI Pru ForeverLife

 ICICI Pru Immediate Annuity

Group Plans

Group Insurance Plans from ICICI Prudential enable the employer to effortlessly

provide his/her employees with both, savings and security, so they can pass on the

benefits to their loved ones.

Retirement Solution

 Group Gratuity Plan

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 Group Leave Encashment Plan

Protection Solution

 Annuity Solutions

 Group Term Insurance Plans

 Group Term in lieu of EDLI Scheme

 Credit Assure Utility

Rural Plans

ICICI Prudential's rural business initiative has covered more than 2.5 million lives

across as many as 16 states in India. The plans offer Life cover, low and affordable

premiums and hassle free procedure.

 ICICI Pru Sarv Jana Suraksha

 ICICI Pru Anmol Nivesh

The Creation of customer implies three things:-

1) Development of product through technical and market research on which

afford sales opportunities.

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2) Persuading the customer to buy through advertisement and sales


3) Making the product available in a form at a price, time and place the

customer want.  

Marketing research is the function, which links the consumer / customer and

public to the marketer through information used to identify and define marketing

opportunities and problems.

Objective of marketing research may be primary to gather information from

different customer attitudes and opinions.

  The insurance sector in India has come a full circle form being an open

competitive market to nationalization and back to a liberalized market again.

Tracing the developments in the Indian insurance sector reveals the 360 degree

turn witnessed over a period of almost two centuries.


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All assets have economic value. The asset would have been created through

the efforts of the owner, in the expectation that, either through the income

generated there from or some other output, some of his needs would be met. In the

case of a motor car, it provides comfort & convenience in transportation. There is

no direct income. There is a normally expected life time for the assets during

which time it is expected life time for the assets during which time it is expected to

perform. The owner, aware of this, can so manage his affairs that by the end of that

life time, a substitute is made available to ensure that the value or income is not


However if the asset gets lost earlier, being destroyed or made non-

functional, through an accident or other unfortunate event, the owner & those

deriving benefits there from suffer. Hence Insurance is a tool which helps to reduce

effects of such adverse events.

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A History Of The Insurance Sector

Insurance has been around since ancient times. The Babylonians and

Phoenicians had ocean marine insurance to protect a merchant against losses

incurred when a ship did not reach its intended destination with its load of goods or

did not return with payment. This form of insurance, called respondent a, evolved

because the goods on board often were used as collateral for a loan. The lender

charged the borrower interest on the loan and levied an additional sum, the

premium, to cover the cost of the respondentia contract. If the ship reached its

destination and returned, the merchant received payment for the goods and in turn

paid the moneylender. If the ship failed to return, the debt was cancelled. This

system was profitable to lenders because many respondents a contract were sold,

and debts were paid more often than cancelled.

Marine Insurance: Marine insurance is the oldest form of insurance

followed by life insurance and fire insurance. The oldest and the earliest records of

marine policy relates to a Mediterranean voyage in 1347. In the year 1400, a book

written by a merchant of Florence, indicates premium rates charged for the

shipments by sea from London to Pisa.

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Fire insurance: It has its origin in Germany where it was introduced in

municipalities for providing compensation to owners of the property, in return for

an annual contribution, based on the rent of those premises. The fire insurance in

its present form started after the most disastrous fire in human history known as the

'Great Fire' in London, which had destroyed several buildings.

Due to the increasing demands of the time, different forms of insurance have

been developed. Industrial Revolution of 19th century had facilitated the

development of accidental insurance, theft and dacoity, fidelity insurance, etc. In

20th century, many types of social insurance started operating, viz., unemployment

insurance, crop insurance, cattle insurance, etc. This way the business of insurance

developed simultaneously with human and social development. Today, the use of

computers in the field of insurance is frequently increasing. Insurance becomes an

inseparable part of human development.    

The early developments of life insurance were closely linked with that of

marine insurance. The first insurers of life were the marine insurance underwriters

who started issuing life insurance policies on the life of master and crew of the

ship, and the merchants. The early insurance contracts took the nature of policies

for a short period only. The underwriters issued annuities and pension for a fixed

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period or for life to provide relief to widows on the death of their husbands. The

first life insurance policy was issued on 18th June 1583, on the life of William

Gibbons for a period of 12 months.

History Of Life Insurance In India

The History of Life Insurance in India dates back to 1818 when it was

conceived as a means to provide for English Widows. Interestingly in those days a

higher premium was charged for Indian lives than the non-Indian lives as Indian

lives were considered more risky for coverage. The Bombay Mutual Life Insurance

Society started its business in 1870. It was the first company to charge same

premium for both Indian and non-Indian lives. The Oriental Assurance Company

was established in 1880.

The first general insurance company- Title Insurance Company Limited, was

established in 1850. Till the end of nineteenth century insurance business was

almost entirely in the hands of overseas companies.

Insurance regulation formally began in India with the passing of the Life

Insurance Companies Act of 1912 and the Provident Fund Act of 1912. Several

frauds during 20's and 30's sullied insurance business in India. By 1938 there were

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176 insurance companies. The first comprehensive legislation was introduced with

the Insurance Act of 1938 that provided strict State Control over insurance

business. The insurance business grew at a faster pace after independence. Indian

companies strengthened their hold on this business but despite the growth that was

witnessed, insurance remained an urban phenomenon.

The Government of India in 1956, brought together over 240 private life

insurers and provident societies under one nationalised monopoly corporation

and LIC was born. Nationalisation was justified on the grounds that it would create

much needed funds for rapid industrialization. This was in conformity with the

Government's chosen path of State- led planning and development.

The (non-life) insurance business, however, continued to thrive with the

private sector till 1972. Their operations were restricted to organised trade and

industry in large cities. The general insurance industry was nationalised in 1972.

With this, nearly 107 insurers were amalgamated and grouped into four

companies- National Insurance Company Ltd., The New India Assurance

Company Ltd., The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. and United India Insurance

Company Ltd. These were subsidiaries of the General Insurance Corporation of

India (GIC). 

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Insurance companies in India

Insurance is a colossal sector in India that is growing at a speedy rate of 15-20%.

The insurance sector is approximately 450 billion yet 70 percent of the population

in India is not insured. This gives you a peek into the huge growth opportunity that

exists for this segment. The insurance business in India mainly consists of two

main players, the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) and General Insurance

Corporation (GIC). Almost 100 divisional offices and 2000 branch offices are

functional for LIC. As LIC caters to life insurance, health insurance, property and

accident. insurance it needs an increasing number of employees. Thus insurance

companies in India are growing vertically and horizontally bringing growth and

employment opportunities.

The other player GIC undertakes motor, marine, personal accident and fire

insurance. Moreover it has four subsidiaries a) Oriental Insurance, b) United India

Insurance, c) New India Assurance, and d) National Insurance. Insurance

companies in India have a deep-rooted history. It all began in 1818 when Oriental

Life Insurance Company in Calcutta was established. From then on insurance was

scattered across the country. It was an unorganized sector. Then in 1950, the entire

insurance segment was nationalized. After achieving freedom, the insurance sector

gained momentum. In 1956 the government of India consolidated 240 private life

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insurers and provident societies and this was how LIC came to life. The

justification to the nationalization of the life insurers was that the government

would reap the necessary funds that were required for industrialization. The

general insurance industry still remained in the hands of the private sector till 1972

and was then nationalized. LIC adds about 7 percent to the country's GDP. With

IRDA's regulation not less than 15 percent of funds ftom the insurance companies

are said to fill the coffers of infrastructure and social sectors. Thus they are

providing vital funds to the country's growth. Infrastructure of the country bears

risks that are of a long-term character. They include political instability, geological

hindrances, gestation period and illiteracy. The long tern funds provided by Life

Insurance of India not only cover these risks but also help securing a brighter

future for the country.

Besides infrastructure the insurance companies in India are vital for one's saving

purpose. In the beginning insurance was looked at as a 'tax-benefit' investment.

Slowly, however the mindset of the common man is changing. Life insurance is

now looked on as investment vehicle. With the introduction of private players in

the sector there has been more transparency and flexibility in the sector. Private

players have procured almost 9 percent of the insurance segment even though the

coveted policies like endowment and money back still lay with the government.

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Better services, individual attention and pure transparency have given the private

sector an upper hand. But with a huge unorganized market in India yet to tap the

insurance companies in India have a voluminous market to explore.

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         The Project I have taken up is “MARKETING OF INSURANCE IN ICICI

PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE”, The reason why I took up this subject is

because today, insurance industry is among the fastest growing sector and it

provides wonderful business marketing, where by people can use their free time for

the purpose of not only earning money and rewards but also build meaningful


Through this project work, I expect to come with meaningful analysis on



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 To know the marketing strategy in ICICI Prudential Life Insurance in


 To know the public interest towards the insurance.

 To know the brand awareness towards ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co.,

Ltd in Bijnor.

 To find out which parameter is motivating insurance advisers to join

insurance field.

 To make suggestions and recommendations to improve upon the working of

the company.


Information is collected from the primary and secondary data. Analytical

tool applied for the analysis of data or Sources of Data.

The source of information is broadly classified into 2 categories:



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The present study is mostly based on the questionnaire and personnel

discussion with the respondents in Bijnor and Hospet city respectively. 


         Secondary data is collected through the company brochures, manuals,

periodicals, newsletters, articles, internet and other publications.


The study has conducted in Bijnor city for a period of one month. It intended

to provide information about market potential for the business marketing in


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 The area of study is limited to Bijnor city.

 The bias response from the respondents may have introduced errors in the

survey findings.

 The sample is limited

 Time constraint.

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2.1 Overview Of The Life Insurance Sector In India:

With largest number of life insurance policies in force in the world,

Insurance happens to be a mega opportunity in India. It’s a business growing at the

rate of 15-20 per cent annually and presently is of the order of Rs 450 billion.

Together with banking services, it adds about 7 per cent to the country’s GDP. 

Gross premium collection is nearly 2 per cent of GDP and funds available with

LIC for investments are 8 per cent of GDP.

Yet, nearly 80 per cent of Indian populations are without life insurance

cover, health insurance and non-life insurance continue to be below international

standards. And this part of the population is also subject to weak social security

and pension systems with hardly any old age income security. This itself is an

indicator that growth potential for the insurance sector is immense.

A well-developed and evolved insurance sector is needed for economic

development as it provides long term funds for infrastructure development and at

the same time strengthens the risk taking ability. It is estimated that over the next

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ten years India would require investments of the order of one trillion US dollars.

The Insurance sector, to some extent, can enable investments in infrastructure

development to sustain economic growth of the country.

With a large capital outlay and long gestation periods, infrastructure projects

are fraught with a multitude of risks throughout the development, construction and

operation stages. These include risks associated with project implementation,

including geological risks, maintenance, commercial and political risks. Without

covering these risks the financial institutions are not willing to commit funds to the

sector, especially because the financing of most private projects is on a limited or

non- recourse basis.

Insurance companies not only provide risk cover to infrastructure projects,

they also contribute long-term funds. In fact, insurance companies are an ideal

source of long term debt and equity for infrastructure projects. With long term

liability, they get a good asset- liability match by investing their funds in such


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IRDA regulations require insurance companies to invest not less than 15

percent of their funds in infrastructure and social sectors. International Insurance

companies also invest their funds in such projects.

Insurance is a federal subject in India. There are two legislations that govern

the sector- The Insurance Act- 1938 and the IRDA Act- 1999. The Government of

India liberalized the insurance sector in March 2000 with the passage of the

Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Bill, lifting all entry

restrictions for private players and allowing foreign players to enter the market

with some limits on direct foreign ownership. Under the current guidelines, there is

a 26 percent equity cap for foreign partners in an insurance company. There is a

proposal to increase this limit to 49 percent. Premium rates of most general

insurance policies come under the purview of the government appointed Tariff

Advisory   Committee.

The opening up of the sector is likely to lead to greater spread and deepening

of insurance in India and this may also include restructuring and revitalizing of the

public sector companies. A host of private insurance companies operating in both

life and non-life segments have started selling their insurance policies since 2001. 

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2.2 Principles and Types of Insurance:

 Principles of Insurance:

Insurance is a 'risk transfer mechanism' - it transfers the financial risks of

everyday life from you to an insurance company, but only in terms of the financial

consequences of risk. Without insurance, if you car was damaged, it would cost

you a lot of money to fix it or to buy another one. It could cost you even more to

pay for compensation to someone else involved in an accident. Insurance protects

your financial interests. It cannot alleviate the emotional consequences of an

accident. It cannot provide for humanitarian ideals. It can't help you with

sentimental losses. But properly used, it will protect your financial investment in

your car and your legal obligations should you have an accident.

Insurable Interest

Before you can insure anything, you must have a legally recognised

financial interest in what you are insuring. For motor insurance, you can't take out

an insurance policy on the car driven by the latest film star in the hope that it will

crash and you can claim. That is nothing more than gambling. You have no

financial interest in the well  being of the object insured and would gain by its

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destruction. But you can insure the car you own, or drive. You would suffer

financially if it is damaged or stolen and benefit from its continued existence.


This word is used to describe the type of payment you would receive. A

motor policy and a household policy are both a contract of indemnity. It means,

subject to the terms of the contract, you are entitled to be put back in the same

financial position after a loss as you were in before the loss. In terms of a 'new for

old' policy the measure of indemnity is agreed at the point of sale rather than the

time of claim. The term is also sometime used to indicate if your insurer will meet

the claim at all. A refusal to indemnify is a refusal to pay the claim.


If there is more than one policy in force that you could claim on, you can't

get payment from them both that would exceed the value of your loss. So each

policy would contribute a portion of the loss. You would receive the full value of

the loss but no more and the two policies would only bear part of it each.

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This is the right that your insurer has to recover from someone else where

you are entitled to do so. For example, if another driver causes damage to your car,

and your insurers pay for it, subrogation gives them the legal right to 'stand in your

shoes' and reclaim their outlay from the responsible driver.

Proximate Cause

When you seek to claim from your insurers for a property or financial loss

you must show that the loss was caused as a result of a peril covered by the policy.

There must be a direct relationship of cause and effect, the cause must be

proximate in efficiency but not necessarily in point of time. There might for

example, be a chain of causes in which each cause is the natural result of the

preceding cause. It is the immediate and not the remote cause which must be



General insurance

The basis for general insurance is "transfer of risk".

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This means that the insurer agrees to compensate you if you suffer a loss.

Without the insurance you would have to pay for that loss yourself. Obviously this

contract is made on the basis that the insurance company calculates the risk that

you, or the total number of people buying insurance, will cost more in payouts than

what is received in premiums. This is determined by the use of statistics and the

information you disclose on your application for insurance. 

This includes:

Home contents:

It can either be "defined event" i.e. the policy covers loss or damage from a

list of "defined" events, e.g. storm or fire; or "accidental loss or damage" i.e. all

accidental loss with some exclusions.

Motor vehicle:

It can either be "comprehensive" i.e. it covers any damage to your car as

well as damage to the other car or another person's property; "third party property"

i.e. it covers damage caused by your car to another person's property. This type of

insurance will not cover you for the cost of repairs to your own car; "third party

fire and theft i.e. it covers damage partly for damage caused by your car to another

person's property, and restricted cover for damage to your car cause by theft or fire.

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Income protection:

With this type of insurance the insurer agrees to pay you a specified amount

of money, usually in monthly payments, in the event that you become disabled and

unable to work. Along the same lines you can purchase "trauma insurance" to

cover a medical trauma such as a heart attack.      


Also in the modern day world a number of utility specific insurance policies

are being launched by the various players in the insurance market in an effort to

stay one step ahead of their competitors. Hence to make the Definition of General

Insurance more broad based and inclusive we can say that all the policies which do

not fall  under  “Life Insurance “ category fall under the General Insurance


Life Insurance

Life insurance is insurance that will protect your family and/or specified

dependents in the event of the policy holder’s death. In general, it is an essential

component in planning for  the  future. There are many options with coverage,

depending on your situation. And there are three main categories of life insurance:

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term life, universal life, and whole  life  insurance. Term life is the simplest and

least expensive type of policy. It's pure insurance with no cash value account. A

term life policy has only one function: to pay a specific lump sum to whomever

you've designated, upon a specific event, your death.

Whole life insurance provides permanent protection for your dependents

while building a cash value account. With this type of insurance, the insurance

company manages the policies various accounts. Universal life insurance provides

permanent protection for your dependents and is more flexible than whole or

variable life.

2.3 Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority –The Watch


On 19th April 2000, the Authority has been notified in the Gazette of India

in terms of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 (IRDA

Bill). The Authority has also been constituted.

Mission: To protect the interests of the policy holders, to regulate, promote and

ensure orderly growth of the insurance industry and for matters connected there

with or incidental there to

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14(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and any other law for the time

being in force, the Authority shall have the duty to regulate, promote and ensure

orderly growth of the insurance business and re-insurance business.

14(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions contained in sub-

section (1), the powers and functions of the Authority shall include,--

a) Issue to the applicant a certificate of registration, renew, modify, withdraw,

suspend or cancel such registration;

b) Protection of the interests of the policy-holders in matters concerning

assigning of policy, nomination by policy-holders, insurable interest,

settlement of insurance claim, surrender value of policy and other terms and

conditions of contracts of insurance;

c) Specifying requisite qualifications, code of conduct and practical training for

intermediary or insurance intermediaries and agents;

d) Specifying the code of conduct for surveyors and loss assessors;

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e) Promoting efficiency in the conduct of insurance business;

 Promoting and regulating professional organization connected with the

insurance and re-insurance business;

f) Levying fees and other charges for carrying out the purposes of this Act;  

calling for information from, undertaking inspection of, conducting

enquiries and investigations including audit of the insurers, intermediaries,

insurance intermediaries and other organizations connected with the

insurance business;

g) Control and regulation of the rates, advantages, terms and conditions that

may be offered by insurers in respect of general insurance business not so

controlled and of 1938 regulated by the Tariff Advisory committee under

section 64U of the Insurance Act, 1938;

h) Specifying the form and manner in which books of account shall be

maintained and statement of accounts shall be rendered by insurers and other

insurance intermediaries;

i) Regulating investment of funds by insurance companies;  

(l) regulating maintenance of margin of solvency;

j) Adjudication of disputes between insurers and intermediaries or insurance


k) Supervising the functioning of the Tariff Advisory committee;

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l) Supervising the percentage of premium income of the insurer to finance

schemes for promoting and regulating professional organization referred to

in clause (f);

m) Specifying the percentage of life insurance business and general insurance

business to be undertaken by the insurer in the rural or social sector; and

n) Exercising such other powers as may be prescribed.

The founder chairman of IRDA was Mr. N.Rangachary. It was under his

stewardship that the Indian Insurance industry really opened up.    

2.4 Insurance Marketing:

Insurance Agents  

As Life insurance is a personalized service, personal selling plays an

important role in promoting the same. Place and promotion are being highlighted

here since the agents and development officer who form the pillars of Life

Insurance market structure discharge these two important functions. Agents are PR

men of insurance companies at the grassroots’ level. The role in building up good

customer relation is crucial. They work under the guidance and direct supervision

of development officers. They together sell the right type of policies suitable to the

needs of clients for the right amount at the right time (age). The agents render

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various other services and also play a vital role in policy servicing. The

Development Officers under each Branch office beside guiding and supervising

activities of the agents are also responsible for their recruitment and training so as

to develop a stable agency force. They activate the existing agents and motivate the

new ones. Also they render all such services to the policyholders as will produce

better policies. Agents and development officers, as the intermediaries in the

distribution system of the whole, develop and increase the Life Insurance business

in a planned way.    

  For promoting Life Insurance business, sales promotion activities are also

carried out by the agents. Calendars, bags, diaries, etc. are also given to the

policyholders as a token of gifts. The insurance companies also trains their agents,

as they do not tend to increase or update their knowledge regularly so as to serve

better to their customers. Special training programs are held for them.   

Corporate Houses and Financial Institutions:

This is a distribution network that has shot into prominence after the opening

up of the Insurance sector.

Large corporate houses and financial institutions have now entered into the

business of selling life insurance. These institutions have employed special

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employees who are trained to sell insurance. These employees are told to then tell

to target the existing customers of the corporate houses or financial institutions.

They also have a help desk / promotion desk at the places where the customer

comes into contact with the company. These centers are the effective centers where

the sales pitch is made to the prospective customers. Also sometimes the company

may use marketing tactics like sending direct mailers to the various clients or

telemarketing. This form of distribution is slowly but surely gaining prominence. 


            With the opening up of the insurance sector and with so many players

entering the Indian insurance industry, it is required by the insurance companies to

come up with innovative products, create more consumer awareness about their

products and offer them at a competitive price. At this juncture, banking sector

with it’s far and wide reach, was thought of as a potential distribution channel,

useful for the insurance companies. This union of the two sectors is what is known

as Bancassurance. What is Bancassurance? Bancassurance is the distribution of

insurance products through the bank's distribution channel. It is a phenomenon

wherein insurance products are offered through the distribution channels of the

banking services along with a complete range of banking and investment products

and services. To put it simply, Bancassurance, tries to exploit synergies between

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both the insurance companies and banks. Bancassurance if taken in right spirit and

implemented properly can be win-win situation for the all the participants' viz.,

banks, insurers and the customers.

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3.1 Company Profile:

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company is a joint venture between ICICI

Bank - one of India's foremost financial services companies-and prudential plc - a

leading international financial services group headquartered in the United

Kingdom. Total capital infusion stands at Rs. 37.72 billion, with ICICI Bank

holding a stake of 74% and Prudential plc holding 26%.   

We began our operations in December 2000 after receiving approval from

Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA). Today, our nation-wide

team comprises of over 954 branches in addition to 1,015 micro-offices, over

296,000 advisors; and 21 banc assurance partners.  

ICICI Prudential was the first life insurer in India to receive a National Insurer

Financial Strength rating of AAA (Ind) from Fitch ratings. For three years in a

row, ICICI Prudential has been voted as India's Most Trusted Private Life Insurer,

by The Economic Times - AC Nielsen ORG Marg survey of 'Most Trusted

Brands'. As we grow our distribution, product range and customer base, we

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continue to tirelessly uphold our commitment to deliver world-class financial

solutions to customers all over India. 

3.2 Company Promoters:


ICICI Bank Limited (NYSE:IBN) is India's largest private sector bank and the

second largest bank in the country, with consolidated total assets of $121 billion as

of March 31, 2008. ICICI Bank’s subsidiaries include India’s leading private sector

insurance companies and among its largest securities brokerage firms, mutual

funds and private equity firms. ICICI Bank’s presence currently spans 19

countries, including India. ICICI Bank is the only Indian company to be rated

above the country rating by the international rating agency Moody's and the only

Indian company to be awarded an investment grade international credit rating. The

Bank enjoys the highest AAA (or equivalent) rating from all leading Indian rating

agencies. Bank provides a broad spectrum of financial services to individuals and

companies. This includes mortgages, car and personal loans, credit and debit cards,

corporate and agricultural finance. The Bank services a growing customer base of

more than 7 million customer accounts and 5 million bondholders' accounts

through a multi-channel access network. This includes about 450 branches and

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extension counters, 1675 ATMs, call centers and Internet banking


Prudential Plc:

Established in London in 1848, Prudential plc, through its businesses in the

UK, Europe, US, Asia and the Middle East, provides retail financial services

products and services to more than 20 million customers, policyholder and unit

holders and manages over £267 billion of funds worldwide (as of December 31,

2007). In Asia, Prudential is the leading European life insurance company with life

operations in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the

Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Prudential is one of the

largest retail fund managers for Asian sourced assets ex-Japan. Its fund

management business has expanded into ten markets, comprising of China, Hong

Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam and United

Arab Emirates.

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3.3 Vision and Mission Statement:

Their vision is to make ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company the

dominant new insurer in the life insurance industry. This they hope to achieve

through their commitment to excellence, focus on service, speed and innovation,

and leveraging our technological expertise.

The success of the organization will be founded on its strong focus on values and

clarity of purpose. These include:

  Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products

and service building long lasting relationships with their partners providing an

enabling environment to foster growth and learning for their employees and above

all building transparency in all our dealings.

They believe that they can play a significant role in redefining and reshaping

the sector. Given the quality of their parentage and the commitment of their team,

they feel that there will be no limits to their growth.

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3.4 Board of Directors.

The ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited Board

comprises reputed people from the finance industry both from India and abroad. 

Ms.Chanda D. Kochhar, Chairperson

Mr. N. S. Kannan, Director

Mr. K. Ramkumar, Director

Mr. Barry Stowe, Director

Mr. Adrian O’Connor, Director

Mr. Keki Dadiseth, Independent Director

Prof. Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Independent Director

Ms. Rama Bijapurkar, Independent Director

Mr. Vinod Kumar Dhall, Independent Direct

Mr. V. Vaidyanathan, Managing Director & CE

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3.5 Awards And Recognitions:-


1. The International Council of Customer Service Organizations (ICCSO)

recently awarded ICICI Prudential Life the International Service

Excellence Awards 2009 in the categories of Customer Charter –

Winner, Service Excellence in Large Business – Highly Commended

and Customer Service Leader awarded to Ms. Priya Nayak, VP-Service


2. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance has won the first runner up award for the

Best Defect Elimination in Service & Transaction category at Asian Six

Sigma Excellence Summit 2009.

3. ICICI Prudential Life was awarded the Life Insurance Company of the

Year at the12th Asia Insurance Industry Awards 2008.

4. ICICI Prudential Life was awarded with two Bronze Effie's in the

services category for its Corporate campaign and Retirement Number


5. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance won the award for the Best Life Insurer-

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Runner up at the Outlook Money & NDTV Profit Awards 2008

6. ICICI Prudential Life was awarded the SAP ACE 2008 Best Business

Objects Award for its IT practice

7. ICICI Prudential Life won the Award for Brand Excellence in the

Banking and Financial services category at the Asia Brand Congress


8. Ms. Shikha Sharma, MD & CEO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co.

Ltd. was adjudged the Businesswoman of the year at The Economic

Times Awards for Corporate Excellence, 2007-08.

9. ICICI Prudential Life won the ICICI Group Marketing Excellence

Award 2008 in three key categories for its marketing initiatives

10.ICICI Prudential Life was awarded the INDY’s Award for Excellence in

Mass Communication in the category of Most Creative Advertisement-


11.India's Most Customer Responsive Insurance Company. Avaya Global

Connect - Economic Times. Customer Responsiveness Awards, 2007

12.Ms. Shikha Sharma, MD & CEO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance was

adjudged as one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business by the

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Financial Express.

13.Ms. Shikha Sharma, MD & CEO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance was

adjudged the Entrepreneur of the Year-Manager at the Ernst and Young

Entrepreneur Awards 2007

14.Ms. Shikha Sharma, MD & CEO, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance was

awarded the Outstanding Businesswoman of the Year at CNBC TV18's

India Business Leader Awards 2007

15.ICICI Prudential Life Insurance won the award for the Best Life Insurer-

Runner up at the Outlook Money & NDTV Profit Awards 2007

16.ICICI Prudential Life’s, retirement solutions campaign for the year

2006-07 was awarded the Bronze Effy trophy in the services category. It

also won the Brand Equity Bravery Award 2007, instituted by Ad club.

17.ICICI Prudential Life’s website, was awarded the

best website among private life insurers at the Web 18 and Frost &

Sullivan Genius of the Web Awards 2007 for commendable work in the


18.Innovation Award for launching Diabetes Care – Prudence Award 2006.

People Award for excellence in training and people development -

Prudence Award 2006

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19.India's Most Customer Responsive Insurance Company. Avaya Global

Connect - Economic Times. Customer Responsiveness Awards

20.Most Trusted Private Life Insurer. The Economic Times - A C Nielsen

Survey of Most Trusted Brands – 2003, 2004 and 2005

21.Prudence Customer Centricity Award 2004 & 2005. Prudential

Corporation Asia

22.Best Life Insurer 2003. Outlook Money Awards 2003 & 2004

23.IMM Award for Excellence. Institute of Marketing & Management

24.Organization with Innovative HR Practices Indira Group of Institutes

Superbrand 2003-04

25.Organization with Innovative HR Practices Asia-Pacific H R Congress

Awards for HR Excellence

26.Silver Effie for Effectiveness of the ‘Retire from Work not life’

advertising campaign Effie’s 2003

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 ICICI Prudential Life was recognized as the most trusted brand

amongst private life insurers in the Economic Times-Most Trusted

Brand survey 2008.

 IMM Award for Excellence. Institute of Marketing & Management

 Organization with Innovative HR Practices. Indira Group of


 Organization with Innovative HR Practices. Asia-Pacific H R

Congress Awards for HR Excellence

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3.6 Organization Structure:




Operation Claims Debt

Peninsular Himalayas



Karnataka and

R. M R. M R. M

B. M

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S. M S. M Hubli S. M Bidar S. M
Hospet Haveri

Advisor Advisor
Advisor Advisor Advisor

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3.7 Various Players in Indian Market:

1. ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited

2. SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd.

3. AMP Sanmar Assurance Company Limited

4. Birla Sun Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

5. Dabur Cgu Life Insurance Company Pvt. Ltd

6. HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

7. Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co.

8. ING Vysya Life Insurance Co. Pvt. Ltd.

9. Life Insurance Corporation Of India

10. Max Newyork Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

11. Metlife India Insurance Company

12. Om Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

13.Tata Aig Life Insurance Co. Ltd

14. Aviva Life Insurance

15. Reliance Life Insurance

16. Sahara India Life Insurance

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The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

Limited (ICICI) incorporated at the initiative of the World

Bank, the Government of India and representatives of Indian

industry, with the objective of creating a development

financial institution for providing medium-term and long-term

project financing to Indian businesses. Mr.A.Ramaswami

Mudaliar elected as the first Chairman of ICICI Limited.

ICICI emerges as the major source of foreign currency loans

to Indian industry. Besides funding from the World Bank and

other multi-lateral agencies, ICICI was also among the first

Indian companies to raise funds from international markets.

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ICICI declared its first dividend of 3.5%.


Mr.G.L.Mehta appointed the second Chairman of ICICI Ltd.


ICICI building at 163, Backbay Reclamation, inaugurated.


The first West German loan of DM 5 million from

Kredianstalt obtained.


ICICI made its first debenture issue for Rs.6 crore, which

was oversubscribed
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The first two regional offices in Calcutta and Madras set up.


The second entity in India to set up merchant banking


Mr. H. T. Parekh appointed the third Chairman of ICICI.


ICICI sponsored the formation of Housing Development

Finance Corporation. Managed its first equity public issue


Mr. James Raj appointed the fourth Chairman of ICICI.

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Mr.Siddharth Mehta appointed the fifth Chairman of ICICI.


ICICI became the first ever Indian borrower to raise

European Currency Units. ICICI commences leasing



Mr. S. Nadkarni appointed the sixth Chairman of ICICI.


Mr. N.Vaghul appointed the seventh Chairman and

Managing Director of ICICI.

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ICICI became the first Indian institution to receive ADB


ICICI, along with UTI, set up Credit Rating Information

Services of India Limited, India's first professional credit

rating agency. ICICI promotes Shipping Credit and

Investment Company of India Limited.


The Corporation made a public issue of Swiss Franc 75

million in Switzerland, the first public issue by any Indian

entity in the Swiss Capital Market

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ICICI signed a loan agreement for Sterling Pound 10 million

with Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC), the

first loan by CDC for financing projects in India.


Promoted TDICI - India's first venture capital company.


ICICI Asset Management Company set up. ICICI Bank set

up. ICICI Ltd became the first company in the Indian

financial sector to raise GDR.

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The name The Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation

of India Ltd changed to ICICI Ltd.  ICICI Ltd announced the

takeover of ITC Classic Finance.


Introduced the new logo symbolising a common corporate

identity for the ICICI Group. ICICI announced takeover of

Anagram Finance.


ICICI launched retail finance - car loans, house loans and

loans for consumer durables. ICICI becomes the first Indian

Company to list on the NYSE through an issue of American

Depositary Shares.

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ICICI Bank became the first commercial bank from India to

list its stock on NYSE.

ICICI Bank announces merger with Bank of Madura.

The Boards of ICICI Ltd and ICICI Bank approved the

merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank. 2002: ICICI Ltd merged

with ICICI Bank Ltd to create India's second largest bank in

terms of assets.

ICICI assigned higher than sovereign rating by Moody's. :

ICICI Bank launched India's first CDO (Collateralised Debt

Obligation) Fund named Indian Corporate Collateralised

Debt Obligation Fund (ICCDO Fund). "E Lobby", a self-

service banking centre inaugurated in Pune. It was the first

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of its kind in India. ICICI Bank launched Private Banking.

1100-seat Call Centre set up in Hyderabad ICICI Bank

Home Shoppe, the first-ever permanent aggregation and

display of housing projects in the county, launched in Pune,

ATM-on-Wheels, India's first mobile ATM, launched in



The first Integrated Currency Management Centre launched

in Pune. ICICI Bank announced the setting up of its first

ever offshore branch in Singapore. The first offshore

banking unit (OBU) at Seepz Special Economic Zone,

Mumbai, launched. ICICI Bank's representative office

inaugurated in Dubai. Representative office set up in China.

ICICI Bank's UK subsidiary launched. India's first ever "Visa

Mini Credit Card", a 43% smaller credit card in dimensions

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ICICI Bank subsidiary set up in Canada. Temasek Holdings

acquired 5.2% stake in ICICI Bank. ICICI Bank became the

market leader in retail credit in India.


Max Money, a home loan product that offers the dual benefit

of higher eligibility and affordability to a customer,


Mobile banking service in India launched in association with

Reliance Infocomm. India's first multi-branded credit card

with HPCL and Airtel launched. Kisaan Loan Card and

innovative, low-cost ATMs in rural India launched.

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ICICI Bank and CNBC TV 18 announced India's first ever

awards recognising the achievements of SMEs, a

pioneering initiative to encourage the contribution of Small

and Medium Enterprises to the growth of Indian economy.

ICICI Bank opened its 500th branch in India. ICICI Bank

introduced partnership model wherein ICICI Bank would

forge an alliance with existing micro finance institutions

(MFIs). The MFI would undertake the promotional role of

identifying, training and promoting the micro-finance clients

and ICICI Bank would finance the clients directly on the

recommendation of the MFI. ICICI Bank introduced 8-8

Banking wherein all the branches of the Bank would remain

open from 8a.m. to 8 p.m. from Monday to Saturday.

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ICICI Bank introduced the concept of floating rate for home

loans in India. First rural branch and ATM launched in Uttar

Pradesh at Delpandarwa, Hardoi. "Free for Life" credit cards

launched wherein annual fees of all ICICI Bank Credit Cards

were waived off. ICICI Bank and Visa jointly launched mChq

– a revolutionary credit card on the mobile phone.

Private Banking Masters 2005, a nationwide Golf

tournament for high networth clients of the private banking

division launched. This event is the largest domestic

invitation amateur golf event conducted in India.

First Indian company to make a simultaneous equity offering

of $1.8 billion in India, the United States and Japan.

Acquired IvestitsionnoKreditny Bank of Russia. ICICI Bank

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became the largest bank in India in terms of its market



Introduced a new product - 'NRI smart save Deposits' – a

unique fixed deposit scheme for nonresident Indians.

Representative offices opened in Thailand, Indonesia and


ICICI Bank became the largest retail player in the market to

introduce a biometric enabled smart card that allow banking

transactions to be conducted on the field. A low-cost

solution, this became an effective delivery option for ICICI

Bank's micro finance institution partners. Financial

counseling centre Disha launched. Disha provides free

credit counseling, financial planning and debt management

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Bhoomi puja conducted for a regional hub in Hyderabad,

Andhra Pradesh. ICICI Bank's USD 2 billion 3-tranche

international bond offering was the largest bond offering by

an Indian bank. Sangli Bank amalgamated with ICICI Bank.

ICICI Bank raised Rs 20,000 crore (approx $5 billion) from

both domestic and international markets through a follow-on

public offer. ICICI Bank's GBP 350 million international bond

offering marked the inaugural deal in the sterling market

from an Indian issuer and also the largest deal in the sterling

market from Asia. Launched India's first ever jewellery card

in association with jewelry major Gitanjali Group.

ICICI Bank became the first bank in India to launch a

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premium credit card -- The Visa Signature Credit Card.

Foundation stone laid for a regional hub in Gandhinagar,


Introduced SME Toolkit, an online resource centre, to help

small and medium enterprises start, finance and grow their


ICICI Bank signed a multi-tranche dual currency US$ 1.5

billion syndication loan agreement in Singapore.

ICICI Bank became the first private bank in India to offer

both floating and fixed rate on car loans, commercial

vehicles loans, construction equipment loans and

professional equipment loans. In a first of its kind, nation

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wide initiative to attract bright graduate students to pursue a

career in banking, ICICI Bank launched the "Probationary

Officer Programme". Launched Bank@home services for all

savings and current a/c customers residing in India

ICICI Bank Eurasia LLC inaugurated its first branch at St

Petersburg, Russia.


ICICI Bank enters US, launches its first branch in New York.

ICICI Bank enters Germany, opens its first branch in


ICICI Bank launched iMobile, a breakthrough innovation in

banking where practically all internet banking transactions

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can now be simply done on mobile phones. ICICI Bank

concluded India's largest ever securitisation transaction of a

pool of retail loan assets aggregating to Rs. 48.96 billion

(equivalent of USD 1.21 billion) in a multi-tranche issue

backed by four different asset categories. It is also the

largest deal in Asia (ex-Japan) in 2008 till date and the

second largest deal in Asia (ex-Japan & Australia) since the

beginning of 2010. 

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Product Profile:

 Various ICICI Life Insurance Plans.

Education Insurance Plans:

 Smart Kid New Unit-linked

 Regular Premium 

 Smart Kid New Unit-linked

 Single Premium  

 Smart Kid Regular Premium

Wealth Creation Plans:

 Wealth Advantage

 LifeStage Assure

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 LifeTime Gold

 LifeLink Super

 LifeStage RP

Premium Guarantee Plans:

 Invest Shield Life New

 Invest Shield CashBank

Protection Plans:

 Pure Protect

 Life Guard

 Save 'n' Protect

 Cashbook

 Home Assure

Retirement Solutions:

 Life Stage Pension

 LifeTime Super Pension

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 LifeLink Super Pension

 ForeverLife Plan

 Immediate Annuity

Health Coverage Plans

 Health Saver

 Medi Assure

 Hospital Care

 Crisis Cover

 Cancer Care

 Diabetes Care Active 

 Diabetes Assure

ICICI Pru Group Solutions Advantage   

 Group Super Annuation

 Group Gratuity Plan

 Annuity Solutions

 Group Term Insurance Plan

 Group Term Insurance in lieu of EDLI

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Rural Plans

 ICICI Pru Suraksha

 ICICI Pru Suraksha Kavach

Micro Insurance Plans

 ICICI Pru Sarv Jana Plan

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5.1 S.W.O.T Analysis of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance:

 Strength:

 ICICI Prudential is One of the largest financial institutions of


 Money power, which makes them ignorant about the gestation


 Motivation factors provided by the Company.

 Service quality, which is the crux of their mission.

 A huge data base of corporate clients, retail customer, and bank

customers of ICICI.

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 Highest paid up capital deposited in IRDA, in comparison to all


 Training provided to all people associating with ICICI


 Weakness:

 High targets for financial advisors and for the sales


 Many competitors in the market offer same product by the title

difference in the premium and offerings.

 Very huge premium of policies.

 Problematic to advisors also.

 Sustainable to risk associated with investments in money


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 Opportunities:

 Health insurance and pension schemes, an estimated market

potential of approximately $15 billion.

 Tie up with more corporate agents all over India. And Tie up

with broker (agent) also.

 Strong brand of company helps to boost sales in market.

 Attract more people of providing customer centric products.

 Threats:

 Players like Bajaj and Birla Sun life with low premium for the

similar plans.

 People are not aware of different distribution channels.

 Threat from existing insurance players.

 Threat from new entrants.

 Changes in the policy of IRDA.

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5.2 Data Analysis And Interpretation:

Data Analysis:

Table showing classification of respondents according to occupation.

Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage
Job Holders 9 36%
Business Peoples 11 44%
Govt. Employer 5 20%
TOTAL 25 100

Graphical representation:

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Balance sheet Mar ' 2011 Mar ' 2010 Mar ' 2009
Owner's fund
Equity share capital 1,113.29 1,112.68 899.34
Share application
- - -
Preference share
350.00 350.00 350.00
Reserves & surplus 48,419.73 45,357.53 23,413.92
Loan funds
Secured loans - - -
Unsecured loans 2,18,347.82 2,44,431.05 2,30,510.19

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Balance sheet Mar ' 2011 Mar ' 2010 Mar ' 2009
Total 2,68,230.84 2,91,251.26 2,55,173.45
Uses of funds
Fixed assets
Gross block 7,443.71 7,036.00 6,298.56
Less : revaluation
- - -
Less : accumulated
3,642.09 2,927.11 2,375.14
Net block 3,801.62 4,108.90 3,923.42
Capital work-in-
- - 189.66
Investments 1,03,058.31 1,11,454.34 91,257.84
Net current assets
Current assets, loans
34,384.06 31,129.77 23,551.85
& advances
Less : current

liabilities & 43,746.43 42,895.38 38,228.64

Total net current
-9,362.37 -11,765.62 -14,676.78
- - -
expenses not written
Total 97,497.56 1,03,797.62 80,694.15

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Financial Statements

6.1 Findings:

 Majority of the respondents believed that larger risk coverage of their policy

was the main feature that attracted them to buy that policy, low premium

was the next important feature.

 ICICI Prudential is the largest private player in the insurance industry in


 Due to the increasing concern of people towards their health/life the life

insurance business has good prospects.

 There are few short term plans which are not known to the public.

 Company has high policy charges which are not affordable by the lower

middle and lower class people.

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 Out of total population of 1 billion of country, only 22% have insurance


So we can say that there is still large potential for both the public and

private companies. Private companies have to give varied customized

product to compete with the LIC which is holding about 97% of the total


6.2 Suggestions:

 Most of the people are interested on Sum Assured and Additional benefits

and some people are interested in minimum premium, hence company has to

formulate those policies which are mostly preferred by customers and


 Rural people are not interested and they are not understanding about life

insurance. So, if the company concentrates on rural area and to make

awareness of them, then they can assure their life of benefit.

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 Company should make their products flexible for the convenience of their

customer and the companies should now try to identify the gap between

current level of customer service and customer expectations..

 ICICI Prudential must recruit more of students and retired Advisors as they

are able to give sufficient amount of time for the work.

 The company must make efforts to remove the misconceptions that people

have about private insurance companies.

 The company should have a proper payment structure for Advisors.

 The company should make efforts to have a correct database to recruit


 The company should preferable recruit advisors who have atleast 2-3 years

of experience in selling financial products.

 The recruitment policy must be similar to that of recruiting permanent


 The company should devote sufficient time towards training and

development of the advisors.

 Simplify documents wherever necessary, without loosing control.

 Enhance post sales services in such areas as sending all renewal notice in

time, expeditious settlement of claims and refunds etc. customize products to

cater to the needs of each individual.

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 Emphasize with the customer. Employees coming in contact with customers


 show courtesy and good behavior

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A study on ‘Marketing of Insurance’.



1. Name:       






Contact No: _________________________________

1.              Age

                                          A. Less than 25            B. 25 – 35

                                          C. 35-45                             D. 45 and above

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              2. Occupation

                                          A. Business                       B. Job holder

                                          C. Professional               D. Other


              3. What is your average annual income?

                                          A. Up to 1 lakh C. 3 lakhs to 5 lakhs

                                          B. 1 lakh to 3 lakhs D. 5 lakhs and more



              4. Your family size


                                          A. below 5 members

                                          B. 5 – 10 members

                                          C. above 10 members


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A study on ‘Marketing of Insurance’.

            5. According to you, life insurance is,

                                          A. A Tax Saving Plan U/S 80 C or 80 D

                                          B. A saving scheme with good return

                                          C. A financial security for the family

                                          D. Risk coverage

                                          E. All the above

                                          F. Any Other _____________________

              6. Have you taken any life insurance product of ICICI Prudential Life


                                          YES   /   NO                            If YES


                            Which are in these?

                                                        A. Unit Linked Insurance Plan

                                                             B. Endowment / Cash Plus / Cash Back Plan

                                                        D. Children Educational Plan

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                                                          E. Pension / Annuity Plan

                                                          F  Health Plans

                                                           G. Others __________________


              7. Are you aware of the benefits in your policy?

                                          Yes   /     No

                            If YES, what are they?    A. Sum assured     B. Additional


                                                                     C. Maturity date  D. Risk coverage

8. Any suggestion for ICICI Prudential Life Insurance?

 Thank you for sparing your valuable time.                                         



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A study on ‘Marketing of Insurance’.


There is no equivalent way to learn things than learning it practically.

Everyone learns from his mistakes, on experience. The practical experience is an

entirely different aspect when considered about what we learnt in classroom. This

summer training report would reveal the various learning process. I have learned

some of the key things like how to behave in the organization? , How to talk with

customers? , how to communicate with senior officials?

I would like to convey my regards and sincere thanks to Mr. Anuj Jindhal (Sales

Manager) of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance, guidance throughout my internship

period and also for helping me to complete my internship training successfully.

I would like Conclude that ICICI Prudential Life Insurance provided me

with a very good friendly learning environment; they are equipped with high

quality infrastructure, pantry Facilities combined with neat and clean environment.


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