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WEEK 1 (3/16/20)

Lesson 1
- Intro radio shows
- Get mp3’s of radio shows from the past
- Show videos of how radio shows were made, esp with sound effects
- Have students look at an already written radio show script to see their style. (Provide a
few varieties and allow students to choose which one they’d like to look at/analyze).
- (Depending on online class setup, have students comment on a discussion what they
notice about radio shows, and the main elements by the end of the week or 3/21/20)

WEEK 2 (3/23/20)
Lesson 1
- Intro radio show assignment due next week
- Students have to write their own radio show (approx. 3-6mins, can be considered
‘1 episode’ and can end on a cliffhanger), record it and send in recordings as
mp3 files. Students can either make their own sound effects like how they did in
their original times, or use sound effects found online and edit them in. Can work
in groups if friends with others in the same class (or in another drama 3 class)
and are able to get together, but no larger than groups of 3. Students will need a
microphone of sorts for this assignment, or some recording ability.
- Have students watch screencast of how to use Audacity computer program
- Provide links to websites they can use for free sound effects, or instruction on how to
use youtube sound effects.
Lesson 2
- Have students check in on a discussion about how the writing is going and finding sound
effects. Students should have a solid idea of what their radio show is about and come up
with a tentative title of their piece commented on discussion.
- Remind students of links they can use for sound effects or how to make sound effects
- Remind students to submit mp3 files next week.

WEEK 3 (3/30/20)
Lesson 1
- Have students post their mp3 files
- Have students comment on peers’ posts about what they liked/noticed.
Lesson 2
- Have discussion about what students learned about radio shows and the making of one.
- Discuss differences between radio shows and acting for the stage

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