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(Formerly published as Irlapatism-Irlapati Theory of Universe)

Gangadhara Rao Irlapati

H.No.5-30-4/1, Saibabanagar, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad - 500 055, Telangana, India.

Abstract: During the period of 1970-77, I have conducted many studies on the origin, nature, structure and
evolution of the creation and proposed A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology with hundreds of basics. On 1 st
July,1977, on the basis of basics of the hypothesis, a book was published in the name of Irlapatism-Irlapati Theory
of Universe by supporters. The basics about the creation, existence of god, theory of evolution etc in the book were
exposed to the anger of fanatic people subsequently got into a violent altercation. As a result I was subjected to the
anger of fanatic people. I reported those suppressions and torments to the Revenue Divisional Officer. Amalapuram
on 6-7-1977. The Revenue Divisional Officer was conducted an enquiry about this matter on forenoon, July 21 st,
1977 while returning from the enquiry, I was attacked by a mob and they had taken me to the village chavadi.
Followed by an altercation with tortures about the my hypothesis, they beaten and forced me to put signatures on
some false documents, and an offence falsely framed and foisted against me. After that I was sent to the Taluk
Magistrate, Kothapeta for another trial with the instigation of the superstitions, the Taluk Magistrate was declared
me as a dangerous boy and up to anything and issued sentence to punish me and handed over to the Police. The
police was arrested me on July 21, 1977, registered a case and sent to remand, I was kept imprisoned some months
in sub-jail and remaining period interrogated periodically by fanatics and officers. The trials were done between
April 2, 1979 to November 20,1979. After trials, The Honble Additional Judicial First Class Magistrate Court was
found me not guilty and acquitted on November 27,1979.

Key Words: Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology,.

Introduction: Material&methods
The creation, the act of bringing the cosmos
including the heavens, earth etc which were without I have studied the all the theories for the
form , and void; and darkness was upon the face of universe. There are three or more main theories.
deep into being. The creation is everything we can
The Steady State Theory; It states that the
touch, feel, sense, measure or detect. It includes
counting of the galaxies in our Universe is constant
living things, planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds,
and new galaxies which are forming continuously are
light, and even time. The creation contains billions of
filling the empty spaces which are created by those
galaxies, each galaxy containing millions or billions
heavenly bodies which have crossed the boundary
of stars. The space between the stars and galaxies is
lines of observable Universe. Although the universe
largely empty. There are many theories just like
is expanding , it nevertheless does not change its
Steady State Theory and The Big Bang Theory and
appearance over time;the universe has no beginning
many strangest ideas just like 1. Clashing branes
and no end.
2.Evolving universe, 3. Super fluid space-time,
4.Goldilocks, 5.Gravity reaches out 6.Cosmic Ghost, The Big Bang Theory; The Big Bang
7.It is a small universe, 8.Fast light, 8.Sterile, Theory states that all the matter of universe
9.Neutrinos, 10.In the Matrix etc that explain the waspresent at a single place in the form of hot dense
structure of the creation. fire ball, having high temperature. After the passage
of nearly 20 billion years an enormous explosion
took place. All the matter which was concentrated at
one place scattered into space with rapid speed. This

scattering was along all directions. Then this universes so far known to us (a) Geo-Universe (b)
scattered matter took the shapes of galaxirs and stars. Atomic-Universe (c) Photon-Universe. These three
are having similar structure and properties, embedded
The Pulsating Theory etc; In this theory it is one in each other and extended in ascending and
assumed that there is continuous expansion and descending order. Of these three, we known some
contraction in Universe. Pulsating Theory states that extent about the internal structure and properties of
it is the possibility that after some passage of time the the Geo-Universe but we do not known its external
expansion in the Universe may stop. Then their may structure. We know some extent about the external
be the possibility of contraction. When this structure and properties of the Photon-Universe but
contraction will approaches to a particular size. we do not know its internal structure. Between of
Again the explsion will take place. As a result of this these three universes, we came to know a large extent
explosion the expansion of the Universe will s about the internal and external structure and
Hence,it results in a pulsating Universe in which properties of the Atomic-Universe. Hence, I have
there is alternate expansion and contraction universe. taken the similarities of internal structure &
properties between the Geo-Universe & Atomic-
Every theory is good. Not every theory can
Universe to propose that all universes in ascending
be described the universe. Could not explain the
and descending order of the creation are having
universe indefinitely. Hence, I have done many
similar internal structure and properties. The
studies to breake the mystery of the universe and
similarities of external structure & properties
proposed a new hypothetical model of cosmology. I
between the Atomic Universe and Photon-Universe
have proposed this theory by taking several facts that
are taken to propose that all the universe in ascending
confirm the universe such as similarity among the
and descending order of creation are having similar
Geo-Universe, Atom, Photon just like these three are
external structure and properties. The manner in
having similar structure and properties, embedded
which of these three universes i.e., embedded one in
one in each other and extended in ascending and
each other, extended in ascending and descending
descending order etc along with good stuff in all the
order to propose that all the universes in ascending
theories. According to it, The cosmos is made up of
and descending order of the creation are embedded
universes in infinite number. The Geo-Universe that
one in each other and extended in ascending and
means the Universe seen around our earth is a
descending order in the form of a super fluid
Universe. Atomic-Universe that means the atom
substance amalgamation. This does not mean that the
present in several forms from hydrogen to uranium
universes in the creation are arranged on one another.
etc is another Universe. The Photon-Universe that
The Creation is an enormous compound of similar
means the particle “photon” related to energy present
universes that are embedded one in each other,
in several forms of electromagnetic radiation is also
extended in ascending and descending order.
another universe. These three are individual
Universes, so far known to us, having similar Descending Order Of Creation:
structure and properties, embedded one in each other The Geo-Universe that means the Universe
and extended in ascending and descending order. seen around our earth is having magnificent structure
World scientists have done more researches on my and properties such as galaxies, stars and planets and
Hypothesis and break the mystery of the universe. some planets such as earth having continents,
Now we know about my Hypothesis in detail. countries, oceans, trees, animals. Cyclones, human
beings etc. Such Geo-Universe being built by
Basics of creation:
Universes of its descending order of creation that
According to it The Creation is made up of universes means atoms.
in infinite number that are having similar structure
and properties, embedded one in each other and Atomic-Universe that means the atom present in
extended in ascending and descending order in the several forms from hydrogen to uranium etc is
form of a super fluid substance amalgamation. To another universe having magnificent structure and
explain and justify this model, there are three properties such as electrons, protons, neutrons, etc.,

and continents, countries, oceans, cyclones, trees, atom are built by these “photons” in infinite number.
animals, human beings may be present on some Such each and every energy particle “photon” is basis
neutrons having suitable conditions exactly similar to to an infinite descending order of creation.
the earth planet resembling to the Geo-Universe.
Such atomic Universe being built by universes of its The Atomic—Universe that means the “Atom”
descending order of creation that means energy having magnificent structure and properties is being
particle ‘photons”. as a primary syntactic unit in the universe of its
ascending order of creation that means in our Geo-
The Energy-Universe that means the particle Universe. All components in the Geo-Universe such
“photon” related to energy present in several forms of as stars, planets etc., are built by these atoms in
electromagnetic radiation is also another universe infinite number. Such each and every atom is basis to
having magnificent structure and properties an infinite descending order of creation.
resembling to Geo-Universe and atom. Such Energy-
Universe may also being built by Universes of its
The Geo-Universe that means the “Universe” seen
descending order of creation that is not yet known to
us. around our earth having magnificent structure and
properties is being as a primary syntactic unit in the
Thus the descending order of creation continuous universe of its ascending order of creation that is not
yet known to us. All components in that Universe are
built by these Geo-Universes in infinite number.
Such each and every Geo-Universe in that ascending
Ascending Order Of Creation: creation is basis to an infinite descending order of
The Energy-universe that means the particle creation.
related to energy “photon” having magnificent
structure and properties is being as a primary Thus the ascending order of creation
syntactic unit in the universe of its ascending order of continuousinfinite.
creation that means atom. All components in the

Similar external structure & properties

According to this model, all the universes in ascending and descending order of the creation are having
similar external structure and properties. To justify this, I taken many similarities between the Atom and Photon. For

Atomic-universe Energy-universe

1) The Atom appearing in several forms such as 2) The particle “Photon” related to energy appearing in
Hydrogen to Uranium etc., being due to the internal several forms such as radio waves, gamma rays, violet
structure having different atomic particles at various rays etc being may be probably due to the internal
numbers structure having different particles at various numbers.

2)The Atom exhibiting several physical and chemical 2)The particle “Photon” related to energy exhibiting
properties such as weight, colour, taste, hardness etc properties such as wave length, colour, temperature etc
being due to the internal structure having different being may be probably due to the internal structure
particles at various number. having different particles at various number.


According to this model, all the universes in ascending and descending order of the creation are having
similar internal structure and properties. To explain and justify this, I taken many similarities between the Atomic-
Universe and Geo-Universe.

Atomic-universe Geo-universe

1)Various atomic particles at different sizes in several 1) Various astronomical objects at different
numbers are present in the atom sizes in several numbers are present in the
Geo- Universe
2) These atomic particles having three types of charges 2) These astronomical objects having three type of
at negative, positive and neutral states are present in the charges at positive, negative and neutral states are
atom present in the Geo-Universe
3) Positively charged protons are present in the 3) Stars built by atoms having positive charged nucleus
nucleus are present in centre of the Geo-Universe
4) Neutrons at neutral state are present in the Nucleus.

5) Negatively charged electrons are present at large 5) There is a concept that anti-matter cosmic
distance of the atomic nucleus in the atom objects built by atoms having negatively charged
nucleus are present at large distance of the Geo-
6) Additional neutrons called isotopes are present. 6) Additional planets called satellites around
the planets are present
7) Radiation emitting from the atom. 7) Cosmic rays emitting from the Geo- Universe.
8) There is a property of nuclear fission is in the atom. 8) There is a property of super nova is in the
Geo -Universe.


The Cosmology is one of the most creative and

bizarre areas of science, concerned with the studies of The Big Bang Theory itself and the adhoc
origin, structure, nature and evolution of the universe. inflationary epoch are unobservable by terms of the
There are two main theories, Steady State Theory model.
and The Big Bang Theory, that explain the structure
of the Universe. For example, The Big Bang Theory Curved and expanding space time cannot be directly
has faced many criticisms by many scientists as being detected but are integral to the model.
inadequate to explain the relativity and complexity of
The Big Bang Theory model requires
the universe. Therefore, it not sufficient to correctly
that 95%of the universe consist of some dark matter
model the origins of the universe.
and dark energy neither of which can be empirically
According to Bud Rapanault (quora); detected and both of which are simply additional
‘The Big Bang Theory is essentially unscientific adhoc patches necessary to make the model
because the physical model it presents does not predictions conform to physical reality.
resemble the cosmos we observe in any of its
In addition, the Big Bang Theory rests on
particulars. None of the distinguishing features of the
two assumptions, one simplistic and naïve, the other
Big Bang Theory are part of the cosmological
landscape that lies before us.
The cosmos is a unified , cohetent, and
simultaneous entity.

The cosmological redshift is a recessional the Atomic Universe and Geo-Universe are taken to
velocity. propose that all the universe in ascending and
descending order of creation are having similar
According to George Yool(quora); interternal structure and properties.
Current evidence like the cosmological
principle,Hubble Ultra Deep Field and alternatives Uniform external comparisons between Atom and
like Quantum Relativity suggest a universe has no Photon
beginning or end in which big bangs are galatic
processes we can observe empirically. There are Uniform external comparisons between Atom and
many esteemed critics such as Photon

NASA WMAP beyond Big Bang Theory; The similarities of internal structure & properties
between the Atom and Photon are taken to propose
Einstein Evolving Universe. that all these two are having similar interternal
structure and properties.
Hoyle The Big Bang Theory got its name from a man
who thought the theory was total nonsense. Structure: The Atom appearing in several forms such
as Hydrogen to uranium etc., being due to the
Plus 34 more famous scientists around the world in Internal structure having different atomic particles
an open joint letter to the scientific community has at various number. In the same manner the “Photon”
been criticized the Big Bang Theory ( Big Bang related to energy appearing in several forms such as
Theory Busted By 33 Top Scientists) radio waves, gamma rays, violet rays etc being may
be probably due to the internal structure having
different particles at various numbers.
My Hypothesis, however, has been criticized
Properties: The Atom exhibiting several physical and
from the beginning. Even if my hypothesis fails to chemical properties such as weight, colour, taste,
elaborate on some of the universalism. However, I hardness etc being due to the internal structure
am going forward and continue my research and having different particles at various number. The
studies by accepting criticism and suggestions of the “photon” related to energy exhibiting properties
intellectuals. such as wave length colour, temperature etc being
may be probably due to the internal structure having
According my theory, there are three different particles at various number.
universes so far known to us (a) Geo-Universe (b)
Various atomic particles at different sizes in several
Atomic-Universe (c) Photon-Univrse. These three are
numbers are present in the atom Various
having similar structure and properties. Of these astronomical objects at different sizes in several
three, we known some extent about the internal numbers are present in the Geo- Universe.
structure and properties of the Geo-Universe but we
do not known its external structure. We know some Uniform external comparisons between Atom and
extent about the external structure and properties of Photon
the Photon-Universe but we do not know its internal
structure. Between of these three universes, we came The similarities of internal structure & properties
to know a large extent about the internal & external between the Atom and Photon are taken to propose
structure and properties of the Atomic-Universe. that all these two are having similar interternal
Hence, I have taken the similarities of external structure and properties.
structure & properties between the Photon-Universe
Structure: The Atom appearing in several forms such
& Atomic-Universe to propose that all the universes
as Hydrogen to uranium etc., being due to the
in ascending and descending order of the creation are
Internal structure having different atomic particles
having similar external structure and properties. The
at various number. In the same manner the “Photon”
similarities of internal structure & properties between
related to energy appearing in several forms such as

radio waves, gamma rays, violet rays etc being may plan in place as with any other type of disaster.
be probably due to the internal structure having Before an extraterrestrial hazards /events occur, there
different particles at various numbers. are some steps that can be taken to mitigate and
minimize the impact. I have conducted many studies
Properties: The Atom exhibiting several physical and on the universe and its extra terrestrial hazards and
chemical properties such as weight, colour, taste, gravitational forces and its affect on the natural
hardness etc being due to the internal structure
having different particles at various number. The hazards on the earth. A new hypothetical model of
“photon” related to energy exhibiting properties cosmology will helpful to study and know the
such as wave length colour, temperature etc being universe, extra terrestrial hazards and gravitational
may be probably due to the internal structure having forces and its affect on the natural hazards on the
different particles at various number. earth.

Various atomic particles at different sizes in several The impact of the gravitational forces on Earth’s
numbers are present in the atom Various atmosphere:
astronomical objects at different sizes in several
numbers are present in the Geo- Universe. The year to year change of movement of
axis of the earth inclined at 23½ degrees from
vertical to its path around the sun does play a
Scientific&Humanistic Benefits:
significant role on the Earth’s atmosphere and
Extraterrestrial hazards: stimulates the weather. The inter-tropical
convergence zone is the area where the northeast and
Everyone should know about the southeast trade winds converge. It encircles Earth
universe and its various properties. Since, all the near the thermal equator, through its specific position
hazards on the earth directly or indirectly are varies seasonally. When it lies near the geographic
associated with the gravitational forces of the Equator, it is called the near-equatorial trough. Where
universe. Further, this in order to be study the the inter-tropical convergence zone at the equator
hazards, study of the cosmology is needed to know follows the movement of the sun and shifts north of
about hazards. There are hazards on the earth, on the equator merges with the heat low pressure zone
other planets and there are also happening within created by the rising heat due to direct and
atoms. Human beings are on the earth, are on the converging rays of the summer sun and develops into
outside planets of the earth and also on the neutrons the monsoon trough and maintain monsoon
in the atoms. Even if the world’s people appreciate or circulation. All of the above directions change
criticize me, it is fact. Hazards caused by asteroids, according to the Coriolis effect imparted by Earth’s
meteoroids ,and comments as they pass near the earth rotation.
,enter the earth’s atmosphere ,and /or strike the
earth ,and by changes in inter planetary ionosphere Cosmic-Environments:
,and atmosphere .In the face of extra terrestrial
hazards and events that can lead to disasters, it is The fill of structure and characteristics in the
important to live in a resilient community because universe of the cosmos proposed as cosmic
these types of disasters are so unpredictable and environments. For example the fill of structure and
depending on the size of meteorite can cause serious characteristics like galaxies, stars, planets etc in the
damage through the heat emitted during impacts with Geo-Universe proposed as Geo-Environment, the fill
earth’s surface .In addition , impact can cause earth of structure and characteristics like proton, neutrons
quakes , Tsunami, wildfires ,acid ,rains from nitrogen and electrons etc in the Atomic-Universe proposed as
oxides, darkness from dust and soot and global Atomic-Environment and the fill of structure and
warming. It is for this reason that staying aware and characteristics in the Energy-Universe that means in
prepared at all times is extra important. This is not an the photon that is not yet known proposed as Energy-
implication to live in fear, but a reminder to stay Environment.
educated about these types of disasters and to have a

Many consultations are made with

Space Weather: university professors and research scientists for their
The fill of structure and characteristics like suggestions and advices. There was also taken some
galaxies, Stars, Planets and their orbits and other information from the Wikipedia. I am grateful to
physical forces etc that surrounds in the universe them.
proposed as space atmosphere, the state of galaxies,
stars, planets, nebulas. Pulsars etc at a particular References:
region over a long period of time proposed as space-
climate, the state of characteristics of space- climate 1) Cover page of the book IRLAPATISM-
like solar wind flares, asteroids etc at a particular IRLAPTATI THEORY OF UNIVERSE
was published on 1st july,1977 by the
region during a short period of time proposed as supporters.
2) Report to the Revenue Divisional Officer.
Space Regions: Amalapuram on 6-7-1977 about
The state of space atmosphere being in still persecutions and torments of the fanatic
proposed as “Inactive Space Region”, the state of people.
3) Orders of the Taluk Magistrate, kothapeta
space atmosphere being in active proposed as “Active
A-2-5873/77 Dt. 21-07-77 Taluk Office,
Space Region” The region of space atmosphere in Kothapeta declared him as a dangerous boy
which the celestial bodies are more widespread areas and up to anything and issued sentence to
proposed as “Space High Pressure Area” the less punish him and handed over to the police
widespread areas proposed as “ Space Low Pressure station, Ravulapalem.
4) He was arrested by the police on July 21,
Space Low Pressure Systems: 1977. A case was registered C.No.53/77
and he was remanded.
Some space times happens variation of
differences of pressure in the space-climate, At such 5) The Judgment of the Hon’ble Additional
a juncture, the celestial bodies and other space dust Judicial First Class Magistrate Court,
present in the space high pressure area will try to Kothapeta C.C.No. 13/79 in which he was
occupy the space low pressure area all at once. In this found not guilty and acquitted on
attempt, they will whirl around the space low November 27,1979.
pressure. The centre of space low pressure area itself
is the black-hole and the circular whirling celestial 6) Calendar and Judgment C.C.No. 13/79 of
bodies & other space dust etc caused by the space the Court of the Judicial Magistrate of the 1
low pressure area proposed as Galaxy. Class,Kothapeta.

Studies Carried Out: Many studies were carried out Corresponding Author:
on this Hypothesis and it was successfully proved out Gangadhara Rao I rlapati
in the studies. H.No.5-30-4/1,
Conclusion: Hyderabad, Telangana-500055, India
I would like to have an extensive discussion Telephone: xxx-xxx-xxxx
on my hypothesis. My theory is the basic relating to E-mail:
the cosmology. Many things that visible to
researchers relating to beyond the extreme deep Wiki:
intergalactic space and expanding universe etc are yet Cosmology (n.d.). Retrieved from
to be explained. http//
Acknowledgements: Phonological Appendes:

The Appendes that describe the contents are The documents that supports the events in the history
enclosed. of the invention are enclosed.

Historical events supported documents:


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