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SUBMITED TO Walelgn Tewabe


CHAPTER ONE…………………………….
1.1 Introduction……………………………………………………
1.2 scope of the project…………………………………………………
1.3 objective of the project………………………………………............
1.3.1 General objective………………………………………………….
1.3.2 Specific objective…………………………………………………
1.4 significance of the system…………………………………………..
1.5 Abbreviation and acronyms…………………………………………
1.6.1 System development methodology……………………………….
1.6.2Data collection methodology………………………………………

CHAPTER TWO…………………………
2.1 Studies of activities……………..……………………………………
2.2 Problem of the current system………………………………………..
2.3 User of the proposed system…………………………………………
2.4 Use case model………………………………………………………
2.4.1Essential use case description……………………………………
2.5 Class and activity diagram………………………………………….
2.6 Functional requirement……………………………………………..
2.7 Nonfunctional requirement…………………………………………
2.8 Forms and reports currently used system………………………….
3. SYSTEMS DESIGN………………………………………………….
3.1 Design goals………………………………………………………
3.2 Performance criteria ……………………………………………
3.3 Maintenance criteria…………………………………………………
3.4 End user criteria…………………………………………………
3.5 USER CHARACTERISTICS………………………………………..
3.6 Security requirement…………………………………………...
3.6.1 Architecture……………………………………..............
3.6 .2 communication interface…………………………………
3.7 Persistent Data Management………………………………………
3.8 source code and program………………………………………….

First and for most I would like thanks my instructor walelgn
Tewabe with best advice until the accomplishment of my project.
My deepest thank goes to all stake holder especially manger of
organization which all of debre Marko’s FM internationall hotel
worker in gratitude thank them those helps me by giving
appropriate information about the overall activities of hotel .
Lastly I would like thank all guys who are appreciating in this
system development and apply by sign up with me to develop the
system in their appropriate website manner with great


Chapter One
1.1 Introduction
This project introduces THE HOTEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It
explains how room booking is done in a hotel.
The Hotel Department maintains the room availability and booking
details in a certain
Database. It contains the details of the different rooms available in that
particular hotel, for instance there might be rooms with FM
international hotel. facilities which might further be classified into
single, double and triple bed rooms.
The Database also consist a record of the rooms that are already
booked and the ones yet to be booked.
A bright feature of this software is the inclusion of The Time
Scheduling feature, which makes it more user friendly, more efficient
and provides it high flexibility.

Hotel needs to maintain the record of guests and reserve rooms

beforehand. Customers should be able to know the availability of the
rooms on a particular date. They should be able to reserve the
available rooms according to their need in advance. To make their stay
comfortable, they are provided with food and other services. The
record of the food taken by each customer and the services availed by
the customer should be
kept. These records help in generating bill

1.2 Scope of the project

The project so called Hotel Reservation System is an online
application we create a website to manage customers full
information in the hotel and in each branch, hotels records,

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update record and delete from record by the system
administrator who centrally monitor and manage customers
information. Customers can register by recording necessary
information and be able to login to the system even can
modify (update) the information.

1.3 Objective
The objective of the project can be classified as two basic
General and Specific objective of the project .let us them one by
one in detail.
1.3.1 General objective
The Hotel Reservation system will provide service to on-line customers,
employee, and an administrator. Online customers can make searches,
reservations and cancel an existing reservation on the hotel reservation’s web
site. Administrator can add/update the hotel and the room information
approve/disapprove a new employee account application and generate a monthly
occupancy rate report for each hotel.
Terms of hotel reservation system
• Register Guests
• Login
• Make Reservations
• Generate Reports
• Database backup and restore
• Handle payments

1.3.2 Specific objective

Form for the create hotel reservation system with background
 Administrator can insert, update & delete the customers

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 Any customers that are not registered can’t be able reserve
rooms in the hotel.
 Customers can register and log after while being they create their
 Administrator in the system context is firstly could be hotel
manager, but I conclude that is registrar which keep customers
1.4 Significant of the project
This system will reduce the complexity of the cafeteria system.
 It will reduce searching time.
 Managing customer or system performance and
aligning their objectives facilitates the
 effective use of resource both human labor
workers as well as the time they waste therefore
reduce money and time

1.5 Abbreviation and acronyms

HRS: Hotel Reservation System
HTML: hypertext markup language
PHP: hypertext preprocessor
MYSQL: Microsoft Structured Query Language
XAMPP: Any Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl
OS: OperatingSystem
Wamp: window Apache, MySQL and
PHP Msppt: Microsoft power point
Msword: Microsoft word

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Npp: notepad++

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1.6 Methodology
1.6.1 System development methodology
System development methodology is included development tools,
language, modeling software and other tools develop the
this their different tools for analyzing, modeling, designing and
coding up to the accomplishment of the system.

Here some of tools that we are going to develop our system so called
hotel reservation system. The following tables elaborate all the tools
for development of this system and their cross ponding version

Client side tools

Tools Abbreviation and version Used for

Hypertex Html4/html5 For designing system menu

t markup and form static part

Cascadin Css/css3 For layout design ,content

decoration in user interface
g style design

Java Js For validating client side

script monitoring language

Table 1.6.1Client side tools

Tools Abbreviation and version Used for

Hypertext Php 5.6 Front end and

preprocessor programming language,

MySQL MySQL 5.6 Backend or project

Server database

Table1.6.2 Server side tools

Other tools
Tools Abbreviation and version Used for

Microsoft msword2013 For documentation


Microsoft Msppt 2013 For preparing presentation


Notepad++ Npp6 For writing php ,html css and

js code

Mozilla fire fox Firefox35 and above For browsing document in plain
text form

Enrep Enterprise architect For use case and diagram


Programming and database tools

end (php):
PHP is a server side scripting technology that enables scripts (embedded
in web pages) to be executed by an XAMP server.
• PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor

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• PHP is a program that runs inside wamp/xamp server in all OS.
• Xamp is Microsoft's Internet explorer above 8 and Mozilla fire fox.
• Xamp comes as open source any one can download use freely • xamp
is also a part of Windows 2000, XP Professional up to latest version
window 7, 8 and 10.
• An php file is just the same as an HTML file
• An php file can contain HTML, CSS, and java scripts
• Scripts in an php file are executed on the xamp server
• A php file has the file extension ".php"
• When a browser requests an HTML file, the server returns the file
• When a browser requests an php file, xamp passes the request to the
php parser engine on the server
• The php parser engine reads the file, line by line, and executes the
scripts in the file
• Php file cannot returned to the browser as plain HTML rather than the
browser request the xamp server in to display document.
• Finally, the php file is returned to the browser as plain HTML

Database tools (MYSQL (front end))

Database Environment: MySQL is a typical environment for
constructing relational databases.
The database is the skeleton and the underlying framework most of
the contemporary Information Systems. The evolution of the
Database systems could be divided into three phases: the
Manualfiling System the forms, the File-based systems an
administrator home page and the database and the Database
Management systems (phpMyadmin). The manual-filing system
contains files of information in administrator home page and
directly saved in the database. If their exist some document it will
update, related to a Project, product, task, client, or employee and
they are usually labeled and stored in one or files in administrator

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page. The file not only may be located in the secure area of the
building but also modify as per need, for safety and. To facilitate
the process of searching and to find out what we want, more
quickly, the different types of item can be put in separate folders
and they remain logically related. Actually, the needs of the
contemporary industrial world could not be covered or satisfied by
using such kind of systems, and especially what concerns their
reliability and efficiency.

1.6.2 Data collection methodology

Data collection methodology for the development of hotel
reservation system or system are mention as follows:
Interview: I collect data through interview from hotels .I
respect and try to talk with hotel employer and hotel

Observation: I try to analyze from direct observation from

the hotel. Direct observation what will be done and who will
perform activities in the hotel specifically in my context FM
international hotel. I also observe all sorts of requirements.

Other reference: as reference we had seen a lot of written

document about hotel reservation system based on our country
standard context. Not only has this document we also refer a
lot of web based applications reference and existing system
constraint document structure with the maintenance
documentation of the existing system as proposed system.

Chapter Two

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2.2 Problem of the current system

The problem current hotel reservation system prior to

development and implementation of proposed system is
very time killer and resource wastage in money
Drawbacks of the current manual system
• Time wasting
• Data is not reliable
• Difficulty of searching and retrieving records
• Slow process of reservation
• Low in security

2.3 User of the proposed system

● Existing system is based on standalone systems.

● It is developed under Windows 7 that but it is compatible

with new operating system like window 8 pro and 8.1.
● The human resource administrator short of controlling the
hotel activities.
● Hotel Reservation System is easier to use and user friendly.

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2.4 Use case model

Fig 2.6 Use case diagram for student Recording System

2.4.1Essential use case description
Appendix A: Use Cases
Name: registration
Participating Actors: customers, admin
Entry Condition: set connection and open server web browser
Post Condition:

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Project display admin home as well as customer’s
home page
Administrator/customers Register into system
account with admin privilege Flow of Events:
1. Open the project in to the system
2. Register the form with perspective field
3. Then click on register
4. When finish register login in to the system checks
whether given user exists in in HRS Database
5. System displays appropriate home screen manage the
site as per he/she want.
Alternate condition:
The system halt, connection problem
Name: login
Participating Actors: customers, admin
Entry Condition: set connection and open server web browser
Post Condition:
Project display admin home as well as customers
home page
Administrator/customers Register into system
account with admin privilege Flow of Events:
1. Open the project into the system
2. Login into system fill username and password
3. Then click on login
4. When finish register login in to the system checks
whether given user exists in in hotel Database
5. System displays appropriate home screen manage the
site as per he/she want.
Alternate condition:
The system halt, connection problem

Name: reserve room

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Participating Actors: customers, Admin
Entry Condition: login into system
Post Condition: display appropriate page Admin
into system account with admin privilege Flow
of Events:
1. Open the project in to the system
2. Login into the system
3. Click on reserving board
4. Then logout into the system
Alternate condition:
The system halt, connection problem Post
condition: open the project display admin home
as well as customers home page

Name: see advertising

Participating Actors: customers
Entry Condition: login into system
Post Condition: display appropriate page
customers into system account.
Flow of Events:
1. Open the project in to the system
2. Login into the system
3. Click on reserving board
4. Then fill necessary information’s about the customers.
5. The appropriate page will display with result
6. Then logout into the system Alternate condition:
The system halt, connection problem
Post condition: open the project display admin home
as well as customers home page
Name: delete reserve
Participating Actors: admin

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Entry Condition: login into system
Post condition: system display admin home
page Flow of Events:
1 Administrator/customers login into system account
with admin privilege
2 The login into the system
3 System authenticates user against stored credentials.
4 System checks whether given user exists in hotel
5 The admin delete reserve/customers when the
reservation is greater than standard.
Alternate condition:
The system halt, connection problem
Post condition: open the project display home as well
as customers home page

Name: Update customers

Participating Actors: admin
Entry Condition: login into system
Post condition: System displays updated customers detail
Flow of Events:
a. System login against stored credentials.
b. System checks whether given user exists in in
Hotel Database
c. System displays appropriate home screen

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d. System displays all page to modify and to work
on page
Alternate condition:
The system halt, connection problem
Post condition: open the project display home as well
as customer’s home page.

Database table

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2.5 Relational and activity diagram
Relational diagram for hotel reservation system

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Activity diagram for hotel reservation system.
Add hotel room

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Add guest

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Edit users

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Delete users

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Make reservation

2.6 Functional requirement

The following sets of functional requirements were created in
cooperation with Helpdesk management. These requirements describe
the initial business processes that were to be handled by the Hotel
reservation system. The requirements were categorized into the system.
Components that reflect the primary tasks associated with hotel
reservation system.
 The system shall record customer information
 The system allow to customers to log in to the system
 Customers can update and their background detail
 customers can view their reservation from system

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 Customers can register online anywhere with the privilege of administrator
which is hotel managers.
Admin (system manager)
 Register customers with perspective facilities, single, double and triple.
 mange customers recorded file
 Update customers file by system manger.
 Mange customer’s weather they are login in to system as well all activity
what customers do.

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2.7 Nonfunctional requirement
Performance – for example Response Time, Throughput, Useable and
easy to use

● Reliability: system can be able to perform whatever without

● Availability: the system is anywhere any time available.
● Maintainability: the system is maintainable easily through help of
● Security: the system is secure even users profile can’t edit by

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Manageability: easily to manage

Data Integrity: can integrate with access, oracle database and in

our case MySQL.

Interoperability: can work with any operating system

2.8 Forms and reports currently used system

• Defining the system
• Design and development of the system
• Implementation of the system
• Implementation of the system simultaneously the system can
● Form for the create customers.
 Customers or administrator can see their reservation.
● Generate the reservation for the customers.

● Admin manage the overall activities of customers

Chapter Three
3. System Design

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3.1 Design goals
The major design goal management are discussed below:

The main goal is to design which is

 Very efficient work with low resource (memory) and time.

 To make the system easy to use

 Easy to manage

 To save loss of resource and time

 To reduce manual work with pen and paper

3.2 Performance criteria

Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system

 The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer time.

 The system ever change retrieve as per user click through help of
MySQL database storage
 Good validations for user inputs will be done.
 Avoid incorrect storage of records.
 Encrypted Password.
 Administrator has more rights than the sub users.

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3.3 Maintenance criteria

• During maintenance stage, the HRS can be

referred for the validation.

• One who develop this should write crosspondance

documentation for maintain.

 3.4 End User Criteria

User of the system should be able to know the criteria or responsibility
of his /her chance to use this system.
Create valid user when you use administrator
Register as valid user.
Hacking activities are void in the system because the front end is

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If he/she face problem regarding to the system call the system developer.


● Administrator: The administrator is a super user and he has
complete control over all activities the can be performed. The
administrator can view Branch details, etc.
● Customers: The customers who are reserve room on that
 Reliability requirement
 Good validations for user inputs will be done.
 Avoid incorrect storage of records.
3.6 Security requirement
 Encrypted Password.
 Administrator has more rights than the sub

3.6.1 Architecture
Some part from the architecture of the system snapped as follows
for examination

3.6.2 Communication interface

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3.7 Persistent Data Management

In this project the aim is to have full data management access means
edit, delete update and insert to database and display in respected

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User snapshot for the system

Learning php, MySQL, Css, Html5 and java script
Php and MySQL website development 4th edition
Php and mysql easy website development
Other Document
Hotel Reservation System for FM international hotel.

Thank you!!

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