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Flat File Bench Vice

Wrench Claw Hammer

Protractor Depth Gauge Micrometer

Wire Gauge
Measuring Tape Centre Punch

Scratch Awl Scriber

Combination Square
Ear Muff Drilling Machine

Safety Goggle Safety Belt

Milling Machine Welding Helmet

Shaping Machine Bench Grinder

Fire Extinguisher
Lathe Machine

Hand File with Handle safety Gloves

Half-Round File

Knife Edge File

square File Diamond File

A selection of small needle files

A selection of small Machine files

A selection of riffler files

Crossing File

Round Edge File

Barrete File

Crochet Files

Pippin Files

ling Files
ng Files

Triangle Files
Exp 03

A Simple Drilling Machine

Major parts of a Radial Drilling Machine

Sensitive Drilling Machine

Up-Right Drilling Machine

Radial Drilling Machine

Multi Spindle Drilling Machine

Various types of drills

Different operations on drilling machine

Hand taps and tapping process using tap wrench

A marked steel plate ready for drilling

Exp 04

A Grinding Machine

Bench Grinding Machine

Surface Grinding Machine

Tool & Cutter Grinding Machine

Handheld Grinding Machine

Jig Grinding Machine

Cylindrical Grinding Machine

Belt Grinding Machine

Position of the tool to be sharpened

Exp 05

Taps in a set of Three

A threading tool “Tap”

Distinction of each Tap in a set of three

Whitworth Thread

Pipe Thread

Metric Thread

Unified Thread
( EXp 07 only 2 )

Electric Shock Burns

Exp 06

Dangerous accidental contact in a grounded circuit

An unsecured power system

A power system with safely working appliance

Dangerous accidental contact in a grounded circuit

Safe accidental contact in a grounded circuit

Reversed plug can be dangerous

Using a 3-prong plug

A power system with properly functioning appliance

Unequal current through hot and neutral conductors

Mechanism of GFCI

Exp 07

Sign of Electric Shock danger Electrical Shock

Electric Shock representation

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