NISM VA Extra Mock Test With Answer

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Sr No Question Option A Option B Option C (optional) Option D (optional)


1 DDT( Dividend Distribution Tax) in debt fund is? ₹0.25 ₹0.13 ₹0.20 ₹0.10 A

Mr. X has 1000 shares of XYZ ltd. , company declares 1:2 bonus, how many additional
2 ₹1,000.00 ₹2,000.00 ₹500.00 ₹3,000.00 C
shares will he get?
Calculate NAV. Market price of Stock -95 Cr, Market price of Money market instrument –
3 6.44 Cr, Dividend accrued but not received -1.99 Cr and Fees payable – 0.25 Cr. Out ₹137.57 ₹132.26 ₹138.24 A
standing Units -75 Lakh
Mr. X has invested in equity scheme at an NAV of Rs.10.50, Current NAV is Rs.12. Which
4 Notional Gain Valuation Gain B
kind of gain is it ?
Depreciation of fixed
5 Which amongst the following recurring expenses attributes to any Mutual Fund schemes Marketing expenses Fund Accounting Fees None of the above B

6 Capital loss can not be set off against any head of income. TRUE FALSE A

Equity oriented Mutual

7 STT is payable on : Equities Equity futures All of the above D
Index funds ( Along with Investment Management Fees ) ,recurring expenses are upto

9 Beta of less than one is considered to be less risky more risky no difference A

10 The difference between NAV and re-purchase price is _______ Entry Load Exit Load Expenses Dividend Stripping B

Mrs. XYZ invests Rs. 50,000 in equity fund, the NAV=22 and the Face value is Rs. 100.
11 ₹500.00 ₹2,200.00 ₹2,800.50 ₹2,272.70 D
How many units will she get?

12 Face Value per unit is usually Rs.10 Rs.1000 Rs.100 A

While Running new fund offer, investor can invest in existing schemes of AMC

14 An Investor who is looking for price appreciation in long term should opt for which plan? Growth Dividend Payout Dividend Reinvest A

15 In international Fund, domestic fund is also known as : Feeder Fund Host Fund Fund of Fund None of the above A

16 Which does not pull the return down ? Tax Expenses Yield All of the above C

17 The following distribution channel is not likely to have wide network for distribution Banks IFA Regional Distributor Post Office B

18 Distributors are appointed by AMFI AMC Trustees Sponsor B

19 institutional distributors build reach through EMPLOYEES AGENTS SUB BROKERS any of the above D

20 distributor can charge fee from the investor TRUE FALSE A

21 Which of the following is considered to be a part of institutional category ? FII HUF PIO A

22 Every distributor must be allotted: ARN ARN and EUIN EUIN None of the above B

Distributors have got a new distribution channel by offering MF on the stock market to their

24 Which group of people are allowed to invest in Mutual funds? Minor HUF NRI All of the above D

25 Appointment of AMC can be terminated by_____ Central Government 75% of Unit Holders Trusties Any of the above B

26 Trust deed is signed between trustees & _______ AMC RTA CEO of AMC Sponsors D

27 Which of the following is not required to be registered with SEBI? R&T agent Custodian Fund Accountant None of the above C
28 Who can appoint a trustee? AMC SEBI Sponsor Custodian C

29 Life Insurance is meant for Investment Tax Saving Liquidity Risk Coverage D

30 Childhood stage in Life Cycle and Wealth Cycle are same. TRUE FALSE B

31 Winning lottery is an example of Sudden Wealth Wealth Distribution Wealth Reaping A

32 Last Step of developing model portfolio is Identify Risk Scheme Selection Investor Profile Setting Financial Goals B

Advise the client against put client in touch with

Client approaches the Financial Planner for getting a housing loan. The financial planner Arrange for financiers for Advise client on terms and
33 loan as it is unethical to concerned people for getting A
should do all of the below except: the client conditions of the loan
borrow the loan
Today’s cost can be translated into future requirement of funds using the
34 A = P X (1 + i)^n A = P / (1 + i)^n P = A^ n X (1 + i) P = A^ n X (1 + i) A
Goal-oriented Financial Comprehensive Financial
35 Providing funds for a daughter’s marriage is an example of _______. Financial goal None of the above C
Plan Plan
Rs. 5 Lakh investment in Rs. 50,000 in Liquid
36 Same day NAV is applicable for application submitted before 3 PM in the following case Rs. 1.50 Lakh in Debt Fund Any scheme B
Equity Fund Fund
Shares of Gold Mining
37 Nomination is not possible in the following asset Gold Gold ETF Gold Sector Fund A

38 What is/are the benefit/s of Demat? Paperless Transaction Direct credit of dividend None of the above All of the above D

39 Time stamping is done at Distributors Office Banks Point of Service Point of Acceptance D

40 HUF Karta can be female TRUE FALSE B

41 A person can invest in mutual fund without pan card for a limit of_______per AMC ₹1,00,000.00 ₹50,000.00 ₹20,000.00 Not permited B

Time mentioned of web

42 Time stamping of online transactions is considered as Time of the web site Time of the PC brouser, at order Time with investor C
ETF offers advantage of buy and sell their units in the stock exchange at various prices
during the day that closely track the market at that time.
A bank issues Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate (FIRC) for money coming from

45 The person to whom units are pledged is known as : Pledgor Pledgee Lender Broker B

46 Foreigner can not invest in Mutual funds even after completing KYC. TRUE FALSE A

NAV of the business day

on which the funds are
If an investor make a purchase of Rs 1.5 cr in Gilt Fund with Local Cheque. NAV applicable
47 Same Day NAV Next Business Day NAV available for utilization None of the above C
will be
before the cut-off time of
that day is applicable

48 Money markets are regulated by RBI SEBI AMFI Central Government A

49 Individual investor can't pledge Mutual fund Units. TRUE FALSE B

50 Investment objective is closely linked to _____ scheme plan option sip A

51 SEBI does not allow payment of commission Investors Distributors Bank A

Some pension funds are limited by charter to take equity exposure only through Index
Anyone who is aggrieved by a ruling of SEBI, can file an appeal with the Securities
Appellate Tribunal (SAT) .

AMFI Guidelines and AMFI Guidelines and Norms

54 Full Form of AGNI A
Norms for intermediaries for investors

55 If dividend is not paid within 30 days from date of declaration, interest is charged at rate of ₹0.18 ₹0.24 ₹0.12 ₹0.15 D

56 _________ is an example of Self Regulatory Organization ( SRO) BSE SBI AMFI None of the above A

Scheme other than ELSS and RGESS can remain open for subscription for maximum of
57 10 days 15 Days 8 Days 2 Days B

58 Format of KIM is prescribed by SEBI Trustees AMC Custodian A

Within 3 months from the

59 SAI needs to be updated Once in a year Every 6 months No need to update B
closure of Financial Year

60 KIM is attached with _____ Application Form Transaction slip OD All of the above A

61 KIM has to be updated every ______ 6 months 1 year End of 1st quarter Need based D

Which among these documents is not a source of information about investors eligible to
62 OD SID Scheme Annual Report KIM C
invest in MF Scheme ?

63 KIM is abridged version of Offer Document. TRUE FALSE A

64 Free risk profiling tool is available with following companies websites AMC Distribution Agencies Research Agencies All of the above D

65 When share market corrects, altering the investment strategy is called Tactical Allocation Strategic Allocation Market Allocation None of the above A

66 for a young call centre employee who is un married, the wealth cycle phase would be Accumulation Distribution stage Reaping Stage A

Portfolio of a middle class person for retirement planning should not be high on equity as
there the risk is also high.

68 Asset allocation should be done according to : Investment needs Financial goals Insurance needs B

69 Which of the following family information has influence on Risk Appetite Earning Members Dependent Members Life Expectancy All of the above D

70 Asset Allocation can vary because of which reason Change in market change in interest rate Both of the above None of the above C

71 Risk appetite of investors is assessed through _______ Risk Appetizers Asset Allocators Risk Profilers Financial Plan C

72 What is the market price of a stock having a P/E Ratio of 10 and EPS of 5? ₹50.00 ₹2.00 ₹500.00 None of the above A

What is the book value of a stock which is having a share capital of Rs. 1300 Crores,
73 ₹14.00 ₹12.00 ₹140.00 ₹16.00 A
Reserve and Surplus of Rs. 100 Crores and having outstanding shares of 100 crores?

74 return on portfolio is 6%, risk free return is 3% and beta is 0.5. calculate the treynor ratio. ₹3.00 ₹6.00 ₹4.00 ₹5.00 B

Return on portfolio is 6%, risk free return is 2% and Standard Deviation is 0.5. Calculate
75 ₹6.00 ₹8.00 ₹4.00 ₹5.00 B
the sharp ratio.
Standard deviation can be calculated in excel with the help of which of the following
76 Std Cov Var STDEV D
What is the CAGR on the portfolio where the fund was purchased at 10.5% and sold at
77 ₹0.06 ₹0.11 ₹0.07 ₹0.09 A
12.5% after 3 years
What is the absolute return on the fund which had an NAV of 13.8 after the NFO launch at
78 2800 times ₹2.80 ₹0.28 ₹3.80 B
the face value of 10?
Mr. X has invested in equity scheme on Jan 31, NAV was Rs.10.50. On May 31, NAV was
79 -₹0.02 -₹0.20 -₹0.02 -₹0.00 A
Rs.10.32. Calculate simple return on scheme in this period ?
80 Formula of calculating the future cost of Rs.25 lacs today after 5 years with inflation of 8% 25 lacs * ( 1+0.08) ^ 5 25 lacs / ( 1+0.08) ^ 5 25 lacs / ( 1+0.08) * 5 A

81 Risk can be measured by : Variance Standard deviation Beta Any of the above D

82 Conservative investor does not invest in Sector Fund Large size fund Balance Fund Arbitrage fund A

83 Value funds are generally more suitable than Growth funds in stable market bullish market bearish market All of the above C

The average net assets of a fund is 500 Cr. And the total buying and selling is 1000
84 20 Times 2 Times 0.5 Times 10 Times B
Cr.What is the portfolio turnover ratio
Equity Oriented Balance
85 Investors looking to select hybrid funds with tax benefit must choose Conservative MIP Debt orriented Balance Fund Aggressive MIP C

86 Junk bonds invest in _____ T- Bills Gilts Low yield bonds High Yield bonds D

87 Arbitrage funds are taxed as : Equity funds Debt funds Hybrid Funds Balanced Funds A

88 Equity oriented funds invest in __________ % in equities ₹0.50 More than 50% ₹0.60 65% & above D

89 Fund of funds invest in NAV of other funds Equity Securities Debt Securities None of the above A

90 During economic turmoil it can be risky to invest in ________ Mid & Small Cap Large Cap Diversified Equity fund Growth Fund A

91 FMP suffers Interest Rate Risk. TRUE FALSE B

92 More than 50% of the wealth of indians are in financial assets TRUE FALSE B

93 Under the new pension scheme, tier || account is a savings account. TRUE ₹0.00 A

94 Deposit Insurance is applicable in case of Mutual Funds. Up to 1 lakh Up to 10 lakh Nil C

95 Financial asset included Real Estate Gold Capital Market Securities All of the above C

96 Investors can buy gold deposits through mutual funds and Banks. TRUE FALSE B

97 Real Estate is under control of investor who draws psychological comfort. TRUE FALSE A

98 Which of the following asset class is riskier asset in New Pension Scheme ( NPS ) ? Asset Class E Asset Class C Asset Class G A

99 In the event of turmoil, value of gold ________ Increases Decreases Remains Constant None of the above A

100 Which of the following is a physical asset ? Building Gold ETF MF FD A

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